Cornell University, Department of Astronomy/Center for Radiophysics and Space Research
flowchart I[Cornell University, Department of Astronomy/Center for Radiophysics and Space Research] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (407)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (31)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 433 Eros Ponded Deposits
- Characterization of Sand Dunes in Proctor Crater on Mars by Application of a Mesoscale Model (the Mars MM5) and by Development of a Graphical Information System (GIS)
- Constraints on Martian Aerosol Particles Using MGS/TES and HST Data: Shapes
- Ejecta distribution, dynamics, and sedimentology on asteroid 433 Eros
- Evidence for Global Structure Within 433 Eros
- Galilean Satellite Surface Composition: New Cassini VIMS Observations and Comparison With Galileo NIMS Measurements
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During 2001
- Hydrothermal Alteration Products of Basaltic Material on Mauna Kea as a Template for Detection of Hydrothermal Alteration on Mars
- NEAR's Landing on Eros: Clues to Geological Processes on Small Asteroids
- One Annual Cycle of Martian Weather as Observed by TES
- Student Participation in Rover Field Trials
- The Mars Exploration Rover Project
- Water Transport in the Martian Polar Atmosphere
- A Survey of Martian Dust Devil Activity Using Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Images
- Calibration and Initial Analysis of Multispectral Images of Mars from the VIS Subsystem on the Mars Odyssey THEMIS Investigation
- Gravity Field, Topography, and Interior Structure of Amalthea
- Mapping and Geodesy of Small Solar System Bodies
- Mars Exploration Rovers as Virtual Instruments for Determination of Terrain Roughness and Physical Properties
- Meteorology of Candidate Mars Exploration Rover Landing Sites as Predicted by a Mesoscale Model
- Mineralogical Ground Truth for AVIRIS Hyperspectral Observations of Cinder Cones on the Summit of Mauna Kea Volcano
- Selection and Evaluation of Landing Sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Simulation of the Martian Boundary Layer and Dust Devils With the Mars MM5 Mesoscale Atmospheric Model
- Testing the Foundation: A Blind Test of the Hapke Model
- The Athena Microscopic Imager on the Mars Exploration Rovers
- The MER Mission's Athena Science Investigation
- The NASA 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera (Pancam) Investigation
- The Single Scattering Albedo of Martian Atmospheric Dust in the 290-500 nm Region
- Time Variation of the North Polar Seasonal Frost Cap of Mars
- Constraints on the Distribution of Hydrogen in the Polar Regions of Mars and Implications for Ice Formation Processes
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During the Extremely Close Approach of 2003
- Investigating Impact Crater Related Surficial Deposits on Venus With Arecibo Multi-Polarization Radar Images
- Long-Wavelength Imaging Radar - A Window on Near-Surface Processes
- Photometric Evidence for Volatile Transport on Triton
- Seasonal Weather Patterns Influencing Dune Morphology in Noachis Terra, Mars: Using a Mesoscale Model for Surface Science
- TES Mineralogy in the Wings of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Band. Constraining the Mineralogy of Type 2 Terrain.
- THEMIS High-Resolution Atmospheric Thermal and Visible Imaging Campaign
- The Surface of Titan: Arecibo Radar Observations
- Aeolian Processes at Meridiani Planum
- Aeolian environments observed by the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Aqueous Processes on Mars: Results From the Mars Exploration Rover Mission
- Cassini-VIMS Observations of Saturn's Rings at SOI.
- Ceres Observations with HST: Size, Shape, Pole and Rocky Core
- Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Regolith at the Gusev Plains
- Coordinated Mars Exploration Rover and Mars Express OMEGA Observations over Meridiani Planum
- Does the present-day wind regime explain the location and geomorphology of dunes in the southern highlands of Mars?
- Earth-based Measurements of Planetary Rotational States
- Earth-based observations of radar-dark crater haloes on the Moon: Implications for regolith properties
- Faint Rings and Things According to Cassini
- Mars Exploration Rover Pancam Photometric Data QUBs: Definition and Example Uses.
- Mesospheric Clouds on Mars in Nadir-Pointed THEMIS-VIS Images
- Saturn Temperatures, Winds, and Composition from Cassini CIRS
- Searching for Active Dust Devils in Gusev Crater from Orbit by Mars Express and the Ground from Spirit
- Spectral Imaging of Saturn by Cassini/VIMS: Early Science Results
- Splendor in the Seen by the Cassini Imaging Science Experiment
- Stratospheric composition of Titan from Cassini/CIRS observations
- The Surface Composition of Saturn's Moon Phoebe As seen by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- Titan's Surface Seen by VIMS/Cassini
- True Color and Chromaticity of the Martian Surface and Sky from Mars Exploration Rover Pancam Observations
- VIMS Evidence for Palimpsests on Titan as a Constraint on Widespread Precipitation.
- VNIR spectral features observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity in hematite-bearing materials at Meridiani Planum
- Visible to Near-IR Spectral Properties of Rocks and Soils at Gusev and Meridiani from the Mars Exploration Rover Pancams
- Wind Eroded Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars, seen from the Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit
- Wind Patterns at the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Sites Inferred from Mars Express HRSC and MER Images
- 26Al in Iapetus - Consequences for the Formation of the Saturnian System
- 26Al in the Saturnian System - New Interior Models for the Saturnian satellites
- Boundary Layer Dynamics as seen from MER Mini-TES
- Cassini ISS Observations of the Encke and Keeler Gaps in Saturn's Rings
- Cassini-VIMS Observations of Stellar Occultations by Saturn's Rings
- Compositional Mapping of Surfaces in the Saturn System with Cassini VIMS: the Role of Water, Cyanide Compounds and Carbon Dioxide
- Coordinated Analysis of Mars Express OMEGA Hyperspectral Imaging and Mars Exploration Rover Traverse Data for Meridiani Planum
- Deep Jets on Gas Giant Planets
- Earth-based 70-cm radar observations of the southeast limb of the Moon
- Enceladus' global geology as seen by Cassini ISS
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Icy Satellites Cartography: First Results after 18 months in Orbit
- Low-latitude Temperatures, Pressures, and Winds on Saturn from Cassini Radio Occultations
- MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Multispectral Pancam images of dust patterns on Opportunity's Capture and Filter magnets analyzed by a Computational Fluid Dynamics model.
- Multispectral Properties of Fine-grained Materials at Gusev and Meridiani from MER/Pancam Observations
- Recent Results From the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit Mission
- Recent Results from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Mission
- Sagan Lecture: Spirit, Opportunity, and the Exploration of the Red Planet
- Saturn's Ring Images/Dynamics by Cassini
- Sounding Saturn's Temperatures, Winds, and Composition With Cassini CIRS: the Second Year
- THEMIS-VIS Measurements of the Altitude and Velocity of Clouds in the Martian Mesosphere
- The Depths of Saturn Revealed: Discrete Cloud Systems and Winds at the 2-Bar Level as Imaged by Cassini/VIMS
- Thermal Evolution Models for Enceladus Defining the context for the formation of the South Pole thermal anomaly
- Transition Between Aeolian Saltation and Suspension on Earth and Mars
- VNIR spectral classes of rocks in the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater, Mars as observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's Pancam
- Velocity and Vorticity Measurements of Jupiter's Great Red Spot Using Automated Cloud Feature Trackers
- Vertically Propagating Waves in the Upper Atmosphere of Saturn From Cassini Radio Occultations
- Water Ice Clouds as Seen from the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Accretionary Origins for Saturn's Small Satellites: Sizes, Shapes, and Numerical Simulations of Growth
- Cassini Radio Occultation by Enceladus Plume
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and Implications for Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Crystalline and Amorphous ice as Markers for Activity on Satellites
- Decomposition of Organic Compounds at the Martian Surface
- Detection of Widespread Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Deposits on Titan's Surface Observed by Cassini VIMS
- Full-disk observations of the saturnian moons in the VIS-NIR spectral range by Cassini- VIMS
- High Resolution Enceladus Atlas derived from Cassini-ISS images
- Inferring the State of Tidally-heated Satellite Ice Shells from Global Shape Measurements
- Influence of Orientale impact melt on the lunar south polar regolith from Earth-based radar observations
- LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Martian Mesospheric Clouds: Latest Results from THEMIS-VIS
- Martian Sulfates as Observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Mössbauer and Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometers
- Multi-Instrument Studies of an Arc in Saturn's G Ring
- Optical Properties of Small Particles Near Saturn's G ring
- Overview of Recent Results from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
- Recent Multispectral Imaging Results from the Pancam Instruments on the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
- Ring Reconnaissance with Weak Waves
- Rock Rinds at Meridiani and Surface Weathering Phenomena
- Saturn's Titan: Evidence for Surface Reflectance Change: Implications for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity
- Simulations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer near the Mars Exploration Rovers and Other Landers
- Spectral Diversity of Rock Fragments at the Meridiani Planum Landing Site
- Spectral affinities in the icy moons of Saturn investigated through the G-mode multivariate classification method
- Structural Model of Endurance Crater for Rover-Based Exploration of Crater Rims
- Structure and Stratigraphy of Home Plate from the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover
- Studies of Titan's 5-Micron-Bright Regions Using Combined VIMS and ISS Observations
- Surface Geology and Tectonism on Enceladus
- The Surfaces of Small Saturnian Satellites: What Causes the Range of Morphologies?
- Thermal Structure of Titan's Atmosphere from Cassini Radio Occultations and Thermal- Infrared Spectra
- VIMS Observations of Titan's Surface
- Zonal Jets on the Giant Planets
- None
- A Mid-latitude Cloud Eruption on Titan Observed by the Cassini Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) in July 2007
- Chemical Composition of Meridiani Sediments: Traces of Aqueous Past on Martian Surface
- Compositional Mapping of Saturn's Satellite Iapetus with Cassini VIMS and Implications of Dark Material in the Saturn System
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Evidence for a Possible Siliceous Sinter Deposit at Home Plate in Gusev Crater
- Geological Evidence That Enceladus Librates About Synchronous Rotation
- Global Mapping of the Surface of Titan Using VIMS Infrared Images - Geodynamical Implications
- Hyperion and its Cousins: Sponges, Landslides, Layers, and Ridges
- Iapetus as Seen Through the Multispectral Eyes of Cassini VIMS
- MDIS Observations from the Second MESSENGER Venus Flyby
- NExT and EPOXI (DIXI), the next steps in Comet Exploration
- New Views of 2 Pallas From the Hubble Space Telescope
- Possible Dust Extended From Saturnian Ring Plane or Zodiacal Light as Seen by Cassini ISS.
- Possible Resonances with Saturn's Rotation in the Rings
- Recent Results from the Spirit Rover at Home Plate and "Silica Valley"
- Reconstruction of Eolian Bedforms from Cross-Bedded Strata at Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Relationships of Dione's physical and chemical surface properties to geological and morphological surface features
- Residual South Polar Cap of Mars: MY28 MARCI Observations
- Results from the 2007 Radio Occultations of Cassini by Saturn
- Saturn's Rings Observed with Cassini-VIMS
- Saturn's Titan: Searching for Surface Change
- Seasonal Changes in the Martian North Polar Region from CRISM, MARCI and CTX
- Surface-Atmospheric Separation Models for Titan: Plane Parallel vs. Spherical Shell Radiative Transfer Solutions for Cassini VIMS Data
- The Meridional and Vertical Structure of Titan's Atmosphere from Cassini Radio Occultations
- The Structure of Saturn's South Polar Vortex Determined by Cassini VIMS: Constraints on Winds and Horizontal and Vertical Cloud Distributions
- VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Study of the Saturnian icy Satellites by Cassini-VIMS
- Wind-Driven Particle Mobility on Mars: Insights from MER Observations
- A New Orientation Model for Mercury
- A debris disk surrounding Saturn's moon Rhea
- Cassini/VIMS observations of Saturn's infrared aurora
- Clays and Sulfates in a Potential Lacustrine Evaporite Sequence at Columbus Crater, Mars
- Climate Modeling of the Terrestrial Planets (and one Moon)
- Color Mosaics and Multispectral Analyses of Mars Reconnaissance Orbit Mars Color Imager (MARCI) Observations
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Mars
- Dielectric Constant of Titan's South Polar Region from Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observations
- Discovery of the Acid-Sulfate Mineral Alunite in Terra Sirenum, Mars, Using MRO CRISM: Possible Evidence for Acid-Saline Lacustrine Deposits?
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- Enceladus South Polar Terrain Geology: New Details From Cassini ISS High Resolution Imaging
- Global Distribution of Dunes on Titan With VIMS
- Groundwater Discharge and Gully Formation on Martian Slopes
- High resolution VIMS images of Titan's surface: implications for its composition, internal structure and dynamics
- High-Silica Rocks and Soils at Gusev Crater, Mars: Distribution, Spectra, and Implications for Past Hydrothermal Activity
- Improved High-Resolution Enceladus Coverage after the Flybys in 2008
- Mars Aeolian Features and Processes Observed Concurrently From Orbit and the Ground
- Mercury Core Properties from the Rotation State
- Noachian Megabreccia on Mars
- One Martian Year of Atmospheric Observations by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Pancam Spectral Variations Across Home Plate: Bonestell Panorama, Gusev Crater, Mars
- Remarkable Opposition Surges on the Satellites of Saturn Revealed by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Stratigraphy of Phyllosilicates and Sulfates in Northern Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Sulfur Concentrations on Martian Surface Derived by In-Situ APXS Measurements: Evidence for Sulfates
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- The Mercury Gravity Field: MESSENGER Observations
- The Spectral Classes of the Saturnian System Ices: Rings and Satellites Observations by Cassini-VIMS
- The TitanWRF Model at the end of the Cassini Prime Mission.
- Thermal Tides in the Martian Middle Atmosphere
- Thunderstorm-Related Clouds of Saturn Observed by Cassini/VIMS
- Titan's Winter Polar Vortex
- A Resonance-Based Model for the Architecture of the Cassini Division (Invited)
- Acid Alteration of Glass-Bearing Materials: Formation of a Major Martian Surface Type
- Ammonia on Enceladus
- Cassini Imaging of Titan’s North Polar Cloud With the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- Effects of incidence angle on observations of equilibrium crater diameter
- Emitted Power of Saturn Based on Cassini/CIRS Observations
- Evaporites in Martian Paleolakes: Observations and Implications
- LRO Camera Imaging of the Moon: Apollo 17 and other Sites for Ground Truth
- Mapping the Moon with LROC: Global ultraviolet through visible color observations
- Mechanisms for shrinkage fracturing at Meridiani Planum
- Modeling Specular Reflections from Hydrocarbon Lakes on the Surface of Titan
- Rock Morphologies of the Mawrth Vallis Landing Site Region
- Second Release of the High-Resolution Enceladus Atlas derived from Cassini-ISS images
- Spectral and Textural Changes Observed in Sulfate Soil Deposits at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Spectral variation and alteration across the Cumberland Ridge outcrops, Columbia Hills, Mars
- Specular Scattering on Titan observed by Cassini VIMS: Liquids in the North Polar Region
- VIS-IR spectrophotometric indicators for Saturn's rings and spokes
- Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds
- Characterization of extrasolar planetary atmospheres by thermal infrared photometry
- Detailed geologic mapping of the Columbia Hills, Mars: West Spur to Cumberland Ridge
- Empirical Approaches To Reduce The Atmospheric Component In VIMS Surface Images Of Titan
- Evidence of Accretion in Saturn's F Ring (Invited)
- Forced and Traveling Waves in MRO MCS Atmospheric Temperature Retrievals
- Geological mapping and temporal survey of Ontario Lacus on Titan from 2005 to 2009, using VIMS, ISS and Radar data
- High-resolution morphologic and spectral characteristics of Crater-exposed Bedrock on Mars: Insights into the petrogenesis, stratigraphy and geologic history of the Martian crust
- Leading-Side Terrains on Enceladus: Clues to Early Volcanism and Tectonism from Cassini ISS
- New insights into chemical processes within martian high latitude soils
- Snapshots from Space: Citizen Participation in Space Missions Through Image Processing
- Cassini/CIRS Observations of Temperatures in Saturn's Northern Storm Region
- Characterizing Geometric Distortion of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera
- Comparing Rover and Orbiter based observations at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Geomorphology of Titan's Western Xanadu Region
- Geophysical Constraints On Enceladus' Hydrothermal Activity
- Mapping Hydrated Materials with MER Pancam and MSL Mastcam: Results from Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum, and Plans for Gale Crater
- Mechanical Energies of the Upper Atmosphere in the High Latitudes of Mars
- Planetary Rings: Circular and Non-circular
- Science Targets in the Landing Ellipse and Lower Mound at the Gale Crater Field Site
- Some Speculations Concerning The Abitibi Greenstone Belt As A Possible Analog To The Early Martian Crust
- The Complex Evolution of Comet Nuclei: Evidence from Deep Impact and Stardust-NExT
- Titan's Eccentricity Tides
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- Wave Forcing of Saturn's Equatorial Oscillation
- A New Look at Titan's Zonal Winds from Cassini Radio Occultations
- Cold Case: Radar investigation of ammonium sulfate cryovolcanism on Titan
- Equinoctial Activity Over Titan Dune Fields Revealed by Cassini/vims
- Imaging of a Newly Forming Polar Hood Over The South Pole of Titan By VIMS/Cassini
- Low-latitude ethane rain on Titan
- Measurements of the Spin States of Europa and Ganymede
- Paleotopography of Husband Hill and the West Spur of the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater, Mars
- Post-Equinox Variations of Titan's Middle-Atmosphere Structure from Cassini/CIRS
- Seeing through Frost on Enceladus
- Stratospheric Flight of Three Mars Surface Instrument Prototypes
- The Global Distribution of Weathered Glass on Mars
- The Source Of CO2 Ice On Enceladus' Surface
- The gravity field of the Saturnian satellites Enceladus and Dione
- Titan North Polar Lake Hydrology from SAR Stereo Topography
- Titan's Figure Fatter, Flatter Than Its Gravity Field
- Changes in Saturn's Zonal-Mean Tropospheric Structure After the 2010-2011 Northern Storm
- Comparing the Chemistry for the Pathfinder, MER and MSL Martian Landing Sites with APXS
- Double Ridges on Europa Accommodate Some of the Missing Surface Contraction
- Effects of Exoplanet Planetesimal Carbon Chemistry on Habitability
- Enceladus Jet Orientations: Effects of Surface Structure
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Geophysical Implications of Enceladus' CO<SUB>2</SUB> Frost
- Geophysical implications of Io limb profile data
- Haze, Methane and Para-hydrogen on Uranus and Neptune, 2001-2007: Results from an Analysis of Near-IR Spectra
- Helene: The Face that Launched a Thousand Slips
- Helium Abundance of Saturn from Cassini VIMS and CIRS Combined Analysis
- Improving Undergraduates' Critical Thinking Skills through Peer-learning Workshops
- Low altitude cloud height and methane humidity retrievals on Titan in the near-IR
- Reconstructed Paleo-topography of the Columbia Hills, Mars
- Seasonal Variations in Pluto's Atmospheric Tides
- Surface of Ligeia Mare, Titan, from Cassini Altimeter and Radiometer Analysis
- The Bathymetry of a Titan Sea (Invited)
- 10 Years of Cloud Cover Monitoring on Titan with Vims on Board Cassini
- A Detailed Geomorphological Sketch Map of Titan's Afekan Crater Region
- Accreting Planets in the Habitable Zones of M-Stars Are Too Hot to Retain Liquid Water
- Atmospheric Waves in MGS TES Limb-Scan Temperatures
- Composition and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm wavelength thermal microwave emission
- Evolution of Titan's Seas and Lakes during Northern Spring
- Extraterrestrial Virtual Field Experience: Water at Meridiani
- Geomorphic Units on Titan
- Geomorphology of Titan's Polar Regions
- Kraken Mare bathymetry and composition from Cassini RADAR
- Modeling and Observing the Role of Wind-Waves in Lake-Climate Interactions on Titan using the T104 Flyby of Kraken Mare
- Morphologic and Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Sand Dune-Topographic Obstacle Interactions on Earth and Titan
- Quantitative topographic analysis as a guide to rover-based research on Mars
- Specular Reflections from Titan's Equatorial Region: Solving the Decade Old Mystery
- Studying Titan's surface photometry in the 5 microns atmospheric window with the Cassini/VIMS instrument
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- Titan's Magic Island: Transient features in a Titan sea
- Titan's Surface at 2.2-Cm Wavelength: Results and Interpretations through the First Ten Years of Observation By Cassini
- Alluvial Fans on Titan Reveal Atmosphere and Surface Interactions and Material Transport
- An Overview of the Bathymetry and Composition of Titan's Hydrocarbon Seas from the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Saturn's Largest Moon, Titan
- Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission
- Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape's topographic form to constrain surface processes
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Kinematic model of Titan's rotation from Cassini radar data
- Liquid-Filled Channels On Titan
- Mulitple Origins of Sand Dune-Topography Interactions on Titan
- Nature, Distribution, and Origin of Titan's Undifferentiated Plains ("Blandlands")
- Recent Mastcam and MAHLI Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations: Pahrump Hills to Marias Pass
- Studies of Saturn's Main Rings at Multiple Wavelengths
- The Europa Imaging System (EIS): High-Resolution, 3-D Insight into Europa's Geology, Ice Shell, and Potential for Current Activity
- The InSight Mission's Martian Atmospheric Science Goals, Capabilities and Instrumentation
- Tidal Currents between Titan's Seas Detected by Solar Glints
- Titan's Polar Atmosphere
- Topographic Constraints on the Evolution and Connectivity of Titan's Lacustrine Basins
- Cassini ISS and VIMS observations of Titan's north polar region during the T120 and T121 flybys: The Curious Case of the Clouds
- Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E<SUP>2</SUP>T): Investigating Ocean Worlds' Evolution and Habitability in the Saturn System
- First Results at Jupiter from the Microwave Radiometer Investigation
- Hydrothermal vs. Primordial and Radiolytic Sources of H<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Investigation of lunar maria structure from cross-analysis of GRAIL gravity and Kaguya radar data
- Modeling and Observing the Role of Wind-Waves in Titan's Hydrocarbon Seas
- Modeling the disequilibrium species for Jupiter and Saturn: Implications for Juno and Saturn entry probe
- Retrieving Saturn's Atmospheric Temperatures from Radio-Occultation Soundings
- SPRITE - The Saturn PRobe Interior and aTmosphere Explorer Mission.
- The Habitability of Enceladus from Cassini and Enceladus Life Finder as the Next Step
- The INMS Case for Habitability at Enceladus
- Titan's gravity: An update
- Abrupt Climate Transition of Icy Worlds from Snowball to Moist or Runaway Greenhouse
- An extremely deep search for methane isotope fractionation with NIRSPAO at Keck
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- Final Cassini RADAR Observation of Titan's Magic Island Region and Ligeia Mare
- Five Fabulous Flybys of the Small Inner Moons of Saturn by the Cassini Spacecraft
- H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Measurements in the Jovian Atmosphere with JIRAM/Juno
- Latitudinal Variation of Germane in Jovian Atmosphere
- Liquid Elevations and Topographic Constraints of Titan's Lacustrine Basins at the end of Cassini: Hydrology and Formation
- Modeling of Mastcam Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations at Yellowknife Bay
- Models of Jupiter's Interior that match Juno's Gravity Measurements
- Observations of Galilean Moons by JIRAM on board Juno.
- Orbital and Rover-based Exploration of Perseverance Valley, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Pluto's Haze Properties from Disk-integrated New Horizons MVIC observations
- Probing Small Lakes on Titan Using the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Quantifying Dynamic Changes on Surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using High-Resolution Photoclinometry DTMs
- Radar observations of Saturn's rings during the Cassini Grand Finale
- Results on Jupiter's Atmosphere from the Juno Microwave Radiometer
- Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan From 2004 to 2017 as Seen by Cassini/VIMS
- Sediment Transport and Landscape Evolution on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Southern Auroral Emissions in the IR from JIRAM/Juno Data
- Spectrophotometric Modeling of MAHLI Goniometer Observations
- The depth and structure of the atmospheric flows on Jupiter: results from the Juno gravity measurements
- Titan's dunes revealed by the delay/Doppler processing of the Cassini radar altimeter data
- Understanding the Cryosphere of Europa Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Uranus and Neptune: internal heat flow
- A New Look at Titan's Channels: Mapping from Radar on Earth and Titan
- Cloud Morphology Associated with Jovian Lightning
- Decomposition of Amino Acids in Water with Application to Enceladus and other Ocean Worlds.
- Giant Planets as Pathfinders for Characterizing the Pale Blue Dot
- Implications from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) Grand Finale Measurements on Atmospheric and Interior Processes at Saturn
- Insights into the atmospheres of the TRAPPIST-1 planets from the laboratory and models
- Investigating Detectability of Organics on Europa's Surface
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Microwave observations of Jupiter's atmosphere from 1 bar to 200 bars
- Migrating Scarps in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Preparation for the Planetary Decadal Survey: The 2018 MEPAG Goals Document and Plans for 2019 Updates
- Remote Diagnostics of Methane Isotope Fractionation on Titan
- Saturn's Gravity Field Determination from Cassini Grand Finale and Implications on its Internal Structure
- Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of the Ice Giants Atmospheres: Clouds, Seasonal Changes, and the Future in IR with JWST MIRI
- Transmission Spectroscopy of the Hot-Jupiter WASP-79b from 0.6 to 1.7 μm
- Unraveling shorelines to fingerprint active processes shaping the coastal worlds of Titan and Earth
- Analyzing Enceladus' Plume Constituents: First Steps to Experimentally Simulating Hypervelocity Impacts
- Channels on Titan: an Examination of Data Effects and a Comparison with Earth Analogs
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 1: The Site Dynamics on Elysium Planitia
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 2: Environmental Sensitivity of SEIS and Quake Detection
- Constraining the composition of salts exposed on Europa's surface using VIS-NIR spectra derived from Europa Clipper EIS and MISE data
- Deposition and Detectability of Deltas on Titan
- Distribution of Storms and Moist Convection on Jupiter derived from Juno MWR data
- Dust devils' signature around the InSight landing site (Mars): analysis of HiRISE satellite images and SEIS seismic data
- Half a Mars Year of Atmospheric Results from InSight
- InSight Observations of Magnetic Pulsations on Martian Surface: Morphology and Wave Sources
- Infrasound on Mars: Numerical Modelling and Application to InSight's APSS/SEIS Data
- Investigating Sub-Resolution Surface Properties of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Optical Photometry
- Jupiter As Seen By The Juno Microwave Radiometer: A Progress Report
- Local Migration of Smooth Terrain Regolith in the Imhotep Basin on Comet 67P
- MAGIC, A Discovery Proposal to the Icy Moon Callisto
- Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) an environmental suite of sensors for the Mars 2020 rover
- Martian Infrasound: Listening from NASA's InSight Lander
- Migrating Scarps as a Significant Driver for Cometary Mass Loss
- New Insights From A Survey Of Mountainous Terrain On Titan Using The Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Overview of observed seismic signals on Mars
- Pressure effects on SEIS-INSIGHT instrument, improvement of seismic records and characterization of gravity waves from ground displacements
- Relating Jovian Lightning Rates and Water Abundance: a One-Dimensional Model
- Residual Study: Testing Jupiter Atmosphere Models Against Juno MWR Observations
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Searching for Waves on Titan's Seas with Coastline Measurements and Modeling
- Static and Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Recorded at the InSight Landing Sight
- Statistics of Climatic and Topographic Variables Related to the Alluvial Fan Distribution on Titan
- Stellar Occultations by Saturn Observed by Cassini VIMS: Imaging Mode Subset
- The Bathymetry of Moray Sinus at Kraken Mare
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE): Science and Instrument Critical Design.
- The Marsquake Service for InSight: the first year of operations
- The Next-Generation Planetary Aeolian and Meteorological Investigation (PAMI) mission concept
- The raised ramparts around Titan's northern lakes: Spectral and emissivity analysis
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- Channels on Titan and the Earth: Lessons from Planform Images in Low-Resolution SAR
- Characterization of the High Velocity Impact Phenomena of Small Water-Ice Particles
- Determining the Global Water Abundance in Jupiter from Juno MWR
- Diversity of the Morphological Evolution of Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Enceladus Orbilander: A Flagship Mission Concept for the Planetary Decadal Survey
- Evolution of the Imhotep Basin on Comet67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Exploring signatures of coastal erosion processes in the shoreline morphology of Titan's seas
- Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan
- Ground deformations due to atmospheric forcing at InSight landing site: effect of lateral variation of sub-surface properties and response to various atmospheric waves
- Hypervelocity Sampling of the Enceladus Plume: Implications for Astrobiology Investigations
- Insight Low Frequency Seismological Measurements: Environmental Noise Decorrelation And Applicability To Mars Internal Structure Refinement
- Investigating Photometric Properties of Pluto's Surface
- NEAT: A Multi-Comet Flyby Mission that Performs Discovery-Level Science on a SIMPLEx Budget
- New Observations Show the Earliest Stages of Titan's Radial Labyrinth Terrain Evolution
- Observations of Jovian electrical storms by Juno's SRU
- On the Single-Station Measurement of Ground-Coupled Airwaves: Discrimination of Martian Infrasound and Assessment of Terrestrial Setups
- One Martian Year of Dust Devil Tracks Around the InSight Landing Site, Mars: analysis of HiRISE images and Comparison with in-situ Atmospheric Data.
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Searching for life at Enceladus with the Orbilander mission concept
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The Importance of the Ocean Size on the Climate and the Water Loss of Mars-size planets
- The Venus Atmospheric Dynamics and Infrasound Seismology (VADIS) Instrument
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Understanding hypervelocity sampling of ice-borne biosignatures in space missions
- Using InSight Wind Data to Validate Atmospheric Models and Improve Predictions for Other Locations on Mars
- Volcanically extruded phosphides are a plausible source of Venusian phosphine
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Coustenis
- A. Migliorini
- Batiste Rousseau
- Christos Matsoukas
- Colin Wilson
- D. C. Richardson
- D. Turrini
- David K. Sing
- Dmitry Savransky
- E. D’Aversa
- F. Altieri
- G. Bellucci
- G. Filacchione
- G. Piccioni
- Huiqun Wang
- J. P. Mullen
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Lu Pan
- M. A. Mischna
- Perry A. Gerakines
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- Raphael Marschall
- S. Stefani
- Samuel Birch
- T. Guillot
- V. J. Bray
- V. Mennella
- Valerio Poggiali
- Yamila Miguel