London School of Economics, UK
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Generating Dynamic Persistence in the Time Domain
- Putting Weather into Weather Derivatives
- Staking Out State Space
- On The Design of Ensemble Climate Experiments: A Simulation of
- Predicting Tomorrow's Weather Next Week: The Roles of Uncertainty, Probability, and Model Inadequacy in Weather and in Climate
- Towards Defining Probability Forecasts of Likely Climate Change
- Applications and Limitations of Using Large State-of-the-Art Climate Ensembles for Risk Management
- Questioning the Relevance of Model-Based Probability Statements on Extreme Weather and Future Climate
- Towards Measures to Establish the Relevance of Climate Model Output for Decision Support
- History of Virtual Water , International Trade and Economic Metabolism at the Time Colonialism and a First Attempt to Assess Their Impact on Hydrologic Changes
- Putting the Economics first: revisiting the interpretation of climate models for adaptation decision-making
- Quantitative Decision Support Requires Quantitative User Guidance
- The Search for Relevant Climate Change Information to Support Adaptation Decision Makers: Lessons from Reductionism, Emergence and the Past (Invited)
- Uncertainty Estimation in Regional Climate Change: Extracting Robust Information from Perturbed Physics Ensembles
- Revisiting the generation and interpretation of climate models experiments for adaptation decision-making (Invited)
- Sensitivity of Detection and Attribution of Climate Change to Simulated Climate Variability
- Sensitivity of Local Temperature CDFs to Global Climate Change
- Evaluating the sensitivity of local temperature distributions to global climate change
- Increasing the relevance of GCM simulations for Climate Services
- Queuing the Wrong U?
- Consequences of the Hawkmoth Effect: Explicit subjective judgements about uncertain model-system relationships improve policy relevance of climate model output
- Consistency of regional climate projections with the global conditions that stimulated them
- Predicting and adapting to the agricultural impacts of large-scale drought (Invited)
- Probability for Weather and Climate
- Tracking Expected Improvements of Decadal Prediction in Climate Services
- UQ for Decision Making: How (at least five) Kinds of Probability Might Come Into Play
- An Observationally-Centred Method to Quantify the Changing Shape of Local Temperature Distributions
- Climate and Southern Africa's Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- Global crop yield response to extreme heat stress under multiple climate change futures
- Improving Communication About Potentially Catastrophic Risks of Climate Change
- Increasing Foresight and Forecast Quality with Skillful Low-Cost Empirical Models
- Irreducible uncertainty in regional near-term climate projections
- Projections of Virtual Water Trade Under Agricultural Policy Scenarios in China
- Carbon sequestration and water flow regulation services in mature Mediterranean Forest
- Examining the Fidelity of Climate model via Shadowing Time
- Multi-model Cross Pollination in Time via Data Assimilation
- Water resources transfers through southern African food trade: water efficiency and climate signals
- Assimilating the Future for Better Forecasts and Earlier Warnings
- Climate Risk in Southern and Eastern Africa's Hydropower Generation
- Competing Air Quality and Water Conservation Co-benefits from Power Sector Decarbonization
- Reserves and trade jointly determine exposure to food supply shocks
- A high-resolution, empirical approach to climate impact assessment for regulatory analysis
- Generalised and Fractional Langevin Equations-Implications for Energy Balance Models
- Global Mean Temperature Timeseries Projections from GCMs: The Implications of Rebasing
- Producing custom regional climate data sets for impact assessment with xarray
- Quantifying variability in fast and slow solar wind: From turbulence to extremes
- Rebased Global Mean Temperature comparisons between Global Climate Models and observed Global Mean Temperature: constraints and implications
- Sustainability of agricultural water use worldwide
- Water data in US: a spatial, temporal and sectoral analysis
- Data analytics and 'deep time': Determining statistically reproducible properties of space climate over the last five solar cycles
- Linking Physical Climate Research and Economic Assessments of Mitigation Policies
- The Implications of Climate Model Evaluation for Climate Model Interpretation
- The climate geoengineering and global income inequality paradox
- Vulnerability of Malawi's water, energy and food security to threshold behaviour of Lake Malawi - A lake-basin modelling study
- Water Resource Planning Under Future Climate and Socioeconomic Uncertainty in the Cauvery River Basin in Karnataka, India
- A Sustainable Agriculture Matrix of environmental and socioeconomic indicators for protecting Earth's climate
- Assessing the quality of scientific knowledge about future climate for adaptation: a framework
- Generalized Langevin Equations and the Climate Response Problem.
- Global Land Use Evolution: a Grid-cell Analysis of Land Use Change and its Economic Drivers
- Groundwater depletion embedded in domestic transfers and international exports of the United States
- Warming trends in summer heatwaves and extended warm spells in winter seen in the Central England Temperature timeseries
- Assessing the Quality of Regional Climate Information
- Decision Support Tool for Vulnerability and Adaptation Options to Climate Change: Modeling the Case of Maize Growing Systems in Ethiopia
- Financial Feasibility Constrains Water Conservation in Agriculture on the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- The Long-term Effect of Temperature and its Variability on Economic Activity - New Evidence from Spatial Econometric Analysis of High-resolution Nightlights Data
- The effects of climate change on cross-boundary larval flows in global marine fisheries
- Uncertain climate and socio-economic change: trade-offs for plans and priorities in an African transboundary basin
- Weather, mobility, and COVID-19 infections: results from panel data analysis and an epidemiological model
- Mapping and Modeling Interbasin Water Transfers within the United States
- On the Evaluation of Evolving-Probability Forecasts
- Beyond Hasselmann and Leith: The Challenge of non-Markovian (and Fractional) Stochastic Climate Modelling
- Estimating Global Impacts to Agriculture from Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation
- Next generation of regional climate projections
- Stress-testing development pathways under a changing climate: water-energy-food security in the lake Malawi-Shire river system
- Structural Changes in the Social Cost of Carbon