Queen Mary University, UK
flowchart I[Queen Mary University, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (116)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (103)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Downshifted waves in electron foreshock region: Cluster observations and interpretation
- Cassini Imaging Science: Orbits of Moons and Rings
- Faint Rings and Things According to Cassini
- Splendor in the Rings...as Seen by the Cassini Imaging Science Experiment
- Cassini ISS Observations of the Encke and Keeler Gaps in Saturn's Rings
- Development And Evaluation Of Rare Earth Element (REE) Labelled Clays As Fine Sediment Transport Tracers In The Freshwater and Marine Environment.
- North-South IMF and a magnetosheath flow effect on the magnetic field line draping pattern in the dayside magnetosheath.
- A Sediment Wedge and an Instantaneous End-Moraine: a Twofold Ice-marginal Product of the 1890 Glacier Surge of Bruarjokull, Iceland
- Coupling Peatland Ecohydrology and Methane Ebullition
- Quantifying strain beneath glaciers: fabric analyses at macro and micro-scales
- Complex Dynamics in Models of Peat Accumulation lead to Dramatic Regime Shifts under a Steady Climate
- Does the temperature sensitivity of aerobic decomposition in peatlands vary across vegetation types and with degradation state?
- Non-modal Plasma Stability in the Solar Wind
- Observations of ejecta clouds produced by impacts onto Saturn's rings
- Active drumlin field revealed at the margin of Múlajökull, Iceland: a surge-type glacier
- Application of in-situ passive samplers for the investigation of the impacts of vegetated river beds on mineral N concentration gradients in the hyporheic zone
- Direct evidence of lateral hyporheic flows revealed through single well tracer dilution tests
- Elemental, stable isotopic and biochemical characterization of soil organic matter alteration across a natural peatland gradient
- Implications of groundwater-surface water connectivity for nitrogen transformations in the hyporheic zone
- The contribution of vegetation to riverbed morphology (Invited)
- The impact of river stage variability on mixing depth and patterns of biogeochemical processing in the hyporheic zone
- Fine sediment impacts on Salmonid spawning success: Relative effects of pore blockage and oxygen demand
- Glacier-sea floor interactions during advance-retreat cycles of surge-type glaciers in Svalbard (Invited)
- Observations of ejecta clouds produced by impacts onto Saturn's rings (Invited)
- Quantifying uncertainty in morphologically-derived bedload transport rates for large braided rivers: insights from high-resolution, high-frequency digital elevation model differencing
- The discovery and dynamical evolution of 'Peggy', an object at the outer edge of Saturn's A ring (Invited)
- 3D Reconstruction of a Fluvial Sediment Slug from Source to Sink: reach-scale modeling of the Dart River, NZ
- Electrodynamics in Giant Planet Atmospheres
- Hydrologic and geomorphic drivers of changing flood hazard
- Ion Acceleration at Quasi-Parallel Bow Shocks: Linking Observations, Theory and Modelling
- The Effects of Ion Kinetic Instabilities on the Three-Dimensional Reconnection of Ion-Scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind
- An Efficient and Imperfect Model for Gravel-Bed Braided River Morphodynamics: Numerical Simulations as Exploratory Tools
- MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Dayside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Relationship between ecosystem respiration and aeration constant in open channel dissolved oxygen analysis
- Self-consistent particle-in-cell simulations of fundamental and harmonic radio plasma emission mechanisms
- The effect of guide-field and boundary conditions on the features and signatures of collisionless magnetic reconnection in a stressed X-point collapse
- Three-Dimensional Reconnection and Turbulence in the Outer Heliosphere
- TopCAT and PySESA: Open-source software tools for point cloud decimation, roughness analyses, and quantitative description of terrestrial surfaces
- Transient F Ring Dust Features in Cassini UVIS Solar Occultations
- A New Dynamic for Phosphorus in Riverbed Nitrogen Cycling
- A three-dimensional hyporheic model of River Bure: The role of streambed and morphological heterogeneity and estimation of reactive nitrogen transport.
- Explosive particle dispersion in space plasma turbulence
- Investigation of Analogues to Plasmoids and Jets in the Mercury Magnetosheath
- Multispacecraft study of shock-flux rope interaction
- Orbital Evolution and Physical Characteristics of Object "Peggy" at the Edge of Saturn's A Ring
- The Interplay between Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on Nitrate Removal in Permeable Riverbeds of Contrasting Substrate Type.
- Detecting collisions and dust in Saturn's F ring from diffraction signatures in Cassini UVIS solar occultation data
- Generalised and Fractional Langevin Equations-Implications for Energy Balance Models
- Geology and Hydrology Drive Benthic Fungal Community Structure in a Lowland River System
- In Situ Observations of a Magnetosheath High-Speed Jet Triggering Magnetopause Reconnection
- Magnetosheath jets: MMS observations of internal structures and jet interactions with ambient plasma
- The effect of bottom topography on the dynamics of the Southern Ocean and its role in the Chandler wobble excitaion
- Can New Information on Suspended Sediment Floc Characteristics Improve Understanding of Cohesive Sediment Behaviour?
- First results from sonification and exploratory citizen science of magnetospheric ULF waves
- Inspiring creative art-science works through the use of challenges
- Multi length scale characterisation of estuarine flocs using correlative tomography
- Multi-spacecraft observations of interplanetary shocks
- Numerical Simulations of Kinetic Turbulence in the Low Beta Regime: Predictions for Observations by Parker Solar Probe
- Trends in the use of large wood in UK river restoration projects: insights from the National River Restoration Inventory
- A reduced-order model of the zonal jets problem in the Southern Ocean
- Applications of novel 3D nano- and microtomography to explore the influence of sediment composition and settling history on floc structure
- Beyond 2D: Stokesian Dynamics simulations of the settling dynamics of "real" river flocs from high-resolution 3D imaging data
- Generalized Langevin Equations and the Climate Response Problem.
- Novel 3D observational data for estuarine sediment flocs: new understanding of cohesive sediment structure and behavior
- Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period (3.264-3.025 Ma)
- Parametric study of magnetosheath jets: 2D local hybrid simulations.
- Radial Evolution of MHD-Scale Solar Wind Turbulence from 35 Rs to 1 AU
- Realistic estimates of floc porosity based on high resolution 3D X-Ray microtomography
- Statistical Relationship Between ULF Wave Power and Magnetopause Location Using THEMIS Satellite Observations: Implications for Fast Mode Wave Propagation
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- Evidence of a newly-observed turbulent regime at sub-ion scales in space and astrophysical plasmas
- Observations and numerical simulations of the relationship between ULF wave power, radial Alfvén speed profile, and magnetopause location
- Turbulence in the Near-Sun Streamer Belt Solar Wind
- 2.5D local hybrid simulations of ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks
- Anisotropy of Solar-Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere at Kinetic Scales: PSP Observations
- Applicability of Taylor's Hypothesis during Parker Solar Probe perihelia
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- Fully kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in the inner heliosphere: a pathfinder for electron-scale spacecraft missions
- Generation of residual energy by many interacting Alfven waves
- Kinetic Instabilities and Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Kinetic Scale Turbulence and Waves in the Solar Wind Near the Alfven Point
- Magnetic Reflection of Heavy Ions from High Mach Number Collisionless Shocks
- Measurement of the effective mean-free-path of the solar wind protons.
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of High Plasma Beta Solar Wind from Streamer Belt
- Phase Space Diffusion of Particles and Turbulent Structures Dynamics at Collisionless Shocks Propagating through Turbulent Media
- Reforecast pooling for flood hazard estimation: strengths and weaknesses
- Statistical Observations of Solar Wind Fluctuations in the de Hoffmann-Teller Frame
- Sub-Ion Scale Alfvenic Turbulence in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: New Insights from Parker Solar Probe
- The Importance of a Null Model for Identifying Change in Alluvial River Channels
- The Solar Wind: From Small-Scale Turbulence to Large-Scale Dynamics
- To Touch the Sun: Parker Solar Probe and the Alfven Critical Point
- Transrelativistic Electron Acceleration in Plasma Turbulence: The Efficiency of Particle Trapping at Different Scales
- Turbulence Characteristics of Switchback and Nonswitchback Intervals Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Variations of power spectral density of magnetic field and ion velocity fluctuations through the heliosphere
- Basic nonlinear properties of kinetic Alfvén waves in imbalanced solar wind turbulence
- Beyond Hasselmann and Leith: The Challenge of non-Markovian (and Fractional) Stochastic Climate Modelling
- Candidates for Downstream Jets at Interplanetary Shocks
- Continuous, year-round monitoring of snow-pack and soil properties of an emerging glacial forefield in the Arctic.
- Fe Ion Heating Across a Shock Observed by Solar Orbiter's Heavy Ion Sensor
- Geodesy as the Sentinel for Climate-induced Hazards Monitoring and Response
- Magnetopause reconnection and dynamics following the impact of magnetosheath jets
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Shocklets at an Interplanetary Shock.
- Observations of Whistler Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere with MMS Data
- Parametric Study of Magnetosheath Jets in 2D Local Hybrid Simulations
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Turbulence in the Near-Sun Solar Wind and Solar Corona
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Reconstructing the spatial field-perpendicular energy spectrum of magnetic fluctuations near and below the Alfven critical point
- Self-consistent Simulation of an Energetic Storm Particle Event of 10 November 2012 with SOLPACS
- Spacetime structure of plasma turbulence in 3D Hall-MHD and Hybrid-kinetic numerical simulations.
- Statistical properties of the switchbacks observed during the first 11 encounters of the Parker Solar Probe
- Sustained mid-Pliocene warmth led to deep water formation in the North Pacific
- The Evolution of the Magnetic Field Spectral Index with Heliocentric Distance in the Solar Wind
- The interplay between magnetic switchbacks and solar wind turbulence in the inner Heliosphere
- Thermal sites in polar and alpine regions - hot spots for biodiversity
- Year-Round Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Study the Development of Deglaciated Soils in the High Arctic
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Galvin
- A. W. Case
- Adrian T. LaMoury
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Alan C Mix
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Ali Rahmati
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- B. L. Alterman
- B. Lavraud
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- C. J. Owen
- C. K. Shum
- Carl Phillips
- Carlos A. Oroza
- Claire Masteller
- Cody S. Sheik
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. Lario
- Daniel Verscharen
- David A Hodell
- David Burgess
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Emanuele Papini
- Emily Lichko
- F. Allegrini
- F. Němec
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Francesco Pecora
- G. C. Ho
- G. P. Zank
- Giovanni Lapenta
- H. L. Ford
- Hadi Madanian
- Heli Hietala
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Raines
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Souček
- J. T. Steinberg
- James A. Bradley
- Jana Šafránková
- Jean C. Perez
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jia Huang
- Jonathan Chambers
- K. G. Klein
- K. Goetz
- K. Ogasawara
- K. W. Paulson
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kieran Dunne
- L. D. Woodham
- L. M. Kistler
- Louise Slater
- Luca Franci
- Lucile Turc
- Luis Preisser
- M. Cimpoiasu
- M. I. Desai
- M. Martinović
- M. Moncuquet
- M. Pulupa
- Manuela Irene Brunner
- Mingzhe Liu
- Minna Palmroth
- Mirko Piersanti
- N. E. Raouafi
- Natalie J. Burls
- Natalie M. Staudacher
- Nicholas W. Watkins
- P. Louarn
- Pacifica Sommers
- Parisa Mostafavi
- Primož Kajdič
- R. M. Dewey
- S. D. Bale
- S. Dorfman
- S. Livi
- S. T. Badman
- S. T. Lepri
- Sandra C. Chapman
- Simona Francalanci
- Sofiane Bourouaine
- Stanislav Boldyrev
- Stefano Lanzoni
- Steven K. Schmidt
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. Woolley
- Tatiana A. Vishnivetskaya
- Tatiana Niembro
- Tereza Ďurovcová
- Tieyan Wang
- Trevor Irons
- Victor Montagud-Camps
- W. Sun
- Yeimy Rivera
- Zdeněk Němeček