Carthage College, Wisconsin
flowchart I[Carthage College, Wisconsin] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (32)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ecophysiological Responses of Invasive and Native Grass Communities with Simulated Warming
- Analysis of the recent RHESSI TGFs
- Modeling of the Bremsstrahlung process in connection to Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- The Spatial Distribution and Spectrum of Radiation Produced by Sparks
- The relation between TGF and lightning
- A mechanism for leader stepping
- Return Stroke Current and Optical Wave Speed Study with Time Domain Fractal Lightning Modelling
- Spatial Correlations and Distributions in Energetic Electron Production by Meter-Scale Sparks
- Comparison of Simulations of Preliminary Breakdown to Observations from the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array
- Search for X-rays and relativistic electrons in laboratory discharge experiments
- Constraining lightning channel growth dynamics by comparison of time domain electromagnetic simulations to Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array observations
- The sequence of events in a lightning stroke: terrestrial gamma ray flash, radio signal and optical lightning.
- <p>Constraints to do realistic modeling of the electric field at the tip of a lightning leader
- Dynamically Intuitive and Potentially Predicatable Three-Dimensional Structures in the Low Frequency Flow Variability of the Extratropical Northern Hemisphere
- Modeling corona sheath dynamics and effects
- Lightning Channel Corona Formation Treated as a Large System of Streamers
- Mechanisms important to later stages of streamer system development
- Use of GLOBE Observations to Derive a Landsat 8 Split Window Algorithm for Urban Heat Island
- Low-cost dropsonde development for multi-point measurement of thunderstorm electric fields
- Non-Uniform Corona Structures Resulting From the Collective Dynamics of Streamers
- ProvTools painlessly provides provenance
- Observable Electrical and Electromagnetic Effects of Developing Streamer Systems
- Observation of a Terrestrial Electron Beam during the tropical cyclone Joaninha in March 2019
- A Career-focused Undergraduate Space Sciences Program at Carthage College
- Collective acceleration of streamer discharge systems
- Constraining spectral models of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes from a terrestrial electron beam observation by the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor
- Energy spectrum from single TGFs detected by ASIM
- Multi-point Measurement of Thunderstorm Electric Fields by Balloon-borne Dropsondes.
- Thunderstorm Electric Field Modeling from Electrification to Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Production
- Development of Novel Data Analysis Techniques for Multi-Point Mapping of Thunderstorm Electrical Structures
- Dropsonde Design, Calibration, and Testing for Multi-Point Measurement of Thunderstorm Electrical Structures
- Toward an impulse response for gamma-rays in Earth's atmosphere