National Institute for Scientific Research, Canada
flowchart I[National Institute for Scientific Research, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (164)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- CRYSYS: Monitoring and Modelling the Cryospheric System in Canada
- Nourishment of a Barred Nearshore: Jerba, Tunisia
- Investigation of Surface Hydrology Simulated by the Canadian Regional Climate Model over the Quebec/Labrador Territory
- Osmium Isotopes from Appalachian Ophiolite Chromites
- Hillslope-storage Dependent Drainable Porosity to Account for Capillarity Effects on the Dynamic Response of Complex Hillslopes
- Melt Transfer Mechanisms in the Lower Ophiolitic Crust: Examples from the Bay of Islands, Thetford-Mines, Betts Cove and Annieopsquotch
- Metal-sulfide species in oxic waters: Complexes, clusters, or colloids?
- Pre-Obduction, Syn-Magmatic Extensional Deformation and Unroofing of a Fore-Arc Ophiolite, the Thetford-Mines Complex of Southern Quebec.
- The Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex: Focus on the Petrology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (REE, PGE) of a Supra-Subduction Mantle Section
- Abrupt Shifts in the Position of the North Magnetic Pole From Arctic lake Sediments: Relationship to Archeomagnetic Jerks
- Archaean Greenstone Belt Architecture and Stratigraphy: are Comparisons With Ophiolites and Oceanic Plateaux Valid?
- Atmospheric Controls and Soil Moisture Inputs for a Coupled Model of Surface-Subsurface Interactions
- Hydrogeology of a Transboundary Sandstone Aquifer, Quebec - New York
- Sediment load estimation using statistical distributions with streamflow dependent parameters
- Selecting a calculation method to estimate sediment and nutrient loads in streams: application to the Beaurivage River (Quebec, Canada)
- Stable Pb isotope ratios as indicators of historical atmospheric Pb sources around a Canadian smelter.
- Comparison of two Approaches for Resolving the Coupling Term in Groundwater-Surface Water Hydrological Models
- Holocene Sedimentation Recorded in Varved Sediments in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
- A computational algorithm for hillslope partitioning from DEMs and digitized river networks
- Combined assimilation of soil moisture and streamflow data by an ensemble Kalman filter in a coupled model of surface-subsurface flow.
- High-altitude varve records of abrupt environmental changes and mining activity over the last 4000 years in the Western French Alps (Lake Bramant, Grandes Rousses Massif)
- Potential evapotranspiration viewed from the perspective of constructal theory
- Preliminary Chronostratigraphy of Pingualuit Impact Crater Lake Sediments (Nunavik, Canada): a Possible Arctic Terrestrial Record of Several Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
- Representativity and Challenges in the Simulation of Subsurface Flow at Hillslope and Subcatchment Scales: Case Studies from Quebec and Nova Scotia (Canada)
- An Overview Of Physical And Biological Responses To Sustained Decreases Of Sea Ice In The Southern Beaufort Sea: Experiences From The IPY-CFL Project
- Analysis of Organic Carbon in Arctic Shelf Sediments
- Comparative Analysis of Kinematic Approximation and Richards Equation Models for Subsurface Flow on Complex Hillslopes
- Himalayan Hinterland-Verging Upper Crustal Folding During Foreland-Directed Mid-crustal Plastic Flow: Insights from Centrifuge Analog Modeling
- Land Subsidence and Groundwater Resources Investigations with the Use of D-InSAR, Numerical Modeling, and Field Data in the Toluca Valley, Mexico
- Progress with the PUB Initiative in Canada
- The International Polar Year (IPY) Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) System Study
- Using Sediment Records to Reconstruct Historical Inputs Combustion-Derived Contaminants to Urban Airsheds/Watersheds: A Case Study From the Puget Sound
- A computational algorithm to characterize the geomorphology of hillslopes
- A ~276 years cyclicity of western pacific coastal upwelling during Late Pleistocene (Termination I) and Holocene as revealed by the microscale facies and elemental analysis of the varved record of Saanich Inlet, BC
- Deep Drilling at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina: Recovery of a Paleoclimate Record for the Last Glacial from the Southern Hemisphere
- The International Polar Year (IPY) Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study: a focus on fast ice edge systems
- A conceptual model for the growth, persistence, and blooming behavior of the benthic mat-forming diatom Didymosphenia geminata (Invited)
- Barium and Carbon fluxes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Detection of salmonid thermal refugia from airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imagery
- Multiple tree-ring isotopes as environmental indicators of diffuse atmospheric pollution in a peri-urban area
- Simulating Hydrologic Interactions With a Model Formulation Based on DEM-Derived Surface Flow Paths and Boundary Condition-Resolved Exchange Fluxes (Invited)
- The Double Nature of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic Ocean Shelf-Slope System (Invited)
- The Role of Water Subsidy on Vegetation Dynamics in a Semiarid Grassland Catchment: Comparison between Field Measurements and 3-D Ecohydrological Modeling
- The role of water chemistry and geomorphic control in the presence of Didymosphenia geminata in Quebec
- Characterization of deep saline aquifers for CO2 storage capacity assessment, Bécancour area, Québec, Canada
- Hydrological reconstruction from tree rings and varved lake sediments
- Impact of Statistical Disaggregation of Precipitation in Physically-Based Distributed Hydrological Modeling. Case Study: June 2002 Flood on the Des Anglais Watershed, Quebec, Canada
- Interstitial Brine Flow Through Sea Ice Using a Mushy Layer Model
- Natural and anthropogenic variations in the N cycle - A perspective provided by nitrogen isotopes in trees near oil-sand developments
- Processes and emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> from subarctic and arctic thaw ponds: Insights from stable isotopes
- Recent dynamics of thermokarst ponds in discontinuous permafrost: a paleolimnological study from subarctic Quebec, Canada
- Sensitivity analysis of the CATHY distributed hydrological model to soil hydrodynamic properties of a tile-drained agricultural micro-watershed
- Use of remote sensing methods to assess the physical and ecological impacts of dams in a hydro peaking system
- Water movement monitoring in a boreal patterned fen peatland using an isotopic approach
- Atmospheric controls on methane emissions from a subarctic bog in northern Quebec, Canada, using an open-path eddy covariance system
- Climate change impacts on the duration and frequency of combined sewer overflows
- Development of a methodology to evaluate probable maximum snow accumulation using a regional climate model: application to Quebec, Canada, under changing climate conditions
- Global sensitivity analysis in wind energy assessment
- High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variations and relative paleointensity since the Late Pleistocene in southern South America
- Integrated agro-hydrological modelling and economic analysis of BMPs to support decision making and policy design
- Linking recent landscape changes in thawed permafrost with sediment dynamics in thermokarst ponds of subarctic Quebec (Canada)
- Microsedimentological evidences for hydrological changes during the last glacial at Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina: discussion on Antarctic warm events
- Modeling the hydrology of wetlands and their response to climate change: Application to the St Lawrence Lowlands, Canada
- Snowpack and snowmelt modeling of a subarctic catchment in northern Quebec, Canada, using an energy and mass balance approach
- Soil moisture mapping in an alley cropping system in Quebec, Canada
- Steep slope flow observations during the morning transition in a narrow alpine valley
- Tectonic reconstruction and geophysical investigations of IOCG occurrences: Great Bear magmatic zone, NT, Canada
- Two Examples of Integrated Aquifer Characterization at Local and Regional Scales
- Water and energy exchanges of a subarctic bog in northern Quebec, Canada
- CADYRI, a dynamic mapping tool of human risk associated with flooding in urban areas
- Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis to evaluate the contribution of Peace River floodings to the PAH background in the Peace-Athabasca Delta
- Evaluating microbial carbon sources in Athabasca oil sands tailings ponds using natural abundance stable and radiocarbon isotopes
- Fake ballistics and real explosions: field-scale experiments on the ejection and emplacement of volcanic bombs during vent-clearing explosive activity
- Fault stability and CO2 storage in the Early Paleozoic sedimentary basin of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada): insight from coupled reservoir-geomechanical modeling
- Functional data analysis in hydrology
- Groundwater Flow Dynamic Simulations of a Buried Valley Aquifer Calibrated with Field and Remotely Sensed Data
- Identification of the bacteria scavenging atmospheric CO and evaluation of the impact of land-use change on their distribution and activity
- Improving scaling methods to estimate eruption energies from volcanic crater structures using blast experiments
- Index-flood regional modeling based on depth functions
- Integrated observations of processes and products of large scale cratering experiments
- Pooling tree-ring samples for determining Zn isotopic signatures in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Remote Mapping of River Gravel Interstitial Spaces Availability for Juvenile Salmon Sheltering (Invited)
- Science for informed decision: A 3D unified conceptual model of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer (Alberta-Montana)
- Simulating groundwater-peatland interactions in depression and slope peatlands in southern Quebec (Canada)
- Spatiotemporal variability analysis of vegetation cover status for drought study purposes over North Africa using 8-km NDVI-GIMMS data
- Temporal variability of thermal refuges and water temperature patterns in an Atlantic salmon river
- Water and Energy Exchanges over a Subarctic Bog in Northern Quebec, Canada
- A Novel approach for monitoring cyanobacterial blooms using an ensemble based system from MODIS imagery downscaled to 250 metres spatial resolution
- Accessing Topographic Effects on Solar Radiation Distribution and Ecohydrological Processes
- An Algorithm for Determining Potential Rill Areas from Gridded Elevation Data: Development and Integration in a Vegetated Filter Dimensioning Model
- Assessment of Catchment-Scale Evapotranspiration in a Process-Based Integrated Model Via Boundary Condition Switching Vs Root Water Uptake Modeling
- Assessment of the Impact of the Spatial Distribution of Isolated and Riparian Wetlands on Watershed Hydrology using a Mathematical Modelling Framework
- CAT-scan analysis in scientific drilling: effective routine data acquisition and processing of whole cores, split cores and u-channels
- Development of a Simple Framework to Assess Hydrological Extremes using Solely Climate Data
- Downscaling using Probabilistic Gaussian Copula Regression model
- Early Diagenesis and Trace Element Accumulation in North American Arctic Margin Sediments
- Flow and transport modeling of a tracer isotope experiment at B2 LEO using integrated and distributed multisensor observation data
- Rock-magnetic signatures of aeolian activity, precipitation and extreme runoff events from the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike (southern Patagonia) since 51,200 cal BP
- Stochastic Representation and Uncertainty Assessment of a Deep Geothermal Reservoir Using Cross-Borehole ERT: A 3D Synthetic Case
- Towards a more comprehensive usage of reflection seismic in near-surface characterization
- Viscoelastic Finite Difference Modeling Using Graphics Processing Units
- Comparison of Two Conceptually Different Physically-based Hydrological Models - Looking Beyond Streamflows
- Development of a Coupled Model for Surface and Groundwater Flows and Application to the Barcés River Basin, Spain
- Distribution of Ejecta in Analog Tephra Rings from Discrete Single and Multiple Subsurface Explosions
- Effects of Sloped Terrain and Forest Stand Maturity on Evapotranspiration in a Boreal Forested Catchment
- Evaluation and post-treatment of reanalysis precipitation series over Canadian Arctic
- Influence of Inherited Indian Basement Cross-Strike Structures on the Evolution of the Himalayan Middle and Upper Crust
- Non-Stationary Hydrologic Frequency Analysis using B-Splines Quantile Regression
- Numerical simulation of the basin scale hydrogeological impacts of carbon sequestration in deep saline aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands
- Assessment of mean annual flood damage using simple hydraulic modeling and Monte Carlo simulation
- CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Injection Monitoring by Viscoelastic Full Waveform Inversion
- Detecting sinkholes using InSAR time series and field observations in Quebec City, Canada
- Fractional crystallization, impregnation and sulphide saturation recorded in Mesozoic arc-related cumulates at King Mountain, Cache Creek Ophiolite, Northern British Columbia.
- Imprint of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Western Canadian High-Arctic climate
- Improving water resources management efficiency for cranberry production
- Mineral Carbonation Feasibility, an Economic Approach.
- Optimization of Water Management of Cranberry Fields under Current and Future Climate Conditions
- Regional Flood Estimation: a Daily Streamflow Approach
- Testing of a reactive transport processes module for a coupled (groundwater/surface water) physically based model on a vegetative buffer strip (Beaujolais, France).
- Thermal infrared remote sensing for riverscape analysis of water temperature heterogeneity: current research and future directions
- Topographic Wetness Indices, Soil Moisture, and Water Table Dynamics Identify Hydrologic Flow Paths in a Forest Watershed
- Towards a better understanding of uncertainty sources in river temperature forecasting
- Uncertainty analysis with reliability techniques of fluvial hydraulic simulations
- Bichromatic Scintillometer Measurements of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes over a Boreal Forested Valley
- Evolution of Precipitation Extremes in Three Large Ensembles of Climate Simulations - Impact of Spatial and Temporal Resolutions
- Numerical Simulations of the Natural Thermal Regime and Enhanced Geothermal Systems in the St. Lawrence Lowlands Basin, Quebec, Canad
- Petrogenic organic carbon and PAHs in snow deposited on Athabasca oil sands region lakes
- Quantification of the electrical anisotropy in the process of numerical modelling for hydrogeological characterization
- 3-D Analysis of Lithospheric 'Super-Drips': Insights From High Resolution Analog Models
- Annual grain-size variability in three varved High-Arctic lakes
- Assessing the impacts of climate change and natural variability on hydrological extreme events over Eastern North America and Europe
- Assessing the occurrence of extreme heat waves using the ClimEx large ensemble
- Building a collective voice for inclusion in science
- Comparison between a single-layer snow model and a multi-layer snow model for snow-water-equivalent modeling
- Extreme Rainfall at Multiple Scales in Historical and Future Climate: How do Extremes From the Canadian CRCM5 Large-Ensemble Scale in Space and Time?
- High Resolution Mapping of Glacier Mass Loss in Yukon and Alaska Derived from GRACE Data
- Impact of machine-learning algorithms and hardware on computational seismology
- Improving operational ensemble streamflow forecasts by selecting past meteorological scenarios according to climate indices
- Modeling and observation of net evaporation resulting from hydroelectric reservoir impoundments in northern Quebec, Canada
- New SMAP data Brightness Temperature approaches for water dampening removal
- A Standardized Characterization of Northern Rivers Thermal Regimes from Uneven Time Series Lengths
- Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Natural Variability on Hydrological Extreme Events over Europe
- Can recharge be assessed using a physically-based semi-distributed hydrological model?
- Flood Risk Assessment of the Petite-Nation River in Quebec, Canada
- Freeze-up and break-up processes in Nunavik's Deception Bay from time-lapse photography and radar remote sensing
- High Resolution Data for Semi-Distributed Hydrological Modeling: Is it Worth the Trouble?
- Integration of Radar Images for Ice Jam Risk Management in Quebec, Canada
- Observation and modeling of the net evapotranspiration from a hydroelectric reservoir in the boreal biome, Quebec, Canada
- Potential of a Drone Hyperspectral Data-Based Model to Remote Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration from Sentinel 2A and 2B Sensors Data.
- Quantifying peatland lateral carbon export using a radon mass-balance model
- Regional analysis of water temperature for the estimation of thermal indices at ungaged sites
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of a Semi-Distributed Model used for the Quantitative Assessment of Watershed-Scale Hydrological Services of Wetlands
- Statistical analysis of deep structural features in the Superior Province and their relationship to orogenic Au mineralisation
- Where to Direct Wetland Restoration and Conservation Efforts within a Watershed?
- Agricultural hydroinformatics: An emerging approach to water sustainability transitions in farming systems
- Characterization of rainfall events associated to annual maximum rainfall used to derived Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves
- Microseismic Monitoring of Rockbursts with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- An assessment of the impact of climate change on the contribution of glaciers to the Upper Yukon River flows using GRACE data, spatial concentration functions, automated machine learning and hydrological modelling
- Challenges in SWOT Measurements of Large Lakes During Wind Events
- Combination of systematic skew surges and historical water levels for the estimation of extreme water levels
- Floodplain mapping based on derived synthetic rating curves linked to simulated streamflows.
- Improving Daily Streamflow Forecasting Systems in Data-scarce Regions with A Long Short-term Memory Model
- Thermal Regime and Surface-Atmosphere Energy Exchanges of a Deep Boreal Reservoir
- Interactions between inland water bodies and the atmosphere in a cold climate