Bates College, Maine
flowchart I[Bates College, Maine] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (60)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Galileo Measurements of the Jovian Electron Radiation Environment
- Refining a Proposal to Build Data-Rich Rock Suites for Learning Petrology
- Isotopic Evidence for C4 Grass Expansion During the Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas in Northern Australia
- NSF-PARCS: A Case Study in Proxy Climate Syntheses for the CCSP Assessment
- Abrupt Shifts in the Position of the North Magnetic Pole From Arctic lake Sediments: Relationship to Archeomagnetic Jerks
- Fog Inputs and Edge Effects From Canopy to Soil in a California Redwood Forest
- Fog and Phosphorous:Mist Connections?
- Statistical Study of Pi1B Magnetic Pulsations at Conjugate Hemisphere - The Observation of Wave Propagation at Substorm Onset
- The Holocene Thermal Maximum in the Arctic
- The Svalbard REU Program: A High-Latitude Undergraduate Research Program in Glacial, Fluvial and Marine Processes Relevant to Arctic Climate Change
- Fog as a potential source of nitrogen for coastal redwood forest ecosystems
- Influence of Preexisting Crustal Structures on the Emplacement of Eruptive Dikes at an Oblique Spreading Center, SW Iceland
- Influences of Local Tectonic and Topographic Features on an Eruptive Fissure on Reykjanes Peninsula, Southwest Iceland
- Patterns of Soil and Streamwater Chemistry Relative to Atmospheric Deposition in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA
- Tracing Environmental Variation Over The Past 130 Years In The Barents Sea: Mineral Ratio (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, And Mn/Ca) Evidence In Shells Of The Circumpolar Greenland Cockle, Serripes groenlandicus
- Fog and Rain Water Influences on Tree Physiology and Ecosystem Function in a California Redwood Forest
- Alkenone-based decadal scale temperature reconstruction of the late Holocene from Kongressvatnet, Svalbard
- Clumped isotope thermometry of modern and early Cretaceous molluscan carbonate from high-latitude seas (Invited)
- Stable Isotopic Shifts in Fish Bones from Multiple Archeological Coastal Middens in Penobscot Bay, Maine
- The Importance of Zostera marina to a Local Food Web Based on the Analysis of Compound Specific Isotopes in Maquoit Bay, Gulf of Maine
- Paleosurface temperature constraints from low latitude Late Neoproterozoic sand wedges
- Mild Little Ice Age and unprecedented recent warmth in an 1800-year lake sediment record from Svalbard
- Oblique convergence of the Kula plate: dextral transpression following ridge subduction, Chugach metamorphic complex, southern Alaska
- Pre-Little Ice Age advance and retreat of Linnébreen on Svalbard
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Extent of the Urban Dome Surrounding Fairbanks, Alaska
- Analysis and Comparison of Physical Properties and Morphology of Impact Melt Flows on Venus and the Moon
- Evolution of Fine-Grained Channel Margin Deposits behind Large Woody Debris in an Experimental Gravel-Bed Flume
- Sudden intrusion of corrosive bottom water into the South Atlantic during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
- Bivalve Shell Horizons in Seafloor Pockmarks of the Last Glacial-interglacial Transition Suggest a Thousand Years of Methane Emissions in the Arctic Ocean
- Effect of the Na:K Ratio on Melt Viscosity within the SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-NaAlSiO<SUB>4</SUB>-KAlSiO<SUB>4</SUB> System
- Heat Capacity of Hydrous Silicate Melts
- Hydroclimatic Controls on Laminated Sediment Formation in Linnévatnet, Svalbard
- Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotopes in modern vertebrate and dinosaur biominerals: Records of paleoecology, paleoaridity, and paleo-carbon-cycling
- Dynamics and Chemistry in Jovian Atmospheres: 2D Hydrodynamical Simulations
- E/V Nautilus Mapping and ROV Dives Reveal Hundreds of Vents along the West Coast of the United States
- Recent Sedimentation in a High Arctic Glacial Lacustrine System Dominated by Late Melt Season Rain Events, Linnévatnet, Svalbard
- Source-to-Sink Methods by Hyperspectral Imaging: a Case Study of the Laminated Sediments of Lake Linné (Svalbard).
- Ties of Heat and Mass Transport Properties in Glasses and Melts, with Emphasis on Natural Lava Compositions
- Developing A Model for Lake Ice Phenology Using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Fluorine and the viscosity of jadeite-leucite and nepheline-kalsilite melts at atmospheric pressure
- Geophysical and Geochemical Analysis of the 8°20' N Seamount Chain: Studies of Off-Axis Volcanism
- The Potential of Satellite Imagery to Estimate Chlorophyll-a and Water Clarity Data For the Assessment of Lake Water Quality
- Tropical African Glacier Fluctuations During Termination 1
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstructing Surface Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Dynamics in the Last 250 Years
- Annual grain-size variability in three varved High-Arctic lakes
- Bivalve proxy records from coastal northern Norway: Evidence for increasing sea surface temperatures and persistent multidecadal variability since the Little Ice Age
- Gravity wave breaking in Jovian atmospheres
- Hyperspectral Imaging for sediment cores : a promising method for source-to-sink approach ?
- Whole-tree Nonstructural Carbohydrate Budgets and Seasonal Dynamics in Five Temperate Species
- Comparison of Inter-Annual and Long Term Trends in Glacier-Wide Mass Balance of Three Neighboring Glaciers in SE Alaska 1998-2018
- Orbital-scale dynamics of Arctic temperature variability across the Pleistocene at Lake El'gygytgyn, Siberia
- The Atlantic multidecadal variability and its impact on Svalbard climate: insights from Linnevatnet varve record
- 2000 years of annually resolved hydroclimatic changes at Linnevatnet Lake, Svalbard
- Approximation of Ice Phenology of Maine Lakes using Aqua MODIS Surface Temperature Data
- Combining shell-based isotope records with numerical model simulations to investigate the time of emergence of widespread warming of the western North Atlantic shelf
- Evolution of Soils and Erosion Rates on Recent Post-glacial Landscapes in the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska
- Pedogenic and mineralogical influence on soil organic carbon stability and depth distribution in a coastal temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- Trends in isotopic composition of N2O between 1978 and 1997 in archived air samples from Cape Meares, Oregon (USA)
- UAS-borne Hyperspectral Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Content in New England Lakes