Bucknell University, Pennsylvania
flowchart I[Bucknell University, Pennsylvania] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (79)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Complementary Evaporation Approach to Scalar Roughness Length Estimation
- Application of Garnet-Accessory Phase Thermometry: a Combined EMP and SIMS Study
- Laboratory Studies of CO<SUB>2</SUB>(ν <SUB>2</SUB>)-O Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Bringing Undergraduates and Geoscientists Together for Field-Based Geophysical Education and Research at an On-Campus Well Field
- Submarine groundwater discharge to Salt Pond (MA) estimated from continuous 222Rn measurements
- Laboratory Measurements of Ozone - M Vibrational Energy Transfer
- MHD Shallow-Water Turbulence on the Sphere
- Quenching of CO2(ν2) by O: New Results and Analysis
- Impedance-Based Measurement of Suspended Sediment Concentrations
- Laboratory Measurement of CO2(ν2) + O Temperature-Dependent Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Laboratory Measurement of O3(v) + O Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Fluid Velocity Penetration Depth Within a Packed Bed of Particles for the Onset of Motion
- Partitioning Behavior of Oxygen Between Fe-S Alloy and Silicate
- Understanding the Reduction of Tetrahedral Fe in Nontronites Using Visible and Infrared Spectroscopies
- Laboratory Measurement of CO2(ν2) + O Temperature-Dependent Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Laboratory Measurements of Room Temperature Vibrational Energy Transfer in O3 - O Collisions
- Rayleigh-wave Group Velocity Tomography in the Vicinity of the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Simulation of Particle Transport in Open-Channel Flow
- Development of a Testing Platform for Scaled-Laboratory Studies of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices
- Physical and Chemical Effects of Two-Phase Brine/Supercritical-CO2 Fluid Flow on Clastic Rocks: Real-Time Monitoring and NMR Imaging of Flow-Through Core Experiments
- A Graphical Representation of the Evaporation Solution Space and the Complementary Relationship
- A Transect Across the Greater Himalayan Sequence of Bhutan: Evidence for a Minimum of 10 Ma of Ductile Flow Between the Outer South Tibetan Detachment and the Main Central Thrust
- Burning invariant manifolds in reactive front propagation
- Developing Empirically-Based Ground Truth Criteria for Varying Geological Complexity using Regional Seismic Networks
- Differences in scour around a single surface-piercing cylinder and a submerged cylinder
- Evaluating the role of Cenozoic flat-slab subduction processes on the regional tectonic, sedimentary basin, and climatic framework of southern Alaska
- Free surface height deformation upstream of an array of model marine hydrokinetic devices
- Geophysical Investigation of Subsurface Characteristics of Icy Debris Fans with Ground Penetrating Radar in the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska
- Lobe Dynamics and Front Propagation in Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Systems
- The Interaction of Volcanic Ash with Water and its Impact on Volcanic Plume Evolution
- Atomic Magnetometry in the Lab, in the Field, and in the Sky
- Differences in Scour for Submerged and Surface Piercing Circular Cylinders in Tandem
- Physical, chemical, and thermal interactions in the Pleasant Bay Layered Gabbro-Diorite Intrusion, Maine
- Scour and deposition due to flow around a V-array of vertical cylinders
- Scour around a single Marine Hydrokinetic turbine of varying tip speed ratio and Reynolds number
- Geophysical Investigation of Subsurface Characteristics of Icy Debris Fans with Ground Penetrating Radar in the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska
- Scour around Support Structures of Scaled Model Marine Hydrokinetic Devices
- Scour around a perforated disk modeling a marine hydrokinetic device
- Simultaneous Radio, Optical and Gamma-Ray Observations of TGFs
- Simultaneously Maintaining the Complementary Relationship and the Conservation of Evaporative Fraction During the Daytime
- The effect of array spacing on scour around a marine hydrokinetic device
- Using Micro-Gravity Techniques to Map Alluvium Thickness and Pleistocene Location of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River Near Muncy, Pennsylvania
- Evaluating the Performance of Two Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines in a Tandem-Array Configuration
- Characterization of the Saturated Condition Potential Evaporation and Evaporative Demand and Their Implications in the Complementary Relationship
- Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines operating in a streamwise tandem arrangement
- New Insights on the Geologic Framework of Alaska and Potential Targets of Opportunity for Future Research
- Plant Canopy Temperature and Heat Flux Profiles: What Difference Does an Isothermal Skin Make?
- Detecting Defects Within Soil-Bentonite Slurry Cutoff Walls Using Electrical Resistivity Methods
- Improved Geologic Interpretation of Non-invasive Electrical Resistivity Imaging from In-situ Samples
- Complementary Principle for Evaporation: Impact of Rescaling the Relationship
- Filamentous Morphology as a Means for Thermophilic Bacteria to Survive Steep Physical and Chemical Gradients in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- First 2017-total-eclipse results from the Williams College team
- Geological Constraints on 30 Million Years of Diachronous Magmatism Along AN Arc-Transform Junction, Wrangell Arc, Southern Alaska
- Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Methods to Characterize Soil-Bentonite Slurry Cutoff Wall and Detect Defects
- Mass Flow Contribution to Alpine Glaciers from Icy Debris Fans in Alaska and New Zealand: Lifelines for Glaciers Decoupled from Icecaps
- Subsurface Characteristics of Icy Debris Fans: Combining surface morphologic observations with ground penetrating radar
- Visualization and Analysis of Observed Spatial and Temporal Variation of Water Temperature in the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania
- Comparing basin-scale avulsion dynamics in three ancient fluvial systems to understand how floodplain sedimentation influences avulsion patterns
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability-MHD Wave Emission and Global Transport of Energy in Solar-Terrestrial Environment
- Macro-scale Hydrologic Modeling for Depression-Dominated Cold Climate Regions
- Thermal Retardation in Karst Aquifers: Field Observations
- Evaluating the relationship between channel and scroll bar properties in meandering rivers with migrating chute channels
- Examining the Influence of Fluvial Geomorphological Variables on Existing Empirical Models of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading
- Laboratory Measurements of Carbon Monoxide Self-Quenching and Relationship to Titan's Climate
- Modeling Tectonic Crustal Deformation via Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Study of the Mechanism of Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Marine Hydrokinetic Turbine Platform
- Wet Surface Evaporation Insight from Temperature-Vapor Pressure Diagrams
- A Novel Meshfree Approach for Numerical Sandbox-style Modeling of Fold-and-Thrust Belts
- Analyzing the Impact of Live Staking on Channel and Floodplain Morphology and Soil Carbon Sequestration in a First-Order Stream, Central Pennsylvania
- Ancient deposits provide insight into dominant morphodynamic processes in river networks under different boundary conditions
- Effects of Water Vapor and Inorganic Seed Particles on Secondary Organic Aerosol Water-Uptake
- Evaluating the relationship between floodplain complexity and channel avulsion: evidence from the Devonian Catskill Formation, north-central Pennsylvania, USA
- Improving Precision of Vibrational Quenching Rates in CO-N2 Collisions for non-LTE Models of Titan's Atmosphere
- Nonlinear and Linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability and Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Emission in Astrophysical Plasma Shear Flows
- Quantifying moraine degradation as a relative dating technique
- Modeling the influence of floodplain topography on river avulsion style in Delft3D: gilgai topography limits progradational avulsion
- Reconstructing 47 kyr of Hydrological Change in the South-East Pacific using Terrestrial Sediment Cores from Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
- Reconstructing North Atlantic Atmospheric Circulation Changes During the Holocene Using Lake Sediment Biomarkers
- Stability of Supra Arcade Downflows (SADs) and Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs); Differences, Similarities, and Effects on the Surrounding Regions