Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
flowchart I[Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (51)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator
- GeoFramework: A Modeling Framework for Solid Earth Geophysics
- Porosity and Dissolved Salt Load Estimation from Geophysical Airborne Em and Borehole EC
- Crustal deformation along Ryukyu Arc
- The investigation of temperature trend in the Antarctic using GPS radio occultation technique
- Future radio occultation atmospheric observation technique based on multiple GNSS
- On the global distribution of ionospheric scintillations observed by the COSMIC satellites
- Extending the Surface NMR Signal Model for B-field Sensors
- GNSS tomography, assembled multi model solution, initial results from first experiment of IAG GNSS tomography working group
- A standard for measuring metadata quality in spectral libraries
- Extracting very early time airborne electromagnetic data
- Intercomparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Instruments for Assessing Forested Ecosystems: A Brisbane Field Experiment
- Non-linearity of geocenter motion and its impact on the origin of the terrestrial reference frame
- Spectral Information System for Australian Spectroscopy Data
- The day-to-day occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles measured from Vanimo, Papua New Guinea
- Atmospheric Profiling using GPS Radio Occultation over the Australian and Antarctic regions
- Modeling and Predicting the Daily Equatorial Plasma Bubble Activity Using the Tiegcm
- Characterising Vegetation Structural and Functional Differences Across Australian Ecosystems From a Network of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Survey Sites and Airborne and Satellite Image Archives
- Characterizing Daytime GHZ Scintillation at Equatorial Regions Using Gnss Radio Occultation Measurements
- D Fluid Deformation and Mixing via a Continuous Time Random Walk
- Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices for Estimation of Foliar Nitrogen in a Mixed Forest
- Interplanetary Shocks and the Resulting Geomagnetically Induced Currents at the Equator
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- Continuous time random walks for the evolution of Lagrangian particle velocities in heterogeneous porous and fractured media flows
- Evaluation of radiative transfer models for estimation of foliar nitrogen content at leaf and canopy level
- Interhemispheric Propagation and Interactions of Auroral LSTIDs near the Equator
- Mechanism of saline groundwater migration under the influence of deep groundwater exploitation in the North China Plain
- Mode Reduction and Upscaling of Reactive Transport Under Incomplete Mixing
- Sporadic-E Studies by Ionospheric Scintillation Using Ground-Based GPS and Radio Occultation Measurements
- The Geomagnetically Induced Currents at the Equator Associated with Interplanetary Shocks
- Chaotic Fluid Mixing in Crystalline Sphere Arrays
- Experimental evidence of chaotic mixing at pore scale in 3D porous media
- Predicting ionospheric scintillation: Recent advancements and future challenges
- Application Usability Levels: Their evolution and eco-system
- Causes of unusually high dB/dt variations at magnetic equatorial regions
- Predicting Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: The Rear-View Mirror on the AUL Highway
- Recycling and Secondary Sources of the Rare Earth Elements; An Overview
- A Deep Neural Network Model of Global Topside Electron Temperature Modeling Using Incoherent Scatter Radars and Its Application to GPS Radio Occultation
- Australia's Resources of Critical Minerals: A World First National Assessment
- Can titanium become the environmentally and socially responsible lightweight EV material of the future?
- Does Asymptotic Transverse Macrodispersion Exist In Steady Darcy Flow?
- From satellites to soils: quantifying and accounting for sources of uncertainty in carbon emission estimates from fires in Indonesian peatlands
- Global Copper Resources and Reserves; understanding resource and reserve growth and the relative importance of discovery and expansion
- On the assessment and evaluation of deterministic Equatorial Plasma Bubble occurrence forecasts
- On the variations of the total electron content observed over Southern Vietnam
- Rhenium: A detailed study of mines and mineral resources
- The rare earth deposits flying under the radar
- Mapping the Application Usability Level Framework to the Technology Readiness Levels and Other Readiness Levels
- Measuring success and tracking progress towards modeling and forecasting the occurrence of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Revised interpretation of a specific historical meteorite impact in the Adelaide Hills
- Ionospheric Variability Following the Tonga Volcano Eruption and the Impact on Precise Point Positioning Across the Australian Region