University of Lund, Sweden
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- Lund Observatory
- Lund University Institute of Technology
- University of Lund, Department of Astronomy
- University of Lund, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Carbon Cycle Model Linkage Project (CCMLP): Evaluating Biogeochemical Process Models with Atmospheric Measurements and Field Experiments
- Quantitative Reconstruction of Grassland and Forest Cover in Southern Sweden Inferred from Fossil Pollen Records
- The Evolving Chemistry Along Preferential Flow Paths in Alkaline Porous Media and its Significance for Heavy Metal Mobility
- Thermohaline Forcing and the Response of Western European Ice Sheets During the Last Deglaciation
- Influence of Biomass Burning on Particle Size Distributions, Hygroscopic and Cloud-nucleating properties of the Amazon Rain Forest Aerosol
- Springtime Transition in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Total Hydrocarbon Exchange of a Subarctic Mire
- Studies of Transport of Anthropogenic Pollutants by the Civil Aircraft Surveillance Project CARIBIC
- A Movable Combined Water Treatment Facility for Rainwater Harvesting
- Fast changes in the geomagnetic dipole field intensity based on radionuclide records from ice cores
- Hydrological Response of Sedum-Moss Roof
- Non-methane Hydrocarbon Emissions from a Subarctic Mire in Northern Sweden
- Permafrost And Vegetation Dynamics In Peatlands: Implications For CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Exchange
- Solar forced Dansgaard/Oeschger events?
- Species-specific Effects of Vascular Plants on Carbon Turnover and Methane Emissions from a Subarctic Wetland
- The Holocene Total Solar Irradiance Based on <SUP>10</SUP>Be Extracted From Ice Core
- The Yearly Carbon Balance of a Low-Arctic Wetland.
- A Data-Model Comparison of Geomagnetic Field Evolution in Fennoscandia since 7000 cal BP
- A Digital 3D-Reconstruction of the Younger Dryas Baltic Ice Lake
- A Novel Database to Rank and Display Archeomagnetic Intensity Data
- How Much Magnetite Have Magnetic Bacteria Made? A Multiple Case Study of Swedish Varved Lake Sediments
- Monthly Precipitation Forecast for the Central Highland, Vietnam
- Paleomagnetism of 935 Ma Mafic Dykes in Southern Sweden : new Implications for the Sveconorwegian Loop
- The new CARIBIC Airbus A340-600 based observational system
- Upscaling carbon Budgets From Field to Region by Combining Flux Towers, Airborne Measurements and Remote Sensing - a Case Study From Zealand Denmark
- Growing Season Hydrocarbon Flux Dynamics at a Subarctic Mire, Northern Sweden
- Majorcan Caves, Sea-Level Changes, And Astronomical Forcing
- Modelling the Production and Transport of DOM in Soils, Making use of 14C
- New, Consistent Sediment Transport Formulas for Coastal Inlets and Nearshore
- Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia: a Nucleation Area for Kara Sea Ice Sheets During the Middle to Late Quaternary
- A Comparison Study of CO2 Exchange Within the Sahelian/Sudanian Zone of Africa
- A Holocene Bipolar Seesaw Effect In The South Atlantic?
- A Rapid In-Situ Technique for Aerosol Chemical Composition as a Function of the Hygroscopic Growth: Results from Urban, Remote and Polar Field Sites
- A Sediment Wedge and an Instantaneous End-Moraine: a Twofold Ice-marginal Product of the 1890 Glacier Surge of Bruarjokull, Iceland
- Combining Regional Climate Modelling and Dynamic Ecosystem Modelling to Investigate Climate Changes and Their Impacts over Northern Europe
- Composition of Individual Aerosol Particles Measured in the Arctic
- Culture-based Calibration of the Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Paleothermometer: Initial Results
- Evidence for catastrophic outbursts and tunnel valley formation in northern Denmark during the last deglaciation
- Fluid evolution of the Varberg-Torpa charnockite-granite intrusion, SW Sweden: Magmatism and metamorphism on a regional scale
- Intensive studies on trace gas emission from a subarctic Swedish peatland.
- Interannual to millennial variation of biogenic ozone and aerosol precursor emissions
- Late Quaternary Geomagnetic Excursions at High Northen Latitudes in Marine Sediments: Reproducing Results for the Wrong Reasons?
- Net Productivity and Reduced Carbon Flux at Different Timescales at a Subarctic Mire
- On the Sensitivity of the Oceanic pCO2 to Recent and Future Climate Induced Changes in Marine Carbon Tracers
- Past Occurrences of Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea
- Patterns in methane emissions from arctic tundra: a comparison of chamber measurements over six growing seasons
- Sensitivity of the Carbon Cycle in the Arctic to Climate Change
- Shelf ice glaciation in the Arctic Ocean? New results from northernmost Greenland
- The CEIP-ADVEX Campaigns: An Experimental Approach to Measure Advective CO2 Fluxes and Their Impact on NEE at Three European FLUXNET Forest Sites
- The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Contribution to IPY's "Thermal State of Permafrost"
- The Relationship of Carbon Dioxide Flux, Methane Flux, Hyperspectral Reflectance Properties, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Albedo Over Multiple Land Cover Types in Beringia
- Active Regions and Solar Cycles: Topologically Explored
- Annual Carbon Gas Budget for a Subarctic Peatland, Northern Sweden
- Budgeting Ecosystem - Atmosphere Carbon Exchange in a Subarctic Birch Forest
- Direct Measurements of Leaf Level CH4 and CO2 Exchange in a Boreal Forest
- Impact of Climate Change on Biogenic Aerosol Precursor Emissions and Aerosol Properties
- Methane emissions from a high arctic valley: findings and challenges
- Modeling Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation: Is a Dipole all we Need?
- Nutrient Availability and Carbon Cycling in a Subarctic Wetland - a Pulse Labeling Experiment
- Radiocarbon Calibration of a High Resolution Core From the Central Arctic Ocean
- Recent findings in relation to wetland sources of methane at high latitudes
- Silicon-carbon interactions in high latitude watersheds
- Using A Modified Ensemble Kalman Filter Approach To Filter Pan-Arctic Eddy Covariance Flux Data
- Winter time burst of CO2 from the high arctic soils of Svalbard
- A regional dynamic vegetation-climate model for Central America
- Biomarkers from varved lake sediments: evidence for the 8.2 ka climate event in Sweden
- Coupled Human-Ecological Dynamics and Land Degradation in Global Drylands-A modelling approach (Invited)
- Effect of aging on morphology, hygroscopicity, and optical properties of soot aerosol
- Holocene history of land cover and land use in northwestern Europe: a new approach in pollen-based reconstruction of regional landscape
- Holocene surge-history of the Eyjabakkajökull glacier inferred from varved lake sediments on eastern Iceland
- Implications of a New Global Picture of Land Degradation (Invited)
- Laschamp geomagnetic excursion confirmed in New Zealand lake sediments using 10Be
- Stable N isotope values of black spruce ecosystem components integrate source N isotope values, soil fertility, and microbial biomass: a natural and experimental study from Alaska
- The links between hydrology and dissolved organic carbon export in a subarctic landscape experiencing permafrost thaw
- Variable solar-cycle intensity during the Holocene and its imprint on Earth’s climate
- Zircon trace element evidence for Hadean infracrustal differentiation
- A Novel Framework for Adaptation in Agriculture: Lessons Learned from California's Wine Industry (Invited)
- Comparing estimates of gross primary production with remote sensing data and tower-based measurements over African savanna ecosystems
- Episodical CO2 emission during shoulder seasons in the arctic
- Holocene climate and vegetation changes revealed by lipid biomarkers from a peat and sediment sequence on Nightingale Island, central South Atlantic
- Increased peak-growing season GPP in a Greenlandic high-Arctic fen 1992-2008
- Management effects on carbon fluxes in boreal forests (Invited)
- Methane fluxes and their controlling processes in the Baltic Sea
- Methane uptake by plants in boreal forests
- Model development for estimations of northern forest GPP from MODIS time series data
- Possible cellular regulation schemes of isoprene synthesis and emission under different ambient carbon dioxide levels. (Invited)
- Shoulder season fluxes from high-Arctic Greenland (Invited)
- Solar Magnetic Activity: Explored with Dynamical Systems and SDO/SOHO Data
- The Future of Food: Regional Adaptation Strategies for Optimizing Grain Yields Under Climate Change
- A Global Database for the Compilation and Assessment of Holocene Sedimentary Paleomagnetic Records
- A cosmogenic radionuclide view on past changes in geomagnetic field intensity
- An assessment of the carbon balance of Arctic tundra: Comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions
- Biological and environmental variables tracking seasonality of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in boreal forests and links to modeling
- Biotite weathering in a natural forest setting near Derome, Sweden
- Cross-Continental Comparisons of Grain Yields Under Climate Change: Potential for Agricultural Adaptation to Offset Losses
- Depicting northern wetland feedbacks in the climate system as affected by permafrost, snow and ice
- Ecosystem-Scale Compensation Point Analysis of Formic and Acetic Acid in the Central Amazon
- GCM Induced Global Carbon Cycle Uncertainties: The Role of Natural Variablility
- Geomorphologic Analysis of Drainage Basins in Damavand Volcano Cone, Iran
- Investigating Internal Hydrological Patterns in a Degrading Palsa Mire with Topographical Wetness Index
- Millennial scale cyclicity identified in the Holocene geomagnetic dipole field variation: implications for the geodynamo
- Modeling GPP in the Nordic Forest Landscape Using MODIS Time Series Data
- Modeling the effect of soil wetness and air temperature on the active layer thickness
- Patterns in methane emissions from arctic tundra: six years of automatic chamber measurements
- Regional and Global Controls and Potential Significance of Dissolved Silica Retention in Lakes and Reservoirs
- Shear-enhanced compaction and strain localization in porous limestone: a study based on X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- Significant Emissions of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Following Clear-cutting of a Boreal Forest Stand
- The Impact of Transported Pollution on Arctic Climate
- Variations and trends in primary productivity for the African Sahel 2000-2010 derived from MODIS GPP
- A preliminary geomorphological map from the Múlajökull drumlin field, Iceland
- An Interglacial Polar Bear and an Early Weichselian Glaciation at Poolepynten, Western Svalbard
- Arctic Carbon Storage and Gas Exchange Within and Between a Complex of Terrestrial, Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems and Their Interactions with the Atmosphere
- Characterizing the growing season in northern Scandinavia and NW Russia by the use of MODIS satellite data
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Consistent assimilation of multiple Earth-observations into CCDAS
- Contribution of natural variability to future terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance uncertainties
- Does increased mid-growing season absorbed PAR compensate for the loss due to longer snow cover duration in a subarctic permafrost mire?
- Employing an Osmium Clock to Investigate Earliest Paleogene Impact Recovery in the Southern Ocean
- Formation of the East European Craton (Baltica) in the Late Paleoproterozoic as caused by episodic rotations and collisions within assembling supercontinent Columbia (Nuna)
- Fundamental challenges in data assimilation of multiple biogeochemical data streams
- Integration of ice core, marine and terrestrial records: new insights into Holocene atmospheric circulation dynamics over NW Europe
- Introducing Urban Food Forestry: A Multifunctional Strategy for Enhancing Urban Sustainability
- Lacustrine records of Holocene ice margin change at Paakitsoq, western Greenland
- Modeling Stable Water Isotopes in Monsoon Precipitation during the Previous Interglacial
- Regional Arctic Climate System Studies within the ADSIMNOR Project
- Researching Carbon Fluxes from the Land into the River in an Urbanized Watershed Using Model Simulated and Field Measured Data
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The landscape architecture of the forefield of Eyjabakkajökull, a surge-type glacier in Iceland
- The role of fluids in the formation of a clinopyroxene-rich pegmatoid dike in a migmatised granitic gneiss, Söndrum stone quarry, SW Sweden
- Vegetation-climate feedback causes reduced precipitation and tropical rainforest cover in CMIP5 regional Earth system model simulation over Africa
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- A stand-alone demography and landscape structure module for Earth system models
- Adding Value by Regional Climate Models: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward Using Ensembles
- Anisotropy of the Magnetic Susceptibility of the Alnö alkaline and carbonatite igneous complex
- Are recent changes in sediment manganese sequestration in the euxinic basins of the Baltic Sea linked to the expansion of hypoxia?
- Characterization of pore structure and strain localization in Majella limestone by X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient and water limited mature woodland
- Detailed Holocene tephrochronology reveled in a continuous sediment sequence from Lake Lögurinn, Iceland
- Eyjabakkajokull Glacial Landsystem, Iceland: Geomorphic Impact of Multiple Surges
- Farmer responses to multiple stresses in the face of global change: Assessing five case studies to enhance adaptation
- ICDP Drilling in the Scandinavian Caledonides: the COSC Project
- Landscape imprints of changing glacial regimes during ice sheet build-up and decay: A study from Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic
- Late Glacial-Postglacial Seismic Events in Lake Vättern, Southern Sweden
- LiDAR derived canopy structure and footprint modelling for interpretation of eddy-flux tower measurements at Norunda, Sweden (Invited)
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Precise dating of storminess events in southern Sweden around the period of a solar minimum ca. 2800 years BP
- Prediction of summer precipitation in the source region of the Yellow River using sea surface temperature
- Sensitivity analysis and simulation for DOC concentration and flux in the stream in the regional hydro-ecological simulation system (RHESSys)
- The role of garnet in (Y+REE) mobility during fluid-initiated, localized, solid state dehydration of an amphibole-bearing migmatised granitic gneiss to charnockite
- Vegetation turnover and nitrogen feedback drive temperate forest carbon sequestration in response to elevated CO[2]. A multi-model structural analysis
- A New, Two-layer Canopy Module For The Detailed Snow Model SNOWPACK
- A Paleogene Silicon Stable Isotope Record: Long-Term Carbon and Silicon Cycling Interaction Revealed By Sponges and Radiolarians
- A weak C sink at high latitudes: support from an integrated terrestrial - aquatic C balance
- Biogeochemical interpretations of colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures
- Controls of Spatial and Temporal Variability in CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flux in a High Arctic Fen over Three Years
- Deducing Weathering Processes Using Silicon Isotopes in the Ganges Alluvial Plain, India
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Higher Methane Emissions in Regions of Sea Ice Retreat
- Impacts from Time-dependent Freezing of Rain and Wet Hail on Deep Convection Simulated by a Cloud Model with Spectral Bin Microphysics
- Impacts of Ice Nucleation Parameterizations and Dust on Deep Convective C louds and Precipitation
- Interpreting Carbon Fluxes from a Spatially Heterogeneous Peatland with Thawing Permafrost: Scaling from Plant Community Scale to Ecosystem Scale
- Land-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate: An overview of the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment
- Landscape cultivation alters δ<SUP>30</SUP>Si signature in terrestrial ecosystems.
- Linking high resolution <SUP>14</SUP>C records to ice core time scales by means of Bayesian wiggle-matching
- Marginal Lands Gross Primary Production Dominate Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Interannual Variations
- Persistent link between solar activity and Greenland climate during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Picking, choosing and re-evaluating: Developing a deglacial palaeomagnetic secular variation (PSV) master curve for Fennoscandia.
- Quaternary Sediments in the Arctic Ocean: Towards Solving a Paleomagnetic Conundrum
- Stratigraphy and Morphology of Drumlins within the Múlajökull Active Drumlin Field, Iceland
- Stripping Away the Forest; Sweden's Glacially Streamlined Landscape Evaluated through Lidar
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- Tropical Forests, Savannas and Grasslands: Bridging the Knowledge Gap Between Ecology and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Variations in the Delivery of SI to the Oceans from the Continents: Implications of a Dynamic Terrestrial SI Cycle
- Water Use Efficiency as a Means for Up Scaling Carbon Fluxes from Leaf to Stand
- What is driving the change in vegetation productivity in northern Eurasia?
- "Detecting people"
- A Climate Service Prototype for the Hydropower Industry: Using a Multi-Model Approach to Improve Seasonal Forecasts of the Spring Flood Period in Sweden.
- A Model of Drumlin Growth at Múlajökull, Iceland
- A new approach to hydrologic testing during drilling of a deep borehole and its application to the Swedish scientific deep drilling COSC project
- Carbon Exchange Processes In A Old-Growth Undisturbed Boreal Forest In Northern Sweden
- Continuous multi-plot measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in a managed boreal forest - The importance of accounting for all greenhouse gases
- Displacement Height and Roughness Length of Forests - Are They Really Dependent on Stability?
- Estimating Pan Arctic Net Ecosystem Exchange using Functional Relationships with Air temperature, Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Active Radiation
- Future land-use change emissions: CO<SUB>2</SUB>, BVOC and wildfire
- High-Impact Actions for Individuals to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Impacts of Climate Change on Surface Hydrology in the Source Region of the Yellow River
- Physical characteristics of drumlins, with implications for their formation, at an active drumlin field, Múlajökull, Iceland
- Projections of Suitable Wine Growing Regions and Varieties: Adaptation in Space or Place?
- Reconciling radiocarbon and ice core timescales over the Holocene - Cosmogenic radionuclides as synchronization tools
- Signatures of climate variability in water stable isotopes across the globe modeled for the past millennium
- Simulated remote vegetation-climate feedbacks modulate African tropical rainfall under climate change
- Spatial variation in energy exchange across coastal environments in Greenland
- Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
- The Last Termination in the Central South Atlantic
- The Lockne - Målingen doublet impacts, the result of a binary asteroid from the 470 Ma Main Asteroid Belt event
- The New Sunspot Number Series in Comparison to Cosmogenic Radionuclide Based Solar Activity Reconstructions
- Using remote sensing and field based measurements to understand short term changes in a permafrost landscape
- Vein Controlled Index Mineral Crystal Size Distribution in Barrow's Metamorphic Zones, Glen Esk, Scotland
- Version 3 of the GEOMAGIA50 Paleomagnetic Database
- Virtual water exported from Californian agriculture
- An Empirical Assessment of the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics and TIMESAT Land Surface Phenology Algorithms
- Climate data induced uncertainty in model based estimations of terrestrial primary productivity
- Defining, Measuring, and Incentivizing Sustainable Land Use to Meet Human Needs
- Discrepancies between Leaf and Ecosystem Measures of Water-Use Efficiency
- Evaluating the Potential of Southampton Carbon Flux Model (SCARF) for Monitoring Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity Across African Ecosystems
- Geodynamic Setting of Proterozoic Dyke Swarms of the Leo-Man Craton, West Africa, Based on New U-Pb Dating and Geochemistry
- Global Gross Primary Productivity for 2015 Inferred from OCO-2 SIF and a Carbon-Cycle Data Assimilation System
- Global simulation of interactions between groundwater and terrestrial ecosystems
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Improving <SUP>14</SUP>C dating precision in dynamic, brackish waters by one order of magnitude: <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr isotopes as a quantitative proxy for <SUP>14</SUP>C reservoir age.
- Insights into the development of drumlin formation using ground-penetrating radar
- Investing carbon offsets in woody forests - the best solution for California?
- Modeling extreme drought impacts on terrestrial ecosystems when thresholds are exceeded
- Multi-scale enhancement of climate prediction over land by increasing the model sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth
- Palaeomagnetic dating method accounting for post-depositional remanence and its application to geomagnetic field modelling
- Plume-induced cratonization in Archean Earth
- Reduced Duration of Ice Cover in Swedish Lakes and Rivers
- Spatio-temporal aerosol particle distributions in the UT/LMS measured by the IAGOS-CARIBIC Observatory
- Structural Evolution of a Crustal Scale Tectonic Boundary in the 1 Ga Sveconorwegian Orogen, SW Sweden.
- Subglacial Bedform Development Explored with a Reduced Complexity Model
- Temperature Dependency of the Correlation between Secondary Organic Aerosol and Monoterpenes Concentrations at a Boreal Forest Site in Finland
- The ICOS Experience: Integration of Multi-disciplinary Data and Beyond Its Domains Into a Network of Networks
- The role of climate and vegetation on woolly mammoth extinction on St. Paul Island, Alaska and megafauna extinction in North America in the late Quaternary
- A High-resolution Palaeomagnetic Secular Variation Record from the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean for the Last 4200 Years
- A Soil Service Index: Potential Soil Services to Society under Scenarios of Human Land Use and Population Growth
- Borehole Breakout Growth and In-Situ Stress Orientation in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides: Results from the Cosc-1 Borehole
- Climate Drivers of Spatiotemporal Variability of Precipitation in the Source Region of Yangtze River
- Compaction bands in shale revealed through digital volume correlation of time-resolved X-ray tomography scans
- Comparison of Precipitation from Gauge and Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) for River Basins of India
- Data interoperabilty between European Environmental Research Infrastructures and their contribution to global data networks
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Filamentous Morphology as a Means for Thermophilic Bacteria to Survive Steep Physical and Chemical Gradients in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Graptolite graveyard: Re-Os dating of macroplankton at the Lower-Middle Ordovician boundary (Floian-Dapingian stage boundary), Tøyen Shale, southern Sweden
- Integrating Nutrient Enrichment and Forest Management Experiments in Sweden to Constrain the Process-Based Land Surface Model ORCHIDEE
- Linking variability to trends and functioning
- Matrix approach to uncertainty assessment and reduction for modeling terrestrial carbon cycle
- Morphological transformation of soot: investigation of microphysical processes during the condensation of sulphuric acid and limonene ozonolysis products vapours
- Multi-scale enhancement of climate prediction over land by improving the model sensitivity to vegetation variability
- Partial melting of amphibolites in the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen, southern Sweden.
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Satellite passive microwaves for monitoring deforestation and drought-induced carbon losses in sub-Saharan Africa
- Scaling isotopic emissions and microbes across a permafrost thaw landscape
- Shifting fire regimes alter soil carbon and nutrient storage at the global scale: historical trends and future projections
- Synchronizing Greenland ice-core records and the Meerfelder maar sediment record via the global cosmogenic radionuclide signature and insights on climate around 11,230 years BP
- Terrestrial Palynology of Paleocene and Eocene Sediments Above the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- The Swedish Research Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science - SITES
- The relationships between tropical-Pacific/Indian Ocean SST and summer precipitation in Yangtze-River Basin, China
- Transformation of leaf litter by insect herbivory in the Subarctic: Consequences for soil biogeochemistry under global change
- Tropical forest soil microbes and climate warming: An Andean-Amazon gradient and `SWELTR'
- Bilateral agreements on transboundary water management: do they lead to better water sharing (on the example of Kazakhstan)
- Biosilicification Drives a Decline of Dissolved SI in the Oceans Through Geologic Time
- Cancer research encourages explorations of hypoxic conditions as a necessity for multicellularity and how animals solved the challenge of life in the oxic setting
- Carbon transport in a subarctic permafrost peatland catchment area
- Condensation freezing of soot particles from various sources
- Drivers of diffusive lake CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions on daily to multi-year time scales
- Euxinic water column anoxia prevailed in the early Silurian foreland basin of Baltica - new high-resolution geochemical data of the Sommerodde core, Denmark
- Exploring high latitude geomagnetic field behaviour over the past four millennia using new geomagnetic field models
- Gender Inequalities: Horizontal Policy-Making WANTED!
- Higher than expected CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilisation inferred from leaf to global observations
- Nitrogen deposition has small effect on the global carbon cycle, large influence on nitrogen losses from the land
- Novel Types of Ice Multiplication and their Buffering of the Response of Clouds to Aerosol Changes
- Seasonal co-variation of plant water storage, canopy greenness, and groundwater storage across the globe
- Seasonal, Decadal, and Change Point Behavior in Outlet Glacier Termini Positions, Disko and Uummannaq Bay, West Greenland
- Spatial and temporal distribution of nitrate concentration in groundwater and soils in an intensively polluted area
- Stability/Instability of Sediment-Hosted Marine Hydrothermal Carbon Reservoirs, an Unquantified Feedback on Earth's Past and Future Climate
- The EUROCOM project: A collaborative reanalysis of European CO2 fluxes over the period 2006-2015
- The controls of present-day topographic stress on subsurface bedrock fracture openness in Forsmark, Sweden
- Using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS Models for Rainfall-Runoff Simulation and Flood Inundation Mapping: Case Studies from Nepal and Sweden
- Volcanic Imprints in the North Atlantic Climate Variability
- Aligning research, policy, and practice for the Sustainable Development Goals in European agriculture
- An assessment of the nitrogen effects on the future terrestrial carbon cycle: state-of-the-art and future perspectives
- Approaches for Representing Initiation of Primary and Secondary Ice in Clouds with Numerical Models
- Assembly of microbial communities in thawed permafrost and implications for carbon processing
- BVOC ecosystem flux measurements at a boreal forest site in Sweden
- Climate Change Effects On Streamflow Variations In Limpopo River Basin, Southern Africa
- Combined Impacts of Ocean Acidification and Desalination: Decalcified Foraminifera Survival during Culture Experiments
- Data usage practices and network design for in-situ atmospheric carbon cycle observations revisited
- Effects of Drought and High Temperature on Carbon and Energy Exchange in Nordic Forest Ecosystems
- Effects of Warming and Permafrost Thaw on the Three Important Greenhouse Gases - Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide
- Effects of forest disturbances on insect herbivory and climate fluxes- fire,logging and drought
- Estimating Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Nordic Peatlands Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
- Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Three Climate Models Using MODIS Observations and its Corresponding COSP Simulator.
- Fracture and stress characterization in crystalline rocks - Fracture displacement measurements associated with water injection in the COSC-1 borehole, Sweden
- Global Importance of Secondary Ice Production: Impacts on Cloud Properties and Radiative Forcing
- Ground validation of GPM IMERG rainfall products over Iran country
- Hydrological changes in Yellowstone Lake (USA) during the Holocene based on the analysis of oxygen isotopes in diatoms
- Miniature Low Cost Metal Oxide Methane Sensors as a Powerful Tool for GHG studies: From Chambers to UAVs
- Near-decadal changes in active layer depth in Stordalen mire, Sweden
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Precipitation variability and its relation to climate anomalies in the Bolivian Altiplano
- Setup a Pilot HYPE Model for the Tigris and Euphrates River Basin to Quantify the Main Factors Causing Water Shortage in Iraq
- Spatiotemporal Regime of Summer Precipitation in the Source Region of the Yangtze River and Connection with Large-Scale Circulation
- THE DYNAMIC FLOOR OF YELLOWSTONE LAKE: A Geologic Record Over the Past 14 ka of Hydrothermal Explosions, Doming, and Faulting
- The Role of Ice Splintering on Microphysics of Deep Convective Clouds Forming under Different Aerosol Conditions: Simulations Using the Model with Spectral Bin Microphysics
- The role of groundwater in resilience of Amazon rainforest to drought
- Where is the Missing Silica Coming from? Silica Mass Balance of the Yellowstone Lake, WY, USA
- Combining SMOS soil moisture and JRC-TIP FAPAR for better constraining global carbon fluxes during 2010-2015 within CCDAS
- Controls on Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration in an Ombrotrophic Bog
- Effects of Forest Disturbances on Insect Herbivory and Ecosystem Nutrient Fluxes Globally: Fire, Logging, Drought and Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>Concentrations
- Empirical formulation for multiple groups of primary biological ice nucleating particles from field observations over Amazonia.
- Environmental Influences on the Lightning of Cold-based Continental Convection Simulated Numerically: Land-Ocean Contrast and Inverted-vs-Normal Charge Structure
- Estimating Carbon Stocks within the Swedish Exclusive Economic zone
- Formation of Terrestrial-like Systems with Pebble Accretion
- Impacts of Secondary Ice Production on Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds based on Observations and a Global Climate Model
- Optimised simulation of CH4 emission from the Northern wetlands using LPJ-GUESS model
- Post-fire recovery of ecosystem productivity in Arctic and boreal forests of Alaska
- Revealing the fine-scale heterogeneity of Arctic terrestrial greenhouse gas fluxes
- The Deuterium Excess Fingerprint of the North Atlantic Storm Track's Interannual Variability
- A data-model intercomparison of the carbon-phosphorus interaction under elevated CO2 in a mature forest ecosystem (EucFACE)
- Assessing the Efficiency of a Soil Water Retainer Through Modelling Approaches and Field Experiments.
- Carry-over Effects from Warmer and Earlier Springs on Seasonal Plant Productivity in Northern Ecosystems
- Connecting Hydrosocial and Socio-hydrology Frameworks for Studying Community Flood Hazard and Vulnerability An Interdisciplinary Experimental Approach for Knowledge Production
- Creating ENVRI-hub, the Open-Access Platform of the Environmental Sciences Community in Europe
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Diagnosing and evaluating the dynamics of terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Early but not late growing season warming enhances peatland net ecosystem carbon dioxide uptake
- Evaluating the BVOC-feedback in Earth System Models Against Observations
- Evaluation of Multiple Gridded ET Products and Triple Collocation-Based Merged ET Products Using ICOS Eddy-Covariance Measurements in Nordic Regions
- Evidence from ice cores for an ancient extreme solar particle event hitting Earth during a solar minimum
- Hints of large particle events around solar cycle 14 from 36Cl in Greenland ice cores
- Humans asymmetrically amplify and homogenise forest disturbance rates across biomes
- Impacts of Large-Scale Sahara Photovoltaic Solar Farms on Global Climate and Vegetation Cover
- Importance of Secondary Ice Production to Ice Formation and Phase of High-Latitude Mixed-Phase Clouds during SOCRATES and MARCUS
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Looking under the hood: benchmarking soil organic matter pool distributions at the global-scale
- Natural Gas Pipelines and Social Vulnerability in the United States: Reflections from an Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Predicting Evolution of Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under CMIP6 Climate Scenarios Using the CENTURY Model Improved with Multi-data Assimilation
- Quantifying the impact of wintertime changes on the arctic carbon cycle
- Regional atmospheric inversions of CO2 and 14CO2 over Europe
- Sensitivity of Gross Primary Production in Tropical Savannas to Drought Timescales
- Summertime Circumglobal Rossby Waves in Climate Models: Small Biases in Upper-level Circulation Create Substantial Biases in Surface Imprint
- Updated FLUXNET Data Products: A European Perspective
- Vegetation shifts trigger strong local BVOC impacts on atmospheric aerosols in high latitudes
- Consequences of Boreal Peatland Disturbance on DOM Quantity and Quality at the Catchment Scale
- Gas exchange measurements over a boreal river by eddy covariance technique
- Geochemical numerical modeling to validate well logging interpretations: application to H2S injection at a geothermal site
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Impact of Forest Clear-Cutting on Boreal BVOC Emissions
- In-Situ Air Quality Monitoring in Ethiopia for the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Investigation: Spatial and Temporal Trends in Levels and Composition of Ambient PM2.5
- Inferring North American Holocene Land Cover Change using Paleoecological Evidence
- Influence of Land Use Change, Climate and Management on Historical Simulated Yields of Wheat, Maize and Rice
- Land Use Changes in Riparian Ecosystems: Water Quality Impact and Disaster Risk, Broad Run Watershed, Prince William County, Virginia.
- Oxygen and silicon isotope variations during opal diagenesis: Implications for biogenic silica and chert proxies from marine sediment archives
- Plant-soil-microbial nutrient cycling mediates CO2 fertilization effects in Amazonian forest sites.
- Predicting the trajectory of ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and phosphorus fertilization at EucFACE
- Primary and secondary ice formation in various cloud types: A numerical study
- Rapid shift in greenhouse forcing of emerging arctic peatlands
- Spatial and temporal variation of δ13C values of methane emitted from a hemiboreal mire
- Strategic expansion of the Arctic-Boreal carbon flux network
- Studding remote off-grid areas with autonomous mobile observatory system, near real time measurements of atmospheric, glacial, terrestrial, limnic and coastal oceanic systems.
- The 17O-excess of plant silica, a proxy of continental atmospheric relative humidity in tropical areas: field calibration
- Toward FAIR Dashboard Services
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Petzold
- Abdulhakim M. Abdi
- Akihiko Ito
- Alex Vermeulen
- Alexandra Pongrácz
- Anders Ahlström
- Anders Lindroth
- Belinda E. Medlyn
- Benjamin D. Stocker
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bernard Gałka
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Carlo Trotta
- Changhui Peng
- Charles D. Koven
- D. A. Ciraula
- Daisuke Tokuda
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel S. Goll
- Dario Papale
- Deepak Waman
- Denis Loustau
- Dylan B. Millet
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Efrén López‐Blanco
- Elyn Humphreys
- Eric A. Davidson
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Ewa Burszta‐Adamiak
- Fei Luo
- Florian Mekhaldi
- Fortunat Joos
- Frans‐Jan W. Parmentier
- Gilberto Pastorello
- Hanqin Tian
- Hideo Shiogama
- Hyungjun Kim
- Ivan Mammarella
- J. P. Dodd
- Janne Rinne
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jing Tang
- Johan Scheller
- John W. Williams
- Julia Pongratz
- Jürgen Knauer
- Kai Kornhuber
- Katerina Georgiou
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kyle A. Arndt
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Lawrence B. Flanagan
- M. S. Torn
- Manuel Helbig
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Maria Scheel
- Martijn Pallandt
- Masahito Ueyama
- Mathias Goeckede
- Matthias M. Boer
- Mikhail Mastepanov
- Miklas Scholz
- Minghui Diao
- Mingkai Jiang
- Nezha Acil
- Nicolas Zégre
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Philip Brunner
- Prabir K. Patra
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- R. E. Emanuel
- Raúl Bardají
- Raúl Ochoa‐Hueso
- Riikka Rinnan
- Robert B. Jackson
- Rona L. Thompson
- Rose Abramoff
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Shufen Pan
- Sofya Guseva
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sourish Basu
- Susan M. Natali
- Tero Mielonen
- Timo Vesala
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Tobias Erhardt
- Torben R. Christensen
- Wiesław Fiałkiewicz
- William J. Riley
- William R. Wieder
- Xi Zhao
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Xueying Li
- Yang Liu
- Yongshuo H. Fu
- Yu Wang