New Jersey Institute of Technology
flowchart I[New Jersey Institute of Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (292)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (163)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Probing Solar Energetic Particles with SIRA
- Generation of Erupting Flux Ropes by Reconnection Among Smaller Scale Flux Tubes
- Co-existence of Discrete Modes and Turbulence in Direct MHD Simulations
- Continual 24-hour observations of thermospheric winds made with the Second generation Optimized Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (SOFDI)
- Numerical modeling of ducted gravity waves: Impacts of multiple gravity wave sources
- Photometric observations of 630.0-nm OI and 427.8-nm N2+ emission from South Pole and McMurdo Stations during winter: Analysis of temporal variations spanning minutes to yearly timescales
- Polar cap mesopause dynamics during a calm polar vortex season
- Simultaneous SOFDI and CASI observations of gravity waves over Oneida, NY
- The NJIT-UACNJ-PSU Collaborative: A spatially scanning middle atmospheric lidar system in northwest New Jersey
- The NJIT-UACNJ-PSU Collaborative: Magnetometer measurements from northwest New Jersey in collaboration with South Pole magnetometer measurements from the PENGUIn- AGO instrumentation
- Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Planetary Mission Science
- Implication for O+ nonadiabatic acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Inductive Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere during Goemagnetically Active Periods
- Magnetospheric waves, particles, and spaceflight anomalies (Invited)
- Substorm Events Detected at High Latitude Groundbased Stations
- Computationally Efficient Numerical Model for the Evolution of Directional Ocean Surface Waves
- Using ENA Inversions with Simultaneous In-situ Measurements for Global 3-D Magnetospheric Perspective
- Whistler-mode chorus waves in the dayside outer magnetosphere under quiet geomagnetic conditions: PENGUIn-AGO and THEMIS conjugate observations
- A novel technique for rapidly calculating the magnetic drift invariant
- Global characteristics of Pc1-2 wave activity and their dependence on geomagnetic activity
- Ground Sites: Mapping of Solar Wind KHI Periodicities and the Subsequent Generation of Compressional/Breathing Pc5 Modes
- Ion-neutral Coupling During the August 2011 Magnetic Storm
- Role of Equatorial Thermospheric Winds on the Pre-Reversal Enhancement
- Comparison of species-resolved energy spectra from ACE EPAM and Van Allen Probes RBSPICE
- Composition Changes in the Inner Magnetosphere During a Small Storm
- DAM Safety and Deformation Monitoring in Dams
- Details of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) Science Operations Center (SOC) and Data Products
- Differentiating Sudden Loss Mechanisms of Inner-belt Protons from Multisatellite Observations
- Energetic electron response to the March 1 storm: coordinated observations between Van Allen Probes and THEMIS spacecraft
- Helium ion characteristics during quiet and active solar conditions as measured by the Van Allen Probes RBSPICE instrument
- MIDL: A Demonstration of Multi-Mission Analysis of Charged Particle Data From Van Allen Probes and the Juno Earth Flyby
- Quantifying Stream-Aquifer Exchanges Over Scales: the Concept of Nested Interfaces
- The Properties and Origins of Resonant Patterns in the Energy Spectra of the Inner Electron Belt
- Using ACE Observations of Interplanetary Particles and Magnetic Fields as Possible Contributors to Variations Observed at Van Allen Probes during Major events in 2013
- Visualizing the fully three-dimensional plasmaspheric and ring current distribution from global EUV and ENA imaging
- Climatology of the Earth's inner magnetosphere as observed by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) instrument on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft.
- Constraining Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields with New Radio Observing Techniques
- Flare Energy Release in the Low Solar Atmosphere: Fine Structuring, Electric Currents and Sunquakes.
- Gravity Wave Source Characteristics over South Pole
- Impact of Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Dynamics on the Ring Current Composition
- Large-scale flows and magnetic fields in solar-like stars from global simulation with and without tachocline
- Locating the open-closed boundary during the passage of a corotating interaction region
- Modulation of Ring Current He-Ions by Bounce-Resonant ULF Waves
- Negative Flare Emissions Observed in Euv By SDO/AIA
- Numerical Modeling of Water Flow and Salt Transport in Bare Saline Soil Subjected to Transient Evaporation
- Observation of 2011-02-15 X2.2 Flare in Hard X-Ray and Microwave
- Observations of Possible Injection of Interplanetary Oxygen into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Overview of Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE): Data Access and Science Results
- Plasma-Neutral Coupling on the Dark and Bright Sides of Antarctica
- Realistic Modeling of Multi-Scale MHD Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by a Longitudinally Distributed Chain of SuperDARN Radars Across the United States
- Storm-time Ion Acceleration in Kinetic Scale Alfvénic Fluctuations: Van Allen Probes/THEMIS Observations and Modelling.
- Swirling motions, fast plasma flows and small-scale chromospheric eruptions in a sunspot light-bridge
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Energetic Ion Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere: Multi-Point Observations of a Substorm Event.
- The South Pole, Antarctica, Solar Radio Telescope (SPASRT) System
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection Under Low Chromospheric Conditions Using a Two-Fluid Weakly Ionized Reactive Plasma Model
- VLA Observations of Solar Decimetric Spike Bursts: Direct Signature of Accelerated Electrons in Reconnection Outflow Region
- ACE EPAM and Van Allen Probes RBSPICE measurements of interplanetary oxygen injection to the inner magnetosphere
- Automated Survey of Particle Injections Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Characteristics of ring current protons and oxygen ions during the 7 January 2015 and 17 March 2015 storms: Van Allen Probes/RBSPICE observations
- Coronal Magnetic Structures for Homologous Eruptions
- Deeper and earlier penetrations of oxygen ions than protons into the inner magnetosphere Observed by Van Allen probes.
- High Latitude Gravity Wave Forcing by the Disturbed Polar Vortex
- How Can a Erupting Sigmoid Trigger Solar Flare with Parallel and Large-Scale Quasi-Circular Ribbons?
- Mapping High Latitude Gravity Wave Amplitudes over Antarctica during Summer
- Multi-Point Observations of Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause Associated With Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulse Events
- Observations and Simulations of a Termination Shock in an Eruptive Solar Flare as a Possible Particle Accelerator
- On Using Solar Radio Emission to Probe Interiors of Asteroids and Comets
- On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations
- Overview of Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE): Data Access and Science Results
- Quantifying Solar Wind-Polar Cap Interactions
- RBSPICE Measurements of heavy Ion loss during the 2015 March storm
- Radio Emissions from Plasma with Electron Kappa-Distributions
- Relationship Between Dipolarizations and Energetic Particle Injections in Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Statistical study of dayside pulsating aurora
- Storm- Time Dynamics of Ring Current Protons: Implications for the Long-Term Energy Budget in the Inner Magnetosphere.
- Structure, Stability and Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Rope
- Studies of High β Plasma Regions
- Study of Interactions Between ULF Waves and Ring Current Heavy (He+ and O+) Ions
- The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Van Allen Probes RBSPICE Observations of the March 2015 Solar Storm
- A Combined Field and Modelling Study of Interactions Between Evaporation and Oceanic Forcing in Coastal Aquifers
- A statistical study of proton pitch angle distributions measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- Absorption by Mercury's Exosphere During the May 9th, 2016 Solar Transit.
- Constarining kappa distribution in active regions at the sun using microwave gyroresonant radiation
- EMIC Waves Accompanied by a Sudden Decrease in Ambient Magnetic Fields
- Energetic Particle Injections into the Inner Magnetosphere: Relation to Tail Dynamics, Morphology, and Effects on the Near-Earth Space Environment.
- Extreme Ring Current Proton Spectra Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- HamSCI: The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation
- He+ Control by Bounce Frequency ULF Waves
- High beta plasma observations in Earth's Ring Current: Waves and particle oscillations, and drift-mirror instability.
- How did a Major Confined Flare Occur in Super Solar Active Region 12192?
- Leveraging the Polar Cap: Ground-Based Measurements of the Solar Wind
- Link between premidnight second harmonic poloidal waves and auroral undulations
- Low Energy (< keV) O<SUP>+</SUP> Ion Outflows in the Inner Magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes Observations.
- Observation of the March 17, 2016 Solar Storm in the Inner Magnetosphere by the Van Allen Probes RBSPICE Instrument.
- Observations on the ACE EPAM measurements of the highly anisotropic event on Day 109 of 2016
- Oxygen energization and loss during the main phase of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes observations
- RBSPICE detection of high energy ion modulations during a high beta plasma event in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- RBSPICE in the Classroom: Building a ballistic galvanometer using common household products
- Recognition of Time Stamps on Full-Disk Hα Images Using Machine Learning Methods
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Radars in the North American Sector
- Storm time dynamics of ring current protons and the implications for the long-term energy budget in the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations
- Survey of Particle Injections Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Conjugate Investigations of Solar Wind - Magnetosphere - Ionosphere Coupling
- The Polar Engineering Development Center (PEDC) for Coordinated Geospace Observations
- The Role of Convection in the Buildup of the Ring Current Pressure during the March 17, 2013 Storm
- Unprecedented Fine Structures during a Solar Eruptive Event Observed by the 1.6-m New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory
- "Analysis of Van Allen Probes lapping data using Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)"
- A Statistical Analysis of Interhemispheric Pi1B Seasonal Variations
- ALMA Discovery of Solar Umbral Brightness Enhancement at λ = 3 mm
- Casting the Coronal Magnetic Field Reconstructions with Magnetic Field Constraints above the Photosphere in 3D Using MHD Bifrost Model
- Flow of Energy through the Inner Magnetosphere during the March 17, 2015 solar storm as observed by the Van Allen Probes Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- Generation of ULF waves by the Drift-Mirror plasma instability.
- Models of the thermal effects of melt migration at continental interiors, with applications to the Colorado Plateau
- Multi-Point Observations of Magnetospheric Responses to Interplanetary Shocks
- Nightside High Latitude Magnetic Impulse Events
- Radial transport of high-energy oxygen ions into the deep inner magnetosphere observed by Van Allen Probes
- Solar Energetic Particle Composition over Two Solar Cycles as Observed by the Ulysses/HISCALE and ACE/EPAM Pulse Height Analyzers.
- Survey of Particle Injections Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- The characteristic pitch angle distributions of 1 eV to 600 keV protons near the equator based on Van Allen Probes observations
- Three-Dimensional Forward-Fit Modeling of The Hard X-ray and The Microwave Emissions of The 2015-06-22 M6.5 Flare
- Time-lag and Correlation between ACE and RBSPICE Injection Event Observations during Storm Times
- A Hydrodynamic Model for Solar Acoustic Wave Propagation
- A Statistical Study of Interhemispheric Pi1B Seasonal Variations
- Contrasting behavior of dipolarization-related electron and ion injections inside GEO
- Direct observation of Magnetospheric-Ionospheric (M-I) Coupling by Spacecraft and Ground systems during the Feb 2, 2017 substorm
- Dynamic Spectroscopic Imaging of Decimetric Stochastic Radio Spikes in an M8.4 Flare: Another Case for Flare Termination Shock?
- Gas-Surface Uptake of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury on Inorganic Salts
- High Beta Regions in the Inner Magnetosphere and their Potential for ULF Wave Generation
- Injection rate-dependent fracturing processes and micro-seismicity during the hydraulic fracturing of granite
- Investigation of high charge state ion dynamics in the inner magnetosphere: An empirical approach
- Non-invasive monitoring of microbial transport in the subsurface
- On the Accumulation of Ionospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> Ions in the Plasma Sheet and Inner Magnetosphere: When, Where, How?
- Properties of sunspot oscillations and wave propagation in NOAA AR 12470 as observed with ALMA and BBSO instruments
- Statistical Study of Selective Transport of Energetic Oxygen Ions During Magnetic Storms Observed by Van Allen Probes in 2013-2017
- The Impact of Vapor Supersaturation on the Morphology, Mixing State and Optical Properties of Atmospheric Soot
- Towards Direct Molecular Speciation of Atmospheric Gaseous Oxidized Mercury
- Van Allen Probes Observations of compressional ULF waves and Ion interactions in the magnetosphere dayside during the September 2017 Storm
- Electromagnetic Fields of Magnetospheric Waves and Transients at Conjugate Antarctica-Greenland Arrays: Resolving the Current/Voltage Dichotomy
- Heavy ion effects on wave normal angle of linearly polarized electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- High Beta Plasmas and Their Link To Earthbound Flux Bundle ULF Pulsations
- In Situ Cloud Droplet Measurement System for Tethered Balloon Platform
- Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during storms as seen by SuperDARN-Van Allen Probes-Arase conjunctions
- Local generation of ULF waves by the Drift-Mirror Instability: observations and theory.
- Observations of Particle Loss due to Injection-Associated EMIC Waves
- Progressive microseismicity and damage of hydraulically-fractured granite subject to triaxial states of stress
- Statistical Property of Long Lasting Poloidal Pc 4-5 Waves and Its Relation with Proton Phase Space Density Variations: Van Allen Probes Observation
- A Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Amateur Radio Networks.
- A library of large-eddy simulations with ClimateMachine.jl
- An Eruptive Circular-ribbon Flare with Extended Remote Brightenings
- Comparison of Enhanced Absorption in He I 10830 Å in Observations and Modeling During the Early Phase of a Solar Flare
- Dewatering of source-separated human urine for nitrogen and water recovery using air gap membrane distillation (AGMD)
- EOVSA Full-Disk Imaging of the Sun at Microwave Frequencies: Techniques and Updates
- Early Detection of Emerging Magnetic Flux using Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Effects of a localized dipolarization front on energetic particle injections inside geosynchronous orbit
- Electromagnetically Catalytical Degradation of Algogenic Odor
- Global Solar Flows and Magnetic Fields: Observing, Simulating and Predicting Their Impact on the Heliosphere and Terrestrial Atmosphere
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- Helioseismology Techniques explored Through 3D Global Modeling
- Impact of Shale softening on Permeability
- Microwave Study of a Circular Ribbon Flare
- Microwave-assisted Catalytic Membrane Filtration for PFOA degradation
- Migration of Polar Crown Filaments in the Past 100 Years
- Mirror Bubbles in the Nightside Inner Magnetosphere: Particle Trapping, and ULF wake formation
- Photocatalytic Degradation of PFOA using Pt/La<SUB>2</SUB>Ti<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>7</SUB> Catalyst: Roles of Electron Donors in Reductive Defluorination
- Radio and X-ray Observations of Short-lived Episodes of Electron Acceleration in a Solar Microflare
- Raytracing simulation of HF radio wave propagation in high latitude ionosphere
- Revisiting the Behavior of the E-region Electron Temperature During Strong Electric Field Events at High Latitudes
- Statistical characteristics of the EMIC wave propagation obtained from conjugate observations between space and ground
- Study of Global-Scale Surface Flows of the Sun in Past 10 Solar Cycles
- Studying the relationship between substorm-onset related Pi1Bs and IPDP-type EMIC waves
- Superior Interfacial Thermal Efficiency and Membrane Distillation using Conductive PANi/PVDF Membrane under Induction Heating
- The Role of Injected Ring Current Ions in Generating EMIC Waves and Scattering Radiation Belt Particles
- 3D Helioseismic Forward-Modeling and Analysis of Meridional Circulation
- 3D Radiative MHD Modeling of the Solar Atmospheric Dynamics and Structure
- A Model of Nonthermal Double Coronal X-ray Sources in Solar Flares
- A Solar-Dedicated Observing System for the OVRO Long Wavelength Array
- Amateur Radio Communications as a Novel Sensor of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- An Easily Constructed High Resolution 3 Axis Magnetometer for Backyard Citizen Science
- An In Situ Type III Radio Burst Event Observed Jointly by the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array and the Parker Solar Probe
- Analyzing plasma convection using optical flow technique: from the aurora to the solar wind
- Biorecovery of Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Mine Wastes
- Climatology of Equatorial Thermospheric Neutral Winds
- Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources.
- Deriving Magnetic Reconnection Rate in the M6.5 Flare on 2015 June 22 2015 With Highest Spatial Resolution
- Different Mechanisms of Soot Restructuring by Wetting and Non-Wetting Liquids
- Direct Correlations of Solar Drivers to the Spatial-Scales of High-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Density Structures
- Dynamical Coupling of the Solar Subsurface Shear Layer and the Atmosphere
- EarthCube RCN on Uniform Semantics and Syntax for Solar Data Cyberinfrastructure
- Electron energy spectra in solar flares and Earths magnetotail
- Evidence for Energetic Electrons Trapped and Accelerated in a Magnetic Bottle above a Solar Flare Arcade
- Examining Correlations Between Helioseismic Signatures of Active Regions and their Emergence
- Geospace Response to Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- Global full-wave simulations of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves using Petra-M code
- Global solar flows and their impact on magnetic activity
- Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Solar Patrol as a New Citizen Scientist Program in the Era of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and a Gateway to NASA Heliophysics Missions
- HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low-Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations
- Impacts of geologic heterogeneity on flow and mixing dynamics in coastal beach systems
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations During the 2013 and 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storms
- Interhemispheric Observations of Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated with Foreshock Transient Events
- Investigation on the Evolution of the Nonpotential Magnetic Field and the Onset Mechanism of the Successive M-class Solar Flares in the Active Region NOAA 12673 Based on a Nonlinear Force-Free Modeling
- Large Microwave Flare Sources observed by EOVSA Imaging Spectroscopy
- Large-Scale Dynamics of Solar Subsurface Shear Layer: Theoretical Predictions and Helioseismic Inferences
- Long-Lasting Intense Radio Bursts from a Sunspot
- Measurement and Interpretation of Travel-time Anisotropy due to Sub-Surface Magnetic Fields on the Sun
- Modeling Large-scale Electron Acceleration and Transport in Solar Flare Magnetic Reconnection Region
- Modeling fate and transport of microplastics in riverine systems
- Multi-wavelength Analysis of Two Flare-related RHESSI Coronal Jets
- Multiple Regions of Radio Quasi-Periodic Pulsations during the Impulsive Phase of a C1.8 Solar Flare
- Multiscale Organization of Turbulent Convection in Global-Sun Simulations
- Origin of Rossby waves observed near the solar surface
- Pc 1 wave observations associated with foreshock transient events
- Physical Properties of the Solar Atmosphere Derived from Comparison of Spectro-Polarimetric SDO/HMI Observables with 3D Radiative MHD Simulations
- Predicting Solar Flare Index Using Statistical And Machine Learning Methods
- Radio Studies of the Middle Corona: Current State and Future Outlook
- Results of a polynomial model recreation of inner magnetospheric proton, helium, and oxygen flux measurements taken by the Van Allen Probes RBSPICE mission
- Retrieving Fractal Parameters of a Single Soot Aggregate
- Signatures of STEVE in SuperDARN HF backscatter data
- Simulating Exoplanet Host Star -Horologii from the Surface to the Bottom of the Convection Zone
- Simulating HF radio wave propagation in Antarctica between the McMurdo and South Pole stations
- Solar Chromospheric Ejections and Solar Wind Switchbacks
- Solar Jet Hunter: a citizen science investigation of coronal solar jets
- Study of Type III Radio bursts in the Closed Corona and the Solar Wind from Small-scale Reconnection: Observations
- Test Particle Simulations of Electron Dynamics in the Falling-Tone Chorus Wave Field
- The Ionosphere-Thermosphere Responses to Multi-scale High-latitude Drivers during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- The Observational Uncertainty of Coronal Hole Boundaries in Automated Detection Schemes
- The relation between the energy conversion rate and reconnection rate in Petschek-type reconnectionImplications for solar flares
- Thermal and Nonthermal Electron Energy Gain in Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection
- Towards AI-Ready Data in Heliophysics and Machine Learning-Driven Forecasts of Solar Transient Events
- Tsunami Wave Interaction With Rigid And Flexible Vegetation: A 3D Large Eddy Simulation Study
- Uptake of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury by Carbonaceous Aerosols
- What Conditions were Necessary for the Large Solar Eruption of AR 12673 Before September 6 2017?
- Whistler Wave Generation Around Interplanetary Shocks
- Chromospheric Counterpart of the Medium-Scale Solar Wind Switchbacks
- Comparison of Manual and Machine Learning Assisted HF Amateur Radio LSTID Observations
- Create An Advanced Solar Active Region Database and Predict Solar Flares Using Machine Learning Tools
- Creating a Method for Studying Dynamics of Small-Scale Magnetic Fields to Locate Type II Spicules for Study.
- Dayside Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Responses to Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- Detection of Giant-Scale Convection in the Near-Surface Shear Layer of the Sun
- Direct Comparisons of Geomagnetic Conditions, Plasma Density Spatial-Scales, and Ionospheric Radar Scatter in the Polar Cap
- Dynamics of Solar Flares with Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
- Effects of grid resolution on the angular momentum transport in global simulations of deep solar convection
- Fine Structure of Near-Surface Rotational Shear Layer in 3D Radiative Hydrodynamics Simulations of the Solar Convection Zone
- First ever measurement of quiet solar coronal magnetic field using low-frequency radio observation
- Forest Density is More Effective than Tree Rigidity at Reducing the Onshore Energy Flux of Tsunamis: Evidence from Large Eddy Simulations with Fluid-Structure Interactions
- HDR Broadband Radio Imaging Spectropolarimetry of the Sun: Expected Results from FASR
- Heliophysics Network Building UtilitiesA Contribution to the Heliophysics KNOWledge Network (Helio-KNOW), Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Graphs of Heliophysics research
- Helioseismic Time-Distance Techniques for Detecting Subsurface Magnetic Fields
- IRIS and NuStar observations and modelling of a small B-class flare
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations and Solar Insolation During the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storm
- Interhemispheric Observations of High Latitude ULF Waves Under Various Solar Wind Conditions
- Interhemispheric ULF wave propagation caused by foreshock transient events under quiet solar wind condition
- Interpolation of 3D AMISR Data for Model Integration
- Investigating Differences in Observed Geomagnetic Field Signatures Spanning Latitudes and Hemispheres
- Investigating the Timescales of Substorm Driven Chorus and the Connection to Pulsating Aurora
- Light Absorption and Scattering by Coated Combustion Soot and Its Surrogates
- Linking remotely sensed ecosystem resilience with forest mortality across continental U.S.
- MEIM Model: Differentiating Ring Current And Radiation Belt Contributions to Inner Magnetospheric Phase Space Density
- Magnetic Field Reconnection as the Source of the Solar wind
- Major Outer Radiation Belt Enhancement due to Fast and Intermittent Strong MeV Electron Injections
- Matrix Auto-regressive Model for Forecasting Total Electron Content Maps with Applications to the VISTA TEC Database
- Microwave and EUV observations of an Eruptive Solar Flare Event Featuring Supra Arcade Downflows
- Modeling Particle Acceleration and Transport in Solar Flare Magnetic Reconnection Region
- Multi-site Fabry-Perot Interferometer Measurements of Thermospheric Neutral Winds and Temperatures in Western South America
- NuSTAR and IRIS Co-observation of Microflare-Accelerated Electrons
- Numerical ray trace modeling for studying HF scintillation
- Observations and Simulations of Solar Flows and Their Roles in Magnetic Activity Patterns at the Surface
- Overview of the "Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations" (LAMP) Sounding Rocket Mission
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Practices for Using Data-Centric Machine Learning with Imbalanced Classes: A Case of SPE Occurrence Prediction
- Quasi-periodic Variations of Microwave Brightness along a Solar Flare Loop
- Radio Diagnostics of CMEs and CME Progenitors
- Rapid Variations of Si IV Spectra in a Flare Observed by IRIS at a Sub-second Cadence
- Raytracing Simulation and Observations of HF Transmission Between McMurdo and e-POP During the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse
- Resolving the Unique Characteristics of Substorms that Precede Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE) Events using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Spacecraft Observations
- Restructuring of Lightly Coated Fractal Soot Particles Exposed to Subsaturated Water Vapor
- Solar Jet Hunter: a citizen science investigation of coronal solar jets
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Pulsating Aurora during the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Rocket Mission
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The Origin of Underdense Plasma Downflows Associated with Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Eruptions
- The asymmetric UV emission and magnetic fields of two-ribbon flares
- The interhemispheric correlation study of geomagnetic field variations in polar cap regions
- Thermospheric Wind Dynamics over American Low-latitude and their Plausible Effects on Ionospheric Irregularities
- Understanding Predictability of Solar Proton Events from GOES statistical features and MHD coronal models.
- Urban vegetation exhibits enhanced drought resistance in comparison to rural vegetation
- Using Time-Distance Helioseismology to Constrain Simulations of Meridional Circulation on the Sun
- Utilizing optical flow technique to understand plasma convection
- What is Required Toward Reliable Data-based Solar Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations?
- Whistler Waves in the Earth's Bow Shock: Properties, Origin and Applicability of Quasi-Linear Theory
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. J. Halford
- A. Prasad
- A. R. Soto-chavez
- A. S. Reimer
- Aatiya Ali
- Abhishek Mukherjee
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexei F. Khalizov
- Alin Rǎzvan Paraschiv
- Allison Jaynes
- Andrey M. Stejko
- Anna T. Trugman
- Asti Bhatt
- Astrid Veronig
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. L. Giles
- B. R. Dennis
- Bart De Pontieu
- Bill Liles
- Bradley W. Hindman
- Brian L. Thomas
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. R. Clauer
- C. R. Martinis
- Chen Bin
- Chong Qiu
- Chris Lowder
- Christian Möstl
- D. J. Gershman
- D. L. Turner
- D. M. Gillies
- D. Oberoi
- D. P. Hartley
- D. R. Weimer
- Dae‐Young Lee
- Daiki Yamasaki
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Divjyot Singh
- Donald Hampton
- Doğacan Öztürk
- E. G. Thomas
- E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino
- E. Spanswick
- Eduard P. Kontar
- Eun Hwa Kim
- F. S. Mozer
- G. Le
- G. Lu
- G. S. Gunarathna
- G. W. Perry
- Gelu M. Nita
- H. Arnold
- H. K. Connor
- H. S. Hudson
- H. Zhang
- H.‐J. Kim
- Haonan Wu
- Holly A. Michael
- Hyomin Kim
- I. G. Hannah
- I. Y. Vasko
- Ilya Kuzichev
- Irina Kitiashvili
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. B. Baker
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Huba
- J. F. Drake
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. W. Manweiler
- Jenny Suckale
- Jeongwoo Lee
- Jessie Duncan
- Jintai Li
- Joel Dahlin
- K. Hosokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kristina Collins
- Kristopher Cooper
- Kyung-Eun Choi
- L. Kepko
- L. P. Chitta
- L. R. Lyons
- Leiqiu Hu
- Leslie Lamarche
- Lindsay Goodwin
- Lisa Upton
- Lucía Rodríguez-Freire
- Luis A. Navarro
- M. C. Damas
- M. Fedrizzi
- M. Hartinger
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Engebretson
- M. Lessard
- M. Nosé
- M. Oka
- M. Stęślicki
- M. Swisdak
- M. Øieroset
- Marina Battaglia
- Martin A. Reiss
- Masataka Shimojo
- Mausumi Dikpati
- Meriem Alaoui
- Michel C. Boufadel
- N. A. Frissell
- N. E. Raouafi
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Navdeep K. Panesar
- Nengyi Huang
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- O. F. Jonah
- Ogochukwu Enekwizu
- P. A. Delamere
- P. J. Erickson
- Pablo Reyes
- Paola Testa
- Peter Macniece
- R. H. Varney
- R. V. Masek
- Ramanakumar Sankar
- Riley Troyer
- Roger C. Bailey
- Ryan McGranaghan
- S. D. Bale
- S. E. Gibson
- S. K. Solanki
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- S. M. White
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- Satoshi Inoue
- Shane Coyle
- Shasha Zou
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- Sijie Yu
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- Sovit Khadka
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- А. V. Artemyev