University of Lethbridge, Canada
flowchart I[University of Lethbridge, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (268)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Forest and Pasture Ecosystems of the Amazon Basin, Brazil
- Constraints on the Origin of the Middle Pleistocene Transition From the Glacial Sedimentary Record of the North-Central U.S.
- Global Change in Western North America - A TV Media Series for the Classroom
- Linking the CCC CGCM1 Upper Air Winter Synoptics to Winter Precipitation in the Western U.S.
- Modeling Future Snow Accumulation for a Small Alpine Watershed in the Southern Canadian Rockies Using the CCC CGCM1
- Normal Magnetization at ca. 1.5 Ma at Three Sites in Yukon Territory, Canada: The Gilsa Sub-chron?
- Seasonal and Interannual Variation in Oxygen Isotope Discrimination in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem
- Seasonal and interannual variation in carbon dioxide, water vapor and energy fluxes in a northern temperate grassland
- The Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respiration in North and South America
- Time Constraints for the Earliest Records of Glaciation in the Canadian Interior Plains and the American Midwest: Magnetostratigraphy
- Traces of Old Glaciations in East-central Alaska
- Validating Watershed Delineation Algorithms in Southern Alberta, Canada.
- Application of ancillary road, ditch, and culvert data into DEM derived flow direction matrices
- Comparison of a Range of Terrain Variables Derived From DEMs Based on Different Resolutions and Input Data
- Spatial and temporal occurrence of bacterial pathogens in rural water supplies, Southern Alberta, Canada
- Hypsometry of the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Interannual Variation in the Relationship Between Aboveground Net Primary Productivity and Net Ecosystem Productivity in a Northern Temperate Grassland
- Occurrence, Frequency and Persistence of Historical Upper Air Flows and Precipitation Trends in Western North America
- Paleomagnetic data from Late Cenozoic Fort Selkirk Lavas, Yukon,significance for secular variation and tectonics
- Topographically Based Estimates of Historical and Future Snow Accumulations for Watersheds in Western North America
- Water Under Fire: A Seven Part Video Series on Canada's Water
- A New Method to Evaluate Streamflow Recovery After a Drought
- Environmental Control of Net Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Contrasting Peatlands in northern Alberta, Canada
- Global change and drought severity in the Battle River Basin, Alberta
- Snow pack and stream flow simulation of an eastern slopes watershed using WATFLOOD, MTCLIM, and GLUE
- BIOPHYS/LANDSAT: A Physically-Based Algorithm for Inferring Continuous Fields of Vegetation Biophysical Parameter From Landsat Data
- Comparison of Current and Historical Rates of Ecosystem Carbon Accumulation in a Northern Alberta Peatland
- Comparison of Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Among Douglas fir Forest, Aspen Forest and Grassland Using Eddy Covariance and Carbon Isotope Techniques
- Do Massive Oil Sands Developments in a Northern Watershed Lead to an Impending Crisis?
- Glaciological Measurements and Tributary-Trunk Interaction in 2004-2005 on Shackleton Glacier, Clemenceau Icefield, Canadian Rocky Mountains
- High resolution modelling of snow accumulation and ablation in alpine regions
- Precipitation scenarios using dendroclimatic, historical and GCM based precipitation records
- Analysis of Grassland Ecosystem Physiology at Multiple Scales Using Eddy Covariance, Stable Isotope and Remote Sensing Techniques
- Environmental Controls on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respired Carbon Dioxide in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems in Canada and USA
- Global change and rampant land and water resource development a case study in western Canada
- Modeling Climate Change impacts on Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) in Alpine Headwaters, Glacier National Park, MT
- Modeling Environmental Controls on the Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respired Carbon Dioxide
- Modelling Stomatal and Non-stomatal Effects of Water Deficits on CO2 Fixation in a Semi- arid Grassland
- Parameterization of the ACRU model for estimating biophysical and climatological change impacts, Beaver Creek, Alberta
- A new method to separate rain and snow
- Authentic Water Science Education through WWW Video Lesson Plans
- Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respired Carbon Dioxide in Three Boreal Forest Ecosystems: Measurements and Model Calculations
- Defining New Roles for Scientific Professional Organizations in Society?
- Delivering Climate Change Science: The Prairie Provinces Chapter of Canada's National Assessment of Climate Change
- Deriving high resolution historical and future climate databases for mountainous environments
- Forest type affects the influence of harvest on annual and cumulative litter decay in forest and wetland sites across Canada.
- Seasonal Variation in Net Ecosystem Methane Flux in a Moderately-Rich Fen in Northern Alberta: Comparison Between Measurements and Model Calculations
- Seasonal patterns of photosynthetic gas-exchange and leaf reflectance characteristics in male and female riparian cottonwoods of southern Alberta
- Seismic and Glaciological Implications of the 2001 Tsar Mountain Rockslide on a Clemenceau Icefield Group Cirque Glacier, BC, Canada
- Stratigraphic and Paleomagnetic Study of Glacial Lake Missoula Lacustrine and Flood Sediments
- Assessing potential environmental change impacts in the St. Mary River watershed, Montana
- Controls on Snow Accumulation Variation Between a Healthy and a Dead Pine Stand
- Correlation of Glaciations: a Comparison of Northwestern North America and the South American Cordillera
- Ecohydrological Response to Severe Disturbance by Wildfire and Salvage Logging in Oligotrophic Rocky Mountain Watersheds: Nutrient Loading, Plant Productivity, and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Response.
- Estimating terrain adjusted daily temperatures for snow modelling
- Sensitivity analysis of GENESYS Model simulations in an alpine environment
- Simulating hydrological impacts of climate and land use changes in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, Alberta, using the ACRU agro-hydrological modelling system
- The Development of the GENESY hydrometeorological model for mountain environments
- The Non-Impact of Scientific Reviews of Oil Sands Environmental Impact Assessments
- Wildfire and Salvage Logging Impacts on Stream Water Nitrogen in Southern Alberta's Rocky Mountains
- A National Climate Change Adaptation Network for Protecting Water Security
- After the fire’s out: Catchment-scale effects of wildfire on runoff and flow regime in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Analysis of Historical Changes in Extreme Temperature and Precipitation on the Great Plains of North America
- Choking Lake Winnipeg
- Delivering Global Change Science through Documentary Film and New Media Technologies
- Eco-physiological characteristics and variation in water source use between montane Douglas-Fir and lodgepole pine trees in southwestern Alberta
- Late Pleistocene ice margin fluctuations in the Nahanni National Park-UNESCO World Heritage Site and their impact on glacial lake formation and architecture of drainage systems across the Yukon-NWT continental divide
- Linking Paleoclimate, historical and GCM based future scenarios to a fine scale hydrometeorology model
- Microbes in Pliocene paleosols in volcanic terrane on Earth correlated with similar exposures on Mars
- Paleomagnetic evidence for multiple Late Cenozoic glaciations in the Tintina Trench, west central Yukon, Canada
- Physically-based Canopy Reflectance Model Inversion of Vegetation Biophysical-Structural Information from Terra-MODIS Imagery in Boreal and Mountainous Terrain for Ecosystem, Climate and Carbon Models using the BIOPHYS-MFM Algorithm
- Simulating hydrometeorological processes in large diverse watersheds
- Testing the sensitivity of snowpack to climatic change in a large physiographically diverse watershed
- The 2D Hyperlink/Geocaching hybrid as a New Method for Improving Communication and Educational Delivery in Environmental Science
- Verification of hydrological processes using the ACRU agro-hydrological modelling system for simulating potential climate change impacts in an alpine watershed in Alberta, Canada
- Warmer and drier conditions stimulate respiration more than photosynthesis in a boreal peatland ecosystem: Analysis of automatic chambers and eddy covariance measurements
- Assessing stream temperature response to environmental change
- Combining a Distributed Melt Model and Meteorological Data of Shackleton Glacier, Canadian Rockies
- Delivering Global Environmental Change Science Through Documentary Film
- Developing paleoclimate, historical and GCM based future scenarios of moisture indices for upper sub-basins in the Canadian Rockies
- Hazard Risk to Near Sea-Level Populations due to Tropical Cyclone Intensification and Sea-Level Rise
- In defence of wind erosion: how some ecosystems benefit from aeolian sediment transport (Invited)
- Modeling snowmelt runoff response to forest disturbance in the Okanagan basin, British Columbia, Canada
- Modeling the Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin
- Remotely Measuring Snow Depth in Inaccessible Terrain
- Response of seasonal snow cover to forest disturbance (Invited)
- Science documentary video slides to enhance education and communication
- Social Networking and Smart Technology: Viable Environmental Communication Tools…?
- Soil moisture dynamics and forest fire risk in the Upper North Saskatchewan Watershed, Alberta
- Stimulation of both photosynthesis and respiration in response to warmer and drier conditions in a boreal peatland ecosystem
- Tidewater Margin Dynamics in Central East Greenland Over two Decades
- Using Temporally Frequent Surface NDVI Observations to Determine Light Use Efficiency of High Latitude Ecosystems
- A case study for modeling carbon fluxes through optical remote sensing
- An Early Pleistocene Till, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- Beyond the data - Topics that resonate with students when communicating basic climate science in a Geoscience course
- Climate change impacts on water resources in the Cline River watershed, Alberta, Canada
- Controls of dunefield stabilization rate: dunefield age and sediment supply
- Effects of scan configuration on the characterization of land surface roughness with a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS)
- Evidence for early Pleistocene Glaciation(s) in tropical Africa: Stratigraphy, Paleomagnetism, Paleosols and Paleoclimate of the Gorges Moraine System, Mount Kenya
- Forest Fire Vulnerability in the Northern Rocky Mountains under Climate Change
- High-resolution hydrometeorological modeling in diverse landscapes
- Interaction of management, policy and the ecohydrology of dead trees
- Is Seasonal Timing of Surge Initiation or Termination Related to Surge Character and Development?
- Mapping mean annual water yield and other hydrological variables for Alberta, Canada, 1971-2000
- Modeling seasonal velocity variability and assessing the influence of glacial hydrology and sea-ice buttressing at the Belcher Glacier, Arctic Canada
- Modeling the Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin
- Modelling the effects of forest cover change on snow accumulation and melt in the Okanagan region, British Columbia, Canada
- Morphometrics of aeolian blowouts from high-resolution digital elevation data: methodological considerations, shape metrics, and scaling
- Narrowing the gap between real and simulated barchan dune dynamics
- Scale issues in post-disturbance forest hydrology
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Snowpack Response to Changes in Forest Condition Over Six Years Post Mountain Pine Beetle Attack
- A GIS based geomorphic assessment to quantify spatially distributed groundwater recharge in mountain watersheds
- Communicating Climate Change: An Evolutionary Perspective
- Differential recovery of water quality parameters eight years after severe wildfire and salvage logging in Alberta's southern Rocky Mountains
- Early to middle Pleistocene Arctic coastal ice caps in the Northern Interior Plains of Canada, a comparison with northeastern Siberian coastal uplands
- Effects of Wildfire and Salvage Logging on Stream Temperature in Front Range Rocky Mountains: A Long Term Perspective
- Event-based measurement of boundary-layer winds and topographic effects with a small unmanned aircraft system (sUas)
- Explaining the surprisingly poor correlation between turbulent surface wind and aeolian sand flux
- Farmers' preferences for water policy reforms: Results from a survey in Alberta
- Global Warming and Food Insecurity in Rural Latin America
- Google Earth as a method for connecting scientific research with the World
- Magnetostratigraphy of continental glacial deposits in southernmost Patagonia
- Quantifying stream temperature response to environmental change in a groundwater-dominated catchment, Alberta, Canada
- Response of soil respiration to experimental warming and precipitation manipulation in a northern Great Plains grassland
- Saving Grace - A Climate Change Documentary Education Program
- Speaking their language: communicating research through new media
- The Signature of Life in Stabilized Dune Topography
- Unlocking the potential of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for Earth observation
- Application of a CROPWAT Model to Analyze Crop Yields in Nicaragua
- Dynamics of the Earth's fluid core: implementation of a Clairaut coordinate system
- Efficacy of World Wide Web Based Video in Public and Classroom Education
- Elements of systemic sensitivity and propagated uncertainty in LiDAR-based forest attribute maps (Invited)
- Integration of carbon fluxes and optical remote sensing
- LiDAR derived canopy structure and footprint modelling for interpretation of eddy-flux tower measurements at Norunda, Sweden (Invited)
- Mechanisms that Amplify, Attenuate and Deviate Glacier Response to Climate Change in Central East Greenland. (Invited)
- On the global relationships between photosynthetic water-use efficiency, leaf mass per unit area and atmospheric demand in woody and herbaceous plants
- Open Source GIS based integrated watershed management
- Quantification of LiDAR measurement uncertainty through propagation of errors due to sensor sub-systems and terrain morphology
- Reticence vs. Responsibility: Why Climate Scientists Sometimes Need to Think Like Emergency Room Doctors
- The AGU Chapman Conference on Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future
- The Carbon Crisis: An Evolutionary Perspective
- The Use of a Geomorphometric Classification to Estimate Subsurface Heterogeneity in the Unconsolidated Sediments of Mountain Watersheds
- Tropical Cyclone Track Convergence Patterns, Arctic Sea-Ice Loss, and Superstorm Sandy: Is There a Connection?
- Vulnerability to Climate Change in Rural Nicaragua
- Warmer temperatures stimulate respiration and reduce net ecosystem productivity in a northern Great Plains grassland: Analysis of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in automatic chambers
- What is 'settled Science'?
- A Way Forward: Cooperative Solutions to Our Climate Challenges
- Assessing Rates of Biological and Morphological Change in Northern Ecosystems Using Remote Sensing Time Series Data, LiDAR, and Gridded Climate Records
- Assessing the Impact of Active Land Management in Mitigating Wildfire Threat to Source Water Supply Quality
- Canopy Light Absorption and Application of the Light-Use Efficiency Model of Photosynthesis in a Northern Great Plains Grassland
- Climate Change: Ethics and Collective Responsibility
- Continental-scale ICESat canopy height modelling sensitivity and random forest simulations in Australia and Canada
- Defining Canadian Perspectives on Climate Change Science and Solutions
- Elk River Watershed - Flood Study
- Evidence for Early Pleistocene Glaciation obtained from borecores collected in East-Central Alberta, Canada
- Geoengineering, Climate Harm, and Business as Usual
- Green cities, smart people and climate change
- High Resolution Modelling of Crop Response to Climate Change
- Improvements of Physically-Based Hydrological Modelling using the ACRU Agro-Hydrological Modelling System
- Integrated Resource Management at a Watershed Scale
- Modelling Effects of Water Table Depth Variations on Net Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange of a Western Canadian Peatland
- Monitoring water levels by integrating optical and synthetic aperture radar water masks with lidar DEMs
- Parameterization of FAO's AquaCrop Model by Integrating a Hydrological Model and Climate Indices
- Passionate Perspectives: Global Change Emersion in Southwestern Dust and Waters
- Professional Ethics for Climate Scientists
- Regional Renewable Energy Cooperatives
- Rotational modes of a two layer stratified fluid core model
- Seasonal Variation in Soil Microbial Biomass, Bacterial Community Composition and Extracellular Enzyme Activity in Relation to Soil Respiration in a Northern Great Plains Grassland
- Seasonal dynamics of the land surface energy balance of a boreal forest-peatland landscape affected by degrading permafrost in the Taiga Plains, Canada
- The relationship of increasing trends in GRACE observed total water storage to landscape changes in the Southern Taiga Plains
- Accelerating Rates of Discontinuous Permafrost Thaw Associated with Ground Surface Morphology and Changing Vegetation Structures Determined from Multi-Temporal LIDAR Data
- Arctic Coastal Fog over Greenland Glaciers using an Improved MODIS Fog Detection Method and Ground Observations
- Climate Action and Activism: Scientists as Citizens and Communicators
- Climate Change Science, Impacts, Solutions - A Senior Science Course for Post-Secondary Students
- Farm Management Support on Cloud Computing Platform: A System for Cropland Monitoring Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data
- Field Measurement of Sand Dune Bidirectional Reflectance Characteristics for Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Optical Remote Sensing Data.
- High Resolution Modelling of Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply and Demand, Crop Nutrient Usage and GHG emissions, Similkameen Watershed, British Columbia, Canada
- If You See Something, Say Something…More
- Improving Forest Attribute Estimation of Airborne Lidar Based on Profile Assimilation from Terrestrial Lidar
- Integrated renewable energy networks
- Integrating climate change mitigation, adaptation, communication and education strategies in Matanzas Province, Cuba: A Citizen Science Approach
- Land cover change in the zone of sporadic permafrost causes shift in landscape-scale turbulent energy fluxes
- Mapping canopy gap fraction and leaf area index at continent-scale from satellite lidar
- Measuring and modelling ecosystem productivity: a PhenoCam-based approach.
- Modelling the Impacts of Changing Land Cover/Land Use and Climate on Flooding in the Elk River Watershed, British Columbia
- Physiological and morphological responses of pine and willow saplings to post-fire salvage logging
- Systematic variations in multi-spectral lidar representations of canopy height profiles and gap probability
- The Role of Citizen Science in Risk Mitigation and Disaster Response: A Case Study of 2015 Nepalese Earthquake Using OpenStreetMap
- Water repellency diminishes peatland evaporation after wildfire
- A Comprehensive Climate Science and Solutions Education Curriculum
- Contribution of black spruce (Picea mariana) transpiration to growing season evapotranspiration in a subarctic discontinuous permafrost peatland complex
- Direct climate warming effects exceed indirect impacts of permafrost thaw on boreal landscape net CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange
- Engineering design for a large scale renewable energy network installation in an urban environment
- Estimation of Biomass Dynamics in Alpine Treeline Ecotone using Airborne Lidar and Repeat Photography
- High Resolution Modeling of Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply and Demand, and GHG Emissions, Similkameen Watershed, BC, Canada
- Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Terrestrial Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Assessing High Mountain Glacier Change, Huaytapallana, Peru
- Large-scale Estimates of Leaf Area Index from Active Remote Sensing Laser Altimetry
- Long term effects of wildfire on permafrost stability and carbon cycling in peatlands
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Carbon Cycling in North American Grasslands
- Skepticism and Denial: Drawing a line
- Supplemental irrigation as an initiative to support water and food security: A global evaluation of the potential to support and increase precipitation-fed wheat production
- The Association Between Fog and Temperature Inversions from Ground and Radiosonde Observations in East Greenland
- The Effects of Fog on the Surface Energy Balance of McCall Glacier, Alaska: Combining Time-Lapse Photography with Weather Station Data
- The Extent to Which Different 100% Clean, Renewable Energy Transition Scenarios can Reduce World Carbon Dioxide Levels to 350-400 ppmv by 2100
- The impact of a large boreal wildfire on boundary-layer conditions and carbon cycling in adjacent unburned areas: case study of the 2011 Utikuma Complex fire, Alberta, Canada
- Truncation Effects in Computing Free Wobble/Nutation Modes Explored Using a Simple Earth Model
- Water use in a riparian cottonwood ecosystem: eddy covariance measurements and scaling along a river corridor
- An Approach for Forest Inventory in Canada's Northern Boreal region, Northwest Territories
- Determining Hydroperiod for Boreal and Prairie Pothole Wetlands using SAR, Optical and LiDAR Remote Sensing Data Fusion
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystem Productivity from ISS
- Impact of Altered Precipitation Patterns on Plant Productivity and Soil Respiration in a Northern Great Plains Grassland
- Learnings from Opportunistic Wetlands: The Role of Substrate and Landscape Position on Reconstructed Landforms in a Sub-humid Climate
- Methane Fluxes at the Tree Stem, Soil, and Ecosystem-scales in a Cottonwood Riparian Forest
- Quantifying spatial variability of depth of peat burn in wetlands in relation to antecedent characteristics using field data, multi-temporal and multi-spectral LiDAR
- Rotational modes of a simple Earth model
- Spatial variations in drainage efficiency in a boreal wetland environment as a function of lidar and radar-derived deviations from the regional hydraulic gradient
- Threshold responses in runoff from sub-humid heterogeneous low relief regions
- Topographic Patterns of Mortality and Succession in the Alpine Treeline Ecotone Suggest Hydrologic Controls on Post-Fire Tree Establishment
- Constraining methane dynamics modules in ecosystem models using eddy flux measurements at northern ecosystems
- Controls on Ecosystem Water-use and Water-use Efficiency: Insights from a Comparison between Grassland and Riparian Forest in the northern Great Plains
- Effects of elasticity of the inner core and mantle on the frequencies of inertial modes of the Earth's liquid core
- Glacier-volcano Interactions Provide Insight on Glacial History and Geomorphic Evolution, Ft. Selkirk, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Kinematics of the Unprecedently-Short Surge Cycles of Turner Glacier, St. Elias Mountains, Alaska, from 1984 to 2017
- Modeling greenhouse gas budget in the northern ecosystems using a process-based ecosystem model, VISIT
- Should We Get Negative About Emissions?
- Surging of Donjek Glacier, Yukon, Canada from 1935 to Present: Terminus Position, Ice Velocity, and Elevation Change
- The Free-Core Nutation, the Free-Inner-Core Nutation, the Tilt-Over Mode and the Spin-Over Mode of the Earth
- Tree- and stand-level hydrodynamics of black spruce (Picea mariana) and their environmental controls in forested boreal peat landscapes
- Carbon loss from boreal peatland wildfires greater than purported: insights from high resolution lidar and field data
- Fast Regrowth of Montane Forest Understory Vegetation and Associated Recovery of Ecosystem Carbon, Water and Energy Fluxes during the First Two Years after Severe Wildfire in Waterton National Park, Canada
- Forest Stand Complexity Controls Ecosystem-Scale Evapotranspiration Dynamics: Implications for Landscape Flux Simulations
- GLACONA: An Open-Source Automated Method for Computing Glacier Confluence Angles and Attributes in Confluent and Dendritic Glacier Systems
- Glacier Geometry Changes on the Volcanic Island of Jan Mayen in Relation to Climate, Sea Surface Temperature, and Sea Ice
- Greenhouse Gas Exchange above a Potato Field in the Lower Fraser Valley, BC, Canada
- Hydrologic Export Offsets High CO2 Uptake in Coastal Wetlands
- Managing wheat-based cropping systems for chemodiverse dissolved organic matter: Bulk- and molecular-level composition analyses
- Novel strategies for biochar application to densely populated livestock regions in North America - Impacts on soil nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emissions
- Optimization of agricultural and ecosystem productivity under renewable energy installations
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Permafrost Loss, Forest Succession and Mortality Influences on NDVI Greening and Browning Trends in a Taiga Plains Watershed
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for <SUP>2</SUP>H compared to <SUP>18</SUP>O
- Untangling Disturbance and Deposition from Natural Resources Extraction: Wetland and Peatland Changes in the Oil Sands Region
- Analytical Solutions for the Periods of the Chandler Wobble and Free-Core Nutation of a Three-Layer Poincaré Earth Model
- Assessing the cumulative impact of wildland fires and seismic lines disturbance on peatlands in Northern Alberta.
- Correspondence between pre-fire and biomass losses in boreal peatlands and upland forests using lidar and optical remotely sensed data
- Defining mitigation and adaptation challenges and opportunities for regions and communities under a rapidly changing climate
- Early Post-Fire Biomass Accumulation Following the Kenow Wildland Fire, Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada
- Exploring linkages between dissolved organic matter and dissolved silicon in Arctic rivers influenced by a gradient of permafrost degradation
- From the Rockies to the Prairies: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Quality in Tributaries of the South Saskatchewan River
- Initial Wildfire Carbon Loss Quantities for above and Below-Ground Sources in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada
- Landscape drivers of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon across a gradient of human impact
- Multi-Decadal Trends of Riverine Organic Carbon Fluxes in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Canada
- Wildfire Return Intervals: Understanding Impacts of Climate Mediated Shortening of Fire Intervals in Boreal Peatlands in Central Alberta using Multi-Spectral and Multi-Temporal Lidar
- Dynamics of crop residue 13C and 15N decay at various depths in diverse soil profiles
- Latitudinal Permafrost Peatland Distribution and Land Cover Changes in the Hudson Plains, Canada
- Permanganate oxidation and organic matter: review and next steps
- Riparian Cottonwood Trees and Adjacent River Sediments Have Different Microbial Communities and Produce Methane with Contrasting Carbon Isotope Compositions
- Using Virtual Environments to Reduce Scientists Emissions and Increase Diversity: A Case Study from the International Glaciological Society
- A Pilot Plant with Solar Integrated Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae/Biomass to Produce Sustainable bio-oil in Southern Alberta
- An examination of near-surface permafrost modelling techniques for boreal wetland environments, Whatì, NT, Canada
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Forward Modelling the Kinematic Evolution of Kilometer-Scale Fold Trains in Surge-Type Glaciers
- Historical Analysis of Drought Conditions in Agricultural Lands in the South Saskatchewan Watershed Based on Gridded SPI and SPEI Indices
- Modelling the Current and Future Impact of Surface Lapse Rates on Mountain Permafrost Distribution in Four Dissimilar Valleys in Yukon, Canada
- Probing Permafrost Hydrology and Thaw across a Ground Ice Content Gradient in Alaska
- Strong, frequent, and deep surface-based temperature inversions and the impact on permafrost distribution in northwestern Canada
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bergstrom
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Amy Leventer
- B. E. Rosenheim
- Brian A. Ebel
- Chris Hopkinson
- Donald M. Reeves
- Erik Young
- G. E. Flowers
- Hester Jiskoot
- Jordon Wade
- Joshua C. Koch
- Juliana D’Andrilli
- Kristian M. Smits
- Lawrence B. Flanagan
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Monika A. Gorzelak
- Nick C. Noad
- R. Toohey
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Tavi Murray
- Valier Galy
- William L. Quinton