Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California
flowchart I[Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2585)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (369)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Nuclear Division
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Physics Division
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D a Priori Model Constraints and Uncertainties for Improving Seismic Event Location
- A Differential Scheme for Elastic Properties of Rocks with Dry or Saturated Cracks
- AMIP II Evaluation of the Continental Component of the Global Energy and Water Cycles
- An Atomic Scale Look at the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Mineralization
- Analysis of Local Dispersion Phenomena in Porous Media: Some Insights Derived from Pore-scale Flow Simulations
- Analysis of Radionuclide Migration through a 200-m Vadose Zone Following a 16-year Infiltration Event
- Analysis of Thermohydrologic Behavior for Above-boiling and Below-boiling Thermal-operating Modes for a Repository at Yucca Mountain
- Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH
- Are in situ tests of elemental segregation / solar evolution models of the Sun feasible?
- Assessing Groundwater Contamination Vulnerability at Public Water Supply Wells in California
- At What Period Should we be Making Ms Measurements?
- Burial Ages for Middle Pleistocene Glacial Deposits of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Public Involvement, Multi-Million Member Ensembles and Systematic Uncertainty Analysis
- Coeval North-South Shortening and East-West Extension in Central Tibet
- Combining Laboratory and Field Data to Determine Saturation and Detect Fractures In a Heated Rock Mass
- Comparison of AMIP and CMIP: How Much Does a "Perfect Ocean" Help Climate Simulation?
- Compressibility of Ru and Os in Comparison with Hcp ɛ -Fe; the lowest measured compressibility
- Conserving Mass in a CTM with a Pressure-Fixer: The Effect on a Full Ozone-Chemistry Run of IMPACT
- Coupled THM Estimate of Fracture Permeability in Fractured Welded Tuff
- Critical Analysis of the Atmospheric Importance of Short-lived Bromo- and Iodoalkane Emissions Using the LLNL IMPACT Model
- Deciphering the Physical Basis of Biomineralization through Investigations of Nanoscale Growth Processes
- Deglacial Temperature Record From the Central Equatorial Pacific: Results From Wire-Line Drilling Offshore Kiritimati Atoll
- Demonstration of In situ Anaerobic Transformation of Toluene and Xylene Using Single-Well Push-Pull Tests and Deuterated BTEX Surrogates
- Development and Application of a 3-Dimensional Finite Element Model for Remediation Wellfield Management at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Development of Designer Diamond Anvil Cells for AC Magnetic Susceptibility Experiments
- Differential Strain Accumulation Across Lake Tahoe as Measured From Submerged Paleo-Shorelines
- Dissolution Rates of Synthetic Methane Hydrate and Carbon Dioxide Hydrate in Undersaturated Seawater at 1000m depth
- Distinct Element Modeling of the Large Block Test
- Earthquake Time-Slip History of the Kaparelli Fault (Greece) from in situ Chlorine-36 Cosmogenic Dating
- Effects of Aerosols on Cloud Properties --- Calculations With SensCAMP, A Rising Parcel Model With Parameter Sensitivity Analysis
- Enhanced Carbonate Weathering: Helping Nature Capture and Sequester Carbon Dioxide
- Extraction of In-situ Produced <SUP>1</SUP><SUP>4</SUP>C in Terrestrial Rocks
- First Long-Term slip-Rate Along the San Andreas Fault Based on <SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>26</SUP>Al Surface Exposure Dating : The Biskra Palms Site, 23 mm/yr for the last 30,000 years.
- Geochemistry of Sagehen Creek and its seasonal Relationship to Shallow Groundwater
- Geophysical Imaging Using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT): Controlled Laboratory Sensitivity Studies
- Global Modeling of Tropospheric Aerosols by LLNL IMPACT and Comparisons with Field Measurements*
- High Resolution CCM3 Global Climate Change Simulations
- Holocene Climate Variability Documented in Lake Sediment Oxygen Isotope Records in Michigan (USA)
- Holocene Shifts in Climate and Ecology on the Central California Coast
- Holocene Variations in Upper North Atlantic Deep Water Circulation
- Ice Rheology Beyond Planet Earth
- Imaging Simulated Field Data for Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Shallow Environmental Sites
- Joint Inversions for Velocity and Discontinuity Structure in the Mantle
- Laboratory Experiments to Assess the Potential for Colloid-Facilitated Plutonium Transport in Fractured Rock
- Late Holocene Deglaciation of Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
- Load Dependence of Ultrasonic Velocities for Sand and Sand/Clay Mixtures
- Long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion in extreme climates, measured by cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance
- Model Analysis of Low-Level Actinide Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes
- Modeling Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities of Unconsolidated Sediments in the Vadose Zone
- Modeling δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ D of Stratospheric Methane: Implications for Kinetic Isotope Effects and the Isotopic Composition of Tropospheric Methane
- Molecular-Scale Structural Controls on Nanoscale Growth Processes: Step-Specific Regulation of Biomineral Morphology
- Moment-Balanced Characteristic Earthquake Model Rates For Multi-Segment Faults
- Multidecadal Variability of the Climate, the Biosphere and the Carbon Cycle in a Coupled Atmosphere-Biosphere Model, CCM3-IBIS.
- Newly Derived Solutions for Radionuclide Transport in a Fractured Porous Medium
- Nitrous Oxide at High Pressure and Temperature: any Silica-like Polymorphs at High Pressure?
- Observations of a Water Induced Transition from Brittle to Viscoelastic Behavior in Nanocrystalline Swelling Clay
- Paleoseismologic Studies of the North Anatolian Fault, Cukurcimen and Ulaslar, North-Central Turkey
- Preliminary Fracture Model for The SE Geysers Geothermal Reservoir
- Preliminary Results From High-Resolution Simulations of Global Climate With an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Pseudo Six Fold Carbon Dioxide
- Rates of Erosion Determined From <SUP>10</SUP>Be Analysis of Alluvial Sediments, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North Carolina
- Regional and seasonal variability in the vertical flux of particulate organic carbon in the ocean interior
- Regular Cosmogenic Nuclide Dosing of Sediment Moving Down Desert Piedmonts
- Simulation of Interannual Variability in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- Slow Differential Inner-core Rotation Inferred From Changes In Scattering Over Time
- Soil organic radiocarbon and mineralogy at two coastal California sites
- Streamline-based Simulation of Virus Transport Resulting from Long Term Artificial Recharge in a Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Terrestrial Runoff Into the Great Barrier Reef: Direct Evidence From the Coral Record for Major Increases in Anthropogenic Fluxes
- The Bay Area Earthquake Cycle:A Paleoseismic Perspective
- The Effect of Vapor Diffusion and Material Microstructural Properties on Capillary Barrier Design and Performance
- The Simulated Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Warming on the Oceanic Carbon Cycle
- The effectiveness of ocean carbon sequestration by direct injection: Leakage and discount rates
- The use of STIM and PESA to respectively measure profiles of aerosol mass and hydrogen content across Mylar rotating drum impactor samples
- Thermal and Colloid Related Processes and Uncertainty Affecting Plutonium Transport in NTS Groundwater
- Understanding Permeability and Porosity of Sandstones Using Digital Rock and Lattice-Boltzmann Method
- Understanding the Molecular-Scale Processes of Biomineralization: Resolving the Physical Mechanism by which Mg2+ Modifies Calcite Morphology
- Understanding the Molecular-Scale Processes of Biomineralization: The Role of Mg2+ and Sr2+ in Calcite Growth
- Use of a Local-Scale Numerical Model to Resolve Conceptual Model Issues at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Site 300.
- Wavelet Analysis for Data Assimilation: Application in Ocean Model
- A Brief History of Climate Modeling
- A Comprehensive GCM-Based Climate and Carbon Cycle Model: Description and Equilibrium Simulations
- A Comprehensive GCM-Based Climate and Carbon Cycle Model: Transient Simulations to Year 2100 Using Prescribed Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- A Mountain Scale Model of Hydrothermal and Geochemical Processes
- A Test of Strong Ground Motion "Prediction" for the 26 September 1997, M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0 Colfiorito Eaethquake (Italy).
- A Transportable and Stable Regional Magnitude Based on Coda Envelopes
- Active Deformation in Central Tibet: Constraints from InSAR and Geologic Observations
- Amplitudes and phasing of surface and deep NW Atlantic Ocean temperature changes during the late Holocene
- An investigation of the parameters controlling interphase mass transfer in variable aperture fractures
- Analytical Modeling of Contaminant Transport with Convergent Reactions
- Assessing Contaminant Susceptibility Near Artificial Recharge Operations by Imaging Flowpaths and Transport Times With Geochemical Tracers
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations and ocean pH impacts resulting from atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> release, oceanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection, and accelerated carbonate weathering
- Calibration for Coda Derived Moment Magnitude Using Berkeley Complete Waveform Moment-Tensor Solutions
- Can Indigenous and Introduced Bacteria Affect the Performance of an Engineered Barrier System in the Designated Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository?
- Characterization of the Mass Size Distribution of Plumes Passing Over Lower Manhattan After the WTC Disaster
- Characterizing Unsaturated Diffusion in Porous Granular Tuff
- Chronology of Tropical Glaciation from Cosmogenic Dating
- Climate Controls on Carbon Sequestration in Eastern North America
- Comparing Groundwater Contamination Vulnerability in Large, Urbanized Basins of California
- Concentration and Mobility of Electrically-Conducting Defects in Olivine
- Deformation Experiments at Very High Pressure: What Would Goetze Think?
- Denudation Rates Along The Uplifting Northwestern Coast of New Zealand's South Island, Inferred From <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Sediment
- Dissolution of Hydrocarbon Gas Hydrates in Seawater at 1030-m; Effects of Porosity, Structure, and Compositional Variation as Determined by High-Definition Video and SEM Imaging.
- Earthquake Apparent Stress Scaling
- Effect of Climate Model Resolution on Simulated Response to Increased Greenhouse Gases
- Energy-Moment Scaling in the Eastern and Western Alps
- Erosion Rates Over 40-Year and 5,000-Year Timescales at Caspar Creek, Northern California
- Erosion of Hydrocarbons from a Carbon Substrate
- Evaluation of Alternative Seismic Source Characterization Models for the Inner Borderlands of Southern California
- Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Fine-grained Ice Ih
- Hf Isotopes and Concentration Anomalies in the Izu arc
- Holocene Climatic and Hydrographic Variability in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Hydroacoustic Signals Recorded by the International Monitoring System
- Impact of Geoengineering Schemes on the Terrestrial Biosphere
- In-Cloud and Below-Cloud Scavenging of Aerosol Particles in Local to Regional Scale Models used for Emergency Response
- Interfacial Area Measurements for Unsaturated Flow Through a Porous Medium
- Isotopic Evidence of a Sedimentary Carbon Source at the Endeavour Hydrothermal System, a Potential Site of Microbial Methane Oxidation
- Joint Seismic Waveform and InSAR Modeling of Moderate Earthquakes in Iran
- Las Vegas Basin Seismic Response Project: 3-D Finite-Difference Ground Motion Simulations
- Las Vegas Basin Seismic Response Project: Overview and Site Response
- Late Holocene Environmental and Hydrologic Conditions in Northwestern Florida Derived from Seasonally Resolved Profiles of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Sr/Ca of Fossil Bivalves.
- Limits to indirect aerosol forcing in stratocumulus
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, Southern Europe, and North Africa
- Long-Term Rates of Erosion and Relief Growth Along the Converging Southern Mexican Margin, Inferred From <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Sediment and Regolith
- Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Proteins and Small Molecules Investigated by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy
- Monitoring in Situ Anaerobic Alkylbenzene Biodegradation Based on Mass Spectrometric Detection of Unique Metabolites or Real-Time PCR Detection of a Catabolic Gene
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model Analysis of Thermal-Conductivity Heterogeneity and Preclosure Operational Factors for a Repository at Yucca Mountain
- Nanoscale Effects of Strontium on Calcite Growth: A Baseline for Understanding Biomineralization in the Absence of Vital Effects
- Ocean Warming signals in the CMIP Coupled GCMs.
- Preliminary deformation results to 12 GPa pressure using the Deformation-DIA
- Radiocarbon Constraints on Oceanic Mixing, Banks Island Vanuatu: A Coralline Sponge Perspective
- Radiocarbon and Stable Isotopic Proxies in Deep-Sea Corals from Hawaii
- Radiocarbon in an integrated approach to understanding controls on soil carbon sequestration
- Rectification changes with model resolution and from year to year
- Recycled Graphitic Carbon: Presence and Distribution off the Washington Coast
- Regional Haze from Forest Fires and San Joaquin Valley Pollution: Aerosol Properties at Yosemite National Park
- Relating Permeability to Diagenesis via Numerical Experimentation
- Seismogenic Zones in Eastern Turkey: Results from the Eastern Turkey Seismic Experiment
- Sequestering CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Ocean: Options and Consequences
- Shear Elastic Constants for Metals and Silicates from Stonely Waves in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Simulation of Flow and Transport in a Single Fracture Using the Reynolds Equation: Macroscopic Effects of Underestimating Local Head Loss
- Simulations of Global Climate With a High Resolution Model of the Atmosphere
- Soot and Smoke Aerosol may not Warm Climate
- Statistical Assessment of Non-stationary Regional Travel-Time Uncertainty
- Stereochemical recognition revisited: A step-specific model for shape control
- Surface Water Reservoir Ages and Paleoventilation During the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southwest Pacific and Southern Ocean
- The Analysis of Otolith and Calcite Strontium Isotopic Composition with the SHRIMP-RG Ion Microprobe
- The Interaction of Turbulence with Shock Waves
- The Little Ice Age in Mesoamerica
- The Multianvil Press Research Facility at GSECARS
- The Temperature Dependence of Calcite Growth Rates: An Essential Step Toward Robust Biogenic Carbonate Paleothermometry
- The Younger Dryas and the 8200-Year Cold Event in the Southern Hemisphere Subtropics
- The geologic carbon cycle and the evolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide
- Thermohydrologic modeling of the large-block test in partially saturated fractured tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Tritium Exposure Reconstruction Using Tree Rings at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- U-Th-He age determinations on volcanic rocks: A new tool for Quaternary geochronology.
- Ultrasonic Monitoring of CO2 Uptake and Release from Sand Packs*
- Ultrasonic Velocities in Lightly-Loaded Natural and Synthetic Granular Media*
- Understanding Tropospheric Temperature Changes: Challenges for Observational and Model Studies
- Use of Numerical Simulation to Understand Vadose Zone Flow and Transport
- Validation of the Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model for the Yucca Mountain Repository
- X-Ray Microtomography of Olivine-Basalt Partial-Melts
- A 100-Year Average Recurrence Interval for the San Andreas Fault, Southern San Francisco Bay Area, California
- A 2000-Year Preliminary Record of Large Earthquakes on the Southern Hayward Fault
- A Lithospheric Study of Eastern Asia Using Surface Wave Dispersion
- A Model of Experimental Static Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Fine-grained Ice Ih
- Accretion of Cometary Material as a Function of Impact Angle
- Advent of Planktic Calcification and Increased Stability of the Climate System
- An investigation of di-peptide modulation of calcite growth
- Analytical Modeling of A By-product Transport in Chain Reactions
- Atmospheric Radiocarbon Production Between 30,000 and 50,000 Years B.P. and the Influence of Geomagnetic Field Intensity Fluctuations
- Broadband Ground Motion Synthesis of the 1999 Turkey Earthquakes Based On: 3-D Velocity Inversion, Finite Difference Calculations and Emprical Greens Functions
- Carbon Cycle Sensitivity to Climate Change: Results from a Comprehensive GCM-Based Climate and Carbon Cycle Model
- Changes in Atmospheric 14C Between 55 and 42 ky BP Recorded in a Stalagmite From Socotra Island, Indian Ocean
- Climate Data Analysis Tools - (CDAT)
- Climate Induced Changes in Biogenic Emissions - Global Chemical and Radiative Effects
- Conductivity Structure of the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, Revisited
- Constant Long-Term Slip Rates Along the Mojave Section, San Andreas Fault Determined From Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al Analysis in Boulders on Displaced Alluvial Fans
- Cosmogenic Dating of Moraines of the Local Last Glacial Maximum in the Tropical Andes
- Deformation Experiments in the D-DIA Using High-Resolution Monochromatic Diffraction
- Deformation of olivine at high pressures using the Deformation-DIA
- Detection of Uncertain Signals
- Determining the Pace of Landscape Evolution in the Sierra Nevada, California, Using Cosmogenic Burial Dating of Cave Sediments
- Development of a Coupled Land Surface and Ground Water Model for use in Watershed Management
- Direct Measurements Of The Elastic Properties Of Iron To 115 GPa
- Drying and moistening by deep sub-tropical and tropical convection in large-eddy simulations of CRYSTAL-FACE and CEPEX field measurements
- Earth System Grid II (ESG): Turning Climate Model Datasets Into Community Resources
- Earthquakes and Seismic Structure of the United Arab Emirates
- Eastern Equatorial Pacific <SUP>14</SUP>C Reservoir Age Variability During the Last Deglaciation
- Elastic And Vibrational Properties Of Cobalt To 120 GPa
- Electrical Conductivity of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> above 1 Mbar
- Electrical Resistance Tomography Field Trials to Image CO2 Sequestration
- Energy Scaling for the Hector Mine and Landers Sequences Using Coda-Derived Source Spectra
- Erosion Rates Over Millennial and Decadal Timescales: Measurements at Caspar Creek and Redwood Creek, Northern California
- Evidence That Most Florida Anvil Crystals Derive From Midtropospheric Aerosols
- First Constraints On the Slip Rate of the Yammouneh Fault (Levant Fault System) Determined by Cosmogenic \textsuperscript{36}Cl Exposure Dating of Offset Alluvial Fans
- First-Order Sensitivity Analysis of the Variation in Temperature History at Yucca Mountain due to Thermal-hydrologic Parameter Uncertainty
- Global Modeling of Tropospheric Aerosols by LLNL IMPACT and Comparisons with Field and Satellite Measurements
- HFSE-REE systematics of Neogene IBM lavas
- Hygroscopic Characteristics of Organic Laden Ambient Aerosols in Yosemite National Park
- Inelastic x-ray scattering in extreme conditions: a tool for investigating deep planetary interiors.
- Initial Results From the Las Vegas Valley Broadband Array Based on Differential Travel Time Residuals and Interstation Phase Velocities
- IntCal04: A New Consensus Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from 0-26 ka BP
- Intrabasin Comparison of Surface Radiocarbon Levels in the Indian Ocean Between Coral Records and Three-Dimension Global Ocean Models
- Inverse Estimates of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide From Ocean Interior Carbon Measurements and Ocean General Circulation Models
- Investigating Natural Attenuation and Sources of Nitrate in Groundwater Using Stable Isotopes and Other Techniques
- Investigation of crustal structure throughout Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe using receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion
- Iodine-129 and Chlorine-36 as Tracers of Hydrodynamic Processes in Coalbed Methane Systems: Environmental Implications
- Iroquoian and Canadian Disturbance to the Ecosystem of Crawford Lake, Canada
- Laboratory and Seafloor Experiments with Hydrocarbon Clathrate Hydrates: A Review with Potential Applications to Hydrates in Nature
- Liquids in the Diamond Anvil Cell: High Pressure-Temperature Chemistry of Formic Acid
- Measuring long-term Rates of Physical Erosion and Chemical Weathering Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides
- Melt-Grown Grain Textures of Eutectic Mixtures of Water Ice with Magnesium- and Sodium-Sulfate Hydrates and Sulfuric-Acid Hydrate Using Cryogenic SEM (CSEM)
- Melting history of the Enderby Land and the Dronning Maud Land of East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Marine isotope stage 3 and Holocene.
- Modeling the Extreme Deuterium Enrichment in Stratospheric Hydrogen
- Multiple-Event Location with Station-Correlated Path Corrections
- Multiscale Model Simulations of Temperature and Relative Humidity for the License Application of the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository
- Navier-Stokes Modeling of Gas, Moisture, Droplet, and Heat Flow in Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) Emplacement Drifts
- Neotropical Climate Change Related to Intertropical Convergence Zone Migration During the Last Deglaciation
- Non Linear Analysis of Differential Travel Times of PKP Phases and D'' Structure
- Partitioning of Mg Into Calcite: Direct Measurement of the Relative Influences of Temperature, Growth Rate, and Solution Chemistry
- Preliminary Results From SILVVER '03 - Seismic Investigations of the Las Vegas Valley: Evaluating Risk
- Quaternary Faults and Basin-fill Sediments of the Las Vegas Basin, Southern Nevada
- Radiocarbon Record of Rapid Deep Water Production Changes During the Last Deglaciation
- Reactive Transport of Nitrate in Northern California Groundwater basins: An Integrated Characterization and Modeling Approach
- Remote Radio Sounding Science For JIMO
- Single Crystal Preparation for High Pressure Experiments in the Diamond Anvil Cell.
- Soil Water Access Heterogeneity in Land-surface Parameterisation Schemes
- Sound Velocity Measurements in Textured hcp-Iron and the Anisotropy and Structure of Earth's Inner Core
- Spatial Patterns of Erosion in the Bolivian Andes Inferred From In Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Surface Water Processes in the Indonesian Throughflow as Documented by a 115-Year High-Resolution Coral Δ <SUP>14</SUP>C Record
- Temperature Acclimation in the Terrestrial Biosphere and Implications for Global Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
- The anisotropic seismic structure of the upper mantle beneath Mexico
- The role of Peclet number on the alteration of variable aperture fractures by dissolution: A comparison of physical experiments with computational simulations
- Thermohydrologic Modeling of the Drift Scale Test in Partially Saturated Fractured Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Toward Understanding Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Signatures in Biogenic Calcite: Nanoscale Observation of Two Distinct Types of Interaction Between Impurity Ions and Growing Calcite
- Tracking River Recharge in the Central Valley of California Using Chemical and Isotopic Tracers
- Transport of Iodine Species in the Terrestrial Environment
- Uncertainties in regional climate: intercomparison and evaluation of simulations of present and future climate in California
- Understanding the Chemical and Structural Dynamics of a Geothermal System Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Field Observations, Dixie Meadows, Nevada
- Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure beneath East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
- Vadose Zone Weathering Rates Inferred from U-Series Disequilibrium
- Vibrational Spectra of Hot Dense Molecular Fluids: Tabletop Apparatus for Probing Planetary Interiors
- Water Weakening of Clinopyroxene in the Diffusion Creep Regime
- X-ray Stress Analysis in Deforming Materials: Models and Observations
- 3-D Local Earthquake Tomography Within The Marmara Sea Region
- A Coupled Land-Surface-Groundwater Scheme to Study the Influence of Subsurface Heterogeneity on Mass and Energy fluxes at the Land Surface
- A Finite Difference Ocean Model With Adaptive Mesh Refinement Capability
- A Long-Term Slip-Rate Study Along The North Anatolian Fault, Eksik, Turkey Using Cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl
- A Million-Year Record of Glaciation in the Tropical Andes
- A Three-Dimensional Coupled Climate-Carbon Simulation of a Business-As-Usual Carbon Emissions Pathway to Year 2300
- Abrupt and Cyclic Variations of Late-Quaternary Climate: High-Resolution Records From Alaskan Lake Sediments
- Absolute site effects in Kachchh, India, determined from aftershocks of the 2002 Bhuj earthquake.
- Analysis of the M=7.2 1992 Cape Mendocino Earthquake with Kinematic Source Models and Empirical Green's Functions
- Anisotropy in the upper mantle beneath Mexico
- Anisotropy of Point Defect Mechanisms and Electrical Conduction in Single Crystal Olivine
- Annual growth bands in Hymenaea courbaril: implications for utilization in tropical paleoclimate reconstructions.
- Application of Coda Wave Techniques to Regional Explosion Monitoring
- Application of Multi-Model Superensemble technique to flood forecasting through distributed hydrologic models
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Aspartate Chain Length Controls Calcite Step Morphology
- Biological Alteration of Basaltic Glass With Altered Composition and Oxidation States
- Biosynthetic Pathways, Gene Replacement and the Antiquity of Life
- Can cosmic rays amorphize silicate dust particles?
- Carbon Cycle Sensitivity to Climate Change: Results from a Comprehensive GCM-Based Climate and Carbon Cycle Model
- Caribbean Climate Reconstructions Using Coral Skeletal Geochemistry: Initial Results From Puerto Rico
- Changes in Solar Irradiance as a Possible Mechanism for Century-Scale Droughts Reconstructed From a Holocene Pollen Record, Pyramid Lake, Nevada, USA
- Cold Compaction of Porous Ice and the Density of Phoebe
- Colloid Facilitated Transport of Plutonium in Fractured Volcanic Tuff
- Control of SOM Stabilization by Preferential Sorption of Nitrogenous Compounds
- Cosmogenic Be-10 ages of Angel Lake and Lamoille moraines and late Pleistocene slip rate of the rangefront normal fault, Ruby Mountains, Basin and Range, Nevada
- Crustal Structure Study In Turkey With Controlled Seismic Sources
- Data Analysis and Simulation of In-Situ Permeable Flow Sensors for Measuring Groundwater Velocity
- Denitrification in a Shallow Aquifer Underlying a Dairy Farm in the Central Valley of California
- Direct Observations of Heterogeneous Dust Processing in the Troposphere: Ambient Measurements, Source Compositions and Laboratory Studies
- Distribution of Mg in Calcite is Strongly Influence by Transport Conditions at the Mineral-Solution Interface
- Effects of Climate on Long-term Rates of Physical Erosion and Chemical Weathering: Evidence from Cosmogenic Nuclides and Geochemical Mass Balance
- Electrostatic Interaction of Viruses With Heterogeneously Charged Surfaces Under Environmental Conditions
- Equation of State and Electrical Conductivity of Helium at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Evaluating Electric Resistance Tomographs of a Controlled Infiltration Event in a Complex Vadose Regime Using Stochastic Models
- Evidence for Non-Constant Energy/Moment Scaling
- Generation of Methane Via High Pressure Carbonate Reduction
- Geochronology of Tropical Alpine Glaciations From the Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Identifying Groundwater Discharge in the Merced River Basin, California Using Radon-222
- Implications of Viscosity-Contrast for Co-Extruding Two-Component Magmas, Triggering Eruptions and Forming Layered Domes
- Incorporating coupled groundwater and surface water processes within a land surface model.
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene extension along the southern Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone, California
- Linkages Between Physical Erosion and Chemical Weathering, Measured by Cosmogenic Nuclides and Geochemical Mass Balance
- Linking Ridge Subduction to Paleomagnetic Rotations in the Andes
- Microstructure and Physical Properties of Sulfate Hydrate/Ice Eutectic Aggregates in the Binary System Sodium-Sulfate/Water at Planetary Conditions
- Modeling the Photochemical Origins of Deuterium Enrichment in Stratospheric H<SUB>2</SUB>
- Multiple approaches to studying pore connectivity in rock matrices
- Nanoscale controls of inorganic impurities and peptides on shape modification during calcite growth
- Nearly incompressible fluid III: Hydrodynamics and large-scale inhomogeneity
- Observations and Modeling of Microseisms in the Santa Clara Valley, California
- Peatland Carbon Accumulation in West Siberia Over the Last 2,000 Years
- Plutonium Particle Migration in the Shallow Vadose Zone: The Nevada Test Site as an Analog Site
- Pressure-Induced Valence Change and Hydrogen Disorder in Fe(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>
- Radiocarbon in Surface Waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean as Recorded in Hermatypic Corals
- Recent Contractile Deformation in the Forearc of Southern Peru: A Geomorphologic Analysis And 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
- Rheology of ice II at low differential stresses
- Seismic Wave Amplification in Las Vegas: Site Characterization Measurements and Response Models
- Seismic Wave Amplification in Las Vegas: Site Response and Empirical Estimates of Ground Motion
- Sensitivity of California River Flows to Schematic Climate Changes
- Shear Velocity Structure Beneath the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada From Regional and Teleseismic Events
- Short-lived Lake(s) on the Late Wisconsin Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Musselshell Basin, Montana
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion For Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, North African, Central Asia, And Parts of Europe
- Source-Averaged Basin Effects from 3D Ground Motion Simulations
- Streamflow Predictions using GOES Solar Radiation Based Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model
- The Cambric Ditch at the Nevada Test Site as a Long-term Vadose Zone Test Bed
- The Effect of Reductive Mineral Dissolution and Porewater Chemistry on Arsenic Mobilization
- The Influence of Biospheric Temperature Acclimation and Choice of Temperature Response Function on Feedbacks in Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Models
- The Role of Grid Computing in the Geosciences: Developing a 3D Seismic Waveform Propagation Tool for Seismologists and EarthScope Research
- The Times Scale of Andesite Differentiation at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-2003), Indicated by U-Th-Ra Disequilibria.
- The impact of humidity above stratiform clouds on indirect aerosol climate forcing
- Thermohydrologic Modeling: Coupling Navier-Stokes Models of Gas, Moisture, and Heat Flow in Underground Engineered Systems with Porous-Media Models in Fractured Rocks
- Uncertainty in Projections of Impacts of Climate Change on Sierra Nevada mountain hydrology in California
- Upper Mantle P and S Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Mexico Derived Through Waveform Inversion
- Volcanic Activity of Io Monitored with Keck-10m AO in 2003-2004
- Water under extreme conditions of the mantle
- 1D Forward Modeling of Regional Electrical Conductivity Structure Using Mineral Physics Constraints and Seismic Observables.
- A 2000-year geologic slip-rate for the North Anatolian fault using cosmogenic 36Cl dating
- A Comparison of Hydrogeologic Models, Tritium/helium-3, and Deliberate Tracer Experiments to Understand Ground Water Residence Time
- A Model-Based Signal Processing Approach to Seismic Monitoring
- A Serendipitous, Long-term Infiltration Experiment: Water and Radionuclide Circulation Beneath the CAMBRIC Trench at the Nevada Test Site.
- Acoustic wave propagation at a cobalt/helium interface - high pressure elasticity of hexagonal metals.
- Aerosol profiles and surface albedo retrievals from multi-band, near-IR, spatially-resolved spectra of Titan
- Aggregate and Single-Crystalline Elasticity of hcp Cobalt
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping as a Tool to Study Active Deformation Along the Death Valley Fault Zone, California
- An Assessment of the ECMWF Model Simulations of the Arctic Clouds Observed During the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
- An Integrated Bayesian Uncertainty Estimator: fusion of Input, Parameter and Model Structural Uncertainty Estimation in Hydrologic Prediction System
- An Integrated Numerical and Experimental Study of DNAPL Dissolution and Mass Transfer in Porous Media.
- An active normal fault NW of the Mont Blanc massif, France: evidence of extensive tectonics near the main thrust zone of the Chamonix valley ?
- Anaerobic, Nitrate-Dependent Oxidation of Uraninite by the Chemolithoautotroph Thiobacillus denitrificans: Cell Suspension and Whole-Genome Transcriptional Studies
- Anisotropic and Isotropic Effective Olivine Medium Models
- Anthropogenic Underground Sources of Surface Deformation Detected with InSAR: Tunnels, Mining, and Underground Nuclear Tests
- Assessing Dispersion Induced Errors in Spectroradiometric Temperature Measurements
- Calibration of Cosmogenic 36Cl Production Rates from Holocene Lava Flows in Iceland
- Calibration of the Ground Motions in the Bay Area: Regional Propagation and Absolute Site Responses
- Can We Detect a Signal of Anthropogenic Climate Change in California During the 20th Dentury?
- Challenges in Sharing Climate Model Output in Support of IPCC Assessments
- Characterization and Localization of Iron-Oxidizing Proteins in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
- Chemical Imaging With NanoSIMS: A Window into Deep-Earth Geochemical Processes
- Classical Nucleation Theory Explains Mineral Growth and Dissolution Within a Mechanistic and Quantitative Framework
- Controls of Fluid Chemistry on Subcritical Crack Growth
- Cropland Management Effects on Local and Global Climate
- Crust and Upper Mantle of North Africa Using Libyan Seismic Data
- Direct Physical Effects of CO2-Fertilization on Global Climate
- Dispersion in Saturated and Partially Saturated Variable-Aperture Fractures
- Dissolution of DNAPLs from variable-aperture fractures: Parametric simulations and a proposed fracture-scale model of mass-transfer rates
- Distributed Watershed Modeling: Incorporation of a Free-Surface Overland Flow Boundary Condition and Land Surface Parameterization Scheme Into a Parallel, Variably Saturated Groundwater Flow Model
- Effects of Global Land Cover Changes on Hydrologic Regime Changes
- Effects of the Spin Transition of Iron in Magnesiowuestite
- Estimating Sources and Rates of Internal Cycling of DOM Using Radiocarbon in the San Joaquin-Sacramento Delta
- Evaluation of Nitrate Sources and Nitrate Management Strategies in California Suburban Growth Areas
- Evidence for Back Scattering of Near-Podal Seismic P'P' Waves From the 150-220 km Zone in Earth's Upper Mantle
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of current driven rotating kink modes in a non-line tied screw pinch
- Experimental investigation of the creep behavior of olivine at pressures up to 12 GPa
- Finite Source Strong Ground Motion Synthesis With Pseudo Green's Functions
- Fish movement and dietary history derived from otolith δ13C
- Genesis Sample Surface Contamination Study using Total-reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF)
- H2O under Extreme Conditions
- High resolution trace element and isotopic imaging of microbial systems by NanoSIMS
- High-resolution simulation of the global climate and Asian monsoon at 6000 years BP
- Kinematic Modeling and Complete Moment Tensor Analysis of the Anomalous, Vertical CLVD Bardarbunga, Iceland, Event
- Lagrangian Model of the Sacramento Urban Plume
- Linking Nano-Scale Patterns of 15N and 13C Metabolism to Bacterial Morphology with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Lithosperic Structure of the Arabian Peninsula From Joint Inversion of Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Surface Waves
- Long-term field measurements of mineral-specific chemical weathering rates at Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico, determined from cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance
- Melting of Copper and Nickel at High Pressure; the Role of d-Electrons
- Molecular and Geochemical Evidence of in situ Denitrification at a Dairy Field Site in the Central Valley of California
- Multi-Year Dynamics of Upland-Oak Forest Organic Horizons: Observations Based on a Unique 14C-Tracer and a Mechanistic Model
- Multiple-Event Seismic Location Using the Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Technique
- Optical properties of silica (SiO2) at lower mantle conditions: Implications for conductivity of molten mantle
- Paleoventilation of Deep Water Masses During the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southwest Pacific and Southern Ocean
- Permeability of Olivine-FeS Partial-Melts Based on Tomographic X-ray Imaging
- Physically Based Seismic Hazard Analysis of Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
- Pore Size Distributions Inferred from Modified Inversion Percolation Modeling of Drainage Curves
- Pore Structure of Pumice: Comparison Between Laboratory Measurements and X-Ray Tomographic Image Analysis
- Potential Predictability of Precipitation Anomalies in Regions of Varying Anomaly Regimes
- Predicting Lg Coda Using Synthetic Seismograms and Media With Stochastic Heterogeneity
- Prediction and Diagnosis of Aerosol Species using a Global Model: Analysis of the MASRAD and MASE 2005 Aerosol Campaigns
- Profiling Lithospheric Strength: Determining the Depth Extent of Seismicity in the Zagros Mountains Using Moment Tensor Inversion of Regional Earthquakes
- Protein Distribution and d34S Variation Within Microbially Formed Metal-Sulfide Colloids Provide Clues to the Mechanism and Kinetics of Extracellular Biomineralization
- Quantifying the rates of Quaternary deformation in the Peruvian Forearc using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al.
- Radiated Seismic Energy and Mean Square S-Wave Spectral Comparisons for Large Earthquakes
- Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Tuff under Episodic Flow Conditions
- Relocation and Assessment of Seismicity in the Iran Region
- Seasonally Resolved Climate Records from Puerto Rico over the Past Eight Centuries
- Seismicity and Improved Velocity Structure in Kuwait
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Las Vegas Basin, Nevada
- Shear-Wave Splitting Beneath the Arabian Shield and Red Sea
- Submerged Tioga and Tahoe age Moraines at Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe, Calif. Implications to Late Pleistocene Lake Levels
- Testing Model Predictions of the Evolution of Valley Spacing
- The Effect of Hyperaridity and Boundary Conditions on Hillslope Soils and Geomorphology in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- The Mechanical Responses of Two-Phase Magnesium Sulfate-Hydrate/Water Ice Aggregates: Impacts of a Eutectic Solidification Microstructure on Strength and on Strain Homogeneity
- The Spin State of Iron in Minerals of Earth's Lower Mantle
- The role of small-scale aperture variability on the formation of large-scale dissolution channels in rough-walled fractures exposed to reactive fluid flow
- Three Dimensional P-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Turkey by Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) Method
- Tomographic Imaging of Upper Mantle P- and S-wave Velocity Heterogeneity Beneath the Arabian Peninsula
- U-series Disequilibria in Continental Arcs: NE Japan Case
- Uncertainties in Global Aerosol Simulations: Assessment Using Three Meteorological Datasets
- Upper mantle and transition zone structure beneath Ethiopia: Regional evidence for the African Superplume
- Upper mantle discontinuities around circum-Pacific subduction zones
- Ventilation of the Deep Western North Atlantic During the Little Ice Age
- Will growing forests make the global warming problem better or worse?
- 3-D Velocity Imaging of the Shallow Subsurface Using Surface Seismic Reflection Data and Multi-offset VSP Data at a Site at Sandia National Laboratories
- 3D Geologic Model of the Southern Great Basin
- A Fast Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism for the Community Climate System Model
- A Multi-tracer Approach to Determining the Fate of Wastewater in Groundwater
- Age and growth rate validation of Gerardia spp., a deep-sea colonial zoanthid
- An Isotopic, Dissolved Gas, and Trace Organic Investigation of Nitrate Sources in Urbanized Groundwater Basins
- Apportionment of Particulate Carbon into Fossil and Contemporary Fractions at 12 Rural and Urban Sites in the United States
- Body and Surface wave tomography for the Arabian Peninsula and Red Sea
- Bonding Transition in SiO2 Glass at High Pressures: Applications to SiO2 Liquid in Earth's Interior
- Broadband Waveform Modeling to Evaluate the USGS Seismic Velocity Model for the San Francisco Bay Area
- CCSM Simulations Using a Finite Volume Numerical Method for the Atmospheric Model: Present-day Climate
- Capturing the Influence of Groundwater Dynamics on Land-Surface Processes Through 3D Numerical Simulations
- Carbon, Biophysics, and Climate: Where do Forests Warm? Where do Forests Cool?
- Changes in Upwelling Along the Northern California Coast From C-14 Reservoir Ages
- Changing Rates of Crustal Deformation Across the Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault Zone at Timescales of 10 My to 10 Ky
- Characterization Of The Global Angstrom Exponent And Aerosol Optical Depth From MISR Observations And IMPACT Model Predictions
- Chemical weathering rates along a steep climate gradient in the Idaho Batholith
- Climate Variability and Human Impacts at Tivoli North Bay, Hudson River, New York
- Climatically-Driven Changes in Bedrock Erosion Rate and Process on Semiarid to Hyperarid Hillslopes in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Cluster Analysis of Cloud Regimes in the Tropical Region Using CloudSat Data
- Comparison of Drainage Experiments in Sand Packs With Percolation Based Simulations
- Comparison of two Approaches for Resolving the Coupling Term in Groundwater-Surface Water Hydrological Models
- Constancy of Strain Accumulation and Release on Major Fault Systems in California and Turkey
- Constraining IMPACT Biomass-burning Source Model Predictions with Level 2 Satellite Data Using the AMAPS Distributed Science Network
- Controls on Nitrogen Fluxes from Agricultural Fields: Differing Conclusions Based on Choice of Sensitivity Analysis Method
- Correlation Between Precipitable Water and Temperature in Climate Simulations and Observations.
- Coupling micromechanics and fluid flow through discrete fracture networks: Quantifying effective permeability under variable stress conditions
- Crustal earthquake bursts in California and Japan; their patterns and relation to volcanoes
- Deep Water Ages in the Southwest Pacific and Southern Ocean Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Detection of Cellulose and Comparative Biopolymeric Analyses of low pH, Sub-aerial Biofilms of the Richmond Mine, Iron Mountain California
- Determination, by 10Be Cosmogenic Dating, of Slip-rates on the Karakorum Fault (Tibet) and Paleoclimatic Evolution Since 200 ka
- Diamond at Extreme Conditions
- Earlier streamflow in the Sierra Nevada: influence of elevation on detectability of past and projected trends
- Earthquake Source Depths in the Zagros Mountains: A "Jelly Sandwich" or "Creme Brulee" Lithosphere?
- Elastic Anisotropy in hcp Metals at High Pressure and the Sound Wave Anisotropy of the Earth's Inner Core
- Electrical Resistivity of Crystalline Rocks: Role of Carbon Films on Fracture Surfaces
- Element partitioning at ultra-high pressure: new insights on bulk lower-mantle geochemistry
- Experimental constraints on Earth's core formation from siderophile elements partitioning at extreme temperatures
- Experimental investigation of the Peierls stress of olivine at high pressures using the deformation-DIA
- Fast morphochronologic slip-rates on the Altyn Tagh fault at ~ 90°E: a critical assessment of potential sources of an enduring discrepancy.
- Fidelity of the Ocean and Ice in a New CCSM Simulation with a Finite-Volume Dynamical Core in a 1-deg x 1.25-deg Atmosphere
- Finite Difference Simulation of Seismic Scattering in Random Media Generated With the Karhunen-Loeve Transform
- From Coseismic to Cumulative Offsets: Linking the Earthquakes to the Long Term Slip Rate Along the Kunlun Fault (Tibet)
- From Peptides to Proteins: Systematic Control of Net Molecular Charge and Hydrophilicity on the Kinetics of Calcite Growth
- Full Moment Tensor Analysis of Western US Explosions, Earthquakes, Collapses, and Volcanic Events Using a Regional Waveform Inversion
- Geochronology and Equilibrium Line Altitudes of LLGM through Holocene Glaciations from the Tropical Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Geomechanical Reservoir Characterization for Prediction of the Likelihood of Faulting Induced by CO2 Sequestration
- Global Climate Simulation in a Multi-scale Modeling Framework: Sensitivity to GCM- Resolution
- High Pressure Behavior of Organic Materials and the Early Earth
- High Pressure Calibration at High Temperatures in the Diamond Anvil Cell Using Cubic Boron Nitride
- High-resolution Climate Simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Imaging Ruptured Lithosphere Beneath the Arabian Peninsula Using S-wave Receiver Functions
- Imaging Upper Mantle Discontinuities in the Tonga Wedge by 3D True-amplitude Kirchhoff Migration of pXP, sXP and sXSH Data
- Imaging the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath the Southwestern U.S. Using Noise Cross- Correlation.
- Influence of Dust Composition on Cloud Droplet Formation
- Infrared Spectroscopy of Comet Wild-2 Samples Returned by the Stardust Mission.
- Integrated Monitoring and Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Leakage Risk Using Remote Sensing, Ground-Based Monitoring, Atmospheric Models and Risk-Indexing Tools
- Interpretation of Cometary Dust Size, Structure and Composition From Imagery and Analysis of Stardust Foil Craters and Their Laboratory Analogues.
- Investigating Deglacial Climate Records: The Carbon Isotope Minimum Event and High- Resolution Radiocarbon Ages
- Investigating the Basis of Biogenic Calcium Carbonate Formation from an Amorphous Precursor: Nature of the Transformation to Calcite on Hydroxyl Functionalized Surfaces
- Iron in the Earth's Lower Mantle and Core
- Large Variations of Atmospheric 14C Associated With Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles 10- 13
- Large scale simulations of the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake
- Lithospheric Structure of the Continent-Continent Collision Zone: Eastern Turkey
- Magnesium Content of the Core: an Experimental Study
- Measuring and Modeling the Emission of Carbon Dioxide from a Natural Analogue of a Leaking Underground Reservoir
- Mineral control of soil carbon storage with reforestation of abandoned pastures
- Model-Based Signal Processing: Correlation Detection With Synthetic Seismograms
- Modeling flow, transport and DNAPL Dissolution under Permanganate Oxidation in a Single Fracture
- NanoSIMS Analyses of Mo Indicate Nitrogenase Activity and Help Solve a N and C Fixation Puzzle in a Marine Cyanobacterium
- North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Producing Regional Climate Change Projections for Climate Impacts Studies
- Ocean Heat Content Variability in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Results from the IPCC AR4 Simulations.
- Paleo-seismic, Cumulative Offsets and Long-term Slip-rate Along the Karakax Fault, Western Segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault, Northwest Tibet
- Plastic and Anelastic Responses of Ice-I/Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate Eutectic Aggregates
- Pn Velocity Tomography of the Tethys Collision Zone
- Pre to Post-Bomb Seawater 14C History in the Gulf of Alaska Inferred From a Deep Sea Coral: Isididae sp.
- Preliminary Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C- LAMP)
- Radiocarbon Distribution of Atlantic Water Masses Over the Last 30 kyr - Results From a South Atlantic Sediment Depth Transect
- Realistic Quantification of Radionuclide Retardation under Unsaturated Conditions
- Reconciling Randomness and Potential Predictability of North American Drought
- Reconstruction of Subsurface CO2 Plumes Using a Stochastic Joint Inversion Approach
- Regional Travel-Time Uncertainty and Seismic Location Improvement Using a Three- Dimensional a priori Velocity Model
- Sampling and Variability Issues Related to Anthropogenic Warming of the World Oceans
- Selective glacial erosion and organization of ice flow at the continental fringe: Empirical data from the northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Silicious Biofilms in Alkaline Geyser Basins of Yellowstone National Park
- Simulations of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Scenario Earthquakes in Northern California
- Sound Velocities and Spin States of Magnesiowustite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Sound Velocities at the Spin Crossover in (Mg0.75Fe0.25)O Ferropericlase
- Sound Velocities for Ferrous Periclase Through the High Spin - Low Spin Transition
- Stability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet Since the Middle Pleistocene
- Stable and accurate difference methods for seismic wave propagation on locally refined meshes
- Synthesis and high-pressure synchrotron-infrared studies of OH-bearing silicate perovskite in the laser-heated diamond cell
- The Great Wedge: A Spectral Intensity Standard to Quantify Chromatic Aberration and Validate Temperature Gradient Measurements in the Laser Heated Diamond Cell
- The ModelAssembler Community Modeling Environment (MA-CME): Expanded Access to Advanced Seismic Computation
- The Three Dimensional Distribution of Global Cloudiness Derived From Cloudsat; The June- July-August 2006 Period
- The effects of irrigation on regional temperatures: past, present, and future
- The effects of volcanic eruptions on simulated ocean heat content and thermal expansion
- The interdependence between groundwater flow, shallow soil moisture and the atmospheric boundary layer.
- Thermal densification of GeO2 glass under high pressure
- Three-dimensional S-velocity structure of the mantle along the Tethyan margin
- Towards a Mechanism-Based Understanding of Vital Effects: Biomolecules Influence Mg/Ca in Calcite
- Understanding observed and simulated historical temperature trends in California
- Using Nucleation Theory to Understand the Dissolution Kinetics of Vitreous and Biogenic Silica: The Paradox of the Silica Polymorphs
- Vegetation-Mediated Impacts of Climatic Change on Late Glacial and Holocene Fire Regimes in the Southcentral Brooks Range, Alaska
- What are we Dating? An Evaluation of Chemical Pretreatment Methods for AMS 14C Dating of Peat
- Will afforestestion strategies help mitigate global warming?
- 10Be Surface-Exposure Chronology of Moraines Deposited During the Last Glacial Maximum in the New Zealand Southern Alps
- 3D structure effects on local and near-regional seismic wave propagation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- A 3000 Year Geologic Slip Rate From the Central North Anatolian fault, Turkey, Using 10Be Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating
- A Eurasian and North African Crust and Upper Mantle Model for Regional Seismic Location
- A New Approach for Estimating Background Rates of Erosion Using Concentration of Meteoric 10-Be Adhered to River Sediment: Application to the Rapidly Eroding Waipaoa Basin, New Zealand
- A New Thermal Equation of State for Iron at Megabar Pressure
- An 85-ka Record of Climate Change in Lowland Central America
- An Archive of Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections for Planning Applications in the Contiguous United States
- An Inter-Laboratory Assessment of the Th Isotopic Composition of Synthetic and Rock Standards.
- An Urban Boundary Layer and Dispersion Parameterization for the LLNL NARAC Modeling System: Preliminary Tests with the Joint Urban 2003 Field Project Data Set
- Attenuation Tomography of Northern California and the Yellow Sea / Korean Peninsula from Coda-source Normalized and Direct Lg Amplitudes
- Bamboo Coral Gorgonin: Surface Water Geochemical Records From the Organic Nodes of a Deep Water Coral
- Be-10 Ages From Northern Alaska Range Moraines Help Constrain the Timing of the Penultimate Glaciation in Eastern Beringia
- Biennial Record of Northeast Pacific Ventilation Over the Past two Centuries: Radiocarbon and Benthic Foraminferal Evidence From the Santa Barbara Basin
- Biochemistry and Ecology of Novel Cytochromes Catalyzing Fe(II) Oxidation by an Acidophilic Microbial Community
- Bounding Ground Motions for Hayward Fault Scenario Earthquakes Using Suites of Stochastic Rupture Models
- Building A Seismotectonic Model For The Tbilisi Region Using Sparse Data
- Cataloguing Seismic Waveform Properties Recorded With a 3D Network in a Gold Mine in South Africa
- Characterizing source properties of events in Southern Africa
- Comparing MISR and MODIS Data to Output from the IMPACT Aerosol Transport Model Using the Aerosol Measurement and Processing System
- Constraining Regional Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions and Choosing an Optimal Measurement Network Using 14C Observations, Modeling, and Inversions.
- Constraints on Core Formation From Systematic Study of Temperature Effect on Metal- Silicate Partitioning
- Coupled Pollen, Spore, and Macrofossil Hudson River Marsh Paleoecological Analysis with X-Ray Fluorescence Elemental Analysis to Study Estuarine Ecosystem Response to Anthropogenic and Climatic Changes
- Coupled groundwater-atmosphere modeling: effects on atmospheric boundary layer development
- Crustal Structure And Tectonic Evolution Of The Kaapvaal Craton
- Deep Mantle Dynamics under the North American Continent Drives Localised Flow and Stress Below the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Snowpack Over the Western U.S.
- Detection and Attribution of Climate Change in JFM Streamflow Fractions in the Western United States
- Detection and Attribution of temperature changes in the mountainous western United States.
- Diagnosing coupled watershed processes using a fully-coupled groundwater, land-surface, surface water and mesoscale atmospheric model
- Dynamics of a Magma Chamber: Insights Into Time and Length Scales of Internal Processes in the Tuolumne Batholith, CA
- Effects of Heterogeneities, Sampling Frequencies, Tools and Methods on Uncertainties in Subsurface Contaminant Concentration Measurements
- Elasticity of hcp Metals at High Pressure and Temperature: the Quasi-harmonic Case of Cobalt
- Elemental Imaging and Proxy development in Deep Sea Corals
- Evaluation of a New Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics Parameterization with a Single Column Model, CAPT Forecasts and M-PACE Observations
- Evidence for Biomass Burning from 14C and 13C/12C Measurements at T-0 and T-1 during MILAGRO.
- Experimental merging, coalescence, reconnection, and bouncing of two flux ropes
- Experimental observation of coupled geochemical alteration and geomechanical deformation of discrete variable-aperture fractures
- Flexible Software Architecture for Visualization and Seismic Data Analysis
- Fluid Flow Simulation For CO2-EOR and Sequestration Utilizing Geomechanical Constraints - Teapot Dome Oil Field, Wyoming
- Glacial Chronologies Spanning the Past >100 Ky Along the Eastern Sierra Nevada From 10Be Surface Exposure Dating
- Global Optimization With a Limited Budget of Function Evaluations
- Global climate model simulations with a realistic representation of irrigation
- Grain Boundary Transport of Siderophile Elements in MgO at High Pressure
- Growth of the Tuolumne Batholith: Zircon Crystallization Temperature, Age and Trace Element Data
- High Resolution Modelling of Convective Flow in the Sublithospheric Mantle Below the African Plate
- Human Induced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle of the Western United States
- Imaging Seismic Attenuation in the Crust and Upper Mantle by Ambient Noise Correlation
- Investigating the Physical Basis of Amorphous Precursor Transformation to Calcite Using Patterned Alkanethiol Surfaces
- Joint inversion for 3-dimensional S-velocity mantle structure along the Tethyan margin
- Large Alluvial Fans in the Araba Valley (Jordan) as a Record of Tectonic Deformation of the Southern Dead Sea Fault and Regional Paleoclimates
- Late Holocene Radiocarbon Variability in Northwest Atlantic Slope Waters
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater and Sea Surface Temperature in the Gulf of Mexico During the Late Pleistocene
- Leachable Li and Mg Evidence for Hydrological Changes in the Mono Basin, CA, USA
- Lithospheric Thickness Modeled From Long Period Surface Wave Dispersion
- Lithospheric and Upper-Mantle Structure of the Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula
- Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model Supporting the Total System Performance Assessment for the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain
- Natural Microbial Assemblages Reflect Distinct Organismal and Functional Partitioning
- New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model: In Situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements on KLB-1 Peridotite Under the Lower Mantle Conditions
- New Experimental Method for In Situ Determination of Material Textures at Simultaneous High-Pressure and -Temperature by Means of Radial Diffraction in the Diamond Anvil Cell.
- New Insights to Interplay of Factors that Influence Biomineral Signatures: Intrigue of the Solvation Environment
- New Instrumentation for Characterizing the Moon as a Radiometric Standard for Space-based Radiometry
- New Origins of the Vital Effect in Calcites: Mg-Enhancing Influence of Biomolecules
- New stratigraphic constraints on Holocene glacier advances at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Numerical Model for Atmospheric Contaminant Clouds from Nuclear Explosions
- Numerical Modeling of Shallow Sediment Deformation Under Complex States of Stress
- Numerical Reconstructions of Volcanic Tephra: Using Tomography and Two-Point Correlation Functions to Determine Magma Permeability
- On the significance of contaminant plume-scale and dose-response models in defining hydrogeological characterization needs
- Osbornite (TiN) and boron nitride nanoinclusions in coesite from Tibet: a first record of nitrogen in a terrestrial ultrahigh pressure environment
- Overview of the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center's Urban Research and Development Activities
- Phase Stability and Melting Temperature of Epsilon Oxygen at Half a Megabar
- Physiology and Mechanism of Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation by Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1
- Predicting Structure and Function for Novel Proteins of an Extremophilic Iron Oxidizing Bacterium
- Preparation for Evaluating Cloud Simulations from GCMs Using the A-Train Data
- Quaternary Geologic History of the Rio Tambo, Southern Peru: Repeated Mass-Wasting Events in Western Cordillera Drainages
- Recent Contractile Deformation in the Forearc of Southern Peru: A Geomorphologic Analysis And 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
- Reduced Seismic Anomalies in the Lower Mantle: Role of the High-Spin to Low-Spin Electronic Transition
- Residence Times and Pathway Analysis Using a Coupled Three-Dimensional Variably Saturated Groundwater Flow and Land Surface Model
- Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP)
- Slip rate of the Wadi Araba fault, southern segment of the Dead Sea fault, derived from GPS and geomorphic measurements
- Spin Transition Zone (STZ) in the Lower Mantle
- Structure and Origins of Trends in Hydrologic Measures over the Western US
- Structure and Properties of Amorphous MgSiO3 in Earth's Mantle: A View from Synchrotron Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Structure of the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition in New Zealand's Southern Alps
- Temperature Measurements and Melting of Shock-Compressed Minerals
- The CF Conventions: Governance and Community Issues in Establishing Standards for Representing Climate, Forecast, and Observational Data
- The Effects of Carbon Films Deposited on New Fracture Surfaces on Rock Strength and Electrical Conductivity
- The High-resolution Lightweight Telescope for the EUV (HiLiTE)
- The Teacher Research Academy as a Vehicle for Bringing Cutting-Edge S.T.E.M. Content to the K-12 Classroom
- The local structure of compressed water
- Thermal and compositional contributions to mantle heterogeneity
- Towards Understanding Environmental/Health Risks of Renewable Diesel (Biodiesel, Non- ester Diesel) in California
- Towards an Earth System Model: Validating Interactive DMS Emissions, and the Importance of Making Atmospheric-Chemistry Interactive
- Upper mantle shear wave velocity structure of the Arabian Shield from teleseismic surface wave tomography
- Using Satellite Measurements to Evaluate Clouds And Their Seasonal Variations in 10 Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- Validating Thermohydrologic Models Using the Drift Scale Test of the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain: Impact of Capillary-Pressure Cap
- Validating the Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model Using an Alternative Model of the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain
- Vertical Mixing and Air-Sea 14CO2 Exchange in the Subtropics
- Visualizing Single Cell Biology: Nanosims Studies of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria
- Will Biofuel Expansion Mitigate Climate Change?
- Will sunshade geoengineering schemes lead to reduced rainfall?
- A Global Model and Methods for Accurate Real-Time Calculation of Regional-Phase Travel Times
- A Unified Approach to Quantifying Feedbacks in Earth System Models
- Adjoint tomography for the Middle East
- Advances in Three-Dimensional Modeling and High-Performance Computing to Improve Nuclear Explosion Phenomenology and Monitoring
- An Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the Multiscale Modeling Framework using satellite data
- An Isotopic Investigation of Groundwater Recharge in the East Mesa Area of the Salton Sea Basin
- Anthropogenically-induced changes in temperatures and implications for water resources in the western United States.
- Attenuation tomography using ambient noise correlation
- Automated Analysis of the 2008 Mogul-Somersett Earthquake Sequence
- CO2 Leak Detection Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 ZERT CO2 Sequestration Field Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Calcium Isotope Geochemistry: Research Horizons and Nanoscale Fractionation Processes
- Can Nitrogen be a Candidate for the Fe-Core Formation?
- Carbon cycling in fine roots of several mature forests: results using either locally-derived or bomb-derived radiocarbon enrichment
- Characterization, Monitoring, and Risk Assessment at the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Climate Change Estimation by Bayesian Statistical Methods
- Comparison of Global Model Results from the Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP) with Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Manipulation Experiments
- Comparison of Groundstate Quantum Monte Carlo, Finite Temperature Path Integral Monte Carlo with Density Functional Theory and GW Calculations and Application to Helium at High Pressure
- Comparison of the Cut-and-Paste and Full Moment Tensor Methods for Estimating Earthquake Source Parameters
- Connectivity of core forming melts: New constraints from an integrated experimental approach
- Considerations for successful cosmogenic 3He dating in accessory phases
- Constraints on core formation from systematic study of metal-silicate partitioning on a great number of siderophile elements
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Glacial Advances in the Himalaya of Western Garhwal and Southern Himachal Pradesh, India (78°E, 31°N)
- Coupled Finite Volume and Discrete-Finite element Methods for Modeling Hydraulic Fracturing in Geologic Formations
- Coupled THMC processes in Geological Media using Stochastic Discrete Fractured Network. Application to HDR Geothermal Reservoirs
- Crustal Structure Of Southern Africa
- Crustal Structure of the Caucasus and Caspian Region Using Gravity and Receiver Functions
- Crustal Structure of the Isparta Angle, Southwestern Turkey, Using P - Wave Receiver Function Analysis
- Development of Ecogenomic Sensors for Remote Detection of Marine Microbes, Their Genes and Gene Products
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Fluid Driven Geomechanical Events during Carbon Sequestration
- Dislocations in single-domain grains: Linking stress fields to magnetic hysteresis properties
- Diurnal cycles at Southern Great Plain from ARM longterm observations
- Dynamically-consistent images of 3-D heterogeneity in Earth's present-day mantle
- Evaluation of Tropical Cloud Simulations in CAM3 Forecasts Using CloudSat and CALIPSO Data
- Evaluation of a CCSM-WRF Downscaling Simulation for California
- Fast Chemistry Mechanisms for Climate Applications
- Finite-Source Inversion for the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake using 3D Velocity Model Green's Functions
- Flow of a reactive fluid through partially saturated fractures: Experimental observations of the influence of entrapped phase geometry on evolving flow channels
- Forecast experiments with the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) over the Tropical Warm Pool - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE)
- Geochemical Detection of Carbon Dioxide in Dilute Aquifers
- Geomechanical Characterization and Reservoir Simulation of a CO2-EOR and Sequestration Project in a Mature Oil Field, Teapot Dome, WY
- Ground Motion Simulations of Scenario Earthquake Ruptures of the Hayward Fault
- High Pressure Tomography in Studies of Core Formation Mechanisms
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- High-Resolution Seismic Velocity Model of the Caucasus-Caspian Region
- High-pressure properties of diamond (carbon) from shock-wave experiments to 10 Mbar.
- Holocene Vegetation and Climate Shifts from Sutherland Fen, Black Rock Forest, New York - Plant Macrofossils, Charcoal, and Carbon
- Imaging Upper Mantle Discontinuities by 3D Kirchhoff Migration of pXP, sXP and sXSH Reflections with Seismic Illumination Compensation
- Impact of Geoengineering Schemes on the Global Hydrological Cycle
- Improved Large-Eddy Simulation For Wind Energy Applications Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- In Situ Determination of BCC-, FCC- and HPC-Iron Textures at Simultaneous High- Pressure and -Temperature by Means of the Resistive Heated Radial Diffraction Diamond Anvil Cell (RH-RD-DAC): Implications for the iron core.
- Indirect Effect in NCAR CAM: Sensitivity to Aerosol-Cloud Parameterizations
- Investigating Meadow Hydrology and Hyporheic Exchange
- Isotopic Constraints on Recharge, Residence Time, and Susceptibility to Climate Change of Groundwater in a Small Alpine Watershed
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Joint Inversion for 3-dimensional P-, S-velocity structures and radial anisotropy in the mantle along the Tethyan margin
- Kinematics of a Strike-Slip Fault Segment at Various Time Scales, Determined From GPS and Geomorphic Measurements: the Example of the Wadi Araba Fault, Dead Sea Transform.
- Late Cenozoic Temporal Evolution of North American Dynamic Topography
- Late Glacial and Early Deglacial Estimates of the Radiocarbon Content of Intermediate and Deep Water from the Southwest Pacific
- Late-glacial and Holocene history of changes in Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Lg Attenuation Modeling in the Middle East
- Magma Permeability Estimates From X-ray Tomography Scans
- Mechanisms of Tectonic Uplift in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- Mid- to Late Holocene (5-3 ka) Origin of the Modern Tonle Sap Lake System, Cambodia
- Modeling the Generation and Evolution of Nonlinear Internal Waves in the South China Sea
- Multi-resolution global tomography using multiple tessellation tiers
- Nesting Large-Eddy Simulations Within Mesoscale Simulations for Wind Energy Applications
- Nitrogen stable isotope fractionation along trophic level pathways in deep sea bamboo corals
- North Atlantic Water Mass Formation as Depicted by Coupled Climate Models
- Nuclear Explosion Monitoring History and Research and Development
- Numerical simulations of cloud rise phenomena associated with nuclear bursts: compressible and low Mach approaches
- Objective Analysis of CLASIC data
- Olivine compositions from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Phase 2: Evidence for a peridotite mantle source region
- Origins and Composition of Fine Atmospheric Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- Paired 238U-230Th and 14C measurements on two Enallopsammia rostrata specimens collected from the Northwest Hawai'ian Islands
- Peat Formation Processes During the Past 7000 Years in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Peptides Enhance Mg Content of Calcite: Toward a Process-Based Understanding of Proxy Models
- Perchlorate isotope forensics with naturally produced 36Cl
- Plutonism at Different Crustal Levels of an Arc: Insights From the 5 to 40 km (Paleodepth) North Cascades Crustal Section, Washington
- Predominant Intermediate-Spin Ferrous Iron in Lowermost Mantle Post-Perovskite and Perovskite
- Progress towards confronting NCAR's Community Atmosphere Model with A-train data
- Recent Improvements in Estimates of Global Sea Level and Progress Towards Closure of the Sea-level Budget
- Regional Moment Tensor Inversion for Source Type Identification
- Regional Seismic Amplitude Modeling and Tomography for Earthquake-Explosion Discrimination
- Research Needs for Wind Resource Characterization
- Santa Barbara Water Column Temperature Changes Over the Past 2500 Years as Recorded by Planktonic Foraminiferal Proxies
- Seismotectonics of the Iran Region
- Sensitivity of a Regional Climate Change Detection and Attribution Study to the Global Forcing Data Set
- Source Mechanisms of Mine-Related Seismicity, Savuka Mine, South Africa
- Stable Oxygen isotopes in otoliths to reconstruct salmon and striped bass habitat use within the San Francisco Bay estuary
- Stable isotope approaches for tracking C cycling and function in microbial communities
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Across the Arabian Peninsula
- Testing model estimated decrease in Southern Ocean carbon sink with data over the last 20 years
- The Climate Data Analysis Tools (CDAT): Scientific Discovery Made Easy
- The Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) Software Suite: Next Generation Tools for Current and Next Generation Researchers
- The role of iron chemistry on the interpretation of lower mantle heterogeneities
- The use of Lagrangian, particle-tracking techniques in watershed modeling
- Toward Improved Nuclear Explosion Monitoring With Complete Waveform Simulations Using Three-Dimensional Models and Parallel Computing
- Toward Regional Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Verification Using WRF-CHEM
- Toward a Minimal Representation of Aerosol Direct and Indirect Effects
- Transient Ionization of Shock Compressed Water Near Planetary Isentropes
- Understanding groundwater fracture-flow and near surface soil throughflow mixing within a mountain catchment using 36Cl/Cl, Yosemite National Park, California.
- Use of Sensitive and Specific Biomolecular and Mass Spectrometric Techniques to Monitor the Performance of In-Situ Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- Use of tritium-helium groundwater age and anthropogenic VOCs to assess deep groundwater susceptibility in California urban and agricultural basins
- Vehicle traffic as a source for near-surface passive seismic imaging
- Vital Effects and Deep Sea Bamboo Coral (Isididae) Stable Isotopic Composition
- Wind Power Production and Climate Change--a Modeling Study
- Wind energy resource assessment using coupled groundwater-land-surface atmospheric models
- Zircon Recycling in Arc Intrusions
- 3D Geologic Modeling of the Southern San Joaquin Basin for the Westcarb CO2 Sequestration Demonstration Project
- A Multiphase Approach to Determine Attenuation Structure of the Lithosphere and its Use in Earthquake-Explosion Discrimination
- A Stochastic Seismic Model for the European Arctic
- An Architecture and Analysis Environment for Model to Observational Data Intercomparisons
- Arctic Marine Methane Cycle Simulations for the Period of Global Warming
- Bamboo coral skeletal Sr/Ca: An indicator of growth rate or other vital effects?
- COSP: a multi-instrument satellite simulator for model evaluation (Invited)
- California margin Bamboo corals: Spatial variability in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition
- Caribean climate since 1469: a coral perspective on seasonal, multidecadal and centennial variability
- Catchment Scale Simulations at Hydrologic Resolution: Using Massively-Parallel Computing and Integrated Models in Hydrologic Discovery
- Characterization of Source Mechanisms in the Middle East: Comparisons between 1D and 3D Methodologies
- Climatic controls on denudation in the deglaciated landscape of the Washington Cascades
- Comparison of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics at Four Temperate Deciduous Forests with Physical Fractionation and Radiocarbon Measurements
- Constraining the timing of proglacial Lake Missoula outburst floods into the Northeast Pacific: Insights from Cascadia Basin sediments
- Deep-seated mantle anomalies and the dynamic impact on the African continent (Invited)
- Dependence of Wind Turbine Curves on Atmospheric Stability Regimes - An Analysis of a West Coast North American Tall Wind Farm
- Detailed imaging of the 2007 Pisco co-seismic and post-seismic deformation - implications on the seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrusts
- Developing Isotope Tools for Identifying Mercury Mining Sources
- Developing a Coherent Observation and Analysis Network
- Earth's Decelerating Tectonic Plates (Invited)
- Earthquake Hypocenters in the Kura Basin and Greater Caucasus
- Effects of Reservoir Depth and Brine Composition on the Hydrodynamic Instabilities and Dissolution of Supercritical CO2 Releases in the Subsurface
- Element-Doped Polyacrylic Acid Thin Films as SIMS Standards for Organic Materials
- Expansion of the On-line Archive "Statistically Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections"
- Fully-coupled hydrologic/geomechanical simulations of slope failure in a prototypical steep mountain catchment
- Grassland Soil and Fossil CO2 Fluxes Monitored Using Continuous CELS Measurements of [CO2] and δ13C
- Helical Shape and Twisting Motion as Intrinsic Properties of Penumbral Filaments
- History of Late Holocene Tufa Deposition at Mono Lake, California
- Hydromechanical Simulations of Surface Uplift due to CO2 Injection at In Salah (Invited)
- Ice Nucleation in Mixed-Phase Clouds: Parameterization Evaluation and Climate Impacts
- Impact of Geological Characterization Uncertainties on Subsurface Flow & Transport Using a Stochastic Discrete Fracture Network Approach
- Impingement of Deep Mantle-Derived Upwelling Beneath Northern, Subducted Extension of the East Pacific Rise and Palinspastically Restored Cenozoic Mafic Magmatism in Western North America
- Implementation and Evaluation of Dynamic Subfilter Scale Models in WRF for Improved Large-Eddy Simulation over Complex Terrain
- In Situ-produced vs. Meteoric 10Be in Hillslope Soils: One Isotope, Two Tracers, Different Stories
- Incorporating Model Quality Information in Climate Change Detection and Attribution Studies (Invited)
- Influence of Bulk Chemical Composition on Relative Sensitivity Factors for 55Mn/52Cr by SIMS: Implications for the 53Mn-53Cr Chronometer
- Integrated Hydrological Modeling of the Greater San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Interaction of CO2-Rich Fluid with Wellbore Cement and Adjacent Formation Mineral Assemblages: Contrasting Potential Impacts to Porosity (LLNL-ABS-416485)
- Isotopic Compositions of Uranium Reference Materials
- Joint inversion of surface wave and gravity data for three-dimensional tomographic imaging of East Africa
- Long term periodicities in a Venus Atmosphere General Circulation Model
- Measurements and modeling of contemporary carbon-14 levels in the stratosphere to constrain stratospheric dynamics and the global carbon cycle
- Measurements of Greenhouse Gases around the Sacramento Area: The Airborne Greenhouse Emissions Survey (AGES) Campaign
- Mechanisms affecting the transition from shallow to deep convection over land: Inferences from observations collected at the ARM Southern Great Plains site
- Mixed Groundwater Ages in a Small Alpine Catchment
- Modeling 3H-3He Gas-Liquid Phase Transport for Interpretation of Groundwater Age
- Modeling of Large Methane Releases and their affect on the Chemistry of the Atmosphere
- Moment Tensor Source Analysis of the May 25, 2009 Nuclear Test, Kimchaek, North Korea (Invited)
- Monitoring Surface CO2 Leaks Using Hyperspectral Plant Signatures During the 2008 and 2009 ZERT Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release Experiment in Bozeman, MT
- Nested high-resolution large-eddy simulations in WRF to support wind power
- Nested mesoscale to large-eddy simulations for wind energy applications
- Network Sensitivity Solutions for Regional Moment Tensor Inversions
- Nitrate distribution and isotopic composition in vadose-zone sediments underlying large dairy operations
- Numerical Simulation of the Seismic Response for the Recent North Korean Nuclear Tests (Invited)
- On the use of a coupled variably-saturated groundwater flow - land surface model to initialize a fully coupled subsurface - land surface - atmospheric model for wind energy forecasting
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution 0.1° Global Coupled Ocean-Ice Simulation
- Production of pre-biotic molecules from extra-terrestrial ices
- Radiocarbon constraints on fossil thinolite tufa formation in the Mono Basin, CA, USA
- Radiocarbon variability during the Laschamp excursion (ca. 41 ka) based on Gulf of Mexico sediments
- Radiogenic isotopic approaches for quantifying radionuclide transport (Invited)
- Rare earth element and uranium-thorium variations in tufa deposits from the Mono Basin, CA
- Reconstructing African topography over the past 30 Myrs with high-resolution tomography-based convection modelling
- Regional Observations of the 2006 and 2009 Declared North Korea Nuclear Explosions
- Role of the Resistive and Thermal Instabilities in Dynamics of Quiescent Prominences
- Second Greenhouse Gas Information System Workshop
- Seismic Search Engine: A distributed database for mining large scale seismic data
- Simulations of Vegetation Impacts on Arctic Climate
- Simultaneous global- and regional-scale seismic tomography: Techniques and example (Invited)
- Sound velocity measurements on Fe0.89Ni0.04Si0.07 to 108 GPa: mineral physics constraints on the silicon abundance in the Earth’s core
- Southwestern U.S. Mega-droughts and Associated Sea Surface Temperatures in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Control Runs
- Sr/Ca as a Potential Proxy of Sub-surface Temperature Variability in C. secundum
- The Echo Cliffs Precariously Balanced Rock; Discovery and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The Super-Fast Chemistry Mechanism for IPCC AR5 Simulations with CCSM
- The Surface-Pressure Signature of Atmospheric Tides in Modern Climate Models
- The Use of Environmental Isotopes to Examine Human-induced Changes in the Hydrologic Record in California
- The effect of conductive grain boundary impurities on electrical conductivity in polycrystalline olivine
- The effect of isotopic substitution on diffusion coefficients in silicate liquids
- Three-Dimensional P- and S-velocity Structures and Radial Anisotropy in the Mantle along the Tethyan Margin
- Transforming Earthquake Sources into Virtual Stations using the Correlation of the Seismic Coda
- U.S. Global Climate Change Impacts Report, Global Climate Change
- Underground structure characterization using motor vehicles as passive seismic sources
- Using X-ray tomography as a tool to better quantify bubble network characteristics in volcanic tephra in three-dimensions
- Using radar and lidar instrument simulators to evaluate moist processes in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Using the satellite data to evaluate cloud and precipitation statistics in CAM
- Validating a Caspian/Caucasus velocity model with 3D finite difference synthetic seismograms
- Vertical coherency of heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle constrained from a comprehensive set of global seismic data
- Visualizing Microbial Biogeochemistry: NanoSIMS and Stable Isotope Probing (Invited)
- Volume collapse of iron,aluminum-bearing perovskite at mid-lower mantle pressures
- Wind Energy Resource Assessment Using Coupled Groundwater-Land-Surface Atmospheric Models
- A Comparison of MERRA and NARR Reanalyses with the DOE ARM SGP Continuous Forcing data
- A Comparison of the Vulnerability of Groundwater to Climate Change in Two High Elevation Catchments of the Sierra Nevada
- A Comprehensive Flow, Heat and Mass Transport Uncertainty Quantification in Discrete Fracture Network Systems
- A Global-scale P-wave Tomography Model for Regional and Teleseismic Event Monitoring
- A New Approach to Simulate the Kinetics of Metal Desorption from Mineral Surfaces
- A New Global Group Velocity Dataset for Constraining Crust and Upper Mantle Properties
- A New Method Using S-35 for Long-Term Monitoring of Groundwater Recharge in Alpine Basins
- A Regional Seismic Travel Time Model for North America
- A new look at intermediate depth earthquakes in the Greater Caucasus
- ACRIM III Radiometer Cavity Reflectance at a Variety of Wavelengths across the Solar Spectrum
- Active CO2 Reservoir Management: A Strategy for Controlling Pressure, CO2 and Brine Migration in Saline-Formation CCS
- Adjoint tomography of the Middle East
- Aerial Surveys Using Consumer Electronics: Fast, Cheap and Best of All: Useful!
- Analysis and Comparison of Carbon Capture & Sequestration Policies
- Atmospheric Impact of Large Methane Emissions and the Gulf Oil Spill
- Bench-Scale Experiments to Evaluate ERT as a Monitoring Tool for Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Brine production strategy modeling for active and integrated management of water resources in CCS
- Calibration of AIA/SDO: Accessing and implementing the response functions
- Can Models Replicate Observed Temperature Trends Over the Past Decade? (Invited)
- Carbon Fluxes in a Managed Landscape: Assessing the Drivers of Temporal and Spatial Variability in Flux Tower, MODIS and Forest Inventory Data of the Pacific Northwest
- Challenges in statistical calibration of global climate models: ensemble-based calibration of CAM using multiple observational constraints (Invited)
- Climate, productivity, and intermediate water nutrients: new records from bamboo coral Ba/Ca
- Comparison of fixed prior and geostatistical inverse methods for methane emission estimation from Central California
- Composition of the Earth's inner core from high-pressure sound velocity measurements in Fe-Ni-Si alloys
- Crustal nature along the African - Anatolian collision Zone
- Data Integration Plans for the NOAA National Climate Model Portal (NCMP) (Invited)
- Design, Construction and Calibration of a Near-Infrared Four-Color Pyrometry System for Laser-Driven High Pressure Experiments
- Developing A Multi-Year Ensemble Cloud Retrieval Properties Dataset (ECLDRET) from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations
- Diamond anvil cell experiments applied to the geochemistry of Earth's core formation (Invited)
- Diffusive isotope fractionation in silicate liquids: Dependence on liquid composition, cation bonding, and isotopic exchange
- Distinguishing Phosphate Structural Defects From Inclusions in Calcite and Aragonite by NMR Spectroscopy (Invited)
- Dual 10Be isotope systems constrain the source of sediment and rate of erosion for the tropical Barron River catchment, Queensland, Australia
- Earth System Modeling of Ozone, Methane, and DMS
- Electrical Conductivity of Al3+-doped MgO
- Estimating the failure potential of a partially saturated slope from combined continuum and limit equilibrium modeling (Invited)
- Evaluation of Modeled Clouds using the Satellite Observations
- Exhumational and incisional response to active faulting in the Japanese forearc, northeast Honshu
- Exploring the impact of model and data uncertainties in the detection and attribution of upper-ocean warming (Invited)
- Extreme Drought Events Revealed in Amazon Tree Ring Records
- Facilitating the Use of Satellite Observations for Evaluating CMIP5/IPCC Simulations
- First observations of 14CO2 at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO)
- Flux-gradient relationships of nitrogen oxides over a ponderosa pine plantation during BEARPEX-2009
- Geological Evidence for Dynamic Topographic Differential Uplift and Subsidence Along the US Coastal Plain and Atlantic Margin
- Geomechanical Response to CO2 Sequestration: preliminary analysis using the example of Snøhvit, Norway
- Glacial erosion efficiency, early Holocene ice retreat rates, and interglacial exposure: new cosmogenic 10Be data from three sites in western Greenland
- Global Climate Sensitivity to Lake Distribution, and Predicted 21st Century Thermokarst Active Layer Thickening, Using an Improved Lake Model in CESM1
- Global-scale multiple-event location and travel-time analysis using BayesLoc
- Growth rate characteristics of acidophilic heterotrophic organisms from mine waste rock piles
- Heterogeneous lower mantle shear attenuation from ScS-S differential t* measurements via instantaneous frequency
- High-resolution modelling and error analysis of late-Cenozoic African topography driven by mantle convection
- Holocene paleoclimate characterization in Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego) using sedimentary, physical and geochemical proxies
- How Reliable are our Earthquake Source Parameter Measurements?
- Impact of horizontal resolution on climate model forecasts of tropical precipitation and diabatic heating for the TWP-ICE period
- Insights into anthropogenic influences on biogenic secondary aerosol production from measurements of sulfate esters and organic nitrates derived from biogenic precursors
- Interpreting the Latitudinal Structure of Differences Between Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends (Invited)
- Investigating Vaporization of Silica through Laser Driven Shock Wave Experiments
- Investigation of flow transition problems at WRFs nested-domain interfaces
- Investigations of Variability on Multi-Year Timescales in a Venus Atmosphere GCM
- Isotherm of Pu/Goethite System: Linearity and the Sorbent Surface Characterization
- Joint Inversion of InSAR and Seismic Waveform Data for the Finite-fault Solution of the Wells, Nevada Earthquake
- Laser-Driven Shock Studies of Precompressed CO2 in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Late Pleistocene displacement and slip rate for the Breckenridge fault, Walker Basin, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Lithospheric Velocity Models of Eurasia and the Middle East From the Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Dispersion Velocicities
- Long-term erosion and interglacial period exposure in Western Greenland from meteoric 10Be in ice-bound sediment
- Looking inside an active transform fault using source-side seismic interferometry
- Matched Field Detection of Microseismicity in a Geothermal Field
- Measurement of fossil fuel derived carbon dioxide and other anthropogenic trace gases above Sacramento, California in Spring 2009
- Microbially Produced Organic Matter and Its Role in Facilitating Pu Transport in the Deep Vadose Zone
- Moment Magnitudes of Small to Moderate Size Regional Events from Coda in the Middle East
- Monitoring Anthropogenic Carbon, A Classroom Research Project
- Multi-Objective Design Of Optimal Greenhouse Gas Observation Networks
- NanoSIMS and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy applied to the Analysis of Uranium Oxyfluoride Particles for Nuclear Safeguards
- New Daily Downscaled Information at the "Bias-Corrected Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections" online archive
- New Insights into the Basin and Swell Dynamics of Africa Driven by Whole-Mantle Convection (Invited)
- Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Research and Development in the Middle East
- Numerical Simulation of Shallow Explosions Demonstrates How Topographic Scattering Generates High-Frequency Shear Waves
- Observational data preparation and availability for Integrated Earth System modeling
- On the influence of the height of expanding shrub vegetation on boreal climate
- Opportunities and Challenges for the Precise Chronology of Solar System Formation (Invited)
- Polymictic pool behavior in Sierra Nevada Streams
- Quaternary Slip on the Southern Segment of the Karakorum Fault and Pulan Graben, Western Tibet
- Radioisotope tracer approach for understanding the impacts of global change-induced pedoturbation on soil C dynamics
- Radioisotopes (137Cs, 40K, 210Pb) indicate that cryoturbation processes in Alaskan tussock tundra are accelerated under deeper winter snow: results from short and long-term winter snow depth experiments
- Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Storage in a Saline Aquifer
- Recently active contractile deformation in the forearc of southern Peru
- Response of Jakobshavn Isbræ to early Holocene abrupt climate events
- Response of denudation in the transient landscape of the Washington Cascades
- Scalable Algorithms for Tightly-Coupled Hydro-mechanical Modeling of Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Seismic Radiation from Material Damage During Explosions
- Seismic velocity estimation by joint inversion of P & S receiver function, waveform fitting, and surface wave dispersion
- Simulation of CO2 Leaks from an Injection Well and Implications on Subsurface Flow & Transport Conditions
- Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocity and X-ray Diffraction of Ice VII to 19 GPa and 873 K
- Soil Carbon Storage and Turnover in an Old-Growth Coastal Redwood Forest and Adjacent Prairie
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Fault Slip Rates Across the Central Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault Zone
- Spin crossover in ferropericlase at high pressure: A seismically transparent transition? (Invited)
- Submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient fluxes into San Francisco Bay
- Surface Kinetic Model for the Fractionation of Trace Elements and Isotopes in Calcite Precipitated from Aqueous Solution
- Synergies and conflicts between experiment and theory in high-pressure mineral physics (Invited)
- Temporal patterns of slip rate on the Little Lake fault, eastern California shear zone, from terrestrial lidar, cosmogenic radionuclides, and InSAR analysis (Invited)
- Testing the Parameterizations of Cloud Base Mass-Flux for Shallow Cumulus Clouds using Cloud Radar Observations
- The Climate Uncertainty Quantification Project at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: I. Initial Analysis of the Sensitivities and Uncertainties in the Community Atmosphere Model
- The sensitivity of ISCCP optical depths to sub-pixel scale cloud field variability: Implications for climate model-ISCCP comparisons
- Toward an Empirically-based Parametric Explosion Spectral Model
- Towards routine quantitative assessment of climate model performance (Invited)
- Transformation of meta-stable aluminosilicate phases to kaolinite: Molecular structure and reaction pathways from solid-state NMR
- Uncertainty Quantification of Sequentially Reactive Transport Systems: Calibrating First-Order Reaction Rates
- Uncertainty in Representing Cloud Ice Nuclei Number Concentration in Climate Models and Its Impact on Model Simulations
- Upscaling of Thermal Transport Properties in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Using meteoric 10Be to track soil erosion and transport within a forested watershed, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, PA
- Using the LibCF/GRIDSPEC extensions to interpret data on mosaic grids with CDAT
- Vegetation Influences on Long-Term Carbon Stabilization in Soils: a Coast Redwood-Prairie Comparison
- Vision for an Open, Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (GHGIS)
- Was the Late-glacial advance at ~14.0 ka B.P. in Torres del Paine (Patagonia, 51S) the most extensive glacial pulse of Oxygen Isotope Stage 2?
- Wind field variability in high-resolution simulations for wind energy forecasts and resource assessment
- A 9000-Year Record of Centennial-to-Multi Centennial Scale Pluvial Events From Lower Bear Lake Sediments (San Bernardino Mtns., Coastal Southwestern North America)
- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion Approach For Inverting InSAR Data With Application To Subsurface CO2 Injection
- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion Approach for Assessing Reactive Chemistry Along a Flow Path with Application to Subsurface CO2 Injection
- A New Sediment Core From Lake Elsinore, CA Reveals Evidence for Large Amplitude Hydrologic Change Between 9ka and 30ka
- A Source Scaling Comparison for Selected Japanese Earthquake Sequences
- A first look at MPAS hydrostatic dynamical core in real-world simulations
- A framework for improving top-down estimates of halocarbon emissions through synthetic multi-tracer inversion
- Active CO2 Reservoir Management for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration: Impact on Permitting, Monitoring, and Public Acceptance
- Adjoint tomography of the Middle East
- An Overview of the Source Physics Experiments (SPE) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
- Analysis and Simulation of Near-Field Ground Motions from the Source Physics Experiment
- Analysis of Far-Field Seismic Data from the Source Physics Experiment Explosions
- Analysis of Nested Large-Eddy Simulations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Arctic cloud fractions derived from CALIPSO and a comparison to CAM4 and CAM5 satellite simulator output
- Assessing the Reliability of Model-Based Estimates of High- and Low-Frequency Variability
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Atmospheric Impact of Large Methane Emission in the Arctic Region
- Atmospheric Responses to Changes in Boreal Lake Distribution and to Idealized Extratropical Terrestrial Surface Forcing Propagate to the Tropics and the Southern Hemisphere
- Atmospheric Temperature Changes in CMIP-5 Simulations of Forced and Unforced Climate Change
- Bering Sea Climate Change since 70 ka: A High Resolution Record from Bowers Ridge IODP Site U1340
- CMIP Low Cloud Feedback Interpreted Through a Mixed-Layer Model
- CO2 Sequestration Leak Detection Using Satellite-Based Sensors
- Carbon Isotopic Measurements and Aerosol Optical Determinations during CARES: Indications of the Importance of Background Biogenic Aerosols
- Catalog of Parkfield foreshocks and aftershocks improved via waveform correlation detectors
- Combining Analyst and Waveform-Correlation-Based Arrival Time Measurements in the Bayesloc Multiple-Event Location Algorithm
- Comparison of high-resolution simulations over increasingly complex terrain for wind energy applications
- Computing and Partitioning Cloud Feedbacks using Cloud Property Histograms
- Constraints on emissions of hydrocarbons and combustion tracers in the Colorado Front Range using observations of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO)
- Constraints on regolith formation and erosion rates at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, PA, determined using meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Constraints on the Longwave Cloud Altitude Feedback
- Deformation of "stable" continental interiors by mantle convection: Implications for intraplate stress in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Depleted Radiocarbon in Deep Water in the Southwest Pacific and Southern Ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Detailed Simulations of Radionuclide Migration in Fractured, Unsaturated Rock Following an Underground Nuclear Test at Rainier Mesa, Nevada
- Detecting Events Beyond the Catalog - Applying Empirical Matched Field Processing to Salton Sea Geothermal Field Seismicity
- Development of metrics and diagnostics for climate model short-range forecast experiments during YOTC
- Development of the Large-Scale Forcing Data to Support MC3E Cloud Modeling Studies
- Development of the Methodology Needed to Quantify Risks to Groundwater at CO2 Storage Sites
- Diagnostics and Metrics for Evaluating GCM Simulations of the Asian-Australian Monsoon
- Earth Science Instrument Refurbishment, Testing and Recalibration for the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)
- Earth's Core Formation and Composition : New Constraints from Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments
- Electrical properties of methane hydrate + sediment mixtures
- Electrical resistivity tomography as a tool for monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection: Demonstration of leakage detection during bench-scale experiments
- Electrochemical Acceleration of Carbonate and Silicate Weathering for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mitigation
- Electronic Structure of Iron in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O<SUB>3</SUB> Glass up to 93 GPa
- Enhanced Southern Ocean Ventilation Through the Last Deglaciation
- Estimating CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions Using Tower Measurements in California
- Estimation of Induced Seismicity Frequency-Magnitude Distributions Related to Fluid Injection
- Estimation of Relaxation Timescale for Shallow Convective Clouds Using Twp-Ice Measurements
- Estimation of Yield and Height-of-Burst for Near-Surface Explosions from Joint Inversion of Air-Blast and Seismic Data
- Evaluating CMIP/IPCC Simulations using Contemporary Satellite Observations
- Evaluating Clouds in Climate Models Using Satellite Simulators: From Mean State to Feedbacks
- Evaluation of CMIP Model Simulations by Koeppen Bioclimatic Classification
- Evidence for unexpected peroxy nitrates and their atmosphere-biosphere exchange
- Evolution of fluid-rock interactions: fluid inclusion, isotopic, and major/minor element chemistry of hydrothermally altered volcanic rock in core RN-17B, Reykjanes, Iceland
- Examining an underappreciated control on lignin decomposition in soils? Effects of reactive manganese species on intact plant cell walls
- First Deployment of a New Mobile Laboratory for Greenhouse Gas Attribution Studies
- Formation and Evolution of Mars Inferred from Martian Meteorites
- Four-dimensional characterization of inflow to and wakes from a multi-MW turbine: overview of the Turbine Wake and Inflow Characterization Study (TWICS2011)
- Free-Surface Vanishing Traction Effects on Shallow Sources
- Full Moment Tensor Analysis at The Geysers Geothermal Field
- Gadolinium Gallium Garnet at Multi-Megabar Pressures
- Gas Transport and Detection Following Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Geothermal reservoir monitoring based upon spectral-element and adjoint methods
- Groundwater Age in Multi-Level Water Quality Monitor Wells on California Central Valley Dairies
- GyPSuM: A tomographic image of the mantle incorporating seismic, geodynamic and mineral physics constraints
- Hazard potential of leaking faults during geologic carbon sequestration
- Hemispherically Asymmetric Superrotation in a Model Venus Atmosphere with Realistic Topography
- Heterogeneous lower mantle shear attenuation from ScS-S differential t* measurements via instantaneous frequency under Central America
- Hybrid Uncertainty Quantification Techniques for Multi-Species Reactive Transport Applications
- Hydraulic fracturing: insights from field, lab, and numerical studies
- Impact of Fault Zone Characterization Uncertainties on Leakage Risk Assessment of CO2 Sequestration Sites
- Improving Ground Motion Simulation Capabilities for Underground Explosion Monitoring: Coupling Hydrodynamic-To Solvers and Studies of Emplacement Conditions
- Influence of Fulvic Acid Coatings on Plutonium Sorption to Goethite Colloids
- Influence of Poorly Crystalline Metal Oxides on Soil Organic Matter Stability in Four Eastern Deciduous Forest Soils
- Intermediate-depth ventilation in the Bering Sea from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene
- Investigating the Salton Sea geothermal region using seismic interferometry
- Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Surface-Wave Dispersion in Africa
- LITHO1.0: An Updated Crust and Lithosphere Model of the Earth
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Flows in Complex Terrain
- Late Cenozoic Exhumation in the Northern Peruvian Andes
- Linking the enigmatic surface of the African continent with mantle dynamics
- Lithospheric Control on Spatial Patterns of Active Faulting in the Southeastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Mantle convection-driven variable uplift of the eastern US: A mechanism for late-Cenozoic rejuvenation of topography.
- Modeling Joint Strength and Friction in Dry and Saturated Granite Under Near-Field Explosive Loads
- Modeling of Long-Term Fate of Mobilized Fines due to Dam-Embankment Interfacial Dislocations
- Monte Carlo Modeling of a Cavity Ion Source
- Multiple-Scale Geomechanical Models for Thermal Spallation Drilling.
- New diagnostic for X-ray diffraction measurements at extra-solar planets conditions (Invited)
- Nitrate Contamination of Deep Aquifers in the Salinas Valley, California
- Numerical and experimental predictions of fine-soil erosion, transport and trapping in embankment dam
- Observed Increase in Zonal Mean High-Level Cloud Top From 1983 to 2008
- Observed and simulated drought-conducive mode of variability and teleconnections
- Physical and biogeochemical controls on polymictic behavior in Sierra Nevada stream pools
- Physics-based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Seismicity Induced by Fluid Injection
- Plant Litter to Mineral Soil Sinks: Tracking Carbon Flux into Soil Sinks in Temperate Broadleaf Forests in the Eastern US with Radiocarbon
- Prediction of the impact of nonpoint sources on a drinking production well field using 85Kr, 39Ar and 3H/3He age dating
- Quantifying Surface Kinetic Fractionations for Isotopes and Trace Elements in Calcite Precipitated from Aqueous Solution
- Quasi-isentropic Compression of Iron and Magnesium Oxide to 3 Mbar at the Omega Laser Facility
- Rapid associations of microbial amide N with iron(oxyhyd)oxides in N deficient forest O-horizons
- Reactive Flow Experiments to Characterize Porosity and Permeability Evolution during CO2 Transport in Weyburn-Midale Carbonate Rocks
- Reactive Transport Modeling of the CO2 Core Flooding Experiments for the Weyburn CO2 Storage Project
- Reconstruction of Hydrologic Variability at Lake Elsinore, California, During the Late-Glacial to Holocene Transition
- Regional Analysis of Tropical Clouds Simulated by CAM4 from the LLNL UQ Runs: Preliminary results
- Relationship between Short and Long Timescale Mean Tropical Precipitation Errors in CAM4 Explored by YOTC Data
- Response Model Based Analysis of Climate Model Sensitivities and Uncertainties using the LLNL UQ Pipeline
- Revisiting Halosteric and Thermosteric Sea-level Rise 1950-2000
- Satellite Observations for Evaluating CMIP5/IPCC Simulations
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Seismic Wave Propagation and Generation from Complex 3D Explosion Sources
- Source Scaling and Ground Motion of the 2008 Wells, Nevada, earthquake sequence
- Southern Ocean representation and change under future climate scenarios in CMIP5 models (Invited)
- Stable isotopes as indicators of sources and processes influencing nitrate distributions in dairy monitoring wells and domestic supply wells in the Central Valley, California
- Stratospheric Radiocarbon in the Twenty-First Century: Comparing Measurements and Model Results
- Surface Wave Dispersion and Attenuation Model for the Middle East
- Synchronous glacial response to changing patterns of precipitation across the central Andes during the last glacial termination
- Temporal fault slip rate and rupture patterns on the Genoa fault, central eastern Sierra Nevada, integrating ground-based LiDAR, Be-10 surface exposure dating, and paleoseismology
- The East Pacific Rise: An Active Not Passive Spreading System
- The Effect of Trace H2O on the Mechanisms of the Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation
- The Impact of the Ocean Sulfur Cycle on Climate using the Community Earth System Model
- The LLNL-G3D global P-wave velocity model and the significance of the BayesLoc multiple-event location procedure
- The Use of Explosion Aftershock Probabilities for Planning and Deployment of Seismic Aftershock Monitoring System for an On-site Inspection
- The nitrate and phosphorus response to dynamic control of tile drain levels in a Dutch lowland area with high agricultural pollution loadings
- Three Dimensional Flow, Transport and Geomechanical Simulations in Discrete Fracture Network Under Condition of Uncertainty
- Time-Invariance of Low-Cloud Albedo Feedbacks in Climate Models
- Top-Down Constraints on Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for Three Urban Areas of California
- Uncertainty Quantification and Assessment of CO2 Leakage in Groundwater Aquifers
- Uncertainty Quantification of Ar-37 Transport in Fractured Rock
- Uncertainty Quantification of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
- Uncertainty Reduction and Risk Assessment of Modeling of CO2 Leakage and Transport in Groundwater Aquifers
- Uncertainty quantification of reactive transport in heterogeneous porous media using a Karhunen-Loeve-based moment equation approach
- Understanding Differences in Current Cloud Retrievals of ARM Ground-based Measurements
- Unexpected Delivery of Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to Critical Zone Soils, Front Range, Colorado
- Uppermost Mantle S-wave Velocity Structure of the East Anatolian-Caucasus Region
- Using 14C as a high-frequency tracer of forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions sources: preliminary results from a Northern Wisconsin case study
- Using satellite simulators to diagnose cloud-processes in CMIP5 models
- Variability in the timing of the late Holocene maximum extent of the southwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- Water Footprint and Water Consumption for the Main Crops and Biofuels Produced in Brazil
- Water Quality of "Tritium-Dead" Drinking Water Wells in California
- What can and cannot yet be explained by high frequency soil respiration data?
- What controls the vertical extent of shallow cumulus over land?
- a Surrogate Hybrid Three Dimensional Model for Fluid-Induced Fracture Propagation Under Conditions of Uncertainty
- A Rapid, Low-Cost Method to Determine Travel Times at Managed Aquifer Recharge Operations Using Noble Gas Tracers
- A comprehensive dispersion model of surface wave phase and group velocity
- A deglacial ventilation history of Northeast Pacific intermediate waters
- Addressing the "Terra Incognita" - Appropriate Representation of Terrain from Mesoscale to Microscale
- Advances and Challenges In Uncertainty Quantification with Application to Climate Prediction, ICF design and Science Stockpile Stewardship
- Aerosol First Indirect Effects on Non-Precipitating Low-Level Liquid Cloud Properties as Simulated by CAM5 at ARM Sites
- Agent Based Modeling as an Educational Tool
- An analysis of the short-term cloud feedback using MODIS data
- An immersed boundary method in WRF for high resolution urban air quality modeling
- Analysis and Simulations of Near-Field Ground Motion from Source Physics Experiments (spe)
- Analysis of Lab-Scale Drainage and Imbibition Experiments with ERT and High Resolution CCD Imaging
- Analysis of present day and future OH and methane lifetime in the ACCMIP simulations
- Analysis of the influence of salinity on Mg/Ca ratios of cultured and coretop planktic foraminifers
- Are climate model simulations of clouds improving? An evaluation using the ISCCP simulator
- Armenia-To Trans-Boundary Fault: AN Example of International Cooperation in the Caucasus
- Assessment of the sea ice solutions in the CMIP5 compared to observations and CMIP3
- Atmospheric LIDAR Provides Insight into Land Surface-Atmosphere Exchange at AmeriFlux Towers
- Basin-Wide Temperature Constraints On Gas Hydrate Stability In The Gulf Of Mexico
- Block Preconditioners for Fully Implicit Atmospheric Climate Simulation in CAM-SE
- Cement/caprock fracture healing experiments to assess the integrity of CO2 injection wells
- Centennial Scale Variations in Lake Productivity Linked to Solar Activity
- Chloroform extraction of iodine in seawater: method development
- Cloud optical depth dependence on temperature from ground-based observations
- Coda Magnitudes of Small Events in Iran and Surrounding Regions
- Colloidal Silica Gelation at Geothermal Conditions: Kinetics and Implications for Reservoir Modification
- Combined Use of Absolute and Differential Seismic Arrival Time Data to Improve Absolute Event Location
- Contributions of Different Cloud Types to Feedbacks and Rapid Adjustments in CMIP5
- Controls on Low-Cloud Cover in Simulated Climate Change
- Convective Removal of the Northeastern Portion of the North-American Tectospheric Root and the Late Cenozoic Uplift of the Appalachians
- Crosswell seismic imaging of CO2 sequestration at the Frio Pilot based on spectral-element and adjoint methods
- Crustal Structure Improvement for the Caucasus Region
- Decadal-Scale Changes in Total Column Water Vapor in Satellite Observations and Models
- Development of a Broadband VIS/NIR Reflectivity Diagnostic for Dynamic Shock Compression Experiments
- Dimension Reduction and Bayesian Inference in Reactive Transport with Embedded Capability for Uncertainty Quantification
- Direct observation of phase transitions: in situ diffraction measurements at the crystal scale
- ESGF: Wrangling Big Science Data with an Elastic Federation
- Earth's Building Blocks: The "Core Spyglass"
- Effects of local underground structure and surface topography on waveforms from explosions recorded at the Source Physics Experiments site
- Effects of perturbing land surface processes in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land model
- Electrical conductivity of lab-formed methane hydrate + sand mixtures; technical developments and new results
- Enabling Linked Science in Global Climate Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Research
- Enhancing the Sustainability of Egs Using Colloidal Silica Gel
- Evaluating Arctic Lower Tropospheric Stability in CAM4 and CAM5
- Evaluation of Ages in the Lunar Highlands with Implications for the Evolution of the Moon
- Exploring Large-Scale Cross-Correlation for Teleseismic and Regional Seismic Event Characterization
- Extreme chemistry: Megabar shocks in precompressed Nitrogen
- Flow and Reactive Transport of Miscible and Immiscible Solutions in Fractured & Porous Media
- Flow and Transport of Fines in Physically and Chemically Heterogeneous Porous and Fractured Media
- Foreshocks of Parkfield and Landers (revisited)
- Full moment tensor and source location inversion based on full waveform adjoint method
- GEOScan: A GEOScience Facility From Space
- Gbar Equation of State Measurements in Spherically Convergent Shock Experiments
- Geophysical Limits to Global Wind Power
- Good Models Gone Bad: Quantifying and Predicting Parameter-Induced Climate Model Simulation Failures
- Gulf of Alaska and California bamboo corals: Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca records
- HPC simulations of grain-scale spallation to improve thermal spallation drilling
- How old is the carbon that forests respire? Seasonal patterns in soil and ecosystem 14CO2 from a hardwood forest in Northern Wisconsin
- Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature: Are results robust to uncertainties?
- Impact of Ice Nucleation Parameterization on CAM5 Simulated Arctic Clouds and Radiation: A Sensitivity Study
- Impact of the leaked CO2 from deep reservoirs on quality of shallow groundwater
- Importance of Including Topography in Numerical Simulations of Venus' Atmospheric Circulation
- Improved Detection of Microearthquakes in Geothermal Areas - Applying Empirical Matched Field Processing to Traditional and EGS sites
- Improving Consistency between Cloud Parameterizations in CAM5
- In situ TEM investigations of mineral growth through oriented attachment of nanoparticles
- Incremental Heating 40Ar/39Ar Analyses of Mono Basin Tephra
- Insights from the Source Physics Experiments on P/S Amplitude Ratio Methods of Identifying Explosions in a Background of Earthquakes
- Integrated, Geothermal-CO2 Storage: An Adaptable, Hybrid, Multi-Stage, Energy-Recovery Approach to Reduce Carbon Intensity and Environmental Risk
- Introducing the global carbon cycle to middle school students with a 14C research project
- Investigating <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> chamber methodologies
- Investigating Tungsten Concentrations and Isotopic Compositions of Natural Water Samples from the Carson River Basin
- Investigation of the Thermo-Hydro Effective Properties of Tight Fractured Porous Rock
- Issues to address before we can have an open climate modelling ecosystem
- Koeppen Bioclimatic Metrics for Evaluating CMIP5 Simulations of Historical Climate
- LITHO1.0 - An Updated Crust and Lithospheric Model of the Earth Developed Using Multiple Data Constraints
- LLNL-G3Dv3: Global P-wave tomography model for improved regional and teleseismic travel time prediction
- Large-scale atmospheric state and cloud/precipitation characteristics during MC3E
- Lg waves attenuation studies over the Iranian Plateau and Zagros
- Lithospheric Velocity Structure Along the Dead Sea Transform From the Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Dispersion Velocities
- Magic - Marine Arm Gpci Investigation of Clouds
- Manganese Cycling in a Long-term Plant Litter Decomposition Time Series
- Measuring Earth Radiation Imbalance from a Massive Constellation of Flux Radiometers
- Model-based Corrections to Observed Azimuth and Slowness Deviations from a Dipping Mohorovicic Discontinuity
- Modeling Mechanically-Induced Permeability Changes in Subsurface Reservoirs
- Monitoring the Earth System Grid Federation through the ESGF Dashboard
- Multi-model Analysis through Delayed Mode Evaluation
- Multi-scale Analysis with Python
- New Insights into Stability of Plutonium Intrinsic Colloids in the Presence of Clay at Elevated Temperatures: Experimental and Modeling Approaches
- Nitrogen responses in groundwater, surface water and air following nitrate action plans in the Netherlands and Denmark
- Numerical and experimental approaches to study soil transport and clogging in granular filters
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing from the Atmospheric Chemistry Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
- On the correspondence between short- and long-timescale systematic errors in the TAMIP and AMIP
- Patterns of volcanism, weathering, and climate history from high-resolution geochemistry of the BINGO core, Mono Lake, California, USA
- Perturbed-parameter hindcasts of the MJO with CAM5
- Potential Abiotic Functions of Root Exudates in Rhizosphere Cycling of Soil Organic Matter
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment Framework for CO2 Leakages Through Porous Fractured Caprock
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Injection-Induced Seismicity Utilizing Physics-Based Simulation
- Progress in Simulating Intraseasonal Variability in Climate Models
- Putting the Fizz in the Fissure: Geochemical and Geomechanical Effects of Carbonated Brine in a Natural Fracture
- Quantifying solid deformation in wellbore cement with Particle-Image-Velocimetry and X-Ray Tomography
- Reducing Seismic Hazard and Building Capacity Through International Cooperation
- Regional Assessment of the Parameter-Dependent Performance of CAM4 in Simulating Tropical Clouds
- Relative and absolute emissions of anthropogenic trace gases around the US based on paired atmospheric observations of fossil fuel CO2 from 14C
- Relative role of ocean variability and global warming on zonal mean atmospheric circulation features and subtropical droughts
- Research needs in uncertainty quantification for policy and decision-making
- Revisiting Halosteric and Thermosteric Sea-level Rise
- Rock Valley Source Physics Experiment Preparation: Earthquake Relocation and Attenuation Structure Characterization
- Role of Reactive Mn Complexes in a Litter Decomposition Model System
- Seismic Observations of SPE1, SPE2, and SPE3 and Integration with Multiple Data Sets
- Shear wave splitting in the East Anatolian-Caucasus region
- Simulation of hydraulic fracture networks in three dimensions utilizing massively parallel computing platforms
- Simulation of the Effects of Elevated Pore Pressure on Seismicity
- Sorption/Desorption Interactions of Plutonium with Montmorillonite
- Source-Type Identification Analysis Using Regional Seismic Moment Tensors
- Spectromicroscopy to explore scale transitions in two topsoil horizons
- Stochastic Joint Inversion Of A Geothermal Prospect
- Structural and Fully Coupled Joint Inversion for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Migration Monitoring
- Structure Determination of Plutonium Oxide Precipitates Formed from Aqueous Plutonium IV and V Solutions and in the Presence of Goethite
- Study of Np(V) Sorption by Ionic Exchange on Na, K, Ca and Mg-Montmorillonite
- The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century
- The ESGF Software Stack: a Configurable and Extensible Framework for Enabling Access to Geospatial Data
- The NCEP-NCAR Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition Climate Process Team
- The Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Science for a Sustainable Energy Future
- The Source Physics Experiments and Advances in Seismic Explosion Monitoring Predictive Capabilities
- The Thermodynamics Of Calcite Nucleation On Organic Surfaces: Classical Vs. Non-Classical Pathways
- The Uplift of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus: Continental Collision to Subduction
- The Value of Information: Assessing the Ability of Electrical Resistivity to Detect CO2 Leakage in a Shallow Aquifer
- The effect of large-scale piñon mortality on tree-level photosynthetic capacity in a piñon-juniper woodland ecosystem
- The effect of light on intrashell trace metal variability (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) in the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa
- The impact of past and future climate change on global human mortality due to ozone and PM2.5 outdoor air pollution
- The influence of the Fukushima event on the 129-Iodine content of western Pacific waters
- Thousand Year Archives of the Bulk and Compound-Specific δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of Export Production From the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Indicate Increasing Nitrogen Fixation Over the Past 150 Years
- Time Scale Invariance of Cloud Optical Depth Feedbacks in Models
- Towards Automated Processing and Integration of InSAR and GPS Data
- Towards a spatially and temporally constant Karakorum fault slip rate
- Transport of Colloidal Silica in Fractured and Porous Media: Applications to Geothermal & Geological Carbon Sequestration
- Tropospheric impact of methane emissions from clathrates in the Arctic Region
- UV-CDAT Re-sharable Analyses and Diagnostics (U-ReAD): a framework to create and share UV-CDAT plugins.
- Uncertainty Analysis of Simulated Hydraulic Fracturing
- Uncertainty Quantification of Barometric Driven Gas Transport in Fractured Rock
- Uncertainty Quantification of CO2 Leakage through a Fault with Multiphase and Geo-mechanic Effects
- Uncertainty Quantification of CO2 Saturation Estimated from Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data at the SECARB Cranfield Site
- Use of the Advanced Canopy-Atmosphere-Soil Algorithm (ACASA) model to determine flux quality and gap-fill nighttime data at multiple AmeriFlux sites
- Using Python for Climate Model Intercomparison
- Variations in the Sr/Ca, δ<SUP>44</SUP>Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O composition of calcite as a function of solution chemistry and crystal growth rate
- 10Be chronology of the Drygalski Moraines, central western Greenland
- A General Approach to Quantify Cloud Retrieval Uncertainties
- A Synthesized Model-Observation Approach to Constraining Gross Urban CO2 Fluxes Using 14CO2 and carbonyl sulfide
- A new 10Be chronology of the LGM in the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
- An Immersed Boundary Method in WRF for High Resolution Urban Air Quality Modeling
- An immersed boundary method in WRF for complex mountainous terrain
- Analysis of Recorded and Simulated Far-Field Ground Motion From the Source Physics Experiment (Invited)
- Analysis of Time step sensitivity in the Community Atmospheric Model using Single-Column and Global Simulations
- Application of Dipole-dipole, Induced Polarization, and CSAMT Electrical Methods to Detect Evidence of an Underground Nuclear Explosion
- Application of a regional seismic travel time model to event detection and location at the International Data Centre
- Assessing risk due to injection-induced seismicity prior to operation (Invited)
- Bingham Canyon Landslide: Force History Analysis and Identification of Induced Earthquakes
- Block preconditioners for fully implicit atmospheric climate simulations in CAM-SE
- Bringing New Tools and Techniques to Bear on Earthquake Hazard Analysis and Mitigation
- Bulk and compound-specific isotope analysis of long-chain n-alkanes from a 85,000 year sediment core from Lake Peten Petén Itzá, Guatemala
- Characterization of the Southern Nevada Region for Source Physics Experiments
- Chip-SIP: Stable Isotope Probing of RNA combining phylogenetic microarrays and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (NanoSIMS) to link structure and function in microbial systems (Invited)
- ClimatePipes: User-Friendly Data Access, Manipulation, Analysis & Visualization of Community Climate Models
- Climatic and Edaphic Effects on the Turnover and Composition of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Deciduous Forests
- Communicating Scientific Findings to Lawyers, Policy-Makers, and the Public (Invited)
- Comparing ice margin response to early Holocene warmth, Disko Bugt region, west Greenland
- Contrasts between deformation accommodated by induced seismic and aseismic processes revealed by combined monitoring of seismicity and surface deformations: Brady Geothermal Field, Nevada, USA
- Core Forensics: Earth's Accretion and Differentiation
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating of the Tiltill Rock Avalanche, Yosemite National Park
- Data Management and Analysis in Support of Community Climate Science (Invited)
- Data Mining the CMIP5 Archive for Constraints on Climate Sensitivity (Invited)
- Discrete and continuum simulations of near-field ground motion from Source Physics Experiments (SPE) (Invited)
- Distributing reanalysis data on the Earth System Grid Federation
- EOS & Thermodynamics of Warm Dense Silica (SiO2) using laser-driven shock compression of Stishovite
- Effect of Aggregation and Mixing on optical properties of Black Carbon
- Effects of Injected CO2 on Geomechanical Properties Due to Mineralogical Changes
- Elucidating the fate, transport and processes controlling carbon on the landscape: Biogeochemistry tools for the 21st century
- Enhancing Caprock Integrity of Carbon Sequestration Reservoirs Using Colloidal Silica Gel
- Equation of state of planetary ices from first-principles
- Evaluating CMIP5 Simulations of Historical Continental Climate with Koeppen Bioclimatic Metrics
- Evaluating Gas-Phase Transport And Detection Of Noble Gas Signals From Underground Nuclear Explosions Using Chemical Tracers
- Evaluating the potential of the MegaSIMS for nuclear forensics
- Evaluating the value of enhanced atmospheric measurements and models to improve interpretation of flux data
- Evaluation of a Geothermal Prospect Using a Stochastic Joint Inversion Algorithm
- Evolution of an Interfacial Crack on the Concrete Embankment Boundary
- Examining Earthquake Scaling Via Event Ratio Levels
- Examining the vertical structure of clouds and precipitation for different cloud types in CAM5 using satellite data
- Experiments and simulations describing alteration of wellbore cement/caprock interfaces in the presence of CO2-rich brines (Invited)
- Exploring Large-Scale Cross-Correlation for Teleseismic and Regional Seismic Event Characterization
- Factors for Microbial Carbon Sources in Organic and Mineral Soils from Eastern United States Deciduous Forests
- Fingerprints in the clouds: identifying expected cloud responses to external forcing
- Flow and Transport of Fines in Dams and Embankments
- Fundamental Vibration Frequency and Damping Estimation: A Comparison Using the Random Decrement Method, the Empirical Mode Decomposition, and the HV Spectral Ratio Method for Local Site Characterization
- Generalized Wind Turbine Actuator Disk Parameterization in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for Real-World Simulations
- Genome-Enabled Studies of Anaerobic, Nitrate-Dependent Iron Oxidation in the Chemolithoautotrophic Bacterium Thiobacillus denitrificans
- Geomechanical Reservoir Response to CO2 Injection at SNØHVIT, Norway
- Global analysis of parametric sensitivity of precipitation in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- How Big Was It? Getting at Yield
- How important is getting the land surface energy exchange correct in WRF for wind energy forecasting?
- How long is long enough?
- Human and Natural Influences on the Changing Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- Hydrothermal Alteration in Submarine Basaltic Rocks from the Reykjanes Geothermal Field, Iceland. (Invited)
- IODP Expedition 345: Hydrothermal Alteration of Fast-Spreading EPR Lower Crust
- Identifying External Influences on Global Precipitation (Invited)
- Imaging the site of the Source Physics Experiment using seismic interferometry
- Impact Vaporization of Planetesimal Cores
- Improved Detection of Microearthquakes: Application of Matched Field Processing (MFP) to Traditional and Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- InSAR measurements and numerical models of deformation at Brady Hot Springs geothermal field (Nevada), 1995-2012
- Insights into systematic errors of climate models gained with a weather-forecast approach during the Years of Tropical Convection (Invited)
- Integrated Mapping and Imaging at a Legacy Test Site (Invited)
- International Collaboration to Improve The Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Isotope fractionation by multicomponent diffusion (Invited)
- Joint seismic and geodynamic evidence for a long-lived, stable mantle upwelling under the East Pacific Rise
- Laser compression of Iron and Quartz relevant to planetary conditions
- Linking Spe Body-Wave Amplitudes and Site Characterization
- Linking the geological record for large igneous provinces and hotspots with tomography-based numerical models of thermal convection in the Earth's mantle
- Long-Period Ground Motion In the Arabian Gulf From Earthquakes in the Zagros Mountains Thrust Belt
- Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: C Transformations of Root Exudates and Plant Litter
- Massive Signal Analysis with Hadoop (Invited)
- Measurements Needed to Understand Superrotation and Circulation in the Venus Atmosphere
- Measuring Earth's radiation imbalance with RAVAN: A CubeSat mission to measure the driver of global climate change
- Microbial Ecology of a Regional Flow System: Deep, Aerobic, Fractured Rock Aquifers of the US Basin and Range (Invited)
- Mid-late Holocene North Pacific trade winds as inferred from deep-sea coral skeletal δ15N and δ13C biogeochemistry
- Modeling of Anisotropic Rock Joints Under Cyclic Loading (Invited)
- Modeling reaction front propagation from preferential flow pathways in fractured media
- Modular Resolution of Uncertainty and Numerical Error Distributions for Operator-Split Advection-Diffusion
- Molybdenum Sound Velocity And Shear Strength Softening under Shock Compression
- Moment Tensor Analysis of Shallow Sources
- Multi-Fluid Geothermal Energy Systems: Using CO2 for Dispatchable Renewable Power Generation and Grid Stabilization
- Multiple glacial culminations from the Lateglacial to the late Holocene in central and southern Peru (Invited)
- New diagnostic for X-ray diffraction measurements at extra-solar planets conditions (Invited)
- Novel S-35 Intrinsic Tracer Method for Determining Groundwater Travel Time near Managed Aquifer Recharge Facilities
- Observations of nonlinear and nonuniform kink dynamics in a laboratory flux rope
- On the air motion in continental shallow cumulus clouds: large-eddy simulation versus radar observation
- On the connection between continental-scale land surface processes and the tropical climate in a coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system
- On the correspondence between mean forecast errors and climate errors in CMIP5 models
- Ophidia: high performance data analytics for climate change
- Optimizing Lidar Scanning Strategies for Wind Energy Measurements (Invited)
- P- and S-Wave Imaging of Cavity Collapse at the Site of an Underground Nuclear Test
- Particle Clogging in Filter Media of Embankment Dams: A Numerical and Experimental Study
- Past and Future Stability of Deep Peatland Carbon Stocks: Assessing the Nature and Fate of Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Peatland (Invited)
- Performance Metrics for Climate Model Evaluation: Application to CMIP5 Precipitation Simulations
- Precipitation response to the current ENSO variability in a warming world
- Predicting travel times for a broad suite of seismic phases with full 3-D ray tracing
- Probing Shock Compressed Silicon Metallization using VIS/NIR Reflectivity
- Proppant transport: the key to enhanced well productivity
- Quantifying Uncertainties in the Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Sea Ice
- Quantifying the Role of Clouds in Aerosol Radiative Forcing in CMIP5
- Quantifying the amount of root-derived carbon retained in soil at 4 temperate deciduous forests
- Refining age estimates for three historic ground rupturing earthquakes in the Santa Cruz Mountains: 14C Wiggle-matching and Non-Native Pollen as age indicators (or not!)
- Regional Seismic Methods of Identifying Explosions
- Remedying Some Shortcomings of Model Performance Metrics (Invited)
- SIG-VISA: Signal-based Vertically Integrated Seismic Monitoring
- SPH Simulations of Volatiles Loss from Icy Satellites During a Late Heavy Bombardment
- Salty-ocean water cycle variability and change (Invited)
- Seasonal and Regional Biases in CMIP5 Precipitation Simulations
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Modeling of Complementary Data Functionals, with Applications to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Seismic Source Parameters and Attenuation in Southeast Asia
- Sensitivity Analysis of Fault Simulation Parameters for Induced Seismicity due to CO2 Injection
- Sensitivity of Stratospheric Dynamics to Uncertainty in O3 Production
- Shock-Synthesis of Prebiotic Compounds in Impacting Simple Ices
- Signals of dynamic coupling between mantle and lithosphere beneath the axis of the East Pacific Rise
- Source and composition of size fractionated aerosols collected in the Central Valley
- Stochastic Three Dimensional Investigation of Near-Source Motions from AN Underground Explosion
- Structural investigation of SiO2 at the density-temperature conditions relevant to planetary mantles : Laser-shock Experiments and Simulations
- Surface Energy Balance: Lessons Learned from Modeling Simulations and Field Measurements at an Oak-grass Savanna in California
- Synthesis of Acoustic Signals from Buried Seismic Sources in the Presence of Surface Topography
- Systematic Global Multiple-Event Relocation: A Case Study of Alaska Earthquakes from 1900-present
- The AmeriFlux Network--looking to 2014
- The Central Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Earth System Models (Invited)
- The Impact of Methane Clathrate Emissions on the Earth System
- The Influence of pH on the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Calcium Carbonate
- The US-DOE ARM/ASR Effort in Quantifying Uncertainty in Ground-Based Cloud Property Retrievals (Invited)
- The effect of future outdoor air pollution on human health and the contribution of climate change
- The sensitivity of boundary layer clouds to cloud controlling factors of their environment: Utilizing observations to understand nature and evaluate models (Invited)
- Thermodynamic and Geological Constraints to Climate-Driven Hydrate Dissociation Under Various Climate Change Scenarios
- Ultrascale Climate Data Visualization and Analysis Using UVCDAT and DV3D (Invited)
- Uncertainty Propagation and Quantification using Constrained Coupled Adaptive Forward-Inverse Schemes: Theory and Applications
- Uncertainty Quantification and Risk Mitigation of CO2 Leakage in Groundwater Aquifers
- Uncertainty Quantification of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in CCSM4
- Using models to keep ocean temperature observations honest
- Using radiocarbon to investigate soil respiration impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Volumetric Displacement Effects In Euler-Lagrange Simulations of Sediment-Laden Oscillatory Flows
- Vulnerability of Groundwater Recharge to Climate Change in an Alpine Basin (Martis Valley, California)
- Warming and extensive glacier recession at Southern Hemisphere middle latitudes during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Waveform prediction with travel time model LLNL-G3D assessed by Spectral-Element simulation
- Waves generated by Asteroid impacts and their effects on US shorelines
- What Will NuSTAR Observe from the Sun?
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Molybdenum to 900 GPa
- mb:Ms Screening Revisited for Large Events
- obs4MIPS: Satellite Datasets for Model Evaluation
- A Bayesian Method to Apply the Results of Multiple-Event Seismic Location to a Subsequent Event
- A General Uncertainty Quantification Methodology for Cloud Microphysical Property Retrievals
- A Transversely Isotropic Thermo-mechanical Framework for Oil Shale
- Aerosol Specification in Single-Column CAM5
- Age of Dissolved Organic Carbon across an Arctic Landscap
- An Improved Multi-Scale Modeling Framework for WRF over Complex Terrain
- An ancient slab visible from the transition zone to the deep mantle beneath the southern Indian Ocean
- Analysis of Pressure Data As CO2/Brine Leak Diagnostic in Shallow Aquifers
- Applying Bayesian Compressed Sensing (BCS) for sensitivity analysis ofclimate model outputs that depend on a high-dimensional input space
- Assessing Extreme Events for Anthropogenic Influence: Examples of Recent Cases for Australian Temperatures, U.S. Precipitation, and Hurricane Sandy
- Atmosphere-based estimates of non-CO<SUB>2</SUB> greenhouse gas emissions for the U.S. derived from <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> during 2009-2012.
- Bayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by use of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Boron Isotopic Tracers
- CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface
- Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR
- Comparative study of large scale simulation of underground explosions inalluvium and in fractured granite using stochastic characterization
- Constraining Mantle Heterogeneities with Joint Inversions of Seismic, Geodynamic, and Mineral Physics Data
- Correlation Between Retrieved Land Surface Temperature from Landsat and in-Situ Measurements for Geothermal Mapping in Taiwan
- Deep-water carbonate ion shifts during the last glacial termination in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
- Deformation at Brady Hot Springs (Nevada) geothermal field measured by time series analysis of InSAR data
- Department of Energy's Virtual Lab Infrastructure for Integrated Earth System Science Data
- Destruction and Re-Accretion of Mid-Size Moons During an Outer Solar System Late Heavy Bombardment
- Diel Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics of Elkhorn Slough Hypersaline Microbial Mat
- Distributed Computation Resources for Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF)
- Early results from the development of a miniature tunable diode laser gas cell for measuring CO<SUB>2</SUB> isotopologue fluxes in situ
- Ecological genomics of the newly discovered diazotrophic filamentous cyanobacterium ESFC-1
- Ecosystems Biology Approaches To Determine Key Fitness Traits of Soil Microorganisms
- Elucidating effects of atmospheric deposition and peat decomposition processes on mercury accumulation rates in a northern Minnesota peatland over last 10,000 cal years
- Equation of state and transport properties of silicates under extreme conditions
- Evaluating the Representation of Low Clouds in CAM5 Based on ARM Observations from the Azores
- Evaluation of A Convective Cloud Microphysics Scheme in CAM5 under the CAPT Framework
- Examining the Vertical Structure of Clouds Systems in CAM5 Using Simulated Cloudsat Radar Reflectivities with Estimated Uncertainties from Precipitation Distribution
- Exotic behavior of matter in the deep interiors of exoplanets
- Formation of nocturnal low-level jets and structure of the nocturnal boundary layer in the Southern Great Plains
- Foundations of Soil Organic Matter Stabilization: Tracing the Influence of Mineralogy on the Initial Sorption of Root-Derived Carbon
- From the field to classrooms: Scientists and educators collaborating to develop K-12 lessons on arctic carbon cycling and climate change that align with Next Generation Science Standards, and informal outreach programs that bring authentic data to informal audiences.
- Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345; East Pacific Rise)
- Geostatistical Analysis of Tritium, <SUP>3</SUP>H/<SUP>3</SUP>He Age and Noble Gas Derived Parameters in California Groundwater
- Giving peeps to my props: Using 3D printing to shed new light on particle transport in fractured rock.
- High Resolution Models of Regional Phase Attenuation and Velocity Structure of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau and Zagros
- High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Projections using Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Ensembles in the North Pacific.
- IODP Expedition 345: Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration of Fast-Spreading EPR Lower Crust using O, Sr and Nd isotopics
- Image Analysis of Proppant Performance in Pressurized Fractures
- Impact Delivery of Water at the Moon and Mercury
- Impacts of elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on plant-microbial interactions
- Increasing the multiscale/multiphysics capability of CAM-SE using implicit time integration and GPU accelerators
- Intensified ENSO-Driven Precipitation Teleconnections in the Future
- Investigating Metallization in Shock-Compressed Alkali Halides
- Irreversible xenon insertion into a small-pore zeolite at moderate pressures and temperatures
- LLNL-G3D-JPS: Global-scale Joint Tomography of P and S Wave Speeds in the Crust and Mantle
- Laboratory investigations on hydrate formation and dissociation in sediments - analogies and differences to natural systems
- Lake Level Changes in the Mono Basin During the Last Deglacial Period
- Large Eddy Simulation of Wind Turbine Wake Dynamics in the Stable Boundary Layer Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Large-N Over the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I and Phase II Test Beds
- Large-Scale 3D Electromagnetic Modelling Using High-Order Finite-Element Method
- Light Elements in the Core: Constraints from Gallium Partitioning
- Locating the Origin of Scattered Waves By Simulating Time Reversal of the Seismic Wavefield
- Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: 'Omic and Isotope Based Measurements of Root C Transformations
- Melting of Iron Close to the Inner Core Boundary Pressure
- Microseismic Techniques for Detecting Induced Seismicity Hazard
- Molecular Mixtures of Relevance to Planetary Interiors
- Monitoring a pilot CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection experiment in a shallow aquifer using 3D cross-well electrical resistance tomography
- Multi-Fluid Geo-Energy Systems for Bulk and Thermal Energy Storage and Dispatchable Renewable and Low-Carbon Electricity
- NuSTAR's First Solar Observations: Search for Transient Brightenings / Nanoflares
- NuSTAR's first solar observations: Search for a high energy X-ray component to the "non-flaring" Sun
- Numerical Errors in Coupling Micro- and Macrophysics in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Numerical Simulations of Surface Topography Effects on Shallow Explosion Ground Motions with Applications to S-Wave Generation and North Korean Nuclear Tests
- Numerical Simulations of Underground Explosions: Effect of Joints Near the Source on Energy Coupling, Shear Motions and Gas Flow
- Objective Tuning of Model Parameters in CAM5 Across Different Spatial Resolutions
- Obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for CMIP6 Model Evaluation
- Observational Evaluation of Simulated Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- On the Attribution of Tropospheric Ozone Variability
- On the Nature of Cloud Property Errors in Contemporary Gcms: A Hindcast Approach
- Optical properties of superionic Water at 2 Mbar
- Particle sorting in Filter Porous Media and in Sediment Transport: A Numerical and Experimental Study
- Power Curve Modeling in Complex Terrain Using Statistical Models
- Quantifying Discharge to a Subalpine Stream Using Physical and Geochemical Methods
- Quantifying Isentropic Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (STE) of Ozone
- Re-Evaluating Sources of Inter-Model Spread in Climate Sensitivity
- Re-Visiting the 1739 Earthquake Ruptures in the Yinchuan Graben, Northern China
- Reexamination of Lunar Exospheric Dust Estimates Using Discrete Dipole Scattering Simulations
- Regional Attenuation of Southern Nevada Using Multiphase Inversion
- Regional Moment Tensor Source-Type Discrimination Sensitivity Analysis
- Response of Heterogeneous and Fractured Carbonate Samples to CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Brine Exposure
- Sedimentary geochemistry depicts 2700 years of regional climate and land use change in the Rieti Basin, Central Italy
- Seismic Characterization of EGS Reservoirs
- Seismic Methods of Identifying Explosions and Estimating Their Yield
- Seismic Simulations of the August 24, 2014 South Napa and Nearby Earthquakes to Investigate the Effects of Rupture Details and Three-Dimensional Structure on Ground Motions and Static Displacements
- Seismic and Geodynamic Constraints on Compositional Heterogeneity in the Lower Mantle: Implications for Deeply-Rooted Hot Upwellings Under the African and Pacific Plates
- Shallow cloud statistics over Tropical Western Pacific: CAM5 versus ARM Comparison
- Shortwave heating response to water vapor as a significant source of uncertainty in global hydrological sensitivity in CMIP5 models
- Sources of Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog: Preliminary 14C Results from the SPRUCE Site.
- Spall Effects on Infrasound Generation
- Spatially resolved chemical imaging of individual atmospheric particles using nanoscale imaging mass spectrometry: Insights into particle origin and chemistry
- Studying Microbial Mat Functioning Amidst "Unexpected Diversity": Methodological Approaches and Initial Results from Metatranscriptomes of Mats Over Diel cycles, iTags from Long Term Manipulations, and Biogeochemical Cycling in Simplified Microbial Mats Constructed from Cultures
- Summertime central U.S. warm bias examined in the short-term hindcasts
- Superionic water-ammonia mixtures
- Teleseismic detection and location with an array of arrays
- The Berkeley Instrumental Neutron Generator (BINGE) for <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- The Extracellular Matrix in Photosynthetic Mats: A Cyanobacterial Gingerbread House
- The Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System
- The Influence of Kinetic Growth Factors on the Clumped Isotope Composition of Calcite
- The Influence of Temperature, pH, and Growth Rate on the Stable Isotope Composition of Calcite
- The LITHO1.0 Model
- The Social Network of Tracer Variations and O(100) Uncertain Photochemical Parameters in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Three Key Processes Drive Marine Low-Cloud Cover Feedback
- Toward a Better Characterization of Aerosols, Clouds, and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Climate Modeling through Increasing Horizontal Resolution
- Towards a better understanding of shallow convection over land using ground-based observation and large-eddy simulation
- Transport Properties of Liquid Hydrogen from First-Principles Simulations
- Tritium and Stable Isotopes of Precipitation and Surface Water in California
- Tropical Pacific Forcing of Late-Holocene Hydrologic Variability in the Coastal Southwest United States
- Two-Dimensional Imaging Velocimetry of Heterogeneous Flow and Brittle Failure in Diamond
- Ultrascale Climate Data Visualization and Analysis Using DV3D and UVCDAT.
- Uranium Biomineralization by Caulobacter crescentus
- Use of a Regionally-Refined Model for Simulations of North American Climate
- Use of a Stochastic Joint Inversion Modeling Algorithm to Develop a Hydrothermal Flow Model at a Geothermal Prospect
- Virtual Seismometer and Adjoint Methods for Induced Seismicity Monitoring
- Visualizing the Stability of Char: Molecular- to Micron-scale Observations of Char Incubated in a Tropical Soil
- Waves Generated by Asteroid Impacts and Their Hazard Consequences on The Shorelines
- Where to Look for Recent Decadal Ocean Temperature and Salinity Changes: a CMIP Model Density Analysis.
- Wind turbine parameterizations implemented in WRF mesoscale-LES nested simulations
- "Supergreen" Renewables: Integration of Mineral Weathering Into Renewable Energy Production for Air CO<SUB>2</SUB> Removal and Storage as Ocean Alkalinity
- <em>In Situ</em> X-ray Diffraction of Forsterite Under Shock Compression to 52 GPa: Time Resolved Observation of Changes in Crystal Structure and Phase
- A Framework for Real-Time Collection, Analysis, and Classification of Ubiquitous Infrasound Data
- A Multi-omics Approach to Understand the Microbial Transformation of Lignocellulosic Materials in the Digestive System of the Wood-Feeding Beetle <em>Odontotaenius disjunctus </em>
- A WPS Based Architecture for Climate Data Analytic Services (CDAS) at NASA
- A trait based dynamic energy budget approach to explore emergent microalgal community structure
- Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion to Characterize Near-surface Chemical Explosions
- An Integrated Approach to Predicting Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity in Carbonate Reservoirs
- An ancient slab visible from the transition zone to the deep mantle beneath the southern Indian Ocean
- An observational radiative constraint on hydrologic cycle intensification
- Analysis of the Source Physics Experiment SPE4 Prime Using State-Of Parallel Numerical Tools.
- Application of ARM Cloud Radar Simulator to GCMs: Plan, Issues, and Preliminary Results
- Applications of Reduced Order Models for Groundwater Impacts Due to Leaking Brine or Carbon Dioxide
- Attenuation and Transport Mechanisms of Depleted Uranium in Groundwater at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site 300
- Ba/Ca Ratios in North Pacific Bamboo Corals Record Changes in Intermediate Water Biogeochemistry
- Bacterial Cell Surface Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements
- BayesMT: Bayesian Inference for the Seismic Moment Tensor Using Regional and Teleseismic-P Waveforms with First-motion Data and a Calibrated Prior Distribution of Velocity Models
- Bayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by Use of Elemental and Isotopic Tracers
- Benthic Records of Seawater Carbonate Ion and Temperature for the Past 30,000 Years in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
- CAM5 Climate Model Calibration Across Multiple Spatial Resolutions
- CAUSES: Clouds Above the United States and Errors at the Surface
- Calibrated Multiple Event Relocations of the Central and Eastern United States
- Calibrating NMR measured porosity/permeability relationships using µXRCT measurements
- Can large scale sea ice cover changes affect precipitation patterns over California?
- Cavity Radius Scaling for Chemical Explosions in Granite
- Challenges for high-resolution simulations of atmospheric flow over complex terrain
- Characterizing Microseismicity at the Newberry Volcano Geothermal Site using PageRank
- Climatic and Societal Causes for Abrupt Environmental Change in the Mediterranean During the Common Era
- Clouds and Precipitation Simulated by the US DOE Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME)
- Collisional Disruption of Gravity Dominated Bodies: New Data and Scaling
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Comparison of Measured and WRF-LES Turbulence Statistics in a Real Convective Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain
- Comparison of soil microbial respiration and carbon turnover under perennial and annual biofuel crops in two agricultural soils
- Competitive influences on droughts: present and future
- Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be Chronologies of Moraines and Glacially Scoured Bedrock in the Teton Range, with Implications for Paleoclimatic Events and Tectonic Activity
- Coupling stress and reactive transport in fractures: Effects on contacting asperities, permeability and stiffness
- Developing Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Development of Large-Scale Forcing Data for GoAmazon2014/5 Cloud Modeling Studies
- Development of heterogeneity in proppant distribution due to engineered and natural processes during hydraulic fracturing
- Do foliar endophytic bacteria fix nitrogen?
- Don't Count on It: Reasons to Doubt a Strong Negative Cloud Feedback
- Dual Label Stable Isotope Incubations Followed By Single Cell Nanosims Analyses To Investigate Microscale Phototroph-Heterotroph Interactions
- Effect of Silicon Alloying on the Structure of Exoplanetary Cores
- Effects of Light Stress on Extracellular Cycling in a Cyanobacterial Biofilm Community
- Estimating the Buoyancy Field for Earth's Mantle Using Seismic and Mineralogical Models
- Evaluating the global water cycle at high-resolution in the ACME climate model
- Evaluating the information content of multiple groundwater age tracers in projecting nitrate vulnerability
- Evaluation of cloud resolving model simulations of midlatitude cirrus with ARM and A-Train observations
- Extending Climate Analytics-As to the Earth System Grid Federation
- Filling a capability and decision support gap between weather and seasonal forecasts: The role of USCLIVAR and initiating efforts of its MJO Working Group
- Finite-Difference Modeling of Seismic Wave Scattering in 3D Heterogeneous Media: Generation of Tangential Motion from an Explosion Source
- Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean.
- Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Integrated Field Exercise 2014
- Geospatially Analyzed Groundwater Residence Time as a Tool for Sustainable Groundwater Management
- Global climate impacts of fixing the Southern Ocean shortwave radiation bias in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Groundwater monitoring of hydraulic fracturing in California: Recommendations for permit-required monitoring
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O content of nominally anhydrous mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Udachnaya kimberlite
- High Resolution DNA Stable Isotope Probing Reveals that Root Exudate Addition to Soil Changes the Identity of the Microbes that Degrade Cellulose but not the Rate of Degradation
- High Resolution Regional Attenuation for the Source Physics Experiment Using Multiphase Inversion
- Holocene Carbon Accumulation Rates in the SPRUCE Bog Prior to Warming and Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Treatment
- Holocene Fluctuations of North Ice Cap, a Proxy for Climate Conditions along the Northwestern Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- How Unique is Any Given Seismogram? - Exploring Correlation Methods to Identify Explosions
- Hydro-Period Influence on Kettle Hole Biogeochemistry in NE Germany
- Ice-Free Greenland during the Mid-Pleistocene
- Identifying Components of Groundwater Flow, Flux, and Storage in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, California
- Impact of Thermal Stresses on Wellbore Integrity during CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection
- Impact of double porosity flow on hydrologically driven failure of a hillside slope
- Impacts of Marine Ecodynamics on the Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Production
- Impacts of ocean albedo alteration on Arctic sea ice restoration and Northern Hemisphere climate
- Implicit Time Stepping and Preconditioning for Atmospheric Dynamics in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Improved In-Water Explosion Detection by Hydrophone Triads and T-phase Stations
- Improving Throughput of the ACME Climate Model by Parallel Splitting Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics
- Infrasound Waveform Inversion and Mass Flux Validation from Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Integrated Geophysical Analysis at a Legacy Test Site
- Integration and Exposure of Large Scale Computational Resources Across the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF)
- Into the Deep: Variability in Soil Microbial Communities and Carbon Turnover Along a Tropical Forest Soil Depth Profile
- Iron reduction and carbon dynamics during redox fluctuations in soil slurries from Luquillo CZO (Puerto Rico)
- Large-N Seismic Deployment at the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Site
- Late glacial and Holocene history of the Greenland Ice Sheet margin, Nunatarssuaq, Northwestern Greenland
- Long-period Seismicity at the Napoleonville Salt Dome: Implications for Local Seismic Monitoring of Underground Hydrocarbon Storage Caverns
- Looking inside the microseismic cloud using seismic interferometry
- Low Clouds over the Western Pacific Ocean in ARM Observations and CAM5 Simulations
- Low cloud cover trend during the last three decades
- Making Reanalysis Intercomparison Easy: Using the New Collaborative REAnalysis Technical Environment (CREATE) to Wrangle Reanalysis Data
- Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
- Measurements and Modeling of Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>) from the Lower Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere and Implications for Use as a Tracer of Large-scale Atmospheric Transport and Stratospheric Residence Times
- Measuring the Impact of Rising CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> on the Surface Energy Balance
- Mixed-phase cloud physics and Southern Ocean cloud feedback in climate models
- Modeling Hydraulic Fracture Induced Microseismicity in Rock
- Modeling of Hydraulic Hractures with Poromechanical Coupling Using an Assumed Enhanced Strain Method
- Modern Measurements of Uranium Decay Rates
- Moment Rate Spectra using 2-D Path Correction
- Moment Tensor Analysis of Shallow Sources
- NWA 7034 Martian breccia: Ar/Ar ages of ca. 1.2 to 1.4 Ga
- New Hydrogen Self Diffusion Coefficients in Olivine Using NanoSIMS
- New constraints on the deglaciation chronology of the southeastern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- NuSTAR X-ray observations of small flares and non-flaring active regions
- Numerical Investigation of the Consequences of Land Impacts, Water Impacts, or Air Bursts of Asteroids
- Numerical investigation of the seismo-acoustic responses of the Source Physics Experiment underground explosions
- Observational Constraints on Mixed-Phase Clouds Imply Higher Climate Sensitivity
- On a Spurious Cloud/PBL Oscillation in CAM5 CAPT Simulations with CLUBB and MG2 Scheme
- Optimal Management of Geothermal Heat Extraction
- Parallelizing Climate Data Management System, version 3 (CDMS3)
- Phase Velocity and Full-Waveform Analysis of Co-located Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Channels and Geophone Sensor
- Plant-Microbial Interactions Define Potential Mechanisms of Organic Matter Priming in the Rhizosphere
- Positive dust and low cloud feedbacks help to generate tropical north atlantic Multidecadal variability
- Production of Excess CO<SUB>2</SUB> relative to methane in peatlands: a new H<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Progress Toward Measuring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopologue Fluxes <em>in situ</em> with the LLNL Miniature, Laser-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sensor
- Quantifying the effect of parameter uncertainties on the simulation of drought in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Ramp Compression of Copper and a Pressure Standard to 450 GPa
- Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2-induced Porosity and Permeability Changes in Heterogeneous Carbonate Rocks
- Recreating the Deep Interior Conditions of Gas Giants in the Laboratory: Phase Separation in Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at Jovian Planet Conditions
- Reflectivities of Four Shock-Compressed Alkali Halides
- Regional Evaluation of Groundwater Age Distributions Using Lumped Parameter Models with Large, Sparse Datasets: Example from the Central Valley, California, USA
- Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA
- Rigorous Approach in Investigation of Seismic Structure and Source Characteristicsin Northeast Asia: Hierarchical and Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion
- Scaled Tests and Simulation of Triboelectric Charging and Arc Discharge in an Expanding Dust Plume
- Searching for the Hydrogen Plasma Phase Transition on the National Ignition Facility
- Seismic Characterization of the Newberry and Cooper Basin EGS Sites
- Seismic Ground Motion and Boulder Formation Along the Margins of the Dead Sea Fault System, Southern Israel
- Seismic Imaging of Open Subsurface Fractures
- Shock Melting of Forsterite by In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction
- Significance of the cosmogenic argon correction in deciphering the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of the Nakhlite (Martian) meteorites
- Sound Speed of Liquid Iron Along the Outer Core Isentrope: New Pre-heated Ramp Compression Experiments
- Sources and Residence Times of Groundwater in Shasta County, CA Determined by Isotopic Tracers
- Sources of Below-Ground Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog and the Influence of Heating Manipulations.
- Synthesis of Xenon and Iron/Nickel Intermetallic Compounds Under the Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Core.
- Targeting Unknowns Just Underfoot: Microbial Ecology and Community Genomics of C Cycling in Soil Informed and Enabled with DNA-SIP
- Testing the SH1D Assumption for Geotechnical Site and Basin Response Using 3D Finite Difference Modeling
- The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
- The Efficacy and Potential of Renewable Energy from Carbon Dioxide that is Sequestered in Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Resources
- The Ophidia Stack: Toward Large Scale, Big Data Analytics Experiments for Climate Change
- The Role of Atmospheric Measurements in Wind Power Statistical Models
- The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System
- The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production
- The Use of Phytochemicals to Effectively Produce Biofuel from Rhizophora mangle
- Time-Dependent Deformation at Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Field (Nevada) Measured With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Modeled with Multiple Working Hypotheses of Coupled Behavior
- Total Human-Caused Global Ocean Heat Uptake Nearly Doubles During Recent Surface Warming Hiatus
- UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models
- Understanding Spatial Variabilities in Clouds, Precipitation, Land/Surface Properties at the Southern Great Plains at Different Time Scales
- Understanding the Physical Causes of Surface Wave Amplitude Variations across Eastern Asia through Seismic Waveform Simulation
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Using ARM Observations to Evaluate Model Predictions of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Using Observations and Climate Models to Investigate Recent Variability in Upper Ocean Warming
- Using Passive Seismic Methods to Detect Underground Cavities
- Using short-term climate variability to infer equilibrium climate sensitivity
- Variability of Residence Time tracer Concentrations at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory during the California Drought
- Virtual Seismometers for Induced Seismicity Monitoring
- WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP
- WFIP2 - The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
- Who's on First? Part II: Bacterial and fungal colonization of fresh soil minerals
- Who's on first? Part I: Influence of plant growth on C association with fresh soil minerals
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- A Common Refractory Component in Pore-Water DOM From two Anaerobic Continental Margin Sediments With Contrasting POM Content and Composition
- A Novel Weighted Kernel PCA-Based Method for Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Simplified Method for the Collection and Analysis of a Cosmogenic Radioactive Age Tracer: Sodium-22
- A Trends Review of Geophysics Research in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- Accelerated rates of in situ microbial activity after permafrost collapse estimated from a porewater isotope model
- An ARM data-oriented diagnostics package to evaluate the climate model simulation
- An Assessment of the SST Simulation Using the Climate Forecast System Coupled to the SSiB Surface Model
- An Efficient Method Coupling Kernel Principal Component Analysis with Adjoint-Based Optimal Control and Its Goal-Oriented Extensions
- An Overview of P/S Methods of Discriminating Explosions from Earthquakes with Insights from the Source Physics Experiments
- Analysis of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Phase Data at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada, USA Using Prior Information
- Anisotropic Thermoplasticty and Strain Localization in Shale
- Application of a new NMR well logging porosity/permeability calibration to the Arbuckle injection zone of the Wellington CO<SUB>2</SUB> demonstration site
- Assessing the Robustness and Mechanisms of Cloud Responses to Poleward Jet Shifts in Observations and Models
- Asteroid-Generated Tsunami and Impact Risk
- BayesMT: Bayesian inference for the seismic moment tensor using regional and teleseismic-P waveforms with first-motion data and a calibrated prior distribution of velocity models
- Benchmarking Asteroid-Deflection Experiments
- Boundary Layer Controls on Shallow Cumulus Development at ARM-SGP
- Characterizing Extracellular Functions in Diverse N-fixing Cyanobacteria
- Characterizing the Influence of Plant Growth on Carbon Association with Fresh Soil Minerals
- Citizen Science Seismic Stations for Monitoring Regional and Local Events
- Climate Data Provenance Tracking for Just-In-Time Computation
- Competing for phosphors under changing redox conditions: biological versus geochemical sinks
- Connecting Taxon-Specific Microbial Activities to Carbon Cycling in the Rhizosphere
- Connecting polar research to NGSS STEM classroom lessons
- Constraining Belowground Carbon Turnover Times in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Insights Gained through Radiocarbon Analysis and Interpretation at AmeriFlux Network Sites
- Control vocabulary software designed for CMIP6
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Numerical Framework for Simulating Unconventional Formations
- Crystal structure of MgO along the shock Hugoniot
- Delineating Recharge Elevation and Constraining Residence Time of Groundwater on Mount Shasta
- Design of Seismic Networks for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Utilizing Pre-injection Fluid Flow, Seismicity and Ground Motion Modeling
- Detectability of Wellbore CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage using the Magnetotelluric Method
- Developing and Validating Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Development of a Triboelectric Charging Model In An Expanding Dust Plume
- Digging a Little Deeper: Microbial Communities, Molecular Composition and Soil Organic Matter Turnover along Tropical Forest Soil Depth Profiles
- Directing Traffic in the Rhizosphere: Using Isotopes and Imaging to Track Root-Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Soil
- Discrete fracture modeling of multiphase flow and hydrocarbon production in fractured shale or low permeability reservoirs
- Diurnal Cycle Climatology of Surface Layer and Boundary Layer Parameters in the Atmospheric Component of the GFDL Global Climate Model
- Earth Battery: An Approach for Reducing the Carbon and Water Intensity of Energy
- Earthquake Catalogue of the Caucasus
- Effects of Containment on Radionuclide Releases from Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Effects of Withania somnifera and Ginkgo biloba on Neural Regeneration using Planarian Model
- Efficiency and flexibility using implicit methods within atmosphere dycores
- Embedded Domain-Specific Language and Runtime System for Progressive Spatiotemporal Data Analysis and Visualization
- Evaluation of dry precipitation bias over the Amazon using Climate Model Short-Range Hindcasts
- Experimental evidence supports mantle partial melting in the asthenosphere
- Fate of Basin-forming Impact Debris from the Moon
- Fully Hydro-Mechanically Coupled Experiments and Simulations on Rough Fractures Subjected to High-Pressure Fluid Injection
- Glacier fluctuations in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda, during the Last Glacial Maximum and Termination 1
- Global Seismic Cross-Correlation Results: Characterizing Repeating Seismic Events
- Global-scale Joint Body and Surface Wave Tomography with Vertical Transverse Isotropy in the Crust and Mantle
- High Frequency Attenuation Modeling and Event Amplitude Estimation in the Southern Nevada Region
- High-pressure mineral phases of olivine (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4)</SUB> formed by pre-compression followed by laser-driven hypervelocity shock impact
- High-resolution shallow structure revealed with ambient noise tomography on a dense array
- How Redox Fluctuation Shapes Microbial Community Structure and Mineral-Organic Matter Relationships in a Humid Tropical Forest Soil
- How and why does the spatial pattern of sea surface warming affect the magnitude of cloud feedback?
- Identifying parasitic and saprotrophic interactions of freshwater chytrids with a microalga
- Imaging CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoirs using muons borehole detectors
- Imaging Fractures Through Relative Velocity Change Using Ambient Seismic Noise And Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): A SUBTER Pilot Study At Blue Canyon Dome, Socorro NM
- Imaging an Explosion with a 1000 Sensors: The SPE Large N Array
- Impact of interactive A/O feedback on Multi-decadal Variability of East Asian and West African Summer Monsoon in the CFSv2 Simulation
- Impacts of ENSO, global warming and vegetation on future droughts
- Implicit-Explicit Time Integration Methods for Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Models
- Improved Carbon Flux Observations over Urban Areas Using Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) to Differentiate Contributions from Biosphere
- Increasing a Community's Knowledge about Drought, Watershed Ecosystems, and Water Quality Through Educational Activities Added to Coastal Cleanup Day Events
- Information Criterion Comparison of Two Deep Convection Ensembles in the ACME Climate Model
- Integrated Blowoff and Breakup Calculations for Asteroid Deflection by Nuclear Ablation
- Interannual Variability of the Annual Cycle of Monsoon Rainfall and Projections of Future Climate
- Interlinkages between Carbon and Water Residence Times in Peat
- Investigating H (hydrogen) self-diffusion in olivine and upper mantle electrical conductivity
- Investigating the Scale Dependence of SCM Simulated Clouds by Using Gridded Forcing Data at SGP
- Joint Bayesian inference for near-surface explosion yield
- Large-eddy simulations of daytime shallow cumulus over Southern Great Plains site: Influence of land surface heterogeneity and atmospheric conditions.
- Lessons Learned from Near Field Modeling and Data Collected at the SPE Chemical Explosions in Jointed Rock Masses
- Life in Ice: Microbial Growth Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Production During Winter in a Thermokarst Bog Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing Targeted Metagenomics
- Locating S-wave sources for the SPE-5 explosion using time reversal methods and a close-in, 1000 sensor network
- Low Cloud Feedback Amplifies Tropical North Atlantic Mutidecadal Oscillation: Observations, Model and Consequences
- Metatranscriptomic analysis of marine Thaumarchaea suggests intra-phylum variability in in situ heterotrophic carbon and nitrogen metabolim
- Microseismic Event Grouping Based on PageRank Linkage at the Newberry Volcano Geothermal Site
- Mitigating Induced Seismicity Through Active Pressure Management in Numerical Simulations
- Modeling Anisotropic Elastic Wave Propagation in Jointed Rock Masses
- Modeling Elastic Wave Propagation from an Underground Chemical Explosion Using Higher Order Finite Difference Approximation: Theory, Validation and Application to SPE
- Modeling the Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation performed for Reservoir Permeability Enhancement at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland
- Multi-Phenomenological Analysis of the 12 August 2015 Tianjin, China Chemical Explosion
- Near-Field to Far-Field Uncertainty Propagation and Quantification of Ground Motions Generated by the Source Physics Experiments (SPE)
- Next-Generation Climate Modeling Science Challenges for Simulation, Workflow and Analysis Systems
- Nitrate Isotopic Composition and Ancillary Variables (Land Use, Redox, Excess N<SUB>2</SUB>, Age, Water Isotopics) in California Groundwater : The GAMA Database
- Non-spherical surface wave amplitude radiation patterns identified from spectral ratios of the 2016 and 2013 DPRK nuclear tests
- Observed and Projected Changes to the Precipitation Annual Cycle
- Optimal distribution of borehole geophones for monitoring CO2-injection-induced seismicity
- Orbital and Sampling Strategies for Accurately Determining the Diurnal Cycle of Upper-Air Temperature Using a Constellation of Small Satellites
- Outsized impacts of hyporheic exchange on coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in river systems
- Overview and Preliminary Results from the PoroTomo project at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada: Poroelastic Tomography by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- Path-Specific Effects on Shear Motion Generation Using LargeN Array Waveform Data at the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Site
- Pleistocene glaciation controls the topography of the SW Pamir
- Progress on using deuteron-deuteron fusion generated neutrons for <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar sample irradiation
- Quantified Objectives for Assessing the Contribution of Low Clouds to Climate Sensitivity and Variability
- Rapid thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in coastal Maine, USA during late Heinrich Stadial 1
- Retreat of the Southwest Labrador Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet During the Last Termination
- Rg Wave Scattering from Collapse Craters in Yucca Flat, NV
- Roots Stimulate Expression of Decomposition Transcripts in the Soil Microbiome
- Seismic Characterization of the Blue Mountain Geothermal Site
- Seismic Interferometry at a Large, Dense Array: Capturing the Wavefield at the Source Physics Experiment
- Seismo-Acoustic Numerical Investigation of Land Impacts, Water Impacts, or Air Bursts of Asteroids
- Shallow-to-Deep Convection Transition over Land: Atmospheric and surface controls inferred from long-term ground-based observations
- Shock Melting of Iron Silicide as Determined by In Situ X-ray Diffraction.
- Shock Temperatures of Major Silicates in Rocky Planets
- Shock and Release Data on Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO4) Single Crystals
- Simulating boundary-layer effects of a wind turbine array using LES and RANS in convective and stable conditions
- Soil phosphorus redistribution among iron-bearing minerals under redox fluctuation
- Solving stochastic inverse elasticity problems via gradient-enhanced kernel PCA
- Source analysis of underground chemical explosions
- Spatial and Temporal Monitoring Resolutions for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Detection at Carbon Storage Sites
- Spatial variability in land-atmosphere coupling strength at the ARM Southern Great Plains site under different cloud regimes
- Spectroscopic Temperature and Emissivity Measurements of Iron and Quartz
- Statistical Surrogate Modeling of Atmospheric Dispersion Events Using Bayesian Adaptive Splines
- Study on the impact of hydrological components on the atmospheric condition over the Korean peninsula by the WRF-Hydro coupled model system
- Termination of an ancient intra-oceanic subduction zone against the eastern margin of Gondwana
- The CAUSES Model Intercomparison Project: Using hindcast approach to study the U.S. summertime surface warm temperature bias
- The Dependence of Cloud Property Trend Detection on Absolute Calibration Accuracy of Passive Satellite Sensors
- The Influence of Wavelength-Dependent Absorption and Temperature Gradients on Temperature Determination in Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cells
- The Simulation of Far-Field Ground Motions from Explosions in Rock with Fracture Anisotropy
- The Value of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Geothermal Bulk Energy Storage to Reducing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Compared to Conventional Bulk Energy Storage Technologies
- The amplitude effects of sedimentary basins on through-passing surface waves
- The effects of redox fluctuation on iron-organic matter interactions in wet tropical soils
- The physics underpinning the emergent constraints of climate sensitivity
- Topographic Shading in the WRF Model with the Immersed Boundary Method: Implementation, Validation, and Application to Complex Terrain
- Towards understanding and predicting the spurious `double ITCZ' problem in CMIP5 models
- Tracking the Path of Carbon from Plants to Rhizobiomes using Protein Stable Isotope Probing
- Tracking water through the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory using radioactive and stable isotopes
- UQ Analysis of the Double ITCZ Problem
- Using ARM Observations to Evaluate Climate Model Representation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Using ARM observations to identify deficiencies in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) simulations of marine boundary layer clouds
- Using SW4 for 3D Simulations of Earthquake Strong Ground Motions: Application to Near-Field Strong Motion, Building Response, Basin Edge Generated Waves and Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Are
- Using Satellite- and Ground-Based Simulators to Evaluate the US DOE Climate Model (ACME) Simulated Clouds
- Using an Integrated Hydrologic Model to Assess the Ecohydrological Impacts of Change on a Mountain Headwaters Critical Zone
- Using regional pore-fluid pressure response following the 3 Sep 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB>5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma earthquake to constrain far-field seismicity rate forecasts
- Utilization of Short-Simulations for Tuning High-Resolution Climate Model
- Vcs.js - Visualization Control System for the Web
- Vertical Distribution of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Free Troposphere and Stratosphere
- Virtual Seismometers for Induced Seismicity Monitoring and Full Moment Tensor Inversion
- Why Do Climate Models Drizzle Too Much and What Impact Does This Have
- Yield Estimation from Waveform Inversion of Regional Infrasound Signals
- kISMET: Stress and fracture characterization in a deep mine
- obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for Model Evaluation
- "Modeled and measured carbon cycling in Mojave Desert soils: toward present and projected greenhouse gas budgets for arid regions
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion supplemented by infrasound sensors on a tethered weather balloon at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- 8000 yr of vegetation reconstruction from the Great Basin (Nevada, USA): the contribution of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs.
- A New Metric for Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength: Applications on Observations and Modeling
- Absolute locations of the North Korean nuclear tests based on differential seismic travel times and InSAR
- Acoustic source mechanism for buried explosions: coupling to ground motions investigated by physics-based seismoacoustic simulation
- Addressing the Sustainability of Groundwater Extraction in California Using Hydrochronology
- Advancements to Visualization Control System (VCS, part of UV-CDAT), a Visualization Package Designed for Climate Scientists
- Amino acid stable isotope applications to deep-sea corals: A molecular geochemistry approach to reconstructing past ocean conditions
- Analysis of the Seismic Events Apparently Associated with the 3 September 2017 DPRK Declared Nuclear Explosion
- Anoxic conditions drive phosphorus limitation in humid tropical forest soil microorganisms
- Are Geotehrmal Reservoirs Stressed Out?
- Assessing Uncertainty in Deep Learning Techniques that Identify Atmospheric Rivers in Climate Simulations
- Attenuation Model Using the Large-N Array from the Source Physics Experiment
- Basic to Advanced InSAR Processing: GMTSAR
- Calibrating multiple isotopic proxies in a modern aragonite speleothem from northeast India
- Characterization of Material Properties at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada by Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- Characterizing Volumetric Strain at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada, USA Using Geodetic Data, Numerical Models, and Prior Information
- ClimateNet: A Machine Learning dataset for Climate Science Research
- Comparing Budget-based and Tracer-based Residence Times in Butte Basin, California
- Decadal changes in peat carbon accrual rates in bogs in Northern Minnesota
- Dimensional Representation and Gradient Boosting for Seismic Event Classification
- Effect of Emplacement Material Properties on Chemical Explosion Spectra - Preliminary Analysis Using Synthetic Waveforms Near Elastic Radii
- Enhanced Exoplanet Biosignature from an Interferometer Addition to Low Resolution Spectrographs
- Equation of state and shock compression of carbon-hydrogen and other ablator materials
- Exploring the Nonhydrostatic Threshold with Multiscale Dynamical Core Tests in ACME
- Explosion Generated Seismic Waves and P/S Methods of Discrimination from Earthquakes with Insights from the Nevada Source Physics Experiments
- Explosion Monitoring with Machine Learning: A LSTM Approach to Seismic Event Discrimination
- Explosion localization and characterization via infrasound using numerical modeling
- Externally forced patterns of multidecadal cloud change in observations and models
- Fast Eigensolver for Computing 3D Earth's Normal Modes
- Fire Effects on Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest: Movement of Fire-Altered Organic Matter Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface Following the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fire of 2016
- Forsterite Shock Temperatures and Entropy: New Scaling Laws for Impact Melting and Vaporization
- Framework for Detection and Localization of Extreme Climate Event with Pixel Recursive Super Resolution
- From the seismic cycle to long-term deformation: linking seismic coupling and Quaternary coastal geomorphology along the Andean megathrust
- Hazard-to-Risk: High-Performance Computing Simulations of Large Earthquake Ground Motions and Building Damage in the Near-Fault Region
- Headwater Catchments to Mountain Range River Runoff: Utilizing Differences in Precipitation and Snowmelt Signatures to Understand Catchment Scale Links Among ET/Storage/Runoff and Major River Sources in the Sierra Nevada
- High-pressure phase transition in silicon carbide under shock loading using ultrafast x-ray diffraction
- INSAR observations of the DPRK event series
- Identifying the role of plant-microbial interactions in driving Arctic carbon cycle changes using a 13C isotope tracer
- Impact of Land Use Land Cover Change on East Asian monsoon
- Improved Overpressure Recording and Modeling for Near-Surface Explosion Forensics
- Improved interpretation of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) fiber optic data in stimulated wells using seismic attributes
- Improvements and Lingering Challenges with Modeling Low-Level Winds Over Complex Terrain during the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2
- Improvements to the Weather Research and Forecasting Model for Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling and High-resolution Simulations over Complex Terrain
- Inferring the source of evaporated waters using stable H and O isotopes
- Interactive Scripting for Analysis and Visualization of Arbitrarily Large, Disparately Located Climate Data Ensembles Using a Progressive Runtime Server
- Interpreting the GyPSuM Tomography Model in Terms of Thermal Heterogeneity and Major Oxide Composition
- Investigating Unsaturated Zone Travel Times with Tritium and Stable Isotopes
- Investigation of tropical diurnal convection biases in a climate model using TWP-ICE observations and convection-permitting simulations
- Is Convection Sensitive to Model Vertical Resolution and Why?
- Large temporal scale and capacity subsurface bulk energy storage with CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Large-scale, high-performance and cloud-enabled multi-model analytics experiments in the context of the Earth System Grid Federation
- Leveraging Mechanism Simplicity and Strategic Averaging to Identify Signals from Highly Heterogeneous Spatial and Temporal Ozone Data
- Low cloud feedback from A-Train sensors using the observation-based cloud radiative kernels
- Measurements of the Canonical Helicity Evolution of a Gyrating Kinked Flux Rope
- Meso- to micro-scale coupled simulations of flow over complex terrain at the Perdigao site
- Microseismic Event Relocation and Focal Mechanism Estimation Based on PageRank Linkage
- Modeling Explosion Induced Aftershocks
- Modeling Spark Discharges in Dusty Supersonic Flow
- Modeling borehole microseismic and strain signals measured by a distributed fiber optic sensor
- Moment tensor analysis of the 3 September 2017 DPRK announced nuclear explosion and collapse aftershock
- NCAR CESM2 release of CAM-SE: A reformulation of the spectral-element dynamical core in dry-mass vertical coordinates with comprehensive treatment of condensates and energy
- Negative Emissions: Where Will the Carbon Come From?
- New Applications of Cosmogenic Radioactive Isotopes to Study Water Travel Times
- Numerical investigation and Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of the geological and geomechanical properties on the seismo-acoustic responses of underground chemical explosions
- Obs4MIPS: Satellite Observations for Model Evaluation
- Optimizing Fukushima Emissions Through Pattern Matching and Genetic Algorithms
- P and S wave Coda Calibration in Central Asia and South Korea
- Performance of the Cell Perturbation Method over Complex Terrain
- Permeability Changes Observed in the Arbuckle Group Coincident with Nearby Earthquake Occurrence
- Predicting Atmospheric Releases from the September 3, 2017 North Korean Event
- Quantifying measurement uncertainty and spatial variability in the context of model evaluation
- Rare Earth Element Recovery from Low-Grade Feedstocks Using Engineered E. coli
- Residence Times in Central Valley Aquifers Recharged by Dammed Rivers
- Rollback of an intraoceanic subduction system and termination against a continental margin
- Seismic Characterization of the Blue Mountain Geothermal Site
- Seismic Data Analysis throught Multi-Class Classification.
- Seismic Imaging of the Source Physics Experiment Site with the Large-N Seismic Array
- Seismic Wave Propagation from Underground Chemical Explosions: Sensitivity to Velocity and Thickness of a Weathered Layer
- Seismo-Acoustic Numerical Investigation of Land Impacts, Water Impacts, or Air Bursts of Asteroids
- Semi-supervised tracking of extreme weather events in global spatio-temporal climate datasets
- Sensitivity of a Bayesian atmospheric-transport inversion model to spatio-temporal sensor resolution applied to the 2006 North Korean nuclear test
- Shallow to Deep Convection Transition over a Heterogeneous Land Surface Using the Land Model Coupled Large-Eddy Simulation
- Simulation of Local Seismic Ground Motions from the FLASK Underground Nuclear Explosion near the Source Physics Experiment Dry Alluvium Geology Site
- Source characterization of underground explosions from hydrodynamic-to-elastic coupling simulations
- Source-Type Inversion of the September 03, 2017 DPRK Nuclear Test
- Teleseismic and regional data analysis for estimating depth, mechanism and rupture process of the 3 April 2017 M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.5 Botswana earthquake and its aftershock (5 April 2017, M<SUB>W</SUB> 4.5)
- The Effects of Fracture Anisotropy on the Damage Pattern and Seismic Radiation from a Chemical Explosion in a Granite Quarry
- The Linear Mixing Approximation for Planetary Ices
- The Sensitivity of Joint Inversions of Seismic and Geodynamic Data to Mantle Viscosity
- The principal Hugoniot of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> to 950 GPa
- Tropical African Glacier Fluctuations During Termination 1
- Tropical forest response to a drier future: Measurement and modeling of soil organic matter stocks and turnover
- Uncertainties of Large-Scale Forcing Caused by Surface Turbulence Flux Measurements and the Impacts on Cloud Simulations at the ARM SGP Site
- Understanding Laterally Varying Path Effects on P/S Ratios and their Effectiveness for Event Discrimination at Local Distances
- Understanding intermodel spread in the lapse rate feedback
- Using Cross-Correlation Methods to Characterize Earthquakes Associated with the Socorro Magma Body
- Using Seismic Interferometry to Investigate Seismic Swarms
- Validating predictions of evolving porosity and permeability in carbonate reservoir rocks exposed to CO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine
- Validation of ACME simulated clouds and their sensitivity to model resolution with satellite and ground-based simulators
- Water Storage, Mixing and Transit Times During a Multiyear Drought.
- Why Is There an Abrupt Transition from Solid Rock to Low Crystallinity Magma in Drilled Magma Bodies?
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- A Hindcast Approach to Understanding the Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue Bias in CESM1
- A Rayleigh-Ritz based approach to determining 3-D normal modes in the presence of an essential spectrum in planets
- A comprehensive risk assessment of asteroid-generated water waves on the US coastlines
- A continuous 13.3-ka record of seismogenic dust events in lacustrine sediments in the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Acoustic point-source representation for vertical ground motions induced by buried explosions
- Addressing the massive CMIP6 data science challenge through the ESGF global federation
- Alleviating low cloud problem in climate and weather forecast models by adaptive vertical grid enhancement
- Antibacterial clays: From ancient uses to modern medicine
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Pressure Monitoring for Detection of Brine and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage
- Assessment of Leakage Risk from Legacy Wells
- Assessment of Two-phase Flow on the Chemical Alteration and Sealing of Leakage Pathways in Cemented Wellbores
- Bayesian Models of Macroscale State Variable Scaling and Correlation in Multiphase Flow through Porous Media
- Benchmarking Asteroid-Deflection Simulations: Basalt Spheres
- Building a Synthetic Training Dataset for Distributed Acoustic Sensor Measurements through Geomechanical Modeling
- Building a better model for self-organized snow : lessons from a computer/geo-science collaboration
- Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Ancestral Rubisco in Cells
- Carbonyl sulfide and physiological measurements provide joint constraints on ecosystem-scale photosynthesis: Insights from an old-growth forest.
- Characterization of an Enhanced Geothermal System Using Bayesian Evidential Learning
- ClimateNet: bringing the power of Deep Learning to the climate community via open datasets and architectures
- Climatological constraint on tropical relative humidity changes
- Community Data Management Systems for CMIP6
- Constraining the timing and rate of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet thinning during the last deglaciation with cosmogenic nuclide dipsticks
- Continental Active Surface-forced Shallow cumulus (CASS) - E3SMV1 Single Column Model Simulation
- Data Challenge: Machine Learning for Earthquake Detection and Rupture Timing
- Deep Learning recognizes weather and climate patterns
- Dissociation of liquid silica at extreme conditions: Evidence from first principles
- Dynamic Ramp Compression of SnO<SUB>2</SUB>: Implications for Structural Systematics of Dioxides at Ultrahigh Pressures
- Earth Battery: Storing Excess Electricity and Heat for Dispatching Low-Carbon Electricity
- Electrical characterization of methane hydrate with coexisting brine
- Estimating near-surface explosion yield and its uncertainty using regional seismic envelopes
- Evaluating a Fracturing Criterion Applicable to Both Magma Intrusion and Hydraulic Fracturing across Stress and Stiffness Contrasts
- Evaluation and Investigation of E3SMv1 Simulations of Clouds and Radiation Over the Southern Polar Region
- Evaluation of EAMv1-Simulated Clouds with Satellite and Ground-based Simulators
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Experimental and Numerical studies of DAG-1 and DAG-2 Source Physics Experiments
- Extrapolating Catchment Scale Processes from Stable Isotopes Across a Mountain Range
- Far-field Wave Propagation Modeling for the Dry Alluvium Geology Experiment
- Forced changes in temperature and precipitation and their influences on global changes in vegetation distributions or aridity
- Gas Migration Experiments and Hydrologic Effects of Explosions in Fractured Granite
- Heterogeneity in warm-season land-atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- High-Resolution Modeling using E3SM
- Hydrochronology and storage selection of a headwater catchment and major rivers in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Impact of land surface properties on the surface air temperature simulations over the central United States
- Impacts of Fresh Litter Inputs on Microbially Mediated C Fluxes Across an Arctic Permafrost Thaw Gradient
- Improved Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in the E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 (EAMv1) with a Modified Convective Triggering Mechanism
- Improvements of Nocturnal Convection Events with a Modified Convective Triggering Mechanism for Climate Models
- Insights Into Modeling Earth's Water Cycle From Superparameterized-E3SM Simulations
- Into the Deep: Interactions Between Plant Roots, Microbial Ecophysiology, and Soil Minerals shape the fate and persistence of deep soil carbon
- Investigating the Effectiveness of P/S Amplitude Ratios for Event Discriminant at Local Distances
- Investigations in Stimulating Crystalline Rock: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
- Laboratory-scale observations of geochemical and hydrologic fracture response at sustained geothermal flow conditions
- Low-cloud feedback in CAM5-CLUBB: physical mechanisms and parameter sensitivity analysis
- Machine Learning for Emulation of Seismic-Phase Travel Times in 3-D Earth Mmodels
- Magnetic suppression of zonal flows on a beta plane
- Microbial N assimilation: the forgotten process in the soil N cycle
- Microseismic Event Characterization Based on PageRank Linkage
- Microseismic monitoring of meso-scale stimulations for the DOE EGS Collab project at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Modeling Volcanic Shocktube Lightning
- Monte Carlo Simulations for use in 4D Muon Tomography Reconstruction Techniques
- Multi-tracer characterization of Wildcat Creek in the Berkeley Hills, California
- Neo-tropical forest response to a drier future: a synthesis of measurements and modeling of soil carbon stocks and turnover
- Neptune's core pressures in the palm of your hand: The toroidal diamond anvil cell
- New Inferences of Mantle Composition in Terms of Three End-member Mixing via Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of the GyPSuM Tomography Model
- New OpenGL Rendering in VCS
- Numerical Investigation of Conjugate Flow, Heat and Chemical Transport Processes in Underground Cavities Partially Filled with Molten Rock
- Obs4MIPS: An International Collection of Gridded Observations for Model Evaluation
- Observation-based metrics for evaluating typical precipitation across generations of CMIP
- Observing Changes in Fluid Pressure at the Brady Geothermal Field using Seismic Interferometry
- Overview of Results and Lessons Learned from the PoroTomo project at Brady Hot Springs, Nevada: Poroelastic Tomography by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Seismology, Geodesy, and Hydrology
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- PVGeo: an open-source Python package for geoscientific visualization in VTK and ParaView
- Paradigm Gaps: The Hidden Hindrance to Communicating with Policymakers
- Parametric sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in the version 1 of E3SM Atmosphere Model based on short Perturbed Parameters Ensemble simulations
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution Coupled Simulation using E3SM
- Prospects and Pitfalls in Calibrating Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Geothermometers from Metamorphic Rocks: Insights from Mt. Moosilauke
- Quantifying the Agreement Between Observed and Simulated Extratropical Modes of Interannual Variability
- Quantitative Microbiomics: New Frontiers Q-Stable Isotope Probing Is Enabling for Soil Microbial Ecology
- Recovery from Acid Deposition Increases Streamwater Carbon Export Potential in a Silicate-Treated Forested Watershed
- Response of Shallow Cumulus to Land Surface Using a Coupled Large Eddy Simulation with the Simplified Land Model
- Review of rates, capacities and costs of carbon mineralization in peridotite
- Satellite Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide Constrain Model Estimates of Tropical Carbon Uptake
- Seismic to Electric Conversion: a Tool for Subsurface Characterization
- Sensitivity of a Bayesian source-term estimation model to spatiotemporal sensor resolution
- Should we Trust Emergent Constraints?
- Site Characterization at the Source Physics Experiment Site Using Large-N Arrays
- Stable rate of slip along the Karakax Valley Fault from observation of inter-glacial and post-glacial offset morphology and surface dating
- Stationary Wave Mediated Remote Control of Amazonian Rainfall by Andean Latent Heating: Implications for Chronic Zonal Dipole Rainfall Biases in CMIP5 Simulations over South America
- Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
- Studying Magnetospheric Collisionless Beam Instabilities and ULF Waves in the Laboratory
- Synthesizing Earth System Model Behavior: From Petabytes to Kilobytes
- Temperature Measurements of the MgO [111] Hugoniot using Streaked Optical Pyrometry
- Testing heterogeneous mixing between cloud liquid and ice in mixed-phase clouds using E3SM with short-term hindcast approach
- The "thermal chain" as a basic element of moist convective updraft structure
- The 2018 Dynamic Networks Data Processing and Analysis Experiment (DNE18)
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution
- The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Ocean Mean State biases and Historical Transient Variability.
- The Dragonfly Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (DraGNS): Elemental Composition Measurements on the Surface of Titan
- The Effects of Emplacement Media on Seismic Waves Generated by Explosions
- The First EGS Collab Testbed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility - Discrete Fracture Network Characterization
- The Holocene Glacier Advance and Retreat History of Steingletscher (Central Swiss Alps), inferred from in situ cosmogenic <SUP>14</SUP>C and <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- The Quest for MCS: Simulating, Detecting, and Analyzing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) and Contiguous United States Regions (CONUS) in Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Regionally Refined Model (RRM) configurations
- The cold shoulder: microbial carbon metabolism across an ancient permafrost chronosequence
- The global ocean warming from top to bottom
- The probabilistic structure of the geodynamo
- The regional water budget and land-atmosphere coupling for different convection regimes at the ARM SGP site: 10-yr ARM observations
- Thermal Expansion of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- Tracking and Predicting Extreme Climate Events
- Triggering mechanisms of aftershocks from explosions and earthquakes using physics-based simulations.
- Understanding large-scale controls of nighttime elevated convections over the Great Plains during PECAN field experiment
- Understanding the Effect of Rubble Pile Structures on Asteroid Deflection
- Understanding the nuclear emissions from metal bodies through experiment: Preparation for the Psyche Mission to a metal world
- Unlocking the Potential of Stable Isotopes to Constrain Thermal Histories: Early Steps Toward a Versatile Tool for Diffusion Chronometry Using Chemical-Isotopic Profiles in Zoned Minerals
- Using Combinatorial Optimization on Graph Networks to Compute Fluid Flow through Discrete Fracture Networks
- Using Cross-Correlation Methods to Characterize Earthquakes Associated with the Socorro Magma Body
- Using Machine Learning to Intelligently Select Members of Large Atmospheric Model Ensembles
- Using integrated, continental scale hydrologic simulation to unravel interconnections and feedbacks
- Variation in nitrogen fixation and foliar microbial communities driven by conifer host species and site fertility
- Waveform modeling of SPE chemical explosions and shallow earthquakes and its application to local distance P/S amplitude ratio
- What Can Microseismicity at the First EGS Collab Site Tell Us About the Subsurface Fracture Network?
- A Comparative Assessment of TKE Terms for Two Near-canonical Sites
- A Faster Super-Parameterized Model: Results From the New SP-E3SM
- A New Coda Calibration Tool for Reliable Moment Magnitudes (Mw)
- A New Convective Trigger for Better Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Weather and Climate Models: Observational Evidence and Modeling Results
- A New Framework for Microscopic to Reservoir-Scale Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing and Production: Testing with Comprehensive Data from the Hydraulic Fracturing Field Test in the Permian Basin
- A SCM intercomparison Study on Understanding Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Over Tropical and Midlatitude Lands
- A Sub-grid Reconstruction Approach for Improving Numerical Robustness and Physical Consistency of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- A framework for improved infrasound back-projection on local and regional scales
- A multi-element stable isotope approach to investigate sources and cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen
- A new metrics package for ENSO evaluation in CMIP models
- A physical basis for the high latitude lapse rate feedback
- Abiotic reduction-complexation reactions of iron with natural organic matter at circumneutral pH
- Adaptively Selecting Optimal Points for Quickly Modeling Atmospheric Ensembles
- Addressing "the magnitude problem" for small earthquakes: exploring the coda envelope technique for moment magnitude estimation in Oklahoma
- An Empirical Acoustic Source Model for Chemical Explosions in Air
- An Objective and Efficient Method for Assessing the Impact of Reduced-precision Calculations on Solution Correctness
- Analysis of hydraulic and thermal characteristics in a fracture network at the EGS Collab experiment through tracer and thermal modeling
- Analysis of the shallow-to-deep convection transition in GoAmazon observations
- Applying Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing to Metagenomic Sequencing of Rhizosphere-Associated Microbes
- Applying classic and modern techniques to characterize viruses in soils
- Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Transport a Significant Amount of Water to Host Plants
- Are fractured carbonate rocks an appropriate geological medium for nuclear waste disposal? Lessons from a field-scale transport experiment
- Benchmarking Quantitative Precipitation Forecast Using a Composite of Numerical Modeling and Deep Neural Networks
- Best Practices for Addressing Induced Seismicity Associated With Subsurface Injection
- Between States: The Microbial Ecology of Biogeochemical Processes Near the Freezing Point.
- Bias and Constraints on Carbon Cycling in Tropical Forest Soils With Measurements and Modeling of Soil Carbon and Radiocarbon
- Biomass Burning Unlikely to Account for Missing Source of Carbonyl Sulfide
- Building a better super-parameterized model: Unleashing the CRM
- Calcite Phase Transitions and Melting Under Shock Loading and Release Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
- Can we better constrain the timing of GNAIW variability in the Western Equatorial Atlantic and its relationship to high North Atlantic Climate during the last deglaciation?
- Capturing the Wavefield at the Source Physics Experiment Using Large Seismic Arrays
- Changes in the age of soil respired carbon under warming and drying in lowland tropical forests in Panama
- Characterizing Local Seismic Data from the Utah Network for Precise Event Location and Uncertainty Estimation
- Characterizing Tropical Cyclone Simulation in E3SM
- Characterizing virus activity, persistence, and virus-host dynamics in Arctic and Tropical soils using stable isotope probing targeted metagenomics
- Climate Perturbation from a Regional Nuclear Exchange: Considering the Local Atmospheric State
- Climate Simulations with High Vertical Resolution in the Boundary Layer with E3SM
- Climatic Controls on Deep Soil Organic Carbon Persistence Across a Bioclimatic Gradient in California
- Cloud resolving climate modeling on upcoming Exascale computers
- Combining multiple emergent constraints to estimate climate sensitivity
- Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online
- Comparative metagenomics reveals nanoscale soil viral communities in a CA annual grassland soil
- Comparing the Lagrangian evolution of subtropical stratocumulus between GCMs and observations
- Constraints on the distances and timing of solid migration in the early solar system from meteorite paleomagnetism
- Controls on Cloud Thermodynamic Phase in a Simulated Population of Deep Convective Clouds
- Convective onset statistics for the ARM diagnostics package
- Correlation of water ice area with temperature on Ceres
- Cosmic rays and the Mountains of the Moon: A new in-situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be production-rate calibration in tropical East Africa
- Coupled high frequency sensor network and environmental tracers to quantify subsurface nitrate transport to a coastal estuary
- Coupling <SUP>13</SUP>C, <SUP>15</SUP>N, and <SUP>14</SUP>C information potential of individual AA: prospecting for unique signatures of bacterial and protist sources and cycling in oceanic dissolved organic matter.
- Crustal Structure of the Caucasus
- Damage Mechanics Challenge: Simulation of Failure Load and Crack Geometry
- Data analysis and simulations of the Dry Alluvium Geology Source Physics Experiments: Implications on Forensic Seismology
- Death and decay in the soil microbiome: how viruses, microfauna and resource availability shape the fate of soil carbon
- Detection of inundated vegetation using ALOS-1 L-Band over 2006-2010: Testing over conterminous USA
- Determining Water Age of Rivers and Plant-Accessible Water in California's Headwaters During Hydrologic Extremes
- Digital Engagement on a Mission
- Dual porosity modeling of lanthanide separation using fixed-bed columns of bead-encapsulated, engineered Escherichia coli
- Dynamic carbon association with minerals in the rhizosphere and detritosphere
- Early Results from the E3SM Global Storm-Resolving Model
- Effect of precipitation on soil carbon storage and turnover in a tropical forest in Panama
- Electrical properties of multi-component methane hydrate systems, a potential tool for constraining volumetric distribution of fluids in high-saturation formations
- Energy Deposition of X-Rays and Neutrons Using Realistic Asteroid Compositions
- Enhancing the earthquake catalog in the Socorro Magma Body region using phase picks produced by a dynamic correlation processor
- Evaluation of Clouds in the E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 with Satellite Simulators
- Evaluation of E3SM Atmospheric Simulations over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
- Evaluation of Full Moment Tensor Inversion based upon Fiber-Optic Dataset
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Evaluation of the Aftershock Duration of Induced Earthquakes
- Evaluation of the Energy Distribution Across Time Scale in the Power Spectra of Extratropical Modes of Variability
- Experimental and Trait-based Model Exploration of Carbon Feedbacks Between Microalgae and Heterotrophic Bacteria
- Exploring Potential Interactions of Bacteria and Fungi Using Network and DNA-Stable Isotope Probing Analyses of an Annual Grassland Soil
- Finite Frequency Sensitivity Kernels for Electromagnetic Imaging Applications
- Forcing, Feedbacks, and Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6
- Fully Coupled Variable Resolution Sea Ice Simulations in E3SM
- Fully coupled simulation of multiphase flow and geomechanics in heterogeneous porous media with embedded fractures
- GPU-Based Simulation of Earthquake Ground Motions in the San Francisco Bay Area: Path and Site Effects from Suites of Ruptures and Evaluation of the USGS 3D Model with Moderate Magnitude Earthquakes
- Genomic characterization of uncultivated Actinobacterial acetogens
- Global Oceanic Low Cloud Radiative Sensitivity to Perturbations in Large-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Conditions
- High latitude vertical profiles of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> across the tropopause from the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Mission
- Higher Vertical Resolution for Select Physical Processes in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Homogenization Schemes for Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Modeling of Fractured Media
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- Human influences on the joint changes in temperature, rainfall and aridity
- Hydrochronology and watershed-scale reactive solute transport
- Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Stable Isotope Composition of Water in Hydrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Hysteretic methane emission temperature dependence from microbial and abiotic interactions
- Impact of Chemical and Mechanical Processes on Leakage from Damaged Wells in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Sites
- Impacts of improved cryospheric surface shortwave radiative transfer scheme SNICAR-AD on fully-coupled Earth system simulations
- Improving Mesoscale Convective System Simulation Fidelity with Superparameterization
- Influence of Effective Stress on Mechanical and Chemical Alteration Processes at the Cement-caprock Interface: Application to CO<SUB>2</SUB>-brine Leakage at the Wellbore
- Influence of Reduced Precipitation on the Allocation and Persistence of Root Carbon in a California Annual Grassland
- Integrative Approaches to Building Planet Earth: New Wide-Ranging Equations of State
- Inter-model spread in CMIP5 feedback time-variation traced to surface warming patterns
- Inter-seasonal snowpack prediction with deep convolutional neural networks
- Investigating shock-metamorphism in meteor impacts via high pressure-temperature experiments on SiO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Isotope tools scaling soil microbial ecology to biogeochemistry
- Land-atmosphere feedback on the development of shallow cumulus clouds using the land model coupled LES
- Large-eddy simulations of boundary-layer flows over an asymmetric ridge
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Linking Variation in Active Soil Microbial Communities with Edaphic Properties in Mediterranean Grasslands Along a Precipitation Gradient
- Location of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Plumes by Deep Learning Inversion of Gravity Data
- Low Cost, Interactive Access and Visualization of Large Scale Airborne Data
- MJO Simulation in CMIP6 Models: How much improvement has been made from CMIP5 to CMIP6?
- Machine Learning Application to Sand Dune Model Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Magnetic Eddy Viscosity of Mean Shear Flows in Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics
- Malaysian Main Range: Continental back-arc extension associated with Triassic Meso-Tethyan subduction
- Mechanisms of near field shear motion from underground explosions in soft and hard geological media
- Metal-Silicate Partitioning Behavior of Pd and Ag During Core-Mantle Differentiation and Implications for Volatile Accretion
- Micro-Scale Patterns of Organic Matter Decomposition and Storage Within a Buried Paleosol
- Model sensitivity to observed sea surface temperature boundary conditions
- Modeling Respiration of Individual Bacterial Populations in situ with Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing (qSIP)
- Multipole Acoustic Waveform Inversion And Volume Flow Rate For Small Explosion At Mt. Etna Italy. 485869
- Multiscale Simulations of Swarming Hydraulic Fractures Observed at the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS)
- Multiscale Validation of Static and Dynamic Damage Mechanisms in Rock and Brittle Granular Materials
- Multiscale formulation of pore-scale geomechanics
- NanoSIMS and stable isotope probing (nanoSIP) to characterize viral carbon cycling in soil
- Neglecting irrigation contributes to climate model summertime warm-and-dry biases in the central United States
- New Machine Learning Approach for Inverse Modeling of Atmospheric Sources from Discrete Hit or Miss Data
- New Techniques for Cosmogenic Radioactive Age Tracers: Sodium-22 and Sulfur-35
- New erosion rate measurements from the San Bernardino Mountains, California: insights into tectonic and topographic evolution of mountains along restraining bends
- Nitrogen Breakdown and Assimilation Pathways in Rhizosphere and Detritusphere Soil from Time-Resolved Microbial Metatranscriptomes
- Numerical modeling of InSAR and DSS signatures of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection involving caprock fracturing
- Observing Transformation Microstructures and Nucleation of Bridgmanite + MgO From a Natural Olivine Sample at High Pressure and Temperature.
- Oscillating Redox Conditions Controlled Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Wet Tropical Forest Soils
- Paleotopometry indicated by cosmogenic nuclides at depth
- Partitioning sources of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission after soil wet up using high-resolution observations and a simple model
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Phase Transitions of Magnesium Oxide under Shock Compression
- Physical, Chemical and Biological Controls on Surface-gas Fluxes Quantified With High-resolution Monitoring of Multiple Tracers.
- Positive marine low cloud feedback inferred from satellite cloud observations
- Potential Global Climate Effects of Asteroids Impacting Earth's Oceans
- Precipitation Prediction Skill for the West Coast United States: From Short to Extended Range
- Preparing the Exascale Energy Earth System Model (E3SM) for Exascale Computing Platforms
- RSTT Canada: A revised local- and regional-scale velocity model for improved event location
- Radiocarbon Analysis of RNA and Organic Carbon to Determine the Sustainability of Pleistocene Aquifers in Bangladesh
- Recent Advancements in obs4MIPs
- Recent changes along the California margin as told by bamboo corals.
- Recipe for Predicting Strong Ground Motion on the SCEC Broadband Platform
- Reconstructing High-resolution Centennial Ecosystem Changes in the California Current System from Deep-sea Coral Amino Acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Records
- Reducing the cost of radiation in multi-scale atmosphere models
- Refined Principal Stress Estimates for Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas Based on Seismological Tools and Laboratory Experiments
- Regional moisture budget and land-atmosphere coupling over the US Southern Great Plains: Comparisons among observations, reanalysis, and model simulations
- Regional moment tensor inversion using rotational observations
- Regionally Refined Modeling of the Atmosphere in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Regionally refined test bed in E3SM atmosphere model version 1 (EAMv1) and applications for high-resolution modeling
- Representation of Turbulence in Multiscale WRF-IBM Simulations Over Complex Urban Terrain
- Residence time and groundwater storage for a periodically irrigated catchment
- Resolution and Covariance of the LLNL-G3D-JPS Global Seismic Tomography Model: Applications to Travel Time Uncertainty and Tomographic Filtering of Geodynamic Models
- Robust Geologic Framework Models for Improved Detection, Discrimination, and Characterization of Underground Explosions
- Root of the Problem: Carbon Destabilization in Buried Soils
- Sand Dune Video Prediction: From Cellular Automaton to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Seismological Analysis of the Announced DPRK Nuclear Tests
- Shallow Gas Diffusion Experiments through a Phreatic Fractured Aquifer
- Simulated Effects of Shallow Crustal Heterogeneity, Surface Topography, and Seismic Source Depth on Coda Wave Generation for Magnitude-Based Depth Discrimination
- Simulations of Wave Propagation Effects on Far-Field Ground Motions from the SPE-5 Underground Chemical Explosion
- Single-column modeling of shallow clouds for the development of the adaptive vertical grid for E3SM-FIVE
- Soil Organic Carbon Turnover Over Time Across a Tropical Forest Edaphic Gradient
- Source characterization of water waves resulting from asteroid impact
- Stable Isotope Probing Reveals the Influence of Changing Redox Periodicity on Microbial Community Structure and Function in a Wet Tropical Forest Soil
- Stable isotope labeling to trace carbon flow from switchgrass to rhizosphere soil exometabolites and microbial communities
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Strong Ground Motion Simulation for the M7.1, 2019 Ridgecrest California Earthquake
- Structure and equation of state of gold under dynamic ramp compression to 690 GPa
- Switchgrass Roots and Reduced Soil Water Potentials Enhance Soil Extracellular Polysaccharide Content and the Frequency of Water-stable Aggregates
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- The Effect of Particles on Standing Shock Waves Regulating Discharges in Volcanic Eruptions
- The Effect of Water Layers on Large-scale Seismic simulations - An Application to the SCEC UCVM
- The Idealized Planar-Array Study for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity (IPAQS) in the atmospheric surface layer
- The Unusual Impact of the 1997 El Niño on East Australian Spring Rainfall
- The interaction between plant substrate identity and soil microbial density on the formation of mineral-associated soil organic matter
- The probabilistic structure of the geodynamo
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earth's secular cooling
- Thermal expansion of liquid Fe-S alloys at high pressure
- Three-Quarters of a Century of Seismic Monitoring of Nuclear Tests
- Tiny diamonds from ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks for understanding of mantle geodynamics
- Toward Understanding the Characteristics of Mixed-Phase Clouds Simulated in E3SM with ARM M-PACE Observations
- Toward quantitative records of rainfall using speleothem Ca and Sr isotopes
- Tracing C, N and S exchange in a nitrogen-fixing association
- Understanding Hydrologic Connectivity in a Relatively Unmanaged Watershed by Combining Integrated Hydrologic Modeling, Remote Sensing, and Isotope Analyses
- Using PCMDI's Objective Summaries of ESM Performance to Gauge Improvements Across Generations of Model Development
- Using Radon and Other Geochemical Tracers to Identify Groundwater Discharge to Streams in California
- Using Seismic Interferometry to Map Subsurface Velocities in a Tunnel Complex
- Using Time-step Convergence to Improve the Numerical Robustness and Physical Consistency of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- Validation of a carbonate-brine-CO<SUB>2</SUB> reactive transport model against new experimental core-flooding results
- Variation in EPS production impacts the composition of mineral-associated microbial carbon: a quantitative metabolite sorption study using NMR and FTICR-MS
- Vertical Mixing in the Lower Troposphere: A Control on Global Mean Precipitation Rates
- Viral Diversity and Potential Carbon Cycling Impacts Across Four Soils
- Waveform modeling of underground chemical explosions and shallow earthquakes and its application to local distance P/S amplitude ratio
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) from 20-130 GPa
- libCEED: an open-source library for efficient high-order operator evaluations
- 3-D Simulations of Seismo-acoustic Coupling over Topography
- A Complicated Record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Lake Level and Salinity Variability at Mono Lake, California
- A Deep-learning-based Surrogate Model for Data Assimilation in Geologic Carbon Storage
- A Generalized Brune Model to Identify Non-Earthquakes and to Explore Earthquake Scaling
- A Homogenization Framework for Inelastic Layered Porous Materials
- A Synthetic Study to Determine Adequate Infrasound Network Configurations for Resolving Source Directionality
- A modelling perspective on the fire-atmosphere interactions
- A multi-million-year record of vegetation and ice-cover in the basal sediment from the Camp Century ice core, northwestern Greenland
- Absence of atmospheric N<SUB>2</SUB> as an indicator of an oxygen-poor mantle in rocky planets
- Acoustic Wave Generation by Finite Surface Motions Simulated by Full 3-D Finite-Difference Method
- Adaptive vertical grid for affordable high resolution global simulations
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Analysis to Understand Spatial Distribution of Terrestrial Biosignature's in Brine Pools as an Analog for Planetary Extant and Relic Oceans
- Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge and Groundwater Flow Dynamics in a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer
- Allocation and Dynamics of Recently Fixed Plant Carbon in a California Rangeland Soil
- Are newer climate models better in simulating extratropical modes of variability than older ones?: A comparison between CMIP3, 5, and 6 models
- Assessing prior emergent constraints on surface albedo feedback in CMIP6
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Detector Schemes in Seismic Event Detection and the Avoidance of Non-Target Signals
- Assessing the Repeatability of Acoustic Signals Originating from Closely Spaced Events
- Benchmarking Simulated Precipitation in Earth System Models
- Benchmarking phase transitions in periclase under multi-megabar pressures
- Can Seismic Event Size (Mw) be Measured with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)?
- Causes and Impacts of the Inter-Model Spread in AMOC Change in Projections of Future Climate Change
- Characterization of asteroid water impact crater and resulting sea surface response
- Characterizing Stress Orientations in Southern Kansas
- Cloud feedbacks cause higher climate sensitivity in CMIP6. What do observations say?
- Cloud source and sink process as a path toward constraining climate sensitivity
- Combined Radiocarbon Analysis of DIC, DOC, and RNA coupled with Geochemical Data to Understand Pleistocene Aquifer Recharge in Bangladesh
- Comparison of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates From Slab Ocean, 150 Year, and Longer Simulations
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Construction of a Database of Validated Simulated Ground Motions for the Evaluation of the Seismic Risk Posed to Distributed Infrastructure Systems: The San Francisco Bay Area Case Study
- Coupled Process Modeling at EGS Collab for Experiment Design and Model Validation
- Cross-code Comparisons of Asteroid Deflection and Disruption via X-Ray and Neutron Energy Deposition
- Detection of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Plumes by Deep Learning Inversion of Gravity Data with U-Net
- Development of Novel Method for Analyzing Cosmogenic Radioactive Age Tracers Sodium-22 and Sulfur-35 and Applications in Hydrology
- Development of an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategy for a Novel Immiscible Fracture Flow Model
- Development of the PISALE Codebase for coastal aquifer management
- Diagnosing and Addressing Numerical Noise by Improving Spatial Discretizations in CLUBB
- Efficient implementations for matrix-free solutions of PDEs with libCEED
- Enabling Smoke Impacts Research Through Blended Earth Observations
- Energy Budget Constraints on the Time History of Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution
- Evaluation of E3SMv1 Simulated Surface Winds Over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctica
- Evaluation of a new interactive stratospheric ozone model for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Examining olivine and MgO using multiple compression regimes
- Exploring the Coda Envelope Technique for Moment Magnitude Estimation of Small Earthquakes in Southern Kansas
- Exploring the relationship between boundary layer clouds and hydrologic sensitivity
- Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) to 122 GPa
- Ground Motion Simulations in the Yucca Flat Basin from Earthquake Scenarios on the Yucca Fault
- Hemispheric differences in macrophysical and microphysical properties of low-level mixed-phase clouds from observations and E3SM simulations
- High-pressure behavior of shock-compressed novaculite using in-situ X-ray diffraction
- High-temperature, high-pressure behavior of lithium fluoride
- Identifiable signatures of greenhouse gases and particulate atmospheric pollution on the changing hydroclimate
- Identifying and correcting climate projection biases using artificial intelligence
- Identifying soil health baselines in the Anthropocene
- Improved Analysis of STEVE Photographs
- Improved Representation of Horizontal Variability in Wind Energy Forecasts Over Complex Terrain: Application to Cold Pool Events
- Improved Seismic Tomography of the Brady Geothermal Field, Nevada, based upon Full Waveform Inversion Using Salvus
- Insights into Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Highly-extended Current Sheets with Laser-produced Plasmas
- Intercomparison of the Column Moist Static Energy Budget of the MJO among Six Modern Reanalysis Products
- Interfrequency Correlation of Characterized Source Modeling for Broadband Ground Motion Validation
- Interpreting the diurnal cycle of clouds and precipitation in the ARM GoAmazon observations: Shallow to deep convection transition
- Investigating watershed-scale hydrologic connections and sources with dynamic-flux particle tracking and isotope measurements
- Joint inter-seasonal forecasts with deep multitask learning
- Joint regional waveform and surface displacement inversion for the seismic moment tensor: Application to September 3, 2017 declared North Korean nuclear test
- Lessons Learned Managing a Multipetabyte CMIP Archive at LLNL
- Long-term late Holocene cliff retreat rate in Del Mar, California revealed from shore platform <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations and numerical modeling
- Low input, long-read viromics reveals previously hidden abundant viruses and their genomic islands in soil and sea samples
- ML for Surface Complexation Model Development
- Machine Learning Based Process-oriented Earth System Model Evaluation
- Making superparameterization flexible for low cloud feedback analysis by focusing turbulence-permitting resolution where it matters most with geographic parallel load balancing
- Microbial growth kinetics under deeply vs. shallow rooted plants along soil depths
- Microearthquake Monitoring of the Sacramento Basin Using Dark Fiber and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Multi-Scale Simulation of a Frontal Passage Through a Wind Turbine Array
- Multirate Time Integration Methods for Atmospheric Microphysics
- NRAP-Open-IAM: A New, Open-Source Code for Integrated Assessment of Geologic Carbon Storage Containment Effectiveness and Leakage Risk.
- Natural variability can explain model-satellite differences in tropical tropospheric warming
- Nonlinear convergence in contact mechanics
- Observational constraints on decadal low cloud feedbacks associated with varying sea surface temperature patterns
- Observational evidence of the land cover effect on shallow cumulus clouds over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Great Plains Low Level Jet
- P-wave arrival-time tomography of the Middle East
- Particle Microphysical Timescales in Hot Atmospheric Clouds
- Plant Exudate-Soil Interactions Linked to Delayed Mineralization of Subsurface C Stores After 3 Years of Experimental Warming.
- Probabilistic deep learning for seasonal forecasting
- Quantifying and Diagnosing Biases in Mesoscale Convective Systems in High Resolution Climate Simulations
- Quantifying river recharge rates based on tritium-helium groundwater ages
- Radiocarbon signatures across three decades reveal changing Soil Organic Carbon turnover times in a hurricane-impacted tropical forest
- Rapid Prediction of Hydraulic Fracture - Natural Fracture Interaction Using Physics-informed Machine Learning
- Rapid Reduction Leads to Changes in Iron Oxide Crystallinity in Humid Tropical Soils
- Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model
- Regional-Scale Three-Dimensional Structure of the Western US from Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Salvus
- Representation of Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in CMIP6 Models
- Resolution requirement for improved representation of coastal stratocumulus in E3SM
- Revisiting the IPCC's "Discernible Human Influence" Finding: History and Lessons Learned
- Sea Ice Climate of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, Version 2
- Seasonal extreme precipitation over the United States in CMIP6: Present-day evaluation and projected changes
- Seismic Attenuation Illuminates Fluid Pathways in Glacial Ice
- Seismic Source Characterization in the Arabian Peninsula and Zagros Mountains from Regional Moment Tensor and Coda-Envelopes
- Seismic Tomographic Modeling of Israel and the Middle East: Improved Resolution Through Optimized Model Parameterization
- Seismo-Acoustic Yield Determination of Explosions
- Sensitivity of the E3SM Microphysics Model to Process Coupling Time Step Sizes
- Simulation and Analysis of a Comet's Atmospheric Entry, Impact, and Consequences
- Simulation of Near Fault Ground Motions for the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake
- Simulation of Underground Chemical Explosions in Anisotropic Dry Alluvium Geology using Hydrodynamic Generated Source Coupled to Far-Field Linear Anisotropic Wave propagation
- Soil moisture variations alter the chemical and biological stability of mineral-associated organic matter
- Stable Isotope Probing Reveals Microbial Responses to Changing Redox Conditions in a Tropical Forest Soil
- Standing Shock Regulates Sparks in Explosive Flows
- Striking the right balance between holistic performance metrics and process-oriented diagnostics
- The 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake and Aftershock Sequence
- The Application of a Dynamic Correlation Processor for IMS detection screening
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- The Influence of Topographic Disequilibrium on Erosion Rates from the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- The Relative Importance of a Trait in the Rhizosphere: Linking Genome Inference, Biophysical Modeling and Experiments.
- The SPiRaL global-scale seismic tomography model and full-waveform predictions from this non-full-waveform image of the crust and mantle
- The influence of spatially variable resolution in fully coupled E3SM simulations
- The role of the mean state on MJO simulation in CESM2 ensemble simulation
- Time-dependent variations in velocity structure and seismogenic fault orientations in southern Kansas
- Tracking and Estimating Facility Emissions in Complex Terrain and Urban Atmospheres Using Large Eddy Simulations
- Tropical precipitation relationship to the thermodynamic environment in CMIP6 models at ARM sites
- Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction Measurements Of shock-Compressed Fe and Fe-Si Alloys
- Understanding Scatter in Local-Distance Event Amplitude Predictions and Implications for Event Discrimination
- Understanding mantle heterogeneities and their effects on mantle evolution through the lens of mineral physics
- Upscaling of Tightly Spaced Hydraulic Fractures and Microseismic Mapping at the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site
- Using PPE simulations and parametric sensitivity analysis to better understand model physics and parameterization in E3SM atmosphere model over different cloud regimes
- Using high spatiotemporal nitrate measurements to assess nutrient transport and transformations at the terrestrial-marine interface of a tidal watershed
- Using multigrain crystallography to identify the onset of plastic yielding and stress-state in mantle minerals.
- VCDAT 2 - Data Analysis and Visualization for the Community
- A Comparison of Attenuation of the Lithosphere in Continental Regions
- A Flexible and Modern Design for the Next Generation E3SM Atmosphere Model
- A Headwaters-to-Groundwater Analysis of the Climate Sensitivity of the Mt Shasta River Basin: Integrating Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing, Particle Tracking, and Isotopic Tracers
- A continuous record of climate and vegetation change from Late Miocene Lake Fort Yukon in continental Alaska
- A framework for data-driven solution of linear poroelasticity using continuous conditional generative adversarial networks
- Adjoint Waveform Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Western United States for Improved Waveform Simulations and Source Characterization
- Advances in Time-Resolved Remote Raman Instrumentation for Planetary Exploration
- Air blast observations and modeling of the Large Surface Explosion Coupling Experiment (LSECE)
- An Assessment of Nonhydrostatic and Hydrostatic Dynamical Cores at Seasonal Time Scales in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SMv1)
- An Automated Workflow for the Brady Geothermal Field, Nevada, Adjoint Tomography Using Salvus
- An Error Analysis Framework for Process Coupling in Atmospheric Models
- An Underestimated Negative Cloud Feedback from Cloud Lifetime Changes
- An automated cross-borehole GPR change detection GUI for localization of subsurface voids
- Arctic Feedbacks: The Interconnected Roles of Sea Ice, Atmospheric Energy Transport, and Lapse Rate Changes
- Array Analysis Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing on Small Magnitude Regional Earthquakes
- Assessing Potential Recharge Project Success Through Novel Monitoring and Numerical Modeling Methods
- Assessing Shallow Water Carbonates as a Record of Seawater Nickel Isotopic Composition
- Assessment of E3SMv2 simulations of Antarctica surface climate and polar-tropical teleconnections
- Atmospheric lidar provide insights into how nighttime atmospheric flow regimes impact canopy turbulence and gradients: examples from a closed and open forest in mountain-valley terrain
- Building New Earthquake Catalogs Using Machine Learning-based Seismic Phase Picking Algorithms in Northern California
- CO2-induced Chemical Degradation at the Cement-Casing Interface
- Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
- Characterization of infrasound source directionality from explosive volcanic eruptions
- Characterizing Spatiotemporal Stress Orientations in Regions with Induced Seismicity
- Clarifying the near-term anthropogenic warming rate by filtering annual variability using a physics based Greens function approach
- Climate change in the northern tropical Andes during late-glacial time derived from glacier reconstructions
- Combining deep learning with physics extracted features in Explosion event discrimination
- Comparing Adjoint Tomography Models of California and Nevada Using Different Starting Models
- Comprehensive model evaluation to maximize utility to model developers, scientists and stakeholders: Towards Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities
- Connecting trait-based microbe- and substrate-explicit modeling: an example application in the rhizosphere
- Constraints on extratropical cloud feedback through moisture source and sink processes decrease likelihood of very high and very low climate sensitivity
- Deep C: Knowns and Unknowns About the Mechanisms of Deep Soil Carbon Storage
- Deep soil carbon is sensitive to warming and influenced by minerology in two oak savannah grasslands in the Sierra Nevada
- Delayed emergence of greenhouse gas-forced drought in the American Southwest
- Detailing cloud feedbacks with a regime-based decomposition
- Development and Evaluation of E3SM-MOSAIC: Spatial Distributions and Radiative Effects of Nitrate Aerosol
- Development of the PISALE Codebase for Coastal Aquifer Management
- Diagnosing Discrepancies in Soil Carbon Stocks between Upscaled Global Data Products
- Diagnosing cloud and precipitation processes at the individual cloud scale in E3SMs global 3km convection permitting model
- Distinct microbial ecophysiological traits predict soil carbon formation in rhizosphere and detritusphere microbial communities
- Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Over Global Monsoon Systems in CMIP6 Simulations
- Drizzle-Turbulence Interactions Below Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Drying effects on forest soil dynamics across Panama rainfall and soil fertility gradients
- Dynamic Materials Experiments at Ultrahigh Pressures and Strain Rates on the National Ignition Facility Laser
- ESGF in the Cloud: A Community-driven Effort for Scalable Data Access and Analysis
- Enabling 1000x More Sensitive Spectrographs for Exoplanet Search
- Evaluating climate models' cloud feedbacks against expert judgement
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions
- Evaluation of Aerosols, Clouds, and Radiation in CMIP6 models over different Climate Regimes using ARM Data-oriented Metrics and Diagnostics Package Version 3
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Characteristics in GCMs based on In-situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- Evaluation of Image Prediction Models for Nondestructive Porous Media Characterization
- Exchange kinetics and fractionation mechanism of stable tungsten isotopes during sorption to Mn-oxides in terrestrial freshwater environments
- Exploring the Effects of Varying Emplacement Conditions on Explosion P/S Amplitude Ratios
- Exploring the provenances of asteroids using meteorite magnetism
- Feasible Weibull Parameters for SPH Strength and Damage Model of Chelyabinsk Meteorites
- Fungi and Friends: The Role of Fungal-Bacterial Interactions in Rhizosphere Biogeochemistry
- Ground motion and Structure at Fort Greely, Alaska
- High Latitude Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics Observations and Climate Model Simulations
- High-order, property-preserving semi-Lagrangian tracer transport and physics-dynamics-grid remap in the E3SMv2 Atmosphere Model
- High-pressure experiments on melting of Fe3C and thermodynamics of the Fe-C system
- How do we make interdisciplinary sample data more FAIR?
- How well do climate models simulate ENSO? How well do we know ENSO?
- Human and natural influences on the changes in extreme precipitation events
- Hyphae move matter and microbes to minerals: Integrating the hyphosphere into conceptual models of soil organic matter stabilization
- Impact of Nitrogen Deposition on Microbial Nitrogen Assimilation in Desert Soil Investigated with 15NH4Stable Isotope Probing
- Impact of Switchgrass Cultivation on Carbon Turnover and Mineral-Organic Interactions in Marginal Soils
- Implementation and Analysis of Performance Portable Programming Models for cloud resolving GPU-enabled climate modeling
- Improved Global-Scale Predictions of Soil Carbon Stocks with Millennial Version 2
- Improving the Representation of Stratospheric Aerosol in E3SM and Its Impact on Ozone and Clouds
- In-situ X-ray diffraction of forsterite ramp-compressed to terapascal pressures at the National Ignition Facility: Initial results
- Informing the SPiRaL Global Seismic Travel-time-based Model with Long-period Waveform Inversion
- Integrating URGE deliverables into a department-level strategic plan for enhancing diversity
- Interpreting the Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation in the ARM GoAmazon Observations: What Determines the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation?
- Isotope Velocimetry: Demonstration of the Importance of Gas Flow for Isotope Fractionation During Evaporation of Protoplanetary Material
- Looking under the hood: benchmarking soil organic matter pool distributions at the global-scale
- Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1
- Making regionalized high intensity physics calculations flexible with anew geographic load-balancing scheme to enable hybridsuperparameterization
- Measuring the Hugoniot of stainless steel to core pressures
- Measuring the Radiocarbon Offset Between Soil Greenhouse Gases and Peat Help Determine Sources of Carbon Emissions from a Neotropical Peatland
- Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Iron at Extreme Conditions Using Laser-Driven Ramp Compression
- Mesoscale Convective Systems in Global Convection-Permitting Model Simulations
- Microearthquake Monitoring Using Dark Fiber and DAS in the Imperial Valley, CA
- Mixing and age distribution in shallow groundwater at the terrestrial-marine interface
- Model evaluation and intercomparison for marine warm low cloud fractions with neural network ensembles
- Modeling Displacement, Strain, and Stress via a Library of Greens functions Calculated with the Finite Element Method: Application to Coso Geothermal Field, California, U.S.A.
- Moment Tensor Inversion of Microearthquakes in Anisotropic Rocks of the EGS Collab Experiment 1 Testbed
- MyShake + ShakeAlert: Incorporating Smartphone Seismic Data for Improved Earthquake Early Warning Performance
- Mycorrhizal Fungi Mediate Rhizosphere and Hyphosphere Microbial Community Composition, Activity, and Resource Exchange in a Moisture-limited Soil
- Near-field chemical versus nuclear seismoacoustic responses of explosions in different geological materials: a parametric study of different emplacements and comparisons with experimental data.
- New Insights into the Interior Structure of Rocky Exoplanets from Laser-Compression and X-Ray Diffraction of Iron Oxide
- Nickel Isotope Fractionation in Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-S alloys by Thermodiffusion
- Observation of phase change in FeTiO3 ilmenite at room temperature
- On the Correspondence between Atmosphere-Only and Coupled Simulations for Radiative Feedbacks and Forcing from CO2
- On the robustness of the evaluation of ENSO in climate models: How many ensemble members are needed?
- Orographic cirrus and radiative forcing in CESM2
- Overview and Preliminary Results of the Project SEE4GEO: Seismoelectric Effects for Geothermal Resources Assessment and Monitoring
- Overview of land-atmosphere biogeochemistry developments in the E3SMv1.1-BGC model
- Peatland formation and Carbon Accumulation: A Pantropical Synthesis
- Performance of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM)
- Phase Behaviors of Superionic Water at Planetary Conditions.
- Philosophy and Progress of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
- Predicting Wind-Driven Spatial Patterns via Deep Convolutional Autoencoders
- Predicting the Time Evolution of Dispersing Atmospheric Clouds using Deep Neural Networks
- Pressure pushing down on Fe: Phase transformations in the Fe-O-H system at multi-megabar pressures
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics for Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Ramp compression studied with ab initio calculations
- Rapid Prediction of Radioactive Material Deposition Patterns Using Machine Learning
- Regional Moment Tensor Inversion Using a Three-Dimensional Earth Model and its Application to the Western United States
- Repeating Earthquakes Partially Reload Themselves in Parkfield
- Rock weathering controls the potential for soil carbon storage at a continental scale
- Seasonal Changes in Subsurface Hydrology Influence Nutrient Cycling in a Salt Marsh
- Seasonal Precipitation is a Hydrologic Driver of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Removal
- Seismic Network Expansion in the Caucasus and Central Asia (SNECCA)
- Sierra Nevada runoff generation and storage on the mountain range scale using sulfur-35
- Simulated Effects of Seismic Source Depth on Coda Waves at Local Distances (< 150 km) in Realistic 3D Earth Models
- Simulation of a Comets Reentry, Impact, Cratering, Fireball and Cloud generation: Local and Global Consequences.
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Couplings in Observations and Models
- Solid Phases and Melting of Elemental Silicon at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Stability and moisture sensitivity of buried soil organic carbon
- Structure and Density of Silicon Carbide to 1.5 TPa: Implications for Extrasolar Planets
- Substantial contribution of internal variability to satellite-era tropospheric warming
- Subsurface CO2 Plume Detection by Deep Learning Inversion of Gravity Monitoring Data
- Super-droplet Method to Simulate Lagrangian Microphysics of Fallout Particles
- Temperature Distribution in a Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cell as Described by Finite Element Analysis
- Temperature measurements of single crystal MgO shock-compressed up to 1.1 TPa and 33000 K
- Temperatures of Shock Compressed Iron using Dynamically Measured and Modeled Emissivities
- The Coda Calibration and Processing Tool: Java-based Freeware for the Geophysical Community with Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence
- The Differing Responses of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Climate Warming
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The Generation of Seismic and Acoustic Waves from Explosions
- The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Termination 1 in the tropics based on glacial extent records
- The boundary layer and cloud field associated with marine cold air outbreaks (MCAOs) in the COMBLE observations and the SCREAM DYAMOND2 simulation
- The primary drivers of climate change impacts on the terrestrial water cycle
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earths secular cooling
- Tidal forcing influences on biochemical processes in a salt marsh
- Understanding the role of tectonic and anthropogenic stresses in controlling aftershock activity at the Coso Geothermal Field
- Unifying top-down and bottom-up constraints on Earth system model physics via a Bayesian statistical-physical approach
- Using the Ridgecrest Aftershock Sequence as a Network of Virtual Seismometers
- Vanadium isotope constraints on the cosmolocation of the CAI factory
- Volcano opto-acoustics: joint visual and infrasound observations of crater resonance
- What happens to PBL turbulence and moist convection when the cloud resolving model directly feels the land surface in the E3SM multiscale modeling framework?
- X-ray imaging to study compaction under high pressures
- 3D High-Frequency Ground Motion Simulations of the Mw6.0, 24 August 2016 Amatrice, Italy Earthquake; validations against observations and ground motion models
- A Coupled Deep Learning Model for Estimating Surface NO2 Levels from Remote Sensing Data: 15-Year Study Over the Contiguous United States
- A Novel Population of Lightning Generated Slow Magnetosonic Waves in the Ionosphere
- A Project Lifetime Approach to the Management of Induced Seismicity Risk at Geologic Carbon Storage Sites
- A Simple Chemistry Approach to Prognostic Volcanic Aerosol in E3SM - Modeling the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption for CLDERA
- Aerosol indirect effect in northeastern Atlantic estimated from geostationary satellite cloud retrievals.
- An Exploration of Pantropical Peat and Carbon Accumulation
- An Inter-Resolution Framework for Evaluating Regionally Refined Climate Models: The Significance of High Resolution
- Analyzing the Fragility of Microbial Trophic Associations and Their Contributions to Nutrient Cycling in Soil
- Assumptions and advantages of diagnosing climate change at global warming levels
- Beryllium Isotopes for Resolving Dynamics in the Stratosphere (BIRDIES): a balloon campaign targeting deep convection gravity waves
- CANVAS: An Adjoint Waveform Tomography Model of California and Nevada
- Climatic controls on erosion vary with lithology: insights from the easternmost Himalaya
- Cloud Phase Simulation at High Latitudes in EAMv2: Evaluation using CALIPSO Observations and Comparison with EAMv1
- Combining Regional Mesh Refinement With Vertically Enhanced Physics to Target Marine Stratocumulus Biases
- Comparison of 2-D and 3-D finite-difference simulations for infrasound propagation in heterogeneous atmospheres with topography
- Comparisons Between Array Derived Dynamic Strain Rate and Fiber-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing Strain Rate
- Computational Framework for Measuring Viscosity of Mantle-Relevant Materials Using Shocked Interface Physics
- Contributions of Meteorology to Ozone Variations: Application of Deep Learning and the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Filter
- Contributions of Storm-Associated Precipitation and its Extreme using Observations
- Controls on the Post-injection Induced Earthquake Rates
- Convective Momentum Transport and its Impact on the Madden-Julian Oscillation in E3SM-MMF
- Decades of Systemic Racial Disparities in Funding Rates at the National Science Foundation
- Different Drivers of Low Cloud Radiative Feedbacks and their Uncertainty in Historical and Future Simulations
- Digging Deeper: How Sampling to Bedrock Changes our Understanding of Soil Carbon Warming Response in the Sierra Nevada
- Discriminating Collapses from Explosions and Earthquakes
- ESGF2: Building the Next Generation Earth System Grid Federation
- Effects of Operational Strategies in Seasonal Underground Hydrogen Storage in Natural Gas Fields
- Emergent Constraints on Climate Sensitivity Based on Recent Warming are Biased Low by Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effects
- Enhancing Deep Learning Bias Correction of Climate Extremes with Uncertainty Quantification
- Estimating U.S. subsurface hydrogen storage potential in existing natural gas storage reservoirs
- Evaluating and improving aerosol effective radiative forcing in E3SM
- Evaluating the simulation of precipitation by storm type in Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) across resolutions
- Evaluation of Individual Cloud Feedbacks in CMIP6 Models Using CERES Observations
- Experimental study of clay dissolution in the Mt. Simon sandstone rock during CO2-rich injection
- Exploring Time-step Sensitivities Related to High Clouds and Process Coupling in the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM)
- Flow directions and velocities of subsurface water in a Mediterranean salt marsh system constrained by isotope tracing
- Framework for Quantifying Simulated Precipitation Distributions at Regional Scales
- Geophysics in the EGS Collab Project: Our Eyes and Ears
- Global Dust Cycle in the DOE E3SM version 2: Comparison with CMIP6 models and Observations
- High-pressure, high-temperature phases of Canyon Diablo iron meteorite: A natural analog for terrestrial planetary cores
- How to select from multiple coupling approaches using theoretical error analysis, with application to aerosol lifecycle in EAM
- How well does SCREAM simulate clouds and precipitation over the GoAmazon campaign region?
- Hydrodynamic parametric simulations of asteroid impact on solid earth: shock damage formation, ejecta distribution, cratering formation, and revised scaling laws.
- Hyphosphere Interactions Mediate Soil Biogeochemistry and Biotic Resilience to Moisture Limitation
- Identification of Hot Moments of Nutrient Processing in Coastal Systems Using High Frequency Sensors
- Impact of Cement Properties, Brine Concentration, Reaction Rates, and Boundary Conditions on the Self-sealing of Damaged Well Cement Exposed to Carbonated Brine
- Impact of Orographic Anisotropy For All Flow Directions On The East Asian Rainfall In A General Circulation Model
- Improved Coarse Dust Representation and Impacts on Climate and Wildfire Activity
- Improved treatment of clouds and convection for the DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) atmospheric model version 3
- In situ X-ray diffraction of Al2O3 during laser compression and release
- Incorporating Novel Isotopic Calibration Techniques into Heterogeneous Groundwater Models to Evaluate Effectiveness of Aquifer Recharge Techniques
- Increasing nocturnal downslope winds over the Sierra Nevada Mountains and implications for wildfires activity
- Initial Considerations for Large-Scale Carbon Removal in The United States: Methods, Feedstocks, and Constraints of a National County-Level Assessment
- Initial High-Fidelity Calculations of the DART Impact Using Realistic Impact Conditions
- Initial Modeling Results of the Deflection Efficiency Resulting from the DART Impact
- Initial Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Govern Changes in Soil Carbon: Reality or Artifact?
- Investigating Hydrobiogeochemical Drivers of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling
- Investigating the Hydrologic Responses to Climate Change: The case of the Feather River Watershed in California.
- Keystone Metabolites in the Rhizosphere of Switchgrass Link Plant and Microbial Response to Nitrogen Limitation
- Label-free multiphoton imaging of microbes in root, mineral, and soil matrices with time-gated coherent Raman, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and adaptive optics
- Linking atmospheric rivers to cloud feedback through precipitation and radiative efficiency
- Low-cloud Feedbacks in an Ultra-parameterized GCM with Improved Computational Efficiency and Fidelity
- Machine Learning Reconstruction of Atmospheric Releases from Catastrophic Radiological Events
- Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Iron at Extreme Conditions Using Laser-Driven Ramp Compression
- Measuring viscosity at extreme conditions using perturbed shock decay in laser-driven experiments
- Metamorphism, Deformation, and Exhumation of the Blueschist-Greenschist Unit in Seldovia, Alaska
- Microbes Persist: How Soil Moisture Regimes Shape the Ecophysiology and Biogeochemical Effects of Wild Soil Microbiomes
- Microphysical Properties of Arctic Cold Air Outbreak Clouds
- Microstructural Evolution of Olivine-Ringwoodite-Bridgmanite Phase Transformation Revealed with Emerging Synchrotron Radiation Multigrain Crystallography Technique
- Modeling Emergent Life History Strategies and Niches of Bacteria in the Rhizosphere
- Modeling population-level controls on soil microbial turnover
- New Regimes of Materials Science at Ultrahigh Pressures and Densities at the NIF and Omega Laser Facilities
- Non-linear seismoacoustic responses of explosions in different geological materials: a parametric study of different emplacements and comparisons with experimental data.
- Nonlinear Viscoelasticity and Transient creep of the Upper Mantle in Response to Large Stress Changes
- Novel Experiments to Measure the Viscosity of MgO at Lower Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
- On linkages between precipitation change and cloud feedbacks
- Perennial grass conversion as rapid C sinks: Evaluation of deep soil responses
- Performance of High-frequency Simulations of Recorded Seismic Events at the NNSS Using a Regional 3D velocity Model with Small-scale Variability
- Permafrost Microbial Communities Are Active Across a Holocene to Pleistocene Permafrost Chronosequence as Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing.
- Physics-Informed Neural Network with P/S ratios in Explosion-Earthquake Discrimination
- Present-day Evaluation of Extreme Precipitation over the United States: An Inter-comparison of Three Configurations of E3SMv1
- Projected changes in early summer ridging and drought over the Central Plains
- Ramp Compression of Germanium Dioxide to Extreme Conditions: Phase Transitions in an SiO2 Analog
- Regionally Refined Model of E3SM Version 2: Overview of Atmosphere, Land, and River
- Removing Numerical Pathologies in a Turbulence Parameterization through Convergence Testing
- Resolving away stratocumulus biases in modern global climate models
- Response of Streamflow to Climate Change in the Colorado River Basin
- Sample tracking and synthesis needs for exploring ecosystem response to climate and environmental disturbance
- Searching for Signatures of Stratospheric Disturbance with Large Spatial Datasets of Meteoric 10Be/7Be
- Seasonal Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology
- Seasonal and tidal forcing control salt marsh porewater nitrate dynamics in a Mediterranean system
- Seismic and strain monitoring of the EGS Collab experiment #2 testbed: Dataset overview and initial results
- Sequential Extractions: Measuring Sorption Capacity of Sandstone for Uranium
- Simulation of Strong Ground Motion Data from the 18 March 2020 Mw 5.7 Magna, Utah, Earthquake to Evaluate the Wasatch Front Community Velocity Model (WFCVM)
- Soil Carbon Compound Class Persistence Across a Climate Gradient in California Grassland Soils
- Soil water isotope measurements (tritium, deuterium, oxygen-18) and Hydrus-1D simulations with evaporative fractionation to examine the impacts of deeply rooted switchgrass on soil hydrology
- Stable Isotope Labeling as a Tool to Advance the Development of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems
- Storage and Persistence of Organic Carbon in 0 to 3 m Soil Depth: Insights from 22 Arable and Native Prairie Sites in Nebraska.
- Stratospheric Temperature Measurements from NanoSatellite Observations of Stellar Occultation Bending
- Substantial contribution of internal variability to satellite-era tropospheric warming inferred from CMIP6 large ensembles
- Super-droplet Method to Simulate Lagrangian Microphysics of Nuclear Fallout in a Homogeneous Cloud
- Superior daily and sub-daily precipitation statistics for intense and long-lived storms in global storm-resolving models
- Synthesis and Stability of an Eight-Coordinated Fe3O4 High-Pressure Phase: Implications for the Mantle Structure of Super-Earths
- The Damage Mechanics Challenge Results: Participant Predictions Compared with Experiment
- The Presence and Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
- The Use of Moment Tensors in Identifying Collapses
- The cost of cultivating cooling: the relative contributions of financial incentives for soil carbon sequestration in agriculture to reducing global surface temperatures
- The effect of CO2 transition phase on seismic waves in the CCS monitoring field
- The physics behind precipitation onset bias in CMIP6 models
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
- Towards Improving Infrastructure Resilience to Tropical Cyclone Induced Flooding
- Towards high-resolution flood monitoring at daily scale: fusing Suomi-NPP/VIIRS and Sentinel-1 SAR based inundation maps by adversarial learning
- Towards rigorous evaluation of cloud feedbacks, pattern effects, and climate sensitivity
- Tracking Mesoscale Convection Systems in the US in E3SM Multiscale Modeling Framework
- Transformation Mechanisms During Phase Transition Of Bridgmanite Into Post-Perovskite At Lower Mantle Pressures
- Transient Weakening and Microstructures Associated with the Quartz-Coesite Phase Transition
- Understanding the Links between Winter Surface Temperature Biases and Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies over the Southern Hemisphere in an Ensemble of E3SM Simulations
- Using Hydrocode Simulations and Machine Learning to Constrain β and the Material Properties of Dimorphos After the DART Impact
- Utilizing Climate-Informed Convolutional Neural Network for Future Flood Damage Assessment in the Cropland Area
- Vertically resolved analysis of the Madden-Julian Oscillation highlights the role of convective transport of moist static energy
- Volcanic Aerosol Effects on Cirrus through Ice Nucleation Revealed by Satellite Measurements
- What Makes a Good Underground Hydrogen Storage Reservoir? Insights From Existing Gas Storage Fields, Classic Petroleum Systems, and Geologic Principles
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Akinsanola
- A. E. Dessler
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Park Williams
- A. R. Kovscek
- A. Rotundi
- A. Visser
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alex Chang
- Alex Hall
- Alexandra M. Iezzi
- Alice Lucchetti
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Amrita Bhattacharyya
- Amy Goldman
- An Yin
- Anders Ahlström
- Andrea Chiang
- Andrea M. Jenney
- Andrew Calderwood
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew T. Wittenberg
- Angeline G. Pendergrass
- Anirudh Hari
- Antonietta Capotondi
- Arman Pouyaei
- Arthur R. Rodgers
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Avni Malhotra
- B. A. Remington
- B. H. Samset
- B. P. Weiss
- B. R. Hillman
- Baike Xi
- Baoxiang Pan
- Bart Geerts
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin D. Santer
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Bhavna Arora
- Brian Medeiros
- Bryce E. Harrop
- C. M. Ernst
- C. R. Terai
- C. S. Siddoway
- C.L. Bennett
- Carol S. Woodward
- Caroline Seyler
- Chad W. Thackeray
- Charles A. Hyde
- Charles D. Koven
- Charles E. Lesher
- Charles Jones
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Chet Hopp
- Christina Kaiser
- Christine Y. Chen
- Christopher J. Vogl
- Colin Pennington
- Corinne D. Scown
- Craig R. See
- Cristian Proistosescu
- D. Agarwal
- D. C. Templeton
- D. D. Lucas
- D. Kim
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. M. Peteet
- Da Yang
- Daehyun Kang
- Daehyun Kim
- Dana L. McGuffin
- Daniel Brito
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel McCoy
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Daniela Cusack
- Danney R. Glaser
- David C. Lafferty
- David Fee
- David J. Erskine
- David Painemal
- David V. Bekaert
- David Wallis
- Dev Niyogi
- Diogo L. Lourenço
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- Douglas R. Schmitt
- E. C. Seybold
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. Dotto
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- E. S. Cochran
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward Molter
- Elena Blanc‐Betes
- Elisha M. Wood‐Charlson
- Elizabeth A. Barnes
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Elizabeth Trembath‐Reichert
- Ella T. Sieradzki
- Emilio Grande
- Emma L. Aronson
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric J. Steig
- Eric Slessarev
- Evan H. DeLucia
- Felipe González‐Cataldo
- Flavio Lehner
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- G. Jóhannesson
- G. Ricker
- Gabriel J. Kooperman
- Gareth J. Funning
- Gemma J. Anderson
- Gene A. Ichinose
- George Tselioudis
- Graham Feingold
- Greg Lackey
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory S. Elsaesser
- Guang J. Zhang
- H. E. Dahlke
- Haemyeong Jung
- Hailong Wang
- Hari Viswanathan
- Hassan Beydoun
- Herbert F. Wang
- Hongkyu Yoon
- Hsi‐Yen Ma
- Hugh Morrison
- Hui Wan
- Huikyo Lee
- Hunter Brown
- Hussein Aluie
- Israel Silber
- Ivan Mitevski
- J. Anderson
- J. B. Johnson
- J. David Neelin
- J. E. Kay
- J. K. Wicks
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. Michael Owen
- J. Mülmenstädt
- J. R. Brucato
- James C. Stegen
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jeff Dozier
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jinbo Xie
- Jingjing Tian
- Jitendra Kumar
- Jiwen Fan
- Jiwoo Lee
- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
- Joanna J. Bryson
- Jochen Braunmiller
- Joel R. Norris
- John C. Gosse
- John T. Fasullo
- Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Jonghyun Lee
- Joseph Hardin
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Jungmin Lee
- Justin L. Rubinstein
- K. E. Grant
- K. J. McFarlane
- K. Kroll
- K. L. Feigl
- K. N. Musselman
- Kai Zhang
- Kanani K. M. Lee
- Kari Finstad
- Karthik Balaguru
- Kate Marvel
- Katerina Georgiou
- Kateryna Zhalnina
- Katherine Calvin
- Kathryn M. Kumamoto
- Keehoon Kim
- Keith D. Koper
- Kevin A. Reed
- Kevin M. Grise
- Kimber Moreland
- Krishna AchutaRao
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle G. Pressel
- L. J. Pyrak‐Nolte
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Lee B. Corbett
- Leighton M. Watson
- Lily Hahn
- Lin Lin
- Lion Krischer
- Lisa Bock
- Lonnie Hufford
- Louis S. Hansen
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. E. Palumbo
- M. E. West
- M. H. Conklin
- Mallory E. DeCoster
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Mandy Bethkenhagen
- Manish Shrivastava
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui
- Margot Bador
- Marisa Repasch
- Marius Millot
- Mark D. Zelinka
- Mark P. Waldrop
- Mary-Cathrine Leewis
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Masoud Ghahremanloo
- Matthew R. Norman
- Mauro Buttinelli
- Maxwell Grover
- Megan Bruck Syal
- Meng Zhang
- Michael Afanasiev
- Michael Afanasiev
- Michael Cardiff
- Michael E. Pasyanos
- Michael J. McPhaden
- Michael Manga
- Michael S. Pritchard
- Miguel Cisneros
- Minghui Diao
- Mingxuan Wu
- Min‐Seop Ahn
- Nathan Collier
- Nathan P. Gillett
- Neala Creasy
- Neel Desai
- Nicholas Siler
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Nicolas Huerta
- Nicole Feldl
- Niels Grobbe
- Nipun Gunawardena
- Olaf Morgenstern
- Oliver A. Chadwick
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. Artale Harris
- P. J. Cameron-Smith
- P. M. Bremner
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Paola Passalacqua
- Patrick Dobson
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Paul J. Durack
- Paul J. Kushner
- Pengcheng Fu
- Peter Caldwell
- Peter J. Haproff
- Peter K. Weber
- Peter N. Blossey
- Philip J. Rasch
- Philip S. Muirhead
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Qi Tang
- Qing Zhu
- Qingkai Kong
- R. Gök
- R. J. Mellors
- R. M. Allen
- R. T. Daly
- Rachel Van Allen
- Rahul A. Zaveri
- Raphael A. Viscarra Rossel
- Rehenuma Lazin
- Rellie M. Goddard
- Ricardo J. Eloy Alves
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert C. J. Wills
- Robert Jacob
- Robin S. Matoza
- Rong Fu
- Rose Abramoff
- S. Garelick
- S. R. Ford
- S. R. Hemming
- Sam J. Silva
- Samson Hagos
- Sarat Sreepathi
- Sarina Patel
- Sasha Ames
- Sean Patrick Santos
- Seulgi Moon
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Seyedali Mousavinezhad
- Sha Feng
- Shaocheng Xie
- Shayne McGregor
- Shixuan Zhang
- Shuaiqi Tang
- Sierra S. Raglin
- Signe K. White
- Sirus K. Han
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Stephanie Hay
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Stephen Price
- Steven Christe
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Sébastien Hamel
- T. Masterlark
- T. Taira
- T. Vinci
- Taehyun Kim
- Takanobu Yamaguchi
- Tetsuya Komabayashi
- Tian Zhou
- Tiantian Zhou
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timothy A. Myers
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Trevor J. Porter
- Trude Eidhammer
- Ty Samo
- V. Le Roux
- V. Mennella
- Valerie Hendrix
- Valier Galy
- Vernon R. Morris
- Veronika Eyring
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Virendra P. Ghate
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- W. M. Davis
- Wei-Ching Hsu
- Wendy H. Yang
- Whitney M. Behr
- William J. Riley
- William L. Ellsworth
- William R. Walter
- William R. Wieder
- Xi Zhao
- Xiangjun Shi
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xingqiu Yuan
- Xiquan Dong
- Yan Feng
- Yang Tian
- Yao-sheng Chen
- Yoonah Bang
- Yunsoo Choi
- Yves Guglielmi
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zhe Feng
- Zhibo Zhang
- Ziming Ke
- Zong‐Liang Yang