Kings College London, UK
flowchart I[Kings College London, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (156)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cellular Automata Models. A Useful Modelling Tool To Define Environmental Policy for Forest Fires
- Criticality Versus Self-Organized Criticality
- Is the Martian crust also the Martian elastic lithosphere?
- Mechanical Reinforcement and Enhanced Cohesion of Streambanks Using Common Riparian Species
- Nonlinear hydrological dynamics on a desert bajada
- Numerical and Physical Modelling of Hillslope-Channel Coupling
- Power-law Correlations of Landslide Areas in Central Italy
- Sediment-transport processes and their implications for data collection for erosion modelling
- Side-Branching Statistics of Plant Root Networks
- Use of Regional Climate Model Output for Hydrologic Simulations
- A Universal Landslide Distribution and an Associated Landslide-Event Magnitude Scale
- Landslides and Earthquakes
- Landslides, Earthquakes, and Erosion
- Process and Form in Holocene Landscapes: Modelling Human and Climatic Impacts
- Scale Issues in Ecohydrological Processes in Grassland-Shrubland Transitions, Jornada, NM
- Tails of Natural Hazards
- Temporal and Spatial Scaling in the Earth Sciences
- Characterizing Wildfire Regimes and Risk in the USA
- Extreme Events: Changes in Risk due to Long-Range Persistence
- Multiscale Geostatistical Analysis of AVHRR, SPOT-VGT, and MODIS NDVI products
- Natural Hazard Demonstrations for Teaching
- Production Rate of Hydroxyl Radicals in First-Year sea ice: A Modelling and Measurement Study.
- Evaluating the Predictive Uncertainty of Two Spatially Distributed Fields (Flood Inundation and Precipitation) Under Observational Uncertainty
- Long-Range Persistence Techniques Evaluated
- Temporal and Statistical Properties of 603 Triggered Landslide Events from 1950 to 2002 in the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy
- Uncertainty of Annual net Ecosystem Productivity Estimated Using Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements
- Aeolian Sand Transport by Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Cellular Automaton Simulation of Vegetated Dune Field Dynamics
- Interactions Between Fluvial Processes and Vegetation in a Newly Created River Channel
- Relationships between Fire Radiative Energy, Fuel Combustion Rates, and Emission Rates of Trace Gases and PM2.5 in Laboratory Fires
- Soil respiration from a boreal forest fire scar chronosequence
- Constraining regional carbon fluxes in complex terrain: The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment 2007
- Control over ecosystem CO2 exchange by winter snow versus summer rain in a subalpine coniferous forest
- Palaeohydrology of the Fazzan Basin, Libyan Sahara: Evidence for multiple phases of North African humidity.
- Quantitative Assessment of biomass burning from satellite measurements of Fire Radiative Power
- The Statistics of Wildfire Burned Areas and Landslides: Implications for Ecology, Erosion, Risk and Government Reporting
- Ups and Downs of Palaeolake Megachad
- A General Landslide Distribution for Triggered Event Landslide Inventories from 100-10,000 Landslides (Invited)
- A simple cellular model to quantify controls on aeolian dune-field pattern development
- Carbon cycling at a temperate evergreen forest: a comparison of three ecosystem-model data assimilation systems at Howland, ME (Invited)
- Climate impacts on flood inundation: probabilistic projections using ENSEMBLES and UKCP09
- Development of a 1 D hydrodynamic habitat model for the Hippopotamus amphibious as basis for sustainable exploitation of hydroelectric power
- Development of web-based services for a novel ensemble flood forecasting and risk assessment system
- Estimating Parameters of a Forest Ecosystem C Model Using Multiple Stock and Flux Measurements as Joint Constraints
- Experimental Salix shoot and root growth statistics on the alluvial sediment of a restored river corridor
- Photosynthesis, plant growth and nitrogen nutrition in Alaskan tussock tundra: Response to experimental warming
- Preferential dust sources in global aerosol models: a new classification based on geomorphology. (Invited)
- Reconciling Latent and Sensible Energy Fluxes with Footprints in a Heterogeneous Landscape at an Urban-suburban Tower near Baltimore, Maryland
- Regional changes in aircraft NOx emissions, impacts on ozone and methane and related radiative forcings
- Temperature trends at the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii: A direct measurement of global warming?
- The IAUC Urban Flux Network - An international network of micrometeorological flux towers in urban ecosystems
- Uncertainty of Regional Carbon Fluxes and Boundary Layer Heights in Complex Terrain: The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment 2007
- A Review of Carbon Cycle Impacts of Biotic Disturbances in North American Forests
- A field study of flow turbulence and sediment transport dynamics on a beach surface in the lee of a coastal foredune under offshore winds
- Beach-dune dynamics: Spatio-temporal patterns of aeolian sediment transport under complex offshore airflow
- Climatic controls on carbon exchange in the US mountain west at multiple scales
- Direct evidence of lateral hyporheic flows revealed through single well tracer dilution tests
- Examination of historical landslide time series: a test case from the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy
- Global Seabird Ammonia Emissions
- Landscape metrics of coastal dunefields from LiDAR and hyper-spectral remote sensing
- Mountain Pine beetle disturbance and climate effects on subalpine forest carbon cycling
- On the Statistical Properties of Record-Breaking Temperatures
- Phenological control over ecosystem-atmosphere carbon exchange (Invited)
- Reattachment Zone Characterisation Under Offshore Winds With Flow Separation On The Lee Side Of Coastal Dunes
- Spatial and temporal patterns of airflow across a foredune and beach surface under offshore winds: implications for aeolian sediment transport
- Structural and vibrational properties of transition-metal oxides from first-principles calculations
- The vertical structure of airflow turbulence characteristics within a boundary layer during wind blown sand transport over a beach
- A bottom-up approach to urban metabolism: the perspective of BRIDGE
- Confronting uncertainty in peatland ecohydrology
- Statistics of Severe Tornadoes and Severe Tornado Outbreaks
- Visualising probabilistic flood forecast information: expert preferences and perceptions of best practice in uncertainty communication
- Creating High Quality DEMs of Large Scale Fluvial Environments Using Structure-from-Motion
- Fabrics revealed in basal glacier ice through anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data
- Parameterization of Fire Injection Height in Large Scale Transport Model
- Statistical Scaling of Severe Tornadoes and Severe Tornado Outbreaks
- Understanding the main uncertainties in hydrological impact ensembles of Regional Climate Models predictions for large catchments in the UK
- Aircraft trace gas measurements during the London 2012 Olympics: Air quality and emission fluxes derived from sampling upwind and downwind of a megacity
- Bad News Comes in Threes: Stochastic Structure in Random Events (Invited)
- Effects of Hydropeaking and Substrate Type on Periphyton Nutritional Quality in an Alpine Stream
- Energy exchanges in a Central Business District - Interpretation of Eddy Covariance and radiation flux measurements (London UK)
- Fluvial terrain models produced with Structure-from-Motion and optical bathymetric mapping: Fit for the purpose of numerical modelling
- Numerical model of hyporheic exchange and reactive transport dynamics from the perspective of residence time on upwelling and downwelling zones at River Bure, UK
- Quantification of social contributions to earthquake mortality
- Wildfire Emission, injection height: Development, Optimization, and Large Scale Impact
- A Method to Approximate and Statistically Model the Shape of Triggered Landslides
- A Tool for Modelling the Impact of Triggered Landslide Events on Road Networks
- Air Quality and Population Exposure in Urban Areas: Potential Co-Benefits of Alternative Strategies
- Daytime CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban-Regional Scale Surface Fluxes from Airborne Measurements, Eddy-Covariance Observations and Emissions Inventories in Greater London
- Developing User-Driven Climate Information Services to Build Resilience Amongst Groups at Risk of Drought and Flood in Arid and Semi-Arid Land Counties in Kenya
- Environmental modeling in data-sparse regions: Mozambique demonstrator case
- Formulation of an Integrated Model for Freshwater Resources Policy Evaluation in Jordan
- Hillslope lowering rates and mobile-regolith residence times from in situ and meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be analysis: Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado
- Innovative Techniques for Teaching about Landslides and Triggered Landslide Events
- Methane Emissions in the London Region: Deciphering Regional Sources with Mobile Measurements
- Building a Global Network of Hydro-climatology Sites in Cloud-affected Tropical Montane Forests
- Design of a multi-agent hydroeconomic model to simulate a complex human-water system: Early insights from the Jordan Water Project
- Methodology for Airborne Quantification of NO<SUB>x</SUB> fluxes over Central London and Comparison to Emission Inventories
- Spatially Resolved Emissions of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOCs and Comparison to Inventories.
- The Impact of Future Emissions Changes on Air Pollution Concentrations and Related Human Health Effects
- Typhoon Haiyan's Effects on Interception Loss from a Secondary Tropical Forest near Tacloban, Leyte, the Philippines
- Variable and Conflicting Shear Stress Estimates Inside an Aeolian Boundary Layer with Active Sand Transport
- A Bottom-up Vulnerability Analysis of Water Systems with Decentralized Decision Making and Demographic Shifts- the Case of Jordan.
- An Integrated Framework to Analyze Local Decision Making and Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Regions in Santos-Brazil, Broward County-USA and Selsey-UK
- Evaluating international development investments based on ecosystem services impact
- Evaluation of water security in Jordan using a multi-agent, hydroeconomic model: Initial model results from the Jordan Water Project
- Jordan Water Project: an interdisciplinary evaluation of freshwater vulnerability and security
- Lake Sediments show the Frequency of 21st Century Extreme Flooding in the UK is Unprecedented
- Simulating partially illegal markets of private tanker water providers on the country level: A multi-agent, hydroeconomic case-study of Jordan
- Spatial organisation of ecologically-relevant high frequency flow properties and implications for habitat assessment.
- Stakeholder Choices in Adaptation and Public Finance Planning for Coastal Hazard Mitigation in a Changing World: Highlights from Case Studies in Santos, Brazil, Broward County, FL, US and Selsey, UK (The METROPOLE Project)
- The Impacts of Policies To Meet The UK Climate Change Act Target on Air Quality - An Explicit Modelling Study
- Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts
- Understanding Migration as an Adaptation in Deltas Using a Bayesian Network Model
- Challenges in modelling the hydrological effects of tropical reforestation: A case study from the Philippines
- Post-fire fluxes and sources of carbon in previously burnt tropical swamp peatlands, Brunei
- Can New Information on Suspended Sediment Floc Characteristics Improve Understanding of Cohesive Sediment Behaviour?
- Effect of flow regime alteration and alternate bar morphodynamics on vegetation recruitment conditions in a channelized river
- Effects of reforesting a degraded Imperata grassland on dominant flow pathways and streamflow responses in Leyte, the Philippines
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Identifying wintertime African mineral dust sources and analysing their elemental composition
- Interactions between Turbulence, Vegetation and Fish Habitat Use in Rivers
- Multi length scale characterisation of estuarine flocs using correlative tomography
- Multi-Phase Cloud Water Path Assimilation Using WRF-DART for Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasting in the South-West Indian Ocean
- Revisiting Antarctic ice loss due to marine ice cliff instability
- Smoke Long range transport: monitoring with the new European automatic Lidar and ceilometer network: E-PROFILE
- Trends in the use of large wood in UK river restoration projects: insights from the National River Restoration Inventory
- Applications of novel 3D nano- and microtomography to explore the influence of sediment composition and settling history on floc structure
- Beyond 2D: Stokesian Dynamics simulations of the settling dynamics of "real" river flocs from high-resolution 3D imaging data
- Establishing a sediment structural vulnerability index for the erodibility of salt-marshes using X-Ray CT.
- Exploratory analysis of ground-based data in the field and multi-resolution satellite imagery to project land use and cover changes over deforested areas as detected by Terra-i
- LSDTopoTools: open-source software for topographic analysis
- Novel 3D observational data for estuarine sediment flocs: new understanding of cohesive sediment structure and behavior
- Realistic estimates of floc porosity based on high resolution 3D X-Ray microtomography
- The Hidden Value of Private Water Markets in Jordan: Simulating Spatial Price Equilibria in a Coupled Hydro-Economic Model
- Understanding community perspectives for estimation of crop water stress in an agriculture-dominated CZO in the Ganga plains, India
- A Multi-Hazard Interactions Framework for the Philippines
- An improved geochemical characterization of Arabian dust sources
- Beyond Sea Surface Temperatures: a Holistic Approach to Addressing Pliocene Tropical Conditions
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- Decoupled changes in upwelling and acidity in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene
- Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in Beijing
- Quantifying multi-model uncertainty in ice sheet projections
- Barchan Size Distributions on Mars and Earth: a Comparison with Mean-field Modelling
- Beyond the Mean-field: Understanding Spatial Structuring in Barchan Swarms Using an Agent-based Model
- Desert Dunes Marching to Climate Change
- Dynamics of Aeolian Sand Streamers and Airflow Turbulence over a Beach Surface
- Federated causal inference for out-of-distribution generalization in predicting physiological effects of radiation exposure
- Generating informative and accurate descriptions of natural hazards and phenomena using large transformer-based models
- Greenhouse Gas Flux Trends for Africa, 1985-2019
- The Role of Informal Tanker Water Markets in Intermittent Urban Water Supply Systems
- Agricultural policy and its potential for unintended impacts on air quality and public health in India
- Dynamic Multi-risk Scenarios in Urban areas: Experiences from Nairobi, Istanbul and Kathmandu
- Estimating the Crop Water Stress in the agricultural Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in Central Ganga Plain, India, using Thermal and Multispectral Aerial Imagery
- Labor Disutility in a Warmer World: The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Workforce
- Using Machine Learning to determine the Local Wind Regime and Sand Transport Conditions from Dune Ripple Patterns on the Surface of Mars and Earth.
- Wind Variability and Barchan Swarms: Insights from an Agent-Based Model
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andreas Baas
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Florian Pappenberger
- James Rising
- Jiacan Yuan
- Josué Medellín–Azuara
- Kelly E. McCusker
- Michael O’Sullivan
- Noah Kasmanoff
- Rahul Ramachandran
- Robert Kopp
- S. B. Malevich
- Sachchida Nand Tripathi
- Saroj Dash
- Steven M. Gorelick
- Tamma Carleton
- Torbern Tagesson
- Yolandi Ernst