University of Memphis, Tennessee
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Determination of Scotia - South America Relative Plate Motion and Crustal Deformation From GPS Geodesy
- Does (Seismic) History Repeat Itself? The Enola, Arkansas, Earthquake Swarm of 2001.
- Evidence for Active Strike-slip Faults in the Longmen Shan, Eastern Margin of Tibet
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation in the South-Central Andes: Shearing and Shortening of the Entire Mountain Belt
- Preliminary Double-Difference Relocations of Bhuj Aftershocks
- Stress diffusion from the 1891 Nobi and 1944 Tonankai earthquakes; implications for future failure of the Tokai fault
- Teleseismic Source Models and Source Depth Constraints for Events of the Bhuj Earthquake Sequence
- The 2001 Bhuj Earthquake: Interplate, Intraplate, or Moot?
- Thickness of Seismogenic Region and Intermediate-depth Earthquake Location in Subduction Zones
- Three Dimensional P Wave Velocity Model for the Crust Containing Aftershocks of the Bhuj, India Earthquake
- Tomographic Imaging of Basement Structure and Active Faults in the San Fernando-Northridge Region, Southern California
- Crustal Structure and Seismicity of Taiwan Region from Three-Dimensional Vp and Vs Tomographic Images
- Deformation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone from Continuous GPS Geodesy
- Earthquake Catalog Completeness
- Effects of the Mississippi Emabayment Lateral Structure on Ground Motions - a Preliminary Investigation
- Ground Motion Scaling in Kachchh: a Preliminary Assessment from Aftershocks of the 2001 Bhuj, India, Earthquake
- Local Wave Propagation in the Kachchh Basin, India: Synergy With the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Seismotectonic Setting of the June 18, 2002, Evansville, Indiana Earthquake: Or What's a Nice Earthquake Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
- Three Dimensional velocity Structure in the New Madrid and Other SCR Seismic Zones
- Tomographic velocity model for the aftershock region of the 2001 Gujarat, India earthquake
- ALSM and GIS Analysis of Debris Flow Fan Variability, Death Valley, CA
- Inter-aquifer Dynamics in and Near a Confining Unit Window in Shelby County, Tennessee, USA
- Is Seismically Determined Q an Intrinsic Material Property?
- K12 Education Program Lessons Learned at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information
- Measuring Seismic Surface Waves with 1-Hz GPS
- New, High Resolution, Three-Dimensional Velocity Models for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Position of the Topographic Divide as a Measure of Tectonics, Steady-State, and Bulk Rock Strength
- Real-time Seismic Warning With a 2-Station Subarray
- Regional Wave Propagation in Southeastern United States
- Seismicity in the Central U.S. and Its Implication for Lithospheric Strength in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Seismotectonics of the San Fernando Basin
- Sensitivity of Teleseismic Body Waveforms to Near-Source 3D Velocity Heterogeneity
- Shear-wave Q and it Frequency Dependence in the Crust of the Middle East and China
- Single-earthquake Location Using 3-D Vp and Vs Model - Applications in the Central USA and Taiwan Regions
- The Common Phenomenon of Transient-Triggered Seismicity
- Absolute site effects in Kachchh, India, determined from aftershocks of the 2002 Bhuj earthquake.
- Anomalous Pn waves observed in the eastern Taiwan: indication of a thin crust beneath the Longitudinal Valley
- Classifying and Analyzing Spatial Patterns of Surface Features in Debris Flow Fans using Curvature Parameters
- Comparative Study of Local Magnitude Scales for Central U.S. and Western India
- Deep Seismicity as a Proxy for Crustal Strength, a Case Study of the 1992 Landers Aftershock Zone
- Distinguishing process through form in alluvial fans, eastern Death Valley, California
- Earthquake Cycle Deformation and Forearc Sliver Translation in the Rupture Zone of the 1960 Chile Earthquake
- Lessons Learned from Creating the Public Earthquake Resource Center at CERI
- Modern Seismic Observations in Tatun Volcano Group: Potential Seismic/Volcanic Hazard in Taipei Metropolitan Area of Northern Taiwan
- Monitoring non-linear wave propagation in the 2004 Garner Valley demonstration project
- More Evidence for Young Tectonism Along the Saline River Fault Zone, Southern Mississippi Embayment
- Morphometric differences in debris flow and mixed flow fans in eastern Death Valley, CA
- Nonlinear Soil Response Induced in Situ by an Active Source at Garner Valley
- Scotia Arc Kinematics From GPS Geodesy
- ShakeMap Implementation for the Upper Mississippi Embayment
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey at Garner Valley Digital Array
- Site Reading Blues in the Mississippi Embayment
- Systematic Groundwater/Stream Interactions Resulting From Regional Hydrogeologic Change
- The rupture process of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake using 1-Hz GPS data and its afterslip history inferred from GPS data.
- Three-component receiver function study of seismic array data from the Tibetan plateau
- A Coriolis Demonstration Using a 3-D Interactive Computer Model of a Physical Demonstration
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping as a Tool to Study Active Deformation Along the Death Valley Fault Zone, California
- Assessing the Rigidity of the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Microplate: Results from GPS Geodesy in the British Virgin Islands
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structural Models Associated with the Active Subduction and Collision Tectonics in the Taiwan Region from 3-D Tomographic Inversion and Earthquake Relocations
- Determination of the Trajectory of a Fireball Using Seismic Data
- Displacement Gradient Analysis of Array Seismic Data
- Earthquake Early Warning System Using A Dense Seismic Network
- Extracting the Green's function out of ambient noise and one explicit explanation based on a wave field division method
- Frequency-Dependent Local Magnitude Scales for the Central U.S.
- Geophysical Constraints on the NY-AL Magnetic Lineament in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- Images of Structural Variation at the Active Collision Boundary of Central Eastern Taiwan
- Improving the quality of shallow velocities derived from VSP data by use of synthetic data
- Investigating Amplitude Dependent Sediment Properties using a Vibroseis Truck and a Micro-array of Accelerometers
- Investigation of Crustal Structure in the New Madrid Seismic Zone Using Industry Reflection Data
- Lecture Demonstrations on Earthquakes for K-12 Teachers and Students
- Local Magnitude Scale and Seismicity for Ethiopia, East Africa
- Overview of seismicity associated with the 2004-2005 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Postseismic Deformation in the Central Andaman Islands
- Propagation of S-waves Through the Sediments in the Mississippi Embayment
- Quantifying rates of soil erosion in a disequilibrium landscape
- Real-time event location of California arrival data using a 2-station subarray
- Rupture Characteristics of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake from Surface Waves Observed at Regional Distances by 1-Hz GPS
- Shear-Wave Velocity Structure of the New Madrid Seismic Zone From Rayleigh Wave Group Velocity Dispersion Using Regional and Local Earthquake Data
- The MovieClassroom: An Internet Based Application for Students and Instructors to Create Captioned Animations.
- Three Dimensional P and S Wave Velocity Structure and Vp/Vs Ratios for the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- Analysis of The Reelfoot Magnetic Anomaly and Age of the Reelfoot Thrust Fault
- Ancient rifting zones in eastern North America revealed by the ambient noise surface wave tomography
- Base-level fall and surface erosion in a model landscape
- Bolivar: Crustal Structure of the Caribbean-South America plate boundary at 70W
- Channel geometry change of a first-order stream after a small debris flow in Ashio Mountains of central Japan
- Exhumation of high-pressure Metamorphic rocks along the coast of Venezuela: Insights from BOLIVAR Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data
- Imaging Shallow Aquitard Breaches with P waves: Results from a Walk-away test and a Reflection Survey at two Sites in Memphis, Tennessee, USA
- Kinematics of the East African Rift from GPS and earthquake slip vector data
- Mid-America ShakeMap
- Modern Seismic Observations in the Tatun Volcano Region of Northern Taiwan: Seismic/Volcanic Hazard Adjacent to the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Seismic Wave Gradiometry
- Structural Geodesy: Active Deformation of the Barrancas Anticline, Mendoza, Argentina
- Tectonic Structures and Their Implications Across the Active Collision Zone Suture in Eastern Taiwan from 3-D Tomographic Images, Relocated Seismicity, and Anomalous Pn Waves
- Assessment of Well-Constrained Seismicity and Focal Mechanisms in the Andaman- Sumatra-Java Subduction Systems
- BOLIVAR: Crustal Structure of the Caribbean-South America Plate Boundary at 65W
- BOLIVAR: Crustal structure of the Caribbean-South America plate boundary between 60W and 70W from wide-angle seismic data
- BOLIVAR: the Caribbean-South America plate boundary between 60W and 71W as imaged by seismic reflection data
- Earthquake Cycle Deformation and Forearc Sliver Translation in the Rupture Zone of the 1960 Chile Earthquake
- Evidence for the Influence of Fluids for Intraplate Earthquake Genesis: The 2001 Enola, AR Earthquake Swarm
- FOCUS: Fault Observatory for the Central United States
- GPS Contribution to New Madrid Seismic Zone Hazard Estimation
- High-resolution Earthquake Location in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Imaging the Andaman and Sunda Subduction Zones Using Regional Double-Difference Tomography
- Initiation of a Database of CEUS Ground Motions for NGA East
- Possible Non-volcanic Tremor Discovered in the Reelfoot Fault Zone, Northern Tennessee
- Scotia Arc Kinematics From GPS Geodesy
- Seismic Evidence for a Vertical Tear in the South American Lithosphere Offshore Venezuela
- Simultaneous ReMi and MSASW Technique
- Strings and Things for Locating Earthquakes: an Educational Tool for Introductory Seismology
- Subduction Along the South Caribbean Deformed Belt: Age of Initiation and Backthrust Origin
- Tomographic Image of Subducting Lithosphere beneath Indonesia
- Tsunami Hazard for the Bay of Honduras Posed by Roatan Island Faulting
- Uncertainty Analysis for a GIS-based Urban Flood Inundation Model
- Use of Seismic Reflection Data and Traveltime Tomography to Image the Near Surface Velocity Structure in the Mississippi Embayment
- Velocity Structure Near the Site of the Northern 2002 Embayment Seismic Excitation Experiment Explosion From Reflection, Refraction, and Strong Motion Measurements
- Wave Gadiometry for USArray
- Application of the Chloride Mass-balance Approach for Recharge Estimation in a Humid Environment
- Continued Post Seismic Deformation of Andaman Islands
- Geodetic estimates of the vertical crustal velocity field in Antarctica
- High-resolution Vp and Vs Structure of the Post-Paleozoic Sediments in the Upper Mississippi Embayment, Central USA
- In Situ, Nonlinear Soil Response Applying an Active Source
- Initial Implementation of the "Earthquake Locator Interactive Demonstration (ELID)" in Introductory Earth Science Courses
- Kinetics of H2-O2 Redox Equilibria and Metastable Formation of H2O2 Under low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions
- Linking Geochemical Models and Microbial Populations Within Hydrothermal Chimneys on the East Pacific Rise
- Love Wave Dispersion in Central North America Determined Using High Rate GPS Absolute Displacement Seismograms
- P and S Wave Velocity Structure and Vp/Vs Ratios for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- P-wave Velocity Modeling Using Onshore/Offshore Passive Seismic Networks Along the Middle America Subduction Zone, Costa Rica and Nicaragua
- POLENET Seismic and GPS Network in West Antarctica
- Pn Velocity Distribution Beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone, Central USA, Using Seismic Arrays
- Potential and Pitfalls of High-Rate GPS
- Recent Deformation in the Mississippi Embayment from High-Resolution Reflection Data
- Reflection and Transmission Imaging of the Upper Crust Using Local Earthquake Seismograms
- Relocation of Eruption-Related Earthquake Clusters at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, using Station-Pair Differential Times
- Seismic Wave Strain, Rotation, and Gradiometry for the 4 March 2008 TAIGER Explosions
- Sharpened tomographic image of the subducting slab beneath the Sumatra-Andaman region from 3-D ray tracing and earthquake relocation
- Swarm Activity Within the New Madrid Seismic Zone Identified Using Waveform Cross- Correlation Techniques
- Tertiary Aquifer Modeling Within the Mississippi Embayment
- The Effects of Mississippi Embayment Sediments on Local Earthquake Tomography Models for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Understanding the Long-Term Deformation in the Mississippi Embayment: the Mississippi River Seismic Survey
- Along-Strike Variations in Shallow Earthquake Distribution and Source Parameters Along the Kurile-Kamchatka Arc
- An Integrated Arrival Time Dataset for Onshore/Offshore Experiments Conducted Along The Middle America Trench
- Characterizing Near Fault Velocity Structure and Seismogenesis Along the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Comparisions of paleoclimatic implications of organic carbon isotope in Jianghan plain and Lanzhou area since last glacial maximum
- Gladwin Tensor Strain-Meter Calibration and Wave Gradiometry Applications
- Hypocentral Relocations of the 2008 Mt. Carmel, Illinois Aftershock Sequence
- Improved Teleseismic Locations of Shallow Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Intrusions and Anomalous Vp/Vs Ratios Associated with the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Magnetic Enhancement of Loessic Soils Along a Toposequence at Badger Ridge-Hitchcock Nature Area, Iowa, U.S.A
- New insights in partitioning of the long-term deformation in the Mississippi Embayment, Central U.S
- Rates of Magnetic Enhancement in Loessic Soils Estimated From Profiles of Rapidly Eroding Soils (Invited)
- Seismic Noise Characterization in the Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Short- and long-term deformation and the earthquake cycle in the southern Bolivia Subandes: Implications for orogenic wedge processes
- Significance of lateral variations of upper crust structure in the 3-D tomographic analysis using local earthquake data - case example from Taiwan
- Teleseismic Relocation of Earthquakes along the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone
- The Antillean-South American Collision Zone as Imaged by BOLIVAR Seismic Data
- Variation in the Seismic Quality Factor Q for the Mississippi Embayment from Spectral Analysis of Reflection Data
- Wave Field Continuation Methods for Passive Imaging Under Deep Basins
- Waveform Modeling for Near-surface Structure in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- “Earthquake!” The Use of Historic Felt Reports in Seismology. Their Application in the Analysis of the New Madrid Earthquakes
- Andaman post-seismic deformation observations: An update
- Attenuation Studies in the Upper Mississippi Embayment Using USGS Explosion Data
- Building a GIS database in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- Comparison of Seismicity Preceding the 1989-1990 and 2009 Eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Complex Faulting within the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Coseismic slip distribution of the February 27, 2010 Mw 8.9 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Development of GIS Database for New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Earthquake Relocations in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone: The Control of Ancient Basement Structure on Present-Day Seismicity in an Intraplate Setting
- Effectiveness of Joint Inversion Method for Mine Survey
- Fault slip associated with the Mw 8.8 Chilean Earthquake of 27 February 2010 (Invited)
- Geometry and deformation history of the New Madrid seismic zone fault system, Central U.S. from high-resolution marine seismic reflection data, and implications for intraplate deformation
- Ground Motion Prediction Trends For Eastern North America Based on the Next Generation Attenuation East Ground Motion Database
- Introductory Earth science education by near real time animated visualization of seismic wave propagation across Transportable Array of USArray
- Joint Interpretation of Geophysical Data in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone : An Integrative Approach
- Lateral Crustal Velocity Variations across the Andean Foreland in San Juan, Argentina from the JHD Analysis and 3D P and S Velocity inversion
- Low-frequency Acoustic/Seismic Coupling in Deep Sediments: Skyquakes Look Like Earthquakes in the Mississippi Embayment (Invited)
- P-wave Local Earthquake Tomography in the Central Alborz Mountains, Iran
- Pervasive post-Eocene faulting and folding in unconsolidated sediments of the Mississippi River, Central U.S. as imaged by high-resolution CHIRP seismic data
- Quantifying and modeling Quaternary surface deformation in the New Madrid seismic zone, Central U.S
- Rapid GNSS and Data Communication System Deployments In Chile and Argentina Following the M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Seismogenic structure of the major collision boundary in the southeastern Taiwan
- Spatial Correlation between Crustal Strength and Relocated Seismicity in the Taiwan Region Inferred from 3-D Vp and Vs Images and Gravity Data (Invited)
- Surface Displacements Determined From Offset Features And Landform-Restoration Along Faults Associated With 14 APRIL, 2010 Yushu Earthquakes, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, Qinhai Province, China
- The 2010 (M 8.8) Maule, Chile Earthquake: An Overview of the Emergency Geodetic Response and Some of its Early Findings (Invited)
- The Antarctic POLENET Project: Status, Initial Results, Future Challenges
- The Effect of Megathrust Earthquakes on the Southern Andean Backarc
- The Mw8.8 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake: Significant slip occurred only above the continental Moho
- The Search for Non-volcanic Tremor on the Reelfoot Fault, Northern Tennessee
- Wave Gradiometry Applied to Phase Match Filtered 1Hz GPS timeseries for the February 27, 2010, Maule Mw=8.8 Earthquake
- 3D Double Difference Velocity Tomography of the Middle America Subduction Zone Beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua
- 3D Euler deconvolution in the New Madrid seismic zone (eastern US)
- Acoustic/Seismic Wavenumber Integration Using the WKBJ Approximation
- Andean Backarc Deformation and the Plate Boundary Earthquake Cycle
- Automatic Processing of Antarctic POLENET GPS Data
- Characterizing Complex Faulting and Near Fault Velocity and Attenuation Heterogeneity Along the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Characterizing the Geometry and History of Deformation of the Meeman-Shelby Fault near Memphis, TN
- Comparison of Earthquake Ground Motion Models in Central US
- Crustal-scale weak zone along a collisional suture revealed by spatial variations in velocity structures and seismicity
- Erosion and Deposition Patterns of the Mississippi River as a Result of the "100-Year" Flood Event of April 2011
- High-resolution 3-D Seismic Attenuation Structure of the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Investigation of Collisional Styles of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) vs. Normal Oceanic Crust from Seismic Reflection Profiles
- Investigation of spatial variations in earthquake source and frictional characteristics in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan earthquake rupture zone
- Listening to Earthquakes with Infrasound
- Location of An Upper Crust Low Velocity Zone Beneath The Upper Mississippi Embayment
- Low Vp/Vs ratios and Earthquake Occurrence in Intraplate Seismic zones
- Microtremors from the Reelfoot Fault
- Paleotectonic control on distribution of long-term deformation in the Central United States from high-resolution seismic data
- Postglacial rebound in Patagonia: An interaction of climate and tectonics
- Preliminary interpretation of the major fault zones responsible for the earthquakes that triggered sand liquefaction in southern Mississippi embayment Central U.S. from high-resolution marine seismic reflection data
- Receiver Function Analysis of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- Reliability and Efficiency in Shear-Wave Velocity Inversion Methods and Practical Considerations for Multi-Mode Surface Wave Inversion Technique
- Teleseismic Tomography in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- The 2011 Mineral, VA M5.8 Earthquake Ground Motions and Stress Drop: An Important Contribution to the NGA East Ground Motion Database
- The ANSS response to the Mw 5.8 Central Virginia Seismic Zone earthquake of August 23, 2011
- Triggering of New Madrid Seismicity by Late Pleistocene Erosion
- Coherence of Teleseismic P and S waves Across the Transportable Array
- Continental Growth in the Vicinity of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone During the Grenville Orogony
- Crustal structure beneath the Northern Mississippi Embayment from travel time inversion of vintage wide-angle seismic data
- Distribution of long-term Quaternary Deformation and Correlation with Pre-existing Tectonic Structures in the Central US
- Geochonology and Tectonic Significance of post-collisional porphyry in Qulong area, southeast segment of the Gangdese belt, Tibet, China
- History of Deformation Along the Meeman-Shelby Fault near Memphis, Tennessee
- Imaging of shallow crustal structure in upper Mississippi Embayment using microearthquake waveforms
- Reducing Uncertainties in the Velocities Determined by Inversion of Phase Velocity Dispersion Curves by Using Synthetic Seismograms
- Surface ruputure of Yushu Ms7.1 earthquake and mechanism analysis
- Tremors in the Bayou: The Events on the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Variability of High Resolution Vp/Vs and Seismic Velocity Structure Along the Nicaragua/Costa Rica Segment of the Middle America Subduction Zone
- A new macroseismic intensity prediction equation and magnitude estimates of the 1811-1812 New Madrid and 1886 Charleston, South Carolina, earthquakes
- Basement-surface coupling of northwest Bengal Basin
- Delineation of Active Basement Faults in the Eastern Tennessee and Charlevoix Intraplate Seismic Zones
- DynEarthSol3D: An Efficient and Flexible Unstructured Finite Element Method to Study Long-Term Tectonic Deformation
- Infinite Velocity Beam Forming and Array Gradiometry
- Magnetotelluric Investigation of Structures Related to a Geothermal Anomaly in the Buckman Well field in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Modeling the evolution of a ramp-flat-ramp thrust system: A geological application of DynEarthSol2D
- Numerical investigation of the morphological transition of submarine lava flow due to slope change
- Regression tree modeling of forest NPP using site conditions and climate variables across eastern USA
- Study of Lg-wave Quality Factor in the Central United States from Horizontal and Vertical Recorded Earthquake Seismograms
- UCVM: An Open Source Framework for 3D Velocity Model Research
- Velocity and Attenuation Heterogeneity Along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Seismogenic Zone
- 3D Numerical Models for Along-axis Variations in Diking <SUP></SUP>
- A New Set of Focal Mechanisms and a Geodynamic Model for the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
- Analysis of Surface Wave Phase Velocity and Azimuth Anomalies using Wave Gradiometry for USArray
- Ancient Analogs of ENSO-Like Moisture Anomaly Patterns Across North America
- Can We Detect Clustered Megaquakes?
- Coherence and Variability of Ground Motion Over 600 m of the Nonvolcanic Tremor Array Site at Mooring, TN
- Crust and Upper Mantle Velocity Structure of the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Decadal Drought and Wetness Reconstructed for Subtropical North America in the Mexican Drought Atlas
- Development of Core Complex Domes Due to Along-Axis Variation in Diking
- DynEarthSol3D: numerical studies of basal crevasses and calving blocks
- EarthCube - Earth System Bridge: Spanning Scientific Communities with Interoperable Modeling Frameworks
- Effect of a low-velocity sedimentary cover on the 3-D velocity models derived from inversion of local arrival times. An example from the New Madrid seismic zone.
- Effects of Topography on Ground Motion in Southern California and the Wasatch Front Regions
- GPS Measurements of Crustal Motion Indicate 3D GIA Models are Needed to Understand Antarctic Ice Mass Change
- Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
- Incorporating elastic and plastic work rates into energy balance for long-term tectonic modeling
- Linking Tectonics and Surface Processes through SNAC-CHILD Coupling: Preliminary Results Towards Interoperable Modeling Frameworks
- Modes of continental extension in a lithospheric wedge
- Noise Analysis of the Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Physical and Chemical Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Korea
- Reflection Response from the Autocorrelation of Ambient Noise as Recorded on the Transportable Array
- UCVM: Open Source Software for Understanding and Delivering 3D Velocity Models
- 3D Numerical Models of the Effect of Diking on the Faulting Pattern at Incipient Continental Rifts and Steady-State Spreading Centers
- A Parametric Evaluation of Qs-Vs Relationships Used in Physics-Based Ground-Motion Earthquake Simulation
- Can North Korean Nuclear Explosions Stir Baekdu (Changbai) Volcano to be Erupted?
- Causes, Dynamics and Impacts of Lahars Generated by the April, 2015 Calbuco Eruption, Chile.
- Dynamically triggered slip and sustained fault gouge instability associated with unique slip behavior under laboratory shear conditions
- Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
- Investigating the possibility of East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS-derived observations of horizontal motion
- Modeling Long-term Changes of Low-frequency Earthquake Recurrence
- On the Formulation of a Displacement-Based Model for Representing Anelastic Attenuation in Wave Propagation Simulations
- Slow rupture and slip to the trench during the 2015, Mw8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake
- Spatial Gradients, Wave Gradiometry, and Large N Arrays
- UCVM: An Open Source Software Package for Querying and Visualizing 3D Velocity Models
- Velocity models and Hypocenter Relocations for the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
- Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts
- An Application of Reassigned Time-Frequency Representations for Seismic Noise/Signal Decomposition
- Calving Geometry of Thwaites Glacier Linked to Semi-brittle Ice Dynamics
- Coupled Flow and Geomechanical Study of Intraplate Seismicity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Crustal motion measurements from the POLENET Antarctic Network: comparisons with glacial isostatic adjustment models
- Discriminating Induced-Microearthquakes Using New Seismic Features
- East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS observations of horizontal bedrock motion
- Effects of Pre-existing Structures on the Seismicity of the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
- Effects of axially variable diking rates on faulting at slow spreading mid-ocean ridges
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Local Wave Propagation and Crustal Structure Tomography in Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Modeling temporal changes of low-frequency earthquake bursts near Parkfield, CA
- Neotectonic Controls on Upper Mantle Viscosity: Insights from GPS Geodesy and Implications for GIA Modelling and GRACE
- Oedometer test as a benchmark for geodynamic models involving strain-weakening plasticity
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Preliminary Analysis of the Oklahoma Wavefields Demonstration Dataset
- Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath the Eastern United States and Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Stick-slip failure in a sheared granular layer: effect of confining stres
- Suppression of Adverse Effects of GIC Using Controlled Variable Grounding Resistor
- Surface Topography Effects in Three-Dimensional Physics-Based Deterministic Ground Motion Simulations in Southern California
- UCVM: From Supercomputers to Laptops, Querying and Visualizing 3D Seismic Velocity Models
- Verification and Validation of High-Frequency (f<SUB>max</SUB> = 5 Hz) Ground Motion Simulations of the 2014 M 5.1 La Habra, California, earthquake
- A bottom-driven mechanism for distributed faulting: Insights from the Gulf of California Rift
- Application of constrained k-means clustering in ground motion simulation validation
- Brittle and ductile friction modeling of triggered tremor in Guerrero, Mexico
- Combined effects of along-axis and temporal variations in diking rates on faulting styles at slow spreading ridges
- Effect of fault roughness on aftershock distribution and post co-seismic strain accumulation.
- Effects of Pre-existing Structures on the Seismicity of the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
- Estimating the Maximum Magnitude of Induced Earthquakes With Dynamic Rupture Simulations
- Evidence for Upward Flow of Saline Water from Depth into the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer in Southeastern Arkansas
- Exploring the effect of East Antarctic ice mass loss on GIA-induced horizontal bedrock motions
- First Vertical Land Movement Estimates on South Georgia Island: An Impact Study on Sea Level Change from Tide Gauge and Satellite Altimetry Measurements
- GeoTrust Hub: A Platform For Sharing And Reproducing Geoscience Applications
- Healing in Unconsolidated Granular Earth Materials: a Mechanistic Theory
- Identifying Moho depths and velocity anomalies in the uppermost mantle of the Mississippi Embayment from Pn tomography and anisotropy studies
- Modeling Submarine Lava Flow with ASPECT
- Performance of the Broadband Golay 3x6 Array Associated with the 2016 IRIS Community Wavefields Experiment
- Postseismic deformation following the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.8 Maule and 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.1 Pisagua megathrust earthquakes in Chile
- Preliminary results on the current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island from GPS geodetic data.
- Probabilistic and Scenario Seismic and Liquefaction Hazard Analysis of the Mississippi Embayment Incorporating Nonlinear Site Effects
- Stress concentration on Intraplate Seismicity: Numerical Modeling of Slab-released Fluids in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Tectonostratigraphy of the Passive Continental Margin Offshore Indus Pakistan
- The Dandridge-Vonore Fault Zone in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone (and Rejuvenation of the Smokies?)
- The Role of Deformation Energetics in Long-Term Tectonic Modeling
- The SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) Software Framework for Distributing and Querying Seismic Velocity Models
- Visibility Graph Analysis of the Aleutian Subduction Zone
- A parsimonious flood forecasting model for the Obion River, West Tennessee
- Analysis of Present-Day Horizontal Crustal Motions in West Antarctica
- Bottom-Up Planning: From Natural Disaster to Community Disaster
- Coupling long-term and short-term physics of an earthquake on complex fault
- Deformation of the oceanic asthenosphere and mantle wedge following the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.8 Maule earthquake
- Determination of Earthquake Early Warning Parameters for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Effects of Location, Season, and Storm Type on Hershfield-type Rainfall Sampling Adjustment Factors
- Estimating the Maximum Magnitude of Induced Earthquakes with Machine Learning
- Evolution of lithospheric drip and its impact on the seismicity in the Central and Southeastern US
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Patagonia: A Rapid Interaction of Climate and Tectonics.
- Identification of Faults and Cracks in Ornamental Stone of Dolarite rocks in Mansehra Granite region using ground penetrating radar (GPR)
- Modeling interactions between plate-boundary forces and evolving resistance at mid-ocean ridges as the origin of non-uniform seafloor growth
- Near Surface to Upper Mantle Velocity Structure in the Mississippi Embayment from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Numerical tools for identifying confining unit breaches impacting semi-confined water-supply aquifers
- Sciunits: Reusable Research Objects
- Seismic Hazard Maps With The Effect Of Local Geology For Washington, DC
- Separating the Scattered Wavefield from Teleseismic P Using Curvelets on the Long Beach Array Dataset
- The SCEC Software Ecosystem for Earthquake System Science Research
- Time-variable strength of axial lithosphere at slow-spreading ridges and the lifespan of oceanic core complexes
- Utilizing GPS to investigate past ice mass change in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Velocity and anisotropy structure beneath the Reelfoot Rift region from Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves
- Wave Propagation and Focal Mechanisms of Local Earthquakes in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
- What Happens under a Gravel Bar, Really? Estimating Travel Times of Hyporheic Exchange Flow at Very-High Spatial Resolution
- Which catchment characteristics control the magnitude-frequency distribution of river discharge?
- 3D printing New Zealand's fault system
- Applying the socio-hydrological approach in understanding and managing urban stormwater: A case-study in North Memphis
- Appraising the Performance of the 2016 IRIS Community Wavefields Experiment Gradiometer Array
- Better Constraining the Geometry of Faults in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
- Cold and Warm Season Contributions to Major Drought Events in the North American Seasonal Precipitation Atlas
- Consolidating Geodetic Observation of Land and Sea Level Changes around South Georgia Island
- Developing Coseismic Deformation Models for Geodetic Applications
- From Phase Time Inversion to Dynamic Time Warping
- GPS Virtual Array Beamforming of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Disturbances Associated with Solar Eclipses
- Great Expectations? Reconciling the Aspirations, Outcomes, and Possibilities of Co-production
- Insights for developing effective decision support tools for environmental sustainability
- Modeling the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Moment Magnitude Potential of the Crittenden County Fault Zone
- New numerical mid-ocean ridge models for interactions between plate-driving and resistant forces
- Origin of Circular Pn Anisotropy in the Mississippi Embayment
- Recovery of Local P-to-Raleigh Converted Wavefields from Teleseismic P Using Curvelets on the Long Beach Array Dataset
- Specifying Spatially-Varied Rainfall and Moisture into a Parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff Model for Flood Forecasting
- The current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island based on GPS geodetic and marine seismic reflection data.
- The effect of topography on dynamic earthquake rupture models across the Cajon Pass, California
- Trends in Magnitude, Frequency, and Timing of Extreme Rainfall over Short Durations
- "Immersion" Into Seismic Hazard: Virtual Reality Experience of the California Faults
- A parsimonious, data-based UH rainfall-runoff model for flood forecasting
- Antarctic Network - Polar Earth Observing Network: Achievements from Ten Years of Autonomous Measurements
- Does Array Gradiometry work? If it works, how well?
- Dynamic Time Warping in Seismic Waveform Inversion
- Exploring the Southeastern United States Seismicity and Structure with Virtual Reality
- Focal Mechanisms of Relocated Earthquakes and Stress Orientation in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
- Geodynamic modeling for stress and seismicity in the southern Korean Peninsula driven by lateral variations of lithospheric thickness and plate kinematics
- How corrugated surfaces form at ultraslow spreading ridges
- How do inertia, free surface interaction, and absolute friction coefficient level affect the final slip amplitude in a theoretical earthquake rupture model?
- Improving Estimates of Horizontal Crustal Motions in Polar Environments
- Improving the Characterization of Urban Flash Floods through Application of Local Knowledge
- Investigating the influence of mid- to late-Holocene loading on horizontal ANET GPS motions in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Measuring Hydraulic Diffusivity of a Fault Damage Zone of the Blue Mountain Using Tidal Responses
- Monitoring human activity at a very local scale with ground motion records: the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic in California, USA, New York City, USA, and Mexicali, Mexico
- Paleosol-Based Evidence of Dynamic Middle to Late Pleistocene Climates and Environmental Change at Gona, Ethiopia
- Phased Array Analysis Incorporating the Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Provenance characterization of Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in the Appalachian foreland basin, Alabama, USA
- Stress analysis and rupture dynamics of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence
- Teleseismic P-to-Rayleigh Conversions from Near-Surface Geological Structure along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone in Long Beach, California
- The 2020 M7.8 Alaska Peninsula Interface Earthquake Ground Motions and Alaska-Specific Ground Motion Models
- The New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ): a discussion of fault geometry and its use for dynamic rupture simulations
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Vertical Land Movements and Sea Level Changes on South Georgia, South Atlantic Ocean: Results from seven Years of Geodetic and Oceanographic Observations on a Remote Island
- Are Alaska-Specific Ground Motion Models Adequate to Estimate the 2021 M8.2 Alaska Peninsula Earthquake Ground Motions?
- Change in seismic velocity during laboratory triaxial stick-slip experiments
- Exploring dynamic fault interactions in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- In-person and remote classroom virtual reality activities in geology and geophysics: Insights from a test case
- Induced seismicity spikes during abrupt changes in injection and production rates in geothermal reservoirs
- Observations and mechanisms of distant and deep injection induced earthquakes in California and Oklahoma hydrocarbon basins
- Rupture Scenarios in the Brawley Seismic Zone: Exploring the Dynamic Interactions Between the Southern San Andreas Fault and Normal Faults under the Salton Sea
- Sediment Input, Littoral Transport, and Mixing of Coastal Deposits in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA
- Studying Lateral Variations of Attenuation in the Crust of Alaska using Lg Tomography
- Tectonic Setting of the 2021 Earthquake Doublet in the South Sandwich-South America Convergent Plate Boundary System
- What Comes First: The Fault or the Ductile Shear Zone?
- A Shift in Paradigm from Regional to Global Flood Frequency Analysis
- An Investigation of Hyporheic Exchange Flow (HEF) under a Unit Medial (within the stream) Gravel Bar (MGB)
- Assessing the role of effective medium theory in the formation of primary low-angle normal faults
- By how much do we really underestimate extreme precipitation due to rain gauge totalization? A systematic analysis of variability in rainfall sampling adjustment factors
- Depth-dependent variation of proportionality between stress drop and slip, with implications for estimating megathrust earthquake source parameters
- Developing an integrated modeling platform for tectonics, earthquake cycles and surface processes
- Effect of temperature changes on water infiltration into bridge abutment backfill by solving coupled heat and moisture equations
- Estimating Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity Using Mini-Piezometers with Drilled-Holes Screens
- Evaluating the impact of low permeability zones' shapes and groundwater head gradient on the contaminant back diffusion
- Evaluation of Groundwater Age Distributions due to Leakage through an Aquitard Breach
- Fault roughness promotes earthquake-like aftershock clustering in the lab
- Geochronology of Ardipithecus Ramidus Fossil Sites at Gona, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Global 3D Groundwater Salinity Mapping for Coastal Community Health
- Groundwater-Surface Water Characterization Through In-Situ Techniques: a Case Study of Two Perennial Streams
- Identifying extreme flood drivers during abrupt shifts in climate using field-based investigations and numerical modeling in the Tennessee River Basin, USA
- Improving Urban Pluvial Flooding Characterization and Modeling Through a Citizen Science Approach
- In-situ Hydraulic Properties of Alluvial Streambeds in Three Streams in Shelby County, Tennessee, USA
- Investigation and Identification of the Microplastics Presence in the Soil
- Mechanistic understanding of microplastics' photodegradation within the terrestrial environment: An implication for water resources protection
- Methane Dynamics of Stems and Exposed Woody Root Structures in Bottomland Hardwood Forests of the Upper Mississippi Alluvial Valley
- Microstructural Changes in Bentonite Considering Preferential Sorption in the Presence of Zinc Nitrate and Ethanol
- Moment tensor, fault damage and stiffness variation during fluid injection in laboratory faults
- Numerical Model For Simulation Of Scour Around Bridge Abutment
- Numerical Modeling of Transient Crustal Deformation in the Korean Peninsula after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Seismicity and surface deformation induced by geothermal power operation at the Blue Mountain Geothermal, Nevada
- Sensitivity of Electrical Resistivity Surveys to Electrode Spacing and Assessment of Subsurface Hydro-stratigraphy in Coastal Plain Deposits, Shelby County, Tennessee
- Static stress changes in magmatic pathways induced by subduction zone earthquakes: A parametric study on the influence of material heterogeneities and fault geometry
- Studying Lateral Variations of Attenuation in the Crust of Alaska using Lg Tomography
- The Effect of 3D Geological, Geotechnical, and Geophysical Models on Seismic Hazard for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains
- The Effects of Pre-Stress Assumptions on Dynamic Rupture with Complex Fault Geometry in the San Gorgonio Pass, California, Region
- The Impact of Land and Water Use Changes on Climate-Land-Energy-Water (CLEW) Nexus in the Bakhtegan Basin, Iran
- The importance of tree species and soil phosphorus in driving soil greenhouse gas emissions in humid, subtropical forests
- U.S. Geological Survey Tsunami Sources Powell Center Working Group: Cascadia Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Meeting Summary
- Underestimation of Frequent Floods When Using Annual Maxima for Frequency Analysis: Regional Variability, Theoretical Foundations, and Possible Solutions.
- Understanding the Recovery Status of Vegetation Greenness after 2018 Camp Fire, California using Markov Chain Analysis
- Unusual high-heat flux on the surface in the southeastern Korean Peninsula and inferring its origin from P-wave travel-time tomography and a tectonic process associated with the back-arc opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan) in the Cenozoic era
- Visualization of Earthquake Dynamic Rupture using Virtual Reality
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Meltzner
- Baoning Wu
- Benjamin R. K. Runkle
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- Claudio I. Meier
- D. D. Oglesby
- Dabeen Heo
- Daniel J. Peppe
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Emily E. Brodsky
- Eunseo Choi
- Francesco Dell’Aira
- J. R. Patton
- Jin-Han Ree
- Jung‐Hun Song
- Junkee Rhie
- K. J. Ryan
- Kwang-Hee Kim
- Lisa Davis
- M. Shirzaei
- M. Sobhi Alasta
- Marc F. P. Bierkens
- Marco Bohnhoff
- Matthew O. Gribble
- Michael G. Bevis
- Michele L. Cooke
- Naomi E. Levin
- Patrick Lynett
- Robert Smalley
- Seok Goo Song
- T. Taira
- Tae Cheon Kang
- Thomas Goebel
- Young Hee Kim