University of Copenhagen, Geological Museum
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- High Resolution Record of the C27n-C26r Geomagnetic Transition in West Greenland Flood Basalts
- Paleomagnetism and multi-model stereo photogrammetry of the West Greenland flood volcanic province
- No Indications from Cr Isotopes for the Late Heavy Bombardment on Earth in Early Archean Metasediments from Isua, Greenland.
- New paleomagnetic results from the igneous rocks of the Nauru Basin, Western Pacific: implications on age of eruption and paleolatitudes
- Ice free Arctic Ocean, an Early Holocene analogue.
- The Greenland ice Sheet Since LGM, an Overview.
- An Archean Terrestrial Fractionation Line for Oxygen Isotopes
- Assessing Mass-dependent Isotope Fractionation of Cerium
- Petrologic, Geochemical and Isotopic Study of 3.1Ga Peridotite-Chromitite Suite from the Western Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence for Recycling of Oceanic Crust in the Mesoarchean
- Implications of garnet resorption for the Lu-Hf garnet geochronometer: Makhevinekh Lake Pluton aureole, Labrador
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Archaean Oceans Preserved in the ~3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt
- Geochemical Evidence for Subduction in the Early Archaean from Quartz-Carbonate-Fuchsite Mineralization, Isua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland
- Reconciling atmospheric temperatures in the early Archean
- A Resilient Greenland Ice Sheet More Than 900,000 Years Old.
- The Photographic History of Greenland's Glaciers - and how the historical data plays an important role in today's glacier research
- New constraints on the deglaciation chronology of the southeastern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Photographic History of Greenland's Glaciers - and how the historical data plays an important role in today's glacier research
- Imaging the Danish Chalk Group with high resolution, 3-component seismics
- Sensitivity of the marine-terminating margins to Holocene climate change in south and southeast Greenland
- Tracing past ambient air pollution and its consequences on human health
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- Integrated Seismic Geomorphology as a Tool to Unravel Fluid Expulsion Episodes Expressed in the Sedimentary Record in a Mature Petroleum Basin (Danish Central Graben, North Sea)
- Glacial History of Inglefield Land, North Greenland using Radiocarbon Dating and <SUP>10</SUP>Be, <SUP>26</SUP>Al and in-situ <SUP>14</SUP>C Exposure Dating
- Seismic Geomorphology of Remobilized Cretaceous Chalks within the Danish Central Graben