Tennessee State University
flowchart I[Tennessee State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (94)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ion-pair Formation and Ion Mobilities in Aqueous NaCl and KCl at High Temperatures from Conductance Data
- Summary of the Journal of Geoscience Education Urban Theme Issue (Published in November, 2004)
- Illustrating Latin American Geology With Free Geospatial Data Obtained Through the Internet
- Numerical models of carbonate hosted gold mineralization, Great Basin Nevada
- A High-Resolution Seismic Survey Across the State Line fault, NV
- Inverse modeling of parameters in a process-based model Biome-BGC at Duke Pine Forest
- Paleoclimatic impact on vertebrate activities: a speleothem record from Power Mill Creek Cave, Missouri
- Preliminary Pseudo 3-D Imagery of the State Line Fault, Stewart Valley, Nevada Using Seismic Reflection Data
- Climate change in the mid-latitudes of North America during the marine isotope stage 11
- Enhanced Delivery of Permanganate Using a Manganese Dioxide Particle Stabilization Aid
- Litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: Estimation methods and environmental controls
- The Co-Evolution of Asian Aquifers and Arsenic: How Understanding Sedimentary History can Help Predict Patterns of Arsenic Heterogeneity
- The NASA Earth Observing System Higher-Education Alliance Curriculum Development Project at Middle Tennessee State University
- Equifinality and Uncertainty in Modeling Soil Respiration
- Responses of soil respiration to elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition in subtropical forest ecosystems in China
- The Importance of the Initial Rise and Fall of the Shoreline in Preparing People to Respond to Earthquake-Generated Tsunamis
- A Comparative Study of Vegetation Phenology Using MODIS and AmeriFlux Data
- Online Remote-Sensing Tool for Calculating Evapotranspiration
- Space Grant Undergraduate Remote Sensing Research in Urban Growth near Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Dating cave speleothems using diamond core bits in Tennessee and Virginia
- Integrating the pre-LGM Stalagmite Record from the Southern Appalachians of Eastern North America with Tropical, East Asian, and Greenland Paleoclimate Records
- a Continuous Record of Trace Element and Stable Isotope Variations in a West Virginia Speleothem: Pre-Lgm to Early Holocene
- Determination of the Instantaneous Lava Effusion Rate of Hawaiian Style Volcanic Eruptions by Continuous Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic Monitoring of Active Lava Tubes
- Development and Application of a Message Metric for NOAA NWS Tsunami Warnings and Recommended Guidelines for the NWS TsunamiReady Program
- Effects of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4 and CO2) from corn fields
- Warnings and reactions to the Tohoku tsunami in Hawaii
- Advancements in differential VLF: A low-cost approach to determining continuous lava effusion rates through a basaltic lava tube at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii using very low frequency electromagnetic monitoring
- Application of a Tsunami Warning Message Metric to refine NOAA NWS Tsunami Warning Messages
- Convergence of Phenological and Physiological Control on Annual Terrestrial Carbon Dioxide Uptake
- Determining the Heliosphere's Modulation Boundary
- Effects of Land Use Land Cover (LULC) and Climate on Simulation of Phosphorus loading in the Southeast United States Region
- Phenological and physiological mechanisms underlying interannual variability of terrestrial net ecosystem production
- Seasonal Dynamics of N2O and CO2 Emissions from a Corn Production System measured with the Eddy covariance and Chamber techniques
- Using Interdisciplinary Research Methods to Revise and Strengthen the NWS TsunamiReadyTM Community Recognition Program
- High Resolution Spectra of Jupiter's Decametric Emission using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
- The Radio Jove Project: Citizen Science Contributes to Jupiter Decametric Radio Research
- Towards a Proactive Risk Mitigation Strategy at La Fossa Volcano, Vulcano Island
- Amateur Planetary Radio Data Archived for Science and Education: Radio Jove
- Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Fertilization Management on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Cornfield Using the DNDC Model
- Beaming Structures of Jupiter's Decametric Radiation from LWA1, NDA, and URAN2 Simultaneous Observations
- Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Integrated Approach for the Assessment of Land Deformation in the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia
- Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support.
- Soil Phosphorus Gains and Losses with Afforestation: A Meta-analysis
- Zircon Geochemistry of Granitic Rocks from Ong Valley and Moraine Canyon in the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- A reassessment of the Quaternary Paleoclimatic data from the Sahara
- Assessment of the Extent of Land Deformation Associated with Salt Domes within the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia
- Citizen Science Opportunity With the NASA Heliophysics Education Consortium (HEC)-Radio JOVE Project
- Development of Early Warning System using Temporal Radar Images for Debris Flows in Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia
- Jupiter's Io-D Decametric Source Morphology using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
- Long Term Precipitation Patterns Assessment and Prediction over the Mediterranean Basin
- Mission EarthFusing GLOBE with NASA Assets to Build SystemicInnovation in STEM Education
- Organizational preparedness for and management of volcanic crises at Kīlauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, Hawaii
- Radio Jove: Citizen Science for Jupiter Radio Astronomy
- Soil respiration, microbial biomass and exoenzyme activity in switchgrass stands under nitrogen fertilization management and climate warming.
- Streamlining Tsunami Messages (e.g., Warnings) of the US National Tsunami Warning Center, Palmer, Alaska
- Assessing the Nexus of Built, Natural, and Social Environments and Public Health Outcomes
- Developing Predictive Models for Algal Bloom Occurrence and Identifying Factors Controlling their Occurrence in the Charlotte County and Surroundings
- Effects of soil dry-wet cycles and nitrogen fertilization on soil nitrous oxide emission: Simulation using the DNDC model
- Global Climatic Indices Influence on Rainfall Spatiotemporal Distribution : A Case Study from Morocco
- Impact of Crop Conversions on Runoff and Sediment Output in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Nitrogen Fertilization Elevated Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen in Switchgrass and Gamagrass Croplands
- Petrographic and geochemical investigation of magma chamber processes beneath small Quaternary volcanic centers between Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood volcanoes, Cascade Range Volcanic Arc
- Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Runoff and Sediment Processes in Agricultural Watersheds: A Case Study from the Sunflower Watershed in the Lower Mississippi Basin
- Teacher Preparation with GLOBE and NASA Assets
- Different Responses of Soil Respiration to Precipitation Changes in Two Grassland Ecosystems
- Differential effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration and microbial dynamics in switchgrass croplands
- GLOBE Mission Earth: Evaluation of the Second Year's Implementation.
- Long Term Prediction of Drought Events in Southwestern US
- MASER, a toolbox for low frequency radio astronomy
- Public Parks and Open Spaces vs Greenspaces as Indicators of Health Promoting Environments
- Radio Jove Solar Citizen Science
- Radio Jove Space Science Education Partners
- Effects of Precipitation Treatments on Switchgrass Chlorophyll Content, Photosynthesis, Biomass, and Yield
- Impacts of climate and switchgrass cultivar on diurnal and seasonal variations of soil respiration at three sites across a latitudinal gradient in the U.S.
- Multi-year incubation experiments boost confidence in model projections of long-term soil carbon dynamics
- Propagation Teepee: A High Frequency (HF) Radio Spectral Feature Identified by Citizen Scientists
- Scale Independent Method for Mapping Ephemeral Gully Initiation through Topographic Index
- Seeking the best-fit microbial parameters via model calibrations: site-specific single dataset or cross-site multiple datasets?
- Watershed Modeling for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Conservation Practices in Agricultural Watersheds in Tennessee
- What Impacts do Hurricanes have on Water Quality?
- A Fresh Look at Jovian Decametric Radio Emission Occurrence Probabilities in the CML-Io Phase Plane
- Archiving Citizen Science Data in a Public Archive: Radio JOVE Data and the Planetary Data System
- Connecting Teachers at HBCU with Geosciences knowledge, content and skills
- Earth Horizons: Addressing the Lack of Diversity in the Geosciences through a TSU-Vanderbilt Partnership
- Engaging undergraduate students in project-based science through citizen science: The GLOBE Program
- Evaluation of Eastern Gamagrass as Dual-Purpose Complementary Bioenergy and Forage Feedstock to Switchgrass
- GHG mitigation potentials in the U.S. Corn-Soybean cropping system: Promises and threats from genetically engineered crops, weed resistance and tillage practices
- GLOBE Mission Earth: Student Projects Activating Research and Knowledge
- The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Informal Education Institution (IEI) Collaborative: Exploring the Intersections Among COVID-19, Particulate Matter 2.5, Vulnerable Populations, and the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) Across Five U.S. Cities.
- Understanding Composition and Decomposability of Arctic Soils by Integrating Laboratory Incubations with New Measurements and Models
- Evaluation of the February 2021 South-Central Big Freeze
- Green and Brown Infrastructure in the City: A Community-based Urban Soil Initiative from Los Angeles
- Reducing Heat and Emergency Room Visits With Trees and High-albedo Surfaces in Los Angeles