University of Leicester, Department of Physics and Astronomy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Determination of Joule Heating in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Dynamics of duskside proton aurora observed with the Svalbard all-sky imager and the IMAGE satellite under northward IMF condition : November 26, 2000 event
- First CLUSTER plasma and magnetic field measurements of flux transfer events in conjunction with their ionospheric flow signatures
- Accelerated Plasma Flows in the Cusp Boundary Layer: A CLUSTER-FAST-Ground Conjunction Stud
- Dusk-sector Pc6 Pulsation Activity Related to Magnetopause Oscillations During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Range Effect in the Spectral Width of E-Region HF Coherent Echoes
- The Duskside Low Latitude Boundary Layer as Seen with Cluster and FAST
- Cluster Observations During a Slow Crossing of the Duskside LLBL and Conjugate Observations in the Topside Ionosphere with FAST
- Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions
- Evolution and Characteristics of Global Pc5 observations of ULF waves During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- HF Radar Measurements of the Ionospheric Footprint of the Cusp During the December 2002 Rocket Campaign
- Hemispheric asymmetries in the location and intensity of the auroral ovals and their association with ionospheric convection and IMF
- Jovian Cusp Processes: Implications for the Polar Aurora
- Magnetosheath Neutral Atom Observations and the Relationship With Radar Backscatter in the Cusp: Combined Observations From IMAGE LENA and SuperDARN
- Saturn's Polar Ionospheric Flows and Their Relation to the Main Auroral Oval
- The Effects of High Frequency ULF Wave Activity on the Spectral Characteristics of Coherent HF Radar Returns
- Magnetospheric Waveguide Modes: Coupling to Cavity Modes and Responses to Changes in the Global Magnetospheric Configuration
- Multi-Instrument Mapping of the Small-Scale Flow Dynamics Related to a Cusp Auroral Transient
- Polar cap Artificial Auroras
- Saturn's UV Aurora Imaged with HST during the Cassini Approach to Saturn
- The Boundary Layer in Transition: Structural Dependence On IMF Orientation
- High and low latitude reconnection signatures in the dayside magnetopause and cusp observed by Cluster-Double Star: six-point measurements
- Ionospheric Convection Response to High-Latitude Reconnection: Cluster and SuperDARN Observations
- Magnetic Flux Closure Directly Induced by Interplanetary Shocks: Observations Using IMAGE-FUV and SuperDARN, and Modelling With GUMICS-4.
- Modulation of Dayside Reconnection During Northward IMF
- Observations of Saturn's Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS
- Observations of isolated polar cap patches by the EISCAT Svalbard and SuperDARN Finland radars
- Open Flux Estimates and Reconnection Rates in Saturn's Magnetosphere, Derived Using HST and Cassini Data
- Plasmoids Observed in the Near-Earth Magnetotail at X=-7 Re
- Sources of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet:A Multi-Satellite, Multipoint Case Study
- A Comparison of Saturn's Ring Current Parameters With Changing Magnetospheric Size
- HF Radar Observations of High-Wavenumber ULF Waves in the Ionosphere
- On the Nature of "Crater" Flux Transfer Events
- Sea Surface Temperature Records from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers
- The Magnetosphere Under Weak Solar Wind Forcing
- Interaction of the Bow Shock with a Tangential Discontinuity and Solar-Wind Density Decrease: Observations of Predicted Fast Mode Waves and Magnetosheath Merging
- Multi-Instrument Observations of Pc 3-4 Pulsations at Cusp Latitudes in Svalbard, Norway
- Observed Tail Current Systems Associated with Bursty Bulk Flows and Auroral Streamers During a Period of Multiple Substorms
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Context of the Expanding/Contracting Polar Cap, or the ECPC Made Easy-Peasy
- Spaceflight Engineering For The Remote Study Of The Terrestrial Cryosphere: The CryoEgg Platform
- The Constraint on Surface CO2 Fluxes Provided by OCO Column CO2 Measurements: a Realistic Assessment
- The Influence of Magnetospheric Substorms on SuperDARN Backscatter: a Statistical Assessment
- The Orbiting Carbon Observatory Mission: Fast Polarization Calculations Using the R-2OS Radiative Transfer Model
- The rotation of Saturn's auroral oval
- Two-Stage Oscillatory Response of the Magnetopause to a Current/Vortex Sheet Followed by Northward IMF: Cluster Observations
- Using ULF Waves Artificially Excited by the SPEAR High Power Radar as Diagnostics for Probing the High Latitude Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
- Automatic Segmentation of Jupiter's Aurora on HST Images
- Cassini observations of Saturn's polar cusp
- Cassini/VIMS observations of Saturn's infrared aurora
- Coordinated measurements of auroral processes at Saturn from the Cassini spacecraft and HST
- First In-Situ Observations of Waveguide Modes in the Dayside Magnetosphere by Cluster
- Glint and Target Mode Simulations for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
- Pc 3-4 Pulsations Near the Cusp: Latitude dependence near the open-closed field line boundary
- Pc 3-4 Pulsations Near the Cusp: Observations using Search Coil Magnetometers and HF Radars on Svalbard
- Planetary period oscillations in Saturn's magnetosphere: Phase relation of equatorial magnetic field oscillations and Saturn kilometric radiation modulation
- Recent results from HST and ground-based observations of Saturn's aurora
- Spatial and Temporal Response of Auroral and Subauroral Plasma Convection to High- Latitude Drivers of Geomagnetic Activity
- SuperDARN Observations of Pi2 Electric Field Pulsations during THEMIS Substorms
- The Degree of Correlation of Jovian and Saturnian Auroral Emissions With Solar Wind Conditions
- The Saturnian Ring Current as Revealed Through Combined Plasma, Energetic Particle and Magnetic Field Measurements. Inertial or Pressure Gradient Driven?
- The Sheath Transport Observer for the Redistribution of Mass (STORM) Imager
- The sub-auroral electric field as observed by DMSP and the new SuperDARN mid-latitude radars
- Transport of O+ From the Cusp to the Plasma Sheet: Coordinated CLUSTER/Double Star TC-1 Observations
- Broadband Electromagnetic Pulses Coinciding with Sprite Luminosity
- Cusp-related Pc3-5 Wave Activity
- Doppler and Multiple Scattering simulations for spaceborne cloud profiling radars
- Evolution of Saturn's Bright Polar Aurora
- Ionospheric conductivities at planets and planet-like bodies without internal magnetic field
- Magnetopause Reconnection Rate and Cold Plasma: A Study using SuperDARN
- Multi-sensor time series of remote sensing data indicate rapid warming trend for lakes in California and Nevada
- Observations of high latitude ion outflows with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars and the FAST spacecraft
- Polarization Effects on Column CO2 Retrievals from Non-Nadir Satellite Measurements in the Short-Wave Infrared
- Studies of Martian ionospheric conductivities undertaken using Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express data
- ``Crater'' Flux Transfer Events: Highroad to the X-line?
- A Superposed Epoch Analysis of Geomagnetic Storms over a Solar Cycle: Geomagnetic and Solar Wind Data, Radar Backscatter & Auroral Imagery
- Global Conductivity Distributions in the Martian Ionosphere
- Midnight Sector Observations of Auroral Omega Bands
- Statistical analysis of bursty bulk flows, plasma bubbles, and their wakes using Cluster and Double Star
- The Europa Jupiter System Mission: Synergistic Science Enabled by JEO and JGO
- The first in-situ observations of echoing HF radar backscatter targets
- The occurrence and characteristics of high-latitude ion outflows observed with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars and the FAST spacecraft
- X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Measurements for In-situ Planetary Instruments
- Dual periodicities in planetary period magnetic field oscillations in Saturn's tail
- Global Retrievals of CO2 and CH4 from GOSAT: Validation and Model Comparisons
- Heavy Ion Effect on Magnetic Reconnection in The Earth's Magnetotail
- Mitigating fundamental biases in CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from space-based measurements
- On the Need for the Great Geospace Observatory
- Parameterizing the Magnetopause Reconnection Rate From Observations of the Expanding Polar Cap
- Phenomena in the high latitude ionosphere induced by an X-mode HF heater wave
- Planetary period oscillations at Saturn
- Saturn's aurora as viewed by Cassini VIMS
- The EarthCARE space-borne Doppler 94 GHz radar simulator: correction of multiple scattering, aliasing and NUBF and effects of variable along track integration
- The IMF dependence of the local time of transpolar arcs
- Variability of O and H in the magnetosphere of Saturn
- X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Measurements for In Situ Planetary Instruments
- A Survey of Corotating Interaction Regions Observed by the STEREO HI Imagers 2007 - 2010
- An Analysis of the Effect of Solar Wind Drivers on the Birkeland Current Ovals Observed by AMPERE
- Annual and solar cycle dependencies of SuperDARN scatter occurrence and ionospheric convection measurements
- Automated detection of magnetospheric modes to investigate solar wind-magnetosphere coupling
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Nightside UV Auroral Oval: In Situ Evidence of its Periodic Motion
- Characteristics of daytime mid-latitude travelling ionospheric disturbances observed over the Antarctic peninsular with HF radar
- Comparison of Aspect Angle Effect on Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions using HAARP and EISCAT facilities
- GUMICS4 Synthetic and Dynamic Simulations of the ECLAT Project
- High-resolution inversion of methane emissions in North America using satellite observations (SCIAMACHY, TES, GOSAT)
- In-Situ Analysis of the Ring Current: Opportunities for the Swarm Mission
- Investigation of reversed flow channel events by the ICI-3 sounding rocket
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at high latitude during periods of Northward IMF
- Multi-instrument Observations from Svalbard of a Traveling Convection Vortex, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Burst, and Proton Precipitation Associated with a Bow Shock Instability
- On Plasma Instabilities in the Polar Cap Ionosphere
- Planetary period oscillations in Saturn's magnetosphere: Abrupt and non-monotonic transition to northern oscillation dominance two years after equinox
- Reconnection in Jupiter's Magnetotail: Examining the Influence of Solar Wind Driving
- Simulating the Effect of Centrifugal Acceleration on Local Time Variations in Jupiter's Plasma Sheet
- SuperDARN observations of a high-m ULF wave with curved phase fronts, and its interpretation in terms of transverse resonator theory
- The Spatio-temporal Characteristics of ULF Waves Driven by Substorm Injected Particles
- The application of artificial neural networks for discrete wavelength retrievals of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide from space
- The configuration of the induced Martian magnetosphere and ionosphere during quiet solar wind conditions
- A framework for global diurnally-resolved observations of Land Surface Temperature
- A statistical survey of ion outflow occurrence identified using the FAST spacecraft
- Cluster observations of the plasma sheet at very high latitudes: The in situ signature of a transpolar arc
- Coupling between photosynthesis and isoprene emission: the view from space
- Energetic particle injections at Saturn: their relationship to solar wind driven and rotationally driven magnetospheric dynamics as measured in situ and using ENA
- Ground-based support for the Juno Earth Fly-by (Invited)
- MESSENGER Observations of Plasmoid-type Flux Ropes in Mercury's Magnetotail
- MESSENGER observations of dayside flux transfer events: Do they drive Mercury's substorm cycle? (Invited)
- Magnetic zenith effect in the ionospheric modification by an X-mode HF heater wave
- Multi-instrument, high-resolution imaging of polar cap plasma transportation
- Observations of dayside subauroral proton arcs and EMIC waves associated with increases in solar wind pressure
- On Lunar Exospheric Column Densities and Solar Wind Access Beyond the Terminator from ROSAT Soft X-ray Observations of Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX)
- On Transient Phenomena in the Cusp Ionosphere (Invited)
- Overview of the Cassini In-Situ Observations of Auroral Field-Aligned Currents During the 2013 Saturn Aurora Campaign
- Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell
- Preliminary analysis of one year long space climate simulation
- Quantification of elements essential for habitability: the case of the nakhlite hydrothermal brine
- Saturn's northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope
- Solar Cycle Variations in Polar Cap Area Measured by the SuperDARN Radars
- Statistics of Plasma Properties in Different Magnetotail Plasma Sheet Regions and their Dependence on Magnetic Activity and Solar Wind Driving Conditions, using the ECLAT Dataset
- The plasma depletion layer in Saturn's magnetosheath
- Field-Aligned Currents in Saturn's Southern Nightside Magnetosphere: Sub-Corotation and Planetary Period Oscillation Currents
- Ground-based observations of Saturn's H3+ aurora and ring rain from Keck in 2013
- MESSENGER Observations of Cusp Plasma Filaments at Mercury
- Simultaneous multi-scale and multi-instrument observations of Saturn's aurorae during the 2013 observing campaign
- Solar Wind and IMF Control of Large-Scale Ionospheric Currents and Their Time Variations
- Contribution of dayside transients to the reconnection voltage
- Fortuitous Plasma Observations During the Mars Atmospheric "Plume" Event of March-April 2012
- Relating trends in land surface skin-air temperature difference to soil moisture and evapotranspiration.
- Solar and Magnetospheric Influence on High-Frequency Radar Signal Propagation
- Testing Predictions of the Ionospheric Convection from the Expanding/Contracting Polar Cap Paradigm
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The Substorm Cycle at Mercury
- Towards a Combined Surface Temperature Dataset for the Arctic from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers (ATSRs)
- Variation of Mars' Induced Magnetospheric Boundaries over the Last Solar Cycle
- X-mode HF Pump-induced Phenomena at High Heater Frequencies in the High Latitude Ionosphere F-region
- Cusp Electron Populations During a Neutral Upwelling Event: Measurements from RENU2 and MMS Conjunction
- Field-aligned currents in Saturn's magnetosphere: Local time dependence of southern summer currents in the dawn sector between midnight and noon
- How Much Flux does a Flux Transfer Event Transfer?
- How the IMF By induces a By component on closed field lines during northward IMF Bz
- Influence of Solar Irradiance on Polar Ionospheric Convection
- Jupiter's auroras during the Juno approach phase as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Modelling the Auroral Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling System at Jupiter
- Observations of Poleward Moving Auroral Forms by the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) Sounding Rocket
- Saturn's Quasi-Periodic Magnetohydrodynamic Waves
- Solar cycle influences on the shape and location of the Earth's magnetopause
- Statistical Survey of FTE Showers at Mercury
- Structure of the Thermosphere during Energy Input through the Magnetospheric cusp: Measurements from the RENU2 Ionization Gauge
- The "Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2)" Sounding Rocket
- The asymmetric geospace during a magnetic storm on August 17, 2001
- Towards a Combined Surface Temperature Dataset for the Arctic from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers
- A Combined Surface Temperature Dataset for the Arctic from MODIS and AVHRR
- A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Relationship Between Near-Surface Air Temperature and Satellite Land Surface Temperatures Using 17 Years of Data from the ATSR Series
- An Ionosphere/Magnetosphere Coupling Current System Located in the Gap Between Saturn and its Rings
- Auroral field-aligned current observations during the Cassini F-ring and Proximal orbits
- Correction of the angular dependence of satellite retrieved LST at global scale using parametric models
- Planetary period oscillations in Saturn's magnetosphere: New results from the F-ring and proximal orbits
- Statistical Analysis of Interchange Injection Events from Over a Decade of Cassini Data
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- Two mechanisms for dayside polar cap auroral emissions under northward IMF
- Characterising the Influence of Phyllosilicate Clay Minerals on Fatty Acids During Py-GC/MS Analysis
- Electromagnetic Interaction Between Saturn and its Rings Viewed by the Cassini Magnetometer During the Grand Finale
- Energetic charged particle characteristics of Jupiter's middle-to-outer magnetosphere: Observations from Juno/JEDI
- Field aligned currents associated with Jupiter's auroras
- Improving the interpretation of line-of-sight data in SuperDARN convection maps
- Integrating Earth observations in the UK air quality management strategy
- Ionospheric Upflow Around the Polar Region During a Solar Minimum
- Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (Juno-UVS) Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Ovals
- Quantifying the impact of African emissions on global atmospheric composition
- Satellite and Surface Observations Confirm Steady Decline in US NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions over the 2004-2017 Period
- Saturn's Planetary Period Oscillations observed throughout the Cassini mission
- Study Of The Energy Budget During Isolated Auroral Substorms
- The Coupling of Saturn's Atmosphere and Ionosphere to the Rings
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The conductivities of Saturn's ionosphere from the Cassini Grand Finale
- Towards a satellite - in situ hybrid estimate for organic aerosol abundance
- Using Earth Observations to Monitor City-wide Air Quality
- "Endurance", a new NASA mission to gauge Earth's polar wind ambipolar electric field
- Constraining the Ionospheric Zonal Neutral Flow Shears at Saturn from Cassini Magnetometer Observations of Low-Latitude Field-Aligned Currents at Saturn
- Global Observations of Ammonium Balance and pH Indicate More Acidic Conditions and More Liquid Aerosols than Current Models Predict
- Ground-Based Observations for Validation of Copernicus Global Land Products: Land Surface Temperature
- Investigating the regional contributions to air pollution in Beijing: A dispersion modelling study using CO as a tracer
- Quantifying the impact of African biomass burning on the remote Atlantic atmosphere
- Revisiting the anthropogenic impacts on biogenic secondary organic aerosol in southeast US
- Saturn's auroral acceleration region as seen during Cassini's Grand Finale
- Solar wind and Planetary period modulations of reconnection events in Saturn's magnetotail
- The Relationship Between Bifurcations of Region 2 Field-Aligned Currents and the Occurrence of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams
- The landscape of Saturn's magnetic field from the Cassini Grand Finale
- Towards high-resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> monitoring from space: evaluation of a discrete-wavelength DOAS NO<SUB>2</SUB> retrieval using OMI and TROPOMI observations
- Using dusty rings to trace asymmetries in Saturn's Magnetosphere.
- Adapting the Compact Integrated Raman Spectrometer(CIRS) for the Europa Lander Mission Concept
- Case studies of solar minimum exospheric neutral density at 10 Re subsolar location using XMM-Newton X-ray observation and a global MHD model
- Comparative Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectroscopy of Jupiter's Icy Moons to Constrain Impurities in the Ice
- Comparison of Precipitation Representation from GPM and MICRE over the Southern Ocean
- ESA Version 8 reprocessing of the 10 years of MIPAS on ENVISAT measurements
- Enceladus as an Internal Plasma Source at Saturn and How this Affects the Global Magnetic Field Structure
- Estimating the effect of tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> on Gross Primary Productivity over European forests using satellite data
- Evolution of High-m Poloidal Alfven Waves in a Dipole Magnetic Field
- Extracting the Magnetopause Standoff Distance from Soft X-ray Images: a Method Development for the Forthcoming SMILE Mission
- Illuminating the Physics of Jupiter's Auroral Dawn Storms
- Improved Global Distributions of SF6 and Mean Age of Stratospheric Air by Use of New Spectroscopic Data
- Interaction of Space Weather Phenomena With Mars Plasma System During Solar Minimum 23/24
- Linking rain into ice microphysics across the melting layer instratiform rain: a closure study
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Jupiter System
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- Observations and numerical simulations of the relationship between ULF wave power, radial Alfvén speed profile, and magnetopause location
- Observations of Jupiter's Dark Polar Region from Juno-UVS and HST-STIS
- Polarization Properties of Three Dimensional Alfvénic Field Line Resonances in a Compressed Dipole Magnetic Topology
- Relation of jovian main auroral emission intensity to magnetospheric currents during the Juno mission
- Saturn's nightside ring current during Cassini's Grand Finale
- The Plasmasphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Statistical Morphology of Saturn's Equatorial ENA Projections
- The response of Saturn's dawn field-aligned currents to magnetospheric conditions during the Proximal Orbits
- The role of SmallSat Radars in the Next Generation Spaceborne Precipitation Observing Systems
- Using Multiple Platforms to Investigate the Impacts of COVID-19 Measures on Air Quality in South Africa
- Using Sentinel-5P and Models to Analyse Air Quality Changes since the Coronavirus Outbreak
- Convective Vertical Air Motion Estimates by the Spaceborne Doppler Radars of NASAs Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- Preliminary results from the Endurance rocket mission