Central Michigan University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Using Food to Demonstrate Earth Science Concepts
- A Study of Geomagnetic Field Variations of a Low-Latitude Station.
- Relating Isoprene Concentration Profiles to Sources and Sinks in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- The Western States Visibility Assessment Program: Diurnal and Seasonal Measurements of Halocarbons, Nonmethane Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Hydrocarbons at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Trachyte Mesa Magma Sheets, Henry Mountains, Utah.
- Pristine Rhyolite Glass Melt Inclusions in Quartz Phenocrysts From the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift System, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
- Water Table Fluctuations Observed Using Time-lapse Ground Penetrating Radar Coupled with Spatial Modeling
- A Java-based tool for creating KML files from GPS waypoints
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of a Magma Flow Sheet in the Trachyte Mesa Laccolith of the Henry Mountains in South-Central Utah
- Episodic Assembly of Igneous Intrusions in the Shallow Crust at two Spatial and Temporal Scales, Henry Mountains, Utah
- Growth of a Large Composite Magma System: the EJB Pluton, Eastern California.
- Plug Flow, Fracture, and Fast Emplacement of a Magma Sheet, Trachyte Mesa Laccolith, Henry Mts., USA.
- The Influence of Wettability Hysteresis on NAPL Source Zone Architecture
- Acid Brines on a Cool, Semi-Arid, Early Mars?
- Understanding Pegmatite Texture: Kinetics of Crystallization in the Haplogranite-Li-B-H2O System
- A Defect Structure for 6-Line Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles (Invited)
- Non-Stationary Annual Peak Flows in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan; Potential Evidence for Climate Change Observed in the Mid-20th Century
- New perspectives on molybdenum geochemistry under suldific conditions
- Estimation of Wettability and Wettability Hysteresis Using Solid and Fluid Interfacial Properties
- Identification of Hydroclimatic Mechanisms Contributing to Trends in Rainfall-Runoff-Recharge Dynamics of the Great Lakes Basin
- Crystallization of pegmatites: Insights from chemistry of garnet, Jacumba pegmatites, San Diego County, California
- Mo & Fe Influences on Nitrate Assimilation in Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River
- Unraveling the role of animal heme peroxidases in superoxide mediated Mn oxide formation
- Comparative Fluid Inclusion Chemistry of Miarolitic Pegmatites from San Diego County, California, USA
- How do changes in dissolved oxygen concentration influence microbially-controlled phosphorus cycling in stream biofilms?
- In Situ Observations of Crystallization in Water-Undersaturated Pegmatite Liquids
- Linking soil DOC production rates and transport processes from landscapes to sub-basin scales
- Naturally Ocurring Polyphosphate-accumulating Bacteria in Benthic Biofilms
- A potential relationship between molybdenum speciation and its isotopic signature in sedimentary records: New insights from old shales
- Contrasting Redox Stories from Trace Metal and Iron Proxy Records of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- Factors Influencing Phosphorous Cycling in Biogeochemical 'Hot Spots'
- Onset of Grain Boundary Migration and Drastic Weakening of Quartzite during increasing grade of Metamorphism in the Contact Aureole surrounding the Eureka Valley-Joshua Flat-Beer Creek pluton, California, USA
- Relationship of Shallow Groundwater Quality to Hydraulic Fracturing Activities in Antrim and Kalkaska Counties, MI
- Ti Mobility in Quartzite from the Eureka Valley-Joshua Flat-Beer Creek Pluton (EJB) Aureole in California, USA.
- Bacterial Diversity Across a Turbidite-Stranded Sediment-Water Interface, La Jolla Canyon, CA
- Development of WRF-CO2 4DVAR Data Assimilation System
- Effect of Polyphosphate-accumulating Organisms on Phosphorus Mobility in Variably Saturated Sand Columns
- Effects of Transient Perturbations in Physical Erosion Rates on Modeled Chemical Erosion Rates
- Factors Influencing Divergent Patterns of Phosphorus Availability in NY and PA Biogeochemical `Hotspots'
- Geomorphic equilibrium and the spatial variation of the geomorphic diffusivity at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Microclimate Controls on the Evolution of Critical Zone Architecture in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Testing the Control of Mineral Supply Rates on Chemical Erosion Rates in the Klamath Mountains
- Using Earth Observations to Assess the Socioeconomic Impact of Human Decision Making during the Suppression of a Wildland Fire
- Acoustic velocity in rift basin mudstones: effects of in situ stress and sample lithology, and its relation to formation strength
- Monitoring terrestrial dissolved organic carbon export at land-water interfaces using remote sensing
- Remote sensing estimation of terrestrially derived colored dissolved organic matterinput to the Arctic Ocean
- Testing the control of mineral supply rates on chemical erosion in the Klamath Mountains
- CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Sealing Capacity of the Newark Basin Rift Mudstones
- Contaminant Source Characterization in the Huff Run Watershed: Resistivity Imaging of a Contaminant Flow Path in a Passive Acid Mine Drainage Treatment System
- Effects of landcover, soil property and temperature on DOC in inland waters
- Physical properties of the lower oceanic crust and mantle: quantifying the relationships in wireline logging data from the Oman Drilling Project Phase I
- Proxy Evidence for Enhanced Methane Cycling during Greenhouse Climates
- Severe Convective Storms in the United States: Where Does the Moisture Come From?
- Spatio-temporal Variations of CDOM in Shallow Inland Waters from a Semi-analytical Inversion of Landsat-8
- Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
- Supply-limited versus kinetically-limited chemical erosion in the Klamath Mountains, USA
- Basalt weathering response to variations in physical erosion during rock uplift on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Capturing topographic transience with cosmogenic radionuclides in the Klamath Mountains, CA
- Challenges to coupling dynamically downscaled climate simulations to SWAT: Addressing bias in model data inputs
- Designing a critical zone research coordination network to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Elastic properties of the Corinth Rift sediments: improving shallow velocity model with new experimental and modeling data
- Evidence for lead and antimony contamination in lake sediments from a remote island within Lake Michigan
- From Wind to Coral: Assessing the Mechanism Behind the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
- Molybdenum speciation in Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway sediments: Implications for trace metal proxies
- Natural Attenuation of 1,4-Dioxane in a Glacial Aquifer System
- Palaeohydrological Change in a Rapidly Warming World: Clues to Continental Interior Dynamics from the Early Eocene Lake Uinta, Green River Formation, Utah
- Phenocryst and microlite behavior documenting changing rheology of emplacement: The perspective from shallow emplacement of magma sheets in the Henry Mountains, Utah
- Quantifying localized anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> sources from space: Current capabilities and requirements for a policy-relevant monitoring system
- The influence of water column and porewater trace metal bioavailability on sediment geochemistry in a Proterozoic ocean analogue
- A climatology and extreme value analysis of large hail in China
- Characterization of porosity structure in a biogenic gas shale - the Antrim Formation in the Michigan Basin
- Experimental determination of 1,4-dioxane sorption in glacial sediments
- Global sensitivity analysis of a soil chemical erosion model
- Lagoon Morphology: A Key Component of the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy
- Reconstructing Primary to Secondary Paleo-productivity Using Nitrogen Isotopes: a Case Study from Bainbridge Lake, Galápagos
- Reinforcing the Mn/Ca Trade-Wind Proxy: A Closer Look at Manganese Redox in Kiritimati's Lagoon
- Development of pore types and pore network in the Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin: Insights from SEM and Organic Petrography
- Estimation of 1,4-Dioxane Concentrations in Contaminated Groundwater Infiltrating a Storm Drain System in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
- Exploring the role of biotite characteristics on regolith production
- Modeling 1,4-Dioxane Sorption at the Gelman Site, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
- Porosity structure and distribution in the Antrim shale: implications for biogenic gas generation, storage and transport
- Reconstructing Primary to Secondary Paleo-productivity Using Nitrogen Isotopes: a Case Study from Bainbridge Lake, Galapagos
- Teleconnection and Other Patterns Associated with Laurentian Great Lakes Ice Cover
- The Role of Emerald Ash Borer-Induced Mortality on Paludification in Riparian Zones
- Use of Geostationary Infrared, Passive Microwave Imager, and Reanalysis Datasets to Assess Climatological Hailstorm Risk
- Convection-allowing dynamical downscaling for hazardous thunderstorm risk assessment under past and future climates
- Cyanotypes as co-creation: Increasing connection and understanding of ice cores on the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Insights into the Formation Conditions and Alteration Histories of Li-Rich Pegmatites from Spodumene Iron Oxidation States
- Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Follow-On
- What's in a Wave: Isolated Wetland Response to Wave Action along the Lake Michigan Coastline