University of Delaware, Bartol Research Institute
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- Cluster Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Wind and Cluster/ACE Observations of the Solar Wind - Magnetosphere interaction.
- Crustal Magnetospheres on Mars
- Energetic Storm Particle Events Observed on ACE from September 1997 to December 2000
- Ionospheric Variations over the Hellas and Argyre Basins on Mars
- Local Heliospheric Current Sheet Structure From Two-Point Measurements
- MGS MAG/ER Observations of Compressive low Frequency Waves at the Martian Magnetic Pileup Boundary
- Magnetic Mirroring as the Cause of the Unusual Cosmic Ray Event on October 22, 1989
- Pickup Ion Transport and Acceleration in Turbulent Field-aligned Electric Fields in the Slow Low-latitude Solar Wind.
- Predicting Propagation Timing Delays in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- SEP Fe Charge States in 3He-Rich Interplanetary Shock Events
- The Coronal and Interplanetary Context of Geoeffective ICMEs
- The Magnetic Field of Mars - A Window into Mars' Past
- The Seed Population for Energetic (>50 keV/nucleon) Ions Accelerated at Interplanetary Shocks
- The effects of solar wind pressure on the Martian magnetic pileup boundary
- Turbulence in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- "Spaceship Earth'' Observations of the Easter GLE
- A Reassessment of Turbulent Heating Due to Interstellar Pickup Protons in the Outer Heliosphere
- ACE observations of energetic particles associated with transient interplanetary shocks
- Advances in Charged Particle Scattering Theory
- Cosmic Electron and Positron Spectra Measured in 2002
- Decay of turbulent energy in a collisionless plasma: Hall MHD
- Energetic Charged Particle Transport in Two-dimensional MHD Solar Wind Turbulence
- Generalized magnetic helicity, large scale magnetic field, and dynamo saturation
- Improved Representation of Heliospheric Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Ab Initio Models of Cosmic Ray Modulation
- Interplanetary Magnetic Field Connection to the L1 Lagrangian Orbit During Upstream Energetic Ion Events
- MHD Turbulence in an Open Magnetic Region With Alfven Waves Weak Reflection.
- Magnetic Field Draping Enhancement at Weakly Magnetized Bodies
- One-Point Electric Field Statistics in the Solar Wind
- Plasma and Magnetic Field Observations Related to the Solar Wind Density Minimum: May 23 through May 25, 2002.
- Predicting Transport Coefficients of Heliospheric Particles from Solar Wind Observations
- Structure of the Magnetic Field Fluxes Connected with Crustal Magnetization at Mars and the Effect of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Near Terminator Ionosphere: Mars Global Surveyor Observations
- The Interaction of Turbulence with Shock Waves
- Turbulence, magnetic field complexity, and perpendicular transport of energetic particles in the heliosphere
- Wave Refraction During the May 2002 Rarefaction Event
- Ab Initio Modulation Modeling: The Effect of a Non-Linear Description of Perpendicular Diffusion
- Comparison of 40-4000 keV Ion Angular Distributions with Magnetic Field Data Measured by Voyager-1 at 85 AU
- Cosmic Ray Steady-State Anisotropy Derived From "Spaceship Earth" Observations
- Hall and Turbulence Effects on Magnetic Reconnection
- Hydromagnetic Wave Excitation at a Heliospheric Shock
- Induced electric field and cross helicity in solar wind fluctuations
- Long-Term Decline of South Pole Neutron Rate
- Multiple Flux-Rope Magnetic Ejecta in the Solar Wind: Separated Flux Ropes
- Observations of the Anisotropies of Enhanced MeV Ion Fluxes at Voyager 1 at ∼85 AU
- Orientations of Correlated Wind and ACE Features
- Remote Sensing of CMEs with Cosmic Rays
- Search for the Heliosheath with Voyager 1 Magnetic Field Measurements
- Self Consistent Modeling of Turbulence Transport with Implications for Cosmic Ray Transport and Modulation
- Shock effects on Martian crustal magnetization near large impact basins
- Test Particle Acceleration by Turbulent MHD Fields on Alfvenic Timescales
- The Effect of Strong Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Ionosphere/Atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere of Mars: MGS Magnetometer Electron Reflectometer, Accelerometer and Radio Science Data
- The Perpendicular Diffusion Coefficient for Charged Particles of Arbitrary Energy
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Ionosphere/Atmosphere in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars
- The role of Alfvénic turbulence in Jupiter's M-I coupling
- Theoretical and Observational Aspects of Perpendicular Diffusion of Charged Particles in the Nonlinear Guiding Center Model
- Three dimensional correlations in the solar wind: the two component model revisited.
- A Calibrated Neutron Monitor Network
- A Comparison of Heliospheric Magnetic Fields in the Ab Initio Approach to Cosmic-ray Modulation
- A Loss-Cone Precursor of an Approaching Shock Observed by a Cosmic-Ray Muon Hodoscope at Mt. Norikura
- A Transition to Fast Flows and Its Effects on the Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays Observed by Voyager 2 near 70 AU
- Ab Initio Solar Modulation of Cosmic Rays Using Improved Models of Perpendicular Diffusion and Heliospheric Turbulence
- Anisotropy of solar wind fluctuations: fast wind vs slow wind.
- Continuing the Search for the Heliosheath by Voyager 1
- Cosmic Ray Modulation: Improving the Agreement Between Modelling and Observations
- Effect of Latitudinal Dependence of Boundary Conditions on Transport of Turbulence in the Heliosphere
- Effects in the Martian Ionosphere Caused by the Solar Cycle Variation of the EUV Flux and Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Geometry of Interplanetary CME Deduced from Cosmic Rays
- Ground-Based Cosmic Ray Detectors for Solar-Terrestrial Research and Space Weather Forecasting
- Investigation of the Solar Neutron Event at Tsumeb on 28 October 2003
- Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the solar corona
- Nearly incompressible fluid III: Hydrodynamics and large-scale inhomogeneity
- Neutron Monitor Temperature Coefficients: Measurements for BF<SUB>3</SUB> and <SUP>3</SUP>He Counter Tubes
- Preliminary results on the evaluation of 3D correlation functions from ACE and WIND simultaneous data
- Radial evolution of cross helicity in the solar wind at high latitudes: Ulysses observations and turbulence modeling results
- Solar Wind Heating: Critical Tests of a Turbulence Theory
- Spaceship Earth Data as Part of a Real-Time Space Weather Website
- Spatially and Chemically Segregated Energization of Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Test particle energization on short time scales by MHD turbulence: clues to dissipation mechanisms?
- The distribution of MHD turbulence in the heliosphere and the charged particle radiation environment
- A ``Wave Plus Turbulence'' Phenomenology for MHD With a Mean Magnetic Field
- Development of a GLE Alarm System Based Upon Neutron Monitors
- Distribution of Turbulence Throughout the Heliosphere
- Magnetic coercivity and intensity of Mars crust: Dichotomy formation via unicellular convection mechanism
- Polar Gateways to Exploration of Icy Worlds in the Solar System
- Spatial correlation of solar wind turbulence from two point measurements
- The SMART Theory and Modeling Team: an Integrated Element of Mission Development and Science Analysis
- Trapping, Diffusive Escape and Transport of Field Lines in Two-Component Magnetic Turbulence
- A Coupled Transport Model for Waves and Quasi-2D Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Spatial correlation of plasma sheet and solar wind turbulence from two point measurements
- Depression of Nonlinearity in the Isotropic MHD Turbulence
- Modeling of the Kinetic Dissipation of Alfven Waves: First Results
- Anisotropies of the Taylor Scale, Correlation Scale, and Effective Magnetic Reynolds Number Determination from Plasma Sheet and Magnetic Field Fluctuations
- Heating the Solar Wind Through Turbulence and Electron Heat Conduction Modelling
- Intermittent structures and magnetic discontinuities in MHD turbulence and solar wind
- Nonlinear dynamics of two-dimensional electron plasma
- Multiple Magnetic Correlation Scales in the Solar Wind
- Turbulence in the solar wind: Nearly Incompressible MHD (Invited)
- Aging of solar wind magnetic and velocity fluctuations from observations in the inner heliosphere
- Anisotropic Third-Moment Estimates of the Energy Cascade in Solar Wind Turbulence using Multispacecraft Data
- Magnetic Correlation Functions in the Solar Wind in the Eulerian Reference Frame
- Statistics of magnetic reconnection in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Determination of ICME orientations at Earth from galactic cosmic ray observation
- Magnetofluid Simulations of the Global Solar Wind Including Pickup Ions and Turbulence Modeling
- Observations of Electron Vorticity in the Inner Plasmasheet and its Relationship to Reconnection
- Simulation of Solar Particle Dropouts in Slab+2D Spherical Harmonic Magnetic Fields
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Discontinuities: Inhomogeneous Heating, Intermittency, and Non-Gaussian Statistics
- A Comparison of Magnetic Correlation Functions in the Solar Wind
- Characteristics of the Taylor Microscale Length In the Solar Wind: Magnetic Field and Electron Velocity Measurements
- Ground Level Enhancement of May 17, 2012 Observed at South Pole
- Kinetic Processes and Intermittent Turbulence in the Solar Wind Plasma
- Magnetic reconnection, shear flow and the axial filament channel magnetic field
- Role of kinetic instabilities driven by temperature anisotropy in the evolution of current sheets and magnetic reconnection
- Determination of the Time-Space Magnetic Correlation Functions in the Solar Wind
- IMF Prediction with Cosmic Rays
- Quaternary sea level high-stand deposits of the southeast U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Age, distribution, and implications.