University of Rhode Island
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Model for the Temporal Emplacement of Oceanic Crust at Hole 801C
- A Study of Groundwater Discharge into a Shallow Marine Estuary: Shoestring Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- ACE-Asia Circulation and Transport Events and Patterns
- Carbon Availability in Riparian Subsoils
- Chemical and Temporal Characteristics of Saharan dust Episodes Inferred from Aerosols Collected over the Subtropical North Atlantic - A Link to the North Atlantic Oscillation Revisited
- Effects of Entrainment on Exchange Through Straits
- Exploring the Tuolumne River:An Interactive CD ROM on Fluvial Processes
- Fractal Spectrum Technique for Quantitative Analysis of Volcanic Particle Shapes
- Helium Isotope Systematics of the Western Southwest Indian Ridge: Effects of Plume Influence, Spreading Rate, and Source Heterogeneity
- Hf Isotope Compositions in MORB from the Arctic MAR
- Hot LIPs and Cracked Plates in the Pacific Trigger mid-Cretaceous Geological Events
- Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath Iceland
- Mid-Cretaceous Evolution of the Pacific-Phoenix-Farallon Triple Junction
- New Insights on the Fluid Flow Regime in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- Paleomagnetic Chronology and Mineral Magnetic Proxies of Lake Level for Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Physical Properties of Upper Oceanic Crust: ODP Hole 801C and the Waning of Hydrothermal Circulation
- The Latest Holocene Sedimentary Environmental Magnetic Record From Lake Dood, Mongolia
- The National Aeolian Detritus Project, A Student-controlled, Standards-based Research Opportunity for Middle and Hight School Students
- The Oleander Program - 9 years of Gulf Stream Sampling and Still Going Strong!
- Triple Junction Reorganizations: A Mechanism for the Initiation of the Great Pacific Fractures Zones
- Volatiles in Basaltic Glasses from the Easter-Salas y Gomez Seamount Chain and Easter Microplate: Implications for Geochemical Cycling of Volatile Elements
- Water concentrations in enriched mantle components in the South Atlantic: Evidence for efficient dehydration of recycled crust and sediments
- A Decade of Research at the Cape Lookout Cuspate Foreland: New Insights Into Longshore Transport, Shoal Evolution, Spit Growth and the Regional Sediment Budget
- A Multi-System Investigation of Mixing, Circulation and Productivity at the New England Shelfbreak Front.
- A Regional Analysis of Multibeam Backscatter Data From the Southwest Pacific
- Anomalous Trends in Oceanic Triple Junction Traces and Their Relationship to the Formation of Transform Faults
- Dry Deposition of Trace Elements to the Western North Atlantic
- Finite-Frequency Seismic Traveltime Tomography of the Iceland Mantle Plume
- From Plateau Break-up to Triple Junction Stability: Growing Pains in the Penrhyn Basin
- Influence of Fault Bends on the Growth of Dynamic Shear Ruptures
- Landslide Tsunami Generation Models: Validation and Case Studies
- Long-Term Variations in the Levels of Hydrogen Peroxide, Methylhydroperoxide, and Selected Compounds Over the Pacific Ocean.
- Lowstands in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana Suggest Episodes of Late-Quaternary Lowland Tropical Aridity
- Magnetic record of Lake Baikal sediments (Baikal Drilling Project 1998)
- Mantle Dynamics of Oceanic Triple Junctions: the Southwest Indian Ridge Near the Rodrigues Triple Junction
- Mantle Flow Around the Iceland Plume: Preliminary Results From Geodynamic and Seismic Anisotropy Models
- Microbial Activity in the Subseafloor Sediments of ODP Leg 201
- Numerical Modeling for Integrated Design of a DNAPL Partitioning Tracer Test
- Observation of Subducted Oceanic Crust in the Upper Mantle Transition Zone?
- Observations of Gaseous Mercury Over the Eastern North Pacific: Gradients, Transports, Variability, and Lifetime Calculations
- Oxygenated Organic Chemicals in the Pacific Troposphere: Sources and Chemical Consequences
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Studies of Pampeano Formation Loess Deposits From Centinela Del Mar, Argentina
- Patterns of Transport in ACE-Asia: Meteorological Analysis Related to Aircraft and Surface Observations
- TRACE-P Informal Instrument Intercomparison
- Testing Fast Photochemical Theory During TRACE-P Based on Measurements of OH, HO2, NO2, and CH2O
- The 1998 PNG tsunami: multidisciplinary evidence on its architecture and run-up effects - pathways to prediction?
- The Early Influence of The Oceans on Oceanography Education
- Variations in the Mass Absorption Efficiency of Elemental Carbon as Measured From the C-130 During ACE-Asia
- An Overview of Education Outreach From the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island
- Boussinesq Modeling of the 1975 Kitimat, British Columbia Landslide Tsunami
- Boussinesq Modeling of the Complex 1975 Kalapana, Hawaii Geological Event
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath Iceland From Local Earthquake Tomography
- Development of Ocean Noise "Budgets"
- Halogen Concentrations and Stable Isotopes (O, Sr, and Cl) in the Nankai Muroto Transect and Their Implication for Fluid-Sediment Interactions and Fluid Flow
- Impact of Stratification on Summer Hypoxia in Narragansett Bay, RI: Time-Series Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Laboratory experiments on the interaction between on-axis plumes and segmented ridges
- Long-Term Monitoring of Post-Aquifer Flushing With Cyclodextrin
- Modeling and Experimental Validation for Tsunamis Generated by Submarine Mass Failure
- Modeling the Effects of the 670 km Boundary on the Dispersion of Plume Heads Within the Upper Mantle.
- Plume-Transform Interactions at Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges: Implications for the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Scientific Ocean Drilling: A Legacy of ODP Education and Community Engagement by JOI/USSSP
- Seismic Evidence for Accumulated Oceanic Crust Above the 660-km Discontinuity Beneath Southern Africa
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Circulation and Thermal Evolution of the Mantle in Subduction Zones: Insights From 3-D Laboratory Experiments.
- The Ocean Response to a Brief Westerly Wind Event in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- The Open source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP): A Discipline Neutral Approach to Interoperability on the Internet
- The Sensitivity of Atmospheric Trajectory Cluster Analysis Results to Clustering Methods Using Trajectories to the PICO-NARE Station
- Thick Upper Mantle Transition Zone beneath Taiwan and the Surrounding Region
- Tsunami landslide source models as a tool for analyzing complex case studies
- Vertical Fluxes of Particulate Trace Metals From the Upper Ocean Using <SUP>234</SUP>Th/<SUP>238</SUP>U Disequilibrium
- A Fast Response Gas Tension Device for Use on Profiling Floats
- ACEX: A First Look at Arctic Ocean Cenozoic History
- Age Models for a Continous 250-kyr Quaternary Lacustrine Record from Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- Bringing Polar Science to the Classroom
- Integrating Science Information Systems with Geographic Information Systems: The OPeNDAP Experience
- Laboratory Investigations of Plume Head Dispersion at a Segmented Spreading Ridge With a Sloping Rheological Boundary Layer
- Magnetic Properties of Ocean Crust from the Walls of Endeavor Deep: Implications for the Source Layers of Marine Magnetic Anomalies
- Morphology and Tectonic Evolution of Endeavor Deep
- On Melting, Dehydration and the Geochemistry of Off-Axis Plume-Ridge Interaction
- Perturbations to the Carbon and Sulfur Cycle During the Permian-Triassic Boundary Event in Southern China
- Propagation of Short, Dispersive Tsunami Waves in Ocean Basins
- Ridge-like upwelling in the uppermost lower mantle beneath eastern Africa from finite-frequency seismic tomography
- Science Enabled by Ocean Observatory Acoustics
- Strategies for Success of Women Faculty in Science: The ADVANCE Program at the University of Rhode Island
- Structure of the Upper Crust Exposed at Endeavor Deep: Implications for Crustal Accretion at Ultra-Fast Spreading Rates
- Teachers at Sea with the ARMADA Project
- The ARMADA Project: Bridging Research and K-12 Education
- The Across Shelf and Hudson River Estuary: a Synoptic Glimpse of Hydrographic, Biogeochemical, and Biological Processes
- The Data System Integrator: The OPeNDAP Data Connector
- The Nuka Arctica Line
- The Transition from Initial Rifting to Ultra-Slow Seafloor Spreading within Endeavor Deep
- The development of an OpeNDAP satellite data server for CEOP
- A Long-Term San Francisco Bay Inflow Record Derived From Tides: Defining the Great Flood of 1862
- A Science Teacher Experience in the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Offshore Survey Expedition of May 2005
- An Examination of Photochemistry Based on INTEX-NA Observations
- An Experimental Investigation of Phase Mingling in a Subaqueous Volcanic Eruption
- An Overview of SEATOS: Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Offshore Survey
- An alternate method of measuring seafloor structural orientations: A post-cruise means to boost ROV bottom-time efficiency.
- An assessment of the utility of optically-stimulated luminescence to date sediments from Lakes Malawi, Bosumtwi, and Tanganyika, Africa
- Anomalies in the Distribution Patterns and Simulation of Aldehydes and PAN within Reacting Continental Outflow
- Assessing Convective Influence by Utilizing Cloud to Ground Lightning Data and High Resolution Kinematic Trajectories
- Cenozoic Ridge Crest Sediments From the Central Arctic Ocean Yield cm/ka-Scale Sedimentation Rates
- Chlorine Stable Isotopes in Three Subduction Zones, With Inferences For Serpentinization and Fluid Flow
- Comparison of Canadian Air Quality Forecast Models With Tropospheric Ozone Profile Measurements Above Mid-Latitude North America During the IONS/ICARTT Campaign: Evidence for Stratospheric Input
- Constraints on the Source Components Involved in the Magmatism of North Arch Volcanic Field and South Arch Volcanic Field, Hawaii
- Correlations of Scientific Drillcores and Seismic Reflection Data from Lake Malawi, Africa
- Debris Avalanche Formation at Kick'em Jenny Submarine Volcano
- Dipping Magnetic Reversal Boundaries at Endeavor Deep: Implications for Crustal Accretion
- Distribution and Diversity of Microorganisms of Deep, Subpermafrost Brine in the Canadian Arctic
- Distribution of Formaldehyde Over North America: Implications for Satellite Retrievals and Mapping of Precursor Emissions
- Examining Models of Melt Transport at Subduction Zones
- Finite Element Simulations of Dynamic Shear Rupture Experiments and Path Selection Along Branched Faults
- Gap Leaping Western Boundary Current in a Circular Tank Model
- High-resolution seismic reflection images crossing the Sumatran seismogenic zone: Sumatra Earthquake And Tsunami Offshore Survey (SEATOS), 2005
- IONS-2004 (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study) Ozone Budgets: Experimental Determination and Comparison With Climatology
- Initial Results of Scientific Drilling on Lake Malawi, East African Rift
- Integrating Recent Pleistocene Glacial Records From the Lomonosov Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean
- Intercomparison of Chemically Independent Peroxide Observations During INTEX-NA
- Laboratory Experiments Concerning Upwellings From the Slab-Graveyard: Implications For Geochemical and Seismic Models
- Landslides and mass wasting offshore Sumatra - results from the Sumatra Earthquake HMS Scott survey January-February 2005
- Large upper tropospheric ozone enhancements above mid-latitude North America during summer: In situ evidence from the IONS and MOZAIC ozone monitoring network
- Lithologic and structural observations at Endeavor Deep and their implications for the accretion process at fast to ultra-fast spreading rates.
- Melt Diversity and Magma Mixing During the 1991 Eruptions of Hudson Volcano, Chile.
- Modeling of the 12/26/04 Indian Ocean Tsunami generation, propagation, and coastal impact. Integration of SEATOS Cruise and other geophysical data.
- Modeling the role of back-arc spreading in controlling 3-D circulation and temperature patterns in subduction zones
- Nankai Stress History and Implications for an Overpressured Decollement
- Ozone Profiles Related to Meteorological Factors Over North America During Summer, 2004
- P-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Eurasia From Finite Frequency Seismic Tomography
- Paleoenvironmental changes in West Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum from a geochemical and modeling study of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
- Paleomagnetic Results From the Pleistocene Sediments of Lomonosov Ridge, Central Artic Ocean, IODP Leg 302
- Peroxyacetic Acid Ubiquitous During ICARTT (Summer 2004)
- Preliminary Report from the 2005 Conference on Teacher Research Experiences
- RICO Graduate Student Research Flight: The Island Tail Objective
- Sea-level Variation In The Japan/East Sea From Satellite Altimetry And In Situ Measurements
- Sediment Magnetic Hysteresis Measurements as a Paleoclimate Proxy From Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
- Stratigraphy and Melt Compositions of the 3.6 and 6.7 ka Plinian Eruptions of Hudson Volcano, Chile.
- The Effective and Evolving Role of Graduate Students in the SURFO REU Program
- The Ins and Outs of Water in the Earth's Mantle
- The Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project: A 1 Ma West African Paleoclimate Record
- Thermohaline Circulation Variability Preserved by Estuarine Fossil Pigments
- Tropospheric Ozone Across North America in Summer 2004 From Ozonesonde Observations During IONS
- Use of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation, Excursion, and Reversal Records to Correlate African Lake Climate Records
- 3D Structural Effects on the Axial Volcano Seismic Dataset, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- ACEX Grain Size Analyses, Revealing Arctic Paleo-Ice Environments
- Arctic-ice history and its related sedimentary regimes in the central Arctic Ocean: IODP Expedition 302 "Arctic Coring Expedition: ACEX by new non-destructive 2-D XRF and transmission X-Ray sediment-scanning techniques, TATSCAN
- Assessing Shoreline Change for Post-hurricane Management of Park Resources in Gulf Islands National Seashore
- Atmospheric Forcing, Sea-Ice Interannual Variability, and Ocean Current Impacts on the Availability of Bowhead Whale Prey Near Barrow, AK
- Atmospheric Formaldehyde Budget over North America During INTEX-NA and Implication for Carbon Isotope Composition
- Better Field Instruction by Using Jigsaw Groups
- Cenozoic Depositional Regimes and the Onset of Ventilated Conditions in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Characterization Of Carbonaceous Particles Along A North South Transect Of The Atlantic Ocean
- Coastal Effects of the December 26th Tsunami on Ko Phra Thong, Thailand
- Component-Dependent Sensitivity Kernels and the Utility of Three-Component Seismic Records
- D-O Events in the Southern Tropics of East Africa? Initial XRF Results From the Lake Malawi Drilling Project
- Decompression Melting beneath the Indonesian Volcanic Front
- Distribution of Water Across the Subduction Zone Mantle Wedge
- Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling in the Coastal Arctic Ocean
- Evidence for the Mid-Cenozoic Uplift of the Lomonosov Ridge
- Finite-Frequency Sensitivity Kernels for Head Waves
- High-Resolution Mapping in Manus Basin
- High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Field of Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Aegean Sea: Site of Active Kuroko-Type Mineralization
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratios in MORBs From Arctic Mid-Atlantic Ridge Segments Near the Jan Mayen Hotspot
- Impediments to Data Discovery in a Distributed Environment: A Workshop Report
- Influence of lightning NOx on the summertime upper tropospheric ozone enhancement above eastern North America
- Internal Wave Measurements With a Towed CTD Chain on the New Jersey Shelf
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Isopycnal Mixing in the eastern tropical North Atlantic
- Laboratory Investigation of Breaking Wave Effects on the Air-Sea Momentum Flux
- Late Quaternary variability of sedimentary nitrogen isotopes in the eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Mantle Diapirism and the Arc Component in Back-Arc Basin Basalts
- Metadata in the Wild: An Empirical Survey of OPeNDAP-accessible Metadata and its Implications for Discovery
- Middle Pliocene Tibetan Uplift Triggers Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
- Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of newly collected samples from Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau
- Predicting Sediment Strength in Accretionary Complexes Using Geophysical Logs
- Prediction of Arc Magma Water Contents via Measurement of H2O in Clinopyroxene
- Prolonged Exposure of Basement Edifices caused by Dissolution of Biogenic Ooze by Hydrothermal Venting
- Quantifying Mixing and Scales of Heterogeneity in 2-D Numerical Models of Chaotic Mantle Mixing
- Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean
- Sedimentary characteristics of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Ban Talae Nok, southwestern Ranong province, Thailand
- Spectral Analysis of Surface Features of Subaquaeous Pyroclastic Flow Deposits Around Santorini Volcano, Greece
- Structure and composition of early arc crust: observations and samples from Shinkai 6500 Dives in the southeastern Mariana Trench
- Student Investigations of Tropospheric Ozone
- Subduction Zone Waveguides in Tonga-Fiji
- Submarine Volcaniclastic Deposits Associated with the Minoan Eruption of Santorini volcano, Greece
- Surface Dispersion by Mesoscale Eddies Using Altimeter Data in the Tropical Eastern North Atlantic
- Teacher Research Experiences: What We Have Learned and What We Need to Know
- Three millennia of variations in the West African monsoon: insights into tropical and global teleconnections from the varved sediments of Lake Bosumtwi
- Tidal and Spatial Variability in Hydrography and Vertical Mixing in a Partially Mixed Estuary
- Utilizing Surface Drifters to Investigate Cross-Frontal Exchange in the Gulf Stream
- Will Ge Ever be an Effective Proxy for Earth Chemistry or Climate? Insights from Ge Isotopes and Diatom Ge/Si Ratios
- A Tropical Template for D-O Events During MIS 3? Results From the Lake Malawi Drilling Project
- A middle Miocene onset of a permanent sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean
- Abrupt changes in hydrology and vegetation in the West African monsoon region since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Arctic coring expedition: how to beat the system and win
- Comparisons of Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Laser-Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Derived Bulk Chemistries for Natural Surfaces of Volcanic Rocks
- Compressional-Wave Velocities of Discrete Samples at In-Situ Pressures From IODP Hole U1309D
- Constraints on Structure and Melting of Heterogeneous Plumes From Laboratory Experiments With Three Components
- Crustal and mantle velocity models of southern Tibet from finite frequency tomography
- Evidence of Recent Slope Failures on the Scotian Slope
- Finite-Frequency Tomography Using Ambient Seismic Noise in the Presence of Surface Topography
- Geochemical Evidence for Gas Hydrates in the Indian Ocean
- Holocene processes and petrogenesis at a long-lived trachyandesitic magmatic system
- Influence of Beach Scraping on Beach Profile Morphology: Fire Island, New York
- Life in Subseafloor Sediments of the South Pacific Gyre
- Mapping thermal and compositional variations in the mantle transition zone: Uncertainties due to the resolution of seismic observations
- Micro-XANES Determination Fe Speciation in Natural Basalts at Mantle-Relevant fO2
- Modeling The Role of Subduction in the Production and Evolution of Thermal and Chemical Heterogeneity in the Mantle
- Modeling Three-dimensional Variations in Mantle Flow due to Rollback Subduction and Back- arc Extension: Implications for Arc Magmagenesis
- Mutli-Temporal Analysis of Beach Morphology on Fire Island, NY and the Impacts of Human Alterations Within the System
- New Micro-XANES Determinations of Fe Speciation as a Proxy for Oxidation State of Global MORB and Arc Magmas
- North American Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004, 2006): Ozone Budgets, Polution Statistics, Satellite Retrievals
- Orbital- versus glacial-mode forcing of tropical African climate: Results of scientific drilling in Lake Malawi, East Africa
- Paleo-Currents and -Ice, Using Grain Size Analyses in the ACEX and ARCTIC '91 Cores
- Paleogene Record of Orbital Variations, Time Scales and Elemental Distribution in Sediments from the Arctic Ocean Obtained by XRF Analyses.
- Pleistocene Variations in Delivery and Deposition of Organic Matter Under the Benguela Current Upwelling System - Biomarker Isotopic Evidence From Sediment Light-Dark Color Cycles
- Precessional(?) Variability in East African Aridity During the Past Few Hundred Thousand Years
- Results from SCS Profiling of the Sumatra accretionary prism: insights into tsnamigenesis
- SCIMPI: A new seafloor observatory system
- Seamount Moats in the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Origins and Implications
- Seismic Expression of Flood-Basalt Lithospheric Refertilization
- Simulation of the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens Using the Ash-tracking Model PUFF
- Synthetic finite-frequency tomography: The optimum coordinate system for traveltime and amplitude observations
- The 1 Ma Lake Bosumtwi (West Africa) Paleoclimate Record: Comparisons to Marine and Polar Records
- The Cenozoic Arctic Ocean Unveiled through Scientific Ocean Drilling
- The Composition of Water-Rich Components in the Sources of Back Arc and Arc Magmas
- Tomographic Evidence for a Possible Link Between Mantle Lithosphere Delamination and North-south Trending Rifts in Southeast Tibet
- Towed and AUV Technologies for Arctic Operations
- UHF radar signature of a tsunami approaching coastal areas: modeling, experiments and application to tsunami warning
- Using Lecture Tutorials to Increase Student Learning in Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Validating a perturbation approach to the large eddy simulation of wave induced sediment transport
- Water and the Oxidation State of Global Arc and MORB Magmas
- Water in Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Evidence for a Wet Recycled Crustal Component in the Jan Mayen Plume
- Web-based Academic Roadmaps for Careers in the Geosciences
- West African monsoon variability along the Guinea coast during the Holocene
- A Comparison of Silicone-coated Paper Samplers and Polyethylene in Narragansett Bay
- A Comparison of in situ Bottom Pressure Array Measurements with GRACE Estimates in the Kuroshio Extension
- Adjoint tomography for the Middle East
- An Environmental Magnetic Record of Quaternary Moisture Change From the Loess/Loessoid Deposits of the Central Eastern Pampas of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Autonomous Glider Observations from the Oregon Shelf: The New Vagaries of Fortune
- Autonomous Glider Observations of Subducting Tongues of Warm, High-Chlorophyll Water on the Oregon Shelf
- Black Carbon and Sorption of PAHs in Natural Fire-Impacted Sediments From Oriole Lake (CA)
- Bringing Real-Life Marine Science Experience to the Classroom: Results From a Teacher in the Bering Sea
- Carbon Biomass Budgets for the 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Microplankton
- Consistency Between Measurements and Theory for Sulfur Gases and Oxidants During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Crustal and mantle velocity models of southern Tibet from finite frequency tomography
- Crustal and uppermost mantle structures beneath the southeastern Tibet from 3D full- wavefield finite-frequency tomography using ambient seismic noise
- Detecting and Correcting Melt Inclusion Modification
- Developing a Method to Quantify Seafloor Roughness
- Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Reduced Nitrogen Fixation in the Atlantic Ocean During the Last Ice Age
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylhydroperoxide Budgets in the Marine Boundary Layer During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Imaging the crust and upper mantle in the southern and southeastern Tibetan plateau: A three-dimensional full-wavefield approach
- Initial Measurements of Radiocarbon In Atmospheric Formaldehyde at Narragansett, RI
- Initial report on the northeastern Tibetan plateau seismic experiment and study of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
- Internal Tides in the Western Gulf of Maine During Summer:1996
- Intrusion of Warm Bering/Chukchi Waters Onto the Shelf in the Western Beaufort Sea
- Layering Occurrence and Characteristics in Ozonesonde Profiles in the Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere Region
- Meltwater Induced Changes in Micronutrient Availability and Productivity in the Southern Ocean During LGM
- Model Analysis and Observations of Nonlinear Internal Wave Evolution
- Modeling HOx/O3 chemistry in the tropical marine boundary during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Modeling Trace Element Concentrations in Basalt Glasses from the Easter Salas y Gomez Seamount Chain - Easter Microplate System
- Modeling of DMS emissions, oxidation, and transport in the equatorial Pacific boundary and buffer layers during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Nearshore Geologic Framework Controls on Shoreline Behavior, Fire Island, New York
- Nonlinear Internal Waves in the South China Sea: Their generation and transformation
- Numerical Simulation of Strong Ground Motion for the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake of 12 May 2008 With Realistic Surface Topography
- Numerical and Theoretical Investigations of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water With Implications to Pacific Climate Variability
- Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE): An Overview
- Paleomagnetic and Mineral-Magnetic Results From the Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project
- Potential atmospheric controls on the widespread tephra dispersal from the Youngest Toba Tuff eruption, 74 ka BP
- Quantifying Global Subseafloor Microbial Abundance: Method and Implications
- Regionally heterogeneous paleoenvironmental responses in the West African and South American monsoon systems on glacial to millennial timescales
- Return from the depths: examination of diatom resting cysts from the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment
- Role of Wind Forcing in Estuarine-Shelf Exchange and Hypoxia in a Partially-Mixed Estuary
- Strong Influence of Near Tropopause Winds on Distal Volcanic Ash Transport
- Sulfur Isotope Variation in Basaltic Melt Inclusions from Krakatau Revealed by a Newly Developed Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Technique for Silicate Glasses
- Tale of two currents: The collision of the Gulf Stream and Deep Western Boundary Current at the Tail of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
- Tectonics in the South Caspian region constrained through earthquake source mechanism reinterpretation
- The 1908 Messina tsunami. Some comments on the source: earthquake, submarine landslide or a combination of both?
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment: Spectral Particulate Absorption Coefficients
- The Effect of Pressure on the In Situ Variation of Velocity with Depth in IODP Hole U1309D
- The Fate of Unsubducted Fragments of the Farallon Plate
- The Influence of Hydraulic Control on Internal Wave Generation in the Luzon Strait, South China Sea
- The Influence of Volatiles on Trace Element Systematics of Back-arc Basin Magmas and Sources
- The Oxidation State of Global Subduction Zone Basalts and its Relationship to Volatiles, Magmatic Processes, and Source Composition
- The Role and Responsibility of the Non-Governmental Organization in Bridging Science and Policy
- Tracking the SO-GasEx tracer patch with ADCP and high-resolution surface data
- Vertically Discontinuous Seismic Signatures From Continuous Thermochemical Plumes
- Water/Cerium as a Proxy for Slab Fluid Temperature
- Wind Field Structure, Divergence and Vertical Exchange in PASE
- A New Estimate of Total Microbial Subseafloor Biomass
- A Retrospective Self-Assessment of the SURFO Summer Internship Program in Oceanography
- A scanning-XRF record of Lake Bosumtwi sediments: Implications for West African Monsoon variability over the past 500 kyr
- Boron isotope variation in matrix glasses and inclusions from the Skaftar Fires eruption reflects incorporation of altered material in the Icelandic crust
- Characterization of Source Mechanisms in the Middle East: Comparisons between 1D and 3D Methodologies
- Comparison of ROMS Turbulence Closure Schemes in Hydrodynamic Models of the Narragansett Bay System
- Complex Frequency Shifted PML Auxiliary Differential Equation Implementation for Seismic Wave Modeling in Cartesian, Spherical and General Curvilinear Coordinates
- Composition of the Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift pillow lavas : interaction between adiabatic decompression mantle melting and ultra-shallow slab-derived fluids
- Dynamic Upwelling in the Mantle Beneath the Gulf of California (Invited)
- Full-wave finite-frequency tomography of the southeast Tibetan plateau
- Impact of instrumental response on observed ozonesonde profiles: First-order estimates and implications for measures of variability
- Implications of Plume-Trench Interaction Models for the Formation of Niue Trough
- Influence of volatile degassing on initial flow structure and entrainment during submarine eruptions
- Laboratory models of three-dimensional mantle flow: Implications on Northwest U.S. volcanism for plume and non-plume sources (Invited)
- Micro-XANES Determination of Fe Oxidation State in MORB and its Relationship to Water Content
- Modeling mantle circulation and density distributions in subduction zones: Implications for seismic studies
- Opal-bound N and Si isotopic compositions: proxies of nutrient dynamics in the Southern Ocean
- Reconstructing the isotopic composition of deep ocean nitrate using sedimentary porefluids from the South Pacific Gyre
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Technical Design - Experiences and Lessons (Invited)
- Scientific drilling in continental East Africa: The dominance of eccentricity-modulated precession and half-precession on continental tropical climate
- Structure of the low velocity zone and crust in southwestern North America
- Subduction Processing of Altered Oceanic Crust and its Consequences for Mantle Composition and Evolution (Invited)
- Sulfate-Reducing Ammonium Oxidation: A Thermodynamically Feasible Metabolic Pathway in Subseafloor Sediment
- Sulfur Isotope Variation in Melt Inclusions From Arc Basalts Revealed By Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Pore Water Sulfate in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- The Global Distribution of Organic-Fueled Respiration in Subseafloor Sediment
- The Influence of Cooling History on the Redox Conditions of Subduction Zone Magmas
- The Influence of Water on Mantle Melting and Crystallization in Back-arc Basin Systems
- The Lasting Impacts of an Oceanographic Teacher Research Experiences in a Land-locked Classroom (Invited)
- The Link between Hi - Magnesium Andesite Distribution in Baja California Peninsula and the Undetached Fragments of the Farallon Plate
- The National Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence Network: Building Bridges Between Ocean Scientists and Science Education
- Three-dimensional laboratory modeling of the Tonga trench and Samoan plume interaction
- Tracking the Progression of a Diatom Bloom with Airborne Lidar
- 3D High-Resolution Seismic Tomography in the Upper Mantle of Gulf of California Region by SEM Seismogram Simulation and Adjoint Inversion
- A High-Resolution Porphyrin Nitrogen Isotope Record of an Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Adjoint tomography of the Middle East
- Are Physical Properties Able to Differentiate Glacial and Interglacial Coral Identity?
- Assessing Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Change of the Dune-Beach System: Fire Island, New York
- Biogeochemical Cycling and Methane Production in Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Offshore Southeast India
- Changes in the community structure of microbial mats along chemical and temperature gradients in a Yellowstone hot spring
- Complex serpentinizing systems and the deep biosphere: metabolic opportunities depend on the geochemistry of mixing waters
- Composition and spatial evolution of mantle and fluids released beneath the active Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift: do they have arc or backarc basin signatures?
- Consistent Inventories - the Largest Obstacle to Interoperable Data Systems (Invited)
- Coupled organic and inorganic carbon diagenesis in the deeply buried sediment of the northeastern Bering Sea Slope (IODP Exp. 323)
- Depositional history of the Late Triassic Chinle fluvial system at the Petrified Forest National Park: U-Pb geochronology, regional correlation and insights into early dinosaur evolution
- Evidence for synchronous hydromagmatic and primary degassing activity during the 1991 eruption of Hudson Volcano, Chile
- High Resolution of Crustal Seismic Wave Attenuation Tomography in Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Hurricanes: Science and Society - An Online Resource Collaboratively Developed By Scientists, Education and Outreach Professionals, and Educators
- Influence of the Samoan Plume in the Northwestern Lau Back-arc Basin
- Microbial Community Diversity in Fault-Associated and Ophiolite-Hosted Springs
- Mineral-melt partitioning of V and Sc at arcs: implications for mantle wedge oxygen fugacity
- Modeling 3-D flow in the mantle wedge with complex slab geometries: Comparisons with seismic anisotropy
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2010 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- Plume capture by a migrating mid-ocean ridge
- Pre-eruption pressure, temperature and volatile content of rhyolite magma from the 1650 AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Greece
- Real-time science and outreach from the UNOLS fleet via HiSeasNet
- Redox Conditions of Subduction Zone Magmas and Mantle (Invited)
- Rollback subduction: the great killer of mantle plumes
- Sea Spray Physics in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models for Hurricane Prediction
- Sea ice as a tracer for circulation features associated with the Barrow area Bowhead whale feeding hotspot
- Seismic constraints on water flux into the deep Earth through subduction
- Seismological observation of a crustal response to river erosion?
- Shear-wave splitting study in Northeastern Tibet
- Stochastic Modeling of Trace Elements and Isotope Ratios in Basalts from the Easter Salas y Gomez Seamount Chain - Easter Microplate System
- The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (adcp) as a Tool for Ocean Exploration
- The Role of Environmental Forcing in Controlling Water Retention Gyres in Subsystems of Narragansett Bay
- Vanadium Stable Isotope Variations in the Mariana Island Arc: Oxygen Fugacity Versus Magmatic Differentiation
- Variations in Fe oxidation state at arc volcanoes driven by degassing and crystallization
- Volatile budget of Eyjafjallajokull magmas
- A Monte Carlo Approach for Estimating Tsunami Hazard from Submarine Mass Failure Along the U.S. East Coast
- A New Approach to Modeling Densities and Equilibria of Ice and Gas Hydrate Phases
- A deep oxic ecosystem in the subseafloor South Pacific Gyre
- Adjoint tomography of the Middle East
- Anisotropy above and below the subducting Nazca lithosphere
- Assessing bio-geographic patterns in bacterial community structures from sea-surface to sub-seafloor from three Pacific Ocean stations
- Bioenergetics of Continental Serpentinites
- Chloropigment nitrogen isotopes: new insights on export production during oceanic anoxic events
- Contamination, Transport, and Exposure Mapping and Assessment of Karst Groundwater Systems in Northern Puerto Rico Using GIS
- Coseismic deformation of the 2011 M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake inverted from geodetic data using finite element models: Implications for tsunami genesis and poroelastic stress-coupling
- Detection of diffuse sea floor venting using structured light imaging
- Developing Guided Inquiry On-line Resources for the Middle and High School Science Classroom through the NSF-MSP-funded RITES Project
- Developing Partnerships between Higher Education Faculty, K-12 Science Teachers, and School Administrators via MSP initiatives: The RITES Model
- Developing a comprehensive seismic velocity model of the Cascadia subduction zone
- Evidence for oceanic oxygen depletion in the face of cooling in the early Pleistocene
- Future directions for the remediation of sites contaminated by Nonaqueous Phase Liquids
- Global Sea-Surface Temperatures Derived from Satellites: Assessing Data Quality and the Quest for Climate Data Records.
- HIMU-type Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts Incorporate a Primitive Component
- High resolution sea floor bathymetry using high frequency multibeam sonar and structured light laser imaging
- Hydrothermal mineralization at Kick'em Jenny submarine volcano in the Lesser Antilles island arc
- Implications of morphology and distribution for the origin of moat-shaped bathymetric depressions
- Importance of oxygen fugacity for temperatures and melting regimes beneath ridges, arcs, and hot spots
- Inspiring the Next Generation through Real Time Access to Ocean Exploration
- Interannual- to multicentiennial-scale variability in the West African Monsoon during the Eemian
- Investigating the Early Holocene Black Sea Flood Using Chirp Sub-bottom Seismic Reflection Profiles of the Crimean Shelf
- Investigating the Origin of the Ontong Java Plateau Using Ambient Noise Tomography
- Mantle dynamics beneath the Pacific Northwest and the generation of post-20 Ma volcanism
- Microfacies analysis of Green River Formation stromatolites and comparison to microbial mat experiments
- Migration of extension in the northern Gulf of California
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Coast Range Ophiolite, CA Rock Cores Keys to Understanding Subsurface Serpentinite Habitability on Mars
- Mineralogy of Surface Serpentinite Outcrops in the Coast Range Ophiolite: Implications for the Deep Biosphere and Astrobiology
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2011 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- Nitrogen cycling in Ophiolite-hosted and Fault-associated Hydrothermal Systems; Spacial and Temporal Variations
- Numerical simulations of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation, propagation and coastal impact : comparison to field observations, with sensitivity analysis to co-seismic source parameters, model type and resolution
- One-carbon (bio?)geochemistry in subsurface waters of the serpentinizing Coast Range Ophiolite
- Orbital- to millennial-scale abrupt hydrologic change in central Indonesia during the past 60,000 years
- Participation Trends of Underrepresented Students from 10-years of an Ocean Science REU Program
- Pioneering Research on Accretionary Processes - Jean Francheteau's Contributions to Understanding Mid-Ocean Ridges and Seafloor Volcanic Processes
- Rayleigh wave tomography in northeastern Tibet
- Reconstruction of Pacific bottom water salinity during the Last Glaciation Maximum
- Remote Analysis of Grain Size Characteristic in Submarine Pyroclastic Deposits from Kolumbo Volcano, Greece
- Resolving mantle structure beneath the Pacific Northwest
- S-wave Receiver Function study in Northeast Tibet and adjacent boundaries
- SCIMPI: A versatile seafloor observatory for changing environments
- Sea Surface Height Variability in the eastern South Atlantic from Satellite and in situ Measurements
- Seasonal Changes in the Marine Production Cycles in Response to Changes in Arctic Sea Ice and Upper Ocean Circulation
- South Kaua'i Swell: Landslide Deposit or Volcanic Origin?
- Subduction: The Gatekeeper for Mantle Melting.
- Submarine Landslides along the U.S. Atlantic Margin: Their Distribution, Failure Processes, and Age
- Surface expressions of mantle upwellings: Expect the unexpected
- Technology-Enhanced Science: Using an Online Blog to Share a Collaborative Field Study for Research and Education
- The 1815 Tambora Ash Fall: Insights from Land and Sea Deposits
- The Campanian Ignimbrite eruption: inferring eruption characteristics from distal submarine deposits
- The Xenon record of Earth's early differentiaiton
- Understanding and assessing the feasibility of ocean iron fertilization to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
- Use of pore-water composition to reconstruct past dissolved inorganic carbon concentration and alkalinity in Pacific bottom water
- Volcanic Hazard Education through Virtual Field studies of Vesuvius and Laki Volcanoes
- 1891 Submarine eruption of Foerstner volcano (Pantelleria, Sicily) : insights into the vent structure of basaltic balloon eruptions
- A 12,000-Year-Long, Annually-Resolved Varve Record Spanning the Last Interglacial from Lake Bosumtwi, Southern Ghana
- A long-lived ancient subduction-induced mantle boundary within the Pacific mantle
- Analysis of Rhode Island Coastal Wind Profiles
- Biogeography of serpentinite-hosted microbial ecosystems
- Black carbon concentrations across the tropical Atlantic boundary layer using three methods
- Bringing Geoscientific Practices to Schools Through Guided Inquiry and the NSF-MSP-funded RITES Project
- Compound-specific clues to nitrogen cycling in anoxic systems
- Connections between the microbial community and a mysterious ammonium flux in the deep biosphere
- Constraints on Cascadia Forearc Structure Off Washington From New Shipboard Gravity Data
- Coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean modeling under tropical cyclone conditions
- Crustal Velocity Structure in Northeastern Tibet and its Tectonic Implications
- Determining the origin of slab-derived fluids beneath back-arc spreading centers
- Did submarine mass failures significantly contribute to the extreme runup of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami in Sanriku
- Eddy Heat Fluxes across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Northern Drake Passage
- Eddy PV Fluxes in the Kuroshio Extension at 144<SUP>o</SUP>-148<SUP>o</SUP>E
- Enhanced Stormwater Contaminant Removal Using Tree Filters And Modified Sorbents
- Experimental constraints on the impact of slab dip, gaps and rollback on mantle wedge flow
- Exploration of the Black, Aegean, and Mediterranean Seas Aboard E/V Nautilus
- Exploring eddy radii in laboratory rotating tank experiments
- Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/∑Fe variation in Mariana arc and back-arc magmas and primary fO<SUB>2</SUB> of the mantle wedge
- First results from TN273 studies of the SE Mariana Forearc rift
- Fluxes of Dissolved Trace Metals Evaluated Using Paired Thorium Isotopes
- Fore reef upper slope mixed sedimentation response to penultimate glacial interglacial sea level fluctuations: IODP Hole 325-M0058A , Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- From Ship-To-Shore In Real Time: Data Transmission, Distribution, Management, Processing, And Archiving Using Telepresence Technologies And The Inner Space Center
- From the Belly of the Beast: Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of a fluid seep at Chimaera [Yanartas], Turkey
- Geochemically tracking provenance changes in marine sediment from the South Pacific Gyre throughout the Cenozoic
- Geological characteristics of the Shinkai Seep Field, a serpentinite-hosted ecosystem in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- Global Distribution of Microbial Abundance and Biomass in Subseafloor Sediment
- Identity and Metabolic Potential of the Serpentinite Subsurface Microbiome
- Informing geobiology through GIS site suitability analysis: locating springs in mantle units of ophiolites
- Microbial Diversity and Lipid Abundance in Microbial Mats from a Sulfidic, Saline, Warm Spring in Utah, USA
- Mineral Controls on Microbial Niche Space in Subsurface Serpentinites of the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in Mini-Cores from Carbonate Seep Deposits in a Mars Analog Serpentinizing Environment
- Modeling of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami coastal hazard: effects of a mixed co-seismic and seabed failure source
- N2O and CO2 fluxes from soils in response to nitrogen addition: Are there any differences between forests, agro-ecosystems, and coastal wetlands?
- Near-bottom water column anomalies associated with active hydrothermal venting at Aeolian arc volcanoes, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
- No crustal material flow through the northeast corner of the Tibetan Plateau into the Ordos basin
- Orbital- to millennial-scale abrupt hydrologic change in central Indonesia during the past 120,000 years
- Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of early Miocene terrestrial equatorial deposits, Rusinga and Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya
- Progressive Dehydration and Re-equilibration of Slab Lithologies During Subduction: Mechanism For Recycling of Heavy, Hydrothermally-Altered Crust and Mantle Derived Stable Isotopic Signatures into the Deep Mantle
- Radiolyis and life in deep subseafloor sediment of the South Pacific Gyre
- Redox Heterogenity in MORB
- Reservoir modeling of the Solvent Thermal Resource Innovation Process for enhanced oil recovery
- Scavenging and fractionation of <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES transect
- Seafloor Deformation and Localized Source Mechanisms of the 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami.
- Sediments on the Line Islands Ridge Provides a Suitable Archive for Paleoceanographic Research
- Seismic evidence for 3D decompressional melting at the Cascadia subduction zone
- Seismic evidence for deep tectonic control on the transition from magma-rich to magma-poor continental breakup at the Eastern North American Margin
- Simulating nitrogen transport and transformation through urban riparian zones using a particle-tracking approach
- Solubility Enhanced Oxidation of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants
- Subduction disfigured mantle plumes: Plumes that are not plumes?
- Submarine Landslides on the Mid-Atlantic and Southern New England Continental Margins, USA
- The Influence of Topographic Control on Deep Overflow of the Kerama Gap
- The NICOPP synthesis of the marine sedimentary nitrogen isotope record 0-30,000 years BP: Documenting deglacial changes in the marine N cycle
- The National COSEE Network's decade of assisting scientists to achieve high-quality Broader Impacts
- The Ocean Wave Resource
- The Pollution of the Oceans and Great Lakes by Persistent Organic Pollutants
- The RITES Way for NGSS Success
- The Redfield Ratio over the Past 70 Million Years
- The correlation between the magnetic paleoclimatic record of the Chinese eolian sequences and the marine benthic oxygen isotope record during the past 6 Myr
- Training Chief Scientists for the Ocean Research of Tomorrow
- Tsunami Hazards on the US East Coast: Inundation Mapping and Tsunami Processes over a Wide Shelf
- Tsunami hazard assessment along the U. S. East Coast
- Tsunami wave generation by solid and deformable landslides
- Understanding the Formation of the Ontong Java Plateau Using Full Waveform Tomography
- Unraveling the effect of primary versus secondary processes on the volatile content of MORB glasses: an example from the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Using Kinect to Measure Wave Spectrum
- Variation of the upper mantle velocity structure along the central-south Andes
- Volatile content and distribution in the Azorean mantle plume
- a Multivariate Approach to Optimize Subseafloor Observatory Designs
- A comprehensive view of the seismic structure of the Cascadia subduction zone from the spreading center to the backarc
- A coordinated increase in export production and denitrification on the Costa Rica margin during the early Pleistocene
- A plate-driven model for enigmatic volcanic history of the Cascades-Yellowstone System
- A possible difference in cooling rates recorded in REE in coexisting pyroxenes in peridotites from supra-subduction ophiolites and mid-ocean ridges
- An Evaluation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Uptake into Polyethylene Samplers
- Analysis of Submarine Landslides and Canyons along the U.S. Atlantic Margin Using Extended Continental Shelf Mapping Data
- Cenozoic sedimentation rates and provenance variations in the South Pacific Gyre
- Classical Odd-hydrogen Reservoir Species in the Marine Boundary Layer During the California Nexus Program
- Comparison of a Gas Chromatograph and a Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer for Flux Quantification of Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Closed Soil Chambers Derek Fleck1, Yonggang He1, Donald Herman2, Serena Moseman-Valtierra3, Gloria Jacobson1 1 Picarro Inc, 3105 Patrick Henry Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054 2 College of Natural Resource, UC Berkeley, 130 Mulford Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720-3114 3 University of Rhode Island, CBLS 489, Kingston, RI 02881
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- Diatoms confirm coseismic uplift and subsidence along the eastern Alaska-Aleutian megathrust
- Distribution and activity of hydrogenase enzymes in subsurface sediments
- Distribution of tephra from the 1650 AD submarine eruption of Kolumbo volcano, Greece
- Earthquake and submarine landslide tsunamis: how can we tell the difference? (Invited)
- Ecology of Two Terrestrial Serpentinizing Fluid Seeps Offers a Glimpse of the Deep Biosphere
- Elevated nitrogen isotopic composition of nitrate in the deep North Pacific during the last ice age
- Enhanced Stormwater Contaminant Removal and Improved Runoff Quality Using Modified Sorbents in Tree Filters
- Evaluating RITES, a Statewide Math and Science Partnership Program
- Evaluation of Heterotrophy in in Serpentinite-Associated Waters from the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California, USA and the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Evaluation of Water Quality Renovation by Advanced Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Grain Size Analyses of Neogene-Quaternary Sediments from the Arctic Coring Expedition
- He isotope ratios in the Nankai Trough and Costa Rica subduction zones - implications for volatile cycling
- High resolution hybrid optical and acoustic sea floor maps (Invited)
- Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from the us Atlantic Coast
- Holocene Sea-Level Database For The Caribbean Region
- Hydrogen peroxide and methylhydroperoxide observations by chemical ionization mass spectrometry on the GV during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment
- Intertidal land-level changes during the most recent megathrust earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone
- Investigating uncultured microbes and their role in a deep subseafloor ammonium sink
- Links between oxygen fugacity, slab fluids, and calc-alkaline differentiation of arc magmas (Invited)
- Magnetofossils as tracers of oxygenation change: a case study from the stratified Pettaquamscutt River Estuary
- Mantle heterogeneities as revealed by along-axis variations in MORB volatile concentrations
- Mesoscale convective system induced high frequency sea-level oscillations off the coast of the eastern United States
- Microbial Metabolic Landscapes Derived from Complementary Mineralogical, Aqueous Geochemical, and Gas Data Associated with High pH, Actively Serpentinizing Springs in the Coast Range Ophiolite (CA,USA) and Zambales and Palawan Ophiolites (Philippines)
- Microbiology of Ultrabasic Groundwaters of the Coast Range Ophiolite, California
- Multibeam Mapping and Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration of the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Region
- Organic geochemical paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions from Argentina Loess/Loessoid deposits
- Paleoseismic Investigations of Subduction Zone Earthquakes on the Southeastern Coast of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- Potential Hydrogen Yields from Ultramafic Rocks of the Coast Range Ophiolite and Zambales Ophiolite: Inferences from Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Pushing the Envelope: Ship to Shore Events and High-Bandwidth Telepresence Engages Scientists and the Public
- Radiolytic hydrogen production in basaltic basement of the South Pacific Gyre
- Receiver function analysis of crustal structure beneath northeast Tibet
- Reconstructing past plate motions with abyssal hill topography
- Redox Controls on the Asthenosphere (Invited)
- Regional climate variability and patterns of urban development - Impacts on the urban water cycle and nutrient export (Invited)
- Relationship of subseafloor microbial diversity to sediment age and organic carbon content
- Skin Temperature Processes in the Presence of Sea Ice
- Tectonic reconstruction models for the break-up and divergence of the Manihiki and Hikurangi plateaux
- Temporal evolution of fO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Mariana mantle wedge
- The Climate Change Education Partnership Alliance: Building a Network for Effective Collaboration and Impact (Invited)
- The Successful Deployment of a New Sub-Seafloor Observatory
- The next generation of ship-to-shore networking from research vessels
- Three-dimensional passive-source reverse time migration: A numerical experiment
- Towards mapping attenuation and water content in the Transition Zone
- Toxicity of dysprosium nano particles with glucose and sodium chloride on E. Coli
- Tracing the origins of back-arc basin slab-derived fluids
- Transfer of Analytical Skills From Subject to Subject - Reality or Fiction?
- Understanding impacts of climatic extremes on diarrheal disease epidemics: Insights from mechanistic disease propagation models
- Understanding the formation of the Ontong Java Plateau through joint ambient noise earthquake tomography and laboratory modeling
- Urban Cholera and Water Sustainability Challenges under Climatic and Anthropogenic Change
- Variable land-level changes at a non-persistent megathrust rupture boundary, Sitkinak Island, Alaska
- Variation of the upper mantle velocity structure along the central-south Andes
- a Relative Sea Level Database for the Pacific Coast of North America
- A Model to Predict Nitrogen Losses in Advanced Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment Systems
- A New Approach to Reconstruct Ancient Bottom Water Oxygen Levels
- A high-precision, distributed geodetic strainmeter based on dual coaxial cable Bragg gratings
- Access to the Sea: A Roadmap for Expedition Planning
- Activated Persulfate Treatment of 1,4-Dioxane in the Presence of Chlorinated Solvent Co-contaminants
- Activity on the multi-stranded Central Branch of the North Anatolian Fault along the southern shelf of the Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Air-Water Exchange of Legacy and Emerging Organic Pollutants across the Great Lakes
- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing to Identify Climatic and Anthropogenic Changes Related to Water and Health Conditions in Emerging Megacities
- Assessing Storm Vulnerabilities and Resilience Strategies: A Scenario-Method for Engaging Stakeholders of Public/Private Maritime Infrastructure
- Bacterial Diversity, Sediment Age and Organic Respiration in the Marine Sedimentary Environment
- Boosting subsurface life: is subseafloor sediment a natural catalyst for radiolytic hydrogen production?
- Co-evolving Hydroclimatic Signatures and Diarrheal Disease Dynamics in Bangladesh: Implications for Water Management and Public Health
- Determining Spatial Distribution And Air-Water Exchange Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Stormwater Runoff Catchment Basins
- Development of algorithms for tsunami detection by High Frequency Radar based on modeling tsunami case studies in the Mediterranean Sea
- Edge Driven Convection along the Eastern North American Margin from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Effects of nitrogen loading on greenhouse gas emissions in salt marshes
- Energetic Constraints of Subseafloor Life
- Evidence for shallow dehydration of the subducting plate beneath the Mariana forearc: New insights into the water cycle at subduction zones
- Expanding the Telepresence Paradigm to the UNOLS Fleet
- Explorations Around "Graceful Failure" in Transportation Infrastructure: Lessons Learned By the Infrastructure and Climate Network (ICNet)
- Full waveform ambient noise tomography of Mount Rainer
- Genetic legacy of the deep subsurface recorded in the outflow channel of a terrestrial serpentinizing seep (Luzon, the Philippines)
- Geomorphological characteristics of the onshore/offshore volcanic edifices with respect to their evolutionary stage in the South Aegean Sea, Greece.
- Global Squeeze: Assessing Climate-Critical Resource Constraints for Coastal Climate Adaptation
- How Will Climate Change Impact Cholera Outbreaks?
- Hydrothermal Venting at Kick'Em Jenny Submarine Volcano (West Indies)
- Hydrous lithosphere and diffuse crustal accretion and tectonics in the southern Mariana margin: a possible analog for subduction zone infancy and ophiolites
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the Margins-Geoprisms Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: The Subduction Factory
- Inferring relative tsunami magnitudes from inverse and forward sediment transport modeling of tsunami deposits in the Eastern Aleutian Islands.
- Integration of 3 Consecutive Years of Aqueous Geochemistry Monitoring Serpentinization at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO), Northern California, USA
- Inter-Annual and Shorter-Term Variability in Physical and Biological Characteristics Across Barrow Canyon in August - September 2005-2014
- Iron Stable Isotopes, Magmatic Differentiation and the Oxidation State of Mariana Arc Magmas
- Laboratory experiments on subduction-induced circulation in the wedge and the evolution of mantle diapirs
- Linking Satellite Derived Land Surface Temperature with Cholera: A Case Study for South Sudan
- Long Range River Discharge Forecasting Using the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Satellite to Predict Conditions for Endemic Cholera
- Mechanistic Determination of Nitrogen Removal By Advanced Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment Systems Using <SUP>15</SUP>n Isotopes
- Microbial Cells and Aerobic Respiration from Seafloor to Basement in the South Pacific Gyre
- Microbially-influenced Fe-Cycling within high pH serpentinizing springs of the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Near-Primary Oxidized Basalts from the Submarine Vanuatu Arc
- New Insights into Basaltic Balloon Formation during Submarine Eruptions
- New Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Methane at Sites of Active Continental Serpentinization
- North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet): A real-time water quality sensor network to study impacts of climate variability for Delaware, Rhode Island and Vermont
- Overturning Circulations Driven by Dense Water Formation in the Interior of AN Ocean Basin
- Paleoceanography in Pelagic Clay of the South Pacific Gyre
- Proxy Applications of Pa/Th Investigated with Scavenging Chemistry in the North Atlantic
- Quantitative characterization of abyssal seafloor with transit multibeam backscatter data
- Rainwater Harvesting-based Safe Water Access in Diarrhea-endemic Coastal Communities of Bangladesh under Threats of Climate Change
- Redox Heterogeneity of the Mantle Inferred from Hotspots
- Response of carbon sequestration in salt marshes to changes in nitrogen loading and sea level rise
- Revisiting Antarctic Circumpolar Current Transport Estimates
- Revisiting Cholera-Climate Teleconnections in the Native Homeland: ENSO and other Extremes through the Regional Hydroclimatic Drivers
- Roles of magmatic oxygen fugacity and water content in generating signatures of continental crust in the Alaska-Aleutian arc
- Sedimentation Triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake along the Japan Trench
- Silicate Weathering and Pervasive Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation Coupled to Methanogenesis in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- Spectral Analysis of Submesoscale Energy Cascades Using Subtropical North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Fields
- Stromatolites provide a terrestrial record of a ~35ka warming event in Walker Lake, a remnant of the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan (Western Nevada, USA)
- Submarine groundwater discharge is an important source of REEs to the coastal ocean
- Survey of Tsunamis Formed by Atmospheric Forcing on the East Coast of the United States
- Testing two potential fates for coastal marshes: Greenhouse gas emissions from native, Phragmites australis-invaded, and permanently inundated zones
- The Melt Segregation During Ascent of Buoyant Diapirs in Subduction Zones
- The Resilience and Recovery of Salt Marshes to Landfalling Storms and Sea-Level Rise, New Jersey, USA
- The Roles of Iron and Vertical Mixing in Regulating Nitrogen and Silicon Cycling in the Southern Ocean over the Last Glacial Cycle
- The Southern Mariana Forearc: An Active Subduction Initiation (SI) Analogue
- The Submesoscale from VIIRS Imagery-Band (375 m) Sea Surface Temperature Fields
- The first Shinkai dive study of the southwestern Mariana arc system
- The seismic wave speed structure of the Ontong Java Plateau determined from joint ambient noise and earthquake waveform data
- Tsunami Inundation Mapping for the Upper East Coast of the United States
- Undegassed Carbon Content from a Highly Depleted Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (1-5°S): Evidence from Melt Inclusions
- Understanding the Impacts of Land Uses on the Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Contamination By Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons throughout a Small State in the Northeast United States
- Use Cases for Server Operators Extending the Open-Source Data-Access Protocol (DAP)
- Using Mid-IR Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometry to Simultaneously Measure N<SUB>2</SUB>o, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes: Responses to Ammonium Nitrate Additions in Salt Marshes
- Using tsunami deposits to validate inundation modeling at Sedanka Island: Revealing clues about great earthquakes in the Unalaska seismic gap.
- Water Security, Climate Forcings and Public Health Impacts in Emerging Regions
- Windward Passage and Jamaica Channel: New Insights About two Tectonic Gateways of the Northern Caribbean
- "Hot moments" of carbon and nitrogen in streams: Key insights from in-situ, high-frequency optical sensors from the North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet)
- A Double Hotspot Model for the Origin of Line Islands Ridge
- A paleomagnetic and relative paleointensity record from the Argentine Basin (western South Atlantic Ocean) for the last ~125 kyrs
- Accurate source location from P waves scattered by surface topography
- Assessing waveform predictions of recent three-dimensional velocity models of Tibet
- Climate change and livestock system in mountain: Understanding from Gandaki River basin of Nepal Himalaya.
- Complex interactions between diapirs and 4-D subduction driven mantle wedge circulation.
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implication
- Diminished Wastewater Treatment: Evaluation of Septic System Performance Under a Climate Change Scenario
- Disentangling the fossil world from the deep biosphere in marine sediment
- Dust, Volcanic Ash, and the Evolution of the South Pacific Gyre through the Cenozoic
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Exploring Microbial Life in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Ocean Gyres
- Exploring frontiers of the deep biosphere through scientific ocean drilling
- Exploring the "Sharkcano": Biogeochemical observations of the Kavachi submarine volcano (Solomon Islands) using simple, cost-effective methods.
- Greenhouse gas emissions in salt marshes and their response to nitrogen loading
- Human-associated fungi in deep subseafloor sediment?
- Imaging Rayleigh Wave Attenuation Beneath North America with USArray
- Improving Estimates of Coseismic Subsidence from southern Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at northern Humboldt Bay, California
- Influence of Land Cover and Climate on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Urban Soils
- Investigating Eastern Equatorial Pacific Export Production and Carbonate Dissolution with XRF Core Scanning at ODP Site 846 Over the Last 5 Million Years
- Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223
- Lower Velocity Sites Improve the Tidal-Stream Energy Resource
- Megathrust Slip Varied During Past Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at Siletz Bay, Central Oregon
- Modeling Diverse Pathways to Age Progressive Volcanism in Subduction Zones.
- Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section
- Morphology and Age of the Southern New England Landslide Zone
- Needles in the blue Sea: Sub-species specificity by targeted metaproteomics of the vast oceanic microbial metaproteome
- Observations of Brine Pool Surface Characteristics and Internal Structure Through Remote Acoustic and Structured Light Imaging
- Oxic and Anoxic Regions of Subseafloor Sediment
- Predictive modeling of cholera using GRACE and TRMM satellite data
- Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
- Preliminary Insights Into the Interplay Among Oxygen, Organic Carbon, and Microbial Metabolism in North Atlantic Subseafloor Sediment Communities
- Preliminary tsunami hazard assessment in British Columbia, Canada
- Radiolytic Hydrogen Production in the South Pacific Subseafloor Basaltic Aquifer
- Recent advances in the compilation of holocene relative Sea-level database in North America
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes on the Gulf Coast of Florida
- Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading
- Regional teleseismic body-wave tomography with component-differential finite-frequency sensitivity kernels
- Sediment Pathways Across Trench Slopes: Results From Numerical Modeling
- Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> Production, and Implications for Subseafloor Life
- Sensitivity of Different Satellites Gridded data over Brahmaputra Basin by using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Sn Attenuation in the Middle-East
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals in Stormwater Detention Basin Sediments
- Subsidence along the Atlantic Coast of the United States: Insights from GPS and late Holocene relative sea level data
- The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Galapagos Archipelago: Variable Oxygen Fugacity as a Function of Mantle Source
- Thinking Like a Scientist: The RITES Path for K-12 Students to Learn the Scientific Method
- Timing and magnitude of the Caribbean mid-Holocene highstand
- Toward the Autonomous Recording and Transmission of Seismic Data from the Oceans: Testing the Son-O-Mermaid Float in the Sargasso Sea
- Ultra-high Resolution Mapping of the Inner Crater of the Active Kick'em Jenny Volcano
- Understanding Climate Change Impacts in a Cholera Endemic Megacity: Disease Trends, Hydroclimatic Indicators and Near Future-Term Projections
- Understanding Hydroclimatic Extremes in Changing Monsoon Climates with Daily Bias Correction of CMIP5 Regional Climate Models over South Asia
- Understanding environmental and climatic influences on regional differences and spatio-temporalscale issues of dengue fever transmission in Puerto Rico
- Understanding scale dependency of climatic processes with diarrheal disease
- Upper mantle structure of the Congo Craton and the East African Rift from full wave ambient noise tomography
- A Flood Forecasting Scheme for Large Rivers with Requisite Simplicity
- A Latest Reference Regional Crustal Velocity Model of Mainland China
- A `Pole To Pole' Holocene Sea-Level Database
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- Accurate source location from waves scattered by surface topography: Applications to the Nevada and North Korean test sites
- Advances in detection of diffuse seafloor venting using structured light imaging.
- Air pressure effects on sea level changes during the Twentieth Century
- An Approach to Evaluate the Spatial Fidelity of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature Fields
- Basin-scale redox heterogeneity in MORBs and the upper mantle
- Building the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: the Deep Carbon Observatory Early Career Scientist Workshops
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O Contents of Melt Inclusions from the 1891 Basaltic Balloon Eruption of Foerstner Submarine Volcano, Italy
- Characterizing Volcanic Processes using Near-bottom, High Resolution Magnetic Mapping of the Caldera and Inner Crater of the Kick'em Jenny Submarine Volcano
- Combined impacts of tidal energy extraction and sea level rise in the Gulf of Maine
- Development of new tsunami detection algorithms for high frequency radars and application to tsunami warning in British Columbia, Canada
- Does Morphological Adjustment During Tsunami Inundation Increase Levels of Hazard?
- E/V Nautilus Mapping and ROV Dives Reveal Hundreds of Vents along the West Coast of the United States
- Effect of rheology on tsunami inundation caused by submarine mass failures along the US East Coast
- Effects of Environmental Perturbations and Seasonal Dynamics upon Microbial Populations in Serpentinite-hosted Groundwater
- Estimation of future flow regime for a spatially varied Himalayan watershed using improved multi-site calibration method of SWAT model.
- Experimental and natural constraints on the generation of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Western Aleutian arc
- Exploring the Deep Biosphere in Ophiolite-hosted Systems: What Can Metabolic Processes in Surface Seeps Tell Us About Subsurface Ecosystems in Serpentinizing Fluids?
- Flank Collapse Assessment At Kick-'em-Jenny Submarine Volcano (Lesser Antilles): A Combined Approach Using Modelling and Experiments
- Freshwater and Oxygen Transport Across the Labrador Shelf-Break: Insights from Gliders
- Full-Wave P<SUB>n</SUB> Tomography of the Tibetan Plateau
- Full-wave tomographic imaging highlights small-scale mantle convection at the eastern North American margin
- Geo(spatial) Health Investigation of Rotavirus in an Endemic Region: Hydroclimatic Influences and Epidemiology of Rotavirus in Bangladesh
- Geophysical Characterization of in situ Serpentinization Processes at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
- Heavy Metal Resistant, Alkalitolerant Bacteria Isolated From Serpentinizing Springs in the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Helium Isotope Variations in Basalts from the Gulf of Aden
- Impacts of Nitrogen Removal and Re-Application on N<SUB>2</SUB>O fluxes from Narragansett Bay: Contrasting Turfgrasses, Salt Marshes, and Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Impacts of temperature and nitrogen addition on greenhouse gas fluxes from turfgrass and coastal salt marshes
- Iron and Sulfur Geochemistry in Serpentinizing Groundwaters: Relationships to Microbiological Processes
- Large scale hydrologic modeling of ecologically important flow metrics of rivers of the Himalayas.
- Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Measurements of the Activity of dissolved H2O in an Andesite Melt
- Metagenomic analysis of carbon cycling and biogenic methane formation in terrestrial serpentinizing fluid springs
- Modeling Tsunami Wave Generation Using a Two-layer Granular Landslide Model
- Multidisciplinary field surveys as the new norm: Integrating geosciences to characterize the fate of carbon in a geothermal fumarole
- Near-shore Evaluation of Holocene Faulting and Earthquake Hazard in the New York City Metropolitan Region
- No Substitute for Going to the Field: Correcting Lidar DEMs in Salt Marshes
- Observation of Sea-ice Effects on Deep Internal Waves in the Southern Drake Passage
- Ocean Frontal Regions: A Global Survey
- Patterns of current and failed rifting in Africa from full wave long-period ambient noise tomography
- Quantifying Temporal Variations in Water Resources of the Saq Transboundary Aquifer System and Identification of their Controlling Factors
- Radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> production in different Martian environments
- Records of upper mantle oxygen fugacity gleaned from high-density sampling of basalts and peridotites at ultraslow ridges
- Restoring Tides to Avoid Methane Emissions in Degraded Wetlands: A Potent and Untapped Climate Intervention
- Science Writing and Rhetorical Training: A New Model for Developing Graduate Science Writers
- Sea State Dependent Air-Sea Fluxes in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models
- Seafloor Expression of Active Transpressional Faulting Offshore Southern California
- Seasonal Variability of Salt Marsh Foraminifera at the Narrow River, Rhode Island, USA
- Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic Hydrogen Production - A Global Perspective
- Sedimentary and diatom evidence of the 2015 tsunami on the north-central coast of Chile in the absence of significant coastal deformation
- Seismic stratigraphic interpretations suggest that sectors of the central and western Ross Sea were near or above sea level during earliest Oligocene time
- Sensitivity of different satellites gridded data over Brahmaputra Basin byusing Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Signs of Recent Volcanism and Hydrothermal Activity Along the Eastern Segment of the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling of rates and variability of Holocene sea-level changes in the western North Atlantic and the Caribbean
- Statistical Time-Series Analysis of Climatic Forcings in the North Atlantic and Southern Rhode Island's Coastal Geomorphology
- Tectonic activity and stratigraphic history over the last 130-540 ka on the Southern Shelf of the Sea of Marmara, western North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Projections of Sea Level Change Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America
- The Sensitivity of Future Ocean Oxygen Concentrations to Changes in Ocean Circulation
- The thermal structure of cratonic lithosphere from global Rayleigh wave attenuation
- Thermal Evolution of Diapirs with Complex Mantle Wedge Flow
- Three-dimensional wave field modeling by a collocated-grid finite-difference method in the anelastic model with surface topography
- Tsunami hazard assessment at Port Alberni, BC, Canada: preliminary model results
- Understanding Critical Socio-political and Hydro-climatic drivers behind Water Management and Increasing Dengue Disease Burden in Arid Regions of Mexico
- Understanding coupling between natural and human systems to ensure disease resilient societies
- Understanding the Impact of Anthropogenic and Environmental Changes on Dengue Fever Cases in Puerto Rico
- Using MicroFTIR to Map Mineral Distributions in Serpentinizing Systems
- Utilizing Earth Observations for Reaching Sustainable Development Goals in Water, Sanitation and Public Health
- A GIS Inventory of Critical Coastal Infrastructure Land Use in Caribbean Island Small Island Developing States: Classification and Criteria Methodology
- A High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late-Holocene Relative Sea Level in Rhode Island, USA
- A high-order strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta method for three-dimensional full waveform modeling and inversion of anelastic models
- Amino acid stable isotope applications to deep-sea corals: A molecular geochemistry approach to reconstructing past ocean conditions
- Anisotropic full waveform ambient noise and earthquake tomography of the Ontong Java Plateau and surrounding Pacific upper mantle
- Aqueous Geochemical Dynamics at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory and The Case for Subsurface Mixing of Regional Groundwaters
- Basic to Advanced InSAR Processing: GMTSAR
- Calc-Alkaline Liquid Lines of Descent Produced Under Oxidizing Conditions: An Experimental and Petrologic Study of Basaltic Tephras from the Western Aleutians, AK
- Can Surface Seeps Elucidate Carbon Cycling in Terrestrial Subsurface Ecosystems in Ophiolite-hosted Serpentinizing Fluids?
- Characterization of Serpentine Samples from the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory with μ-FTIR and XRD.
- Characterizing and quantifying superparamagnetic magnetite particles in serpentinized mantle peridotite observed in continental ophiolite complexes.
- Compiling Holocene RSL databases from near- to far-field regions: proxies, difficulties and possible solutions
- Contamination Control of Freeze Shoe Coring System for Collection of Aquifer Sands
- Correlating sea level rise still-stands to marine terraces and undiscovered submerged shoreline features in the Channel Islands (USA) using autonomous and remotely operated systems
- Developing Local Scale, High Resolution, Data to Interface with Numerical Hurricane Models
- Developing Local Scale, High Resolution, Data to Interface with Numerical Storm Models
- Diffuse Extension of the Southern Mariana Margin: Implications for Subduction Zone Infancy and Plate Tectonics
- Eastern North American finite-frequency, compressional and shear tomographic models
- Effects of land use on the timing and magnitude of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate fluxes: a regional analysis of high-frequency sensor measurements from forested, agricultural, and urban watersheds
- Empowering Local Organizations and Decision-makers in a Changing Climate: EO-guided Environmental Surveillance of Cholera and Rotavirus for South Asia
- Field research internships: Why they impact students' decisions to major in the geosciences
- Foundering of the Lithospheric Mantle under the Eastern Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Full-Wave Pn Tomography
- Full-Wave Ambient Noise Tomography of the Long Valley Volcanic Region (California)
- Global Distribution of Net Electron Acceptance in Subseafloor Sediment
- Global Empowerment of Women in the Water Sector: A Mentoring Program through the Women-Water Nexus
- Global distribution of radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> production in marine sediment and implications for subsurface life
- High Spatial resolution remote sensing for salt marsh change detection on Fire Island National Seashore
- Increasing Communities Capacity to Effectively Address Climate Change Through Education, Civic Engagement and Workforce Development
- Investigating subduction reversal in Papua New Guinea from automatic analysis of seismicity recorded on a temporary local network
- Leveraging Earth Observations to Improve Data Resolution and Tracking of Sustainable Development Goals in Water Resources and Public Health
- Light Stable Isotopic Compositions of Enriched Mantle Sources: Resolving the Dehydration Paradox
- Major and trace element and volatile constraints on magma systematics of seamounts and axial ridge glasses from the East Pacific Rise between 8°N and 12°N
- Metagenomic and Clumped Isotopologue Evidence for Microbial Methanogenesis in the Zambales Ophiolite
- Migrating Toward Fully 4-D Geodynamical Models of Asthenospheric Circulation and Melt Production at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Modeling Late-State Serpentinization on Enceladus and Implications for Methane-Utilizing Microbial Metabolisms
- Modeling the Effects of Hydrogeomorphology and Climactic Factors on Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Riparian Zones.
- Moment Inversion of the DPRK Nuclear Tests Using Finite-Difference Three-dimensional Strain Green's Tensors
- Multiple states and hysteresis in a two-layer loop current type system
- New constraints on subduction inputs and volatile outputs along the Aleutian Arc
- Numerical simulation of dynamic triggering of aseismic slip events in Northern Chile and New Zealand
- Offshore Earthquake 2012 in the California Borderlands: Possible Extension of Seismically Active Area Offshore
- PREDICT: A next generation platform for near real-time prediction of cholera
- Penguin Proxies: Deciphering Millennial-Scale Antarctic Ecosystem Change using Amino Acid Stable Isotope Analysis.
- Pinpointing the North Korea Nuclear tests with body waves scattered by surface topography
- Preparing for Science at Sea - a Chief Scientists Training Cruise on Board the RV Sikuliaq
- Quantifying Recent Recharge to the Saq Transboundary Aquifer System using an Integrated Geophysical, Geochemical, and Remote Sensing-based Approach
- Sea-level variability in the Common Era along the Atlantic coast of North America
- Sedimentary and Vegetative Impacts of Hurricane Irma to Coastal Wetland Ecosystems across Southwest Florida
- Seismic Analysis Code (SAC): Development, porting, and maintenance within a legacy code base
- Signature of Transpressional Tectonics in the Holocene Stratigraphy of Lake Azuei, Haiti: Preliminary Results From a High-Resolution Subbottom Profiling Survey
- Spatial and Temporal Climatic Variation in Coastal Tanzania
- Stream Response to an Extreme Defoliation Event
- Subbottom seismic profiling survey of Lake Azuei, Haiti: Seismic signature of paleo-shorelines in a transpressional environment and possible tectonic implications
- Subsolidus cooling of mid-ocean ridge peridotites and implications for the oxygen fugacity of the oceanic upper mantle
- Temporal and Spatial Variability in Relative Sea Level from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island (USA)
- The contribution of glacial isostatic adjustment to projections of sea-level change along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
- Three-Dimensional Sensitivity Kernels of Z/H Amplitude Ratios of Surface and Body Waves
- Trading river services: optimizing dam decisions at the basin scale to improve socio-ecological resilience
- Transpressional Tectonics across the N. American-Caribbean Plate Boundary: Preliminary Results of a Multichannel Seismic Survey of Lake Azuei, Haiti.
- Understanding hydro-climatic drivers of infectious diarrheal diseases in South Asia and their projected risks from regional climate models
- Understanding the Unusual 2017 Monsoon and Floods in South Asia
- Viscous and Turbulent Stress Measurements over Wind-driven Surface Waves
- "I didn't know how much I didn't know": Training journalists to cover scientific complexities yields positive changes in news coverage and multiplier effects
- 3-D crustal structure of Southern California revealed from joint inversion of full-wave seismic and gravity data
- 4D full-wave seismic tomography of the Kilauea volcano, Hawai'i
- A coaxial cable Bragg grating based strainmeter designed to measure the state and activities of geophysical transitional zones
- A stratigraphic and microfossil record of tsunami deposits and coseismic land-level changes from Old Harbor, central Kodiak Island, Alaska
- A unified formulation for predicting the breaking onset of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water: validation cases using a fully nonlinear potential flow model
- A unified formulation for predicting the breaking strength of gravity water waves from deep to shallow water
- Abrupt Fronts Embedded in Tropical Instability Waves Observed by Saildrones
- Accelerating Community Climate Action Through Education, Community Engagement, and Workforce Development
- An Innovative Approach to Tracking Sediment Transport Along Roads Using Glass Microbeads
- An Oxidized Signature for the Gakkel Ridge 'Dupal-like' Isotopic Composition
- Anisotropic full waveform ambient noise and earthquake tomography and Pn analysis of the Ontong Java Plateau and surrounding Pacific upper mantle
- Application of 3D full-waveform component-differential kernels to joint inversion of seismic and gravity data of Southern California
- Application of Artificial Neural Network for Stream Water Quality Prediction
- Arctic MISST: Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature: Continuing the GHRSST Partnership and Improving Arctic data
- Assessing extreme storm risk using a fully-nonlinear phase resolving wave model combined with an erosion model
- Belonging: A Documentary Short and Facilitated Conversation on the Academic, Emotional, Social, Political, and Cultural, Hurdles to STEM Fields for People of Color
- Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Hypersaline Mono Lake Sediments
- Celebrating 10 years of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Mapping Program: A look back on achievements and lessons learned
- Changes in Fluorescence Characteristics As a Function of Substrate Quality and Microbial Activity: Testing a Conceptual Model
- Chemical and biological carbon sinks in the Costa Rican Forearc: First insights from the Biology Meets Subduction project
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Developing a Coastal and Inland Hazard and Impact Prediction System for Extreme Weather Events in the Northeastern United States
- Effects of changing winter snowmelt on watershed nutrient export from forested and agricultural catchments in northern Vermont
- Effects of precipitation intensity on groundwater recharge: Multiple approach analysis for Rhode Island
- Effects of safe yield on Drinking Water Supply and Reservoir Capacity during Extreme Drought
- Elusive hotspots of nitrogen transport and retention in residential lawns in Baltimore, MD
- Engaging the Public Through Wikipedia: Strategies and Tools
- Evidence of Simultaneous Effusive and Explosive Activity During the 1993 Submarine Eruption West of Socorro Island, Mexico
- Expanding the Stratigraphic Record of Tsunami Inundation Along the Semi-arid, Siliciclastic Coast of North-central Chile
- Explore the Effect of Heterogeneities of Fault Zone Properties on Seismic and Aseismic Slip on Oceanic Transform Faults Using Rate-and-state Friction
- Geochemistry of the Samail ophiolite mantle section drilled at Oman Drilling Project Holes BA1B, BA3A and BA4A (Batin area, Oman Drilling Project Phase 2)
- Global diversity of subseafloor microbial community
- Habitability and Distribution of Subseafloor Life in Oceanic Basement
- Habitability of water-radiolytic worlds
- High spectral resolution datasets of in situ aquatic inherent and apparent optical properties
- How did the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Affect the Volcano's Submarine South Flank? Preliminary Results From an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment Offshore Kilauea.
- ICT for Combating Drought in the Karnali River Basin of Nepal Himalaya
- Identifying subsurface biologically-mediated processes occurring during modern water/rock interaction in the Samail ophiolite
- Integration of a Hydrological Model (AnnAGNPS) and a Riparian Model (REMM) for Riparian Zone Nitrogen and Water Table Prediction in Glaciated Settings of US Midwest and US Northeast
- Interaction of Langmuir turbulence and inertial currents in the ocean surface boundary layer under tropical cyclones
- Is it possible to use teleseismic scattered waves to determine the receiver-side stochastic velocity model?
- Landsat time series change analysis of two mid-Atlantic barrier islands salt marsh (1984-2018)
- Late Holocene relative sea-level changes and glacial isostatic adjustment of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island (USA)
- Late Quaternary Fault-Related Folding, Uplifted Paleoshoreline, and Liquefaction Structures: Clues About Transpressional Activity Along the North America-Caribbean Plate Boundary From a Comprehensive Seismic Reflection Survey of Lake Azuei, Haiti
- MPOWIR: Evaluation of Impacts and Best Practices after a Decade of Mentoring Women in Physical Oceanography
- Managing Disinfection Byproduct Formation Using an Energy Efficient LED-UV Disinfection System
- Mapping anelastic structures in the upper mantle - Applications to the hotspot tracks beneath the western United States
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- NES-LTER: A New Long Term Ecological Research Site on the Northeast U.S. Shelf
- New fossil foraminiferal estimates of coseismic vertical deformation during the AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake: Washington and northern California, USA
- North Atlantic Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Numerical Modeling of submarine mass failure by a two-layer non-hydrostatic wave-slide model
- Numerical modeling of dynamically triggered shallow slow slip events in New Zealand by the 2016 M w 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake
- Occurrence and formation of nitrogen based disinfection by-products in source waters
- Offshore Surveys of the Active Ocean Entry of the 2018 Lower Puna Eruption of Kilauea Volcano: Tracking Lava Delta Development
- Prediction of Runoff Quantity and Quality Using Stormwater Management Model in a Suburban Area
- Projecting future diarrheal disease risk over Bengal delta based on climate driven epidemic models: a case study with bias-corrected regional climate model results
- Proxy Potential of Planktic Foraminifera from Low Oxygen Environments
- Recent progress in the modeling and detection of meteotsunamis and storm surges
- Reducing `Noise' in Ocean Bottom Pressure Measurements in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Regionally Consistent Western North America Paleomagnetic Directions from 15-35 ka: Assessing Chronology and Uncertainty with Paleosecular Variation (PSV) Stratigraphy
- River-discharge effects on United States Atlantic and Gulf coast sea-level changes
- Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers - A Case Study from South Coastal Basin in Rhode Island
- Selection of Representative Climate and Statistical Downscaling for Climate Change Impact Assessment in the Rhode Island, USA
- Shifting Bioenergetics Over the Lifetime of Serpentinizing Systems
- Stress Drop Analysis of Cascadia Rupture Scenarios
- The 1908 Messina Tsunami: New Understanding of Coastal Impact Through Numerical Modeling of Dual Coseismic-Landslide Sources
- The 2017 Floods in South Asia: The State of Prediction, and Potential of a Requisitely Simple Forecast Model
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Impact of an Offshore Wind Farm on Commercial and Recreational Fishermen
- The Importance of Situational Factors in Classroom, Field, and Laboratory Settings to Recruitment and Retention in the Geosciences for 2YC and Early 4YC Undergraduates
- The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods during the past two millennia
- The near-surface structure beneath the trifurcation area of the San Jacinto fault zone determined by full-waveform inversion
- The need for the measurement response function (MRF) for optimal deconvolution of AMSR-E SSTs
- Toward cholera free nations: How NASA satellites helped in real time disease forecasting in Yemen
- Tracing volatile cycling from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian Arc
- Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Examine Changes in Vegetation Following Dam Removal and Installation of a Nature-like Fishway
- Utilizing the Vantage of Earth Observations to Better Understand Urban Flood Risk in Emerging Megacities
- Variable-resolution ocean model improves physics at reduced computational cost
- Volatile contents of western Aleutian magmas and their relationship to slab thermal structure
- What Insights Can the Holocene Provide on Previous Interglacial Sea Levels?
- 5000-year records of relative sea-level change from Florida and the northwest Atlantic
- A New Class of Submarine Explosive Volcanic Events: Nautilian Eruptions.
- A Swarming-based New Observing Strategy using Intelligent, Heterogeneous Satellites for Disasters and Public Health Emergencies
- A comparison of urban structure across global cities based on nighttime lights
- Along-arc variations in volatile cycling across the Aleutian Arc
- Alternative models of guyot formation on mid-Cretaceous Pacific seafloor
- Carbon in the Convecting Mantle
- Climate change mitigation through restoration of diked wetlands
- Comparing the response of endolithic and sediment microorganisms at a dynamic cold seep on the Costa Rica Pacific Margin
- Compositional Diversity and Degassing of Trachybasalts from the 1993 Submarine Eruption near Socorro Island, Mexico
- Contribution of viscoelastic flow to earthquake cycles of the Gofar Oceanic Transform Fault in the East Pacific Rise
- Detect slow slip events in ocean bottom pressure data using machine learning
- Distribution of trace elements between low-Ca pyroxene and basaltic melts with applications to pyroxenite-derived melt and peridotite interaction in a lithologically heterogeneous mantle
- E/V Nautilus Mapping and Multibeam Data from 2019 Expeditions in the Pacific Ocean - Finding and Filling the Gaps
- E/V Nautilus: Seafloor Exploration and Mapping in the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa
- Enrichment in H<SUB>2</SUB>O and elevated Fe oxidation states are linked to material recycling in Izu-Bonin-Marianas lavas
- Estimating future sea-level rise by 2100 and 2300 AD from expert assessment
- Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami
- Expanding the stratigraphic record of tsunami inundation along the semi-arid, siliciclastic coast of north-central Chile
- Gakkel Ridge basalts and peridotites record along-strike variations in f<SUB>O2</SUB>
- Geologic and Geotechnical Hazards for Pacific Region Floating Offshore Wind Farms
- Geomorphologic and Stratigraphic Evidence of Ongoing Transpressional Deformation Across Lake Azuei (Haiti)
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment with 3D Earth models in North America
- Global Groundwater Governance: Economic Framework and Cross-Country Comparison
- Global Patterns of Net Respiration in Subseafloor Sediment
- Human-centered, relational geoscience
- Hydroacoustic Recordings of Lava-Water Interactions and Landslides During the 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano
- Increasing Our Capacity to Address Climate Change - Developing a Model for Effective Regional Climate Literacy Networks
- Joint Gravity and Full-wave Seismic Inversion Towards Self-Consistent Wave Speed and Density Models
- Laboratory and numerical models of constraints on the birth, life, and death of mantle plumes near mid-ocean ridges
- Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Leveraging Earth Observations to Monitor and Understand Linkages between Urbanization, Climate Extremes, Heat Islands and Air Quality Indices in Emerging Megacities
- Mapping the potential far field influence of methane seeps on the water column with the Wire Flyer towed vehicle
- Medium to large scale surface deformation observation based on distributed Coaxial Cable Bragg grating
- Millennial Scale Variability in the Area-Normalized Weight of the Deep Dwelling Foraminifer Globorotaloides hexagonus
- Modeling of the slide and tsunami generation from the 12/22/18 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Straits, Indonesia): comparison with recent field surveys of slide deposits and tsunami impact
- Multichannel Seismic Survey of Lake Azuei (Haiti) Documents a Complex System of Active Transpressional Structures Across the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary
- NES-LTER: Linking Pelagic Community Structure with Ecosystem Dynamics and Production Regimes on the Changing Northeast U.S. Shelf
- New insights on young black carbon in pelagic Atlantic sediments
- Optimization of Riparian Zone Nitrogen and Phosphorus Management in Glaciated Settings of US Midwest and US Northeast Through the Development of Riparian Model
- Optimization of the Design of a Suburban Runoff Treatment System Using Stormwater Management Model (SWMM)
- Oxygen Variability on the Central Chile Margin Across the Last Glacial Cycle
- Performance of machine learning algorithms over high dimensional regression in quantifying water quality parameters from high frequency spectrometry sensors
- Proficiency in Ocean Data Science (PODS): Design and delivery of a novel researched-based undergraduate curriculum
- Reactive Freezing of the Basal Magma Ocean on Earth and other Terrestrial Planets
- Reducing barriers for geoscientists with physical disabilities: A case study by scientists with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Saltwater intrusion investigation using geophysical techniques in Southern Rhode Island
- Seafloor Mapping for Marine Heritage: Potential Submarine UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the High Seas
- Seismicity of the Kilauea Submarine South Flank Following the 2018 Eruption and Mw 6.9 Earthquake
- September 28, 2019 Palu, Indonesia Landslide Tsunami Simulations
- Surface and deep-water variability on the southern Agulhas Plateau: Interhemispheric links over the past 2 Ma
- The 1883 and 2018 Krakatau tsunamis -new marine geophysical and sediment core evidence on their generation
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The Contribution of Water Radiolysis to Marine Sedimentary Life
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- Thermodynamic and Geochemical Heterogeneity within Mid-Ocean Ridge Peridotites
- Time-series assessment of baseflow in a forested stream using spectral analysis and conservation of energy physics
- Towards a global atlas of Holocene sea levels: leveraging decades of legacy efforts
- Tracking Inflation of Okmok Volcano with a Mogi Source and FEM Constrained by InSAR and GPS Data Between 2010-2019
- Understanding the Impact of Hydrological Processes and Climatic Extremes on Acute Diarrheal Disease Prevalence in Regions Suffering from Water Insecurity
- Useful to usable: Application of geospatial information in community water management in Karnali basin in Western Nepal
- Using Multi-GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry to Monitor Sea Level
- Water Content of MORBs and the Oceanic Upper Mantle
- What can we Learn by Comparing Bulk and Diatom-bound Nitrogen Isotopes in Downcore Profiles?
- Yield and depth estimation of DPRK events based on InSAR and Finite Element Modeling
- A Swirl's Impact on a Warming Shelf: An Investigation into the Mid Atlantic Bight's Slope Water Gyre and its Influence on a Warming Continental Shelf
- A global survey of along-strike heterogeneity of seismic behavior on oceanic transform faults
- Aerobic microbial life in oxic sediment of South Pacific Gyre persists up to 101.5 million years
- An improved earthquake catalog during the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption from combined onshore and offshore seismic arrays
- Centering Ethical Placed-Based Scientific Practices through the Lenses of Communities of Color
- Climate-informed decision-making for hydropower resilience in the central Himalayas
- Cod Morphometric Analysis Reveals Physical Differences Among Sub-populations in the Georges Bank Fisheries Stock, Northwest Atlantic
- Comparison of Wave Energy Dissipation between Two Living Shoreline Systems in a Sheltered Estuary
- Constructing an Unprecedented Time Series to Explore the Major Factors Impacting Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Coastal Plankton
- Continuum: A New Observing Strategies-Based Framework for Hyper-Local Situational Awareness
- Contribution of Sea Spray in Air-Sea Enthalpy and Momentum Exchange Coefficients in Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones
- Deep North Atlantic Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Detecting slow slip events in Alaska using seafloor pressure data from the AACSE array
- Draining the Landscape: Do milldam removals result in nitrogen leakage from riparian zones?
- Environmental and Societal Associations of the Global Resurgence of Dengue Fever
- Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes Reveal Northward Migrations of the Subtropical Frontal Zone During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- From Shoreline to Seafloor: Investigation into the Distribution of Marine Plastic Debris Around Narragansett Bay of Rhode Island
- Ghosts of landuse past? How have milldams and their legacies influenced riparian zone structure, functions, and processes?
- Ice core studies of autumn-to-spring sea ice evolution at the MOSAiC floe
- Identifying Best Practices for an Impactful Twitter Platform: Examples from the International Ocean Discovery Program
- Impact of Human vs Natural Processes: Insights from the North Carolina Shelf following Hurricane Florence
- Joint Gravity and Full-wave Seismic Inversion Towards Self-Consistent Wave Speed and Density Models of Southern California
- Linking pelagic community structure and production regimes: Exploring interannual variability at the Northeast U.S. Shelf Long-Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) site
- Modeling Increased Impacts of Nor'easters Due to Sea Level Rise in Coastal New England Parks
- Multi-sensor data fusion for mapping coastal habitats: Toward an integrated analysis from land to sea
- Phytoplankton composition and ocean color optical relationships on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
- Preparing for a Renewable Energy Future: Utilization of Solar and Wind Sources through Demand Side Management in Water Supply Systems
- Reconstructing Climate Variability During the Last Ice Age Cycle in the Northeast Pacific Region
- Short-Term Interaction between Silent and Devastating Earthquakes in Mexico
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence of repeated late Holocene tsunami inundation at Sitkalidak Island, AK
- Streamflow High Spells Analysis to Evaluate Flood Risks and Severity
- The Means of Production: Carbon fixation and assimilation in an ultrabasic, serpentinization-influenced aquifer
- The Off-Hawaii deep crust drilling on the North Arch as a pilot hole for future mantle drilling
- Upper mantle heterogeneities contribute to the synchronization of earthquake cycles on oceanic transform faults
- Using Deep Learning to harness InSAR data for creep detection
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Waterborne Disease Outbreaks in the Post-Disaster Scenario: Can High-Resolution Earth Observations and Smallsat Imagery Enhance Cholera Forecasting?
- Yield estimate of the 2016 DPRK nuclear test based on InSAR and Finite Element Modeling
- a Method to Geospatially Inventory Critical Coastal Infrastructure: Pilot Study for the Caribbean
- 4CAST Gofar: New Observations of Structure, Tectonics, Magmatism, and Hydrothermal Activity within the Gofar Transform Fault
- A likely slow slip event detected by seafloor pressure data offshore southwest Alaska in 2018
- An ongoing, unintended, 200+ year old anthropogenic soil experiment: How have milldams and their breaching/removal shaped riparian soil evolution and nutrient cycles?
- Aseismic Movement of Gofar Transform Fault may be Aided by Formation of Clay-Bearing Basaltic Breccias
- Changes of water isotopes in Arctic Sea ice, Ocean and atMosphere (CiASOM)
- Characterizing the January 2016 DPRK nuclear test based on InSAR and FEM with validation from chemical explosion SPE-6
- Characterizing the hydrometeorology of 2021 Melamchi landslide dam-break flood
- Constraints on Intraplate Magmatic Sources from Mafic Submarine Lavas of Socorro and San Benedicto Islands, Mexico
- Dammed for 200 years: Biogeochemical hotspots in riparian zones due to milldams and their evolution following dam removal
- Denoising 3-component seismic data using deep neural network
- Early Warning Systems, Mobile Technology, and Averting Cholera: Evidence from rural Bangladesh
- Earthquake cycle and synchronization on oceanic transform faults
- Effects of low-head milldams on denitrification rates of two mid-Atlantic streams
- Engaging Undergraduate Students and the Public in the Northwest Passage Project
- Enhancing Operational Flexibility of Integrated Nepalese Power System through Pumped-storage Hydropower
- Evaluating Reservoir Response to Dam Removal Using Drone-based Remote Sensing Methods
- Exploring the Abyssal Ocean with HOV Alvin
- Field geology 2000 meters under the sea
- First overtone Rayleigh wave observed from ambient noise cross-correlation on the Island of Hawaii
- High Resolution 3D Geological Mapping Using Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in the Deep Ocean Bathyal Zone
- Identification of Explosions at the Lava Ocean Entry of the 2018 Kilauea Volcanic Eruption using Ocean-Bottom Seismometers
- Identifying lava bombs in seismometer data during the 2018 Kilauea eruption
- Initiation of the 2018 Kilauea eruption: a prospect from seismicity
- Maximizing Twitter Content to Inspire Engagement: Analysis of the International Ocean Discovery Programs 20182020 Accounts
- Memories of the soils: Can stable nitrogen isotopes (15N) characterize the influence of milldams on nitrogen processing in riparian soils?
- Metal Enrichments as a Function of Water Column Properties in Pacific Ferromanganese Crusts
- Microplastics Census in Sea Ice along the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Monitoring Changes in Ocean Temperatures Using Ambient Noise
- My Deep Sea, My Backyard: Enabling more equitable deep-ocean exploration and research
- Remote Imaging Spectroscopy for the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment
- Scientific Ocean Drilling IMPACT Workshop Series: Advancing Impact through Policy
- Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic Hydrogen Production Implications for planetary habitability
- Shore to Seafloor: Plastic Pollution Distributions in the Providence River and Narragansett Bay, RI
- Small Reservoirs as Nitrogen Transformers: Accounting For Seasonal Variability in Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Processing
- Submarine Lava Deltas from the 2018 Kilauea Eruption, Hawai'i
- Suggestions for Supporting Marginalized Group Members at Sea
- The IODP IMPACT workshop series: envisioning the future for communicating scientific ocean drilling
- The Influence of Low-head Milldams on Upstream Riparian Groundwater in the Mid-Atlantic: Hydrologic Mixing, Redox, and Nitrogen Regimes
- The Methane Cycle in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
- Trace Element Composition of Pooled and Individual Planktic Foraminifera from a Modern Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Tracking the Saltwater-Freshwater Interface with Geophysical Technique and Numerical Modeling
- Understanding the Water Access and Waterborne diseases vulnerability of women in the context of gender biased social norms
- Understanding the influence of Spatial Scale in Forecasting Cholera Risk
- Using InSAR to detect coastal urban subsidence around the world
- Viscoelastic coupling contributes to the synchronization of earthquake cycles on oceanic transform faults
- "The problem of the diversity of igneous rocks": analytical advances reveal the effects of igneous processes on the oxidation state of Fe of basaltic magmas
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- A teleconnection between floods in the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin and ENSO and IOD
- Accounting Uncertainties is Crucial to Improving Multipurpose Reservoir Management
- An Upgraded Hov Alvin for Abyssal and Hadal Science
- Anoxic and Oxic Subseafloor Sediment in the Puerto Rico Trench Region
- Cellulolytic Bacterial Communities from 'Extreme' Environments: Implications for Surface Interactions with the Deep Subsurface
- Classic Oceanic Crustal Section Recovered by Alvin Submersible Divers from the Puerto Rico Trench North Wall
- Coastal Urban Subsidence Caused by Groundwater Extraction
- Comparing Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Serpentine Weathering at Pine Hill, ME, and the Rio Cupeyes NEON Site, PR: Possible Terrestrial Analogs for Serpentinites in Jezero Crater?
- Evaluation of submarine groundwater discharge fluxes with time-lapse geophysical measurements
- Examining Variability Along a Single Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 14°N Using Geochemistry, Petrologic Modeling & Cluster Analysis
- Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotope Values from the Agulhas Plateau Respond to Southern Westerly Wind Migrations across the Last Glacial Period
- High Spatiotemporal Observations of Temperature Variability at a Diffuse-Flow Hydrothermal Vent Field using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Improving deformation modeling at Axial Seamount using bathymetry and realistic magma reservoir geometry
- Last Glacial Maximum Deep Ocean Salinity and Preformed Nitrate Reconstruction: Implications for Glacial Carbon Storage
- Microcosm Study of Floating Treatment Wetlands System (FTWS) to Remediate Polluted Water of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Observations of Breaking-Wave Dissipation and Their Relationship to Atmosphere-Ocean Energy Transfer
- P waves emerged from ambient noise cross-correlation post the 2018 Kīlauea eruption revealing middle crust velocity discontinuities beneath the Island of Hawai'i
- Potential Influence of Siberian River Water on Marine and Sea-ice Biology and Biogeochemical Cycles during the MOSAiC Drift Campaign
- Proxy Potential of Trace Element/Calcium Ratios in Planktic Oxygen Minimum Zone Foraminifer Globorotaloides hexagonus
- Strong Radial Anisotropic Structures Yield New Constraints on the Volcanic Processes on the Island of Hawai`i
- Synchronization of Earthquake Cycles Observed on Global Oceanic Transform Faults
- The volcanic unrest of Loihi in 2017: Preliminary results from repeated bathymetric mapping and more complete and relocated earthquake catalog
- Underrepresented STEM Faculty Experience Identity Gaps in Academia: Can Science Communication Training Help?
- Understanding the Observable Range of Point-Source Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Use machine learning to detect tectonic movement in seafloor pressure data for seismic and tsunami hazard assessment
- Utilizing Earth Observations to Understand the Impacts of Water Security and Hydroclimatological Extremes on Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD)
- Wave-driven turbulence and Turbulent Kinetic Energy Transfer across the air-sea interface
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. S. Akanda
- Adriane R. Lam
- Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen
- Alexandra Evans
- Alicia M. Cruz‐Uribe
- Aurora C. Elmore
- Benjamin Rabe
- Benjamín Idini
- Brendan R. Carter
- Brook A. Marcks
- Christophe Prigent
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher R. German
- Cynthia Garcia
- D. Cardace
- Darren Pilcher
- David R. Thompson
- David W. Caress
- Diego Melgar
- Don Duggan-Haas
- Dorothea Bauch
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Ed C Hathorne
- Elizabeth Cottrell
- Ellen Damm
- Erin K. Peck
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Evelyn Valdéz-Ward
- Ganesh R. Ghimire
- Georgi Laukert
- Harvey M. Kelsey
- J. A. Collins
- J. J. McGuire
- J. M. Warren
- J. P. Walsh
- J. Thomas Farrar
- Jason D. Chaytor
- Jeeban Panthi
- Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher
- Jiuxun Yin
- Jonathan C. Lewis
- K. A. Kelley
- K. H. Rubin
- K. Homola
- Kevin H. Gardner
- Kristen St. John
- M. D. Behn
- Marine Denolle
- Markus Kienast
- Martin Werner
- Maryjo Brounce
- Meng Wei
- Mohamed Ahmed
- Pei‐Chin Wu
- Pengcheng Shi
- Rebecca S. Robinson
- Robert C. Walter
- Robert C. Witter
- S. L. Nooner
- Shannon C. Doherty
- Shreeram Inamdar
- T. A. Morrow
- Tika B. Adhikari
- Uri S. ten Brink
- V. D. Wanless
- Vernon R. Morris
- W. M. Wollheim
- Wenyuan Fan
- William H. McDowell
- William W. Chadwick
- Yajing Liu
- Yang Shen