University of Tennessee, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Chemistry of Young Martian Meteorites and the Ancient Mars Crust
- Evidence for Differentiation by Crystal Fractionation in Theo's Flow, Canada
- Evidence that Earlywood-Latewood Size and Isotope Differences Can Influence Long-term Tree-Ring δ <SUP>13</SUP>C Trends
- Experimental Investigation of Reaction and Fluid Transport in Dolomite Rock
- Inter-aquifer Dynamics in and Near a Confining Unit Window in Shelby County, Tennessee, USA
- Potential use of Oxygen Isotopes From α -Cellulose in Tree Rings to Examine Climate Trends, El Malpais National Monument, New Mexico, USA
- Role of Impact-Induced, Vapor-Phase Deposition in the Lunar Regolith Formation: Clues from the New Mineral, Hapkeite
- Sulfur Isotopic Compositions in Pyrrhotite Grains From the Los Angeles Meteorite
- THEMIS Observations of Domes and Associated Lineaments in Arcadia Planitia
- Thermal Emission Spectrometer Derived Chemical Abundances of Low-Albedo Surfaces on Mars
- Tropical Cyclone Activity and Climate Fluctuations Captured by Oxygen Isotopes in Tree-Ring Cellulose From the Southeastern US
- Advances in Understanding Planetary Building Blocks: John Wood's Legacy
- Colloid Transport under Partially Saturated Transient and Preferential Flow Conditions
- Development and testing of real-time PCR assays for determining fecal loading and source identification (cattle, human, etc.) in surface water and groundwater
- Distribution of Organic Matter in Nano- and Micropores of Soil Microaggregates
- Experimental and Temporal Observations on the Occurrence and Abundance of Pyrogenic PAH Relative to Atmospheric Oxygen Levels
- LA-MC-ICPMS Determination of Copper Isotope Ratios in Turquoise from the Southwestern United States.
- Lava Domes of the Arcadia Region of Mars
- Mini-TES Derived Chemical Abundances at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum: Implications for Global Surface Compositions
- Planet Formation and Early Solar System heating: Recent advancements
- Seasonal δ <SUP>13</SUP>C Variability in Tree Rings From China: Environmental Regulation And Its Relationship to East Asia Monsoon
- Seasonally Resolved Oxygen Isotope Paleoclimate Proxy in Tree-Ring Cellulose from the Southeastern U.S.
- Anomalous Diffusion in 2-Dimensional, Random Euclidean and Prefractal Models of Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Assimilation of High 18O/16O Crust by Shergottite-Nakhlite-Chassigny (SNC) Magmas on Mars
- Comparing Ideal and Field Tracer Transport in Fractured Bedrock using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Comparison of Bulk and Compound-Specific Carbon Isotope Analyses and Determination of Carbon Sources to Salt Marsh Sediments Using n-Alkane Distributions (Maine, USA)
- Development of a Colloid Sampling Technique for Suboxic Groundwaters in Memphis, TN
- Eclogitic Diamond Inclusions from the Komsomolskaya Pipe, Yakutia
- Effective Hydraulic Conductivity Scaling in a 2-Dimensional Geometrical Multifractal Model for Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Estimating Recharge Through a 7-40 m Thick Layer of Fine-Grained Residuum Using Tritium/Helium and CFCs
- Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes in Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids by A Piezophilic Bacterium Moritella Japonica DSK1
- Gigantic Diamondiferous Eclogite from Udachnaya: Mineralogy and Tomography of this Yakutian Xenolith.
- Midge-Inferred Temperatures from Three Interglacial Periods in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Petrography of Rocks Examined by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit within the Gusev Plains and Columbia Hills, Mars
- Thermophysical Characterization of Terrestrial Alluvial Fans, With Applications to Mars
- An experimental study of the serpentine cycle: The hydration of dunite.
- Can Peat Fires Produce a Globally Significant Carbon-Isotope Excursion in the Sedimentary Record?
- Does Syndeformational Reaction Always Cause Strain Localization?
- Effective Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of 2-dimensional Random Multifractal Fields
- First Constraints on the Composition of Tharsis Volcanism, Mars
- Origin of Olivine Megacrysts in Olivine-Phyric Shergottite Yamato 980459: Evidence for a Heterogeneous Martian Mantle
- Petrogenesis of Alkaline Rocks in Gusev Crater, Mars
- The Metasomatic Origin of Diamonds: Evidence from the World's Largest Diamondiferous Eclogite
- Tree-ring Oxygen Isotope Records of Climate Modes Influencing North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Two Batholithic Magma Bodies, Oruanui and Bishop: Comparisons and Contrasts
- Analysis of the Argyre Planitia (Mars) Sinuous Ridges Using Early MRO Images
- Analytical and Lattice Boltzmann Predictions of Intrinsic Permeability for Deterministic and Randomized Fractal Porous Media
- Effect of fCO2 on the Diffusion of C and O in Calcite at 700 °C, 100 MPa
- Estimation of Site-Scale Temporal Variations in Seismic Response as a Function of Geophone Placement
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution and Alteration of Olivine at Low Temperatures and Pressures
- Measurement of Relative Permeability Using Single-Step Transient Flow Centrifuge Experiments
- Oxygen isotope composition of modern pedogenic carbonate from the southern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Petrogenesis of Alkaline Magmas in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Structural and Thermochronological Constraints on the Coupling Between Exhumation, Denudation and Tectonics in the Himalaya: Insights From the Ama Drime Massif, Tibet- Nepal
- Volcanism at Aramaiti Corona, Venus
- A Multi-Tree Perspective of Oxygen Isotope Variability in Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Trees From Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Detection and Mapping of Sedimentary Features on Alluvial Fans Using High-Resolution Overhead Thermal Imaging
- Determining Engineering Properties of the Shallow Lunar Subsurface using Seismic Surface Wave Techniques
- Enhancing Monitoring of Recharge-Related Environmental Remediation Processes Using Time-Lapse Seismic Refraction
- Identification, Mapping, and Measurement of Titan Fluvial Features
- Microbial biosynthesis of wax esters during desiccation: an adaptation for colonization of the earliest terrestrial environments?
- Progression from South-Directed to Orogen-Parallel Mid-Crustal Flow on the Southern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Ama Drime Massif, Tibet
- Quantitative Integration of Multiple Geophysical Techniques for Reducing Uncertainty in Discrete Anomaly Detection
- Stochastic Inversion of Seismic Refraction Data With Borehole Depth Constraints for Watershed-scale Characterization of Aquifer Geometry
- Tree-ring Cellulose Oxygen Isotopes: A Rich Archive of Southeastern Climate and Extreme Events
- Using High-Resolution, Surface Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Characterize and Monitor Subsurface Hydrological Processes
- Valles Marineris Dune Fields as Seen From the HiRISE, CTX and THEMIS Cameras
- Was Apollinaris Patera the source for the Gusev crater basalts?
- A polygenetic exhumed landscape in the Aeolis/Zephyria Plana region, Mars
- Characterizing the Spatial and Temporal Variations in Organic Carbon Abundance and Stable Isotope Ratios in Lake Sediments Containing Evidence of Prehistoric Agriculture
- Distribution and Character of Lunar Low-Ca and Mg-Rich Pyroxenes
- ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer NEO survey
- Insights into Lunar Far-side Highlands Crustal Development from the Moscoviense Basin and the Moon Mineralogy Mapper onboard Chandrayaan-1
- Interpretations of OH/HOH IR Absorptions on the Moon from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (Invited)
- Mechanisms for Incorporation of Hydrogen in and on the Lunar Surface
- Orientale Impact Basin: New Insights into Formation and Evolution from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Oxygen Isotope Variations in Lunar Mare Basalts through Fractional Crystallization
- Regional Crustal Components of Martian Heat Flow from Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (GRS)
- Terrestrial proxy records of subtropical atmospheric dynamics during the early to mid-Holocene from the interior southeastern United States
- The Role of Spinel Minerals in Lunar Magma Evolution
- Time-Scales of Melt Generation in the Ama Drime and Leo Pargil Domes: Quantifying Links Between Mid-Crustal Anatexis and Exhumation in the Core of the Himalayan Orogen
- Transport of fecal-derived microorganisms from latrine ponds to aquifers in Bangladesh
- Visible-Wavelength Integrated Spectroscopy of Binary Asteroids
- Bank storage as a thermal sink of temperature surges in urbanized streams
- Comparing laboratory column test treatments with field profiles of fecal indicator bacteria and virus from concentrated source areas
- Could arsenic mitigation lead to increased diarrheal disease in Bangladesh?
- Coupled Modeling of Hydrogeochemical and Electrical Resistivity Data for Exploring the Impact of Recharge on Subsurface Contamination
- Dark-toned dunes in the western Medusae Fossae Formation: Characteristics, distribution, and source
- Dawn mission to constrain interior structure and thermal evolution of protoplanet Vesta
- Factors Influencing Fecal Contamination in Pond of Bangladesh
- Highly Sinuous Terrestrial Mud Meanders as Martian Analogs
- Hydrogeologic controls on water quality at a university dairy farm
- Hysteresis of Soil Point Water Retention Functions Determined by Neutron Radiography
- Impact of large atmospheric CO2 decline on marine life and sedimentation 375-325 million years ago
- Post-formation Modification of Sinuous Ridges in the Aeolis-Zephyria Planum Region, Mars
- Spatial and Temporal Relationships Between Anatexis and Deformation in the Himalayan Mid-Crust (Invited)
- Temporal constraints on partial melting and deformation in the Himalayan mid-crust, Leo Pargil Dome, NW India
- A Spitzer-based classification of TNOs
- A long term meander evolution simulation: A model evaluation using the field data from Quinn River, Nevada
- Dawn Arrives at Vesta: The Smallest Terrestrial Planet
- Effects of Average and Point Capillary Pressure-Saturation Function Parameters on Multiphase Flow Simulations
- Fluvial Features on Titan: New Insights from Morphology and Hydraulic Modeling
- Metasomatic Re-fertilization of the Siberian Lithospheric Mantle: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths from Udachnaya and Obnazhennaya
- Post-glacial ocean acidification and the decline of reefal microbial crusts
- Why do Martian Magmas erupt?
- Comparing Theoretical Predictions with Experimental Data Showing the Relationship Between Ground Penetrating Radar Amplitude Response and Fluid Salinity, Fracture Aperture, and Channel Width of a Fractured Bedrock Analog
- Dark Material on Vesta from Infall of Carbonaceous Volatile-Rich Materials
- Experimental Study of Grain-Scale Processes during Chemical Transport in Rocks
- Helium isotopes in lithospheric peridotites and eclogites
- Hydrocarbon ices in extra-red TNOs and Centaurs
- Mantle Minerals from Siberian Kimberlites: Exsolution Textures as Petrogenic Indicators
- Multifractal Scaling of Grayscale Patterns: Lacunarity and Correlation Dimension
- Nano-Iron on Outer Solar System Satellites, Implications for Space Weathering
- Petrology of Asteroid Vesta: Synergy of Dawn Remote-Sensing and HED Meteorites
- Physicochemical and Biological Zonation of High Temperature Silica and Arsenic-Rich Streams at El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Superplume Under the Siberian Craton: Evidence from Metasomatic Signatures in Kimberlitic Xenoliths
- Surface processes on a mud-dominated Mars analogue alluvial fan, Atacama Desert, northern Chile
- The Global Distribution of Weathered Glass on Mars
- Titration of the Earth: Ocean-Atmosphere Evolution Recorded in Marine Carbonates
- Trace elements record complex histories in diogenites
- Tracking hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in rock-forming and accessory minerals from the Lyon Mountain Granite and related iron oxide apatite (IOA) ores from the Adirondack Mountains, New York State
- UHP metamorphism in Greece: Petrologic data from the Rhodope Mountains
- VIR looking at Vesta: the north hemisphere
- 3D neutron and X-ray imaging of diamondiferous eclogites, Siberia: Evidence for the secondary origin of diamonds
- Analyses from Near (Meteorites) and Far (Spacecraft): Complementary Approaches to Planetary Geochemistry
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- DAN Active Parameters and Mastcam Hydration Survey Imaging: Comparisons Across Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Determining Mineralogy and Texture of Asteroid Surfaces from Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (Invited)
- Exploration: New Treasures in the Old World
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Helium isotope evidence for plume metasomatism of Siberian continental lithosphere
- Mass Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes Preserved in the Precambrian
- Microstructural Evolution During Strain Localization in an Active Syn-Convergent Normal Fault: Cordillera Blanca Detachment, Peru
- Mineralogy of S-complex Asteroids using Reflectance and Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy
- Re-Os systematics of the Siberian lithosphere: Evidence for melt percolation and lithospheric re-fertilization
- Rheology of the crust during the early stages of syn-convergent extension: Insights from the Cordillera Blanca detachment, Peru
- Spatial Variation of Selenium in Appalachian Coal Seams
- Superplume Metasomatism: Evidence from Siberian mantle xenoliths
- Two Small Planets: Vesta Revealed and Ceres Anticipated
- Locally Derived Sediment, Yet Chemically and Chronologically Unique - Overcoming the "Stepladder Effect" in Provenance Studies
- The mineralogy and internal structure of Multiple Asteroid Systems
- Physical properties of CAI-rich asteroids
- Using Terrestrial Sulfate Efflorescences as an Analogue of Hydrated Sulfate Formation in Valles Marineris on Mars
- Study of Various Peptidases and Their Effects on Freshwater Bodies
- Textural and Isotopic Evidence for Silica Cementation in 1.88 GA Granular Iron Formation
- Climate Implications of an Ancient Lake Basin in Gale Crater, Mars
- Compositional Trends on the Large Moons of Uranus: Evidence for System-Wide Modification
- Constraining mechanisms of quartz precipitation in the Archean ocean using silicon isotopes
- Episodic vein formation in Gale crater, Mars: evidence for an extended history of liquid water
- Investigating the Source of Water and/or Hydroxyl on Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Paleo-environmental Setting of the Murray Formation of Aeolis Mons, Gale Crater, Mars, as Explored by the Curiosity Rover
- Redox-Stratified Bacterial Communities in Sediments Associated with Multiple Lucinid Bivalve Species: Implications for Symbiosis in Changing Coastal Habitats
- Surface Composition of Trojan Asteroids from Thermal-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Time Scavengers: a Website for the Public to Learn about Climate Change and Evolution Through the Experiences of Scientists
- Trojan Asteroids: Spectral Groups, Volatiles, and Rotational Variation
- A Lacustrine Environment Recorded at Vera Rubin Ridge: Overview of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
- Activities of extracellular enzymes in sediments of the White Oak River estuary and Kongsfjord, Svalbard
- Activities of heterotrophic microorganisms and their extracellular enzymes in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- Diagenetic Concretions in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Does red dust from retrograde irregular satellites accumulate on the large moons of Uranus?
- Drilling the Crust-Mantle Transition at Oman Drilling Project Sites CM1 and CM2
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- First geochemical and mineralogical results of Oman Crust-Mantle transition: holes CM1A and CM2B characterization aboard DV-Chikyu_ Oman Drilling Project, Phase 2 Leg3
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- Relative contribution of different sources to ultra-fine particle number budget in the urban environment
- Replacement minerals formed during alteration of volcanic rocks in the 2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt carry rare-earth element attributes of mixed hydrothermal fluids and seawater
- Simulation-based approaches to characterize the effect of sequencing depth on the quantity and quality of metagenome-assembled genomes
- Spectral Analysis for the OSIRIS-REx Mission at Bennu
- Temperature trends of the late Cambrian through the Middle Ordovician using oxygen isotopic analysis of conodont apatite
- The Global Thermal Infrared Spectrum of Bennu: Comparison with Spitzer IRS Asteroid Spectra
- Time Scavengers: A Website to Disseminate Climate Change and Evolutionary Principles to Increase Public Literacy
- Bedding Orientations of the Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars and Implications for Regional Stratigraphy
- Characterization of the Effects of Anisothermality on OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Diversity of functional genes in deeply branching uncultured microbes
- Engaging the Public Through Featuring Diverse and International Scientists on a Science Outreach Website
- Evidence for Fragmentation-reassembly of Ordinary Chondrite (H, L, and LL) Parent Bodies from REE-in-two-pyroxene Thermometry
- Evidence for water-rock interaction in VNIR and TIR spectra of B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Evolved gas and X-ray diffraction analyses of sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Vera Rubin Ridge to the Glen Torridon Clay Unit.
- Experimental Study of the Alteration of Basalt on the Surface of Venus
- In-situ investigation of periodic bedrock ridges in the Glen Torridon area with the MSL Curiosity rover, Gale crater, Mars
- Lithospheric Xenoliths Record Thermal and Magmatic Signature of Rift Development Beneath Ross Island, Antarctica
- Probing the regoliths of the classical Uranian satellites using near-infrared telescope observations: CO<SUB>2</SUB> ice deposits mantled by a veneer of tiny H<SUB>2</SUB>O ice grains?
- Quantitatively Partitioning Microbial Genomic Traits among Taxonomic Ranks across the Microbial Tree of Life and its Implications Towards Subsurface Microbial Communities
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Rheological and Microstructural Analysis of Ilmenite-Olivine Aggregates Deformed in Shear: Implications for Lunar Mantle Convection
- The Scientific Importance of Mars Sample Return
- Using enzyme inhibitors to determine the mechanism of extracellular peptidases in fresh and estuarine waters
- Visible to Near-Infrared (400 - 2500 nm) hyperspectral mapping of geologic targets from a small Unmanned Aerial System
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- A Revised Paradigm for the Interpretation of δ<SUP>238</SUP>U During Periods of Calcite Seas
- Assessing the Importance of Iron Photo-oxidation on Ancient Earth and Beyond
- Asteroid Thermal Evolution with Fragmentation and Reassembly into a Rubble Pile
- Emplacement and cooling of the lower crust and upper mantle beneath two fast spreading ridge segments: A quantitative comparison of crustal gabbros and mantle peridotites from Oman Drilling Project site CMA-1 and IODP Expedition 345 - Hess Deep
- Experimental Calibration of an Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>-in-Amphibole Oxybarometer and its Application to Transcrustal Magmatic Processes at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka
- Mantle-to-Surface Fluid Transit Times Estimated from Helium Isotopes in Thermal Springs above the Peruvian Flat Slab: Implications for Tectonic Controls during Flat Slab-to-Lithosphere Fluid Transfer
- Mapping Hydrogen Variations in Silicate Glasses: Record of Lunar Eruptive Degassing
- Mars Sample Selection Using a Highly Constrained Tactical Timeline: A GHOST Terrestrial Analog Field Study.
- New Fe isotope insights into the oxidation history of a Neoarchean Earth
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- Polygonal fractures in the Siccar Point group: evidence for late, near-surface fluid cycling in Gale crater, Mars
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Noachian Climate of Mars: Overview of Critical Mars System Science Questions
- Trait Contribution Evenness—A functional redundancy metric for community-aggregated traits in microbial communities
- Utilizing Raman spectroscopy to constrain Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> ratios in silicate glasses: Implications for terrestrial and extraterrestrial investigations.
- Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications for the Mineralogical Stratigraphy of Mercury's Juvenile Mantle and Crustal Petrogenesis