Open University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Lower Mantle Origin for the World's Biggest LIP? A High Precision Os Isotope Isochron From Ontong Java Plateau Basalts Drilled on ODP Leg 192
- Caldera Deflation: Constraining Magma Chamber Physics and Predicting Hazards From Gravity and Elevation Changes
- Detecting volcanic eruption precursors: A new method using gravity and deformation measurements
- Dissolved Volatiles in Melt Inclusions, Bandelier Tuff, New Mexico
- Dynamics of the Ljotipollur Phreatomagmatic Eruption, S. Central Iceland
- Events During the Complex Plinian Phases of the c. AD 1305 Eruption of Tarawera, New Zealand
- Has Dynamic Equilibrium Been Re-established for the Fluvial Landscape on the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo Ignimbrite Sheet?
- Insights into The PGE and Re-Os Systematics of the Lithospheric Mantle from in-situ Analysis of Sulfide Phases.
- Magma transfer processes at persistently active volcanoes
- Measurements of the sea ice Thickness Distribution and Icebergs Using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Autosub 2 in Antarctica
- Melt Viscosity at the Glass Transition During Volcanic Processes: Predictions From Calorimetric Studies
- New Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Igneous Activity at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary: the Effects of Volcanism in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
- Osmium Isotope Variations in Seawater: Past and Present
- Osmium-Isotope Variations in Cameroon Line Basalts: HIMU Mantle Versus Crustal Contamination
- Possible Tuff Rings in the Beagle 2 Landing Area and Implications for Sub-surface Volatiles
- Products of the complex, long duration, AD 1305 rhyolitic eruption of Tarawera, New Zealand
- Re-Os Isotopic age Constraints on Deposition in the Neoproterozoic Amadeus Basin: Implications for the "Snowball Earth"
- Rubbly Pahoehoe: Implication for Flood Basalt Eruptions and their Atmospheric Effects
- Sulphur budget at Poàs volcano
- The Control of Britholite, Chevkinite, and Allanite on Trace Element Behavior in High-Silica Rhyolites: Bandelier Tuff, New Mexico
- Thermal Expansion of Supercooled Haplobasaltic Liquids Obtained via Container-based Dilatometry
- Tracking Melt-Rock Reaction Using Os Isotopes: Maqsad Diapir (Oman Ophiolite)
- Binary Mixing Processes at a Ridge Segment as Shown by Historic Reykjanes Peninsula Lavas, Iceland
- DUCKS: A continuous thermal presence on the rim of Pu'u 'O'o
- Determination of Intra-Test Variability of Trace Elements in Foraminifera by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Evolution of Himalayan Metamorphism and the Genesis of Inverted Metamorphic Gradients: Evidence From the Sutlej Valley, NW India
- Foraminiferal Zn/Ca: New Insights as to Glacial-Interglacial Changes in North Atlantic Deep Water Fluxes to the Southern Ocean
- Kilauea 1991-2002: Insights into the Cooling, Crystallization, and Hardening of Pahoehoe Lava Flows
- The Permanent Seismo-Acoustic-Thermal Station at the Summit of Stromboli: Insights Into the Long-Term Dynamics of Explosive Activity
- What Drives a Restless Caldera? Insights From 20 Years of Gravity-Height Data on the Campi Flegrei, Italy
- A Polygenetic Origin for some Oceanic Lithosphere: Evidence from Forearc, Continental Margin and Ophiolite Mantle Sequences
- Comparison of U-series ages with (U-Th)/He apatite ages at Damavand Volcano, Iran
- Constraining Source Parameters From Geodetic Observations During Unrest at the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy): a Case of Spherical vs. Extended Geometries in an Elastic Half-Space
- Isotope Dilution and LA ICPMS Study of Trace Elements in Garnets: Implications for Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Dating.
- Rheology of Pahoehoe Lava Surfaces Across Their Glass Transition: Preliminary Results on Thermal Histories and Melt Viscosities, Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha Eruption, Hawaii
- The Lithium Isotope Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera
- The sea ice Thickness Distribution and Iceberg Size Distribution From AUV Measurements in the Northern Weddell and Eastern Amundsen Seas
- Three Years of Ground-based Thermal Monitoring at Kilauea
- Variable Seawater-Peridotite Interactions - First Insights From ODP Leg 209, MAR 15° N
- Field Experiments on Active Kilauea Lava Flows to Improve Cooling Models for Pahoehoe Lava Flows
- Magma dynamics and volcano geodesy in Iceland
- Noble Gases in the Earth's Core?
- Strombolian thermodynamics from FLIR imagery: New insights on explosive styles and source conditions
- Crustal Assimilation in Parana Flood Basalts Revisited
- Experimental Study of Noble Gas Partitioning and Diffusion in Common Crustal Minerals
- Hydrothermal Alteration in the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field: Implications From Secondary Mineral Assemblages and Mineral Chemistry
- Old phenocrysts gather on the shores of the Aegean
- Phase Equilibria Experiments on Nisyros, Greece:``the Right Stuff" in -``the Right Stuff" out
- Quantifying Sulphur Emissions and Atmospheric Aerosol Loading From the 1730-36 Lanzarote Eruption
- Resolving Variations in Continental Weathering Flux From Changes in Continental Source Using Marine Radiogenic Isotope Records
- Source and Melting Characteristics of the Reunion Plume: Constraints From Primitive Melt Inclusions
- Style, Magnitude, and Rate of Deccan Lava Super-eruptions at K-T Boundary Times
- Subglacial and Ice-contact Volcanism at the Öræfajökull Stratovolcano, Iceland.
- The 1452 A.D. Kuwae Eruption Signal Derived from Multiple Ice Core Records: Greatest Eruption over the Past 700 Years
- The 340-240 ka Ignimbrite Flare-up Event in Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The Distribution and Behaviour of Pb-U-Th and Pb Isotopes in Mantle Minerals.
- The Scale and Origin of the Osmium Isotope Heterogeneity in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
- Xenocrystic Material in Arc Volcanics: Example from Recent Merapi Lavas
- Investigations of Icebergs in the North-West Weddell Sea Using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle AUTOSUB II.
- Multi-path Diffusion: Implications for the Measurement of Ar Solubility and Partitioning Between Quartz and Feldspar
- Quantification of Stable Strontium Isotope Variability in Nature Using MC- ICPMS
- Short-Term Dynamic Processes at the Restless Nisyros Caldera, Greece: Insights from Joint and Simultaneous Potential Field, Geodetic and Seismic Records
- The Importance of Differentiation During the Ascent of Primitive Magmas
- The PETM and Toarcian C-isotope excursions: A tale of two Oceanic Anoxic Events
- The Temporal Scale of Holocene Climatic Variability: From the Galapagos to Amazonia
- Understanding Outgassing Activity with Measurements of SO2 Fluxes and Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Characteristics of Young Rhyolites at Taupo, New Zealand: Implications for the Sub-Surface Plutonic System
- Constraining differentiation processes and timescales from mineral-scale isotopic data
- Deposits, Sequence of Events, and the Question of Distal Ash Fallout from the AD 1362 Rhyolitic eruption of Öræfajökull, S.E. Iceland
- Empirical Constraints on Extrusion Mechanisms Derived From Pressure-Temperature-Time Histories From the Himalayan Metamorphic Core (Sutlej Valley, NW India)
- Flank Terraces of Martian Shield Volcanoes: Architecture and Formation
- High-Precision Double-Spike Sr Isotope Measurements: Applications to Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
- How do Continental Flood Basalt Lava Flows Attain Their Great Length and Size?
- Mixing students and performance artists to provide innovative ways of communicating scientific research
- Osmium Isotope investigation of hydrothermal fluids from Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Radiogenic and stable isotope variations accompanying continental weathering
- The Araguainha impact crater at the Permo-Triassic boundary: implications for the carbon isotope excursion and the mass extinction.
- Thermal infrared investigation of the pyroclastic flow deposits and dome region of Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Thermal observations of the degassing of the December 2006 and May 2007 pyroclastic flow deposits at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka
- Understanding Oceanic Anoxic Events: An Integrated Geochemical Approach
- Volcano Flank Structures on Earth and Mars
- Dating the Deccan: Determining the Timing and Duration of the Indian KTB-Spanning CFB Eruptions
- Debris Flows Associated With Lava Extrusion at Three Stratocones; Cleveland, Pavlof (Alaska) and Stromboli (Italy)
- Delineation of a Re-establishing Drainage Network Using SPOT and Landsat Images
- Elusive Himalayan eclogites: evidence that they were there from zircon U-Pb geochronology and trace element geochemistry
- Eruption and emplacement rates of flood basalt lava flows
- Evidence for the Involvement of Medium- to High- Pressure Fractionation Processes in the Origin of Marie Byrd Land Pantellerites, West Antarctic Rift System.
- Extension and Doming in (Ultra-)High-Pressure Terranes: Relationship to Syn-Convergent Exhumation of (U)HP Nappes
- First results of a five-day multiparameter experiment at Stromboli volcano
- High-Precision Measurement of Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotopes; Applications to the Marine Sr Record
- Lithium and Magnesium Isotope Behaviour in Arctic Rivers of Western Greenland
- Looking for precursors to eruptions from Kamchatkan volcanoes
- Magma Systems at Okataina Volcano, New Zealand: Insights From U-Th Model-age Spectra in Zircons
- Magma Systems at Taupo Volcano, New Zealand: Insights from U-Th Model-age Spectra in Zircons
- Major Marine Seaway Across India During the K-T Transition: Evidence From Deccan Traps
- New age dates from Grande Ronde lavas, Columbia River Basalts: implications for periodicity of flood basalt eruptions and duration of major pulses
- New views on 40Ar/39Ar dating of high pressure rock exhumation: an example from Oman
- Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene
- Strontium stable isotope variations and the marine strontium cycle
- Tectonic Structures on Ascraeus Mons
- The Effect of Sulfate Deposition on Wetland Methane Emissions: Historical, Experimental and Emissions Monitoring Evidence
- The Origin and Importance of Red Bole Horizons Within the Deccan Traps, India
- The Role of Late-Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Evolution of the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
- Vent complexes and eruptive mechanisms of the Roza flood basalt flow field, Columbia River Basalt province
- Volatile contents of magmas from the Deccan and Columbia River provinces: implications for atmospheric gas release from flood basalt eruptions
- Volcano Flank Terraces on Mars
- Wetland Methane Emission Response to Last Glacial Maximum Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration
- An Evaluation of Uncertainties in the Ti-in-Quartz and Ti-in-Zircon Paleothermometers in a Well Characterised Rhyolitic Eruption Deposit
- Dating the depths of the India-Asia collision: U-(Th)-Pb chronology of amphibolite and granulite-grade rocks in NW Bhutan
- Deciphering The Sources Of Cenozoic Volcanism In Central Mongolia Using Trace Element And Isotope Geochemistry
- Fall Deposits Associated with Major Ignimbrites and the Question of Total Eruptive Volume
- Forecasting large explosions using thermal satellite data at Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka
- Geochemical, and Sr-Pb-Th isotope constraints on magma evolution 103 to 36 ka at Volcán Santa Maria-Santiaguito, Guatemala
- Geochronological constraints on Miocene structural reorganization of the South Tibetan Detachment, eastern Himalaya
- Lipid biomarker and compound-specific isotope analysis of cave sediments: a new approach to investigating past vegetation change
- Noble Gas Partitioning Between Olivine and Melt to 2 GPa
- Olympus Mons shaped by lithospheric flexure
- Palaeomagnetic Emplacement Temperature Determinations of Pyroclastic and Volcaniclastic Deposits in Southern African Kimberlite Pipes
- Petrologic, Sr and Th Isotope Insight to Evolution of 1902 dacite, Volcan Santa Maria, Guatemala
- Strontium stable isotope behaviour in foraminiferal calcite and the retrieval of marine records
- The Relationship between the Boltysh and Chicxulub Asteroid Impacts: Implications for Celestial Mechanics at the K/Pg boundary
- The Siquisique basalts and gabbros, Los Algodones, Venezuela: late Cretaceous oceanic plateau formed within the proto-Caribbean plate?
- The record of quaternary climate change preserved by marine radiogenic isotopes
- Variations in Os- and Mo-isotope compositions and trace element abundances across the Permo-Triassic boundary, Meishan, China: Proxy evidence for large-scale oceanic anoxia?
- Vegetation and climate changes in western Amazonia during a previous Interglacial- Glacial transition
- Virtual petrological microscopy: web 2.0 technology for learning microscopy skills outside the laboratory
- 50,000 years of Environmental Change in West Tropical Africa
- A Spreading-Sagging Continuum for the Structure of Large Volcanoes on Earth and Other Planets
- A new eruptive model for the 1.61 Ma eruption of the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Application of the Generalised Power Law To Double-Spike Measurements by MC-ICP-MS
- Cr isotopic composition of modern carbonates and seawater
- Explosive Super-eruptions: Problems and Prejudices
- Fluvial organic carbon losses from a Bornean blackwater river
- Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers preserved in stalagmites: a new continental palaeothermometer
- Is there excess argon in the Fish Canyon magmatic system?
- Monitoring the Chaiten Rhyolite Dome: Interpretation of Airborne Thermal and Aeromagnetic Data
- Multiple metasomatic events recorded in Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths: the relative contribution of host basalt interaction vs. silicate metasomatic glass
- New Insights into the Kimberlites and Lamproites of Southern India via Ar/Ar dating and Nd isotope analysis
- Pacific and Tethyan Os-isotope data for OAE 1a: The link between volcanism and marine anoxia
- Processes and timescales of magma evolution prior to the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia
- Rhenium - osmium heterogeneity of enriched mantle basalts explained by composition and behaviour of mantle-derived sulfides
- The effect of SEM imaging on the Ar/Ar system in feldspars
- The retrieval of marine weathering records preserved by strontium stable isotopes in foraminifera
- The strontium stable isotope composition of global rivers and the implications for the marine δ88Sr record
- Tracing volatile loss during the eruption of individual flood basalt flows in the Columbia River Flood Basalt Province
- U-series data of recent volcanism at an Axial Volcanic Ridge (Invited)
- A 33,000 year multi-proxy speleothem record from Flores, Indonesia
- A reconsideration of marine strontium budgets using both stable (δ<SUP>88</SUP>Sr) and radiogenic (<SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) systems
- Ancient lead and osmium in the oceanic mantle
- Characterisation and distribution of heavy metals at Masaya volcano, Nicaragua
- Developing stable isotopic records from organic material preserved in speleothems
- Lithium gradients in feldspar and quartz record late-stage magma ascent in an explosive supereruption
- Multi-site, multi-proxy records of 'hyperthermals' at the onset of middle-late Eocene cooling
- Non-destructive geochemical analysis and element mapping using bench-top μ-XRF: applications and uses for geoscience problems
- Rapid syn-convergent Exhumation of Miocene-aged Lower Orogenic Crust in the Eastern Himalaya
- The Nakhlite Secondary Mineralogy and Fluid.
- Understanding the Marine Chromium Isotope Record from Modern and Ancient Carbonates
- Variation in silicate weathering across the Oligocene-Miocene boundary: evidence from lithium and neodymium isotopes
- 500,000 years of vegetation change in western tropical Africa
- Explosive-effusive rhyolitic eruption styles beneath an Icelandic glacier - volatile or pressure control?
- Extreme seawater compositions during Oceanic Anoxic Events
- Magnesium isotope fractionation in bacterial mediated carbonate precipitation experiments
- Methane Emission through Trees in Temperate and Tropical Wetlands
- Oligocene magmatism in the eastern margin of the east Himalayan syntaxis and its implication for the India-Asia post-collisional process
- Reconstructing changes in marine carbonate production during the PETM using stable strontium isotopes
- Slow-Spreading Oceanic Crust Formed By Steady-State Axial Volcanic Ridges
- The signature of devolatisation: excess <SUP>40</SUP>Ar in high pressure rocks
- A multidisciplinary and multi-sensor assessment of continuous degassing at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica; insights and their application to hazard management
- An Immense Shield Volcano within Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau, Northwest Pacific
- Broadcasting environmental knowledge: Open University & BBC collaborations serving massive global audiences
- Determining unsteadiness in explosive eruptions from medial deposits: the case of the Kaharoa 1314 eruption, Tarawera Volcano, New Zealand (Invited)
- Hydrographic measurements in Jökulsárlón lagoon, Iceland
- Increased losses of organic carbon and destabilising of tropical peatlands following deforestation, drainage and burning. (Invited)
- Methane Emissions from Woody Stems of Tropical and Temperate Wetland Trees
- Rising susceptibility of freshwater DOC inputs to extreme events? The implications of underlying changes in atmospheric deposition and land-management. (Invited)
- Ages, Trace-Element and Hf Isotopic Compositions of the Detrital Zircons from the Metamorphic Basements in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Implications for Tectonics and Paleogeography
- Soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) across four distinct ecosystems
- Fluorescence Across Space and Time (2017 FAST Campaign): Investigating the multiscale links between fluorescence and photosynthesis
- The influence of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) on the use of carbonyl sulfide (COS) as a photosynthetic tracer
- Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon Runoff on Marine Productivity during Middle Pliocene-Early Pleistocene in the Northwestern Bay of Bengal
- Insensitivity of alkenone carbon isotopes to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at low to moderate atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> levels
- Inter-hemispheric Dynamics of the Indian Summer Monsoon across the Penultimate Deglaciation
- Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon precipitation, runoff and weathering flux in the Bay of Bengal
- Reconstructing North Atlantic Ocean circulation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Temperature dependence of δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca fractionation in calcite tests of foraminifera from a sediment trap
- Can the Cenozoic marine micropaleontological record be used to predict extinction?
- Effects of Constrained Enhanced Rock Weathering with Cropland on Climate Change and Ocean Acidification in an Earth System Model