New York University, Abu Dhabi
flowchart I[New York University, Abu Dhabi] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (59)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Multi-decadal Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon in CMIP5 Models
- Realistic Madden-julian Oscillation Initiation and Dynamics In A Coarse Resolution General Circulation Model
- The MJO in a Coarse-Resolution GCM with a Stochastic Multicloud Parameterization
- A Spatio-Temporal Approach To Evolution Of Spatial Homogeneity Of Monsoon Extremes Over India
- Changes in the Indian Summer Monsoon Synoptic Activity in a Warming Scenario
- Inter-annual Variability of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems in Reanalysis and Climate model Simulation
- Isentropic analysis of the Indian Summer Monsoon circulation and its implications for the active and break periods
- Oceanic Mixing Processes in Disko Bay-Ilulissat Icefjord System: Can We Quantify the Heat Loss from the Atlantic Water Layer?
- Simulation of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in a coarse resolution aquaplanet GCM
- The MJO in a Coarse-Resolution GCM with a Stochastic Multicloud Parameterization
- Building-Resolved CFD Simulations for Greenhouse Gas Transport and Dispersion over Washington DC / Baltimore
- Electron Precipitation at Mars: Advancing Our Understanding with MAVEN
- Stochasticity and organization of tropical convection: Role of stratiform heating in the simulation of MJO in an aquaplanet coarse resolution GCM using a stochastic multicloud parameterization
- Projected Changes in Indian Summer Monsoon Synoptic Activity in a Warming Climate
- Real Time Monitoring and Prediction of the Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations: An index based on Nonlinear Laplacian Spectral Analysis Technique
- Role of stratiform heating on the organization of convection over the monsoon trough
- South Asian Summer Monsoon variability in Isentropic coordinates
- Upwelling changes along the Arabian coast in a warming scenario
- A stochastic multicloud convective parameterization in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) : implementation and calibration.
- Improving MAVEN-IUVS Lyman-Alpha Apoapsis Images
- Influence of Subtropical Jetstream on Arabian Gulf Precipitation
- Lambert Reflectance Albedo And Temperature Mapping Of Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data During The Mars Global Surveyor Aerobraking Phase
- Loss of Predictive Skill of Indian Summer Monsoon in NCEP CFSv2 due to Misrepresentation of Atlantic Zonal Mode
- Mixing processes at the subsurface layer in the Amundsen Sea shelf region
- Poleward shift and weakening of summer season synoptic activity over India in a warming climate
- The role stratification on Indian ocean mixing under global warming
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Disturbances of Tropical Convection on Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves
- A Novel Method for Interpolating Indian Rainfall Station Data using a Stochastic Lattice Model
- Atmospheric overturning at different scales
- Decline in Low Latitudinal Cyclones over North Indian Ocean and its Association with Equatorial Westerlies
- Genesis of monsoon low pressure systems in a high resolution climate model
- Regional Adaptation to Sea Level Rise in the San Francisco Bay Area: Establishing Interdependence and Motivating Coordinated Action
- Stochastic plume ensembles for an unified shallow-deep mass flux cumulus parameterization in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Strengthening relationship between Indian summer monsoon rainfall and Atlantic zonal mode in a warming period
- The barrier effect of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent on intra-seasonal variability in an idealized AGCM
- The role of wind induced shear in northern Arabian Sea mixing under global warming
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems on MJO analog above the Equator and Its Parameterization in An Idealized GCM
- A shallow-deep unified stochastic mass flux cumulus parameterization in the single column Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Dramatic improvements in tropical climate variability in climate simulations using SMCM convective parameterization
- Effects of an Explosive Polar Cyclone Crossing the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone
- Is the Atlantic Nino an emerging source of Indian summer monsoon variability in a warming world?
- Precise Ground-Based GNSS-Reflectometry Sea Level Measurements Using Low-Cost Antennas
- Shortening of Indian summer monsoon season in a warming scenario
- Travel support requirements for internationally diverse early career participation in polar science workshops
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Its Parameterization in an Idealized GCM for a MJO analog above the Equator
- Visualization Far-Side Magnetic Images from Helioseismic Holography
- Glacial earthquakes at Jakobshavn Glacier: Improved Detections and Dynamic Effects
- In-situ observations of ice dynamics on the pinning point of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Oceanographic Conditions in the Grounding Zone Region of Thwaites Glacier
- Survey on Early Career Travel Support Highlights Inequalities in Access to Polar Science Events Across Geographic, Career Stage, and Indigenous Status
- The Lange Glacier and its impact due to temperature increase in the Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula during the Austral Summer 2018 - 2019
- A Novel Method for Interpolating Station Daily Rainfall Data using a Stochastic Lattice Model
- Cross-Correlation Detections of Glacial Earthquakes at Jakobshavn Isbr, Greenland
- Desalination Brine Disposal Using Plunging Liquid Jets
- ENSO modulates the frequency of low-latitudinal tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal
- Numerical Modeling of Coupled Non-Local Damage and Transport in Elastic and Viscoelastic Porous Geological Media
- Role of Diurnal Cycle in the Maritime Continent Barrier Effect on MJO Propagation in an AGCM
- Probing the thermal environment of Mars: Measuring diurnal variations with Hope, Curiosity and Perseverance
- Seawater intrusions beneath grounded ice at Thwaites Glacier