Laval University, Canada
flowchart I[Laval University, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (253)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (44)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- CRYSYS: Monitoring and Modelling the Cryospheric System in Canada
- Distinguishing Submarine Landslide Deposits From Migrating Sediment Wave Fields
- High resolution reconstruction of diatom production in a temperate fjord, west coast Vancouver Island, Canada: implications for late Holocene pelagic fish abundance
- 3D Numerical Simulation of the Geothermal Field of Permafrost at Salluit in Nunavik, Québec, in Response to Climate Warming. Research in Progress.
- A Trend of Fast Climate Warming in Northern Quebec Since 1993. Impacts on Permafrost and Man-made Infrastructures.
- Characterization of the Microstructure of Snow with TDR
- Monitoring Cryospheric Processes in Canada With Spaceborne Scatterometer and Passive Microwave Data
- SERIES - Subarctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enhancement Study (SERIES): An Overview of the First Canadian SOLAS Cruise
- A New Phase of Exploration and Understanding: Planning for The International Polar Year - 2007/2008
- Ages of Potentially Tsunamigenic Landslides in Southern California
- Geotechnical and Microstructural Characterization of the Recent Delta Po River Flood Deposit, Adriatic Sea, Italy
- Riparian Permafrost Dynamics Associated With Climatic Changes at Tree Line During the Late Holocene
- The Betsiamites-Outardes (Quebec) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Potential for Tsunami Generation
- A High-Resolution Record of Holocene Climate Variability from a Western Canadian Coastal Inlet
- HydroSphere: Fully-Integrated, Surface/Subsurface Numerical Model for Watershed Analysis of Hydrologic, Water Quality and Sedimentation Processes
- Late-Quaternary Climate Change Within the Beringian Buckle: Multidisciplinary Results From St. Michael Island
- Quantifying the Bioporosity of Recent Po Delta Sediments
- Seasonal Climate Dynamics Inferred From High Resolution Modern Diatom Data
- Size and Age Characteristics for West Coast Tsunamigenic Landslides
- The conservative and non-conservative properties of DOM in the Beaufort Sea
- Hydrogeology of a Transboundary Sandstone Aquifer, Quebec - New York
- Shallow Gas and High-resolution Studies in an Active Canyon: Cap de Creus, Gulf of Lions
- Triggering Mechanisms of Slope Instability Processes on the Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope: Preliminary Results From IODP Expedition 308
- A Matter Of Divergence: Tracking Recent Warming At Hemispheric Scales Using Tree-Ring Data
- Determining Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency from MODIS
- Geotechnical Considerations of Canyon Formation: the Case of Cap de Creus Canyon, Mediterranean Sea
- Ground surface temperature history inferred from a borehole temperature profile through the permafrost in northern Quebec: Evidence for recent warming.
- Linking geotechnical and rheological properties of a submarine mudflow deposit, and its source material, for mobility analysis: the case of the Pointe-du-Fort Slide, Saguenay Fjord, Quebec
- Role of Underground Erosion of Ice Wedges in Drainage System Formation
- The Lifetime of DMS in Northern Latitudes: Results from Four Shipboard Experiments
- The Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone Ophiolites, Tibet: A Synthesis
- Topographically Driven Lateral Water Fluxes and Their Influence on Carbon Assimilation of a Black Spruce Ecosystem.
- A 400-year ground surface temperature history inferred from three temperature depth profiles in Northern Quebec
- Building on BOREAS: Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and the Fluxnet-Canada Continental-Scale Transect
- Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship
- Geology and Geochemistry of the Saga and Sangsang Ophiolite, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Southern Tibet
- Monitoring Stand Level Photosynthesis from Spectral Reflectance
- Multi-Angle Remote Sensing of Forest Light Use Efficiency
- Preliminary Chronostratigraphy of Pingualuit Impact Crater Lake Sediments (Nunavik, Canada): a Possible Arctic Terrestrial Record of Several Glacial/Interglacial Cycles
- Reconstruction of the Last Outburst Flood of Glacial Lake Agassiz-Ojibway in Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait
- Results from a Long-term Litter Decomposition Experiment in Canadian Forests and Their Use in Soil Carbon Model Verification and Development.
- Spatially explicit simulation of hydrologically controlled carbon and nitrogen cycles and associated feedback mechanisms in a boreal ecosystem in Eastern Canada.
- Strongly foliated garnetiferous amphibolite clasts in ophiolitic melanges, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet; Early Cretaceous disruption of a back-arc basin?
- An Overview Of Physical And Biological Responses To Sustained Decreases Of Sea Ice In The Southern Beaufort Sea: Experiences From The IPY-CFL Project
- Changes in Net Ecosystem Productivity of Boreal Black Spruce Stands in Response to Changes in Temperature at Diurnal and Seasonal Time Scales
- Classification of Cryostructures of Basal Glacier Ice Using Tomodensitometry
- Detailed Mechanistic Investigation of Preferential Flow and Transport in Variably- Saturated Fractured Clayey Till
- Estimating light use efficiency by linking flux tower data and fraction of absorbed PAR at chlorophyll level (FAPARchl) derived from daily MODIS observations
- Identification and Dating of a key Late Pleistocene Stratigraphic Unit in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf (Eastern Canada): Implications for the 400-m Thick Quaternary Sequence at the Former Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Issues and Advances in Understanding Landslide-Generated Tsunamis: Toward a Unified Model
- Land Subsidence and Groundwater Resources Investigations with the Use of D-InSAR, Numerical Modeling, and Field Data in the Toluca Valley, Mexico
- MODIS Tree Cover Validation for the Northern Taiga-Tundra Transition Zone
- Nano-confined water in the interlayers of hydrocalumite: Reorientational dynamics probed by neutron spectroscopy and molecular dynamics computer simulations
- The International Polar Year (IPY) Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) System Study
- The Polar Metadata Catalogue for the IPY Legacy
- Direct observations of ecosystem light use efficiency from MAIAC/MODIS
- Disturbances and Carbon Sequestration: Tower Flux Data from North American Forests
- How Can Uncertainties in Simulating Biospheric Carbon Fluxes Be Attributed to Different Factors? An Illustration using the Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) in Central Canada
- Measuring the DC electrokinetic coupling coefficient of porous rock samples in the laboratory : a new apparatus
- Monitoring of thaw subsidence, lithalsa collapse and thermokarst pond aggradation due to climate warming in the discontinuous permafrost zone in Nunavik, Canada
- Physically-based modeling of water exchange between surface water and groundwater : Conceptual and applied simulations (Invited)
- Solute movement through unsaturated fen peat: Lab and greenhouse experiments for transport study of contaminants from Athabasca oil sands tailing pond water
- The International Polar Year (IPY) Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study: a focus on fast ice edge systems
- Climate Change and Mercury Accumulation in Canadian High and Subarctic Lakes
- Expansion of dwarf birch in subarctic Québec: linking radial growth to climate warming
- High-resolution diatom records of climate and hydrological variability over the last two millennia along coastal British Columbia (Canada)
- Monitoring natural sequestration of carbon dioxide into chrysotile milling waste piles
- Net Ecosystem Productivity of Temperate and Boreal Forests after Clearcutting - a Fluxnet-Canada Measurement and Modelling Synthesis
- Organic carbon and fine sediment production potential from decaying permafrost in a small watershed, Sheldrake River, Eastern coastal region of Hudson Bay
- Overview of Submarine Landslides From the Charlevoix-Kamouraska/Lower St. Lawrence Estuary Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada
- Pan-Arctic Simulation of Coupled Nutrient-Sulfur Cycling due to Sea Ice Biology
- Shifts in microbial biomass indicators track changes in carbon and nitrogen cycles during tree plantation development to 20 years
- The Double Nature of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic Ocean Shelf-Slope System (Invited)
- Assessment of permafrost conditions under Northern Quebec's airports: an integrative approach for the development of adaptation strategies to climate warming
- Capacity of mining residues for the fixation of CO2 under ambient conditions: Impact of watering and watering frequency, iron and fibre content on CO2 uptake efficiency
- Color analysis of permafrost thaw ponds: Toward regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from northern landscapes
- Degradation of ground ice in a changing climate: the potential impact of groundwater flow
- Enhancement of Mineral Carbonation of Various Ultramafic Mine Tailings
- Ground ice conditions in Salluit, Northern Quebec
- High permafrost ice contents in Holocene slope deposits as observed from shallow geophysics and a coring program in Pangnirtung, Nunavut, Canada
- High-Latitude Vegetation Trends in North America from Integration of MODIS, Landsat, and Dynamic Vegetation Models
- Large-scale Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Simulations in Complex Geological Environments
- Monitoring of thermal contraction cracking in ice wedge polygons, Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada
- Moving toward a Biomass Map of Boreal Eurasia based on ICESat GLAS, ASTER GDEM, and field measurements: Amount, Spatial distribution, and Statistical Uncertainties
- Paleolimnological evidence for abrupt climate change in the central Canadian Arctic at 8200 cal yr BP
- Permafrost and Climate Change in Nunavik and Nunatsiavut: Importance for Municipal and Transportation Infrastructures
- Permafrost knowledge to serve as foundation for Inuit community planning
- Recent dynamics of thermokarst ponds in discontinuous permafrost: a paleolimnological study from subarctic Quebec, Canada
- Understanding the Factors That Control Snow Albedo Over Central Greenland
- Vertical profiles of specific surface area, thermal conductivity and density of mid-latitude, Arctic and Antarctic snow: relationships between snow physics and climat
- ADAPT: building conceptual models of the physical and biological processes across permafrost landscapes
- Assessing the value of storage services in large-scale multireservoir systems
- Atmospheric controls on methane emissions from a subarctic bog in northern Quebec, Canada, using an open-path eddy covariance system
- Evidence for submarine landslides and continental slope erosion related to fault reactivation during the last glaciation offshore eastern Canada
- Influence of tile-drainage on groundwater flow and nitrate transport in heterogeneous geological materials
- Linking recent landscape changes in thawed permafrost with sediment dynamics in thermokarst ponds of subarctic Quebec (Canada)
- Morpho-dynamics of an alongshore drift fed shallow-water channel-lobe complex, Moisie River delta, NW Gulf of St. Lawrence (Eastern Canada)
- Organic matter, ice content and structure determined in a permafrost peatland trought GPR profiling and computed tomography scanning, Salluit, Nunavik, Canada
- Origin of massive ice at Cape Marre-Sale, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia: contrasting views
- Photo-oxidation of Dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the Western Canadian Arctic
- Quantifying Permafrost Characteristics with DCR-ERT
- Real-time Reservoir Operation Based on a Combination of Long-term and Short-term Optimization and Hydrological Ensemble Forecasts
- Soil moisture mapping in an alley cropping system in Quebec, Canada
- Water and energy exchanges of a subarctic bog in northern Quebec, Canada
- AMBIENT CARBONATION of MINING RESIDUES: Understanding the Mechanisms and Optimization of Direct Carbon Dioxide Mineral Sequestration
- Assessment of Climate Change Impact: Use of a Groundwater and Surface Water Model in a Highly-Urbanized Catchment
- Complexity of suture zones:Example from the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone , southern Tibet. (Invited)
- How much the selection of a potential evapotranspiration formulation influences hydrological projections?
- Hydro-economic Risk Assessment in the Eastern Nile River Basin
- Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater in the Outaouais Region (Québec, Canada) - A regional scale study
- Modeling water flow in a tile drainage network in glacial clayey tills in an agricultural catchment
- Morphologic Evolution of a Well-Constrained, Complete Subaerial-Subaqueous Source to Sink System: Wabush Lake
- Particulate removal processes and hydraulics of porous gravel media filters
- Physically-Based Assessment of Intrinsic Groundwater Resource Vulnerability in AN Urban Catchment
- Spatial variability of snow physical properties across northwestern Greenland
- Taking stock of circumboreal forest carbon by combining inventory plot measurements with airborne and spaceborne LiDAR
- The Immatsiak network of groundwater wells in a small catchment basin in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Northern Quebec, Canada: A unique opportunity for monitoring the impacts of climate change on groundwater (Invited)
- A soil water balance shift is driving directional change in northern forests
- Ammonia Surface-Atmosphere Exchange in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer
- An Algorithm for Determining Potential Rill Areas from Gridded Elevation Data: Development and Integration in a Vegetated Filter Dimensioning Model
- Cost Distribution of Environmental Flow Demands in a Large Scale Multi-Reservoir System
- Ecosystemic Postglacial Succession of Nettilling Lake (Baffin Island, Canada) Inferred by Oxygen Isotope Composition of Lacustrine Diatoms
- Evidence for passive mineral carbonation from carbon isotope geochemistry of interstitial air in mine wastes from the Dumont Nickel Project (Abitibi, Quebec).
- Formulation of an Integrated Model for Freshwater Resources Policy Evaluation in Jordan
- Monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration by Mineral Carbonation in Mine Tailings at Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada
- Phosphorus as a Colimiting Nutrient with Nitrogen of Birch Plant Growth Across the Arctic
- SAGE 2014: Grain size variability across the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland ice sheet Experiment (SAGE) traverse route
- Terrestrial and Marine Organic Matter Accumulation in Hudson Bay: A High-Resolution Record of Climate/Watershed Processes over the Late Holocene
- The Black Lake (Quebec, Canada) mineral carbonation experimental station: CO2 capture in mine waste
- A Comparison of Potential Temperature Variance Budgets over Vegetated and Non-Vegetated Surface
- A Spatial Extrapolation Approach to Assess the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource Systems
- AUTUMNX: a real-time dense magnetometer array for northern Quebec
- Ammonia in the summer Arctic marine boundary layer: Sources, Sinks and Implications
- An open-source software platform for data management, visualisation, model building and model sharing in water, energy and other resource modelling domains.
- Design of a multi-agent hydroeconomic model to simulate a complex human-water system: Early insights from the Jordan Water Project
- Digital mapping of soil properties in Canadian managed forests at 250 m of resolution using the k-nearest neighbor method
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
- Dynamics of intra-oceanic subduction initiation, part 2: supra-subduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
- Effects of Sloped Terrain and Forest Stand Maturity on Evapotranspiration in a Boreal Forested Catchment
- Examining the Role Played by Meteorological Ensemble Forecasts, Ensemble Kalman Filter Streamflow Assimilation, and Multiple Hydrological Models within a Prediction System Accounting for Three Sources of Uncertainty
- Landslide-Generated Tsunami Model for Quick Hazard Assessment
- Multi-agent modelling framework for water, energy and other resource networks
- Numerical simulation of the basin scale hydrogeological impacts of carbon sequestration in deep saline aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands
- Present-day CGPS-derived Crustal Strain Rate Field of the Saint Lawrence River Valley
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Sedimentary Records of Hyperpycnal Flows and the Influence of River Damming on Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries: Examples from the Nelson, Churchill, Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers (Canada)
- Sources of Dimethyl Sulfide in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Baffin Bay
- Sources of Size Segregated Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic Summer
- Spatial and Temporal Snow Grain Size Variability across Northwestern Greenland
- Validation of a Fast-Response Urban Micrometeorological Model to Assess the Performance of Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies
- Water Footprint of Hydroelectricity: A Case Study of Two Large Canadian Boreal Watersheds
- Water and Benefit Sharing in Transboundary River Basins
- A Bottom-up Vulnerability Analysis of Water Systems with Decentralized Decision Making and Demographic Shifts- the Case of Jordan.
- An open source web interface for linking models to infrastructure system databases
- Analyzing Land Surface Evapotranspiration in Semi-Arid Regions Using A Modified Triangle Method
- Application of a 3D Model to Assess the Thermo-Hydrological Effects of Climate Warming in a Discontinuous Permafrost Zone, Umiujaq, Northern Quebec, Canada
- Combining Remote Sensing and Multi-Agent Simulation to Assess Alternative Water Management Policies in Conflict-Prone Areas - The Case of the Yarmouk River Basin
- Evaluation of water security in Jordan using a multi-agent, hydroeconomic model: Initial model results from the Jordan Water Project
- Geophysical investigation and monitoring of thermo-hydraulic conditions of closed talik and icing of the Kuuguluk River at Salluit, northern Quebec, Canada
- Improving water resources management efficiency for cranberry production
- Jordan Water Project: an interdisciplinary evaluation of freshwater vulnerability and security
- Optimization of Water Management of Cranberry Fields under Current and Future Climate Conditions
- Plume-induced subduction initiation at the Cretaceous India-Arabia transform plate boundary: paleomagnetic constraints from the Semail ophiolite, Oman
- Production, Stocks and Characteristics of Wildfire Charcoal in Canadian Boreal Forests; a Preliminary Synthesis
- Simulating partially illegal markets of private tanker water providers on the country level: A multi-agent, hydroeconomic case-study of Jordan
- The impact of ground plot edge-effects on empirical relationships between footprint-level biomass and GEDI waveform lidar metrics
- Towards the development of a multimodel hydrological ensemble prediction system for La Mojana, Colombia
- A Functional Trait Approach for Evaluation of Agroforestry Species Adaptation Potentiel to Changing Climate
- A comparison of near-surface potential temperature variance budgets for unstable atmospheric flows over vegetated and non-vegetated flat surfaces and a gentle slope
- Bichromatic Scintillometer Measurements of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes over a Boreal Forested Valley
- Carbon combustion in boreal black spruce and jack pine stands of the Northwest Territories, Canada
- Challenges in Estimating Evapotranspiration of Young Sparse Stands in a Boreal Forest of Eastern-Canada
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Frozen-Ground Cartoons: An international collaboration between artists and permafrost scientists
- Neoglacial Antarctic sea-ice expansion driven by mid-Holocene retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf.
- Numerical Simulations of the Natural Thermal Regime and Enhanced Geothermal Systems in the St. Lawrence Lowlands Basin, Quebec, Canad
- Quantifying the variability of snowpack properties and processes in a small-forested catchment representative of the boreal zone
- Regional Climate Models as a Tool for Assessing Changes in the Laurentian Great Lakes Net Basin Supply
- Spatiotemporal variability and modeling of the solar irradiance transmissivity through a boreal forest
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) 2017 Airborne Campaign
- The CAnadian Surface Prediction ARchive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modelling in Canada and Globally
- The future of hydropower planning modeling
- A comparison of near-surface potential temperature variance budgets for unstable atmospheric flows with contrasting vegetation cover flat surfaces and a gentle slope
- Analyzing the value of hydrologic forecasts based on their hydrologic properties
- Analyzing transboundary water resources allocation problems using probabilistic trade-off relationships
- Constraining methane dynamics modules in ecosystem models using eddy flux measurements at northern ecosystems
- Distribution, Degradation and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter in the East China Sea
- Estimating the Chronological Sequence of Evapotranspiration Partitioning Following Rainfall Events in a Boreal Forest of Eastern Canada
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Evaporation losses from boreal reservoirs : A comparison between eddy covariance measurements and estimation methods relying on limited data
- HiCIBaS: A precursor mission for high contrast imaging balloon systems
- Hydrological post-processing of streamflow forecasts issued from multimodel ensemble prediction systems
- Is the best hydrological model in calibration also the best one after data assimilation?
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene Paleomagnetic Records From Eastern Arctic Canada and Western Greenland
- Modeling and observation of net evaporation resulting from hydroelectric reservoir impoundments in northern Quebec, Canada
- Modeling greenhouse gas budget in the northern ecosystems using a process-based ecosystem model, VISIT
- Numerical simulation and optimization of enhanced geothermal systems coupled with an Organic Rankine Cycle
- Offline point-scale evaluation of the Soil, Vegetation, and Snow (SVS) land surface model
- Rapid warming leads to greening of the tundra biome
- The 2018 OUTREACH Expedition as a case study bridging the science-policy boundary to foster international collaborations, identify priorities and enhance pan-Arctic connectivity
- Vulnerability of boreal forest legacy carbon to combustion increases with shortened fire return intervals
- A hybrid top-down/bottom-up approach to assess the operational flexibility of multipurpose multireservoir systems under climate change
- Forcing the Canadian Land Surface Scheme with ERA5 Reanalysis to Simulate Land-air Interaction Processes over Boreal Forests
- Holocene paleoceanographic development of the eastern Baffin Bay
- Observation and modeling of the net evapotranspiration from a hydroelectric reservoir in the boreal biome, Quebec, Canada
- On foliage clumping at the branch and landscape scales in forests, and its relation to light and water limitations
- On resorting to a meteorological post-processor to improve ensemble hydrological forecasts
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Quantifying the Impacts of a Needleleaf Canopy on the Physical Properties of the Snowpack at the Local Scale
- Reducing Uncertainty in Net Ecosystem Exchange by Running the CABLE Land Surface Model for MsTMIP and Developing Low-Cost GHG Sensors for Deployment in the ABR
- Retreat Pattern of Glaciers Controls the Occurrence of Turbidity Currents on High-Latitude Fjord Deltas (Eastern Baffin Island)
- Sensible and latent heat fluxes in a subarctic valley in northern Quebec, Canada
- The Hidden Value of Private Water Markets in Jordan: Simulating Spatial Price Equilibria in a Coupled Hydro-Economic Model
- The NASA ABoVE Database: Uncovering Functional Responses Among the Hundreds of In Situ, Airborne, and Satellite Datasets
- Upslope migrating bedforms during storm-induced turbidity currents: Insights from direct monitoring and repeat seabed mapping
- A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts
- Agricultural hydroinformatics: An emerging approach to water sustainability transitions in farming systems
- Contrasting shoreline changes in the communities of Nunavik (northern Quebec, Canada), 1955 to 2020
- Flow regime recovery compensation mechanisms in over-built river basins
- Improving Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Processes in Earth System Models with NASA ABoVE Data
- Mapping Undercover: Using Integrated Potential Field Interpretation, Inversion and 3D Modelling to Assess Basin Prospectivity.
- Mountain Wind Mechanisms Driving High-Latitude Dust Emissions in the Yukon Territories, Canada.
- Parameter Estimation of a Regional Seawater Intrusion Model Using Well and Geophysical Data: Insights from Data Assimilation and Data Worth
- Reducing Uncertainty in Future Projections of CO2 and Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Self-limitation of wildfires compensates for the low resilience of young forest stands in the eastern Canadian taiga
- 1-D Lake Model Assessment for Estimating Evaporation from a Hydropower Reservoir
- Can large-scale models accurately represent pumping impact on streams?
- Explicit Modelling of Uneven-Aged Stand Dynamics to Improve GHG Emissions Estimates in Eastern Canada
- How a cloud based JupyterHub can scaffold researchers' scientific workflows and teaching activities
- Lessons learned from the NSERC Canadian FloodNet on improving flood forecasting systems and management capacity
- News from the Pan-Arctic Initiative on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Arctic Coasts
- Optimization of Maximum Photosynthetic Carboxylation Rate (Vc,max) in CLASSIC for North Americas Boreal Forests using Eddy Covariance Data
- Site-level Evaluation of Boreal Forests Carbon Dioxide and Energy Fluxes along a Permafrost Gradient in CLASSIC
- Snowpack in Forest Gaps Has Lower Hydraulic Conductivity than Under the Canopy
- Testing the linear relationship between recession dynamics and active layer thickening over 336 catchments located in permafrost regions
- The Role of Informal Tanker Water Markets in Intermittent Urban Water Supply Systems
- Thermal Regime and Surface-Atmosphere Energy Exchanges of a Deep Boreal Reservoir
- A New Modeling Approach of Snow Interception and Unloading to Better Simulate the Subcanopy Snowpack
- An improved plant hydraulics model for the land component of the CliMA Earth System Model
- Assessing Net Methylmercury Potential in Recently Drained Basins in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada
- Characterization of reservoir ice phenology using an automatic detection algorithm based on Sentinel-2A
- Genomic Analysis of Microorganisms That Influence Methylmercury Accumulation in Thawing Permafrost of Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada
- Hyperspectral Soil Albedo in Earth System Models Significantly Impacts Climate Simulations
- Interactions between inland water bodies and the atmosphere in a cold climate
- Landcover controls on infiltration, recharge, and freezing depths in a post-permafrost landscape
- Mapping Drained Lake Basins in Permafrost Lowlands on a Circumpolar Scale
- Operational Partitioning of Precipitation Phase Using Machine Learning
- Post-drainage Evolution of Drained Lake Basins in Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory
- Study of the effect of compaction on soil hydrodynamic properties
- The Impact of Variable Saturation on the Subsurface Thermal Regime: Implications for Ground Freezing and Talik Dynamics at a Degrading Permafrost Mound near Umiujaq (Nunavik, Canada)
- The Usefulness of Global and Regional Precipitation and Temperature Reanalyses for Flood Modeling at the Catchment Scale
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. K. Liljedahl
- Abigail Azari
- Alain N. Rousseau
- Alexander Norton
- Alisa Baranskaya
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Anna Irrgang
- Annett Bartsch
- Benjamin M. Jones
- C. E. Tweedie
- Craig T. Simmons
- Dominic Cyr
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Frank Günther
- François Anctil
- Guido Grosse
- Helena Bergstedt
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hugues Lantuit
- Jeffrey M. McKenzie
- Joseph D. Hughes
- Josué Medellín–Azuara
- Louise M. Farquharson
- M. A. Walvoord
- Marcos Longo
- Maria‐Helena Ramos
- Masahito Ueyama
- Mateusz C. Strzelecki
- Matthias Fuchs
- Michael Lehning
- Michael N. Fienen
- Nathan L. Young
- Paul A. Levine
- Paul Overduin
- Paulin Coulibaly
- Philip Brunner
- Pierre Gentine
- Renato K. Braghiere
- René Therrien
- Shuang Ma
- Steven M. Gorelick
- Valeria Barra
- Whyjay Zheng