Middle Tennessee State University
flowchart I[Middle Tennessee State University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Radio JOVE Project - An Inexpensive Introduction to Radio Astronomy
- The Relationship of Jupiter's Non-Io-DAM Emissions and Aurora Phenomena
- A Radio Astronomy Science Education Partnership - GAVRT and Radio JOVE
- Jupiter’s Radio Rotation Period: 50 Years of Ticking
- Polarization Characteristics of Io-related Jupiter 18 MHz Radio Emissions
- GAVRT and Radio Jove: Partners in K-12 Science Teacher Training
- 50-year Analysis of Jupiter's DAM Radio Sources
- Jupiter's Radio Rotation Period: A 50-year Average
- Polarization Characteristics of Io-related Jupiter 18 MHz Radio Emissions
- Global Climatic Indices Influence on Rainfall Spatiotemporal Distribution : A Case Study from Morocco
- Impact of Crop Conversions on Runoff and Sediment Output in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Petrographic and geochemical investigation of magma chamber processes beneath small Quaternary volcanic centers between Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood volcanoes, Cascade Range Volcanic Arc
- Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Runoff and Sediment Processes in Agricultural Watersheds: A Case Study from the Sunflower Watershed in the Lower Mississippi Basin
- Long Term Prediction of Drought Events in Southwestern US
- Using End-Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA) of grain sizes to model transportational and depositional processes and determine stratigraphic relationships at Rimrock Lake and Hay Lake playas, Harney Basin, eastern Oregon, USA.
- A Scalable Strategy for Riparian Vegetation Assessment Using LiDAR
- Analysis of He+ Pickup Ions from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Improved Calculation of Interstellar Pickup Proton Properties from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on Irrigation Demand and Erosion Processes in Agricultural Watersheds
- Predicting the Solar Wind at Parker Solar Probe Using an Empirically Driven MHD Model
- Scale Independent Method for Mapping Ephemeral Gully Initiation through Topographic Index
- Watershed Modeling for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Conservation Practices in Agricultural Watersheds in Tennessee
- What Impacts do Hurricanes have on Water Quality?
- A Fresh Look at Jovian Decametric Radio Emission Occurrence Probabilities in the CML-Io Phase Plane
- A Real-Time Lidar Status-Monitoring Website and Local Control Program for a Mobile Tropospheric Ozone Research Vehicle
- Remote sensing & Statistical learning approach to Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting Using MODIS Ocean colour parameters
- A Comparison of Citizen Science Radio Astronomy Data from the 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Analyzing the Spectral Characteristics of Propagation Teepees
- Community Perceptions of Energy and Electrical Companies in the Penas Blancas Watershed in the Province of Alajuela, Costa Rica
- Quantifying Agricultural Watersheds Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Changes from Ten Environmental Zones Across the Continental US
- Quantifying the effects of surface obstruction by clouds and vegetation in remote sensing of flood events
- Evaluation of Conservation Practices in an Ungagged Agricultural Watershed
- Hydrogeological Control on Aquifer-Climate Interaction in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Modeling Continuous Erosion Processes of Soil-Mantled Landscapes
- Modeling the Impact of Surface and Groundwater Fluxes in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, USA
- Radio JOVE Observation Plans for the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses