Queens University, Canada
flowchart I[Queens University, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (291)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- New Observations on a Classic Eruption: Mount Pelée Martinique, May 8, 1902
- Seismic Tomographic Images of the Cratonic Upper Mantle Beneath the Canadian Western Superior Province: a Remnant Archean Slab?
- Seismic Wavefield Extrapolation by Finite--Differencing a One--way Propagator for Anisotropic Elastic Media.
- Using Daytime Eddy Covariance Measurements to Infer Nighttime Respiration and the Annual Carbon Balance of Three Boreal Forests
- Using the Thiem Equation to Interpret Hydraulic Tests Conducted in Rock of Moderate to Low Permeability
- Apparent Viscosity of Andesites Links Eruption Style to Crystallinity
- CBEX: Central Baffin Electromagnetic Experiment
- Critical Phenomena of Nonwetting Fluid Infiltration, Redistribution, and Immobilization in Saturated Porous Media
- Sediment Lithofacies From Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf: can we Detect ice Shelf Fluctuation ?
- Spectra of Ulysses {HISCALE} Electrons, 2001
- The Influence of Constitutive Model Parameters on Predictions of DNAPL Migration in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Waveform Tomography Applied to the High Resolution HAFB Dataset
- An Analysis of Core Log Quality and Hydraulic Test Interval Length on Estimation of Fracture Aperture Statistics
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling During the Winter-Summer Transition in a Sub-arctic Heath Understorey Ecosystem
- Coherent-state analysis of the seismic head-wave problem: an overcomplete representation and its relationship to rays and beams
- Discrete time--frequency coupling between the interplanetary magnetic field and the magnetosphere
- High Resolution Waveform Tomography at a Groundwater Contamination Site: Surface Reflection and VSP Datasets
- Spatially Variable Relative Permeability in Heterogeneous Multiphase Systems
- Stratigraphic imaging of sub-basalt sediments using waveform tomography of wide-angle seismic data
- The Morphology and Composition of Groundmass Spinel in Kimberlite
- Accuracy & Computational Considerations for Wide--Angle One--way Seismic Propagators and Multiple Scattering by Invariant Embedding
- Charcoal Morphology, a Useful Indicator of Fire Signature in Prosser Lake, British Columbia, Canada.
- DNAPL Migration in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- DNAPL Mobility in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Sensitivity of Migration Times to Source Characteristics and Release Location Parameters
- Jun Jaegyu Volcano: A Recently Discovered Alkali Basalt Volcano in Antarctic Sound, Antarctica
- Legumes, N<SUB>2</SUB> fixation and the H<SUB>2</SUB> cycle
- Long Term Decline in River Discharge in the Canadian Middle Arctic Recorded in Laminated Lake Sediments: a Hydrological Response to Global Warming?
- Luminescence Dating Tests of Detrital Grains From Sediment Traps, Andvord Bay and Brialmont Cove, Antarctic Peninsula
- Modelling Crustal Stress in Southern Ontario
- Paleosecular variation and time-averaged field recorded in lavas flows from Mexico
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Eclogite Xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau: Implications for the Evolution of Subducted Oceanic Crust
- Studying the Heliosphere with Long Time Series of Ulysses HISCALE Ion Composition Data
- ULF waves in the solar wind, their coupling to the magnetosphere and associated higher-frequency pulsations.
- Waveform tomography at a ground water contamination site: comparison with depth migration
- Abrupt Shifts in the Position of the North Magnetic Pole From Arctic lake Sediments: Relationship to Archeomagnetic Jerks
- Assessment of Drought Constraints on Transpiration and Canopy Conductance in Mature Aspen and Jack Pine Stands
- Geochemical and rock-magnetic analyses of kasten cores from the Joinville-d'Urville Trough, Northeastern Antarctic Peninsula: Results and correlation with the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- How Well Does Fracture Set Characterization Reduce Uncertainty in Capture Zone Size for Wells Situated in Sedimentary Bedrock Aquifers?
- Properties of Martian Highlands Drainage From THEMIS Images and MOLA Topography
- Sediment Budget of a Post Little Ice Age Proglacial Lake in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia
- The Impact of Biofilms on the Process of Back Diffusion From a Contaminated Rock Matrix
- The Record of Extreme Hydrologic Events in Annually-laminated (Varved) Lake Sediments, Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
- The Results of a Radial Divergent Tracer Experiment Conducted Over the Full Thickness of a Horizontally Fractured Dolomite
- Time derivatives of the spectrum: Relaxing the stationarity assumption
- Transient and Steady-State Kinematic Response to Erosional Forcing in an Orogenic Wedge: Sandbox Perspective
- Validating a Multiphase Flow Numerical Model for DNAPL Migration in Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media
- What Lay Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf: Results of the First Survey of a Large Modern Sub Ice Shelf Deposystem
- ACE to Ulysses Coherences
- Aliased Low-Frequency Modes in Solar Radio Noon Flux Data
- Changes in Carbon Storage Efficiency Following a Shelterwood Harvest at Howland Forest, Maine, USA
- Characterization of Fracture and Matrix Flow within Bedrock Aquifers
- Co-existence of Discrete Modes and Turbulence in Direct MHD Simulations
- Deformation and Exhumation Patterns in Scaled Contractional Orogens Using Digital Image Correlation Techniques
- High-Frequency Solar P-Mode Signals Observed on the HAW-1 Ocean Cables
- Queen's Solar Radio Telescope
- Similitude analysis of DNAPL breakthrough times in single fractures
- Unbiased Spectrum Estimation: Improved Multiple Taper Spectral Analysis
- Variability in Light Use Efficiency With Changes in Vegetation Structure and Understory, Using a Temporally Changing Flux Footprint at the BERMS Old Jack Pine Site
- Velocity Models from Seismic Waveform Tomography: Making the theory work with data, and making the data work with the theory
- Characteristics and Source of Unexpected Modes Observed in the Low Frequency Seismic Spectrum
- Climatic Controls on the Carbon, Water and Energy Fluxes from North Temperate and Southern Boreal Forests
- Examining the Influence of Teleconnection Patterns on CO2 Fluxes at an Old-Growth Forest Scaling from Stand to Region Using MODIS
- Improving the Depth-Time Fit of Holocene Climate Proxy Measures by Increasing Coherence with a Reference Time-Series
- Integrating eddy covariance estimates of GPP, LUE, and airborne lidar estimates of fPAR for local to regional scaling and assessment of GPP from MODIS
- Interannual Variability in the Carbon, Water and Energy Balances at the BERMS Flux Towers in Relation to Watershed-Scale Stream flow
- Kinematics of the Himalayan Metamorphic Slab: Implications for the Structural Framework of Central Nepal
- Late Cretaceous and Paleogene evolution of the Greater Antilles fold- and thrustbelt: structure and stratigraphy in the Camagüey region, Cuba
- Orogenic superstructure behaviour and mid-crustal plastic flow in the central Nepal Himalaya
- Robust Canonical Coherence for Quasi-Cyclostationary Processes: Geomagnetism and Seismicity in Peru
- Simultaneous Imaging of Q Structure and Velocity Structure by Full Waveform Inversion
- Stress Channelling and Partitioning of Seismicity in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Canada
- Unexpected Mode Observations in the Low Frequency Seismic Spectrum
- Himalayan Hinterland-Verging Upper Crustal Folding During Foreland-Directed Mid-crustal Plastic Flow: Insights from Centrifuge Analog Modeling
- Identifying the Himalayan Hinterland-Foreland Transition in Central Nepal
- Insignificant Groundwater Discharge to Lakes in a Large Fractured Rock Watershed
- Integration of Lidar and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Examine the Influence of Tree Species Arrangements on Site Estimates of Biophysical Variables, LAI, fPAR, and GPP
- Links Between Displacement Rates and Erosion in Experimental Tectonic Wedges
- Measuring Pore Water δ2H and δ18O Values as Natural Tracers for the Migration of Under-Saturated, Meteoric Water Across a Mudstone Confining Unit Using the Radial Diffusion Method
- Mid-Holocene Lake Level Decline and Eutrophication in Rawson Lake (Lake 239), Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario
- Pattern Informatics in Mining Induced Seismicity and its Applications to Rockburst Hazard Assessment
- The Impact of Non-Passive Monitor Behavior on Developing Tree Ring Elemental Concentration Based Chronologies of Environmental Change
- The Influence of Pumping on Observed Bacterial Counts in Groundwater Samples: Implications for Sampling Protocol and Water Quality Interpretation
- Waveform Tomography Strategies for Imaging 2D Attenuation Structure
- A Standard Mathematical Treatment of Retardation in Mobile/Immobile Zone Models Violates the Principle of Conservation of Mass
- Arctic Environmental Change Recorded In Lake Sediments from Baffin Island, Canada: The Past Century Compared With the Past 200,000 Years
- Carbon Exchange and NDVI by Vegetation Community in the Canadian High Arctic
- Changes in the net carbon balance following a shelterwood harvest at Howland Forest in central Maine seven years after harvest
- Coupling Socioeconomic and Hydrologic Models to Improve Understanding of Human-Natural Systems Linkages in a Water-Rich Environment
- Disturbances and Carbon Sequestration: Tower Flux Data from North American Forests
- Estimating Parameters of a Forest Ecosystem C Model Using Multiple Stock and Flux Measurements as Joint Constraints
- Experimental simulation of erosion applied to the Aconcagua fold-and-thrust belt, Argentina
- Frequency Domain Waveform Tomography with Plane Wave Sources: Implications for Teleseismic Imaging
- How Can Uncertainties in Simulating Biospheric Carbon Fluxes Be Attributed to Different Factors? An Illustration using the Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM) in Central Canada
- Measuring The Impact Of Localized Permafrost Disturbance On Downstream Sediment Erosion And Water Quality
- Prediction of Foliar Nitrogen to Phosphorus Ratio Using Remote Sensing
- Providing Climate Policy Makers With a Strong Scientific Base (Invited)
- Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency Using MODIS
- The age and degree of diachroneity of India-Asia collision determined from the sedimentary record: a comparison of new evidence from the east (Tibet) and west (Ladakh) of the orogen
- The impacts of thawing permafrost on tundra lakes, Mackenzie Delta region, NWT, Canada. (Invited)
- Twenty-first century discharge and sediment yield predictions in a small high arctic watershed
- A Mechanistic Description Of Strain Hardening And Softening In Quartz Sand
- Climate Change and Mercury Accumulation in Canadian High and Subarctic Lakes
- Effect of Gas Bubble Mobilization on Contaminant Transport during Thermal Remediation
- Evidence that Some Reported Low-Frequency Solar Oscillations are Aliases
- Modeling Fold-And Belts Using Numerical Simulations and Physical Experiments: the Aconcagua and Mexican Fold-And Belts
- Net Ecosystem Productivity of Temperate and Boreal Forests after Clearcutting - a Fluxnet-Canada Measurement and Modelling Synthesis
- New Results in Jovian Mode Observations
- Nitrogen composition and sources across a glaciated catchment in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Preliminary tephra-fall records from three lakes in the Anchorage, Alaska area: advances towards a regional tephrochronostratigraphic framework
- Solar Modes in the Interplanetary Medium
- Some Connections Between the Solar Wind, Barometric Pressure, Geomagnetism, and Seismic Background Noise
- Stable isotopes in alpine precipitation as tracers of atmospheric deposition
- Transport of Bacteria and Virus-Sized Particles and Bacteriophage from Ground Surface to Depth in a Bedrock Aquifer - A Field Experiment
- Uses of molecular markers for understanding modern and historical ecosystems (Invited)
- Using Temporally Frequent Surface NDVI Observations to Determine Light Use Efficiency of High Latitude Ecosystems
- Assessing the potential environmental impact of Athabasca oil sands development in lakes across Northwest Saskatchewan
- Carbon sequestration in soybean crop soils: the role of hydrogen-coupled CO2 fixation
- Carbonate Deposition on Antarctic Shelves
- Deposition of Sulphate and Nitrogen in Alpine Precipitation of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Development of the aftershock process of the 2010 Val-des-Bois (Quebec) Mw 5.0 Earthquake
- Diversity, Abundance, and Potential Activity of Nitrifying and Nitrate-Reducing Microbial Assemblages in a Subglacial Ecosystem
- Impact of active layer detachments on carbon exchange in a high-Arctic ecosystem, Cape Bounty, Nunavut, Canada
- Medieval Climate Anomaly signal in sediment records from drainage lakes in the boreal region of northwestern Ontario
- Morphology and Dynamics of Channels in the Coastal Zone: A Review
- Non-Equilibrium Capillarity Effects - Insights from REV and pore scale experiments
- Pattern-process interactions at alpine treeline in southwest Yukon, Canada
- Prediction of Pigment Concentration in a Boreal Mixedwood Forest Canopy with Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data
- Solar p-mode frequency plasma waves in high speed solar wind streams
- Spectral and Coherence Methods for Assessing Connections between Co-Located Seismic and Geomagnetic Observations
- The Impact of Enhanced Summer Thaw, Hillslope Disturbances, and Late Season Rainfall on Solute Fluxes from High Arctic Headwater Catchments
- The age of the India-Asia collision - constraints from the Lhasa Block and Tethyan Himalaya
- Tidal regime and morphodynamic changes in estuarine systems as a function of sea-level rise
- pm 1°C Scenario-based Climate Change Modelling for a Regional Permafrost Probability Model of the Southern Yukon and Northern British Columbia, Canada
- A High Resolution Sediment Model of an Intertidal Estuary in the Bay of Fundy
- A numerical and experimental study of cross-shore morphological changes under variable wave conditions
- Application of a Coupled Wave and Hydrodynamic Model over Complex Bathymetry in Eastern Lake Ontario
- Comparing risk assessment at the site and community scales via Monte Carlo simulations with a new coupled groundwater-vapour-indoor air model
- Exploiting Laguerre Functions to Regularize Contaminant Source History Recovery Problems
- Quantification of gas saturations during bubbly gas flow using a novel calibration technique
- Radiation stress gradients across the surf zone for hurricane wave forcing: theory and observations
- The Influence of Tidal Flow and Channel Order on Sedimentation and Hydrodynamics in Two Macrotidal Creeks in the Bay of Fundy
- The influence of wind and tidal forcing on sediment resuspension and transport in a large, shallow estuarine system
- Variation in net greenhouse gas balance across high Arctic vegetation types
- A comparison of high-resolution pollen-inferred climate data from central Minnesota, USA, to 19th century US military fort climate data and tree-ring inferred climate reconstructions
- Background continental atmospheric deposition from a remote alpine site in the Canadian Southern Rocky Mountains
- Contemporary Asian High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance Estimates from GRACE Gravimetry (Invited)
- Dnapl Site Remediation: Status and Research Needs (Invited)
- Do Solar Gravity Modes Drive Flares?
- Eclogite-facies guyanaite, carmichaelite and eskolaite in xenoliths of Cr-omphacitite from Navajo diatremes, Utah: Hydration and dehydration in the subducted Farallon plate
- Hydroclimatic controls over sediment transport and clastic varve formation in the Canadian Arctic; ten years of process research (Invited)
- Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Large, Complex Slope Instability: Case study of Downie Slide, British Columbia, Canada. (Invited)
- Propagation of solar oscillations to secondary cosmic radiation
- Sedimentology of polar carbonate systems
- Alongshore momentum in the outer surf zone under hurricane wind and wave forcing
- Assessing Freshwater Ecosystem Service Risk over Ecological, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Gradients: Problem Space Characterization and Methodology
- Gas Dynamics during Thermal Remediation: Visualization, Quantification and Enhancement
- Hydroclimatic and Landscape Controls over Permafrost Disturbance in the Canadian High Arctic
- Interfacial motions and pressure fluctuations during fluid displacement in porous media
- Landscape and Hydrological Transformation in the Canadian High Arctic: Climate Change and Permafrost Degradation As Drivers of Change
- Non-Hydrostatic Modelling of Waves and Currents over Subtle Bathymetric Features
- Paleoecological inferences of recent alluvial damming of a lake basin due to retrogressive permafrost thaw slumping
- Permafrost Disturbance Impacts on Dissolved Ion Loads and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Phosphorus as a Colimiting Nutrient with Nitrogen of Birch Plant Growth Across the Arctic
- Physical Modelling of Granular Landslide-Generated Tsunamis with Large Relative Mass
- Rescuing 100 Years of Data from the Toronto and Agincourt Magnetic Observatories
- Subducted Farallon Plate Carries Water for Hydration Above the Flat Slab and Deep into the Mantle: Evidence from the Navajo Volcanic Field HP and UHP Xenolith Suite
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- Using Permafrost Disturbance Susceptibility Maps to Understand Processes that Drive Permafrost Degradation
- What collided with India at ~50 Ma? Constraints from the sedimentary record in the NW Himalaya, Ladakh.
- Alignment of Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Sensors at Sloped Sites: An Integrated Strategy
- Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance
- Co-boiling of NAPLs and water during thermal remediation: experimental and modeling study
- Connecting process to high resolution paleorecords: long term investigations of linked Arctic climate-hydrology-lacustrine sedimentary processes
- Discussion starter: the case for channel flow during the development and emplacements of Himalaya middle crust
- Effects of early seafloor processes on skeletal carbonate deposits, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Hinterland-to-foreland structural evolution of the base of the Himalayan metamorphic core, west Nepal
- Impacts of permafrost change on landscape stability and water quality
- Influence of Inherited Indian Basement Cross-Strike Structures on the Evolution of the Himalayan Middle and Upper Crust
- Karnali and Jajarkot Klippen in Western Nepal Himalaya Inconsistent with Tectonic Wedging Model Predictions
- Pollen reconstructions, tree-rings and early climate data from Minnesota, USA: a cautionary tale of bias and signal attentuation
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Time-Lapse Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs, with Superconducting Gravimetry
- UAV magnetometry in mineral exploration and infrastructure detection
- Variation in Factors Regulating Net Greenhouse Gas Exchange Across Different Vegetation Types at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut
- 3-D UAV magnetic gradiometery survey for chromite exploration using an alkali vapor magnetometer
- A 400-year reconstruction of winter conditions using varved lake sediments, Canadian High Arctic: a step forward in the data coverage for the most sensitive season to climate change
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A synthesis of collaborative integrated studies of permafrost disturbance impacts on carbon and nitrogen composition and export
- Bubble-facilitated VOC transport from LNAPL smear zones and its potential effect on vapor intrusion: Laboratory experiments
- Hydrated Spinel Websterite Xenoliths From Moses Rock Diatreme, Navajo Volcanic Field: Metasomatism in the Mantle Wedge of the Colorado Plateau Above the De-watering Farallon Plate
- Hydroclimatic and Watershed-Specific Response of Two Groundwater-Fed Lakes of Northeastern Ontario to Holocene Hydroclimatic Change Inferred from Lacustrine Carbonate Stable Isotopes
- Impact of a refined airborne LiDAR stochastic model for natural hazard applications
- Imprint of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Western Canadian High-Arctic climate
- Increasing Model Complexity: Unit Testing and Validation of a Coupled Electrical Resistive Heating and Macroscopic Invasion Percolation Model
- Injection of sodium borohydride and nzvi solutions into homogeneous sands: H<SUB>2</SUB> gas production and implications
- Integrating a High Resolution Optically Pumped Magnetometer with a Multi-Rotor UAV towards 3-D Magnetic Gradiometry
- Interactions of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides with Sedimentary Organic Matter of Retrogressive Thaw Slump-Affected Lakes in the Tundra Uplands Adjacent to the Mackenzie Delta, NT, Canada
- Mid-19<SUP>th</SUP> Century Intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water on Antarctic Margin Recorded by Stylasterid Corals
- Non-Uniqueness in the Interpretation of Open-Well Pumping Tests Conducted in Carbonate Rock
- Quantifying the Movement and Dissolution of Fugitive Methane in Shallow Aquifers: Visualization Experiments
- Surface Water Detection Using Fused Synthetic Aperture Radar, Airborne LiDAR and Optical Imagery
- The High Arctic's Only Great Lake Is Succumbing To Climate Warming
- Variable sediment delivery mechanisms and the implications for hydroclimate interpretations from varved lake sediments in the Canadian High Arctic
- Accounting for the Effect of Earth's Rotation in Magnetotelluric Inference
- Age and Origin of Eclogite Xenoliths from Navajo Diatremes on the Colorado Plateau
- Broad-scale lake expansion and flooding inundates essential wood bison habitat in northwestern Canada.
- Bubble-facilitated VOC transport: Laboratory experiments and numerical modelling
- Controls on the Mobility of Antimony in Mine Waste from Three Deposit Types
- Detection of very long period solar free oscillations in ambient seismic array noise
- Diagenetic pathways in deposits of cool- and cold-water carbonate factories
- Eclogite Xenoliths from Chino Valley, Arizona: Jurassic Oceanic Crust of the Farallon Plate Metamorphosed During Late-Cretaceous Subduction
- Frozen-Ground Cartoons: An international collaboration between artists and permafrost scientists
- High resolution and low altitude magnetic surveys for structural geology mapping in the Seabee mine, Saskatchewan, Canada, using UAV-MAG™ technology.
- Incorporating Water Boiling in the Numerical Modelling of Thermal Remediation by Electrical Resistance Heating
- Methane Fluxes and Consumption in an Oil Sands Tailings End Pit Lake
- Methane ebullition fluxes from northern peatlands: initial observations from four sites of contrasting vegetation type in Caribou Bog, ME
- Monitoring diffuse degassing in monogentic volcanic field during a quiescent period: the case of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma,Canary Islands, Spain)
- Organic carbon biolabilty increases with depth in a yedoma permafrost profile in Interior Alaska
- Quantifying the In-Flight Yaw, Pitch, and Roll of a Semi-Rigidly Mounted Potassium Vapour Magnetometer Suspended Under a Heavy-Lift Multi-Rotor UAV and its Impact on Data Quality
- The recent seismicity of Teide volcano, Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)
- Thermokarst transformation of permafrost preserved glaciated landscapes.
- A new velocity-based method to estimate glacier thickness
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer Model to Simulate Gas-phase Recovery of Volatile Organic Compounds during In-Situ Thermal Treatment
- Detrital Zircon age spectra of Middle and Upper Eocene strata of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Gas migration and bubble-facilitated transport during the injection of nanoscale zero-valent iron into a trichloroethene plume
- Impacts of Permafrost Disturbance on DOC, Total Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in Low Arctic Coastal Catchments
- Investigation of Mineral Phase Effects (MPEs) caused by sulfur bearing minerals in the Cumberland Simulant, using laboratory equivalents of SAM, APXS, and CheMin Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) instruments.
- Lateral variability of Cenozoic strata in the Ganga foreland basin of Nepal controlled by Indian basement cross-strike faults
- Localized ground ice subsidence and soil water dynamics as indicators of near-surface ice content in the High Arctic
- Modelling peatland methane emissions using macroscopic invasion percolation
- Modelling the Baseline Behaviour of Solar Energetic Protons in the D-region
- Multi-frequency Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions: Working with Non-stationary Processes
- Near pore-scale visualization of rate-dependent gravity-destabilized gas flow in sand
- Preliminary biogeochemical characterization of sediments from Lake Sibinacocha, Peruvian Andes
- Quantifying the Nonstationarity, Nonlinearity and Non-Gaussianity of Geomagnetic Field Variations Over 400-4000 microHz
- Source water contributions to summer baseflow in an Arctic watershed.
- Surf Zone Hydrodynamics and Morphological Evolution Throughout Laboratory Scale Storm Events
- Validation of seven gridded rainfall products for the Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon region using in situ observations
- When Life got Hard: An Environmental Driver for Metazoan Biomineralization
- Boron isotope composition in ACC derived calcite and aragonite
- Bubble-facilitated Mobilization of Trapped Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) at Residual Saturation
- Characterizing and Mitigating Platform Induced Electromagnetic Interference in High-Resolution UAV-Borne Aeromagnetic Surveys
- Disturbed High Arctic Permafrost Watersheds: A Decade of Impact on Fluvial Organic Carbon Fluxes
- Flowing subsurface greenhouse gas dissolution: laboratory experiments and implications for gas migration
- Geochemical modeling of carbon mineralization in low-water environments
- High-resolution, intermediate-scale laboratory investigation of gas migration: Gas dynamics and dissolution
- Investigation of climate, terrestrial ecosystems, and aquatic productivity during the past 1,500 years from the Lake Sibinacocha watershed, Peruvian Andes
- Linking surface dynamics to the subsurface record: the effectiveness of overhead imagery in quantifying depositional architecture
- Nationalization for Decarbonization: Opportunities and Obstacles to a Bold Response to the Climate Emergency
- Seasonal evolution of active-layer thaw depth and streamflow chemistry in a permafrost catchment
- Small glacier changes over the past 60+ years on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada, using Structure from Motion
- Assessment of 19<SUP>th</SUP> and 20<SUP>th</SUP> century lake and air temperature history in the Peruvian high Andes using biomarkers and lake energy balance modeling
- Emerging role of summer rainfall events in driving High Arctic terrestrial-aquatic connectivity
- In situ Winter Soil Respiration Measurements in High Arctic Environments
- Ironstone as a record of early Paleozoic ocean instability
- Observation and assessment of engineering geology controls and failure mechanisms on rock slope behaviour utilizing remotely sensed data
- Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Aeromagnetic Surveys through Real-Time Noise Characterization and Adaptive Sensing
- Overcoming the Model-to-Experimental Data Fit Problem in Porous Media: a New Quantitative Method to Evaluate and Compare Models
- Remobilization of arsenic from contaminated sediments in a subarctic lake: field and laboratory measurements of sediment fluxes and environmental controls
- The Google Earth GeoEd Video Library (GEGVL): Building a Place-based Geoscience Educational Video Library using Google Earth
- Time Series Analyses of Northeast African Hydroclimate Variability
- Computing Bayesian Model Evidence for high resolution data-sets using the Method of Forced Probabilities
- Differential bank migration limits the lifespan & width of braided river threads
- Factors Controlling Tungsten Mobility in Tailings from the Cantung Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Forward Modelling of Rover-Based Ground Penetrating Radar for Lunar Lava Tube Mapping
- GRASIMU: A Gravimetry Forward Modelling Web App for Arbitrary 3D Density Models
- Investigation of hydroclimate shifts around 1000 CE in the high Peruvian Andes
- Joint Seismic-Geodynamic Modelling of Convection-Driven True Polar Wander During the Paleogene
- Laboratory investigation of trapped methane dissolution using light transmission techniques
- Rates and mechanisms of rare earth element ore dissolution in near-surface conditions at the Nechalacho deposit, NT
- Soil moisture inputs from enhanced snowfall impact nitrogen availability and the greenhouse gas balance of High Arctic mesic tundra
- The signatures of fluids involved in marble formation at 63 Ma in Gangdese arc, southern Tibet
- Time-Dependent Convective Modelling of DUPAL Signatures in the South Atlantic: Implications for LLSVP Source Region
- Treatment of Varying PFOS-and PFOA-Amended Porous Media by Planetary Ball Milling
- UAV Magnetometry - The Path from Innovation to Standards
- A 1,800-year Air Temperature Record from the Tropical Andean Highlands based on Branched GDGTs from Lake Chacacocha, Peru
- A semi-analytical solution for heat transport in rock with parallel fractures and a heat source in both fracture and matrix
- Application of a High-Resolution Hydrodynamic Model for Simulating Tidal Flooding of a Dyke Managed Realignment Site in the Bay of Fundy
- Coastal Impacts from Waves and Storm Surge Generated by Hurricane Fiona on Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Hydrologic conditions and substrate quality control carbon emissions from peatlands under active extraction
- Influence of Antecedent Geology and Shore-Oblique Sand Bars on Nearshore Hydrodynamics
- Performance of a Forecast Model for Storm Surge and Surface Wave Prediction in Lake Ontario
- Recent basement fault reactivation and fluvial drainage modification in an intraplate setting, eastern Bundelkhand craton, Madya Pradesh, India
- Regional Modelling of Surface Waves and Storm Surges in the Salish Sea, British Columbia
- Seismic wave propagation in self-gravitating Earth models with 3D heterogeneity
- Spectral-element simulations of multicomponent advection-diffusion-reaction processes in 3D heterogeneous models
- The Giant-Impact: Implications for the Thermal Evolution of the Earth
- Tracing the fate of artisanal and small-scale gold mining derived mercury in the Peruvian Amazon using mercury stable isotopes
- Vegetation Effects on Soil Organic Matter Quality in High Arctic Ecosystems
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Chadwick
- Anneli Guthke
- B. L. Konecky
- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Carl P. J. Mitchell
- Chris Paola
- Elisabeth Steel
- Emily S. Bernhardt
- Hom Nath Gharti
- Ishani Banerjee
- Jacqueline K.Y. Hung
- Jacqueline R. Gerson
- Julia A. Cantelon
- Kevin G. Mumford
- Laura Szczyrba
- Lindsay M. Schoenbohm
- Mathias Vuille
- Ming Tang
- Peir K. Pufahl
- Ryan P. Mulligan