University of Sydney, Department of Physics
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Analytic Theory for Interplanetary Type II Radio Emission: Formalism and Predictions
- Analytic and Numerical Modelling of Plasma Radiation from Earth's Foreshock
- Energy Balance in the Flaring Solar Corona
- Jovian S-burst Drift Rates and S-burst/L-burst Interactions in a Phase-bunching Model
- Lower Hybrid Drive in Solar Magnetic Reconnection Regions: Implications for Electron Acceleration and Solar Heating
- Multiple Electron Beam Propagation and Langmuir Wave Emission in Space Plasmas
- Random Wave Growth in Space Plasmas: Unification of Stochastic-Growth and Elementary-Burst Theories
- Analytic and Numerical Modelling of Langmuir Waves and Radio Emission from Earth's Foreshock
- Bursty Mode Conversion in Inhomogeneous Plasmas
- Dynamics of Electrostatic Decay of Beam Driven Langmuir Waves
- Quantitative Theory for Generation of 2-3 kHz Emissions beyond the Heliopause
- Theoretical Predictions for Interplanetary Type II Radio Bursts
- A Quantitative Model for Terrestrial Foreshock Langmuir Waves and Radio Emission
- Bow Shock in Interaction of Solar Wind with Dusty Cometary Coma
- Heating and Acceleration due to Lower Hybrid Waves in Magnetic Reconnection Regions
- Stochastic Wave Growth in Diverse Space Plasmas: Theory, Simulation, Data
- Angle-averaged Efficiency of Linear Mode Conversion of Langmuir waves into Radiatio
- Planetary Foreshock Radio Emissions
- Predictions for STEREO: Dynamic Spectra and Source Regions of Type II Radio Bursts
- Quasilinear Simulation of Harmonic Electromagnetic Emission via Beam-driven Langmuir Waves in the Solar Wind
- Stochastic Waves in Space Plasmas
- Timing of the 2-3 kHz Radio Events Observed by Voyager
- Cluster II Constraints on Electron Acceleration and Langmuir Waves at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electron Energisation Driven by Lower Hybrid Waves in Current Sheets and Magnetic Reconnection Regions.
- Generation of Downshifted Oscillations in the Electron Foreshock: A Loss-Cone Instability
- Multiscale simulations of type III solar radio emission via beam-driven Langmuir waves
- Understanding Solar Flare Statistics
- Data-driven Solar Wind Model and Prediction of Type II Bursts
- Effects of heavy ions on ULF wave resonances near the equatorial region
- Electron Distributions Upstream and Downstream of High Mach Number, Collisionless Shocks
- Mode conversion of Langmuir to electromagnetic waves with parallel inhomogeneity in the solar wind
- New Regimes of Stochastic Wave Growth
- Type III Solar Radio Bursts in the Inhomogeneous Corona and Interplanetary Space
- Eigenmode Structure in Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Heliospheric structure due to magnetic fields and neutral particles from the three- dimensional MHD-kinetic model
- Linear Mode Conversion of Langmuir to Electromagnetic Waves at Oblique Density Inhomogeneities
- Simulated Coronal Type III Solar Radio Bursts: Source Region Dynamics and Remote Radiation Spectra
- Consequences of the Eigenmode Interpretation of Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Determination of the Envelope Distribution for Langmuir Waves in the Topside Ionosphere
- Electric Field Statistics and Modulation Characteristics of Bursty Langmuir Waves Observed in the Cusp
- Nonlinear Force-Free Magnetic Field Modeling of the Solar Corona: A Critical Assessment
- Pick-up Ion Distribution Functions and Revisions to the 2-3 kHz Radiation Theory
- Plasma Wave and Electron Density Structure Observed in the Cusp with a Dual-Rocket Experiment
- Simulations of Effects of Coronal and Beam Parameters on Coronal Type III Bursts
- Statistics of Waveform and Envelope Fields: Theory, Simulations and Initial Applications to TRICE Data
- Automatic Recognition of Coronal Type II Radio Bursts: The Method for ARBIS 2
- Dynamical shock: Theory and observations (Invited)
- Effects of Spatial Variations in Electron and Ion Temperatures on Coronal Type III Bursts
- Electromagnetic radiation by linear mode conversion of Langmuir waves at oblique density inhomogeneities
- Prediction of background levels for the Wind/WAVES instrument and implications for the galactic background radiation
- Role of linear mode conversion on solar and heliospheric radio emissions at oblique density inhomogeneities
- The Relation between Coronal Holes and CMEs during the Rise, Maximum and Declining Phases of the Solar Cycle 23
- Thermal Correction to the Rate of Second Harmonic Plasma Emission
- Type II Solar Radio Bursts : Extraction of Shock Parameters and Detailed Comparison of Theory with Observations
- Decimetric type III bursts: generation and propagation
- Developing a Data-Tested Theory for Type II Solar Radio Bursts
- Probing the cores of red giant stars using asteroseismology with NASA's Kepler Mission
- Solar Cycle Variations of the Occurrence of Coronal Type III Radio Bursts and a New Solar Activity Index
- Linear mode conversion of Langmuir and ordinary waves in unmagnetized and magnetized plasmas
- Solar Science with the Murchison Widefield Array: Commissioning and Beyond
- The Heliospheric 2-3 kHz Radiation, the IBEX Ribbon, and the 3-D Shape of the Heliopause
- The Ion Reflection Process in Collisionless Shocks
- The Type III Radio Burst Occurrence Rate as a New Solar Activity Index: Rieger-Type periodicity
- Type III Bursts in Generalized Lorentzian Plasmas
- "Energy States of the Solar Corona as Seen in Coronal Loops"
- Linear mode conversion of Langmuir/z-mode waves to radiation in plasmas with various magnetic field strength
- An Investigation of Low Energy Ion Cusp Precipitation by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket Campaign
- CAPER-2 and TRICE-2 Sounding Rocket Investigations: Whistler and Upper-Hybrid Waves in the Polar Cusp
- Comparisons between Observations, Simulation Outputs, and Analytic Predictions for an Accelerating Solar Wind over CR2040 and CR2144
- Cusp structures observed by the TRICE 2 sounding rockets and their relationship to the magnetopause reconnection location
- Electron-Langmuir wave resonance in 3D and implications for the evolution of electron distributions in the heliosphere.
- First Quantitative Explanation of a Metric Type II Solar Radio Burst
- Hit or Miss, Arrival Time, and B<SUB>z</SUB> Orientation Predictions of BATS-R-US CME-driven Shock Simulations at 1 AU
- Interstellar Probe - To Touch Interstellar Space
- Outer Heliospheric Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources from the Voyager Data
- The Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics 2 (TRICE-2) Mission
- Type II Solar Radio Bursts and Kappa Electron Distributions
- Broadband Enhancements in the Cusp Ionosphere Observed by TRICE-2 Sounding Rockets
- Coincident Lower-Hybrid and Modulated Upper-Hybrid Waves Observed with TRICE-2 Sounding Rockets in Earth's Cusp
- Density Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources in the Polar and Ecliptic Planes
- Observations of Low-Energy Magnetospheric Ions by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket and the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Probability Distributions of Langmuir Waves in Type II and III sources
- Theoretical Dependences of Type II Solar Radio Emission on Electron and Density Turbulence Parameters