Cornell University, School of Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Calibration, Validation, and Spatial Sensitivity Analysis for the Distributed Watershed Model, SWAT2000, for Hydrology and Sediment Transport in a Northeastern Climate
- Dust in the Earth's Mesosphere: Terra Incognita
- Glacial Lake Outburst Flood on Lemon Creek, Southeastern Alaska
- Hydrological Controls on Chemical Export from an Undisturbed Old-Growth Chilean Forest
- Ionospheric and Thermospheric Imaging from Geosynchronous Orbit
- Preferential Flow and Transport in a Soil with Heterogeneous Wettability
- Preferential Flow and Transport of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts Through Vadose Zone: Experiments and Modeling
- Radar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds Over Alaska during Summer 2001
- Regression Dynamic Programming for Large Stochastic Reservoir Systems
- Solitary Potential Structures Observed on the Cluster Spacecraft: Correlated Wave and Particle Measurements
- Testing a Mechanistic Soil Erosion Model with Simple Experiments
- Testing a Variable Source GIS-based Hydrology Model for Watersheds in the Northeastern US
- Thermal Electron Contributions to Current-Driven Instabilities: SCIFER Observations in the 1400-km Cleft Ion Fountain and Their Implications to Thermal Ion Energization
- A Methodology for Robust Sensitivity Analysis for Large Numbers of Parameters with Application to the Cannonsville Watershed
- A study of shear in the neutral wind during geomagnetic storms
- An artificial aurora emission observed in the SEEK-2 rocket experiment
- Calibration and Validation of the SWAT2000 Watershed Model for Phosphorus Loading to the Cannonsville Reservoir
- Comparison of the TIMEGCM model to Jicamarca and Arecibo measurements during the April 2002 World Day observations
- Determining (Un)certainty in Modeling Colloid Transport by Visualization
- First Dual Beam Observations of Electron Temperature Gradients at Arecibo
- Long-Term Water Balance of the Volta River Basin in West Africa
- Multiple-point measurements of auroral ion distributions from the SIERRA sounding rocket
- Multipoint Magnetic and Electric Field Measurements in the Auroral Ionosphere
- On the Relationship Between Medium Frequency Scatter and Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes
- Penetration of the Solar Wind Electric Field Throughout the Magnetosphere/Ionosphere System
- Rain-Impact-Entrainment of Chemicals and Soil into Runoff: Simple Experiments
- Sediment Vertical Flux in Unsteady Sheet Flows
- Slowing of the Solar Wind by Current Closure in the Polar Cap Ionosphere
- Sounding Rocket Study of Thermal Electrons in Active Auroral Precipitation
- Synoptic Studies of the Plasmasphere's Shape by Imaging
- The role of lower hybrid wave collapse in the auroral ionosphere
- Watershed-based Separation of Atmospheric Input Vectors
- A New Function Approximation Optimization Algorithm for Automatic Calibration of Complex Nonlinear Water Resource Models
- A Polygonal Cells Approach for Optimal Selection of Monitoring Wells
- An Evaluation of the Charge Exchange Equilibrium Technique to Derive [H]/[O]
- Calibration of Biokinetic and Biological Parameters for a Groundwater Bioremediation Model using Heuristics and Function Approximation Optimization
- Capillary rise in porous media: analytical and numerical solutions
- Comparison of Optimization Algorithms for the Automatic Calibration of a Watershed Model to Measured Flow, Sediment and Phosphorus Data
- Dynamics of Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Electric Field Estimates of the Auroral Electrojet from Imaging Radar Observations
- High-Resolution, Low-Frequency Electric Field Measurements on an Auroral Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Measurement of Thermal Electrons at Rocket Altitudes in Nightside Active Aurora
- Short- and long-time behavior of aquifer drainage after sudden drawdown according to the linearized Laplace equation.
- Structured LF-MF Whistler Mode Emissions at Rocket Altitudes
- Study of the Pre-Reversal Enhancement at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory using the ASPEN-TIMEGCM
- Vadose Zone Sampling Methods for Detection of Preferential Pesticides Transport
- A Search for Signatures of Ion Acoustic Shoulders in the SERSIO sounding rocket data set
- Colloid Transport under Partially Saturated Transient and Preferential Flow Conditions
- Comparison and Validation of Ionospheric GPS Occultation Measurements With Arecibo ISR Data
- Comparisons of Thermal Electron Measurements on Two Sounding Rocket Experiments
- Delaware River and Catskill Region Hydrologic Observatory
- Electrodynamics of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionosphere: the Effects of Winds and Waves
- Experiments on skin depth thick current sheets with Alfvénic Scintillations
- Fractals in Nature: A Spectral Analysis of Nutrient Transport and Landscape Hydrology
- Hydrochemical Modeling of Dissolved Organic Carbon in a Small, Undisturbed, Forested Watershed in Southern Chile
- Intermittency Analyses on the SIERRA Measurements of the Electric Field Fluctuations in the Auroral Zone
- Modeling of Single-Phase Flow in One-Dimensional Poroelastic Media
- Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Run-up and Inundation in Hawaii due to Distant Tsunamis
- Rain-Impact-Entrainment of Chemicals and Soil into Overland Flow in Saturated Areas: Theory and Experiments
- Recent Incoherent Scatter Radar Experiments and Results at Arecibo
- Simultaneous in-situ measurements of colloid concentration and water saturation using synchrotron x-rays
- Steep Electron Density Gradients in the Midlatitude Nighttime Ionosphere: Current Understanding and Future Directions
- The Application of Rapidly-Sampled GPS Signal Amplitudes to Remote Sensing of Ionospheric Irregularities
- The Efficacy of Thermodynamics in Development of Governing Equations and Constitutive Relations for Saline Solutions in Variably Saturated Porous Media
- Three Model-Independent Algorithms for Optimal Selection of Monitoring Wells
- Visualization Of Colloids Distribution in Partially Saturated Media
- Case Study of the Seeds and Evolution Auroral Ion Upflow From the SIERRA Sounding Rocket
- Challenges and Opportunities for Ionospheric-Thermospheric Research
- Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Hydrologic and Erosional Response to Natural Rainfall and Effects of Conservation and Rehabilitation Measures in a Degraded Dry Sub-Humid Watershed of the Ethiopian Highlands
- Intermittent and Multifractal Nature of the Electric Field Fluctuations in the Auroral Zone
- Interpolation of Water Quality Along Stream Networks from Synoptic Data
- Nitrogen Gaseous Emission from Animal Based Agriculture: Effect of Soil Physical Properties
- Predicting the downstream impact of ensembles of small reservoirs with special reference to the Volta Basin, West Africa
- Small Scale Structures and Motions of Auroral Signatures as Observed From the Ground: a Planned Field Study Using Camera and Radar Observations
- The Remote Equatorial Nighttime Observatory for Equatorial Regions (RENOIR)
- ULF Waves in the Cusp Region as Observed by the SERSIO Sounding Rocket and on the Ground at Barentsburg, Svalbard
- Bridging Water Resources Policy and Environmental Engineering in the Classroom at Cornell University
- Calibration Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis for Computationally Expensive Water Quality Models in Watersheds and Groundwater
- Calibration of COSMIC Ionospheric Profiles Using Incoherent Scatter Radars
- Development of GPS Instrumentation for Ionospheric Remote Sensing
- Evaluation of descriptive and non-intrusive geophysical methods for the identification of saturation area dynamics and their controls
- Intermittency and Multifractal Analyses on the Electric Field Fluctuations in the Auroral Zone as Measured by SIERRA
- Locating Hydrologically Sensitive Areas in the Northeastern US: Internet Map Services as Tools for Improving Surface-Water Quality
- Modeling a High Resolution Stream Chloride Time Series from the Biscuit Brook Catchment, Catskills, NY
- Penetration of Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Electric Fields to the Inner Magnetosphere
- Pore Scale Simulation Of Fluid Flow And Colloid Transport In Porous Media
- Shoreline Mapping Using Lidar Red-Channel Waveforms
- Simulations of Silica Phases Beyond the Generalized-Gradient Approximation
- Simultaneous Direct Heat and Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurements at a Turbulent Free Surface
- The Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) Algorithm as a Robust Optimization Tool in Hydrologic Modeling
- Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis for Computationally Expensive Hydrologic Simulation Models
- Biogeochemcial Phosphorus Hotspots: Hydrology, Microbial Ecology, and Soil Chemistry
- Combining Water Quality and Cost-Benefit Analysis to Examine the Implications of Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Complexation of Inorganic Mercury by Cysteine Promotes Bacterial Methylation of Mercury
- Denitrification Hotspots: Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Dynamics of American Sector Mid and Low Latitude Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response During the November 2004 Superstorm
- Ecologically Significant Monitoring Strategies for Watershed Managers and Applied Ecohydrologists
- Ground Water, Surface Water and Land Interactions for Soluble Reactive Phosphorus and Nitrate at a Dairy Farm in a Catskill Mountains' Valley
- Hindcasts of Chemistry and Aerosols: Results and Plans
- Mobility of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Porous Media
- On Extreme Space Weather Conditions in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- PFISR Observations of UHF Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes During the Summer of 2007
- PFISR and Lidar Observations of the Summer Mesopause Region in August 2007
- Pulsating Aurora and Associated Particle Precipitation as Observed by the Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora Mission
- Role of Optimization in Uncertainty Analysis of Computationally Expensive Simulation Models
- Statistical Analysis of Agricultural BMP Effectiveness using Measured and Simulated Water Quality Data
- Assessment of hydrological controls on gully formation near Lake Tana, Northern Highlands of Ethiopia
- Considerations for a Dedicated Geoneutrino Detector
- Do water quality BMPs work? Combined monitoring and modeling hold the answer
- Eddy turbulence and the double mesopause
- Forecast of spatially distributed runoff dynamics in the Finger Lakes region using an interactive web tool and Python
- Global and Local Optimization Methods for Calibration and Design of Computationally Expensive Hydrologic Models
- Grouping like catchments: A novel means to compare 40+ watersheds in the Northeastern U.S.
- Humic Acid Effects on the Transport of Colloidal Particles in Unsaturated Porous Media: Humic Acid Dosage, pH, and Ionic Strength Dependence
- Improved Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Performance by Removal of the Curve Number Method
- Interpolation between Darcy-Weisbach and Darcy for laminar and turbulent flows
- Magnetic field measurements in the Equatorial Zone
- Modernized GPS Signals and Ionospheric Scintillation
- Nitrous Oxide From Fertilized Cropland in the New York State as Affected by Different Practices
- Quantification of Capillary Force Acting on Colloids in a Three-phase Model System of Partially Saturated Porous Media
- ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis) Spectra for Intermittent Fluctuations with Nonlinear Crossover Behavior --- Electric Field in the Auroral Zone
- Raman lidar measurements of temperature and humidity Internal boundary layer profiles over Lake Seedorf, Switzerland
- SOFDI/CASI Observations of the September 2005 Storm
- Sounding rocket observations of particle data in the cusp
- Spectacular low and mid-latitude electrical fields and neutral inds during a superstorm
- Springtime Warming and Reduced Snow Cover from Carbonaceous Particles
- Sub-keV Electron Signatures Within Pulsating Aurora
- The Role of Biofilms and Curli in Salmonella Transport Through Porous Media
- The Role of Roadside Ditch Networks in Short-Circuiting Natural Hydrologic Pathways: Implications for Nonpoint Source Pollution Transport
- UV emissions observed by the SCIFER2 sounding rocket
- Using Nanotechnology to Identify and Characterize Hydrological Flowpaths in Agricultural Landscapes
- Anaerobic Digesters Change the Phosphorus Leaching Behavior of Dairy Manure
- Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis SOARS for Computationally Expensive Simulation Models with Application to Contaminant Hydrology in the Cannonsville Watershed
- CASCADES-II sounding rocket study of auroral poleward boundary intensifications
- Cascades2: Quantifying Shears in the Auroral Electric Field
- Connectivity Dynamics in Hillslope Soil Moisture Flow
- Coordinated Ground- and Space-based 3-D Electron Density Reconstruction and Plasma Bubble Imaging
- Explaining the Spatial Variability in Stream Acid Buffering Chemistry and Aquatic Biota in the Neversink River Watershed, Catskill Mountains, New York State
- Field Survey and Preliminary Analysis of the September 29, 2009 Tsunami on Upolu and Manono Islands, Samoa (Invited)
- GPS, GNSS, and Ionospheric Density Gradients
- Ground based observations of the Cascades2 sounding rocket ionosphere - characterization and interpretation
- Laboratory Measurements of Electrostatic Solitary Structures Generated by Beam Injection
- Monitoring Shuttle Burns and Rocket Launches with GPS
- Multi-Objective Optimization with Function Approximation Including Application to Computationally Expensive Groundwater Remediation Design
- Multipoint observations of nightside auroral activity: the Cascades2 sounding rocket mission
- On the evaluation of Ne gradients at equatorial and low-latitudes during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods
- One-Dimensional Hairsine-Rose Erosion Model: Parameter Consistency in the Presence of Rainfall Splash
- Optical Emissions from the High Speed Rocket Exhaust Interaction with the Ionosphere
- Reconnaissance Survey of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami on Tutuila Island, American Samoa
- Regional and local controls on evaporation from a small reservoir in northern Ghana
- Sounding Rocket and Satellite Observations of Lower Hybrid and Ion-Bernstein Mode Waves Generated by Downflowing Ions in the Cusp
- Space- and Ground-Based Observations of Solar Cycle and Local Time Dependence of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Activity
- The past, present and future of tsunami field surveys post-Samoa, 2009
- Up-scaling plot measures in a distributed watershed modeling framework
- Using Nanotechnology to Identify and Characterize Hydrological Flowpaths
- Using a network of shallow groundwater observations to estimate the hillslope scale lateral hydraulic conductivity and map the density of soil pipes
- A Steady State Model of Low Latitude Electron and Ion Temperatures
- Applications using the global GEONETCast satellite data feed to drive real-time watershed planning and forecasting models
- Asian Impact on surface ozone in the western United States: Chemistry, Seasonality, and Transport Mechanisms
- Cascades2: Interferometric Measurements of Dispersive Alfven Wave Properties In a Poleward Boundary Intensification
- Challenges to Defining Sediment Concentration-Discharge Relationships in the Ethiopian Highlands
- Continued analysis of sounding rocket particle data
- Development of Metrics to Assess Effectiveness of Stream Restoration in Second-Growth Forests
- Dissecting the variable source area concept - Flow paths and water mixing processes
- Effect of stone coverage on soil erosion
- Effects of cell surface characteristics and manure-application practices on Escherichia coli populations in the subsurface: A three-farm study
- Fate and Transport of Agricultural Nutrients in Macro-porous Soils
- Impact of Dissolved Organic Matter on Colloid Transport in the Vadose Zone: Deterministic Approximation of Transport Deposition Coefficients from Polymeric Coating Characteristics
- Intercomparison of SWAT models in simulating hydrology of Cannonsville Reservoir Watershed
- Investigating Plot and Watershed Scale Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Responses
- Land use alterations, hydrology and climate alterations analysis approach for water supply guarantee
- Low Cost Stream Gaging through Analysis of Stage Height Using Digital Photography
- Modeling the Impact of Landscape Variability on Nutrient and Pesticide Dynamics in CEAP Watersheds
- Multi-Objective Optimization and Multi-Model Analysis of Watershed Management Under Uncertainty
- ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis) for Intermittent Fluctuations with Global Crossover Behavior --- Application to the Electric Field in the Auroral Zone
- Recession Slope Analysis Coefficients, Low Flows, Groundwater and Precipitation Responses for Climate Change Studies
- Sediment Resuspension and Bed Morphology in Highly Turbulent Flows
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty of High-Latitude Terrestrial Methane Emissions in a Changing Climate: Application of a Methane Biogeochemical Model in CLM4
- Simulation of methane emissions from tropical wetlands and rice paddies in the Community Land Model (CLM4)-CN: Introduction and preliminary results
- Spaced GPS Receiver Rbservations of Geomagnetic Storm-Induced Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Manifested as Midlatitude TEC Variations
- Understanding the coupled surface energy flux-valley wind system using observations in an alpine valley
- A method for obtaining distributed surface flux measurements in complex terrain
- A modeling study on soil moisture effect on soil erosion under future climate in a humid continental watershed
- CO2 plume and parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification via monitoring data for geological carbon sequestration
- Designing Long-term Monitoring Networks for Water Quality in Large Watersheds with Simulation Analysis
- Distributed denitrification in a northeastern agricultural landscape
- Effect of Hydrofracturing Flowback Water Spills on Colloid Transport in Soil
- Electric field and magnetic signatures of equatorial plasma irregularities as observed by the C/NOFS satellite
- Electrostatic solitary waves generated by beam injection in LAPD
- Estimating the electron energy distribution during ionospheric modification from spectrographic airglow measurements
- Groundwater level in Wuwei Oasis of Northwest China
- Is Improving Field Irrigation Efficiency the Panacea for Water Scarcity? the Case of Egypt
- Multi Objective Optimization for Calibration and Efficient Uncertainty Analysis of Computationally Expensive Watershed Models
- Neutral Winds, the Cause of Some Irregularities on the Sporadic E Layer
- Nightside sounding rocket study of precipitating ions in a Poleward Boundary Intensification
- On 45 Years of Space Plasma Research
- Phosphorus Mobility in the Landscape: First Steps to Linking Hydrology and Microbiology
- Riparian zone hydrology and biogeochemistry as a function of stream evolution stage in glaciated landscapes of the US Northeast
- Simulations of Conjugate Heating Experiments Including Suprathermal Electron Transport
- Streamflow Responses and Ecological Implications of Climate Change in New York City Water Supply Watershed
- Teasing out hydrogeomorphic controls on riparian denitrification
- Vegetation removal as a driver of fire-induced land degradation
- A Phase-tracking Snow Micro-structure Model
- A Scheme for Dust Collection and Analysis: A Student-Led Project
- Air Quality in the Eastern US: A Diagnostic Analysis of Present Day Conditions using various CESM CAM-chem configurations
- Are foreign investments in land leading to an imbalance in the hydrological cycle?
- Assessing the Potential for Managing Sediment in the Mekong River Basin
- Baseline evaluation of groundwater quality in central New York prior to shale gas development
- Denitrification and Ecosystem Services: Mapping and Modeling Conservation Effects
- Examining Trends in Intra-Annual Distribution of Precipitation in South Asia, 1953-2007
- F-Region Waves Correlated with the High-Altitude Topography of the Andes
- Finding Eroding Areas and Patterns with GIS, Caesium-137 Tracers, and Community Knowledge in the Ethiopian Highlands
- Generation and Suppression of E Region Artificial Field Aligned Irregularities
- Observed and modelled effects of auroral precipitation on the thermal ionospheric plasma: comparing the MICA and Cascades2 sounding rocket events
- Opportunities for Fundamental University-Based Research in Energy and Resource Recovery
- Preliminary Observations of Ionospheric Response to an Auroral Driver from the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Recipe for a Flash Flood: Identifying Meteorological and Landscape Hydrological Conditions of Flash Flood Events in the Northeast United States
- Scaling-up watershed discharge and sediment concentrations to regional scale: The Blue Nile Basin
- Soil erosion dynamics through multiple rainfall events
- Sounding rocket observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator
- Stratospheric Impact on Tropospheric Ozone Variability and Trends: 1990-2009
- The Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Equatorial Tropospheric Ozone
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The Potential of Geothermal as a Major Supplier of U.S. Primary Energy using EGS technology
- Urbanization impact on watershed overland flow generation under Mediterranean influence
- Utilization of subsurface microbial electrochemical systems to elucidate the mechanisms of competition between methanogenesis and microbial iron(III)/humic acid reduction in Arctic peat soils
- Utilizing Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Observations to Model the Impact of Climate Change on Denitrification Rates Across an Agricultural Watershed in Central New York
- Water Quality Interpolation Using Various In-Stream Distance Weighting Metrics
- Water resource sensitivity from a Mediterranean perspective
- An Analysis of Ionospheric Thermal Ions Using a SIMION-based Forward Instrument Model: In Situ Observations of Vertical Thermal Ion Flows as Measured by the MICA Sounding Rocket
- Battling Arrow's Paradox to Discover Robust Water Management Alternatives
- Detection of Heater Generated Super Small Scale Striations Using GPS Signal Diagnostics
- Direct and indirect effects of fires on the carbon balance of tropical forest ecosystems (Invited)
- Erosion and Gully formation in the Ethiopian Highlands: physical observations and community perspectives
- Hydrocarbon Development from Shale: A Set of Important, Unsolved Problems
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Identifying Erosion Time scales from the Hairsine-Rose Soil Erosion Model (Invited)
- Many-Objective Reservoir Policy Identification and Refinement to Reduce Institutional Myopia in Water Management
- Moisture and temperature controls on vertical and lateral soil greenhouse gas emissions in the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest
- Multi-Agent Many-Objective Robust Decision Making: Supporting Cooperative Regional Water Portfolio Planning in the Eastern United States
- Plasma Wave Irregularities in the Equatorial Upper E Region at Twilight
- Test of simultaneous synthetic DNA tracer injections for the estimation of the englacial and subglacial drainage system structure of Storglaciären, northern Sweden
- Tsunami magnetic signals in the Northwestern Pacific seafloor magnetic measurements
- Using Storage/Discharge Relationships to Assess Functional Differences between Catchment Types
- Visualizing Clogging up of Soil Pores in the Tropical Degraded Soils and Their Impact on Green Water Productivity
- Assessing the Problem Formulation in an Integrated Assessment Model: Implications for Climate Policy Decision-Support
- Confronting Decision Cliffs: Diagnostic Assessment of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms' Performance for Addressing Uncertain Environmental Thresholds
- Diagnostic Assessment of the Difficulty Using Direct Policy Search in Many-Objective Reservoir Control
- Periodic Trajectories in Aeolian Sand Transport
- Scheduling Future Water Supply Investments Under Uncertainty
- Evidence of an Emerging Disturbance of Earthen Levees Causing Disastrous Floods in Italy
- Finite Element Modeling of Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) in Two- Phase Aggregates: Rrelevant for Anisotropy of the Earth's lower Lower Mantle
- Integrated Food-Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Hydrologic regime over the last 90 years in the Flumendosa basin, Sardinia: the effect of climate change.
- Balancing Exploration, Uncertainty Representation and Computational Time in Many-Objective Reservoir Policy Optimization
- Effects of Climate Change on Stratification-Destratification Cycles and Resulting Cyanobacterial Blooms in Shallow Lakes of the North Temperate Zone
- Estimating Tsunami Runup with Fault Plane Parameters
- Incorporating a Semi-Empirical Point Source Discharge Mixing Model into a 3D Nested-Grid Hydrodynamic Model to Examine Residence Time Scales on the Shallow Shelf of a Large Lake
- Mobile sensing of point-source fugitive methane emissions using Bayesian inference: the determination of the likelihood function
- Novel Method for Detection of Air Pollution using Cellular Communication Networks
- Saltation on Earth and extraterrestrial atmospheres
- A multiyear study of soil moisture patterns across agricultural and forested landscapes
- Adapting Reservoir Operations to Reduce the Multi-Sectoral Impacts of Flood Intensification in the Lower Susquehanna
- Balancing Flood Risk and Water Supply in California: Policy Search Combining Short-Term Forecast Ensembles and Groundwater Recharge
- Cycle for Science: An informal outreach program connecting K-12 students with renewable energy and physics through miniature 3D-printed, solar-powered bicycles
- Effects of Bubble-Mediated Processes on Nitrous Oxide Dynamics in Denitrifying Bioreactors
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Green Infrastructure vs. Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Incorporated Woodchips as a Novel Intervention to Support Plant Growth through Increased Water Holding Capacity and Nutrient Retention in Sandy Degraded Soils
- Methylarsenic Sorption to Mackinawite (FeS) and Implications for Methylarsenic Mobility in Wetland Environments
- Microbial-driven arsenic cycling in rice paddies amended with monosodium methanearsonate
- MosquitoNet: investigating the use of UAV and artificial neural networks for integrated mosquito management
- Nitrate Removal Rates in Denitrifying Bioreactors During Storm Flows
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Ecohydrologic Separation in a Snow-Dominated Watershed
- Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Patterns of C, N, P in a Forested First Order Watershed
- Towards a Solid Foundation of Using Remotely Sensed Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Crop Monitoring and Yield Forecast
- Tsunami hazard assessments with consideration of uncertain earthquakes characteristics
- Untangling Consequential Futures: Discovering Self-Consistent Regional and Global Multi-Sector Change Scenarios
- A Gravity Survey Nearby Cornell University Looking for Structures Potentially Interfering with a Proposed Geothermal Campus HeatingProject
- Advancing the value and use of forecasts in multi-objective reservoir control: a case study on the Lower Susquehanna River
- Antibiotic Sorption to Dairy Manure in Laboratory Batch Experiments
- Impacts of Variable Hydrologic Regimes upon Denitrifying Bioreactor Performance
- Investigating the Diversity of Lunar Pyroclastic Constructs Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Periodic Dry-downs Affect Interactions between Manganese Redox Dynamics and Arsenic Mobility in Rice Paddy Soils
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in South China Sea with Consideration of Uncertain Earthquake Characteristics
- Red-NIR Soil-Line Coefficients Derived from Satellite Time Series
- Reservoirs in Hydrological Models: Is There a Pilot on Board?
- Root-Mediated Gas Transport and Implications for Nitrous Oxide Reduction in Wetland Systems
- Rupture Termination in Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes
- Scaling the Impacts of Restoration: Evaluation of Water and Nitrogen Budgets in Degraded Sandy Soils with Incorporated Woodchips and Fertilizer Additions
- The Geothermal Heating Resource for Cornell University, Tompkins County, New York: Exploiting and Analyzing Available Geological and Geophysical Data Sets for Pre-Drill Site Characterization
- The Influence of Eastern Hemlock Loss on the Flood Frequency Distribution of a Small Temperate Catchment
- Uncertainty Analysis of Analytical and Numerical Geothermal Reservoir Simulations for Direct-Use Heating Applied to Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- Understanding the cumulative effects of dams on regional streamflow dynamics
- Using Hydrologic Theory to Guide Data-Driven Models: Predicting Flow-Duration Curves with Multi-Output Neural Networks
- What we do and don't know about the 2018 Palu Tsunami - A future plan
- A Singularity-Free Crack Model Inferred from Contained Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes
- A Visualization Workflow for Quantifying Parameter Sensitivities and Uncertainties for Hydrologic Models
- An Update on Engineering Issues Concerning Stratospheric Aerosol Injection for Geoengineering.
- Antibiotics in the Dairy Farm Environment: Farmer Perspectives on Relevance and Transport
- Biofilter Woodchip Media Harbor Trapped Gas Phases in the Internal Woodchip Pore Structure that Affect Transport and Atmospheric Flux of Biogenic Greenhouse Gases
- Biophysical controls of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest streams
- Changes in Hadley circulation intensity and poleward-extent under stratospheric aerosol geoengineering using a large ensemble (GLENS)
- Comparing surface and stratospheric impacts of geoengineering with different SO<SUB>2</SUB> injection strategies
- Comparison of Saturation-Excess Runoff Estimated using SWAT-HS and SWAT-wil Models for Mountainous Regions with Humid Climate
- Cross-disciplinary learning in environmental engineering and landscape architecture
- Deep learning for subgrid-scale turbulence modeling in large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Drought vulnerability and consequential scenarios for diverse stakeholders: The Upper Colorado River Basin
- Effects of Manganese Redox Cycling on Arsenic (Im)mobilization in Rice Paddy Soils
- Elucidating the Shifting Controls on Organic Carbon Stabilization Across a Soil Moisture Gradient
- High-fidelity Modeling of NO<SUB>x</SUB> Chemistry On and Near a Major Highway
- How Difficult is it to Discover the Tradeoffs in Designing Financial Risk Portfolios in Snow-Dominated Water-Energy Systems?
- How does flow alteration propagate across a large, highly-regulated basin? Dam attributes, network context, and implications for biodiversity
- Integration of Socio-Cultural-Environmental Data in the Columbia River Basin: Food-Energy-Water Resilience Assessment
- Laboratory observations of frictional stability and fault zone evolution under heterogeneous friction, rheology, and stress conditions
- Optimizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model Physics to Support Wind and Solar Energy Integration
- Peak-Flow Determination for a Road-Stream Crossing Decision Support Tool
- Predicting greenhouse gas benefits of improved nitrogen fertilizer management in North American maize (Zea mays L.) production
- Reconstructing extreme precipitation in Northern California using tree-ring based moisture proxies across the Western United States
- Regional capacity-sharing agreements as tools for managing both supply and financial risk for water utilities
- Response of High Latitude Seasonal Cycle to Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering
- Seasonal injection strategies for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering
- Sensitivity of stratospheric ozone changes with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Simulation and statistical modeling approaches to investigate dominant controls on hydrologic regime transformations following Eastern hemlock mortality
- Soil health parameters of wetness-prone marginal soils of Northeastern United States: Influence of five years' perennial grass bioenergy cropping
- Surface Deposition in a Sulfate Geoengineering Scenario: Risks and Vulnerabilities for Soils and Human Health
- Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks to a geoengineered climate
- Testing Earthquake Nucleation Models Using Oklahoma Seismicity
- The Consequences of Compromise: Exploring the Multi-Actor Implications of Robustness Compromises in Regional Water Supply Investment Pathways
- The Increasingly Significant Role of On-road, Photo-chemical Transformation in the Formation of Near-road Nitrogen Dioxide (NO<SUB>2</SUB>)
- The Influence of Sampling Method on Measured Microplastic Concentration
- The inherent costs and uncertainties of water scarcity in a changing world
- The regional hydroclimate response to stratospheric sulphate geoengineering and the role of stratospheric heating.
- What are vulnerabilities and adaptation limits to climate change impacts on irrigated agriculture in the Pacific Northwest?
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- A multi-objective framework for understanding the stability and robustness of cooperative multi-city infrastructure investment pathways addressing changing drought and financial pressures
- Advancing Calibrated Insights into the Reactivity of Siliceous Interfaces for Developing Low Carbon Geo-Energy Technologies
- Assessing the neutrality of scenario-neutral exploratory modeling for climate risk assessments of coupled natural-human systems
- Comparative In Vitro Toxicity Assessment of Both Raw Water and Disinfected Drinking Water Using a Yeast Stress Response Multiplex Biomarker Assay and a Human Cell RT-qPCR Assay
- Contrasting risks of high and low growth: inter-utility regional water supply planning under future demand uncertainty
- Effects of Realistic Aperture Distributions on the Thermal Performance of Discretely Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs
- Error or insight: Tracing how errors in dynamically downscaled hydrologic projections shape vulnerability inferences in complex water infrastructure systems
- Expanding the Design Space of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering to Include Precipitation-Based Objectives and Explore Trade-Offs
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for a coupled Hydro-economic model under a groundwater management policy in Kern County, California.
- How Much Do Design Choices Matter for Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention
- Machine learning to reconstruct atmospheric river landfalls along the US West Coast using tree-ring based moisture proxies
- Microbial respiratory preferences linked to C and dissimilatory N metabolism follow ecohydrological patterns at the landscape scale
- Optimizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model Physics to Support Wind and Solar Energy Integration
- Projections of climate change impacts on crop yields are strongly sensitive to agro-hydrologic model parameterization
- Rupture Initiation in 3-meter Laboratory Rock Experiments: The Role of Heterogeneity, Rate Dependence, and a "Cascade Up" Model for Earthquake Initiation
- Spatial Downscaling Global Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change for Modeling Regional Water Management
- The Time-varying Value of Forecasts in Multi-objective Reservoir Control: a Case Study on the Lower Susquehanna River
- Tree-ring based weather regime reconstructions over the past millennium for climate scenario development in the Western United States
- Understanding how water scarcity vulnerabilities vary across multi-sectoral users within institutionally complex river basins
- Understanding the multiscale impacts of responses to water scarcity and land use change
- What Do Foreshock Swarms Tell Us About Subsurface Conditions and an Impending Large Earthquake?