University of South Alabama
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Light Driven Upper-ocean Dimethylsulfide (DMS) Biogeochemical Cycling Model for the Sargasso Sea
- A Test of the Curvilinear SWAN Model Under Unsteady Conditions
- Evaluation of Boussinesq Model Predictions of Nearshore Hydrodynamics.
- Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Proteins and Small Molecules Investigated by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy
- On Nonlinear Properties of Waves Predicted by a Boussinesq Model
- Aspartate Chain Length Controls Calcite Step Morphology
- Boussinesq Modeling of Nonlinear Waves and Surf-Zone Currents over a Permeable Beach
- A Model Study of the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Turbidity Maximum
- Evaluation of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs) and Pulse Coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PCADP) in Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentration
- Louisiana Natural Disasters and Ecological Forecasting: Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Induced Transgression of the Chandeleur Islands for Restoration and Wildlife Management
- A Tale of Two Inlets: Tidal Currents at Two Adjacent Inlets in the Indian River Lagoon
- Air-Sea Methane Flux after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Leak
- Surface Water Quality Survey of Northern Indian River Lagoon from Sebastian Inlet to Mosquito Lagoon
- Plasma Impedance Probe: Simulations and Comparison to Sounding Rocket Mission Data
- Classification of Initial conditions required for Substorm prediction.
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Carbon Dioxide Fluxes at Three Coastal Marshes Along a Salinity Gradient in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: how Susceptible are Coastal Marshes in the Region to Future Wariming?
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Velocity Structure in a Weakly Stratified System, Broad Sound, Casco Bay, Maine
- Wind Forcing, Stratification, and Along-channel Vertical Velocity Structure in Penobscot Bay, Maine, at Synoptic to Interannual Timescales
- Bringing Space Science to the Undergraduate Classroom: NASA's USIP Mission
- Data Processing for a Small-Scale Long-Term Coastal Ocean Observing System Near Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Measurements And Particle In Cell vs. Fluid Simulations Of A New Time Domain Impedance Probe For Ionospheric Plasma Characterization
- A Time Domain Impedance Probe For Ultra-Fast Measurements of Electron Parameters in the Ionosphere: Results From A NASA USIP Experiment
- Application Of Geometrical Theory Of Diffraction (GTD) Techniques to GPS Signal Propagation Through Ionospheric Density Irregularities.
- Optimizing Ocean Space: Co-siting Open Ocean Aquaculture
- Spatially Resolved Measurements Of Plasma Density Irregularities In The Ionosphere F Region For Scintillation Studies.
- The Dynamics of Storms And Substorms With The WINDMI Model
- A Combined Time Domain Impedance Probe And Plasma Wave Receiver System For Small Satellite Applications.
- Development of the Exam of GeoloGy Standards, EGGS, to Measure Students' Conceptual Understanding of Geology Concepts
- Exploring the Circulation Dynamics of Mississippi Sound and Bight Using the CONCORDE Synthesis Model
- Geotechnical Impacts of Hurricane Harvey Along the Texas, USA Coast
- Impacts of Suspended Sediment and Estuarine - Shelf Exchange Pathways on Shelf Ecosystem Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Methanethiol Concentrations and Sea-Air Fluxes in the Subarctic NE Pacific Ocean
- Prediction of hydrocarbon surface seepage potential using infiltrometer data
- Primary Production and Respiration in the Louisiana Coastal Current Drive Patterns of Metabolism and Oxygen on the Louisiana Shelf
- Spatial Shifts in Tidal-Fluvial Environments
- Substorm Electric And Magnetic Fields In The Earth's Magnetotail: Observations Compared To The WINDMI Model
- Surface discharge of raw wastewater among unsewered homes in central Alabama
- Characteristics Of A Combined Plasma Impedance Probe - Plasma Wave Receiver System using Particle In Cell Simulations
- Impact of Hurricane Harvey on the off-shore Currents of Galveston Bay
- Impact of named tropical storms on sediment transport and coastal biogeochemistry along the Louisiana-Texas shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Substorm Prediction Using The WINDMI Model
- Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Using SMAP to study land-ocean fluxes in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Miniaturized Plasma Impedance Probe System For Fast Measurements Of Plasma Density On A NASA USIP CubeSat Mission (JAGSAT I).
- Development of A Combined Time Domain Impedance Probe And Plasma Wave Receiver System For Small Satellite Applications.
- Global cloud cover: a comparison of satellite, model, and volunteer-reported data
- JAGSAT I: A NASA USIP CubeSat to Perform Measurements Of Plasma Density Irregularities In The Ionosphere For Scintillation Studies
- Kinetic and equilibrium Se isotope fractionation between aqueous Se (IV) and Se (VI)
- The intensifying frequency of coastal flooding, northeast Gulf of Mexico watersheds
- Analyzing Substorm Dynamics and Magnetotail Plasma Energetics With The WINDMI Model
- Characteristics of TETRA-II TGFs and their Associated Lightning Activity
- Hybrid Electron Fluid - Particle In Cell Simulations Of an Antenna in A Plasma For Ionosphere Measurements
- Linking global precipitation intensification to coastal river and compound flooding
- Physical-biogeochemical response to climate change and sea level rise in the Mobile Bay, Alabama
- The Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX): A New NSF Supported CubeSat Project
- The relationship between TETRA-II TGFs and lightning peak current
- A watershed modeling framework to assess the impacts of environmental changes in the Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Cascading weather events amplify the coastal thermal conditions prior to the shelf transit of Hurricane Sally (2020)
- Effects of a Climate-Changed Atmosphere on Cool-Climate Wine Production in the United States
- Evolution of the temperature conditions during the rapid intensification of Hurricane Sally (2020) over the Alabama shelf
- Nocturnal Land-Atmosphere Interactions: Near-Surface Temperature Inversions
- Sea-Level Rise in the Classroom: Fostering Science-to-Civics Literacy
- Sediment Input, Littoral Transport, and Mixing of Coastal Deposits in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA
- Solutions to Wastewater Challenges in Underserved Communities of the Rural U.S.: Technical, Practical and Regulatory Considerations
- Storm Time Radiation Belt Electron Energization Characteristics Using The WINDMI Model
- The Role of Fire on Water and Carbon Cycling Across Two Contrasting Terra Firme Amazonian Forests
- Towards Comprehensive Ecosystem Modeling In Response To Climate Change And Sea Level Rise In Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Wastewater Strategies and Cost-Effective Technologies to Address Rural, Underserved Communities in the Alabama Black Belt
- A Model For Radiation Belt Electron Energization and Loss Due To Substorm Injections
- Assessing Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban School Garden Soils in Northern California and its implications for Environmental Justice
- Assessing the Variability of Stable Calcium Isotopes in Cretaceous Carbonate Oyster Fossils
- Development Of An Onboard Space Weather Module For Satellite Operation
- Impact of estuaries on riverine Cr input into the ocean: Perspectives from the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Initiation Criteria For the Onset Of Geomagnetic Substorms Based on Auroral Observations And Electrojet Current Signatures
- Interactions Between Sediment Stability and Infaunal Community Structure Following a Hurricane Disturbance.
- Natural and Nature Based Features Protecting Roads from Sea-Level Rise in Coastal New Hampshire
- Perception vs. Reality in Weather: How people make sense of Mesoclimate data while living in a Microclimate world
- Protect the Last Frontiers of Amazonia
- Rapid Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensities over the Coastal Oceans: A Global Perspective
- Urban Microclimates in Action! High resolution temperature and humidity differences across diverse urban terrain