Columbia University, New York
flowchart I[Columbia University, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (7)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1993)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (777)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Barnard College
- Center for Backyard Astronomy
- Columbia University, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Columbia University, Department of Chemistry
- Columbia University, Department of Earth Sciences
- Columbia University, Department of Physics
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Strategy for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science III
- ACRIM2 Observations and the Long Term Total Solar Irradiance Database
- Application of SF<SUB>6</SUB>, Bromide and <SUP>3</SUP>H/<SUP>3</SUP>He for Tracing Groundwater Transport Beneath a Landfill
- Characteristic features of the vertical propagation of ultra-long planetary waves and their interdecadal change
- Coupling of a Simple 3-Layer Snow Model to GISS GCM
- Development of a Benchmark Hydroclimate Data Library for N. America
- Did the Eruption of the Mt. Pinatubo Volcano Affect Cirrus Properties?
- Infrastructure to Support Hydrologic Research: Information Systems
- Large-scale advection and dispersion in the tidal Hudson River derived from a deliberate tracer release experiment
- Lithospheric bending and faulting: Application to trenches and mid-ocean ridges
- Media Perceptions of Hydrologic Research
- Quantification of Transport of Solutes Across the Porous Bed-Stream Water Interface with Tracer Tests
- Role of Environmental Tracers for Hydrologic Investigations
- Sensitivity of sea ice to physical parameterizations in the GISS global climate model
- The Great Basin as a Natural Laboratory for the Conjoint Dynamics of Water, Earth, Biota and Climate
- The Vadose Zone as an Archive of Atmospheric SF<SUB>6</SUB> Near a Large Urban Area
- Thickness of Seismogenic Region and Intermediate-depth Earthquake Location in Subduction Zones
- Tropical tropospheric temperature variations caused by ENSO and their influence on the remote tropical climate
- User-based Resource Design in Earth Science Education
- A Simple Model of Time-Dependent SST Hot Spots
- An approach to understanding hydrologic connectivity on the hillslope and the implications for nutrient transport
- Analyzing Drought From Paleo-Reconstructions Of 7-Day Low Flow In The Hudson River Basin
- Critical Analysis of the Total Solar Irradiance Database Available for SDO Mission Science
- ENSO and Floods: Multi-Scale Variations and Surprise when Analyzing Hydrologic Extremes
- Ecological Impacts of Development in the Hudson River Marshes
- From Interannual Streamflow Forecasts to New Water Management Strategies for Ceara, N. E. Brazil
- Investigation of Contaminant Transport and Dispersion in New York Harbor by a High Resolution SF<SUB>6</SUB> Tracer Study
- Landslide size distributions and the stochastic process of landslide failure
- Modeling the Impacts of Global Climate and Regional Land Use Change on Regional Climate, Air Quality and Public Health in the New York Metropolitan Region
- Multi-Season Ahead, Multivariate Flood Forecasts For The Western United States
- North American Drought and Wetness Reconstructed From Long Tree-Ring Records
- Probabilistic forecasting of hydroclimatic variables
- Student Web Use, Columbia Earthscape, and Their Implications for Online Earth Science Resources
- The Dynamics of Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling in a Relatively Simple General Circulation Model
- Two-Layer Flow and Tidal Trapping in the Hudson Estuary: Model Simulations of a Large-Scale Tracer Release
- Variations of total solar irradiance during solar cycles 21-23: measurements and models
- A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Reconstructing Multiple Streamflows and Climate Indices from Tree-ring or other paleo data
- A Probabilistic Benefit Cost Analysis of Seismic Retrofitting of Apartment Houses in Turkey
- A study of relative humidity dynamics using water vapor trajectories in an idealized GCM
- Assessing Public Health Impacts of Heat and Air Quality Under a Changing Climate in the New York City Metropolitan Area
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System and its role in hydrologic observatories
- Calibration and Validation of a Hydrodynamic Model of the Tidal Hudson River
- Can Seismic Early-Warning Information Help Engineers?: The Benefits to, and the Information Requirements for Structural Control and Monitoring Applications
- Climate Change and Ozone Air Quality Over the Eastern United States: A Modeling Study
- Composite total solar irradiance time series show a secular 0.04 %/decade trend
- Effect of tidal phase on solute flushing from a strait: SF<SUB>6</SUB> tracer study in the East River, New York
- Exploring Science Through Polar Exploration
- Glacioeustatic Changes in the Early and Middle Eocene (51-42 Ma) Greenhouse World Based on Shallow-Water Stratigraphy from ODP Leg 189 Site 1171 and Oxygen Isotope Records
- Health Impacts of Air Pollution Under a Changing Climate
- Horizontal Fluid Infiltration: A New Measurement Device and Some Observations
- Meeting the Challenges for Gender Diversity in the Geosciences
- Model Investigations Into Bimodal Arctic Surface-Atmosphere Interaction
- One Hundred Years of New York City's "Urban Heat Island": Temperature Trends and Public Health Impacts
- Orographic and Geographic Constraints on a Modeled Siberian Snow - Arctic Oscillation Teleconnection Pathway
- The Influence of Multiplicative Stochastic Forcing on a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Understanding Subsurface Colloid Behavior: A New Visualization Technique and the Application of Geo-Centrifuge Modeling
- Using Paired Mg/Ca and Oxygen Isotopic Measurements of Planktonic Foraminifera to Estimate Tropical Atlantic Thermocline Shape
- What are the links between landslide distributions, topographic relief and erosion rates?
- Applications of the Time-Varying Multi-Hazard Index to Armed Conflicts and GDP Growth Rate
- Arsenic in Bangladesh Groundwater: from Science to Mitigation
- Assessing Benefits and Costs of Adaptive and Mitigative Strategies for Climate in Urban Areas
- Climatic Impacts of Snow Depth Anomalies over Frozen Ground
- Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG)
- Consequences of adiabatic decompression melting on magmatic channeling instabilities
- Detection of a secular trend in Total Solar Irradiance of + 0.04 % per decade during solar cycles 21 - 23
- Earth Institute at Columbia University ADVANCE Program: Addressing Needs for Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Effects of Roads on Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: new evidence using census-tract data and addressing endogeneity
- Getting on the Band Wagon: analysis of melt localization instabilities due to mechanical shear
- Hemispheric-Scale Climate Response to Northern Eurasia Snow Anomalies
- Impact Of Initial Soil Wetness On Seasonal Climate Prediction
- New Insight into Discrete Particle Behavior in Porous Media
- Observations of Total Solar Irradiance indicate a + 0.04 % per decade trend during solar cycles 21 - 23
- Operational Streamflow Forecasts Development Using GCM Predicted Precipitation Fields
- Paleoceanographic changes in the western tropical Atlantic during the late Paleocene (59-55 Ma): high-resolution stable isotope records from ODP Leg 207 Site 1258
- SF6 Tracer Release Study: A Contaminant Fate Study in Newtown Creek
- Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Prediction: From Identification of Dynamics to Multi-Attribute Forecasts
- Solar dimming and urban aerosol distribution in New York Metropolitan area
- The IRI Climate Data Library: translating between data cultures
- Time-Varying Multi-Hazard Index Using Empirical Methods
- Tracer studies of transport processes in the tidal Hudson River: A comparison of SF<SUB>6</SUB> and a fluorescent dye
- Tropical Forest Protection, Uncertainty, and the Environmental Integrity of Carbon Mitigation Policies
- Using Climate Information for Disaster Risk Identification in Sri Lanka
- Water Isotopes in a Warmer World : Lessons from General Circulation Model Based Simulations.
- Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Utilizing Climatic Information
- Decadal to Century Scale Trends in North American Snow Extent Based on IPCC AR4 Model Simulations
- Game Theoretic Modeling of Water Resources Allocation Under Hydro-Climatic Uncertainty
- IPILPS: Modelling Stable Water Isotopes Exchanges Between the Land and the Atmosphere
- Interaction of dynamic and thermodynamic controls on deep convection in an idealized model of the ITCZ
- Mid-Holocene Attenuation of ENSO From Oxygen-Isotopic Distributions of Individual Foraminifera
- Multi-attribute season ahead probabilistic streamflow forecasts and their application
- Multiobjective Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Design
- Neodymium Isotope Evidence for Corresponding Rapid Sediment Source Changes and MIS 3 Climate Oscillations at Bermuda Rise
- Nonlinear Prediction Model for Hydrologic Time Series Based on Wavelet Decomposition
- Observations With High-Rate GPS and Accelerometers on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge: Synergism in Geophysical Methods
- Optimizing water purchases for an Environmental Water Account
- Permanent Carbon Dioxide Storage in Deep Sea Carbonate Sediments
- Polarimetric remote sensing of aerosol and cloud microphysics from the NASA Glory Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor (APS)
- Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Sri Lanka: Houses or Housing?
- Precipitation Structures and Atmospheric Waves over the Tropical Ocean
- Reshaping the Built Environment to Reduce Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Summertime Heat
- Retrieval of the Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Concentration from Reflectance Spectra Using Polarization Discrimination and Improved Baseline Approach
- Satellite TSI Observations, Scales and Traceability in the context of the NASA-NIST TSI Workshop Day2 Presentations and Discussion
- Saving Lives and Money: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach to the Selection of Structural Retrofits
- Seasonal Streamflow Forecast for the Yangtze River at the Three Gorges Dam, China
- Social Inequity and Risks Associated With Renewable and Conventional Energy Sources
- Soils and the CUAHSI Vision and Beyond
- The Analysis of Large Hydro-Climatic Datasets Using Independent Component Analysis
- The IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library Ontology: placing climate data on the Semantic Web
- The IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library: Helping People use Climate Data
- Use of Operational Climate Forecasts in Reservoir Management and Operation
- Using the NPOESS Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor to Retrieve Aerosol Environmental Data Records
- Using the NPOESS Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor to Retrieve Cloud Environmental Data Records
- Working backwards -- Decision analysis for water resource and natural hazard management under nonstationarity: not just a climate story
- A Critical Review of the Time Series of Total Solar Irradiance Satellite Observations
- An Update on CoreWall Tool Suite Development: An Integrated Approach for Data Discovery, Description, Visualization, and Correlation
- Application of an Optimal Estimation Method to the Retrieval of Aerosol Properties Using Multispectral, Multiangle Polarimetric Measurements From the Research Scanning Polarimeter.
- Basic and Applied Research on Environmental Decisions
- Centrifuge Modeling of Rainfall Induced Slope Failure
- Characteristic patterns in the response of boreal summer monsoons to climate change
- Climate Informed Economic Instruments to Enhance Urban Water Supply Resilience to Hydroclimatological Variability and Change
- ENSO-Based Index Insurance: Approach and Peru Flood Risk Management Application
- Emerging Forms of Climate Protection Governance: Urban Initiatives in the European Union
- Energetics of Sahel Drought as a Diagnostic of Climate Change Scenarios
- Ent: A global dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model for climate interactions at seasonal to century time scales through coupled water, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics
- Hydroclimatological Simulation over Sri Lanka Using Global Reanalyses
- Hydrofutures and Hydromorphology
- Identifying and Correcting Signal Biases in Ensemble Predictions
- Influences of ENSO Events on the Hydropower Production in Brazil
- Large Scale Climatic Processes Based Floods in the USA
- Modeling the Anisotropic Shear-Wave Velocity Structure in the Earth's Mantle on Global and Regional Scales
- Observed Differences between North American Snow Extent and Snow Depth Variability
- Potentially predictable components of West African summer rainfall in SST-forced GCM simulations
- Relevance of Initial Soil Moisture for Seasonal Climate Prediction Over East Africa
- Research Experiences for Teachers: The Impacts on Their Students and the Economy
- Ship-based Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements Over the Oceans: Current Status and Prospective
- Snow depth variability over North America: Causes and Consequences
- Surface Polarized Reflectance Characterization for the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP)
- The Relationship Between Actual and Potential Intensities of Tropical Cyclones on Interannual to Multidecadal Time Scales
- The burden of proof for climate change assessments: Questions important for the water sector
- The role of Asian monsoon/Tibet convection in stratosphere hydration and creating tape recorder signal
- Total Solar Irradiance Trends During Solar Cycles 21-24
- Transfer of polarized radiation: theory and application to aerosol and cloud remote sensing
- Uncertainties in BC Estimations: the Role of Atmospheric Processes
- Uptake of Natural and Anthropogenic Carbon by the Labrador Sea Water and the Subtropical Mode Water in the North Atlantic
- Using polarimetric remote sensing measurements to estimate ice particle size, optical depth and ice water path during CRYSTAL-FACE
- Winter Climate Variability over North America: Response to Continental Snow Cover Anomalies
- 5Ma Record of extraterrestrial 3He flux, sediment provenance, and detrital fluxes at IODP Site 1313 in western North Atlantic
- A copula-based method to fill in missing data for daily rainfall
- A parameter study of climate using an idealized GCM
- Accounting for Uncertainty Propagation: A Streamflow Forecasting Framework using Multiple Climate and Hydrological Models
- Advantage of Multi-scenario Ensembling for AGCM Seasonal Climate Forecast
- An Idealized General Circulation Model for the Study of Stratospheric-Tropospheric Coupling
- Annular Modes and the Poleward Movement of Subtropical Dry Zones
- Breaking the Logic of Groundwater-Led Agrarian Change in India
- Climatic and hydrologic influences on wading bird foraging patterns in Everglades National Park
- Coastal land loss and gain as potential earthquake trigger mechanism in SCRs
- Composition of Upper Arctic Ocean Water Masses North of Ellesmere Island
- Continental Relamination Drives Compositional and Physical-Property Changes in the Lower Crust
- Diagnosing El Niño Induced Drought in Seasonal Forecasts and Climate Change Projections
- Extreme Rainfall Frequency Analysis in a Changing Climate Pattern in South Korea
- Fostering Education and Research Goals Through Partnerships Between Academic Programs and Geoinformatics Projects
- HDO:H2O ratios in the tropical UTLS from the ACE-FTS
- Laboratory Studies of the Atmospheric Chemistry of Ice: Roles of Surface Disorder and Morphology
- Maximizing Research Productivity and Recognition: Strategies for Junior Scientists
- Multi-Model Ensembling for Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Forecasting at the IRI
- Past and Future Changes in Water Availability
- Putting the Dynamics in Chemical Geodynamics
- Reconstructing Neoproterozoic Paleoclimates Using a Combined Data/Modeling Approach
- Setting Goals for Urban Scale Climate Governance
- Simulation of Daily Rainfall Scenarios for S. Florida That Reflect Interannual and Multidecadal Climate Cycles
- Spatio-temporal analysis of extreme rainfall trends associated with the Indian monsoon
- Surface Reflectance of Mexico City
- The Spontaneous Formation of a Tropopause Inversion Layer in Simple, Dry, Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- The Total Solar Irradiance Record and Its Continuity
- The role of price and enforcement in water allocation: insights from Game Theory
- Time scale and feedback of zonal mean flow variability
- Transport and mixing of chemical airmasses in idealized baroclinic life cycles
- Trends and Patterns in a New Time Series of Natural and Anthropogenic Methane Emissions, 1980-2000
- Using Multiple Metadata Standards to Describe Climate Datasets in a Semantic Framework
- Using the multiangle polarimetric measuring capabilities of the 2008 NASA/Glory mission to characterize non-spherical particles
- a Method for Estimating Threshold Crossing Times with AN Application to Climate Change
- 3D Seismic Reflection Imaging of Crustal Formation Processes on the East Pacific Rise, 9°57-42'N
- An Entitlement Approach to Address the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Rural India
- Annular Mode Time Scales and Climate Sensitivity in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report Models
- Assessing the Impact of Recurrent Fires on Forests in Southern Amazonia
- Broad-Scale Applicability of Correlation Detectors to China and Parkfield, California, Seismicity
- Can glacial erosion limit the extent of glaciation?
- Changes of the Shallow Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation Under Global Warming
- Characteristics of the crustal magma body in the 2005-06 eruption area at 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise from a 3D multi-channel seismic investigation
- Collaborative Establishment of a Long-Term Archive for Stewardship of Interdisciplinary Scientific Data
- Comparison of Geochemical, Grain-Size, and Magnetic Proxies for Rock Flour and Ice- Rafted Debris in the Late Pleistocene Mono Basin, CA
- Expansion Of Sugarcane Production In São Paulo, Brazil: Implications For Fire Occurrence And Respiratory Health
- Explorin the Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in Observed Surface Heat Flux Datasets and Coupled Model Forecasts for Recent Decades
- Global biogeochemical modeling of contemporary fire emissions
- Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Regional Frequency Analysis
- Idealized Tracer Transport Models with Time-Varying Transport: Applications to Ocean boundary-current
- Mereu, V
- Microbes Enhanced Mobility of Arsenic, without Iron Reduction in Deep Bangladesh Aquifer
- Microbial Mineral Weathering for Nutrient Acquisition Releases Arsenic
- Modeling Fire Emissions from Multiple Land Use Transitions in Southern Amazonia
- New Computational Approach to Nonplanar Elastodynamic Ruptures
- North American Snow - Climate Interactions: State and Dynamical Responses to Snow Anomalies
- Petrological relationships among lavas, dikes, and gabbros from IODP Hole 1256D: insight into magma plumbing system beneath the East Pacific Rise
- Preliminary aerosol parameter retrieval from ARCTAS-II using merged RSP and HSRL data
- Probabilistic Projections of Climate Change Impacts on the Agricultural Sector in Bangladesh
- Probabilistic Rainfall Simulation: Structural Analysis for Crop Index Insurance
- Quantifying the role of fire in the carbon cycle around the globe, and its climate sensitivity in equatorial Asia
- Remarkable Opposition Surges on the Satellites of Saturn Revealed by the Cassini Spacecraft
- Satellite Carbon Monoxide Measurements as Top-Down Constraints on Fire Trace Gas Emissions
- Satellite Observations of Tropospheric Ammonia
- Searching for Changes in AMC Characteristics on the EPR Using Comparisons of Reflection Images Obtained in 1985 and 2008
- Spatial Heterogeneity In The Variability Of Tropical Cyclone Climatologies For The Caribbean Basin
- Spring Snow Depth Response to Winter Climate Modes
- Teacher Research Programs: An Effective Form of Professional Development to Increase Student Achievement and Benefit the Economy
- Teleconnection Pathways Linking The Winter Pacific - North American Pattern To North American Spring Snow Depth
- The 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake - Result of Local and Abnormal Mass Imbalances?
- The Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED3) Global Burned Area Data Set
- The Research Library and the E-Science Challenge: New Roles Building on Expanding Responsibilities in Service of the Science Community
- The Role of Condensate Evaporation in Setting Water Vapor, HDO, and H2O18 amounts in a GCM
- The influence of natural climate variability on tropical cyclones
- The ozone hole and climate change
- The role of surface fluxes in tropical intraseasonal oscillations
- Understanding socio-economic impacts of geohazards aided by cyber-enabled systems
- Using Helium Isotopes in marine sediments as tracers of continental inputs, provenance, and accumulation over the last 7Ma
- Variability in the Direct Radiative Forcing of Aerosols From Distinct Source Regions, Seasons and Emissions Sectors
- 10Be dating of Late Holocene glacial landforms (Invited)
- A case study of polarimetric aerosol property retrieval over clouds during the ARCTAS field campaign
- Agricultural production and groundwater depletion under climate variability in India - Results from a regional scale crop modeling approach
- Basin Scale Water Infrastructure Investment Evaluation Considering Climate Risk
- Changes in the Perceived Risk of Climate Change: Evidence from Sudden Climatic Events
- Changes in the Perceived Risk of Climate Change: Evidence from Sudden Climatic Events
- Changes in the Seasonality of Tropical Precipitation in Response to Greenhouse Gases: Local and Remote Forcings
- Climate Change and the Water Vapor Feedback at High Altitudes and Latitudes
- Coupled Hydro-Economic Dynamics of Groundwater Irrigated Agriculture in a Hard Rock Region of India
- Do climate models reproduce observed solar dimming and brightening over China and Japan?
- Drought and the predictability of the October-November rains over Sri Lanka
- Dynamic Risk Quantification and Management: Core needs and strategies for adapting water resources systems to a changing environment (Invited)
- ENSO influences the onset of violent conflicts
- ENSO influences the onset of violent conflicts
- Effects of Insect Defoliation and Land-Use Change on Watershed Carbon Budgets
- Estimation of cloud droplet size distribution parameters from measurements of polarized reflection by the Research Scanning Polarimeter
- Evaluating ice formation processes in tropical anvils using CRM-based simulations of MODIS and POLDER radiance and polarization measurements
- Freeing data through The Polar Information Commons
- From Ice Sheet to Ice Stream: The role and significance of Recovery Lakes C and D
- Gas diffusion through columnar laboratory sea ice: Implications for transport of biogenic gases
- Glacial - interglacial changes of northwest Pacific stratification, inferred from deep and shallow living radiolarians
- Groundwater Depletion and Long term Food Security in India
- Groundwater Depletion, Irreversible Damages and the Energy-Food-Water Nexus: A Case Study from Gujarat, India
- Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II: Results from the Alaminos Canyon 21 Site
- Human-experienced temperature changes exceed global average climate changes for all income groups
- Impacts of Fault Geometry on Fault System Behaviors
- Indian Monsoon Precipitation: spatio-temporal modeling and inferences from daily rainfall data (Invited)
- Influence of humidified aerosol on lidar depolarization observed during SHEBA
- Integrating interannual climate variability forecasts into weather-indexed crop insurance. The case of Malawi, Kenya and Tanzania
- Integrating interannual climate variability forecasts into weather-indexed crop insurance. The case of Malawi, Kenya and Tanzania
- Interaction between Northern hemisphere snow and preceding summer Arctic sea ice
- Low Impact Development (LID) Technologies for Sustainable Water Management: Studies from a Green Roof
- March of the Seasons: A Low-Order Nonlinear Dynamical View
- Multi-Scale homogenization methods for Magma Dynamics
- Nonstationary Scaling of Annual Maximum Floods using Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling and large Scale Climate Information
- On the lack of universality in decaying magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- On to what extent stresses resulting from the earth's surface trigger earthquakes
- Paleomagnetic Evidence That South Central Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia) Has Had No Measurable Tectonic Displacement Since the Early Miocene (18 Ma to Present)
- Precipitation Impacts of a Shrinking Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Remotely sensed spatio-temporal trends of irrigation agriculture in northwestern India
- Stationary Wave Responses to Anomalous North American Snow Cover
- Storm Tracks Changes and Their Impacts in a Warmer Climate
- Surface-active and Light-absorbing Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Material
- Sustainable development: challenges and opportunities for the natural sciences (Invited)
- Teacher Research Programs Participation Improves Student Achievement in Science
- The Different Faces and Common Drivers of Groundwater Depletion in India - Challenges of Measurement, Modeling and Policy
- The MJO in an Aquaplanet General Circulation Model
- The Tropopause Inversion Layer: New Observations, New Theories
- Thermal stress and tropical cyclones affect economic production in Central America and Caribbean
- Translation of Large Scale Climate Information to Regional Hydrologic and Ecologic Decision Making (Invited)
- Transport of fecal-derived microorganisms from latrine ponds to aquifers in Bangladesh
- Using large-eddy simulations of ship tracks to explain trends from satellite retrievals
- Using the multiangle polarimetric measuring capabilities of the 2010 NASA/Glory mission to separate atmospheric scattering contributions from radiances emerging from open oceans in the visible part of the spectrum
- Vegetation community structure in a mixed-canopy dynamic global terrestrial ecosystem model: sensitivity of biosphere-atmosphere exchange to canopy vertical stratification and demography
- When is a natural disaster a development disaster; when is a natural disaster not a disaster?
- Worldwide Diversity and Occurrence of Arsenite Transporter acr3(2) Suggests an Important and Overlooked Pathway
- "How low can it go?" - Scenarios for the future of water tables and groundwater irrigated agriculture in India
- 2010: Why is it flooding everywhere this year? Coincidence or a predictable climate phenomenon, and how can we respond? (Invited)
- 3D Cloud Tomography, Followed by Mean Optical and Microphysical Properties, with Multi-Angle/Multi-Pixel Data
- A Framework for the Development of Multi-scale Regional Climate Information
- An Examination of the Sensitivity of Runoff in the Northeastern US to 20th Century Development
- Assessing Lay Understanding of Common Presentations of Earthquake Hazard Information
- Assessing the Effectiveness of the Cone of Probability as a Visual Means of Communicating Scientific Forecasts
- Assessment of Predictability of Philippine Rice Production with Climate Information
- Assessment of the physical and chemical sustainability of deep, low-arsenic groundwater in the Bengal Basin: Regional- and local-scale considerations (Invited)
- Atmospheric Forcing for the Eastern Mediterranean Transient Event
- Bayesian Non-Stationary Flood Frequency Estimation at Ungauged Basins Using Climate Information and a Scaling Model
- Calibration of δ13C of Sphagnum N-alkanes to Long Term Methane and CO2 Flux Data in Three Microhabitats Within a Cool Temperate Ombrotrophic Bog
- Characterization of the in situ magnetic and lithologic architecture of Hess Deep using near-bottom vector magnetic data
- Climate Change Impacts in the Upper Rio Grande Catchment
- Comparing laboratory column test treatments with field profiles of fecal indicator bacteria and virus from concentrated source areas
- Connections between Antarctic Ozone Depletion and tropospheric Rossby wave breaking and cut-off lows
- Controls on Bacterial Concentrations in Sediment Grab Samples from the Hudson River Estuary
- Could arsenic mitigation lead to increased diarrheal disease in Bangladesh?
- Development and applications of a new Genesis Potential Index
- Distributional Impacts of Large Dams in China
- Does Irrigation Buffer Agriculture from Climatic Variability? - Evidence from India
- Double Tropopause Formation in Idealized Baroclinic Cycles
- Dynamical Downscaling of NASA/GISS ModelE: Continuous, Multi-Year WRF Simulations
- Evaluation of Physically and Empirically Based Models for the Estimation of Green Roof Evapotranspiration
- Evaporative controls on afternoon convection in the NARR dataset and in GFDL models
- Evidence of Bedrock Geology and Sediment Lubrication as Controls on Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Evolution of tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Gradients since the LGM and associated shifts of the marine Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Exploring oceanic source regions and moisture transport of extreme floods over large basins in the contiguous United States
- Factors Influencing Fecal Contamination in Pond of Bangladesh
- Global fire emissions and the contribution of deforestation, savanna, forest, agricultural, and peat fires (1997-2009)
- Groundwater Sustainability Through Optimal Crop Choice in the Indian Punjab
- Implementation of Global Carbon Cycle in GISS ModelE GCM: from Leaf to Planetary Scale
- Influences of the primary organic marine component on sea-spray composition and climate (Invited)
- Integral Length and Time Scales of Velocity, Heat and Mass At and Near a Turbulent Free Surface
- Intercomparison of cloud model simulations of Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer stratus: Process interactions, self-maintenance, and rapid transition between states
- Links Between the Hydrological Cycle and Carbon Cycle Constrained with Stable Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes in an Alaskan Peatland
- Liquid Cloud Responses to Soot
- Lithosphere and asthenosphere structure beneath the Gulf of California from SCOOBA and NARS-Baja surface wave data
- Long-Term Survival of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Estuarine Sediment
- Long-term trends and interannual variability of fires in South America during 2001-2009
- Low-Temperature Carbonation and Hydration of Peridotite
- Multi-scale energy conversion during composite Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Nearshore geophysical investigation of the underwater trace of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault following the 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake
- New York City's Urban Dome: Past and Present CO2 Concentration Patterns from an Urban to Rural Gradient
- Novel Method for Estimating Variations in Salinity and River Discharge in the Hudson Estuary Using Stable Isotopes of Leaf Waxes
- On the Detection of Subglacial Water in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica
- Origin of the F-Layer by ``Snowfall'' in the Earth's Core
- Polar Stratospheric Ozone: a Major Driver of Circulation Changes in the Southern Hemisphere (Invited)
- Projected future changes in tropical summer climate
- Public Health Hotspots Of Exposure To Air Pollution From Biomass Burning In Southeast Asia
- Quantifying the Dimensions of Water Crisis in India: Spatial Water Deficits and Storage Requirements
- Response of Regional Monsoons to Global Warming
- SENSE IT: Student Enabled Network of Sensors for the Environment using Innovative Technology
- Simulating Climate Variability and Change in Central Asia using a layered Non-Homogenious Hidden Markov Model-Auto Regressive Model
- Spatial Modeling of Indian Agriculture, Economic Activity and Population under Climate Change
- State of Climate Change Science: Need for Adaptation and Mitigation (Invited)
- Structure of the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD (Invited)
- Studying and Improving Human Response to Natural Hazards: Lessons from the Virtual Hurricane Lab
- Systematic Relation between Intraseasonal Variability and Mean State Bias in AGCM Simulations
- Teacher Research Experience Programs = Increase in Student Achievement
- Teleconnections in a Warmer Climate: Perspective from the Pliocene
- The Attribution of Tropical Precipitation Change in the 20th Century
- The Matsuno-Gill Model and Equatorial Superrotation
- The Psychology of Climate Change Communication - Insights from the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) (Invited)
- Time Horizon and Social Scale in Communication
- Time-slice last millennium experiments with interactive gas-phase chemistry and aerosols
- Trade-Offs Associated with Soil Carbon Sequestration in ecosystems as Climate Change Mitigation (Invited)
- Tropical Pacific present-day and future sea level changes in a linear, wind-driven model
- Understanding Changes in frequency of extreme rainfall over Central India
- Understanding Political Discourse on Climate Change in U.S. Congressional Hearings (Invited)
- Using NARCCAP results to assess the agricultural impacts of mean climate changes and new behavior of climate extremes in the Southeastern US
- Utility of stochastic decadal simulations in water resource planning (Invited)
- Variability of Sea Ice Meltwater Content and Mean Residence Times of the Freshwater Lens in the `Arctic Switchyard' Region
- Vertical Deformation of Late Quaternary Features Across Port-au-Prince Bay, Haiti
- Will hydrologists learn from the world around them?: Empiricism, models, uncertainty and stationarity (Invited)
- "Developing" Hydrology or Hydromorphology: A modern research agenda that can inform the trenches
- A Small Diameter Rosette for Sampling Ice Covered Waters
- A comparative analysis of evpapotranspiration from urban green spaces in the northeast united states
- A continuum damage mechanics approach to simulation of creep and fracture in ice sheets
- A perspective on SOA generated in aerosol water from glyoxal and methylglyoxal and its impacts on climate-relevant aerosol properties
- A probabilistic-bulk model of shallow convection over land
- Abrupt changes in the supply of Southern Ocean nutrients to the Atlantic across the last deglaciation
- African agricultural subsidy impacts food security, poverty, drought tolerance, and environmental quality
- Almost Nine Years of Tremor Beneath Vancouver Island Monitored With a Two Station Tremor Detector
- Assessing the Potential for an Early Warning System for Drought in Trinidad and Tobago: Understanding Drought Vulnerability and Risk in a Small Island Developing State
- Atmospheric Feedbacks, Aerosol Forcings, and Tropical Precipitation Shifts
- Audit of a Scientific Data Center for Certification as a Trustworthy Digital Repository: A Case Study
- Biogeochemical Reactions in Response to CO2 Leakage in a Test Well in Newark Basin
- Civil Conflicts are Associated with the Global Climate
- Climate Literacy and Adaptation Solutions for Society
- Climate Risk and Production Shocks: Using Index Insurance to Link Climate Science to Policy for Sustainable Development
- Co-location of air capture, sub-ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage and energy production on the Kerguelen plateau
- Combating the Urban Heat Island Effect: Results from a Long-Term Monitoring Study on Urban Green, White, and Black Roofs in New York City
- Communicating Urban Climate Change
- Comparison of present-day regional meteorological fields developed from a downscaled global model to in situ and reanalysis data
- Compressional and shear wave velocity structure of the eastern Grand Banks, Newfoundland, and implications for continental rifting
- Constant Stress Drop Fits Earthquake Surface Slip-Length Data
- Decadal ENSO variability as reflected by Local Lyapunov Exponents
- Defining an Open Source Strategy for NASA
- Delaware River Streamflow Reconstruction using Tree Rings: Exploration of Hierarchical Bayesian Regression
- Disaster, Deprivation and Death: Large but delayed infant mortality in the wake of Filipino tropical cyclones
- Disaster, Deprivation and Death: Large but delayed infant mortality in the wake of Filipino tropical cyclones
- Discovery of the 2011 eruption at Axial Seamount
- Disturbance and decoupling of belowground carbon and nitrogen cycles in a northern temperate forest
- Does global warming cause intensified interannual hydroclimate variability in the Americas?
- Drought, Climate Change and Potential Agricultural Productivity
- Effect of Temperature, Grain Size and Organic Content on Persistence of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Aquatic Sediments
- Environmental Disaster and Economic Change: Do tropical cyclones have permanent effects on economic growth and structure?
- Epoxide-derived organosulfates
- Evaluation of the NASA GISS AR5 SCM/GCM at the ARM SGP Site using Self Organizing Maps
- Exploring African Aridification and Wet/dry Cycles Over the Last 3 MA
- Frequency and intensity of precipitation events as seen by the TRMM Precipitation Radar
- Geologic Control on the Recovery Lakes and Recovery Ice Stream, East Antarctica
- Geophysical Characterization of Fractured-Rock Aquifers for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection in the Northeastern Newark Basin
- Geoscience Education Research: The Role of Collaborations with Education Researchers and Cognitive Scientists
- Global markets and the differential effects of climate and weather on conflict
- Haiti's adaptation practices to natural forces between 1850-2010
- How Will Changes in Moisture with Global Warming Impact Midlatitude Storms: A Study Using Idealized Moist Baroclinic Life Cycles
- Hydrologic variability and the dynamics of West Nile virus transmission
- Impacts of irrigation and urbanization on land-atmosphere coupling in a climate model
- Improving Oil Palm Classification in the Peruvian Amazon by Combining Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data
- Incorporating SST seasonal forecast into drought and fire predictions in western Amazon
- Incorporating Seasonal Forecast of Inflow into Existing Water Resource Management at Ubolratana Dam, Thailand
- Investigating the Seismic Structure of the Atlantic Upper Mantle with Surface Waves
- Low-frequency modulation of large-scale weather regimes and impacts on extreme flooding over the Midwest of the United States
- MJO empirical modeling and improved prediction by "Past Noise Forecasting"
- Melt and Flooding in the Himalayan River Basins
- Metamorphic devolatilization in subduction zones: thermal, dynamic and thermodynamic modeling
- Multi-model estimates of fire emissions and air quality degradation in Southeast Asia
- NASA Climate Adaptation Science Investigators (CASI) Workgroup
- NASA Science in Support of Adaptation: Activities of the Climate Adaptation Science Investigator (CASI) Work Group
- Nutrient Cycling in Piermont Marsh
- Nutrient Cycling in Piermont Marsh
- Partial cloud fraction effects on aerosol retrievals using polarized reflectance observations
- Pre- and Post-Columbian Land Cover Changes and Associated Climate Impacts
- Projected regime shift in arctic feedbacks
- Prototype cross-domain cyberinfrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatories
- Relationship between Tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature variability and southern Indian Ocean tropical cyclones
- Relationship between the interannual variability of satellite-observed fires and sea surface temperature anomalies
- Response of deep ocean carbonate chemistry to carbon reorganization on glacial-interglacial timescales
- Rheological control in subduction zones: slab dynamics, fluid flow and seismic anisotropy
- Sediment impact assessment of check-dam removal strategies on a mountain river in Taiwan
- Simulating and Diagnosing the Dynamics of the Global Monsoon in a Simple Tropical Atmosphere Model
- Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under a Changing Climate at the Foodshed Scale - Preliminary Results from Diverse Cropping Systems
- Spatio-Temporal Non-Stationary Flood Frequency Modeling: Seasonal Peak Floods in Southern Brazil Modeled Using Pre- and Concurrent Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Conditions
- Teacher Research Programs = Increased Student Achievement
- The ENSO-pandemic influenza connection: coincident or causal?
- The Roles of Sphagnum and Cyperaceae in the Methane Cycle of an Ombrotrophic Bog Revealed by the Carbon Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes
- The Topographic Signature of Vegetation Development along a Braided River: Results of a Spatial Analysis of Airborne Lidar Measurements
- The effects of moist convection on the tropospheric response to tropical and subtropical zonally-asymmetric torques
- The geography of mortality from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans
- The historical impact of climate extremes on global agricultural production and trade
- The role of coastal fog in increased viability of marine microbial aerosols
- The water-energy-food-climate-economics nexus: solving hunger and resource scarcity
- Using Relict Landscapes and Cosmogenic 10Be to Constrain Spatial and Temporal Variations in Uplift in Calabria, Southern Italy
- Using Support Vector Machine to Forecast Energy Usage of a Manhattan Skyscraper
- Virtual Water Trade: Revisiting the Assessments to Incorporate Regional Water Stress
- Welfare effects of natural disasters in developing countries: an examination using multi-dimensional socio-economic indicators
- What's the P in PPP?
- Why Don't People Evacuate When Nature Threatens?
- A Multi-sensor Approach to Identify Crop Sensitivity Related to Climate Variability in Central India
- A numerical investigation of crevasse propagation and stability of calving glaciers using nonlocal continuum damage mechanics
- A probabilistic-bulk model of mixed layer and shallow-deep convection
- Adaptation Planning for Climate Change Impacts on Irrigated Agriculture in California
- Air-Sea Methane Flux after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Leak
- Air-mass Origin as a Diagnostic of Climate Change in Tropospheric Transport
- An Imaging System capable of monitoring en-glacial and sub-glacial processes of glaciers, streaming ice and ice margins
- Are severe droughts in western Amazon here to stay?
- Are sustainable water resources possible in northwestern India?
- Assessing the sensitivity of precipitation to surface heat fluxes : the role of the land and the atmosphere
- Atmospheric Rivers and Floods: Diagnosis and Prediction for events in France
- Atmospheric aerosol retrievals with a single view angle, polarimetrically sensitive, multispectral instrument: sensitivity studies
- Belowground adaptation and resilience to drought conditions
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Body-wave Attenuation Imaging Across the Northwestern Margin of the Colorado Plateau
- Carbon cycle sensitivities in modeling the biological pump
- Chaotic evolution of the long-period Milankovitch cycle during the early Mesozoic: independent evidences from the Newark lacustrine sequence (North America) and the pelagic bedded chert sequence (Japan)
- Climate-Induced Disasters in the Livestock Sector in Mongolia: Reconstructions and Dynamical Insights
- Cloud-resolving simulation of convective ensemble during TOGA-COARE using imposed and parameterized large-scale dynamics
- Coherent tremor observed on the Parkfield High-Resolution Seismic Network
- Comparison of Probabilistic Coastal Inundation Maps Based on Historical Storms and Statistically Modeled Storm Ensemble
- Creating Near-Term Climate Scenarios for AgMIP
- Dams and Intergovernmental Transfers
- Developing a System of National Climate Assessment Indicators to Track Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Preparedness
- Development after Disaster: Multidecadal Impacts of Tropical Cyclones upon Long-run Economic Growth
- Distribution of scientific raw data of human-caused earthquakes
- Droughts in the US: Modeling and Forecasting for Agriculture-Water Management and Adaptation
- Dynamics of Great Basin Crust-Mantle Coupling Through Combined Analysis and Modeling of EarthScope Seismic, Geodetic, and Geologic Data
- ENSO 'flavors' in the MidHolocene: Implications for interpreting proxies
- Evaluation of Cloud Fraction in Seven SCMs against the ARM Observation at the SGP Site
- Evapotranspiration from Urban Green Spaces in the Northeast United States
- Examining vertical patterns in Arctic tundra shrub canopies: Implications for carbon cycling in a changing environment
- Extreme global floods and their correlation network with climate precursors
- Hydrological and Vegetation Variability from Mediterranean Leaf Wax Biomarkers Before and After the Rise of East African C4 Grasslands
- Hydrology Simulations on Basalt Soil for the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO)
- Hydrometeorological Extremes and Food Security: Lessons from the 2011 and 2012 harvests in the United States
- Incremental Heating 40Ar/39Ar Analyses of Mono Basin Tephra
- Influence of daily versus monthly fire emissions on atmospheric model applications in the tropics
- Interdependence of climate, soil, and vegetation as constrained by the Budyko curve
- Interpretation of tropospheric ozone variability in data with different vertical and temporal resolution
- K/Ar Dating of Fine Grained Sediments Near Prydz Bay, Antarctica: East Antarctic Ice Sheet Behavior During the Middle-Miocene Climate Transition
- Latest Pleistocene to Holocene Evolution of the Baie de Port au Prince, Haiti
- MJO and Kelvin Waves in Coherence Spectra of Moist Static Energy and Temperature and Their Sources
- Machine Learning Methods for the Understanding and Prediction of Climate Systems: Tropical Pacific Ocean Thermocline and ENSO events
- Metamorphic dehydration reactions control the location of intermediate-depth seismicity
- Modeling agricultural commodity prices and volatility in response to anticipated climate change
- Multi-decadal Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Weather Station Data using a New Approach
- Multivariate Climate-Weather Forecasting System: An Integrated Approach for Mitigating Agricultural Risks in India
- No Smoke Without Fire: the hidden costs of early life exposure to landscape fire emissions in Indonesia
- Observations Indicate Regional and Local Increases in Storm Intensity in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA, Between 1890 and 2010
- Observing diagenesis on the Oregon Margin through a Paleomagnetic lens
- Orbital-scale changes in the global silicate weathering intensity: the Mesozoic bedded chert sequence in Japan as its potential measure
- Organic Mass to Organic Carbon ratio in Atmospheric Aerosols: Observations and Global Simulations
- Predicting the Mineral Composition of Dust Aerosols
- Prediction, Coupling, and Causation
- Projections of zonal and meridional temperature gradients in CMIP5 models
- Propagating vs. Non-propagating MJO
- Quantifying Climate Feedbacks in High Elevation Regions
- Reactive Tracer Techniques to Quantitatively Monitor Carbon Dioxide Storage in Geologic Formations
- Reconciling Glyoxal Observations Over Oceans with Model Simulations: A 3D sensitivity study
- Reconstructing past climate variability in the Iberian Peninsula using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in tree rings
- Recurrence of hyperpycnal flow on an orogenic, subtropical island
- Regional Feedbacks Between the Ocean and the Atmosphere in the North Atlantic
- Risky Business: Development, Communication and Use of Hydroclimatic Forecasts
- Robust Diagnostics of Stratosphere-Troposphere-Exchange
- Sampling Analysis of Aerosol Retrievals by Single-track Spaceborne Instrument for Climate Research
- Sea Level Rise, Rainfall and Coastal Flooding in Northeastern U.S. Cities Vivien Gornitz, Radley Horton, Philip Orton, Nickitas Georgas, Alan Blumberg, and Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Sea surface temperatures and terrestrial water storage provide early warning information about fire season severity in the Amazon
- Seeing the forest for the streams: a multiscale analysis of land use change and the integrity of freshwater ecosystems in the southeastern Amazon
- Shining India?: Assessing and addressing the risks from an unsustainable trajectory of climate, water, food, energy and income inequity
- Socio-economic, Biophysical, and Perceptional Factors Associated with Agricultural Adaptation of Smallholder Farmers in Gujarat, Northwest India
- Southern hemisphere cloudiness: models vs. observations in different dynamical conditions
- Stratospheric mean residence time and mean age on the tropopause: Connections and implications for observational constraints
- Teleconnections, Midlatitude Cyclones and Aegean Sea Turbulent Heat Flux Variability on Daily Through Decadal Time Scales
- The Climate Services Partnership: Linking Efforts to Improve Climate Services Worldwide
- The Comparative Influence of Aerosol Radiative Forcing at the Surface and Top of Atmosphere Upon the Hydrologic Cycle.
- The Frequency and Fate of Understory Forest Fires in Amazonia
- The Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED4) Burned Area Data Set
- The MJO-Kelvin wave transition
- The Psychology of Hazard Risk Perception
- The Response of the Tropospheric Circulation to Water Vapor-Like Forcings in the Stratosphere
- The effect of seasonal SST changes on monsoon timing and strength
- The role of fire in the pan-tropical carbon budget
- Thermodynamical constraints on the meridional overturning circulation in warming climates
- Tracking deforestation, tree plantation expansion, and forest regrowth in a Costa Rican biological corridor using a Landsat time series
- Understanding the impact of climate variability on hydrological regimes: the value of regional approaches.
- Variability of Relative Humidity Reveals and Estimates Land Surface Controls on Evapotranspiration
- Video Image Analysis of Turbulent Buoyant Jets Using a Novel Laboratory Apparatus
- Warm frontal cloud response to cloud-nucleating aerosol concentrations
- Weather and Climatic Drivers of Extreme Flooding Events over the Midwest of the United States
- What controls boron incorporation into foraminiferal calcite?
- 40Ar/39Ar and U-series ages of a Late Pleistocene geomagnetic excursion in Western North America: The Halina Pali event in Western North America?
- A Nonparametric Simulator for Multivariate Random Variables with Differing Marginal Densities and Non-linear Dependence with Hydroclimatic Applications
- A Tool for Sharing Empirical Models of Climate Impacts
- A remote sensing assessment of the effectiveness of smallholder irrigation to buffer against climate shocks across India
- Adaptable Web Modules to Stimulate Active Learning in Engineering Hydrology using Data and Model Simulations of Three Regional Hydrologic Systems
- Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project: Phase I Activities by a Global Community of Science (Invited)
- Anticipating Future Sea Level Rise and Coastal Storms in New York City (Invited)
- Arctic spring ozone reduction associated with projected sea ice loss
- Assessment of Agricultural Water Management in Punjab, India using Bayesian Methods
- Averting a Disaster with Groundwater Depletion in India: The General Case of Water Management Principles and Development (Invited)
- Can natural variability explain observed Antarctic sea ice trends? New modeling evidence from CMIP5
- Capturing Vegetation Diversity in the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Carbon Storage, Leaf Wax Abundances, D/H ratios, and Moss Diversity Linked to Increased Moisture in Early Holocene Arctic Alaska Records
- Carbonate chemistry of intermediate waters in the Southwest Pacific Ocean since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Changing Climate Science Communication, One Month at a Time
- Characterizing uncertainty in CMIP5 projections of local sea level change
- Climate Change and Political Instability in Syria
- Constraining sub-grid GCM processes with retrievals of water isotopic composition from Aura TES
- Continental radiative-convective equilibrium experiments in a single column model (LMDZ5B GCM)
- Coordination of Individual and Organizational Planning for Natural Hazards (Invited)
- Delayed climate change in the Southern Hemisphere induced by stratospheric ozone recovery, as projected by the CMIP5 models (Invited)
- Detailed Sea Level Record from Barbados Spanning 13,000 to 11,000 Years Before Present
- Determining lava rheology using video velocimetry and flow models (Invited)
- Deterministic Models of Aftershocks
- Development of an early warning system for extreme rainfall, surface inundation, and malaria in East Africa
- Diagnostics of Interannual-to-Interdecadal Climate and Streamflow Variability: Applications to Reservoir Management over NW India
- Distinguishing the tropospheric and stratospheric pathways of El Niño-Southern Oscillation teleconnections
- Does Historical Urban Density Explain the Variation in Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions Across U.S. Cities?
- Drought - A Global Assessment
- Emergent Predictability in the Northern Hemisphere Associated with Arctic Sea Ice Anomalies
- Engaging Systems Understanding through Games (Invited)
- Equator-to-Pole and Ocean-Land Temperature Gradients in CMIP5 models and their Relation to Midlatitude Atmospheric Circulation
- Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Seven SCMs under Updraft and Downdraft Regimes
- Evaluation of Long-term Agroecosystem Management on Changes in Subsurface vs. Surface Soil Carbon Fractions and Dynamics
- Experiences in the New York Academy of Sciences STEM Mentoring Program (Invited)
- Exploring Atmospheric Aqueous Chemistry (and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation) through OH Radical Oxidation Experiments, Droplet Evaporation and Chemical Modeling
- Farmer responses to multiple stresses in the face of global change: Assessing five case studies to enhance adaptation
- From Hydroclimatic Prediction to Negotiated and Risk Managed Water Allocation and Reservoir Operation (Invited)
- Future fire emissions associated with projected land use change in Indonesia
- Global Agriculture Yields and Conflict under Future Climate
- How Much Surface Deformation Results from Slab Processes Rather than Surface Plate Tectonics?
- Imaging Rayleigh wave attenuation and phase velocity in the western and central United States
- Impact of Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Interactions on Surface Temperature Distribution
- Impacts of Changing Climate on Agricultural Variability: Implications for Smallholder Farmers in India
- Improving Local and Regional Flood Quantile Estimates Using a Hierarchical Bayesian GEV Model
- Improving our understanding of clouds in the Earth's climate using polarimetry (Invited)
- Increasing Susceptibility of the Global Network of Food Trade to Climate Disturbances
- Intensification of tropical agriculture as seen by satellite
- Intercomparison Project on Parameterizations of Large-Scale Dynamics for Simulations of Tropical Convection
- Late-Quaternary Molecular Isotopic Paleohydrology of Lake Junin, Peru
- Long-term Health and Socioeconomic Impacts of Landscape Fire Emissions in Indonesia
- Love wave phase velocity in the Atlantic upper mantle
- Meeting the Next Generation Science Standards Through "Rediscovered" Climate Model Experiments
- Methods to Map Cropping Intensity Using MODIS Data (Invited)
- Minimizing Irreversible Impacts of Human-Made Climate Change (Invited)
- Modeling Winter Rainfall in Northwest India using a Hidden Markov Model: Understanding Occurrence of Different States and their Dynamical Connections
- Moist static energy and the MJO (Invited)
- Moving from Earth to Mars
- Multi-angle, multi-spectral, photo-polarimetric radiance observed from space in the UV: sensitivities to natural variations in scattering and absorption properties of open oceans
- Multi-decadal Estimation of Trends in Evapotranspiration from Weather Station Data using a New Approach
- Multi-time scale Climate Informed Stochastic Hybrid Simulation-Optimization Model (McISH model) for Multi-Purpose Reservoir System
- Multi-year Cluster Analyses of CALIPSO Aerosol Layer Data
- Multivariate Bayesian Models of Extreme Rainfall
- North American Megadroughts in PMIP3 Last-Millennium Model Simulations
- Onshore Winds and Coastal Fog Enhance Bacterial Connections Between Water and Air In the Coastal Environment (Invited)
- Periodicities, Trends and Abrupt Changes in the Vegetation Phenology of South Asia (Invited)
- Plant Wax Biomarkers in Fluvial-Lacustrine Sediments from the Omo-Turkana and Awash Basins in Eastern Africa
- Polarimetric Remote Sensing Of Aerosols and Cirrus Clouds Over Land
- Projecting Changes in S. Florida Rainfall for the 21st century: Scenarios, Downscaling and Analysis
- Propagation mechanism of the MJO in the free simulation and in the hindcasts
- Providing rapid climate risk assessments to support cities (Invited)
- Quantification of the Energy Dissipated by Alfven Waves in a Polar Coronal Hole
- Quantifying and Reducing Biases in Satellite Derived Ice Cloud Optical Thickness and Ice Effective Diameter by Simultaneous Retrievals of Ice Asymmetry Parameter
- Reconstruction of global atmospheric dust concentrations using dust flux measurements in paleoclimatic archives and dust model variables
- Redefining yield gaps at various spatial scales
- Reducing spread in climate model projections of a September ice-free Arctic
- Remote sensing of grazing effects on vegetation in northern Senegal using MODIS time series
- Research Priorities on Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation: Responding to the Climate Change Challenge
- Research Scanning Polarimeter Measurements of Snow Surfaces during Podex
- Retrievals of cloud microphysical properties from the Research Scanning Polarimeter measurements made during PODEX field campaign
- Sahel rainfall variability as simulated by the CAM4 model and its associated atmospheric dynamics
- Scaling up debris-flow experiments on a centrifuge
- Seamless precipitation prediction skill in the tropics and extratropics from a global model
- Seasonality and Sensitivity of Land-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange
- Sensitivity of downward longwave surface radiation to humidity and clouds at a high elevation site
- Southern Hemisphere Cloudiness In Extratropical Cyclones: An Observational Evaluation Of ERA-interim And MERRA
- Statistical aspects and risks of human-caused earthquakes
- Studying Regional Wave Source Time Functions Using the Empirical Green's Function Method: Application to Central Asia
- Subduction-derived solute-rich fluid contributions to lavas of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Survival strategies in semi-arid climate for isohydric and anisohydric species
- The 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake - a human-caused event
- The Barbados Sea Level Record
- The Budyko and complementary relationships in the large-scale coupled land-atmosphere system
- The Electrical Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath 70Ma Pacific Seafloor Constrained by Seafloor Magnetotelluric Data
- The Problem with Probability: Why rare hazards feel even rarer
- The QBO, its Tropospheric/stratospheric Influence, and its Change with Climate in the GISS Global Climate/Middle Atmosphere Models
- The Requirement to Rebuild U.S. Fish Stocks: Is it Working?
- The Spatial Scaling of Global Rainfall Extremes
- The Surface Impacts of Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Variability
- The effect of greenhouse-gas-induced changes in SST on the annual cycle of of zonal-mean, tropical precipitation
- The effect of interactive gas-phase chemistry and aerosols on climate simulations over the last millennium
- The influence of atmospheric dynamics and climate modes on mean and extreme values of column ozone over the United States
- The influence of cross-sectional channel geometry on rheology and flux estimates for active lava flows
- Toward a unified stochastic representation of dry, shallow and deep convection
- Using ethnographic, landscape history and climate data to identify smallholder adaptation strategies to tidal regime changes in the Amazon Estuary
- What Drives Glacial Cycles?
- What do N isotopes tell us about the biogeochemistry of natural gradients? (Invited)
- What is the right way to talk about extreme events?
- Will the future atmospheric circulation favor the landfall of Sandy-like superstorms? (Invited)
- a New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
- a Study of Risk Preferences and Perceptions of Weather Variability of Smallholder Subsistence Farmers in Malawi
- 3D Mapping of Glacially-Sculpted Bedrock in Central Park
- A Bayesian Hierarchical framework for identifying regional hydroclimate trends or climate effects from continental or global data
- A Geospatial Analysis of Stormwater Runoff and Capture for Enhanced Groundwater Recharge
- A Multi-Institutional Big Data Collaboration to Estimate Long Term Terrestrial Net Carbon Uptake from Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling
- A Web Module to Teach Hydrology Using Problem Based Learning in the Context of Designing a Flood Detention Basin
- A closer look at boundary layer inversion in large-eddy simulations and bulk models
- A nonlocal multiscale discrete-continuum digital rock physics model at pendular regime
- Adapting Research Agendas and Observing Programs for Responding to Arctic Change
- Age depth model construction of the upper section of ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project based on the high-resolution <SUP>14</SUP>C dating
- Air Mass Origin in the Arctic and its Response to Future Warming
- Axial Magma System Geometry beneath a Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge: Insight from Three-Dimensional Seismic Reflection Imaging on the East Pacific Rise 9º42' to 9º57'N
- Bedrock erosion by sliding wear in channelized granular flow
- Broadband analysis of landslides seismic signal : example of the Oso-Steelhead landslide and other recent events
- Buzzcut or Fossil? Exploring the Origin of Perched Low-Relief Landscapes in the Tropics
- CMIP5 projections of Arctic amplification, of the North American/North Atlantic circulation, and of their relationship
- Can the annual flood control volume at Three Gorges Dam be predicted to size a variable flood control pool?
- Cod Collapse and the Climate in the North Atlantic
- Controls of climate, topography, vegetation and lithology on drainage density extracted from high resolution topography
- Data Assimilation on a Quantum Annealing Computer: Feasibility and Scalability
- Detailed Flood Modeling and Hazard Assessment from Storm Tides, Rainfall and Sea Level Rise
- Determining Effects of Diagenesis on Geochemical Dating of Plio-Pleistocene Shallow Marine Fauna
- Effect of Surface Fluxes versus Radiative Cooling on Tropical Deep Convection
- Enhancing University Courses and Field Schools through Cross-cultural Exchange: Joint US-Bangladeshi Trips to the Ganges-Brahmaputra and Mississippi Deltas
- Estimating the limits of adaptation from historical behaviour: Insights from the American Climate Prospectus
- Evaluating the Respective Impact of the Radiative Forcing and Fertilization Response of Vegetation to a Carbon Dioxide Enriched Atmosphere during Severe Heatwaves in Western Europe
- Evidence for Wave Heating of the Quiet Corona
- Extreme Rainfall and Flood Events for the Hudson River Induced by Tropical Cyclones: a Statistical Forecast Model
- Fostering Creativity through Collaboration: Polar Learning and Responding Climate Change Education Partnership
- Freshwater Variability between Ellesmere Island and the North Pole Measured during the Switchyard Project
- FutureCoast: "Listen to your futures"
- Global carbon management using air capture and geosequestration at remote locations
- Human drivers of variability in the atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> growth rate
- Idealized Simulations of Precipitation Regimes over Small Tropical Islands
- Improved Water and Energy Management Utilizing Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimatic Forecasts
- Irrigation as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change: The Relative Influence of Groundwater and Canal Irrigation on Winter Crop Production and its Sensitivity to Weather Variability in India
- Irrigation, Climate, and Groundwater Depletion in Agricultural Regions of the US
- Lake Level Changes in the Mono Basin During the Last Deglacial Period
- Linkages between Southern Ocean Cloud-Radiative Processes and the Large-Scale Southern Hemisphere Circulation, and Their Implications for Climate Model Projections
- Local Sources for the "Megadust" Events at the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- Local coupling (LoCo) vs. large-scale coupled (LsCo) land-atmosphere interactions in idealized experiments
- Low order climate models as a tool for cross-disciplinary collaboration
- Managing U.S. climate risk through mitigation: Insights from the American Climate Prospectus
- Mechanism Study of Carbon Dioxide Capture from Ambient Air by Hydration Energy Variation
- Midlatitude Cyclone and North Atlantic Surface Flux Variability and Trends
- Mitigation of hurricane potential intensity by the Montreal Protocol
- Modeling floods in large river basins: Model resolution and storm patterns
- Modeling of GPS velocities across the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta - Burma Arc oblique subduction system
- Moist Static Energy as an Indicator of South Asian Summer Monsoon Dynamics
- Nitrous Oxide: A Greenhouse Gas That is Also an Ozone Layer Depleting Gas
- Peridotite vs pyroxenite source lithologies of primordial helium in the Iceland and Hawaiian plumes
- Polarimetric Retrievals of Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations
- Predicting Distribution and Inter-Annual Variability of Tropical Cyclone Intensity from a Stochastic, Multiple-Linear Regression Model
- Putting climate impact estimates to work: the empirical approach of the American Climate Prospectus
- Radial Anisotropy beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift and Afar Depression
- Recent Patterns of Antarctic Surface Air Temperature Trends in the Context of Natural Variability, as Simulated by the CMIP5 Models
- Risky Business and the American Climate Prospectus: Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States"
- Science-based risk assessments for rare events in a changing climate
- Securing the Future of Water, Energy and Food: Can solutions for the currently stressed countries provide the direction for ensuring global water sustainability and food security in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century?
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of Subduction Bending-Related Faults at Cascadia
- Shifting runoff from the Negev to the Mediterranean during sapropel S5 in the Dead Sea watershed
- Simulations of cloud-radiation interaction with imposed largescale dynamics from the DYNAMO northern sounding array
- Singapore Haze in June 2013: Consequences of Land-Use Change, Fires, and Anomalous Meteorology for Air Quality in Equatorial Asia
- Soil Moisture Retrieval from Active/Passive Microwave Observation Synergy Using a Neural Network Approach
- Southern Hemisphere climate trends skewed by coarse temporal resolution of specified stratospheric ozone
- Spatiotemporal Structure of Tropical Moisture Exports and their Precursors associated with High Precipitation induced Floods over the Continental United States
- Streamflow forecasts on seasonal and interannual time scales for reservoir management
- THE Antarctic Atmospheric Energy Budget: Observations and Model Simulations
- The American Climate Prospectus: a risk-centered analysis of the economic impacts of climate change
- The Budyko and complementary relationships in an idealized model of large-scale land-atmosphere coupling
- The Impact of Land Use Change and Carbon Fertilization on Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- The Impact of the Ozone Hole on the Salinity of the Southern Ocean
- The Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE) on the yet-to-be-named Mars 2020 Lander
- The Modification of a Thermally Induced Mesoscale Circulation By Deep Moist Convection
- The Transpolar Drift in the Central Arctic Ocean as Measured by AON Observations
- The Water Crisis in Sao Paulo City: Drought and its Climate Connections
- The petrogenesis of ultramafic rocks in the >3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt, SW Greenland
- Tracer ages along a section between Ellesmere Island and the North Pole: Implications for circulation and mean residence times of the upper water colum
- Unsupervised Classification of Mercury's Surface Spectral and Chemical Characteristics
- Using Remote Sensing to Understand Climate Variability
- Using the CESM1-CAM5 Large Ensemble to study the predictability of midlatitude atmospheric dynamics
- Why Does Exposure to Arsenic from Drinking Groundwater in Asian Megadeltas Continue to be High?
- 130 kyr of Dust Fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific: Implications for ITCZ movement and intensity
- A future Demand Side Management (DSM) opportunity for utility as variable renewable penetrate scale up using agriculture.
- A long-term context (931-2005 C.E.) for rapid warming over central Asia
- Abrupt Late Holocene Shift in Atmospheric Circulation Recorded by Mineral Dust in the Siple Dome Ice Core, Antarctica
- Advances in remote sensing for vegetation dynamics and agricultural management
- Advancing the Potential of Citizen Science for Urban Water Quality Monitoring: Exploring Research Design and Methodology in New York City
- Characterizing tradeoffs between water and food under different climate regimes across the United States
- Climate Risk Management Strategy in the Tropical Low to Medium Income Countries
- Coupled Effects of Climatic and Socio-economic Factors on Winter Cropping in India
- Crustal Structure in Northern Malawi and Southern Tanzania surrounding Lake Malawi and the Rungwe Volcanic Province
- Dead Sea Water Sources during Periods of Extreme Aridity: Insights from U Isotopes
- Detecting tree mass changes using accelerometers
- Developing a global mixed-canopy, height-variable vegetation structure dataset for estimating global vegetation albedo and biomass in the NASA Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model and GISS GCM
- Direct Radiative Effect of Intense Dust Outbreaks in the Mediterranean
- Effects of Volcanic Eruptions on Climate in Inner Asia from 600 BCE to 2015 CE
- Erosion by sliding wear in granular flows: Experiments with realistic contact forces
- Extension and magmatism across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment
- Glacial-Age Dust Provenance in West Antarctica
- Granular flow in a rotating drum: Experiments and theory
- Harnessing Potential Evaporation as a Renewable Energy Resource With Water-Saving Benefits
- Has Natural Variability Masked the Expected Increase in Antarctic Surface Mass Balance with Global Warming?
- Hurricane Sandy: Caught in the eye of the storm and a city's adaptation response
- HydroViz: A Web-based Climate Teleconnection Module for Undergraduate and Graduate Water Engineering Students
- Immersion in a Hudson Valley Tidal Marsh and Climate Research Community - Lamont-Doherty's Secondary School Field Research Program
- Impacts of Drought Legacies on Tree Demography and Successional Trajectories of Tropical Forests
- Impacts of Landscape Context on Patterns of Wind Downfall Damage in a Fragmented Amazonian Landscape
- Lamont-Doherty's Secondary School Field Research Program: Using Goal-Oriented Applied Research as a Means of Building Comprehensive and Integrated Scientific Understanding
- Modeling Plasmas with a Kappa Electron Energy Distribution
- Modeling the MJO rain rates using parameterized large scale dynamics: vertical structure, radiation, and horizontal advection of dry air
- Moisture Transport and Extreme Precipitation in Mid-latitudes
- Oil Palm expansion over Southeast Asia: land use change and air quality
- Parameterization of large-scale dynamics for convection studies: Recent developments and new extensions.
- Radiative Response to Poleward Storm Cloud Anomalies from ISCCP Retrievals
- Rayleigh-wave imaging of upper-mantle shear velocities beneath the Malawi Rift; Preliminary results from the SEGMeNT experiment
- Real-time forecasts of dengue epidemics
- Remote Sensing of Cloud Layer Heights using the Research Scanning Polarimeter
- Revisiting the potential of melt pond fraction as a predictor for the seasonal Arctic sea ice extent minimum
- Sea Level History in 3D: Early results of an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsites
- Sea level history in 3D: Data acquisition and processing for an ultra-high resolution MCS survey across IODP Expedition 313 drillsite
- Seafloor surface processes and subsurface paleo-channel unconformities mapped using multi-channel seismic and multi-beam sonar data from the Galicia 3D seismic experiment.
- Seismic velocity structure of the sediment seaward of Cascadia Subduction Zone deformation front
- Simulating malaria transmission in the current and future climate of West Africa
- Spatial patterns of Antarctic surface temperature trends in the context of natural variability: Lessons from the CMIP5 Models
- Susceptibility of South Korea to hydrologic extremes affecting the global food system
- The Importance of Zonal Asymmetry in the Southern Hemisphere Circulation
- The Northern Extent of the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Belt since the Last Glacial Maximum Tracked via Sediment Provenance
- The Role of Anthropogenic Aerosol in Atmospheric Circulation Changes
- The Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3-2), and the UCCRN Hubs
- The impact of stratospheric ozone depletion on the surface energy budget of Antarctica
- Triritum/He-3 dating of groundwater in the United States: general features and specific applications
- Troposphere-Stratosphere Dynamical Coupling in the Southern High Latitudes and its Linkage to the Amundsen Sea
- Using Bayesian methods to predict climate impacts on groundwater availability and agricultural production in Punjab, India
- Vulnerability and resilience to droughts in South-West USA: carbon allocation and impact on wood and evaporative anatomy
- Water cycle dynamic increases resilience of vegetation under higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
- White Arctic vs. Blue Arctic: Making Choices
- a Perspective on Sustainability and Resilience in Interdependent Water-Energy Systems
- "Participatory Cli-Fi": Crowdsourcing Voicemails from the Future to Spark Engagement and Discern Perceptions of Climate Change
- <p>Coupled social and ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification in Costa Rica and the future of biodiversity conservation in tropical agricultural regions
- A Gradient of Nutrient Enrichment Reveals Differential Impacts of Fertilization on Foliar Traits, Plant Diversity, and Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in Arctic Tundra
- A Road Map for America's Water for the Next 20 Years
- A discontinuous finite element approach to cracking in coupled poro-elastic fluid flow models
- A unified variational eigen-deformation model for simulating compaction band and fracture propagation in fluid-infiltrating porous media
- Agricultural Groundwater Demands in the Conterminous United States
- An Intercomparison of Research Scanning Polarimeter Cloud Droplet Number Concentrations with Aerosol Properties over the Atlantic Ocean
- Bias correction in SMAP soil moisture assimilation using a neural network approach
- Climate change and the frequency of simultaneous extreme heat events
- Constraints on radial anisotropy in the central Pacific upper mantle from the NoMelt OBS array
- Development and Application of Sr/Ca-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Sea Surface Temperature calibrations for Last Glacial Maximum-Aged Isopora corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- Early Warning and Early Action during the 2015-16 El Nino Event
- Estimating Monotonic and Cyclic Trends of Extreme Rainfall over the Northeast of United States Using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression
- European and Mediterranean hydroclimate response to tropical volcanic forcing over the past millennium
- Fluid-induced Rock Transformation Modeled via a Two-way Coupled Hydromechanical DEM-network Model
- Global and Country-Level Fragility to Major Disruptions in Crop Production
- Global-Local Interactions Modulate Tropical Moisture Exports to the Ohio River Basin
- Heterogeneous Sensitivity of Tropical Precipitation Extremes during Growth and Mature Phases of Atmospheric Warming
- Improving predictions of carbon fluxes in the tropics undre climatic changes using ED2
- Monitoring stress-related mass variations in Amazon trees using accelerometers
- Neural Network Based Retrieval of Root Zone Soil Moisture using Synergy of L- and X-Band Remotely Sensed Observations
- Paleoclimatology Supports Physics: Our Energy Choices Will Have Large and Long-Lasting Consequences for Climate and Ecosystems
- Phase field modeling of crack propagations in fluid-saturated porous media with anisotropic surface energy
- Quantifying the Density Structure of the Solar Corona
- Remote-sensing Estimates of Evapotranspiration, its partitioning and Gross Primary Productivity using Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Vegetation Optical Depth (148145)
- Resolving urban-rural variations in air quality over Northern India with a high-resolution emissions inventory
- Retrievals of Cloud Droplet Size from the Research Scanning Polarimeter Data: Validation Using in Situ Measurements
- Sediment consolidation at the Cascadia margin deformation front and its impact on megathrust slip behavior
- Seismic reflection imaging of the Juan de Fuca plate from ridge to trench: new constraints on the distribution of faulting and evolution of the crust prior to subduction
- Severe Drought Constrains Seedling and Sapling Growth in a Puerto Rican Tropical Rainforest
- Space-time characteristics and statistical predictability of extreme daily precipitation events in the Ohio River Basin
- Student-Centered Modules to Support Active Learning in Hydrology: Development Experiences and Users' Perspectives
- Tectonic and climatic controls on seafloor sedimentary processes from analysis of multi-beam sonar and multi-channel seismic data collected during the Galicia 3D seismic experiment.
- Test of Taylor's Hypothesis with Distributed Temperature
- The 2015 Oklahoma extreme precipitation: attribution of climate change
- The 2015-16 El Nino - Manifestation and US Impacts
- The air quality and health co-benefits of alternative post-2020 pathways for achieving peak carbon targets in Jiangsu, China
- The vertical structure of convectively-driven cloud microphysics and its dependency on atmospheric conditions: An investigation through observations and modeling
- Topography and traits modulate drought effects on tree growth in a tropical second-growth forest
- VIS and NIR land surface albedo sensitivity of the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model to forcing leaf area index
- What Are the Best Fingerprints for Detecting Anthropogenic Aerosol Cooling?
- A Global Climatology of Extratropical Transition
- A Strategy for a Parametric Flood Insurance Using Proxies
- A moist entropy budget view of South Asian summer monsoon onset
- A multi-sensor burned area algorithm for crop residue burning in northwestern India: validation and sources of error
- A multidimensional approach to food production decision making
- Agricultural response functions to changes in carbon, temperature, and water based on the C3MP data set
- Application of Deep Learning and Supervised Learning Methods to Recognize Nonlinear Hidden Pattern in Water Stress Levels from Spatiotemporal Datasets across Rural and Urban US Counties
- Assessing Risks of Mine Tailing Dam Failures
- Assessing the adequacy of water storage infrastructure capacity under hydroclimatic variability and water demands in the United States
- Audio-based, unsupervised machine learning reveals cyclic changes in earthquake mechanisms in the Geysers geothermal field, California
- BN-FLEMOps pluvial - A probabilistic multi-variable loss estimation model for pluvial floods
- Beneficial impacts of an international grain reserve on global food security
- Bicoherence Analysis of Electrostatic Interchange Mode Coupling in a Turbulent Laboratory Magnetosphere
- Big Data and Heath Impacts of Drinking Water Quality Violation
- Black Carbon and Precipitation: An Energetics Perspective
- Can Canals Effectively Replace Groundwater Irrigation in Over-exploited Regions in India?
- Causes and Model Skill of the Persistent Intense Rainfall and Flooding in Paraguay during the Austral Summer 2015-2016
- Century and Millennial-scale Changes in the Western Equatorial Pacific Thermocline in Relationship to Higher Latitude Processes
- Characterization of Fractures in the Chicxulub Peak Ring: Preliminary Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Climate Classification is an Important Factor in Assessing Hospital Performance Metrics
- Climate-informed flood frequency analysis based on Bayesian theory and teleconnection for the Three Gorges Dam (TGD)
- Community Response to Impaired Drinking Water Quality: Evidence from Bottled Water Sales
- Computational thermo-hydro-mechanics for freezing and thawing multiphase geological media in the finite deformation range
- Consequences of land use cover change and precipitation regimes on water quality in a tropical landscape: the case of São Paulo, Brazil
- Constraints on the Crustal Structure of the Malawi Rift from Far Offset Lacustrine Refraction Data
- Contrasting Arctic and Antarctic atmospheric responses to future sea-ice loss
- Convection in Extratropical Cyclones: Analysis of GPM, NexRAD, GCMs and Re-Analysis
- Cost-Effective, Insitu Field Measurements for Determining the Water Retention Quantification onBehavior of Individual Right-of-Way Bioswales
- Could the Recent Zika Epidemic Have Been Predicted?
- Coupled retrieval of water cloud and above-cloud aerosol properties using the Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI)
- Coupled social and ecological outcomes of land use change and agricultural intensification in Costa Rica and the future of biodiversity conservation in tropical agricultural regions.
- Coupling between the continental carbon and water cycles
- Deriving Cloud Droplet Number Concentration from Combined Airborne Lidar and Polarimeter Measurements from the NAAMES Mission
- Designing Financial Instruments for Rapid Flood Response Using Remote Sensed and Archival Hazard and Exposure Information
- Designing and operating infrastructure for nonstationary flood risk management
- Development of piggy-back basins in the Sub-Himalaya: structure of the Triyuga Valley in eastern Nepal from seismic reflection profiles
- Do detailed simulations with size-resolved microphysics reproduce basic features of observed cirrus ice size distributions?
- Dynamics and Thermodynamics of weather extremes: a dynamical systems approach
- ENSO Dynamics and Trends, AN Alternate View
- Eavesdropping on the Arctic: Automated Bioacoustics Promise to Untangle Climate-Induced Shifts in Songbird Migration
- Effect of land cover, stream discharge, and precipitation on water quality in Puerto Rico
- Electron Impact Multiple Ionization Cross Sections for Solar Physics
- Enhancing Groundwater Cost Estimation with the Interpolation of Water Tables across the United States
- Environmentally-driven ensemble forecasts of dengue fever
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Estimating the Global Agricultural Impact of Solar Radiation Management using Volcanic Eruptions as Natural Experiments
- Estimation of Sector-Resolved Effects of Dust and Black Carbon Emissions on Water Resources in the Himalaya, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush Mountains
- Estimation of evaporation from equilibrium diurnal boundary layer humidity
- Evidence of a low-latitude glacial buzzsaw: Progressive hypsometry reveals height-limiting glacial erosion in tropical mountain belts
- Evolution of size-specific foraminiferal assemblages and the consequences for radiocarbon dating in bioturbated sediment
- Examining the utility of coral Ba/Ca as a proxy for river discharge and hydroclimate variability at Coiba Island, Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá
- Exploring diurnal and seasonal characteristics of global carbon cycle with GISS Model E2 GCM
- Exploring the potential of machine learning to break deadlock in convection parameterization
- Extratropical trends in cloud amount, thermodynamic phase, liquid and ice water path
- Financial Risk Reduction and Management of Water Reservoirs Using Forecasts: A Case for Pernambuco, Brazil
- First Results of AirMSPI Imaging Polarimetry at ORACLES 2016: Aerosol and Water Cloud Retrievals
- Five Centuries of Tree Ring Reconstructed Streamflow and Projections for Future Water Risk over the Upper Indus Watershed
- Fragmentation, topography, and forest age modulate impacts of drought on a tropical forested landscape in eastern Puerto Rico
- Frictional properties of relic fore arc metasediments from Kodiak Island, AK: Implications for slip in the upper accretionary prism
- Glacial-Interglacial Variability of Nd isotopes in the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean
- Global hierarchical classification of deepwater and wetland environments from remote sensing products
- High Precision and High Accuracy Uranium/Thorium Dates Establish the Abrupt Shut-down of North Atlantic Overturning coincident with the start of the Younger Dryas
- How big are different parts of pictures of the rock under us?
- Impact of improved Greenland ice sheet surface representation in the NASA GISS ModelE2 GCM on simulated surface mass balance and regional climate
- Inferring Spatio-temporal Variations in the Risk of Extreme Precipitation in the Western United States from Tree-ring Chronologies
- Influence of Drought on the Hydraulic Efficiency and the Hydraulic Safety of the Xylem - Case of a Semi-arid Conifer.
- Intra-LLSVP Heterogeneity from Spherical Slepian Analysis
- Investigating lava flows at Quizapu Volcano, on the ground and in the air
- Investigating the Impact of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on the Interannual Carbon Flux
- Laboratory Experiments on Meandering Meltwater Channels
- Lagged correlations between the NAO and the 11-year solar cycle: forced response or internal variability?
- Large-eddy simulation of slope flow over and within a vegetation canopy
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Modeling Venus-like Worlds Through Time and Implications for the Habitable Zone
- Modeling the Interaction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Quasi-biennial Oscillation
- Moist Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclone Formation and Intensification in High-Resolution Climate Models
- Multidecadal Land Cover Change in the Los Angeles Basin and its Water Consumption Implications
- New constraints on subduction inputs and volatile outputs along the Aleutian Arc
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian magnetosphere during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Numerical modeling of the agricultural-hydrologic system in Punjab, India
- Observations of Co-variation in Cloud Properties and their Relationships with Atmospheric State
- Optimization of Water Resources and Agricultural Activities for Economic Benefit in Colorado
- Ozone depleting substances: a key forcing of the Brewer-Dobson circulation
- Paleomagnetic insights into impact-related hydrothermal systems and magnetic anomalies at the Chicxulub crater
- Predicting summer residential electricity demand across the U.S.A using climate information
- Prediction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation crossing the Maritime Continent in the S2S dataset
- Preliminary Results From the Chicxulub Post-Impact Sediments: XRF and Physical Properties Data
- Probing Mantle Heterogeneity Across Spatial Scales
- Probing aerosol indirect effect on deep convection using idealized cloud-resolving simulations with parameterized large-scale dynamics.
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models
- Qualitatively Modeling solute fate and transport across scales in an agricultural catchment with diverse lithology
- Quantifying the Causes and Propogation of the 2015 Washington Wildfires
- Quantifying the Influence of Agricultural Fires in Northwest India on Urban Air Pollution in Delhi, India.
- Radiation, smoke and clouds observed in the southeastern Atlantic with the Research Scanning Polarimeter
- Radiator Enhanced Geothermal System - A Revolutionary Method for Extracting Geothermal Energy
- Raising Awareness on Heat Related Mortality in Bangladesh
- Regional seasonal warming anomalies and land-surface feedbacks
- Regionally Strong Feedbacks between the Atmosphere and Terrestrial Biosphere
- Relating structural growth environment to white spruce sapling establishment at the Forest-Tundra Ecotone
- Representing Plant Hydraulics in a Global Model: Updates to the Community Land Model
- Shifts in nitrogen acquisition strategies enable enhanced terrestrial carbon storage under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a global model
- Simultaneous aerosol/ocean products retrieved during the 2014 SABOR campaign using the NASA Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP)
- Statistical techniques to extract information during SMAP soil moisture assimilation
- Stomatal and xylem regulation traits control the sensitivity of grassland productivity to aridity
- Sub-hectare crop area mapped wall-to-wall in Tigray Ethiopia with HEC processing of WorldView sub-meter panchromatic image texture
- THE ROLE OF FARMERS IN MANAGING WATER Dr Tony Colman Professor Tony Allan Farmers manage about 92% of the water consumed by society which needs to recognise that farming practices and the decisions made by those who operate food supply chains - including corporates and those making public policy - determine how water is stewarded.
- Test of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory using distributed temperature sensing
- The Atmospheric Response to a Future Warming Deficit in North Atlantic SSTs
- The Impact of Rising Temperatures on Aircraft Takeoff Performance
- The Impact of Stratospheric Circulation Extremes on Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Extent
- The Importance of Topography in Modeling the Climates of Potentially Habitable Worlds
- The Use of Ambient Humidity Conditions to Improve Influenza Forecast
- The implications of turbulent coherent structures on Monin-Obukhov similarity theory in a dry convective boundary layer
- The key role of ozone depleting substances in weakening the Walker Circulation over the second half of the 20th Century
- The last millennium of Aleutian low variability based on dendrochonolgy and water isotope proxies
- The relationship between moisture source, water isotopes, and the MJO in the GISS climate model.
- The response of tropical cyclone activity to tropospheric aerosols, greenhouse gases and volcanic eruptions
- The role of Hadley cell extent in determining the radiative effect of midlatitude clouds, and the resulting effects on CMIP5 models' climate sensitivity
- Towards PACE Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol and Cloud Products: Making Use of Expanded Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Information.
- Towards lidar-based mapping of tree age at the Arctic forest tundra ecotone.
- Tropical cyclone prediction skills - MJO and ENSO dependence in S2S data sets
- Understanding the Varying Timescales of the Tropospheric Circulation Response to Increasing Greenhouse Gases
- Urban-rural variations in air quality and health impacts in northern India
- Use of Temperature to Improve West Nile Virus Forecasts
- Vegetation physiology controls continental water cycle responses to climate change
- Water Isotopes in the GISS GCM: History, Applications and Potential
- Water Stress Impacts Tree-Atmosphere Interaction in the Amazon
- Water data in US: a spatial, temporal and sectoral analysis
- When Does Vapor Pressure Deficit Drive or Reduce Evaporation?
- Zonal wind indices to reconstruct United States winter precipitation during El Niño
- <SUP>29</SUP>Si MAS NMR of Heat-Treated Serpentine Materials for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Capture Under Different Leaching Conditions
- A Modified Phase Field Model for Mixed-Mode Crack Propagation with Consistent Kinematic Modes
- A Nairobi experiment in using low cost air quality monitors
- A New 4D Imaging Method for Three-Phase Analogue Experiments in Volcanology and Other Three-Phase Systems
- A Single Dataset with Collocated Cloud Retrieval Products from the Airborne Research Scanning Polarimeter, MODIS Airborne Simulator and Cloud Physics Lidar
- A Statistical Model to Predict the Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones
- A glacial history of the central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica, using <SUP>3</SUP>He, <SUP>21</SUP>Ne, and <SUP>10</SUP>Be surface exposure ages
- A new algebraic subgrid-scale model for flow over and within vegetation canopies
- A new understanding of the relationship between precipitation and temperature via Pressure Change Events and its trend in climate change
- A nonlocal damage-plasticity model for compaction band and fractures in anisotropic fluid-infiltrating crystalline rock
- Adaptation to Coastal Flooding in Urban Neighborhoods: The Case of New York City
- Affordable Water Treatment Provisions in Rural India: Comparing Preferences for Communal, Pay-per-Use and Labor-for-Water Schemes
- Artificial Neural Network Models to Predict Katabatic Winds over Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Assessing Heath Impacts of Impaired Drinking Water with Consumer Purchase Behavior
- Assessing the sensitivity of chlorophyll fluorescence to complex canopy structure at the forest-tundra ecotone of North America: toward remotely sensing light use efficiency dynamics
- Assessment of satellite cloud retrievals from GOES and MODIS over the northwest Atlantic during NAAMES
- Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Simulations with the Julia Programming Language
- Backyard Soil Lead Concentrations in Northern Brooklyn Are Elevated from Local Source
- Better data for sustainable development: Socio-ecologically informed use of fine-grained remote sensing data allows prediction of rural household poverty
- Bicoherence Analysis of Electrostatic Interchange Mode Coupling in a Turbulent Laboratory Magnetosphere
- Biking and Breathing Study: personal air pollution exposure in New York City bicycle commuters
- Black Carbon and Precipitation: Understanding the Rapid Adjustments of Absorbing Aerosols
- Calibrated Multi-model Probabilistic Sub-seasonal Forecasts Based on SubX Models
- Carbon-water interactions: Global-scale effects of terrestrial water variations on carbon cycle
- Cascading, multiscale information and drought impacts in the humid tropics and sub-tropics: potential for prediction and risk mitigation
- Challenges of Adapting to Upper-End Sea Level Rise and Increased Coastal Flooding: the Case of New York City
- Characterizing Tropospheric Trace Gas Retrievals from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Climate Change Advocacy and Ad Hominem Attacks
- Climate Information in the Caribbean: Awareness and Communication
- Climate induced decadal variations in wind/solar energy generation potential and heating/cooling energy demand
- Cold air outbreak leads to new particle formation over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Column-averaged and vertically-resolved retrievals of aerosol microphysical properties from RSP and RSP+HSRL measurements, with simultaneous retrieval of multi-layer liquid water cloud microphysics
- Combining multispectral VIS-SWIR polarimetry and UV-NIR hyperspectral imagery to retrieve aerosol and ocean color properties from remote sensing: case studies for airborne RSP and GCAS observations
- Comprehensive in situ constraints on LPO fabric of fast-spreading oceanic lithosphere from seismic anisotropy
- Con Edison's Climate Change Vulnerability Study: A Partnership between A Utility, Consulting Firm, and Academic Partnership:
- Consequences for regional air quality from temporal shifts in post-monsoon agricultural burning associated with the double-crop cycle of Punjab, India
- Convection in Extratropical Cyclones Using Reanalysis and Ground Based Radars
- Cost mapping and comparison of solar and diesel pumping for small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Coupled chemistry-climate model simulations of a massive 2017 smoke plume
- Development of Toluene Degradation Pathways through In Silico and Empirical Approaches for Treating Hydrofracking Wastewater
- Drivers of successful common pool resource management: a conjoint experiment on groundwater management in Brazil
- Droplet Size Profiles in Cumulus Clouds Derived from Observations by the Research Scanning Polarimeter:Tests on Simulated Data
- ENSO Dynamics and Trends, AN Alternate View
- Early Miocene CO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions based on multiple plant species
- Elastic moduli and physical properties of fault rock and protolith associated with SSEs at the Northern Hikurangi margin, NZ
- Evaluating the potential of fall trends in photochemical reflectance index (PRI) time-series to improve understanding of climate change effects at northern treeline
- Evolution of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Sea-level Rise Projections
- Evolutionary optimized PAW (EPAW) data-sets across the periodic table
- Exceptional Heat-Humidity Combinations in the Observational Record
- Excess Dissolved Neon as a Tracer of Sea Ice Formation in the Arctic Ocean
- Exploiting the abrupt 4xCO2 scenario to elucidate tropical expansion mechanisms
- Exploring secular divergence in boron isotope records in planktic foraminifera
- Exploring the Relationship between Light Use Efficiency and Fluorescence Yield under Optimal Conditions across Different Biomes
- Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation Life Cycles and Cloud Vertical Structure in Observations and Climate Models
- Flavors of the intraseasonal oscillations over the Asian monsoon region
- Flood Risk Management Model to Identify Optimal Defence Policies in Coastal Areas Under Climate Change Uncertainties: Pontina Plain Case Study
- Four Centuries of Shifts in Coastal Carbon with Human Impact in Alley Marsh and Udall's Cove, Queens, NY
- Future hottest day per year poses a humid-heat stress risk despite being amplified by land surface drying
- Future risks of compound drought and aridity events
- Geological storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in sub-seafloor basalt offshore Washington State and British Columbia (CarbonSAFE Cascadia project)
- Global impacts of polar sea ice loss in the 21st century
- Government Efforts to Silence Science: Data and Trends
- Groundwater depletion in Northern India: Myself and Others
- Heat vs. dryness influence on photosynthesis assessed using solar-induced fluorescence
- High-resolution seafloor imaging of the diverse North Hikurangi Margin, including the creeping and catastrophic North Tuaheni Landslide
- How strong is the relationship between the large-scale environment and tropical cyclone climatology in climate models?
- Identification and characterization of glaciating clouds using remote sensing observations during the NAAMES Campaigns
- Identifying Causative Atmospheric Mechanisms of Extreme Floods across the United States
- Impacts of Climate Information on Coffee Farms in Jamaica
- Implications of non-local transport and conditionally-averaged statistics on Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory and Townsend's attached eddy hypothesis
- Improving Water Valuation in Industrial Operations: Risks, Uncertainties, and Externalities
- Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosol properties from in-situ and remote-sensing instruments in ORACLES-2016
- Investigating the Role of Underplating and Mantle Plumes in the Midcontinent Rift Using Vp and Vp/Vs Tomography
- Investigating the ability of different climate datasets to reproduce space-time clustering in climate extremes
- Land use and lithology controls on export of nitrate and other solutes from headwaters to HUC10 watersheds
- Landscape-scale variability in tropical forest turnover: lessons from lidar for vegetation demographic models
- Large-eddy simulations and turbulence statistics of the hurricane boundary layer
- Leaky crystals - rapid dehydration of olivine in a 1 atm furnace and implications for magma decompression rate
- Lidar and Polarimeter Measurements of Water Clouds during the North Atlantic Marine Aerosols and Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) Campaigns
- Linkage Between Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Mainstreaming
- Lithification of Volcaniclastic Deposits in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone: Preliminary Characterization of Fluid Circulation in the Incoming Plate, and Volatiles Entering the Trench
- Lithospheric Thermo-Compositional Structure of the Northeastern North American Shield from Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Analysis
- Localized decision-making factors governing safe-source selection and their policy implications: a case study in West Bengal, India
- Long-term Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis over South Asia (2003-2017)
- Looking Beyond Soil Nitrogen as the Primary Regulator of Tropical Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation
- Machine listening for earthquake source characterization: subtle spectral differences indicate changes in thermal-mechanical state in geothermal reservoirs
- Mapping Heavy Metal Contamination in Eastern Long Island Sound and Analyzing Transport Mechanisms
- Mitigating near-term future ambient air pollution increases over India with reductions in the transportation and domestic combustion sectors
- Mitigation of Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy Cattle in East Africa through Urea Treatment of Crop Residue Feeds
- Modeling evidence for large, ENSO-driven interannual wintertime AMOC variability
- Modeling the MJO-QBO Relationship in a Reforecast Model
- Multi-Scale Storm Surge Prediction for High-Resolution Forecasts and Climate Scenarios
- New views on estimation of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> from alkenone ɛ<SUB>p</SUB>
- Non-robust influence of solar variability on the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Observations and Modeling of Asian and Northern Pacific Dust Sources and Transports
- Observations of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions during the North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study
- On the Parameterization of Turbulence in Katabatic Flow
- On the importance of stratospheric ozone feedbacks for the simulation of solar effects on climate
- On the potential of satellite-based solar-induced fluorescence to diagnose anomalies in transpiration over global scales
- Predicting the Stormwater Retention Performance of individual Right-of-Way Bioswales Based on Soil Moisture Monitoring Data
- Prediction and predictability of tropical intraseasonal convection: seasonal dependence and the Maritime Continent prediction barrier
- Preparing for Floods in Manila, the Philippines Using a Machine Learning Technique - Making Global Satellite Data Locally Applicable
- Propagator networks and truth maintenance systems: blending physical constraints and data to understand land-atmosphere interaction in the pre-satellite and pre-FLUXNET era.
- ProvTools painlessly provides provenance
- Quantifying Surface Water and Groundwater Budgets Across the United States
- Quantifying plant transpiration and stomatal behavior at the canopy scale: An underlying water use efficiency method
- Radiative impacts of structural changes in mesoscale convective systems and their associated outflow cirrus
- Real time 2017 West Nile virus forecast: Operational Challenges
- Reliability of Wind Energy Supply in High-demand Times using Multivariate Dynamic Risk Frameworks
- Representation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in the NASA GISS Model E2.1: role of the mean state and air-sea interaction
- Resistance, resilience, and recovery of gross primary production of forests and grasslands to drought in the Ouachita Highlands of Oklahoma, USA
- Retrieval of the spatial distribution of evaporative fraction over large heterogeneous areas from combined ground-based and satellite observations
- Robust Adaptation to Cyclical Climate Risk
- Role of the plasmoid instability in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Satellite- and reanalysis-based process-oriented diagnostics of tropical cyclones and its application to high-resolution GCM simulations
- Scalings of Plasmoid-Instability-Mediated Current Sheet Disruption and Onset of Fast Reconnection
- Sensitivity of Mean Annual Primary Production to Water Availability from Ecosystem Level to Canopy Level
- Sensitivity of maize yields to sub-seasonal rainfall distribution and extremes in the United States
- Separating and quantifying the distinct impacts of El Niño and stratospheric sudden warmings on North Atlantic and Eurasian wintertime climate
- Simulating Environmental and Engineering Drivers of Malaria Using Historical Data from Zambia: Toward a Process-Based, Weather-Informed Forecast of Malaria
- Simulating carbon flux over the Arctic tundra by incorporating remote-sensing data into a plant-level process-based model
- Skill of California Precipitation on S2S timescales
- South American Altiplano hydroclimate response to volcanic eruptions over the past 700 years; a first approach using a tree-ring reconstruction
- South Pacific Coral Skeletal Carbon Isotope Evidence for Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Affects on Calcification
- Spatial Patterns of Crop Yield Change by Pollutant
- Stability field of δ-AlOOH investigated with ab-initio calculations
- Stochastic Simulation of Colloid Transport under Unfavorable Attachment Conditions by Full Enumeration
- Stratospheric water vapor: an important climate feedback
- Strong influence of eddy length on extreme precipitation intensity projections
- Studying Tropical Cyclones in NASA-GISS ModelE3
- Sub-seasonal reconstructions of Brahmaputra River discharge
- Synchronous rise of Northwest and East African C<SUB>4</SUB> vegetation after 10 Ma
- Temperature Acclimation of Nitrogen Fixation and Photosynthesis in Tropical and Temperate Woody Nitrogen Fixing Plants
- The Effect of Kinematic Earthquake Rupture on Near-Field Hazards Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- The Effects of Human Impact Subsequent to Early Settlement on a Hudson River Freshwater Tidal Marsh
- The IRI Climate Data Library as a Platform to Archive, Analyze, and Distribute SubX Project Data
- The Minutes and Hours Before Eruption: Decompression Rate Scales to Explosivity
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study: A Multi-Year Data Set of Marine Aerosol-Cloud In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- The Relationship Between Thin Cirrus Properties and Dynamic Formation Mechanism Using Airborne and Space-Based Lidars
- The Secondary Atmosphere of the Moon and its Effect on Moon's Geological History.
- The effect of Arctic sea-ice loss on the Hadley circulation
- The importance of the North Atlantic warming hole for future changes in the variability of the North Atlantic jet
- Thermodynamic properties of ɛ-Fe at inner core conditions using T-dependent phonon dispersions
- Towards Remotely Sensed Quantification of Forest Carbon Accumulation: In Situ PRI Indicates the Onset and Cessation of Tree-Diameter Growth at The Forest Tundra Ecotone.
- Tracing volatile cycling from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian Arc
- Tropical Cyclone Hazard to Mumbai in the Recent Historical Climate
- Tropical cyclone climatology and hazard estimations in a warming climate
- Turbulence Spectra in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Turbulence cospectra in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
- Use of Financial Instruments for Hydrologic Risk Mitigation in Hydrology-Dominated Energy Systems
- Using aerial lidar to understand the role of climate and herbivory in shaping forest demographics at the Arctic forest-tundra ecotone
- Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits
- Variability of circulation pathways, spreading rates and freshwater inventories and components in the upper Arctic Ocean: Results from 3 decades of tracer observations
- Variations in plant strategy to water stress across the globe based on microwave vegetation optical depth
- Vertical Gradients in Physiological Function and Pigment Allocation at the Forest-Tundra Ecotone: Implications for Scaling Up Leaf Level Carbon Fluxes in White Spruce Stands
- Water Footprint Benchmarks for the United States
- Water: Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Volume 2, Chapter 3
- Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition from impactites to normal marine sedimentation
- qha: A Python package for quasi-harmonic free energy calculation for multi-configuration systems
- ÉTALON: Walking the Paris Meridian in Search of the Metre
- 3D climate simulations of Earth-like planets with a range of atmospheric composition, radiative transfer, ocean, and resolution configurations, using the new version of ROCKE-3D
- A Paleoclimatic Context for the European Great Famine of 1315-1317
- A Sustainable Agriculture Matrix of environmental and socioeconomic indicators for protecting Earth's climate
- A Tractable Approach to Coupling the Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Fluid Dynamics of Mantle Melting
- A Wetter Brahmaputra River with Greater Flood Risk
- A comparison of bulk- and bin-microphysical schemes for warm rain processes and their polarimetric radar fingerprints : sensitivity analysis and implications for microphysical parameterizations
- A multi-model perturbed parameter ensemble to quantify the uncertainty in aerosol effects on the climate
- A regional nuclear conflict has global implications for food security
- Ab initio investigation of order-disorder transition in δ-AlOOH
- Adventures in the Antarctic: Sensitivity, Orography, and Emergence of Climate Change at a Pole Far, Far Away
- Agreement of bulk sedimentary and foraminifera-bound nitrogen in the detection of a 4 million year trend in equatorial Pacific N isotopes (δ<SUP>15</SUP>N)
- Agricultural Burning Practice and Air Quality over Northern India: A Long-term Connection Inferred from NASA Satellites
- Aligning the multiple goals of food production, environmental flow provision, and nutrition in US watersheds
- Along-arc variations in volatile cycling across the Aleutian Arc
- Alternatives to isohydricity for diagnosing vegetation water use strategy
- An Investigation of a Cloud Droplet Size Distribution's Dispersion using Remotely Sensed Observations
- An Online Maproom For Real-Time Subseasonal Probabilistic Forecasts
- An Unsupervised-Machine-Learning Approach to Understanding Seismicity at an Alpine Glacier
- An explicit estimate of terrestrial evaporative fraction based on weather data for a boundary layer at diurnal equilibrium
- Ancient Volcanically-Induced Transient Lunar Atmosphere and its Effect on Polar Volatiles
- Apatite (U-Th)/He Evidence for Exhumation along the Shackleton Glacier in the Central Transantarctic Mountains
- Are mid-latitude circulation responses linearly additive to regional Arctic temperature anomalies? Insights from an idealized Atmospheric General Circulation Model.
- Assessing ENSO summer teleconnections and impacts on North America in GCMs
- Assessing Impacts of Climatic and Non-climatic Factors on Smallholder Agricultural Systems in India
- Assessing potential cascading effects of a US Dust Bowl event on food security and human migration
- Assessing the sensitivity of shoot-level chlorophyll fluorescence to scalable proxies of absorbed radiation in an evergreen needleleaf forest
- Biomass burning declines lead to large net reductions in NO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations over north equatorial Africa in spite of growing fossil fuel emissions
- Boundary Layer Moisture Structure and Deep Convection Initiation during the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
- Building a Hierarchy of Hybrid, Neural-network Parametrizations of Convection
- CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product and Low-Latitude Extratropical Cyclone Analysis
- Calculating carbon dioxide's radiative causal effect on temperature in urban centers: can greening mitigate warming?
- Carbon solubility in the subducting slab and mantle wedge
- Challenges With the Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting Interventions: The Case of Southern Ethiopia
- Characterizing the impacts of green infrastructure in reducing CSO in New York City based on water data
- Climate uncertainty in agricultural modeling: the effects of downscaling and bias-correction
- Clouds and Convection in Extra-Tropical Cyclones over the Southern Ocean in GFDL AM4
- Compound Hydro-Climatic Extremes and Agricultural Crop Yields
- Connecting land use management, fires, and public health: Demonstration of an online decision support tool for Equatorial Asia
- Constraining periods of reduced Greenland Ice Sheet extent using in situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>26</SUP>Al measurements in recently exposed bedrock surfaces
- Content-based Classification of Mars Imagery for the PDS Image Atlas
- Continental Scale Heterogenous Channel Routing Strategy for Operational and Forecast Models
- Correlated Risks for Heavy Precipitation in Mega-cities in East Asia
- Crowd-sourcing structure-from- motion data for terrain modelling in a real-world disaster scenario: A proof of concept
- Deep learning for subgrid-scale turbulence modeling in large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Detection of an Iron Spin Transition in Ferro-periclase in the Lower Mantle
- Determination of Growth Rates for New York City Street Trees
- Direct biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance
- Disentangling the regional climate impacts of competing vegetation responses to elevated [CO<SUB>2</SUB>]
- Divergent Shifts in Peak Photosynthesis Timing in Temperate and Alpine Grasslands in China Using an Improved Phenology Metric Extraction Method
- Diversity of Habitable Climatology of Land Exoplanets in a ROCKE-3D GCM Perturbed Parameter Ensemble
- Drag and Drag Partition on Vegetated Urban Canopies
- Dynamic Amplification of Extreme Precipitation Sensitivity
- Dynamical Sensitivity to Abrupt Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB> as Represented in NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) ModelE E2.1
- Effect of pH and morphology on selenite oxidation by birnessite and associated isotopic fractionation
- Effects of induced stress on seismic wave propagation
- Enhancing Augmented Reality Applications with Real-Time GPS Geo-Localization for Location-Specific Data Visualization
- Ensemble Logistic Regression to Forecast and Monitor Different Phases of Drought over Contiguous United States
- Errors in the Tendency of Niño-3.4 from Northern Hemisphere Spring to Winter
- Evaluating the skill of GPM-IMERG satellite precipitation estimation over the mountains of central Chile
- Evaluation and machine learning improvement of global flood simulations
- Evaluation of modeled precipitation in oceanic extratropical cyclones using IMERG: Rain Rates, Occurrence, and Sensitivities
- Evergreen forest change in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000-2017
- Evidence for Major Miocene/Pliocene Glacial Incision in the Erosional History of Wilkes Subglacial Basin
- Examining the MJO-QBO Relationship in a GCM with a Nudged Stratosphere
- Experimental Characterization of Three-Wave Coupling in Dipole Plasma Turbulence
- Explaining a Simple, Empirical Estimate of Water-Limited Evapotranspiration with an Idealized Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model
- Exploring Feedbacks in a Model of Reaction-Driven Cracking: Applications to Alteration of Peridotite
- Exploring GPU Acceleration for Rapid Visualization and Analysis of NASA Earth Science Data
- Exploring Spatial and Temporal Sampling Capabilities of Candidate Aerosol Observing System Architectures Using the Goddard Earth Observing System, Version 5, Nature Run (G5NR)
- Express: nonstop calculations with the Quantum ESPRESSO
- Forest cover mitigates the impacts of rainfall variability on streamflow in Puerto Rico
- Forest transitions in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: has agricultural intensification ceded way to forest regeneration in this endangered biome?
- Global Land Use Evolution: a Grid-cell Analysis of Land Use Change and its Economic Drivers
- Global Observations of Ammonium Balance and pH Indicate More Acidic Conditions and More Liquid Aerosols than Current Models Predict
- Global partitioning of transpiration and evaporation from coupled water and carbon fluxes
- Gross primary production over the North American Arctic and Boreal region inferred from atmospheric carbonyl sulfide measurements
- Historical trends and mechanisms of concurrent global-scale extreme temperature events
- Horizontal Averaging of Urban Canopy Flows
- How Much Can We Learn About Rain Microphysics from Polarimetric Radar Observations? An Investigation of Information Content and Parameter Estimation Using the Bayesian Observationally-constrained Statistical-physical Scheme (BOSS)
- How does laboratory earthquake prediction transfer to real earthquakes?
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Impact of the North Atlantic Warming Hole on Sensible Weather
- Impact of varying bare ice extent and albedo on Greenland ice sheet SMB in the NASA GISS ModelE GCM
- Impacts of Barrier-Island Breaching On Mainland Flooding During Storm Events
- Improving estimation of sub-daily vegetation GPP by optimizing VPM parameters across FLUXNET sites
- Inequality of household consumption and air pollution-related deaths in China
- Inferring causal graphs from observational long-term carbon and water fluxes records
- Informing Policy Through a Vulnerability Assessment of Heat-Related Mortality
- Integrating Soil Genomics into the Study of Biosphere-Atmosphere Trace Gas Fluxes
- Integrating system modelling and machine learning for (eco-)hydrological research
- Interdependencies and Telecoupling of Oil Palm Expansion at the Expense ofIndonesian Rainforest
- Land-atmosphere feedbacks exacerbate concurrent soil drought and atmospheric aridity
- Large-eddy simulations of hurricane boundary layers and scrambling of coherent turbulence structures
- Latest Climate Hazards Center (CHC) products for drought and agro-climatological monitoring and forecasting: AGMERG, CHIRPS v2.1 and CHIRPS-GEFS
- Light limitation regulates the response of autumn terrestrial carbon uptake to warming
- Linking Environmental Change and Migration in Somalia: Challenges
- Machine learning based cloud parametrizations and causal discovery for climate models
- Make with Data: Exploring STEM Impact and Engagement in Student-Led and Purpose-Driven Projects
- Mass-dependent dynamics of terrestrial exoplanets: impacts of high surface gravity on shallow mantle rheology, thermal conductivity and pressure release partial melting.
- Microbial Metagenomic Evidence on Increased Bacterial Pathogenicity in Bioremediation Microbial Consortium Agents Selectively Enriched by Toxic Chemicals
- Model-Based Parametric Analysis of Total Water Prediction in Coastal Transition Zones of the US East and Gulf Coasts
- Modelling Subglacial Lakes: Quantifying Water Pressure Variations and Ice Surface Changes
- Multiparameter Study of Eruptive Behavior at Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone
- Multiple constraints on biospheric CO2 fertilization
- NASA Earth Science Partnerships - Lessons Learned in Measuring, Managing, and Maturing Public-Private Partnerships in the Earth Sciences
- Nonuniform Contribution of Internal Variability to Recent Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Northern Hemisphere wintertime continental warming following large, low-latitude volcanic eruptions? No evidence from Pinatubo (1991) and Krakatau (1883)
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian aurorae during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Observational Evidence of the Effect of Large-scale Drivers on Marine Boundary Layer Precipitation during Subsidence in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Opposite large-scale tropical circulation trends in climate models and reanalyses
- Patterns and mechanisms of local, regional, and global variation in tropical forest woody productivity, turnover rates, and biomass carbon stocks
- Photosynthetic heat tolerance, light response, and respiration rates across gradients in the northwestern Mongolian boreal-steppe
- Physics-constrained machine learning of evapotranspiration
- Preserving long-term variability in simulation of multisite streamflow extremes
- Prioritizing and sequencing investments in water supply systems with deep reinforcement learning
- Pushing the Boundaries: Anticipating How Human and Natural Systems Will Respond to Rare Extremes
- Quality and reliability of the OpenFOAM software for the simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow
- Quantifying organic aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constrains on physical and chemical removal of OA provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying the Scales of Water Management to Inform Allocation Strategies, Infrastructure Development, Low Flow Policies or Transitioning to Renewable Energies: an Illustration for New York State
- Quantifying the impact of African biomass burning on the remote Atlantic atmosphere
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Recovering the Earth's Climate with the ROCKE3D Global Climate Model
- Remote sensing of intra-annual tree growth dynamics in a boreal forest
- Rethinking the Water Cycle in the Anthropocene
- Reversals of reforestation across Latin America limit climate mitigation potential of tropical forests
- Revised estimates of agricultural fire emissions for Punjab, India: bridging gaps in satellite observations using household survey data
- Robust winter warming over the Northern Hemisphere continents under stratospheric sulfate geoengineering
- Role of the Plasmoid Instability in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- SO2 and SO ALMA Observations of Io in and out of Eclipse
- Satellite-based dry-season SIF, greenness, and GPP of moist Amazonian forests during ENSO events using GOME-2, TROPOMI, OCO-2, and MODIS
- Scalar Transport in Turbulent Flows over Rough Surfaces
- Scaling greenhouse gas emissions from freshwaters and identifying methane hotspots in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Seasonal Buildup and Washout of Salts in Urban Bioswale Soil
- Secondary Ice Production in Arctic Stratocumulus: a Process Neglected in Large-Scale Models
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation via Photosensitizer Chemistry: from Lab to Models
- Seed Dispersal Traits of Nitrogen-Fixing Plants May Influence Ecosystem Nutrient Cycling
- Seismic Images of a Deep Melt-Mush Feeder Conduit Beneath Axial Volcano
- Selenium Oxidation and Release during Washing of Agricultural Seleniferous Soil Samples.
- Short-term changes in ozone precursors during 2018 California wildfires observed from TROPOMI
- Short-term predictions of GPM satellite rainfall data using a deep learning neural network model
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Soil porosity explains Amazon forest response to droughts?
- Spatial Downscaling of TRMM Precipitation Data Using NDVI
- Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Global Terrestrial Gross Primary Production during 2000-2018: An Update on Vegetation Photosynthesis Model and it Simulations with Terra/MODIS images
- Substantial pole-to-pole impacts of future Arctic and Antarctic sea ice loss
- Syneruptive Pressure-Temperature-Time Paths of Basaltic Magma
- Synthetic Spectra of Potential Exo-Earths: Quantifying Biotic Signatures with AROC
- The Cattle Connection: Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from small reservoirs in Brazil's agricultural heartland
- The Effect of Background ENSO and NAO Conditions on the Climatological Response to a Pinatubo Sized Volcanic Eruption
- The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Global Wildfire Information System (GEO-GWIS)
- The Influence of Water Availability on Evapotranspiration Partitioning
- The Influences of Greenhouse Gases, Aerosols, and Agriculture on the South Asian Summer Monsoon
- The Response of Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture and Terrestrial Water Storage
- The Structure of Neptune's Upper Atmosphere from Coordinated Multi-Wavelength Imaging
- The Temporal Evolution of Arctic Amplification in Coupled Climate Models
- The coupled effects of rehydration and rheology on fluid migration in subduction zones
- The influence of spreading rate and permeability on melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges
- The post-perovskite transition in Fe- and Al-bearing bridgmanite: effects on seismic observables
- The sensitivity of Southeast U.S. ozone abundance and production to dry deposition
- The structural and metabolic carbon costs of symbiotic nitrogen fixation
- Thermal Conductivity of CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions
- Time-lags in the regulation of woody nitrogen fixation as affected by species and temperature
- Tracking and Analysis of Deep Convective Updrafts In Rapid Scan Polarimetric Radar Observations
- Tropical Pacific SST prediction with implications for ENSO
- Tropical cyclone activity prediction on subseasonal time-scales
- Tropical rainforests doom's day?
- Uber for Irrigation? A Sustainable Approach to Improve Dry Season Yield of Smallholder Farmers.
- Understanding Drought Perturbations on Biosphere-Atmosphere-Chemistry Relationship with GISS ModelE+MEGAN simulations
- Understanding the drivers of Kaskawulsh Glacier thinning, southwest Yukon, Canada, 2007-2018
- Using Indirect Measurement Techniques to Evaluate the Effect of Nutrient Flow Rate on Biofilm Growth in Porous media
- Using Polarimetric Doppler Radar Observations to Probabilistically Inform a New Class of Particle-Property Predicting Bulk Ice Microphysics Schemes
- Using Remote Sensing to Measure Displacement and Assess Environmental Conditions at Host Locations
- Using Statistical Learning to Predict the Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones
- Using large ensemble climate models to evaluate methods of uncertainty estimation in attribution and detection
- Using pressure change to stochastically disaggregate non-stationary hourly precipitation series from monthly temperature projections in the northeast of the US
- Variations in magma decompression rate within and between eruptions
- Visualizing NASA Earth Science Imagery at Scale Using Recent Cloud Technologies
- Vulnerability of Antarctica's ice shelves to meltwater-driven fracture
- Water Sustainability in Southern California: Introducing A Novel Stakeholder-Driven Approach to Developing Complex Policy Solutions
- 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century hurricanes leave long lasting legacies on tropical forest structure and composition
- 3D Transient Superstructures in Mantle Convection using Lattice Boltzmann Method
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Network Model for Daily Streamflow Forecasting
- A Machine Learning Method for Carbon Flux Partitioning Using Solar-induced Fluorescence Measurements
- A Macro Energy Modeling Framework For Transparent Investigation Of Fundamental Energy System Properties
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A Next Generation (NextGen) Approach to Improve the Seasonal Prediction System in East Africa
- A Novel Method of Irrigation Detection and Estimation of the Effects of Productive Electricity Demands on Energy System Planning
- A long-term consistent soil moisture dataset based on machine learning and remote sensing
- A modeling perspective on Pleistocene landscape evolution and dust production in the Hami Basin, China
- A pause in Southern Hemisphere circulation trends due to the Montreal Protocol
- A power framework for making decarbonization technology decisions and a case study of transportation
- A typology of compound weather and climate events
- Ab initio prediction of a temperature-induced phase transition in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>GeO<SUB>4</SUB>
- Air quality effects of COVID-19 lockdowns and curfews - Case studies from East Africa
- America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation
- An Improved Atmospheric Dynamic Representation and its Influence on Cloud Radiative Effect in the CMIP6 Models
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- An investigation of rock weathering processes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica using acoustic emission and micrometeorological monitoring
- Ancient Martian Climate with ROCKE-3D
- Anharmonic thermodynamic properties of cubic CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite from phonon quasiparticles
- Application of Radon Transform to Multi-angle Measurements Made by the Research Scanning Polarimeter: Test of a Cloud Tomography Concept
- Assessing Atmospheric Transport of Microplastics at a Global Scale Using the NASA GISS Model
- Assessing the Textural Properties of Hyper-Arid Areas in the VHF Range in Support of Radar Probing of Shallow Aquifers
- Assessing the potential of deep neural networks for emulating cloud superparameterization in climate models under real geography boundary conditions
- Assessing the risks posed by the climate-induced failure of aging dams in the United States
- Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Wind-Related Risks to Wellbeing in the Philippines
- Asymmetrical Response of the Continental Water Cycle to Cold and Warm Climates
- Asymmetry in the sensitivity of gross primary productivity to soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit
- Automated Storm Track and Cyclone-Centered Compositing Analysis for Model Evaluation
- Blue Carbon: Bringing Field Research and ArcGIS Mapping to the High School Classroom
- Boreal summer subseasonal predictability of rainfall and monsoon onset over Senegal
- Boundary Layer Cloud Controlling Factors in the Midlatitudes: Southern versus Northern Ocean Clouds
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> reaction rates in sub-seafloor basalt for offshore geologic carbon sequestration
- Carbon Uptake in the NASA GISS Global Carbon Cycle Model submitted to CMIP6
- Catalog of Black Holes
- Challenges to the retrieval of PH3 from ALMA & JCMT observations
- Changing PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and related meteorology over India from 1950-2014: A new perspective from a chemistry-climate model ensemble
- Characterizing the Surface Impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in the Context of Internal Variability
- Chemical Patterns Controlling Tropospheric Ozone and Methane: The ATom Dataset
- Cij: A Python package for quasiharmonic thermoelasticity
- Climate regulation of autumn phenology and its impact on carbon cycle
- Climate-Invariant Nets: Using Physical Rescalings to Help Neural Networks Generalize to Out-of-Sample Climates
- Climatic and biotic factors influencing regional declines and recovery of tropical forest biomass from the 2015/16 El Niño
- Cloud Free Flood Mapping : Towards a Radar-Based Approach to Flood Detection for Index Insurance Applications in Northern Bangladesh
- Cloud Top Observations of the Droplet Size Distribution in Drizzling Stratiform Clouds
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Cluster Analysis of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Enhancements Observed by ATom
- Cold air outbreaks during ACTIVATE: Observationally constrained large-eddy simulations of microphysically-mediated cloud regime transitions
- Comparison of Multiple Approaches for Quantifying Winter Greenhouse Gas Emissions in New York City Based on Aircraft Measurements
- Compound socio-climate events: A case study of winter disasters and livestock mortality in Mongolia.
- Confronting Microphysical Uncertainty with BOSS
- Connecting Agriculture Stress Index Systems at the Sub-National Level to the Next Generation of Seasonal Climate Forecasts: A General Approach to Transition from Monitoring to Forecasting.
- Considering the effects of canopy structure on hyperspectral radiative transfer and terrestrial photosynthesis
- Constraining carbon cycle dynamics over the ABoVE domain using in situ and space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Continental and ecoregion-specific drivers of atmospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> and NH<SUB>3</SUB> seasonality over Africa revealed by satellite observations
- Controlling Factors of Global Heat-Humidity Extremes
- Coronal Mass Ejections
- Coupling Bayesian inference and agent based modeling in the context of refugee movement
- Detecting changes in the high-latitude carbon seasonal cycle with a multi-model approach
- Detection of the spin crossover in ferropericlase in the Earth's lower mantle; an interdisciplinary approach.
- Determining the suitability of remotely sensed snow disappearance date as a proxy for the onset of stem radial growth in conifers at the forest-tundra ecotone
- Developing flood risk maps for multi-level humanitarian decision making
- Disentangling the drivers of regional migration in West Africa: The impact of food (in)security on migration
- Does Arsenic and Uranium in the bedrock affect water quality on the Navajo Nation?
- Dry and moist dynamics shape regional patterns of extreme precipitation sensitivity
- Early Holocene Sea Level: New constraints from Submerged Peat Layers in the New York Bight
- Effects of Density Fluctuations on acceleration and energization of Alfven Wave Turbulence in the fast Solar Wind
- Elucidating the mechanisms responsible for Hadley cell weakening under 4xCO2 forcing
- Emulator-accelerated perturbed parameter ensembles: methods for addressing observational biases, parametric errors, and structural errors in GCMs
- Ensemble estimates of future extreme event impacts on global food production
- Ent/ACTS: Canopy Albedo Predictions With An Analytical Geometric-Optical Radiative Transfer Model for Fusing Lidar Remote Sensing and Demographic Dynamic Global Vegetation Models Coupled to Earth System Models
- Establishing a Coral Ba/Ca Time-series Network to Study Regional River Discharge in the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evaluation of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence as a Prediction of Gross Primary Production using Multiple Eddy Covariance Sites
- Evaluation of a Stochastic Mixing Scheme in Kilometer-scale Simulations of Tropical Oceanic Deep Convection
- Evaluation of a sample handling protocol for reliable laboratory space weathering simulations via ion irradiation and in situ characterization of olivine powders
- Evolution of Global Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century and their Incorporation in Local and Regional Assessments
- Exacerbated drought impacts on global ecosystems due to structural overshoot
- Express: nonstop calculations with ab initio software
- First measurements of PM2.5 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo Using Field-Calibrated Low Cost Sensors
- Flood Index Insurance Trigger Development with Radar Satellites and News Media in Northern Bangladesh
- Formaldehyde as a Proxy for Hydroxyl Radical Variability in the Remote Troposphere
- Functional Differences between Trees and Lianas in a Dry Tropical Forest: a Whole Plant Perspective
- Functional Wetland Shifts through Changes in Plant Community, Nutrient dynamics, Blue Carbon Storage and Invasive Species ... - What Can we Learn for the Future?
- Global assessment of flood-induced displacement
- Heavy Rain-producing Terrestrial Low-Pressure Systems Over East Asian Summer Monsoon Region: Evolution, Energetics, and Trend
- Heterogeneous Chemistry of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> Aerosols with HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and HCl and Its Potential Impact on Stratospheric Ozone
- How Change Happens: The Role of Activism and Movements in Advancing Science Policy and Social Justice
- Imaging the Upper Plate and Mantle Wedge in the Nicaraguan Subduction Zone with Sp Phases
- Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentration in New York City
- Impacts of vegetation structural dynamics on land hydrologic cycle: A modeling analysis with explicit representation of vegetation structural dynamics in the NASA GISS Global Climate Model
- Incorporating physical knowledge in machine learning parameterizations of convection
- India's Air Pollution By the Numbers: Revisiting Nationwide PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Data for 2019-2020
- Indubitable and Dubious Climate Induced Migrations: An examination of the narratives, and key historical determinants
- Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Extreme Wet Bulb Temperature
- Interactions between Subduction-related Processes and the Upper Plate Lithosphere in Alaska
- Investigating and quantifying the volcanic eruption induced climate extremes during the late Holocene
- Investigating feedback mechanisms between ice rafted debris production and carbon export in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean over the last 35,000 years
- Investigating the potential of consolidating water utilities to address water quality risks and population change in California, USA
- Investigating the relationship between water content distribution in tabonuco trees and soil physical properties at the Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot (Puerto Rico) using near-surface geophysical methods
- Irreducible Southern Ocean Climate Uncertainty due to Global Ocean Initial Conditions
- Joint Spatio-Temporal Simulation of Gridded Wind-Solar Fields
- Leveraging high spatial resolution bulk measurements to understand and characterize redox zonation and processes in natural sediment profiles.
- Linking food security indicators with a minimalistic, mechanistic model of migration
- Machine Learning Based Process-oriented Earth System Model Evaluation
- Magma transport beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Managing Flood Risk in Coastal Areas Considering Climate Change Uncertainties
- Managing heat-health risks in the urban Northeast: lessons from summer 2020
- Measuring Cosmic Rays and their Effect on the Atmosphere
- Methane Emissions in the North Slope: Identifying the Source of Model and Observation Disagreement
- Mid-latitude rainfall biases between spaceborne radars and the role of drop size distribution assumptions
- Modeling the Potential to Deploy Offshore Compressed Air Energy Storage in the Eastern United States
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- NASA GISS ModelE3: New Tuning Framework and Evaluation against Global Satellite Datasets
- New York City greenhouse gas emissions estimated with inverse modelling of aircraft measurements
- Non-monotonic Response of the Climate System to Abrupt CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- Novel Representation of Leaf Phenology Improves Simulation of Amazonian Evergreen Forest Photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE Model
- Numerically recovering dispersion in the shallow water equations through deep learning
- Observations and Analysis of NaCl and KCl in Io's Atmosphere
- Ocean heat transport nearly halves Arctic amplification and sea-ice loss over the 21st century
- On the sensitivity of flow statistics to parameter uncertainty in flow over plant canopies
- Origin and fluxes of nitrous oxide during ATom
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Phase relations in iron monoxides from LDA + U<SUB>sc</SUB> calculations
- Polarimetric Doppler Radar-based Bayesian Estimation of Ice Crystal Growth Parameters within a Microphysical Model
- Potential for expanding a 65 k.y. time series from sediment-hosted glasses near the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- PrecipGAN: Merging Microwave and Infrared Data for Satellite Precipitation Estimation using Generative Adversarial Network
- Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate by Integrating Optimization Modeling and Stakeholder Observations
- Quantifying and attributing methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO) emission changesin New York City during the COVID-19 shutdown
- Quantifying speciated aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constraints on physical and chemical removal of organic aerosol (OA) provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying the Biogeochemical Role of Marine Microbes at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) Site
- Reappraisal of the Climate Impacts of Ozone-Depleting Substances
- Recent Advances in Indicators for Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Recent changes in carbon monoxide mole fraction and stable isotope values observed in firn air from Summit, Greenland
- Regional Variability of Dust Single Scattering Albedo due to Mineral Composition.
- Regionally Adapted Sentinel-1 Flood Detection in Northern Bangladesh For Index Insurance Applications
- Remote sensing of the ocean surface refractive index
- Representation of Carbon and Water Cycles in Global and Convection-Permitting Models
- Safeguard global supply chains to protect food security during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Seismic imaging of the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Sheltering of Roughness Elements in Analytical Models for Drag and Drag Partitioning
- Short-term PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and cardiovascular admissions in NY State: assessing sensitivity to exposure model choice
- Siberia heatwave: dynamics and impact on vegetation
- Soil Fluxes of Carbonyl Sulfide After Fall Senescence in a Mixed Hardwood Forest
- Soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks mitigate projected surface water availability declines in drylands
- Spin State and Structural Stability of Ferropericlase up to 30 Mbar
- Structural and functional response of the Amazon rainforest in response to atmospheric and soil droughts
- Sub-India summer monsoon rainfall variability and its implications for all-India summer monsoon rainfall prediction
- Synthesis of Arctic-Boreal region biogenic methane fluxes, model-data mismatch and knowledge gaps
- Tall Forests Are More Sensitive and Vulnerable to Drought Than Short Forests in The Tropic
- The Cold Pools of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The Global Warming Potential is Inconsistent with the Physics of Climate Change and Misrepresents the Effects of Policy Interventions
- The PACE-MAPP Algorithm: Coupled Ocean/Aerosol Products
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The fate of <SUP>15</SUP>N fertilizer and nitrate leaching losses in perennial wheat (Thinopyrum intermedium) versus annual wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- The global budget of atmospheric methanol: new constraints on secondary, oceanic, and terrestrial sources
- The hidden signature of temperature-moisture couplings in the heat sensitivity of global crops
- The impact of the 2020 COVID-19 shelter-in-place order on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> levels in New York City
- The influence of environmental variables on intra-seasonal radial stem growth dynamics at the Arctic forest-tundra ecotone using point dendrometers
- The influence of spreading rate and permeability on melt focusing beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Towards robust operational neural network parameterizations of convection in climate models — advances in stability, credibility and software
- Tussocks enduring or shrubs greening: Alternate responses to changing fire regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska
- USDA Climate Change Indicators for Agriculture: A New Framework for Understanding Climate Risks and Impacts to U.S. Agriculture.
- Uncertainties in Driving Agricultural Models with Downscaled and Bias-Corrected Climate Information
- Uncertainty quantification in canopy turbulence
- Understanding the Effect of Drought on Biogenic Isoprene and the Biosphere-Atmosphere-Chemistry Relationship with NASA GISS ModelE+MEGAN Simulations
- Unique temporal patterns of future agricultural impacts - Changes in average yield and the volatility of regional production against global warming levels
- Using a physics-constrained machine learning model to predict canopy interception
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using remotely sensed cloud top properties to look at drizzle formation
- Velocity and Density Characteristics of Subducted Oceanic Crust and the Origin of Lower-mantle Heterogeneity
- Volcanic Outgassing from Lunar Maria as a Possible Source of Polar Volatiles: 3-D Simulation of Volatile Transport by Transient Volcanically-Induced Atmospheres.
- Well Testing for Fluoride by Local Participants in Rural Madhya Pradesh, India
- XGBoost-based Hurricane Wind Reconstruction
- pgm: A Python package for free energy calculation
- 2021 North American Heatwave Fueled by Climate-Linked Nonlinear Interactions Between Common Drivers
- 3D first-arrival traveltime tomography of the Alaska subduction zone using controlled-source seismic data acquired during the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE)
- A Combined Molecular Dynamics and Binary Collision Approximation Approach to Simulating Solar Wind-Ion Sputtering of Sodium from Mercurys Surface
- A Multi-Model Approach to Forecasting Seasonal Rainfall Characteristics in Senegal
- A Southern Ocean-wide examination of Multi-year Trends in Sea Ice, Chlorophyll Concentration, and Marine Aerosol Optical Depth
- A Unified Moisture Mode Theory for the MJO and the BSISO
- A foraminifera-derived reconstruction of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific thermocline between 70,000 and 150,000 years ago
- A modelling effort to investigate connections between hydroclimatic shocks and consequences over Nile River Basin with series of volcanic eruptions during 168-158 BCE
- A more direct estimation on relative humidity inside the leaf airspaces across angiosperm species
- A positive correlation between magma ascent rate and explosivity?
- A systematic DFT study of thermal properties of nine earth materials using ab initio workflows
- A wetter Brahmaputra River with greater flood risk
- Ab initio lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiO3 across perovskite-postperovskite phase transition
- Acceleration, deceleration and reversal of changes across global warming levels by region and farm system from the AgMIP GGCMI/ISIMIP crop model ensemble
- Adapting the Space-Based CASCCAD Cumulus-Stratocumulus Discrimination Algorithm for Ground-Based Instrumentation over Macquarie Island
- Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Continent Incorporating both Earthquake Waveforms and Green's Functions from Ambient Noise Correlation
- Advanced cloud products from PACE polarimeters HARP-2 and SPEXone
- Advances in Inversion of Microwave Snowpack Emission Models for Simultaneous Retrieval of Depth, Density and Grain Size
- Advances in Land Surface Models and Indicators for Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- An Application of Gaussian Mixture Regression for the Correction of Low Cost PM2.5 Monitoring Data in Accra, Ghana
- An Overview of Preliminary Results from Emissions-MIPa Climate and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project
- An Unsupervised-Machine-Learning Approach to Understanding Seismicity at an Alpine Glacier
- An eastern equatorial Pacific nutrient tongue during the warm Pliocene
- An enhanced stochastic precipitation generator that better modelling the extreme event projections under climate change
- An estimate of early Pliocene global mean sea level constrained by differentially uplifted sea level indicators and geodynamic models of the Patagonian slab window
- Annual and long-term seismic velocity variations at Axial Seamount observed with seismic ambient noise
- Anomalous Northward Transport of the Makassar Strait and Its Relationship with Two MJO Events in Early 2017
- Applying Satellite Data in Evaluating Accuracy of Self-Report Environmental Releases Policies: Evidence from the United States Toxic Release Inventory
- Arctic Amplification and its Seasonal Migration Over a Wide Range of CO2 Forcing
- Assessing Bare Ice Albedo Simulated by MAR on the Greenland Ice Sheet (2000-2020) and Implications for Meltwater Production Estimates
- Assessing operational insights gained from simulation of refugee movements with an agent based model
- Asymmetric Climate System Response to CO2 Induced Warming and Cooling
- Atmospheric Mercury concentrations modulated by local and regional forest sinks
- Attenuation of regional seismic phases (Lg and Sn) in Myanmar and surrounding regions
- Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Antarctic Upper Mantle
- Bin, bulk, or BOSS? Producing bulk microphysics schemes that emulate bin microphysics using Bayesian inference
- Biomarkers, compound-specific isotopes and their applications in understanding the carbon isotope record during the end-Triassic mass extinction event
- Bridging Academia and High Schools - Collaborative Curriculum Development at Columbia University's Earth Institute
- Bringing cosmochemistry data into the Big-Data Era: the AstroMaterials Data System
- Browser-based Visualization of Seismic Records to Build Seismogram Literacy
- Building geologically-informed Bed Classes for the Amundsen Sea embayment: linking ice dynamics to the rock below
- Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
- Carbonate Saturation and Temperature Effects on Benthic Foraminiferal B/Ca, Sr/Ca, S/Ca, and Mg/Ca Inferred from Intermediate and Deep Pacific Ocean Records Spanning the Last 350 ky
- Characterization of forest degradation from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico using optical and SAR imagery
- Chemical Reactivity of the Remote Troposphere over the Ocean Basins observed by NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Climate and hydraulic traits interact to set thresholds for liana viability
- Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
- Coastal Change in Greenland Engaging Stakeholders to Direct Research
- Comparative Vegetation History, Sea Level Change, and Human Impact in Housatonic and Connecticut River Marshes with Linkages to Long Island Sound
- Comparing ALMA Observations of Ios Eclipse Ingress/Egress with models
- Constraining Ios Volcanic Properties Using Observations from ALMA and VLA
- Constraining Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics across the Plio-Pleistocene using organic geochemical biomarker proxies from IODP Expedition 383 Site U1540
- Constraints on the Physical and Chemical Lifetime of Organic Aerosol (OA) in the Remote Troposphere based on in-situ measurements during the ATom mission
- Contrasting the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Energy Balance Response Between Predominate Greenland Blocking Patterns
- Contributions of Transient Rheology to Geophysical Deformation: Examples from the Deep to Shallow Earth
- Converging Identifier Infrastructures: the Proposed Partnership between IGSN and DataCite
- Correlation of Calculated Cooling Rates with Textural Variations of the Fissure 8 Flow Field, Kilauea 2018: A method for determination of primary and secondary textures
- Creating a framework for determining the sensitivity of a storm surge model to topographic features and data resolution
- Creating a multi-institution outreach network to improve climate literacy
- Creeping Closer: Clay Separation and X-ray Diffraction for Refined K/Ar Dating of Fault Motion on the Creeping Central Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Crop Price Variability, Environmental Change and Intra-Regional Migration in Africa
- Current Challenges and Recent Advances in Understanding the Paleoclimatic Dust Cycle
- Deconvoluting Temporally Aggregated Migration Data Using a Bayesian Mixture Model for Insights Into Climate Induced Migration Dynamics
- Deformation of a trench slope basin above the location of shallow slow earthquakes at the Hikurangi subduction margin
- Detecting Organization of Shallow Cumulus Clouds in the Central Pacific using Artificial Intelligence
- Detecting the iron spin crossover in ferropericlase
- Developing Multi-Proxy Reconstructions of Surface Seawater Temperature and Carbonate Chemistry from Corals in the Southwest Pacific
- Developing a flash flood anticipatory action system for Ecuador
- Developing and Verifying a Subseasonal Outlook Tool for Extratropical Storminess
- Development of Skillful Subseasonal Probabilistic Precipitation and Temperature Forecast Products in Real Time
- Development of pore types and pore network in the Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin: Insights from SEM and Organic Petrography
- Diagnosing CMIP6 Model Biases in East African Rainfall
- Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide via Ambient Alkaline Oxide Looping
- Diversity of responses to parameterized orographic gravity wave drag hotspots in a chemistry-climate model.
- Drivers of Low-Frequency Sahel Precipitation Variability: Comparing CMIP5 and CMIP6 with Observations
- Dryland evapotranspiration from remote sensing solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: constraining an optimal stomatal model within a two-source energy balance model
- Dynamical Sensitivity in Response to a Wide Range of Abrupt CO2 Forcings
- Effects of Anthropogenic European SO2 Emissions on North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Behavior
- Effects of urban surface roughness on potential sources of microplastics in the atmospheric surface layer
- Elasticity of Lizardite at High Pressure and Temperature: Implications for the Water Content in Subduction Zones
- Energy balance and heating mechanisms of the Martian Upper atmosphere with the NASA Ames MGCM.
- Enhancing Flood Risk Assessment in Urban Areas with Earth Observation: Extraction of Variables from Google Street View in Quito, Ecuador
- Ensemble Based LES Simulations of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Estimating Cloud Physical Thickness Using Passive Polarization Observations
- Estimating Greenlands contribution to past sea-level highstands using ice-sheet models and subglacial cosmogenic records
- Evaluating Drought Responses of Surface Ozone Precursors Using OMI/Aura Satellite: Variations With Land Cover Type, Precipitation, and Temperature
- Evaluating ICESat-2 and support vector regression models for the identification of nearshore bathymetry in Nuuk and Kullorsuaq, Greenland
- Evaluating Simulated Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance in the NASA GISS ModelE GCM
- Evaluating Tropical and Extratropical Influences on the Western Pacific Warm Pool Thermocline via 18O and Mg/Ca of Three Planktic Foraminifera (670 ka Recent)
- Evaluating the Lifecycle of Cold Pools in the NASA GISS-E3 GCM Using Observations from the PISTON Field Campaign
- Evaluation of Bulk Rheology Assumptions in the Interior of Dam-break Flows
- Evaluation of NMME based Hydrologic Drought Forecasts over Africa
- Evidence of a Past Earthquake or Post Depositional Liquefaction? Identifying Penecontemporaneous Melanges in the Geologic Record
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Insights into the Relationship between ENSO and Tropical Cyclone Genesis
- Exploring the Resolving Power of Antarctic Geodetic Measurements Using Adjoint Modeling: Implications for Climate Research
- Extending the open-source code ASPECT to solve the sea level equation on a heterogeneous Earth
- Extreme Dry and Humid Heat Impact on US Corn and Soybean Yields
- Extreme Humid Heat during South Asian Summer Monsoon Breaks
- From Antarctica to the Abyss: Integrating Reconstructions of Deep Ocean Carbon and Oxygen with Ice Core Data
- From Science to Practice: A Framework for a Novel Fellowship in Climate and Health Science Policy for the Next Generation of Physician Leaders
- Fusing communications with a master plan: finding that strategically optimum consistency for maximum impact
- Gas Exchange in Large Rivers Controlled by Largest Turbulent Eddies: Implications for Remotely Sensing Gas Exchange via SWOT
- Geology model of the Venable Ice Shelf region from Aerogeophysical and Geologic Constraints
- Global Predictability of Monthly Precipitation for up to 9 Future Months Using Hidden Tropical Pacific SST States
- Global climatology and recent trends in the timing, occurrence, and population exposure to dry- and humid-heat extremes from 1979-2019
- Global flood impacts on population displacements
- Harnessing causal linkages between climate and food prices to address nutrition concerns in Senegal
- High resolution imagery to train and validate deep learning models of inundation extent for multiple satellite sensors
- High spatial resolution shortwave cloud remote sensing during CAMP2Ex: initial retrievals from Landsat 8 and Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) multiangle total radiance observations
- High-Resolution Records of Surface and Thermocline Conditions during Glacial Terminations I through IV from the Sulu Sea in the Far Western Pacific
- High-resolution records of dust and productivity from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean across Termination III
- Historical and future contingency of COVID-19 lockdown impacts on atmospheric composition and climate in the GISS ModelE
- Hot and dry weather extremes pose an increasing threat to global crop yields
- Hot spots of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from eddy covariance measurements in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- How unprecedented is the current Colorado River drought? - a paleo perspective
- How unprecedented was the February 2021 Texas cold snap?
- Hurricane hazard assessment in a changing climate: A case study for New York State
- Hurricanes increase tropical forest vulnerability to drought
- Hybrid physics-machine learning of atmospheric processes
- Hydromet Programmes Concept: What Do They Teach Us? The Case Of Burkina Faso In West Africa
- IGSN 2040 Physical Samples Graph: Connecting Data and Knowledge to The Physical World
- Illuminating the Cascadia Subduction Zone with ultra-long offset Multi-Channel Seismic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer data: Overview on the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21).
- Impact of model resolution on the simulation of Asian monsoon rainfall extremes and rain-producing weather systems
- Improving Arctic infrastructure to power observations with marine renewable energy
- Inferring migrant characteristics from a minimalistic model: a case study of South Sudan
- Interactive Biogenic Emissions and Drought Stress Effects on Biosphere-Atmosphere-Chemistry in NASA GISS ModelE
- Intercomparison of Box Models Simulating Cloud Chemistry
- Internet of Samples: Creating and Mapping Controlled Vocabularies for Specimen Type, Material Type, and Sampled Feature
- Introducing GreenDrill: Retrieving sub-glacial bedrock cores in North Greenland to test ice sheet response to interglacial warmth (and supporting your research?)
- Investigation on the biophysical and biogeochemical responses of ecosystem conductance to water stress using eddy-covariance data
- Iron-rich Fe-O compounds at Earth's core pressures
- Is There a Link Between Ebullition and Solute Concentrations of Methane in Peat Pore Waters? Field Evidence From The Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Minnesota (USA)
- Iteratively forecasting near-term terrestrial fluxes across a network of eddy-covariance towers
- Joint Spatio-Temporal Simulation of Gridded Hourly Wind-Solar Fields across Texas
- Lack of persistence of regenerated forests greatly undermines conservation efforts in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
- Learning about microphysical processes from polarimetric radar observations with BOSS
- Machine Learning to evaluate the information content of satellite data for fine particle estimates in India: a modeling testbed
- Machine learning-based parametrizations for the ICON model
- Magma storage, migration, and eruption at Ambrym (Vanuatu) imaged with satellite geodesy
- Master Equation Calculations to Assess the Role of Non-Thermal Bimolecular Reactions in Formaldehyde Photochemistry
- Mean flow and turbulence dynamics in non-stationary atmospheric boundary layer flow over urban-like roughness
- Mechanisms of North Atlantic Influence on the West African Monsoon: Thermodynamic or Dynamic? A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach.
- Meeting the Needs of Interdisciplinary Critical Zone Scientists by Leveraging and Linking Existing Domain Repositories
- Mitigation and Adaptation Emissions Embedded in the Transition to a Stable Climate
- Modeling Evidence for Large, ENSO-driven Interannual Wintertime AMOC Variability
- Modeling insights into the impact of aerosol-cloud cycling on aerosol chemistry.
- Monitoring Vegetation Status in Tropical Forests and Biomes using Land Surface Temperature
- Multiproxy insights into past climate variability from a Central American tree-ring chronology network
- NO and PM2.5 Measurements with Low Cost Sensors and Reference Monitors at a High Traffic Site in Nairobi, Kenya
- National-Scale Quantification of Disproportionate Burdens of Ambient PM2.5 Using Low-Cost Sensors in Historically Redlined Regions Across the United States
- Neogene uplift and landscape evolution in northern Greenland recorded by subglacial valley morphology
- Network character of global refugee flows and its evolution
- New Contribution to Ross Ice Shelf (Antarctica) Boundary Conditions: Basement Depths and Sediment Thickness Determined from Aeromagnetic Data
- New computationally efficient 100 m statistically downscaled Greenland products using the MAR regional climate model and various remote sensing observations.
- New insights into the basement structure of the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica, from gravity analyses
- New insights on the structure and composition of the lower mantle from global adjoint tomography
- Non-monotonic Response of the Climate System to Abrupt CO2 Forcing
- North Atlantic Oscillation in winter is largely insensitive to autumn Barents-Kara sea ice variability
- Numerical Modeling of Coupled Non-Local Damage and Transport in Elastic and Viscoelastic Porous Geological Media
- Numerical and Observational Study of Density Fluctuations and their Effects on Alfven Wave Turbulence in a Coronal Hole
- Observation and Origin of the Most Energetic X-rays from Jupiter
- Occupational Health Risk to Agricultural Workers from Humid Heat
- Oceanic and Atmospheric drivers of exceptional land warming in the northeastern United States
- On the all-India rainfall index, sub-India rainfall heterogeneity, ENSO, and teleconnections from the Indian Ocean
- On the impact of dry intrusions on the cloudy marine boundary layer in mid-latitude cold air outbreaks
- One is Greater than Two for Collision-Coalescence in Bulk Microphysics Schemes
- Open Polar Radar Software and Services to Standardize Radar Echograms and Integrate into a Geospatial Database
- Orbital Pacing of Early Jurassic Age Lacustrine Sequences Revealed with Multiple Age Models: the Towaco and East Berlin Formations of the Newark and Hartford Rift Basins, Eastern North America
- Oxidation state of volcanic gases from Mantle to Atmosphere
- Oxygen stable isotopes in tree rings reveal 300 years of precipitation variability in the South American Altiplano
- PM2.5 Measurements and Regional Trend Assessments from Low-Cost Sensor Networks in Accra, Ghana and Lome, Togo
- Permafrost mercury sources and implications for methylation among Alaskan ecoregions
- Permeability evolution during carbon mineralization in peridotite: implications for geological carbon storage
- Persistent Eurasian double jets favor summer heatwaves over Europe
- Plant hydraulics and rainfall niches: a mechanistic approach to explain species distributions across tropical biomes
- Plant hydraulics-modulated forest physiological and compositional responses to climate changes: an evolutionally optimal modeling analysis
- Precipitation Occurrence Frequency, Intensity, and Synoptic Regime Projection over Macquarie Island
- Precipitation Sensitivity of High-altitude Polylepis pepei in Northern Bolivia
- Prediction of Fe-Mg and Fe-Mg-O Compounds at Exoplanetary Interior Pressures
- Preparing the PmP Dataset in Southern California Using PmPNet
- Quantifying Changes in Lakes, Groundwater, and Sea Level Over the Deglaciation
- Quantifying amount of free water stored in incoming upper oceanic crust outboard of the Alaska Peninsula and Sumatra Trenches
- Quantifying the bias of optically thin cirrus cloud contamination on PACE-MAPP coupled ocean/aerosol retrieval products
- Quantifying the push and pull factors of Somalias internally displaced persons through a minimalistic model
- Quantitative Analysis of Modern Fish Kills and Fossil Fish: Algae Rafting in the Fossil Record
- RGB Data as a High Resolution Proxy for Southern Ocean Nutrient Changes on a Centennial Scale
- Radar-based Bayesian Estimation of Ice Aggregate Parameters Within a Microphysics Model
- Radiocarbon and wood anatomy as key novel tools to generate an annual tree-ring chronology from Prosopis alba in the tropical Bolivian Andes.
- Reconstruction of Iron Sources and Diagenesis in Chilean Margin Sediments over Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Remote Sensing Of The Ocean Surface Refractive Index From Polarimetric Observations of the PACE sensors
- Rheological Evolution of the Ahuailaau Fissure lavas during the 2018 Kilauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Role of canopy density and structure on the applicability of Taylors frozen turbulence hypothesis
- Roles of the Plasmoid Instability in 2D and 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Satellite Observations of Aerosol Optical Depth during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Seasonal Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water and Energy Management : Progress and Challenges
- Seasonal Prediction of the Caribbean Rainfall Cycle
- Seasonal Variation Analysis of Air Pollutants in Accra-Ghana
- Simulating the Sodium Exosphere of Mercury
- Social and Earth Systems Modeling using Greens Functions: Air Quality, Climate and Energy Policy
- Sociotechnical utility-based framework for prioritization of water infrastructure decision-making
- Soil moisture-vapor pressure deficit and the key role of land-atmosphere feedback and causality
- South American hydroclimatic response to large volcanic events over the last 600 years. A data-model intercomparison
- Southern Hemisphere Winter Storms Respond Differently to Low and High CO2 Forcing
- Spatio-temporal evolution of surface melting over the Helheim glacier at high spatial resolution using Sentinel-1, enhanced passive microwave data and downscaled model outputs
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Tropical Pacific Seawater Oxygen Isotopes and Salinity During the 2015/16 El Nino and the 2016/17 La Nina Events
- Spin crossover in ferropericlase in the Earths lower mantle from LDA + USC calculations
- Spin state and phase stability of iron-bearing Mg2SiO4
- Strain- and stress-induced changes on second-order elastic coefficient and its relationship with third-order elastic coefficient
- Strategic site selection of wind and solar power plants in deep decarbonization scenarios for electricity systems
- Submesoscale eddy-driven mixing and heat transport observed beneath the calving edge of the Nansen Ice Shelf
- Suite of Tools to Disseminate Information Derived from Multiple Domains Science Results
- Summertime Circumglobal Rossby Waves in Climate Models: Small Biases in Upper-level Circulation Create Substantial Biases in Surface Imprint
- Summertime Stationary Waves: Variability, Projected Changes and Implications for Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Earth Science Publications
- Tectonic Influence on Bed-Character Variability under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- The Future of X-informatics Lies in Collaborative Convergence: an Exemplar from the Global Global OneGeochemistry Initiative.
- The Impact of Observational Errors on the Optimization of GCM Free Parameters
- The Northwest African Monsoon through the (ice) ages: new evidence for low-latitude drivers of monsoon rainfall, vegetation and dust flux over the past 1.1 million years
- The PACE-MAPP algorithm: coupled ocean/aerosol products
- The Risks of Energy Shortfalls considering Temperature Extremes, Wind and Solar Energy for the Texas Energy Grid Using a Novel Space-Time Simulation Model
- The Role of Acetone on Global Atmospheric Composition
- The Role of Human Behavior in Achieving Sustainable Communities Resilient to Floods
- The Sensitivity of Projected Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution and Sea Level Contribution to GIA
- The Transformation of Global Network Migrant and Refugee Flows: Examining the Potential Emergence of Climate Drivers
- The beginnings of SCOPED: Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- The phenology and environmental drivers of oak tree-growth and photosynthesis at the Lamont Sanctuary Forest in the northeastern US
- ThermoCodegen: New Software for Consistent Integration of Thermodynamics and Geodynamics
- Toward mapping flood impacts in urban areas using multi-sensor satellite data fusion
- Towards a next generation NASA fire information system: Harnessing the full power of NASA fire data and models
- Translation of Orbital Pacing to Climate at a Transitory Interval of Low CO2 During the Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
- Tree-ring isotopes from Araucaria Araucana provide new insights on climate variability at Northern Patagonia
- Tropical Cyclone Risk Modeling: Some Projects, Results, and Challenges
- Turbulence-vegetation-chemistry interactions: Impacts on OH reactivity at a deciduous forest
- Turbulent Heat Flux, Downward Longwave Radiation and Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Associated with the Wintertime Barents-Kara Sea Extreme Sea Ice Loss Events
- Two-step nucleation of the Earth's inner core
- Uncertainties, limits, and benefits of climate change mitigation for soil moisture drought in Southwestern North America
- Uncovering the origin of basal features at the Ross Ice Shelf using radar and augmented reality
- Understanding Sensitivity of Climate with a Perturbed Parameter Ensemble of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Understanding cloud impacts on Amazonia carbon cycle via radiation and precipitation using convection-parameterized and resolved GCMs
- Understanding the Effect of Aboveground Vegetation Composition on Carbonyl Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Biomes.
- Understanding the Extreme Winds over Built Surfaces
- Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 950N
- Unsupervised Organization of Turbulent Updraft Regimes and their Global Response to Warming
- Unsupervised spectral feature extraction applied to acoustic emissions during brittle creep of basalt under dry and wet conditions
- Usability Testing EarthChem PetDB: Findings for Interface Improvement and Recommendations for Future User Testing
- Using LEO radiometers to calibrate of DSCOVR EPIC visible and NIR channels
- Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to study multiphase flows in volcanology and Earth Science
- Using Neural Networks to Constrain Lateral Temperature and Compositional Variations in the Lower Mantle
- Vegetation responses to elevated CO2 are responsible for the large divergence in tropical hydrological projections
- What Can Inherited Zircons Tell Us About the Sources of The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province and Its Transit Through the Earths Crust?
- What Can the Geochemical Variations in Stromatolite Layers Tell Us About Climate Variability in Eastern Africa?
- Why Principles Matter: A Domain Repository Perspective
- Widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis
- Zero Shot Learning of Black Carbon Optical Properties with Graph Neural Networks
- pgm: A Python package for free energy calculation
- "Warm Arctic Cold Eurasia": A Weak and Non-robust Influence from Arctic Sea Ice Melting in Climate Models
- 3D traveltime tomography of the Alaska subduction zone through inversion of active source data acquired during the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE)
- A Climate and History Case Study of 18th- and 19th-Century Multidecadal Droughts in East Africa Using a new Tree-Ring Drought Atlas
- A Comparison of Estimates of Global Air Pollution Exposure and Benefits of Emissions Reductions for Global Health
- A Machine Learning Approach for the Remote Sensing Retrieval of Oil Spills from Polarimetric Measurements
- A Machine-Learning Model of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes at the Global Scale
- A Multilevel Bayesian Framework to Analyze Climate-Fueled Migration and Conflict
- A New Approach to Near-Field Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis in New Zealand, using a Physics-Based Synthetic Earthquake Catalogue.
- A Novel Approach to Quantify Bedrock Fracture Density in Glaciated Environments and Improve Glacial Erosion Models Using Drone Imagery
- A Parsimonious Model to Simulate Refugee Movement Due to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- A Physical-Machine Learning Hybrid Model for Predicting Peak Streamflow During Extreme Flooding
- A Semi-Supervised Machine-Learning Approach to Detecting Repeating Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault
- A convergence approach to the drying Great Salt Lake
- A global synthesis of biomass loss due to wind disturbances during 2016-2018
- A machine learning-based method to partition CO2 fluxes and understand the relationship between gross primary productivity and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A new plate boundary born as another dies: The influence of the Nootka Fault Zone segmenting subduction processes along the northern Cascadia margin
- A stochastic machine learning model of wildfire activity in the Western United States
- Ab initio melting temperatures of bcc and hcp iron under the Earth's inner core condition
- Abrupt changes in atmospheric circulation during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age recorded by Sr-Nd isotopes in the Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica
- Accounting for landscape heterogeneity in eddy covariance fluxes and effects on carbon budgets when scaling in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK
- Acquiring Interdisciplinary Perspectives across Data Lifecycle Stages to Identify Requirements for Enabling Diverse Uses of Research Data
- Advancing Compound Modelling of Tropical Cyclone Wind and Surge for the Caribbean Islands with Climate Change
- An Automated Detection Pipeline and Statistical Analysis of Meteors Detected by GOES GLM
- An Electromagnetic Survey for Imaging Large-Scale Groundwater Systems in Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
- An improved plant hydraulics model for the land component of the CliMA Earth System Model
- An objective estimate of water stress - going beyond PDSI
- Analysis of the Vertical Structure of Lateral Eddy Stirring Using Argo Profiles
- Anharmonic Thermodynamics and Lattice Thermal Conductivity across the Post-Perovskite Transition in MgSiO3
- AntARctica: An Immersive 3D Look into Antarctica's Ice Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- Antarctic Ice-Sheet Meltwater Reduces Climate Sensitivity and Transient Warming through the Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effect
- Applications of TROPOMI NO2 to understand urban NO2 and NOX emissions
- Applying an Open-Source Tropical Cyclone Risk Model for the Public Good
- Archiving Astromaterials Samples Data from NASA Sample-Return Missions
- Assessing Deep Learning Models Trained on Public versus Commercial Data using FloodPlanet, a High-Resolution Commercial Imagery Flood Dataset, for Inundation Detection
- Assessing the Short-Term Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols on Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Assessment of Dust Source Attribution to the Global Land and Ocean Regions
- Assessment of Low-Cost Sensor Correction Factors and Development of of a Global Gaussian Mixture Regression Model for Correcting Optical Low-Cost Sensor Data
- Asynchronous carbon assimilation and tree growth explains ring-width climate sensitivity of Eastern US temperature oaks
- Atomistic simulation of δ-AlOOH at high pressures
- Automated Detection of West Antarctic Persistent Polynas using Physics-Featurized Neural Networks
- Bayesian Machine Learning Method for Simultaneous Parameter Inference and Model Closure of Dynamical Systems: Application to Two-Scale Lorenz '96 System
- Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network to Attribute Greenland Ice Albedo Variability to Specific Drivers
- Bridging current indirect and future direct estimates of convective mass flux toward quantifying the role of convective cores on anvil area time tendencies
- Building HRSL v2.0: adding building volume and building type estimation to HRSL.
- Building a database of thermoelastic properties using ab initio workflows
- Bulking Up with the BOSS: Accurate Emulation of the TAU Bin Model's Liquid Microphysics Using Simple Bulk Schemes
- CASM: A Long-term Consistent Artificial Intelligence-based Soil Moisture Dataset
- Can Land Policy Change the Climate? Evidence from a Large Tree-Planting Program
- Cascading delays in the monsoon rice growing season and post-monsoon agricultural fires likely exacerbate air pollution in North India
- Cataloging Effective Pressure and Frozen Fringe Under Glaciers
- Categorization of material sample type across research domains
- Causal Pathways of Tropical Cyclone-ENSO Interaction
- Challenging the Status Quo: What Databases/Data Compilations are You Using for Your Data-Driven Geochemical Research? Will they still be accessible in 2030? Are your data compilations ethical?
- Changing Climate, Peak Demand and Load Factors across the contiguous United States
- Characteristics of dynamic earthquake triggering at Axial Seamount
- Characterizing Fire Regimes of Northwest African Savannas From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Late Holocene
- Citing samples and derived analytical data at granularity of the individual object to ensure credit is given to those that undertake and fund the original primary research.
- Climate Adaptation in 2021 and Beyond: Using Machine Learning and Earth Observation to Bolster Extreme Event Resilience
- Climate Impacts on the Radial Growth of Tree Species in the Bolivian Amazon
- Compound Tropical Cyclone-Elevated Heat Events in the United States
- Connecting the subglacial environment of the Amundsen Sea Embayment glaciers to ice sheet models using a combination of aerogeophysical data and statistical methods
- Constraining Respiration Flux and Carbon Pools in a Simple Ecosystem Carbon Model
- Continuous Monitoring of Net CO2 Drawdown from Experimental Ocean Alkalinity Additions
- Contrasting Impacts of Dry Versus Humid Heat on US Corn and Soybean Yields
- Coral Skeletal Ba/Ca in the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá has Paleo-Hydroclimate Potential to Evaluate Seasonal Variability and Reconstruct River Discharge
- Coseismic static stress transfer between propagating faults promotes intra-rift faulting: Insights from the 2009 Mw 6.0 and 2014 Mw 5.2 Karonga Earthquakes, Malawi Rift
- Coupling of Displacement and Basement Damage Distribution Across a Border Fault Relay Zone, Toro-Bunyoro Fault, Albertine Rift
- Current and Future Air Quality Impacts from Wildfires on Facilities and Employees at NASA Centers Estimated using NEX-GDDP Downscaled Climate Projections
- DSCOVR EPIC Vis-NIR Calibration Update Using LEO and GEO Radiometers
- Daily Space-Based Observations of Nitrogen Dioxide Inequalities in Major U.S. Cities
- Debriefing the First Year of the Climates Using Interactive Suites of Intercomparisons Nested for Exoplanet Studies (CUISINES).
- Deep Learning for Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Modeling in Large-Eddy Simulations of the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Description and evaluation of brown carbon representation in GISS ModelE
- Determining the Drivers of Flood Seasonality through Model Experiments
- Developing Sample Citation Guidelines with AGU Publishers
- Did (some) carbonate & serpentine alteration of ultramafic rocks on Mars occur via ambient weathering over billions of years?
- Discovering the mineralogy of super-Earth-type planets
- Disentangling the Effects of Meteorological Variability and Wildfires on PM2.5 Concentrations in California using Machine Learning
- Drivers of OCS and CO2 Surface Fluxes in Boreal and Arctic Biomes During the Alaskan Growing Season
- Drivers of the Wind Stress Curl over the Weddell Sea
- EMC2: A Hybrid-Machine Learning Carbon Model for the Discovery of Unknown Functional Relationships in Terrestrial Carbon Cycles
- Ecosystem-scale downregulation on biochemical process outweighs biophysical process in response to soil water stress
- Effects of Air Exposure on the Ultraviolet-Visible Reflectance Characteristics of Analog Minerals
- Electronic structure and stability field of iron-bearing pppv Mg2SiO4 at ultra-high pressure*
- Emergent Constraints on Climate Sensitivity Based on Recent Warming are Biased Low by Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effects
- Empowering research communities to make their Samples FAIR
- Episodic magma hammer forces causing the recent cataclysmic Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption
- Estimating Global Mortality Burden Attributable to Fine Particulate Matter in 2040 under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Estimating Methane Fluxes from Large Point Sources in New York State: A Methodological Intercomparison
- Estimating the land-atmosphere coupling strength at daily scale in the radiation and moisture pathways using PCMCI and XGBoosting
- Evaluating Health Benefits of Transportation Policies Designed in Collaboration with Environmental Justice Organizations
- Evaluating Past Heavy Metal Contamination in Pulverized Eastern Oyster Shells at Superfund Sites
- Evaluation of NASA GEOS-CF v1.0 against Surface Observations in Accra: Fine Particulate Matter Concentration
- Examining sediment consolidation state and hydrothermal circulation at and near buried seamounts on the Cascadia Margin and its relation to earthquake generation
- Expanding the Utility of Non-Spinose Foraminifera in Paleoceanographic Reconstructions, Insight from Laboratory Experiments and Observations
- Exploring Olivine in Astromaterials: Classification of Chondritic Components based on Major/Minor Oxides and Oxygen Isotopes.
- Exploring Time-step Sensitivities Related to High Clouds and Process Coupling in the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM)
- Exploring the Feasibility of a Single Liquid Category Bulk Microphysics Scheme
- Exploring the Habitat of Slow and Fast Earthquakes in and around the Guerrero Seismic Gap off the Pacific Coast of Mexico using New Active Source Seismic Data
- Extreme Humid Heat Variability during the South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Extreme Sediment Accretion: Shear-Velocity Structure across the Indo-Burman Forearc Margin from Joint Inversion of Surface-Wave and Scattering Constraints
- Extreme events increase carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuel
- Faunal Stable Isotopes Describe Eastern African Hydroclimate Across the Afro-Eurasian Collision
- Fluvial Geomorphology and Process of Regressive Erosion of the Coca River in the Amazon Foothills of Ecuador.
- Forced trends in the tropical Pacific and global tropical cyclones: An investigation using a statistical-dynamical downscaling model
- Forward Stratigraphic Modeling Experiment to Evaluate the Sensitivity of Passive Margin Stratigraphy to Variations in Sea Level, Sediment Supply, and Subsidence
- Future Drought Risk in Southwest North America Under Natural Decadal Variability and Human-driven Climate Change
- Game-theoretic modeling of vegetation composition, structure, and dynamics: physical constraints, fundamental processes, and emergent properties
- Generating Accurate Climate Model Realizations
- Generating Physically-Consistent High-Resolution Climate Data with Hard-Constrained Neural Networks
- Geostationary satellite observations reveal the impact of heat waves on diurnal dynamics of ecosystem productivity
- Global Cooperation for Interdisciplinary FAIR Data Policy and Practice: The WorldFAIR Project and OneGeochemistry
- Global Hotspots of Extreme Humid Heat and Air Pollution Co-Occurrence
- Health Implications of Climate-Forward Investment in Active Transport
- Health impacts of smoke exposure in South America: Increased risk for populations in the Amazonian Indigenous territories
- Heterogeneity in Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Within Flux Footprints Driven by Wildfire and Permafrost Thaw
- Heterogeneous Hydroclimate and Vegetation in the Middle Miocene East African Rift Valley
- High resolution mapping of surface melting over the Helheim glacier, EastGreenland using Sentinel-1, enhanced passive microwave data and regionalclimate model outputs
- High-resolution modeling of air quality and health benefits of transportation policies in the Boston Metropolitan area
- How does recent streamflow in the South and East Tibetan Plateau compare with that during the past eight centuries?
- Hurricane Boundary Layer Depth Determination using Large Eddy Simulation Model
- Hydrogeochemistry and Geothermometry of the Hot Springs Along the Magma-poor Western branch of the East African Rift System
- Hyperspectral Soil Albedo in Earth System Models Significantly Impacts Climate Simulations
- Identifying the Relative Importance of Soil Moisture, Relative Humidity, and Temperature for Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Crops Using Machine Learning Models
- Impact of Numerical Domain on Turbulent Flow Statistics: Scalings and Considerations for Canopy Flows
- Impacts of Automated Isoprene Chemical Mechanism Reduction on SOA Chemistry and Air Quality in GEOS-Chem
- Impacts of Improved Process Representation of Particle Dry Deposition on PM Pollution in a Global Chemistry-Climate Model: Differences Across Regions, Seasons, and PM Sizes
- Impacts of Liana-Tree Competition on Canopy Leaf Area and Tree and Liana Mortality within an Individual-Based Forest Dynamics Model
- Implementing a Boundary Layer Mass Flux Modification to the Spectral Weak Temperature Gradient Method in NCAR's Single Column Atmospheric Model SCAM6
- Implicit Learning of Convective Organization Explains Precipitation Stochasticity
- Improving Predictions of Surface Water and Carbon Fluxes by Combining Flux Towers and Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors Globally
- Inconsistencies in Thorium-Derived Dust Fluxes in the Pacific Ocean
- Incorporating Physically Based Bare Ice Albedo over Greenland within the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Influence of the mid-Holocene Green Sahara on South American climate
- Initial Active-Source Vp Tomography Results for CASIE21 Experiment Line PD12 Offshore Northwestern Oregon, and a Comparison with Nearby Land-Based Receiver Functions
- Internet of Samples : Metadata Enhancement for Material Type and Specimen Type
- Investigating the Fast Timescales of Polar Amplification
- Investigation of a bottom-simulating reflector at the Hikurangi subduction margin by means of 3D full-waveform inversion
- Jetstream driven risks of synchronized low harvests in current and future climates
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation Of Plastic Rheologies: Phase Space Study Of The Emergence Of Plate Tectonics
- Learning from JEFE: Using an Adjoint Model to Compare Error Sensitivities of Different Bulk Representations of Cloud Microphysics
- Learning to Learn Ecological Processes in Tropical Forests
- Lithospheric Attenuation structure of the Indo-Burma subduction Zone and Indochina peninsula using Q Tomography of Regional Seismic Phases
- Long-term Observations of Smog Intensification over Northern India Associated with Aerosol-Radiation-Meteorological Feedbacks
- Low-dimensional representation of turbulence across planetary boundary layer regimes
- Machine Learning-Based Causally Informed Atmospheric Parametrizations for Climate Models
- Machine learning optimal prognostic moments for single-category cloud microphysics parameterizations
- Mapping Ice Shelf Calving Fronts at Thwaites Glacier using Deep Learning and Satellite Imagery in a Cloud-Based Workflow
- Mars Dust Cycle Behavior in the NASA GISS ROCKE-3D GCM
- Martian CO2, Water and Dust Cycles in GISS ROCKE-3D GCM: Latest Development
- Mathematical and experimental models of steam-driven fluid oscillations in a laboratory geyser with a bubble trap
- Mechanistic and machine learning studies of emerging contaminants in the environment
- Methane Chamber Fluxes for Lawns and Landfills in a Dense Urban Area
- Mining a large earthquake catalog at Axial Seamount with unsupervised spectral feature extraction method
- Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effect by Optimizing Urban Landuse Planning - Use Runoff Coefficient as a Landcover Type Indicator
- Modulation of Air-Sea Heat Fluxes by Surface Material
- Modulation of Atmospheric Rivers by the Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Wildland Fire Smoke in California from 2008-2018.
- Multidisciplinary Methodological Approach for Flash Flood Risk Assessment in Rural Communities from the Peruvian Andes.
- NASA Earthdata Cloud ArcGIS Spatial Data Infrastructure for Enhanced End User Analysis Experiences in GIS Tools
- Near-Term Predictability Lowers Long-Term Adaptation Costs
- Network Models of Possible Climate Drivers to Refugee Flows: Regional Scale Comparisons
- New insights in quantitative wood anatomy and radiocarbon dating as complementary methodologies to study tree species from the Central tropical Andes.
- Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction with a Variational Encoder Decoder to Understand Convective Processes in Climate Models
- Non-monotonic climate sensitivity dependence on CO2 due to a North Atlantic pattern effect
- Novel Single-Pellet K/Ar Dating Combined With X-Ray Diffraction to Examine Glauconite Formation in Gulf of Guinea Site 959
- Observations of Breaking-Wave Dissipation and Their Relationship to Atmosphere-Ocean Energy Transfer
- Observations of particle number size distributions and new particle formation in six Indian locations
- On the Processes causing Stratospheric Contraction and its Implications
- OneGeochemistry: Progress on the Path toward Shared, Reusable, and Interoperable Geochemical Data
- Open Science Approaches for Integrating Socioeconomic and Biophysical Data
- Optimality based Physics Informed Neural Network for stomatal conductance modeling under heat and soil water stress
- Our changing environment: from individual efforts to a community-driven effort
- PACE UV-VIS Polarimetric Remote Sensing of Atmosphere-Ocean Systems: Sensitivity to Variations in Brown Carbon
- Panamá Coral Ba/Ca Reconstruction of River Discharge from 1719-2018 CE Reveals that Central Pacific El Niño Events and Large Volcanic Eruptions are Predictors of Drought: Implications for Management of the Panamá Canal
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Alaskan Boreal Forest and Tundra Soils in Relation to Carbonyl Sulfide Fluxes
- Physics to machine learning, and machine learning back to physics
- Planetary Monitoring and Attribution of Expressed Emotional Responses to Heatwaves and Extreme Precipitation
- Plant access to belowground moisture allows sustained evapotranspiration during drought
- Policies on the Electrical Grid Affect the Severity and Location of Impacts of Charging Electric Vehicles
- Policy-related Gains in Urban Air Quality May Be Offset by Increased Emissions in a Warming Climate
- Predictability of the Minimum Sea Ice Extent from Late Winter Fram Strait Ice Export: Model vs Observations
- Predicting deforestation risk for REDD+ projects: using satellite-based land use cover maps and machine learning for robust deforestation baseline projections
- Quantification of Urban Biogenic CO2 Fluxes Requires High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Vegetation Types
- Quantifying and Attributing Non-Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Emission Sources in New York City using Recent Rooftop and Ground-level Observations.
- Quantifying elevation dynamics in relation to effective sea-level rise: implications for flood risk in the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
- Quantifying the influence of mechanistic representation and uncertainty in particle dry deposition on preindustrial-to-present changes in aerosol burdens and radiative forcing using global chemistry-climate modelling
- QuiCFIM, a Quick GIS-Based Combined Flood Inundation Mapping Framework
- ROCKE-3D 2.0: An Updated General Circulation Model for Simulating the Climates of Rocky Planets
- Radar polarimetry and flash rate variability in varying thermodynamic and aerosol environments in Houston, TX
- Radiative Transfer in Sea Ice and Validation with Albedo and Transmittance Measurements
- Rapidly approaching a thermal tolerance tipping point in the Eurasian boreal forest at its southern margins
- Reconnection-Driven Energy Cascade in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Reconstructing subglacial lake activity with physics-based altimetry inversions
- Reconstruction of 3D turbulent flow fields from 2D images using deep learning
- Reconstruction of a Long-term global spatially Contiguous Solar-Induced Fluorescence (LCSIF) data over 1982-2021
- Role of wind in the modulation of urban surface temperatures
- Satellite Fusion Based Historical Inundation Estimates for Accurate Return Period Estimates in Bangladesh
- Sea Level Rise and Compound Coastal-Fluvial Flooding along the Hudson River, NY
- Sea level and dynamic topography change since the mid-Pliocene: Leveraging a global dataset of 12 wavecut scarps
- Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED), Year 1: Collaboration, Software, Training, and Workshops
- Socio-demographic factors shaping the future global health burden from air pollution
- Soil Carbon Losses Reduce Soil Moisture in Global Climate Model Simulations
- Solid Carbon: Safe and Durable Carbon Storage in Ocean Basalt - From Feasibility to Demonstration to Global Potential
- Spatial Variability in Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Dioxide Diurnal Cycles in the NYC Area
- Spatial attribution of aircraft mass balance experiment CO2 estimations for policy relevant boundaries: New York City
- Structural Roles of Mobility Flow Networks and the Importance of Environmental Drivers
- Submarine Record of Disastrous Earthquakes at a Strain Partitioned Transpressional Boundary: NSF RAPID Response of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, Jamaica Passage
- Summertime Transport Pathways and Dynamics from Northern India and Tibetan Plateau to the Lower Stratosphere: Insights from Idealized Tracer Experiments
- Surface water detection from passive microwave data during flood events using deep learning
- Taking the Land Out of Landlab: Building a Marine Sequence-Stratigraphic Model Using Landlab
- Ten-year Study of the Indo-Pacific Oceanic Exchange and its Role in Global Circulation and Climate Dynamics
- The Beardmore Basal Body: Tracing Basal Features of the Ross Ice Shelf
- The CPEX-AW/CV Data Portal: Challenges Making Campaign Data and Services FAIR
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The Co-evolution of Humans, Climate, Water, Earth and Biota: The Next Chapter?
- The Cycling of 231Pa in the Pacific Ocean and Implications for its Use as a Paleoceanographic Proxy
- The El Niño-Southern Oscillation-Tropical Cyclone Relationship in a Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling Model
- The Fire Index Risk Optimizer (FIRO)
- The Fire Weather Index Improved for Peatlands by Including Hydrological Modeling and L-band Microwave Observations
- The Green's Function Model Intercomparison Project (GFMIP) Protocol
- The IEDA2 Facility - Harmonizing FAIR Sample (Meta)Data for VGP Research
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferences of Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Link Between Ice Nucleation and Climate Sensitivity
- The Rise in Atmospheric CO2 and Plant Based Allergies.
- The Sea Surface Temperature Pattern Effect in the Last Glacial Maximum Reduces Climate Sensitivity Estimates
- The Seismicity of West Africa: Construction of a Focal Mechanism Catalog with a Sparse Dataset
- The Sources of Terrigenous Sediment to the Southeast Atlantic-Southern Ocean Over the Last 150,000 Years
- The Tidal Stress Triggering of Microearthquakes in the Decade Preceding the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake
- The impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on Antarctic ice loss and global sea levels in the coming centuries
- The impact of large scale atmospheric and cyclone variability on the sea-ice edge in the Labrador Sea
- The post-perovskite transition in Fe- and Al-bearing bridgmanite
- The science of climate risk
- The value of large-scale climatic indexes for forecasting the severity of widespread flooding using dilated convolutional neural networks
- ThermoCodegen: New Software for Consistent Integration of Thermodynamics and Geodynamics
- Thermodynamically-consistent reactive disequilibrium models of mantle convection
- Thorium-based Estimates of Atmospheric Dust-Derived Iron Delivery to High-Nitrate Low-Chlorophyll Regions in the Pacific Ocean
- Throwing caution to the wind: Common instrumental variables approaches to causal analysis of air pollution are flawed
- Tidewater-glacier response to supraglacial lake drainage
- Toward a Green function database for Global 3-D centroid moment tensor inversions
- Towards Scalable Grapevine Leafroll Virus Detection in Cabernet Sauvignon Winegrapes with Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Towards a Flexible Data Fusion Tool for Air Quality Estimation and Forecasting with a Global Scope in Google Earth Engine
- Training and validating deep learning models for urban flood mapping using public and commercial satellite sensors
- Triadic Signatures of Global Refugee and Migrant Flow Networks
- Tropical cyclone precipitation in the S2S models: climatology and skill
- Tropospheric Influence on Stratospheric Tropical Upwelling
- Turbulence in unsteady urban canopy flow
- US Antarctic Program Data Center (USAP-DC) - a Community Resource for US Antarctic Data
- Uncertainties in Quantifying Human Impacts on the Global Water Cycle
- Uncertainty Quantification in Three-Dimensional Plant Canopy Flow
- Uncovering the Archetypical cross-Pacific Atmospheric River Main Routes
- Understanding Arctic Climate Change Seasonality and Uncertainty using SMILEs
- Understanding CO2-S Degassing from San Cristóbal Volcano
- Understanding Drivers of Greenland Surface Melting Through Machine Learning, Game Theory and Attribution Analysis: a Test Case at the Helheim Glacier
- Understanding model-observation discrepancies in satellite retrievals of stratospheric temperature using GISS ModelE
- Unsupervised learning of microphysical process rates using generative machine learning models
- Urban Flood Dataset: A globally representative satellite-based labeled dataset of flooding in urban settings
- Urban Nitrous Oxide Emissions from New York City Wastewater Treatment
- Using Satellite-Observed Inundation for Socio-economic Assessments of Flood Impacts in the United States
- Using seismic data to understand Rift Evolution in Magma Poor Rifts. An example of the Albertine Rift.
- Wave-driven turbulence and Turbulent Kinetic Energy Transfer across the air-sea interface
- What Does Equitable Co-production Entail? Three Perspectives
- Wind Stress Modeling above Ocean Waves based on a Dynamic Surface Roughness Approach
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Bécel
- A. G. Stubblefield
- A. G. Whittington
- A. Karion
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. Nyblade
- A. Park Williams
- A. S. Brecht
- A. Sankarasubramanian
- A. W. Rempel
- Adam H. Sobel
- Adele L. Igel
- Adnan Barkat
- Alain Protat
- Albert A. Presto
- Albert Kong
- Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen
- Alek Petty
- Alex Guenther
- Alex de Sherbinin
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexander Marshak
- Alexander Norton
- Alexander Prent
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra Nicole Ramos-Valle
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Alma Hodzic
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amanda Chen
- Amanda Hendrix
- Ambarish V. Karmalkar
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Anastasia Romanou
- Andrea K. Thomer
- Andrea L. Moore
- Andrea Molod
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew R. Babbin
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Andrew Williams
- Ane Alencar
- Angela L. Slagle
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anna T. Trugman
- Anne de Vernal
- Annmarie G. Carlton
- Anusuriya Devaraju
- Aparna Bamzai‐Dodson
- Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj
- Arielle Moullet
- Arlan Dirkson
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Armin Mehrabian
- Arnold L. Gordon
- Arthur Z. Hu
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Asphota Wasti
- Atsuhiro Muto
- Augusto Getirana
- Avi M. Mandell
- B. A. Keisling
- B. Boston
- B. Ervens
- B. G. Koffman
- B. K. Holtzman
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. de Foy
- Balaji Rajagopalan
- Bar Oryan
- Barry A. Klinger
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin Dechant
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Benjamín C. Bostick
- Beth Tellman
- Biqing Zhu
- Boniface Fosu
- Bosong Zhang
- Braddock K. Linsley
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian McDonald
- Bridget R. Scanlon
- Bryan G. Mark
- C. C. Chang
- C. Hain
- C. Havlin
- C. J. Gleason
- C. J. W. Carchedi
- C. Karamperidou
- C. M. Jackman
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. R. Thompson
- C. R. Wilson
- C. S. Siddoway
- C.A. Alvarez Zarikian
- Caio Ciardelli
- Calum P. Fox
- Carl Malings
- Carl Tape
- Carla Maldonado
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carol S. Woodward
- Caroline Leland
- Carson Riggs Witte
- Cassandra Denise Wilks Rogers
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Cenlin He
- Charles S. Zender
- Cheng Zheng
- Chenxing Luo
- Cheryl Porter
- Chester E. Harman
- Chia‐Ying Lee
- Chloe A. Whicker
- Chongming Yang
- Chris Moeckel
- Christa D. Peters‐Lidard
- Christina M. Patricola
- Christina Schädel
- Christine F. Dow
- Christine McCarthy
- Christoph Müller
- Christopher Erdmann
- Christopher J. Vogl
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher M. Moy
- Christopher T. Hayes
- Chuanfei Dong
- Claire C. Treat
- Clara Orbe
- Clay Tabor
- Clinton P. Conrad
- Colin R. Meyer
- Colin Raymond
- Colin Wilson
- Corinna Rebmann
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Craig L. Stevens
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Cécile Agosta
- D. F. Porter
- D. Fils
- D. J. Shillington
- D. M. Peteet
- D. Medvigy
- D. T. Shindell
- D.J. Miller
- Daehyun Kim
- Daisuke Tokuda
- Dan Barker
- Dani Or
- Daniel A. Bader
- Daniel D. Mongovin
- Daniel E. Amrhein
- Daniel L. Goldberg
- Daniel R. Green
- Daniel Sousa
- Daniel Tong
- David Farnham
- David G. Tarboton
- David M. Lawrence
- David McGee
- David Painemal
- David Pollard
- Deepti Singh
- Denis‐Didier Rousseau
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Dhruv Balwada
- Di Long
- Dié Wang
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Donald O. Rosenberry
- Donald R. Blake
- Dongliang Yuan
- Dougal Hansen
- Douglas A. Day
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E X Bonilla
- E. A. Ray
- E. Antonini
- E. C. Apel
- E. Heggy
- E. J. Hintsa
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Edward G. Patton
- Edward Molter
- Edward R. Cook
- Edward W. Llewellin
- Efi Rousi
- Einat Lev
- Elie Bou‐Zeid
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Klovenski
- Emily Cloyd
- Emily Nagamoto
- Emmanuel A. Njinju
- Ensheng Weng
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric Kansa
- Eric M Roy
- Eric T. Wolf
- Erica M. Lucas
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Ethan Coffel
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. Caratori Tontini
- F. Joseph Turk
- F. O. Nitsche
- F. Vilas
- F. Waldhauser
- Fabrice Lambert
- Facundo Sapienza
- Fei Luo
- Fernando Iglesias‐Suarez
- Fernando Romero Galvan
- Feyera A. Hirpa
- Flavio Lehner
- Florian Zabel
- Folarin Kolawole
- Francesco S. R. Pausata
- Francisco Delgado
- Frank Lamy
- François Massonnet
- Fred Richards
- Fuqiang Tian
- G Cesana
- G. A. Abers
- G. E. Tucker
- G. P. Schill
- G. S. Diskin
- G. Suárez
- Gabriel Bridges
- Gabriel Chiodo
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriele Accarino
- Gabriele Morra
- Gaige Hunter Kerr
- Garima Raheja
- Genevieve Studer‐Ellis
- Georg Rümpker
- George Tselioudis
- Gerbrand Koren
- German Vargas G.
- Gisela Winckler
- Giuseppe Torri
- Grace E. Shephard
- Gregory F. Moore
- Gregory S. Elsaesser
- Guido Cervone
- Guido Grosse
- Guy J. G. Paxman
- Gökçe Üstünışık
- Göran Ekström
- H. C. P. Lau
- H. R. Dietterich
- Hailong Wang
- Hanchao Jian
- Hannah K. Friedrich
- Hartmut Herrmann
- Haynes Stephens
- Heidi Rodenhizer
- Henry C. Wu
- Hideo Shiogama
- Hitoshi Matsui
- Hong Cui
- Howard J. Spero
- Hugh Morrison
- Hui Wan
- Huisheng Bian
- Hussam Mahmoud
- Huw Horgan
- Hyungjun Kim
- Ian Foster
- Ian Hewitt
- Ian T. Baker
- Igor Aleinov
- Imke de Pater
- Irene Palazzoli
- Isla R. Simpson
- Israel Silber
- Ivan Mitevski
- J. A. Tielke
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. D. Crounse
- J. Douglas Walker
- J. E. Kay
- J. Escartı́n
- J. P. Canales
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. O’Donnell
- J. P. Perlwitz
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Peischl
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- Jacob Haqq-Misra
- Jacqueline Austermann
- Jacqueline K.Y. Hung
- Jake Lee
- James Andrew Leong
- James Doss‐Gollin
- James W. Elkins
- Jane W. Baldwin
- Janine Birnbaum
- Jason E. Smerdon
- Jason P. Briner
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeff S. Bowman
- Jeffery S. Horsburgh
- Jeffrey C. Smith
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jenna L Everard
- Jennifer L. Middleton
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jens Klump
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- Jens Zinke
- Jerry F McManus
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- Jesús N. Pinto‐Ledezma
- Jhardel Dasent
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- Jiangong Liu
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- Joseph M. Katich
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- Jung‐Fu Lin
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- K. Emma Knowland
- K. Everard
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- Kai Kornhuber
- Kai Zhang
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- Kang Sun
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- Kevin T. Uno
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kirsten Elger
- Knut Christianson
- Kostas Tsigaridis
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle T. Mandli
- Kytt MacManus
- L. A. Coogan
- L. A. Parsons
- L. C. Ray
- L. K. Emmons
- L. T. Iraci
- Lain Graham
- Larisa Tarasova
- Larissa Nazarenko
- Larry W. Horowitz
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- Lee T. Murray
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- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
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- Louisa I Bradtmiller
- Lucas Ford
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- Luke Schiferl
- M. Asgari-Targhi
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- M. H. Burger
- M. H. Hecht
- M. Khayat
- M. L. Rudolph
- M. M. Loranty
- M. Marjanović
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. Tzortziou
- Madankui Tao
- Maider Llaguno-Munitxa
- Malgosia Madajewicz
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Marc J. Alessi
- Marc Spiegelman
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- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
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- Maureen E Raymo
- McKenna W. Stanford
- Melissa Scruggs
- Mengqian Lu
- Mengxin Pan
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Mian Chin
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- Michael Everett Mann
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- Mingfang Ting
- Mingxuan Wu
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- Mitchell Bushuk
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- Motasem S. Abualqumboz
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Márcia C. Castro
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- Olaf Eisen
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- Pedram Hassanzadeh
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- Péter Móra
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- Renata Regina Constantino
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- Sander Veraverbeke
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- Sean Patrick Santos
- Sebastian D. Eastham
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- Stanislaus J. Schymanski
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- Tiange Xing
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- Trude Storelvmo
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- Émilie Pauline Dassié
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- О. В. Калашникова