Louisiana Tech University
flowchart I[Louisiana Tech University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (39)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Detection of Key Leaf Physiological Traits using Field and Imaging Spectroscopy
- Elemental Mercury Diffusion Processes and Concentration at the Lunar Poles
- Record of Earliest West Antarctic Ice Sheet Beneath Ross Sea?
- Biogeochemical hotspots following a simulated tree mortality event of southern pine beetle
- Chronicling ice shelf history in the sediments left behind
- Identification of Transportation Infrastructure at Risk Due To Sea-Level Rise and Subsidence of Land In Coastal Louisiana
- Local and regional scale exchanges of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between tidal wetlands and their adjacent coastal waters
- Physical factors controlling carbon cycling dynamics in blackwater river-dominated and particle dominated estuaries
- S-wave velocity measurements along levees in New Orleans using passive surface wave methods
- Shear-wave seismic reflection imaging and impedance inversion for a near-surface point-bar
- Analysis of Varying Seismic Velocities in Sands of Different Grain Sizes
- Assessment of the Evolution of Coastal Louisiana Storm Surge and Flood Risk 1850 - 2110
- Benthic Fluxes across different hydrogeomorphic zones in an emergent coastal deltaic floodplain
- Building a Cross-Dated Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Central Caribbean from Storm Deposit Corals
- Combining NISAR and SWOT Spaceborne Missions to Study Coastal Wetlands
- Depositional processes on the Eastern Ross Sea slope and outer shelf (Antarctica): structures on the present seabed and current interactions.
- Effect of Connectivity and Residence Time on the Fate of Nitrate in a Coastal Deltaic Floodplain
- Exploring the role of evaporation and precipitation on mangrove island morphology
- Higher rates of sea level rise result in higher lateral flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from tidal wetlands to coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Mechanisms of Blue Carbon Export in Blackwater River-dominated and Particle-dominated Estuaries
- Multicomponent Model of Crustal Stress at Cajon Pass with Implications for Stress Field Heterogeneity
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- Triple sulfur isotope fractionation associated with sulfate reduction in modern marine sediments
- A dynamic sulfur cycle at suboxic, high-temperature vents in Yellowstone Lake is mediated by deeply-rooted thermophiles and their associated viruses
- Assessing the Thermal Regime of the Stevenson Island Vent Field, Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Changes in Planform Geometry in the Amite River Basin, Louisiana, USA, and the Impact on Flood Routing
- Effects of Land-Use Change (1938-2018) on Surface Runoff and Flooding in the Amite River Basin, Louisiana, USA Using Coupled 1D/2D HEC-RAS-HEC-HMS Hydrological Modeling
- Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the subtropic North America
- Geochemically diverse hydrothermal vents in Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming.
- Geologic observations from the floor of Yellowstone Lake using high-resolution video
- Integrating imaging spectrometer and synthetic aperture radar data for estimating wetland vegetation aboveground biomass in coastal Louisiana
- Net Evaporation Rates and Mangrove Island Morphology: Caribbean Examples
- Remarkable and Persistent Seiches in Lake Yellowstone
- The HD-YLAKE project: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Smell of Hydrogen Sulfide
- Effect of vegetation on the deposition of fine-grained sediment on the Wax Lake delta, southern Louisiana, USA
- Quantifying the Role of the Net Evaporation Rates and Salt Concentrations on Mangrove Canopy Height across Mangrove Islands in Florida and Puerto Rico
- Rifting at the Boundary of Contrasting Terrane Fabrics, Luama Rift, DR Congo
- Seismic Experimentation to Advance Understanding of Martian Regolith-Ice
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?