University of Kentucky
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Spherical Two Dimensional Asperity Scale Frictional Melting Model
- A Structural-Paleomagnetic Investigation in the Foreland Thrust Belt of Georgia and Alabama to Constrain Rotations in Lateral and Oblique Structures
- How Faults Are Loaded: The Influence of Tectonic Environment
- Neotectonic Deformation in the Lower Wabash Valley Fault System
- Postseismic Reloading: A Mechanism for Temporal Clustering of Major Earthquakes on Individual Faults
- The Importance of Lithology in the Interpretation of Apatite U-Th/He Ages
- Clustering of Major Earthquakes on Individual Faults: Characterization Via a Single Non-Dimensional Parameter
- Ground-Motion Recordings from the June 18, 2002, Darmstadt, Indiana, Earthquake
- Lifelines and Earthquake Hazards Along the Interstate 5 Urban Corridor: Cottage Grove, Oregon, to Vancouver, B.C.
- Overprint of Basement-Fault Reactivation in Flexural Deformation and Deposition in the Blountian (Taconic) Peripheral Foreland Basin
- Plant and Soil Natural Abundance delta-<SUP>15</SUP>N: Indicators of Nitrogen Cycling in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- SH-Wave Seismic-Reflection Evidence for a Tectonic Origin of Anomalous Stress in Near-Surface Unlithified Sediment, Midcontinent, United States
- Source Characteristics and Their Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Central United States
- Assessing Hydrologic Similarity of Watersheds by Analyzing Geometric Patterns in Streamflow Time Series
- Effects of Driving Stress and Rheology on the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Faulting Within Intraplate Seismic Zones
- High-Resolution Geophysical Investigation of Late Quaternary Deformation in the Lower Wabash Valley Fault System, Central United States.
- Localized Weak Zones and Their Role in the Generation of Intraplate Seismic Zones: Effects of Weak Zone Geometry and Rheology
- Tritium Phytoremediation at the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA: Water Management, Operations, and Research
- Cycle-Up of Multiple Rifting Event Models: How Long Does it Take to Reach A Steady State Stress?
- Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on Deep Ground Waters in the Bluegrass Region of Central Kentucky
- Geophysical and Geological Evidence of Neotectonic Deformation Along the Hovey Lake Fault, Lower Wabash Valley Fault System, Central United States
- High-velocity Frictional Behavior of Dunite, Biotite Gneiss, Phyllite and Coal Show Evidence for Melting and Thermal Degasing
- Localized weak zone and their role in generation of intraplate seismicity: Effects of weak zone geometry and rheology
- Neogene Flowstones of the Interior Low Plateau of Kentucky: Isotopic, Geochemical, and Petrographic Constraints on Near-Surface Hydrology and Climate
- Regional Assessment of Pathogen Pollution Using Kriging Approach
- Temporal Clustering of Earthquakes due to Stress Transfer in Viscoelastic Layers
- Tree Ring Stable Isotopic Evidence for Climate Change in Coastal Wetlands of the Northeastern United States
- A Clear Definition of Seismic Hazard and Risk: A Basis for Hazard and Risk Assessment, Communication, and Management
- A New Integrated Neural Network Architecture for Streamflow Forecasting
- Development of a Rapid Assessment Method for Quantifying Carbon Sequestration on Reclaimed Coal Mine Sites
- Environmental Magnetic Analysis of Sediment Samples From the Lower Trinity River, Texas, USA
- Late Paleozoic Deglaciation in Western Equatorial Pangaea
- Role of the Kentucky Geological Survey in Implementing IBC-2000 and IRC-2000 in Kentucky: Better Communication of Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment
- Surface Water Assessment and Hydrologic Modeling under Karst Aquifer Conditions
- Channel Response To Global Warming In East-Central North America: Using The Hypsithermal As A Guide
- Comparison of Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Programming, Genetic Algorithm, and Multiple Linear Regression for Water Quality Modeling
- Correlation of GIS Events 21 and 22 With the Asian Monsoon Record From Dongge Cave, and a Complete Record of Monsoon Variability Since the Penultimate Interglacial
- Delineating Fecal Contaminant Sources and Travel Times in a Karst Groundwater Basin, Inner Bluegrass Region, Kentucky
- ENSO-Based Index Insurance: Approach and Peru Flood Risk Management Application
- Earthquake Clustering in Noisy Viscoelastic Systems
- Grenville Zircon Fertility, Baby Boom, and Baby Boom Echo; Natural Bias in the Detrital Zircon Record
- Identifying pre-Historic Land use Through Stable Isotope and Geomorphic Analyses
- Near-Surface Seismic-Reflection Imaging of the 2001 Ms 8.1 Central Kunlun Earthquake Rupture Zone, Kunlun Pass Segment, Northwest China
- Role of the Scientist in Formulating Public Policy: Communicating Seismic Hazard and Risk in the Central United States
- Uncertainty in Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Base-level Response to Holocene Climate Change in the Central Appalachian Mountains of North America: Preview of Global Warming?
- Earthquake Scaling Laws and Seismic Hazard and Risk Analyses
- High Resolution, Absolute Dated Terrestrial Climate Record of Temperature and Precipitation From the Eastern US Covering 0-7ka, 116-127ka, and 145-298 ka
- Imaging the Active Faults in Lanzhou, Northwest China
- Integrated Geophysical and Geological Fault Assessment at a Hazardous-Waste Landfill: Fluorspar Area Fault Complex, Central United States
- Late Paleozoic partitioned transpression and heterogeneous extrusion of granitic Monson orthogneiss, Appalachian Orogen, southern New England, USA
- Microstructural evolution of garnet in a greenschist facies transpression zone
- Paleoclimatic impact on vertebrate activities: a speleothem record from Power Mill Creek Cave, Missouri
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- A Preliminary Full Spectrum Magnetic Anomaly Database of the United States With Improved Long Wavelengths for Studying Continental Dynamics
- Dendrologic Effects on Soil Evolution Timescales and System Behavior in the Ouachita Mountains, USA
- Geophysical Imaging of Large Dams in the Central United States
- High-resolution Vp and Vs Structure of the Post-Paleozoic Sediments in the Upper Mississippi Embayment, Central USA
- New Data Bases and Standards for Gravity Anomalies
- Study of terrestrial carbon cycling as impacted by mountaintop coal mining in the Southern Appalachian forest region using carbon elemental and isotopic data and remote sensing of land cover change
- The Wenchuan, China M8.0 Earthquake: A Lesson and Implication for Seismic Hazard Mitigation
- Transition From the LGM to the Holocene, the View From a West Virginia Cave
- Coupling Socioeconomic and Hydrologic Models to Improve Understanding of Human-Natural Systems Linkages in a Water-Rich Environment
- Drivers of aboveground primary production and litter accumulation in grass dominated systems
- Geophysical Methods for Locating Karst Conduits in Cane Run Watershed, Central Kentucky
- Historical Earthquake Records and their Application for Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment in Tianshui, Gansu Province, Northwestern China
- Landscape change and sediment yield of rivers in the northeastern US during 19th century
- Lessons in collaboration and effective field research from the Appalachian Headwaters Research Experience for Undergraduates Program
- Microbial communities of Hyper saline Lake Salda and Acigol, SW Turkey and Their effects on Biogeochemical cycles
- Model Estimates of POC Flux and Carbon Outgassing from Streambed Sediments in a Lowland Watershed
- Natural Hazard Assessment and Communication in the Central United States
- Nineteenth Century Harbors: Accounting for Coastal Urban Development in Hydrologic Change
- Nonlinear impacts of small-scale natural events on Nineteenth Century human decision-making
- The historical effects of coal mining on the hydrology of Appalachia
- A Cyber-Infrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System -VOEIS
- Emissions by Uncontrolled Coal Fires
- Geological mapping of the vertical southeast face of El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California (Invited)
- Modeling the carbon isotope composition of bivalve shells (Invited)
- Quantification of induced and remanent magnetizations in the lithospheric mantle and consequences for long wavelength magnetic anomalies
- Root grooves on sandstone bedrock, Ouachita Mountains
- Spatial Variation Scales of Rainfall Characteristics and Bromide Leaching
- Ambient N-15 Signature of Bed Sediment for Estimating Seasonal Nutrient Transformations
- Cambrian to Recent Structures around the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Constraints on Lithospheric Dynamics From Curie Depth/Magnetic Bottom Depth Determinations
- Factors Controlling the Fractionation of Anions in Marine Aerosol Mimics
- Geochemical Modeling of CO2, Brine, and Reservoir Rock Interactions in the Knox Group, Western Kentucky
- Hydration of 2-oxocarboxylic acids and their geminal diols at the air-aqueous interface of atmospheric waters
- Modeling the Effect of Long-term Diffusive Infiltration of Reactive Water on Seal Integrity: Case Study of Lower Paleozoic Strata, Illinois Basin, Kentucky
- Organic Carbon Fate and Transport in a Lowland, Temperate Watershed
- SH-Wave Imaging of Potential Near-Surface Geologic Controls on Contaminant Plume Migration: Fluorspar Area Fault Complex, Western Kentucky USA
- Shallow stratigraphic controls on fluid and solute fluxes across the sediment-water interface of an estuary (Invited)
- Soil Organic Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Reclaimed Appalachian Mine Soil
- The PhenoCam Website: Adventures in "Crowd-Sourcing" Data Collection, Distribution and Analysis
- Weekend-weekday lightning variability for an urban region
- Discussing Climate Change with the Public: Presenting the Science is Necessary but Insufficient
- Effect of Oil Contamination on Infauna of Louisiana and Mississippi Marshes with Implications for Marsh Functioning
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration as a function of Photosynthetic Active Radiation
- Evidence for post-26 ka displacement of the Northern Foothills Thrust at the Nenana River, Alaska
- Fate, behavior, and bioavailability of metal and metal oxide nanomaterials in terrestrial ecosystems
- Imaging of shallow crustal structure in upper Mississippi Embayment using microearthquake waveforms
- Influence of DOM and redox potential on the leaching of As and Cr from coal fly ash
- Linear Ground-Motions in the Wabash Valley, Central United States: Two Decades of Unconventional Observations
- Maximum Magnitude and Recurrence Interval for the Large Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States
- North American Magnetic Bottom/Curie Depth estimates and their significance for lithospheric temperatures and magnetization
- Paleoseismology of the Denali fault at the Nenana River
- Reconnaissance Observations of Newly Identified Active Faults and Their Relationship to Evolution of the Mount McKinley Restraining Bend, Denali National Park, Alaska
- Terrestrial Carbon Losses from Mountaintop Coal Mining Offsets Regional Forest Carbon Sequestration in the 21ST Century
- ARCHES: Advancing Research & Capacity in Hydrologic Education and Science
- An Integrated Approach for Understanding Anthropogenic and Climatic Impacts on Lakes: A Case study from Lake Iznik, Turkey
- Assessing Landscape-Scale Soil Moisture Distribution Using Auxiliary Sensing Technologies and Multivariate Geostatistics
- BOOST H2O - Field Training Activities for Hydrologic Science near Lake Iznik, Turkey
- Bankfull -- Does It Correspond to 1.0- to 3.0-yr Floods in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Headwater Streams?
- Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical Climate Impacts of Mountaintop Coal Mining in Southern Appalachia USA
- Building Opportunity Out of Science and Technology (BOOST): Enhancing Capacity for Hydrologic Science in Morocco and Egypt
- Carbonate Mineral Formation on Mars: Clues from Stable Isotope Variations Seen in Cryogenic Laboratory Studies of Carbonate Salts
- Characterizing Sedimentary Responses to Coastal Faulting Using High-Resolution Geochronology and Sedimentology: East Matagorda Peninsula, Texas
- Concentration Effects and Ion Properties Controlling the Fractionation of Halides in Sea Spray
- Conversion of Iodide to Hypoiodous Acid and Molecular Iodine at the Air-Water Interface
- Current Climate Variability & Change
- Decision Support System to Guide Land Use Fingerprinting Using Stable Isotopes under Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Dynamics of Submarine Landslides in an Active Margin from Analysis of Particle Size, Cores, and 3D Seismic Data: Site C0021, IODP Expedition 338, Offshore Japan
- Field Training Activities for Hydrologic Science in West Java, Indonesia
- Geographically Variable Response of Land Surface Phenology to 2012 Anomalous Spring Warming
- In-Situ Lithospheric Rheology Measurement Using Isostatic Response and Geophysical State
- Northeast-Oriented Transpression Structure and Potential Accommodation Implications: Northern New Madrid Seismic Zone, U.S.A
- Nutrient Budgets in Successional Northern Hardwood Forests: Uncertainty in soil, root, and tree concentrations and pools (Invited)
- Salt Marsh Sediment Mixing Following Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposure from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Seismic Hazard Assessment in China: From the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake to the 2013 Minxian Earthquake
- Shallow stratigraphic controls on fluid and solute fluxes across the sediment-water interface of an estuary (Invited)
- Storm-associated hydrodynamics drive transient solute and redox chemistry within the floodplain aquifer and hyporheic zone of a piedmont stream
- The Origin of Carbon-bearing Volatiles in Surprise Valley Hot Springs in the Great Basin: Carbon Isotope and Water Chemistry Characterizations
- Validating a novel lidar distributional approach for forest floor fuel load mapping: Eastern hardwoods vs. western spruce-fir environments
- Vegetation controls on weathering intensity during the last deglacial transition in southeast Africa
- Watershed Scale Stable Isotope Distribution and Implications on Soil Organic Carbon Loss Monitoring under Hydrologic Uncertainty
- Assessing the Relative Mobility of Submarine Landslides from Deposit Morphology and Physical Properties: an Example from Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan
- Chemical Signals of Critical Zone Processing: Quantification of Water and Sediment Sources During Individual Storm Events in the Christina River Critical Zone Observatory
- Deuterium and oxygen-18 diffusion in a confined aquifer: a numerical model of stable isotope diffusion across aquitard-aquifer boundaries
- Earthquake Early Warning: User Education and Designing Effective Messages
- Foraminiferal Evidence of Sediment Deformation Caused by Late Holocene Faulting in a Backbarrier Lagoon, Matagorda, Texas, USA
- Geotherms and Thermal Parameters from the Curie Depth Constrained Solutions of the One-Dimensional Steady-State Heat-Flow Equation: A New Method and Its Applicability
- Investigation of VOC Transport in Soil Vapors due to Wind Effects using Models and Measurement
- Kalman Filters in Improving the Signal to Noise Ratio of Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry Data
- Knowledge Brokers in the Making: Opportunities to Connect Researchers and Stakeholders
- Long-term Trends in Particulate Organic Carbon from a Low-Gradient Autotrophic Watershed
- Mantle Water Fugacity is the Dominant Factor in Total Strength and Stability/Mobility of Continental Lithosphere
- Pavement Subsidence in the Cumberland Gap Tunnel, USA: A Story of Groundwater Chemistry
- Temporal and Spatial Characterization of Macondo 252 Signatures in Gulf of Mexico Shelf and Slope Sediments: Evidence for Weathering, Biodegradation, and Transport
- The Effect of Finite Thickness Extent on Estimating Depth to Basement from Aeromagnetic Data
- Tiny Fossils, Big Impact: Sedimentology of a Foraminifera-Enriched Detachment Horizon of a Large Retrogressive Submarine Landslide in the Gulf of Mexico
- Turbulence of non-uniform open channel flows and mean velocity scaling
- USArray Receiver Function Imaging of Multiple-Layer Crustal Structure of the Contiguous United States
- Uncertainty in accounting for carbon accumulation following forest harvesting
- Understanding the effects of permeability heterogeneity and connectivity on surface water-groundwater exchange using multiscale models
- Use of isotopically-tagged isolates of E. coli for tracking bacterial movement in karst environments
- A Numerical Model of Deuterium and Oxygen-18 Diffusion in the Confined Lower Wilcox Aquifer of the Lower Mississippi Valley (USA)
- Climate Change Impact on Snowfall, Evapotransportation and Streamflow in a Temperate, Wet Watershed
- Climate change impacts on soil carbon storage in global croplands: 1901-2010
- Fluvial Responses to Growth Faulting in the West Pearl River, Louisiana
- Large-Amplitude, Scattered Tsunami Wave Mapping Enabled by Ocean Bottom Seismometer Array Recordings
- New Insights into the Tectonics of the Midcontintent of U.S.A. from EarthScope USArray Seismic, Gravity, Magnetic and Heat Flow Datasets
- Optimizing water management practices for enhancing rice production and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Asia: The food-water-climate nexus approach
- Paleoearthquakes of the past ~2500 years at the Dead Mouse site, west-central Denali fault at the Nenana River, Alaska
- Pliocene Cosmogenic Nuclide Burial Ages of the Nenana Gravel: Progress in Dating and Implications for Alaska Range Evolution
- Relative Importance of Dust, Splash, and Sheet/Rill Transport Processes on Off-Highway Vehicle Trails in the Ouachita Mountains
- Spring Responses to Storms and Seasonal Variations in Recharge in the Middle Atlas Region of Morocco
- Terrestrial and Aquatic Carbon Fate and Transport in a Temperate Fluviokarst Watershed
- The model of lithospheric thickness beneath China from gravity data
- Using multi-scale structural and petrological analysis coupled with zircon and monazite SIMS and <em>in-situ</em> EPMA geochronology to document the evolution of a mid-crustal transpression system: a case study from the Northern Appalachians, U.S.A.
- Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism
- Assessing Distribution and Origin of Methane in Shallow Groundwater in Horizontal Oil and Gas Play Areas, Eastern Kentucky
- Can carbonate hardground cements allow us to reconstruct the evolution of pore water chemistry?
- Characterization of the Lower Wolfcamp, Midland Basin, Texas, using subsurface stratigraphic and geochemical datasets.
- Estimating Site Effect in the Central U.S. Using Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios from Broadband Recordings of Earthquake and Blast Shear Waves and Ambient Noise
- FrankenRaven: A New Platform for Remote Sensing
- Geology and Design: Formal and Rational Connections
- Hydrologic Connectivity and Land Use Effects on Sediment Accumulation on Stream Floodplains of the Savannah River Site, South Carolina.
- Instrument Correction and Dynamic Site Profile Validation at the Central United States Seismic Observatory, New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Integration of climatic water deficit and fine-scale physiography in process-based modeling of forest landscape resilience to large-scale tree mortality
- Limnogeological evidence of tropical floodplain responses to environmental change on a distal fluvial megafan, Pantanal, Brazil
- Nitrogen isotopic composition of enameloid-bound organic matter from modern and fossil shark teeth
- On the Origin of the High Magnetization Zone Parallel to the Paleoproterozoic - Mesoproterozoic Southeastern Margin (Neodymium Line) of Laurentian United States
- Response of the Laprak Landslide to the 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Implications for the Utility of Simple Infinite Slope Models in Regional Landslide Hazard Assessment
- Short-Term Surface Elevation Variations at Matagorda Peninsula, Texas: A Response Produced by Shrink-and-Swell Clays?
- The West Elk Breccia: Evidence of a Massive Volcanic Debris Avalanche in the Eastern Gunnison River Valley, West-Central Colorado, USA
- Tracing Mantle Plumes: Quantifying their Morphology and Behavior from Seismic Tomography
- A Multi-proxy Approach to Understanding the Diagenesis of Carbonates in Pennsylvanian Mudrocks in the Midland Basin
- Accounting for and predicting the influence of spatial autocorrelation in water quality modeling
- Advancement in Watershed Modelling Using Dynamic Lateral and Longitudinal Sediment (Dis)connectivity Prediction
- Calibrating multiple isotopic proxies in a modern aragonite speleothem from northeast India
- Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Transport In a Lowland Watershed System: Controlling Processes and Projection
- Creating Geologically Based Radon Potential Maps for Kentucky
- Deep-Sea Macrobenthos Community Structure Proximal to the 2010 Macondo Well Blowout (2010-2011)
- Determining timing of Alaska Range exhumation and glaciation through cosmogenic nuclide burial dating.
- Early College STEM-focused High Schools: A Natural and Overlooked Recruitment Pool for the Geosciences
- Environmental drivers of microbial abundance and composition in Arctic sediments, Kongsfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden, Svalbard (79°N): Evidence from stable and radioactive isotopes
- Estimating Site Response in the Northern Mississippi Embayment with S-Wave HVSR and Recordings from Deep Vertical Strong-Motion Arrays
- Evaluation of UAS for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Monitoring as Part of the 2017 CLOUD-MAP Flight Campaign
- From erosion to earthquakes: A geomorphic model for intraplate seismicity in post-orogenic settings
- Global High Resolution Crustal Magnetic Field Mapping at the Surface of the Moon from Lunar Prospector and SELENE/Kaguya Satellites
- High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Reelfoot Fault, New Madrid, Missouri
- Linkages Between Critical Wedges and Crustal Channels Using 2-D Coupled Thermomechanical Finite Element Models: Implications for Himalayan Orogenic Evolution
- Moho Depth and Geometry in the Illinois Basin Region Based on Gravity and Seismic Data from an EarthScope FlexArray Experiment
- New Progress on Radiocarbon Geochronology in Southern Lake Tanganyika (East Africa)
- Nitrogen Fate in a Phreatic Fluviokarst Watershed: a Stable Isotope, Sediment Tracing, and Numerical Modeling Approach
- Nitrogen gas emissions and nitrate leaching dynamics under different tillage practices based on data synthesis and process-based modeling
- Nitrous Oxide and Methane Fluxes in Responses to Conservation Management across Cropping Systems in Asia from a Data-Model Integration Perspective
- Observations of Building Performance under Combined Wind and Surge Loading from Hurricane Harvey
- Photolysis of α-KETO Acids in Model Atmospheric Water
- Preliminary Nearshore Sedimentation Rate Analysis of the Tuungane Project Northern Mahale Conservation Area, Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania)
- Quantifying mantle structure and dynamics using plume tracing in seismic tomography
- Thrust Slip Rates as a Control on the Presence and Spatial Distribution of High Metamorphic Heating Rates in Collisional Systems: The "Hot Iron" Model Revisited
- Trace Gas Quantification with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Variation in stable isotopes of freshwater mussel shells in a Kentucky river system
- A preliminary look at the impacts of assimilating UAS data into high resolution WRF simulations of the San Luis Valley
- Application of the Speleothem Calcium Isotope Paleo-Rainfall Proxy to the 8.2 Ka Event in Coastal California
- BARscope - extending EarthScope Between the Appalachians and the Rockies
- Comparing Barrier Island Dune Topography across Large Geographic Extents
- Constraining Lower Mantle Plume Anisotropy: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
- Crustal Flow Between the Ordos and Sichuan Blocks in Western China
- Discovery of a 3.46 Ga-old Asteroid Impact Crater in the East Pilbara District, Western Australia
- Disentangling local and regional climatic controls on vegetation and the flood pulse in the Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetland
- Evaluating the Acidity Enhancement of Carboxylic Acids and its Effect on Photochemistry on the Surface of Water
- Evaluating the Effects of Post-Depositional Alteration of Carbonates on δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>carb</SUB> and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>carb </SUB>in a Mud-Rich Depositional Environment: A Case Study from the Midland Basin, Texas
- Financial instruments for natural catastrophe risk in the developing world
- Global High Resolution Crustal Magnetic Field at the Surface of the Moon from Low-altitude Lunar Prospector Magnetic Gradient Data
- Increased Severity of Ice Storms May Have Important Implications for Carbon Cycling
- Insights from combined detrital monazite geochronology and Nd isotopic composition on recording tectonic events and quantifying sedimentary recycling
- Instrumental Color Measurement for Forensic Soil Analysis
- Inversion of Single-Station S-Wave HVSR for Shallow Velocity Structure: Utility and Limitations
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Lake infill in the South American lowlands: Effect on water resources and terrestrialization processes
- Linkage between surface mobility and composition dependent properties in the early Earth
- Long-Term Landslide Monitoring Using Soil-Water Relationships and Electrical-Resistivity Tomography to Estimate Suction Stress and Shear Strength
- Mantle contribution to ultra-high temperature metamorphism and melting during long-hot orogens
- Mechanisms of Heating in a Hinterland Nappe of Northern Scotland, with Tectonic Implications
- Microfossil and Stratigraphic Evidence for Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Changes at Lagoa Negra, Central Pantanal Wetlands (Brazil)
- Multilayer bimineralic models for Southern Highlands magnetic anomalies on Mars:Insights from peridotitic laterites in New Caledonia
- Nitrate Removal in a Phreatic Karst Conduit: Estimating Nitrification and Denitrification Rates using Stable Isotopes and Numerical Modeling
- Preliminary evaluation of realtime predictions with WRF LES using UAS and surface-based remote-sensing data collected during 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Rhizosphere attributes and survival strategies: The potential role of the rhizosphere in Ni hyperaccumulation vs non-hyperaccumulation in serpentine adapted flora
- Shear-Wave Velocities and Site-Effect in Beijing, China Area
- Signatures of obliquity and eccentricity in soil chronosequences
- Simulating potential effects of conservation tillage on cropland soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in the Conterminous US during 1979-2015
- Sulfur isotopes in pyrite, anhydrite, elemental sulfur and carbonate associated sulfate as recorders of diagenesis in the San Andres Formation, West Texas
- The ground motion simulation of Kangding M<SUB>w</SUB>6.0,2014 by the stochastic finite-fault model
- Trace Gas Quantification with the UKySonde During the 2018 LAPSE-RATE Campaign
- Was the Northern Extent of the Teton Fault 'Erased' by the Yellowstone Hotspot? Defining the Active Northern Extent of This System
- Behavioral Responses to ShakeAlert Messages: Is "Drop, Cover, Hold On!" Actionable?
- Calibration of Satellite Based Hydrologic Parameters using Ground Based Sensor Data
- Comparison of LiDAR Based Landslide Hazard Assessments for Eastern Kentucky
- Compositional changes in the mantle and surface mobility in the early Earth
- Contaminants from Coal Combustion Residuals in a Closed Ash Impoundment: an Environmental Case Study
- Dynamics of a plume beneath Laurentia
- Effects of an Experimental Ice Storm on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Exploitation of elevation datasets and geoprocessing to produce accurate geologic basemaps
- Failure to alert? Exploring perceptions of ShakeAlert during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- High Resolution Elastic Thickness Variation Across Valles Marineris: New Insights on the Structure and Evolution of Martian Lithosphere
- Impacts of the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard - Linking Policy, Economics, and Environmental Outcomes
- Moraine crest or slope: an analysis on the effects of boulder position on cosmogenic exposure age
- Near-surface Hydrologic Investigations of Pleistocene lakes within the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Optimal Transport for Assessing Nitrate Source and Pathway Connectivity in a Human-Disturbed Watershed
- Paleoecological Analysis of Holocene Sediment Cores from the Southern Basin of Lake Tanganyika: Implications for Fish and Water Resources in One of Africa's Largest Lakes
- Probability-based interpretation of terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide ages: P-CAAT, a tool for the ages
- Revised map of landslide occurrence across the United States
- Seismic Interpretation of Nearshore Sedimentation Variation in Relation to Land Use: Lake Tanganyika, Africa
- Soil organic carbon dynamics in a long-term no-tillage and cover crop system in the Southeast United States
- Space plasma interactions around Lunar swirl and non-swirl associated magnetic anomalies
- Timing and extent of Quaternary glaciation in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen
- Toward quantitative records of rainfall using speleothem Ca and Sr isotopes
- Use of Acetaminophen and Sucralose as Co-analytes to Differentiate Sources of Human Excreta in Surface Waters
- Using Radon and Other Geochemical Tracers to Identify Groundwater Discharge to Streams in California
- Water Quality Impacts of the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard
- Widespread ecological reorganization of boreal forests following severe wildfires
- δ<SUP>34</SUP>S of dissolved sulfate uncovers groundwater dynamics in Grand Canyon karst systems
- A Complicated Record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Lake Level and Salinity Variability at Mono Lake, California
- A U.S. National Level Study of Operational GHG Emissions Generated in the Water Sector
- Calcium Isotopes in Stalagmites as a Quantitative Precipitation Proxy for Comparison to Instrumental Records
- Carbonate Recrystallization on the Campbell Plateau: Preliminary Results from IODP Site 378-U1553
- Changes of Microbial Communities in Response to Marine Environmental Volatility through the Late Devonian Mass Extinctions
- Constructing a Paleoseismic Record from Lacustrine Landslide Deposits
- Critical Risk Indicators (CRIs) for the electric power grid: A survey and discussion of interconnected effects
- Documenting Decadal Scale Landslide Movement Using Sequential Lidar and Structure from Motion Digital Elevation Models in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Metropolitan Area
- Exploring the structure and dynamics of slab holes in subduction zones
- High-frequency sensing of nitrate to improve numerical model performance: insights from an extensively modeled spring
- Influence of different 3D occurrences of parallel double flaws on the failure characteristics of hard brittle rock
- Influence of pre-existing lithospheric stress on the lithospheric expression of mantle plumes
- Interconnected Risks of Climate, Water and Finance in California's Agriculture
- Linear and Nonlinear Site Response from S-wave HVSR: Observations in the New Madrid Seismic Zone and from the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Modern Depositional Processes within Astoria Canyon, Cascadia Margin
- Paleoearthquakes in the Sedimentary Record
- Rapid Orogenic Collapse—Efficient Erosion, or Something More?
- Real-time Weather Awareness for Enhanced Advanced Aerial Mobility Safety Assurance
- Science Communication as Dialogue, not Monologue: Engaging Underserved Geological Survey Stakeholders in Appalachian Kentucky
- Site Response from Deep Stratigraphic Layers in the Illinois Basin from S-wave H/V Observations and Spectral-Element Modeling
- Student Involvement in Collaborative Scientific Research: A Case Study from Atmospheric Gravity Wave Radiosonde Field Campaigns
- Tracking plume paths and sources in the mantle
- Utilizing Stable Isotopes of Water to Investigate Climate Change in North-Central Ukraine
- Valuing Environmental Risk Information: Evidence from Flood Insurance Rate Map Revisions
- Water Resources in a Changing World: Long-Term Hydrologic Monitoring Provides Insight into Changes on Precipitation and Stream-Water Quality at Robinson Forest in Eastern Kentucky, Appalachia, USA
- What Drives the Shift From Orogenic Channel Flow to "Escape" Flow in Large Hot Collisional Systems? A Comparison P-T-t and Kinematic Study Between the Himalayan-Tibetan and Southern Appalachian Neoacadian Systems
- Analysis of Rock Varnish from East-Central California by Handheld Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Can conservation tillage buffer against soil nitrate loss in U.S. Midwest corn-soybean cropping systems? A regional assessment using an agroecosystem model
- Connecting the deep and shallow critical zone: Quantifying inherited heterogeneity of the CZ structure
- Crafting Social Media Communications to Expand Engagement: How the Kentucky Geological Survey Is Developing New Communications Strategies and Identifying New Stakeholder Populations
- Deciphering the sources of magnetic anomalies in the subduction setting
- Does shelf sediment erosion act as negative feedback to atmospheric pCO2 during glaciations? A case study of the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Elevation Change Detection Thresholds in a Slow-Moving Colluvium Landslide in the Cincinnati Area Using Combinations of Regional LiDAR, Structure from Motion Photogrammetry, and UAV-LiDAR
- Evaluating agricultural runoff from land-applied biosolids and manure as an under-reported transport route for terrestrial microplastics
- Fire History of Lake Tanganyika (Mahale Coast) Watersheds Reconstructed from Macrocharcoal Records
- Forest Migration Outpaces Tree Species Range Shift Across North America
- Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Science
- Impact of Polyethylene and Polystyrene Microplastics on Nitrogen Transformation in Floating Treatment Wetlands
- Improving Crop Yield Simulation by Better Representing the Dynamic Crop Growth Processes and Management Practices
- Influence of pre-existing lithospheric stress on the expression and propagation of mantle plumes
- Insights into Sulfate Reduction and Carbonate Diagenesis on the Southern Campbell Plateau
- Investigation and Comparison of Various SMAP L4_SM Downscaling Routines
- Land Use Impacts on Dynamic Sediment Connectivity Across an Urbanizing Region
- Mapping Wastewater Lagoons in Native American Reservations
- Multi-Pronged Data Collection Strategy for a Fusion Approach to Characterize Karst Aquifers
- Predicting corn phenology shifts to reduce crop production risk under future climate scenarios
- Shifting the Locus of Expertise: Using Human-centered Design to Engage Non-traditional Geoscience Stakeholders in Appalachian Kentucky
- Sinkhole Susceptibility Model using Remote Sensing Data
- Soil organic carbon response to global environmental change is informed by mineral-associated and particulate organic matter
- Structural watershed controls on headwater streamflow permanence: a process-based modeling approach
- The dynamics and surface expression of slab holes
- Time averaging of shell beds in Lake Tanganyika, Africa; implications for a biodiverse and threatened ecosystem
- Understanding the Occurrence of Legitimate and Erroneous Multiple Values at Single Locations in a Large Geohealth Data Set: Insights from the Kentucky Indoor Radon Map Project
- Using sulfate and methane isotopes to track methane sources in Eastern Kentucky groundwater
- Watershed Deforestation Impacts on Littoral/Sublittoral Shell Bed Communities in Lake Tanganyika, Africa: A Biodiverse and Threatened Ecosystem
- Wind Sensing in Urban Environments with Uncrewed Systems
- An Interactive Statewide Spatial Hazard Analysis, Detection, and Environmental Change Tool (SHADE-C)
- An efficient and parameter-free algorithm to delineate slope units for landslide susceptibility
- Benchmarking deep learning model estimates of hydrologic pathway contribution to streams and springs using conceptual and physically-based models
- Challenges and Outlook for Kentucky Geological Survey Soil Core Repository
- Cratonic High-Conductivity Zones of the US Midcontinent, Based on Magnetotelluric Studies: Insight into Northwest-Trending Long-Lived Fault Zones
- Flexible non-perennial streamflow simulation approach reveals structural controls on flow permanence
- Forest types outpace constituent tree species in range shifts under global change
- High resolution seismic and sediment core investigation of Moran Bay, Jackson Lake, WY
- How slab tears affect subduction zone dynamics
- Impact of Improved Characterization of Uncrewed Aircraft System Observation Error Covariance on Meso-Gammascale Weather Predictions
- Integrated, Coordinated, Open, and Networked (ICON) Scientific and Societal Relevance
- Investigating the Potential for Sulfate Reduction Driving Dolomitization at IODP Site 378-U1553
- Land Use Change Impacts on Dynamic Sediment Connectivity in an Urbanizing Region
- Location-Specific Direct and Indirect Impacts of Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study of Chicago, IL
- Non-Perennial Surface Waters Play Outsized Watershed-Scale Roles
- Quaternary History and Evolution of the Western Nepal Fault System; Splay Fault Maturity in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt
- Random forest modeling and Shapley values reveal controls of sediment transport and hysteresis patterns in a low-gradient watershed
- The combination of cover crop and non-tillage practices reduced cash crop yield
- Utilizing Financial Gifts as Tools to Expand Diversity in the Geoscience Field
- Wide-ranging wetland-mediated water quality improvements revealed through watershed-scale simulations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A.J. Reis
- Adina Paytan
- Admin Husic
- Adnan Rajib
- Alexander Michalek
- Ben Leshchinsky
- Benjamin B. Mirus
- Bradley J. Carr
- Brady Flinchum
- Brian R. Elbing
- Chaopeng Shen
- Chaoqun Lü
- Charles R. Lane
- Christopher M. Chini
- Ciaran J. Harman
- D. Ravat
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- Hanqin Tian
- Heather E. Golden
- J. L. Hayes
- Jingjing Liang
- Jocelyn M. Lavallee
- John C. Gosse
- Junfeng Zhu
- K. A. O'Farrell
- Kamini Singha
- Katherine S. Rocci
- Kenton L. Sena
- Lewis A. Owen
- Lixin Wang
- Lorrayne Miralha
- M. Francesca Cotrufo
- Mary Kay Rayens
- Michael E. Purucker
- Monika Sikand
- Nils Olsen
- Paul A. Bedrosian
- R. P. Callahan
- Rebecca Logsdon Muenich
- Sarah E. Johnson
- Seulgi Moon
- Shufen Pan
- Sourav Saha
- Suoya Fan
- Tanja N. Williamson
- Tian‐Chyi Jim Yeh
- Tirthankar Roy
- Ulrich G. Wortmann
- Ursula Röhl
- W. Steven Holbrook
- Wei Ren
- Weiqi Yao
- William C. Haneberg
- Yanan You
- Zihao Bian