University of Hull, UK
flowchart I[University of Hull, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (207)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Statistical Modelling Approach to Satellite Precipitation Monitoring
- Remote Topographic Survey of Braided Rivers: Validation and Error Analysis to Assess the Robustness of Specific Geomorphic Variables
- Airborne Radio Echo Sounding of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: the First Two Decades
- Flume Experiments to Explore Bedload Transport in Sand and Gravel Mixtures
- The Role of Basal Roughness on the Flow Dynamics of Pine Island Glacier
- A Dynamic Explanation For The Origin Of The Western Mediterranean Organic Rich Layers
- A humid corridor across the Sahara for the migration "Out of Africa" of early modern humans 120,000 years ago
- Flow Separation and Morphology in Sharp Meander Bends
- Lateglacial fluvial activity in an upland basin following deglaciation, River Tyne, Northumberland, UK: drivers, complications and chronology
- Preparation for GPM: Development of a New Near Real-time High Resolution Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimation Product Based on Analyzing the Existing Precipitation Estimation Techniques
- A Morphodynamic Model for Submarine Channels
- An investigation of the physical factors controlling the sense of secondary flow circulation within submarine meanders
- Bar morphodynamics in the fluvial-tidal zone
- Bedform morphology across the fluvio-tidal transition, Columbia River, USA
- Fluvial Morphodynamics: advancing understanding using Multibeam Echo Sounders (MBES)
- Geomorphic change detection on the Sabie River, South Africa, following the Cyclone Dando floods January 2012
- Investigating the nature and dominance of feedback mechanisms within vegetated channel flows: a high-resolution numerical modelling approach
- Landscape behaviour at storm and millennial time scales: How good are landscape evolution models at prediction?
- Modelling depth-averaged flow in the fluvial-tidal zone: the spatio-temporal interaction of river discharge and tidal cycle
- Morphodynamics and Sedimentology of a Falling Stage Sandy Fjord Delta, Goose River, Labrador
- The use of high resolution aerial LiDAR to characterise dryland river morphologic variation and hydraulic habitat
- Three-Dimensional Gravity-Current Flow Within a Subaqueous Bend: Spatial Evolution and Force Balance Variations
- Three-dimensional flow dynamics of an active submarine channel
- Bifurcations and delta planform stability: the role of substrate cohesion
- Characterising flow-vegetation interactions in open channel flows across a range of plant forms
- Extreme Flood-Driven Dynamics of a mixed bedrock-alluvial Influenced Semi-Arid River
- Flow Fields Over Unsteady Three Dimensional Dunes
- Flow Structures over Fixed 2D Bedforms in Transient States
- Linking monsoonal hydrology and sediment fluxes on the Lower Mekong River
- Near-Bank Flow and Flood Induced Bank Erosion Processes Revealed by Application of Advanced Acoustic Techniques on a Mega-River
- Out of Africa: the importance of rivers as human migration corridors
- Quantifying fluvial sediment flux on a monsoonal mega-river: the Mekong
- Vegetation establishment in convectively accelerated streams
- Assessing the Impacts of Climate, Groundwater and Land Use on Regional Geomorphology
- Bedform genesis and evolution in bedrock substrates: a new experimental approach
- Bedrock Channels: Towards a Process-Based Understanding
- Characterising the Geomorphic Response of a Tropical Mega-River to an Extreme, Cyclone Induced, Flood Event.
- Cyclone Driven Sediment Loads in a Tropical Mega-River
- Driven around the bend: Spatial evolution and controls on the orientation of helical bend flow in a natural submarine gravity current
- Dynamics of an Array of Hydraulic Jumps in an Active Submarine Channel
- Heartbeat Of the Sun Derived With PCA From Solar Background Magnetic Field And Its Use For Prediction Of the Solar Activity
- Hydrodynamic impacts on biogenic stabilisation and the fate of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in mixed sediment bedforms.
- Measuring Bedload Sediment Flux in Large Rivers: New Data from the Mekong River and Its Applications in Assessing Geomorphic Change
- Modelling Martian surface channel dynamics
- No Future in the Past? The role of initial topography on landform evolution model predictions
- On Formation Of HXR, Hydrogen, White Light Emission and Sunquakes in Hydrodynamic Flaring Atmospheres Heated by Particle Beams
- Reach-Scale Hydraulic Influence on Sediment Dynamics and Morphological Development in a Bedrock Influenced River
- Testing the limits of the dune phase-stability diagram: the influence of velocity profile shape on dune morphology
- The Effects Of Physical And Biological Cohesion On Bedforms
- Unraveling the Interactions between Tidal and Fluvial Flood Wave Signals through the Fluvio-Tidal Transition, Chehalis River, USA
- An experimental study into the influence of aquatic plant motion characteristics on the generation of a fluvial turbulent flow field
- Characterization of detrital zircon U-Pb age patterns of the sandy and Gobi desert and implication for Chinese loess source
- Characterizing the differences in bankfull channel geometry across the tidal-fluvial zone of micro- to macro- tidal fluvial systems: Lower Trinity River, TX, USA vs Chehalis River, WA, USA
- Exploring the Relationship Between Hydrograph Characteristics and the Time Evolution of Sand Bed Morphology
- Flood variability recorded by crevasse-splay sedimentation of large river floodplains
- Formation of Sunquakes in Hydrodynamic Flaring Atmospheres Heated by Mixed Particle Beams
- Humber-in-a-Box : Gamification to Communicate Coastal Flood Risk in the Face of Rising Seas
- Is a Decline in Tropical Storms Leading to the Demise of the Mekong Delta?
- Long-term predictions - can we make predictions about landscape form and function?
- Mapping Geology and Vegetation using Hyperspectral Data in Antarctica: Current Challenges, New Solutions and Looking to the Future
- Morphological Evolution and Sediment Partitioning Through a Large Confluence-Diffluence Unit
- On the Depositional Characteristics of Natural Cohesive & Mixed Sediments: "floccin' across the USA!"
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drag within an Aquatic Vegetation Canopy
- Recent Advances in Characterizing Depositional Facies and Pore Network Modeling in Context of Carbon Capture Storage: An Example from the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone in the Illinois Basin
- Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA
- Sounding out erosion on the Mekong river banks: insights from combined terrestrial laser scanning, multibeam echo sounding and acoustic Doppler profiling
- The Role of Spatio-Temporal Resolution of Rainfall Inputs on a Landscape Evolution Model
- The influence of three dimensional dunes on river flows and fluxes
- The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA
- Two dynamo waves derived with Principal Component Analysis of solar magnetic field and prediction of solar activity on millenium scales
- Diagnostics of red-shifted H-alpha line emission from a C-class flare with full non-LTE radiative and hydrodynamic approach
- Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flow fields over three- dimensional alluvial dunes
- Measurements of near-bottom sediment resuspension and transport by internal tides in Monterey Submarine Canyon: Initial results from the Coordinated Canyon Experiment.
- Modeling Aggregation-Fragmentation Processes Based on Nonlinear Collision Dynamics
- Modelling spatially distributed vegetation roughness change in a bedrock channel using LiDAR; hydraulic and morphological implications
- Most Detailed Direct Measurements Yet of Turbidity Currents in the Deep Ocean: Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Quantifying Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Fine-grained Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Reinforcement of double dynamo waves as a source of solar activity and its prediction on millennium timescale
- Reynolds Stress Distributions and the Measurement and Calculation of Eddy Viscosity in Gravity Currents
- Sediment Transport Dynamics and Bedform Evolution During Unsteady Flows
- Spatio-temporal evolution of alluvial sand beds under unsteady flow
- Suspended sediment dynamics in a large-scale turbidity current: Direct measurements from the deep-water Congo Canyon
- Systems Dynamics Modelling Identifies (Un)Sustainable Rice Cultivation Strategies for the Mekong Delta Under Upstream Hydropower Development
- The Influence of Large-scale Bank Roughness and Floodplain Composition on Spatial and Temporal Variations in Bank Erosion
- The role of bedrock in creating habitat in temperate watercourses
- Variable partitioning of flow and sediment transfer through a large river diffluence-confluence unit across a monsoonal flood pulse
- Winnowing and Flocculation in Bio-physical Cohesive Substrate: A Flume Experimental and Estuarine Study
- A generalised model of secondary circulation for a wide range of geophysical flows from direct observations of natural turbidity currents
- Anatomy of a turbidity current: Concentration and grain size structure of a deep-sea flow revealed by multiple-frequency acoustic profilers
- Benthic Foraminifers identify the source of displaced sediment from a sediment density flow at 1840 m near the Seafloor Instrument Node of the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Carbon transport in Monterey Submarine Canyon
- Climatic and Glacioeustatic Controls on Sunda Shelf Dispersal Systems Simulated with LLEM
- Direct Measurements of the Evolution and Impact of Sediment Density Flows as they Pass Through Monterey Submarine Canyon, Offshore California
- Direct sampling during multiple sediment density flows reveals dynamic sediment transport and depositional environment in Monterey submarine canyon
- Ensonifying Change: Repeat Ultra-High-Resolution Surveys in Monterey Canyon before and after Passage of a Turbidity Current
- Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Cohesive Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Go big or die out: Bifurcation and bimodality in submarine sediment flow behaviour
- Holocene evolution of the Tonle Sap Lake: valley network infill and rates of sedimentation in Cambodia's Great Lake
- How well do basic models describe the turbidity currents coming down Monterey and Congo Canyon?
- Insights from field observations into controls on flow front speed in submarine sediment flows
- Integrated Web-Based Immersive Exploration of the Coordinated Canyon Experiment Data using Open Source STOQS Software
- Modeling and measuring the relationships between sediment transport processes, alluvial bedforms and channel-scale morphodynamics in sandy braided rivers.
- Monitoring of well-controlled turbidity currents using the latest technology and a dredger
- New technological developments provide deep-sea sediment density flow insights: the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Novel Quantification of Sediment Concentration in Turbidity Currents Through in-situ Measurements of Conductivity and Temperature
- Providing the climatic component in human-climate interaction studies: 550,000 years of climate history in the Chew Bahir basin, a key HSPDP site in southern Ethiopia.
- Quantifying the Journey of a Turbidity Current: How Water and Sediment Discharges Vary with Distance in Monterey Canyon
- Quivering on the brink: Common observations of turbidity current frequency and triggering in disparate settings
- Repeat Mapping in Upper Monterey Canyon Captures the Effect of Sediment Transport Events of Known Magnitude and Duration on the Seafloor Morphology
- Repeat Mapping in the Lower Monterey Submarine Canyon Sheds Light on Morphological Change During Discrete Sediment Density Flow Events
- Seabed Motion During Sediment Density Flows as Recorded by Displaced Man-Made Motion-Recording Boulders and a Heavy Instrument Platform
- Ten years after the flood: a case of extended geomorphic convalescence in an upland stream
- Testing the role of bedforms as controls on the morphodynamics of sandy braided rivers with CFD
- The down canyon evolution of submarine sediment density flows
- The impact of engineered log jams on bed morphology, flow characteristics and habitat diversity under low flow
- Triggering of frequent turbidity currents in Monterey Canyon and the role of antecedent conditioning
- Unravelling the relative contribution of bed and suspended sediment load on a large alluvial river
- Weathering and carbon fluxes of the Irrawaddy-Salween-Mekong river system
- Weathering in Monsoonal Rivers : The Mekong
- A Turbulence-resolving Numerical Investigation of Wave-supported Gravity Flow
- Alluvial Sand Extraction Exceeds Bedload Supply to the Mekong Delta
- Applying Landsat-TM images to assess historical variations in the flood pulse of the Tonle Sap Great Lake system (Cambodia): importance for the dai fishery and species composition
- Are Knickpoints in Martian Channels Recorders of Past Ocean Levels?
- Coherent Turbulent Structures in the Body of Pseudo-Steady Gravity Currents
- Effect of flocculation on estimated sediment flux derived from optical turbidity measurements in the San Francisco Estuary
- Experimental characterization of the role of vegetation in the fluvial process-response system to flood sequencing
- Henry Pantin - a brilliant mind in autosuspension
- Investigating the internal structure of biofilm-sediment aggregates using X-ray micro-tomography
- Knickpoint Migration and Long-term Submarine Channel System Evolution within Bute Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
- Lateral Flow Structure and Dynamics in Sinuous Submarine Channels
- Morphodynamics of Knickpoints Active Turbidity Current Channels
- Morphological diffusivity of sediment: First results from the MODEX laboratory experiment
- On the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geochemically Distinct Lavas in the Deccan Large Igneous Province
- Organic carbon sorting by turbidity currents: a Bouma Sequence for geochemists
- Preferential Erosion Zones in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Meandering Rivers
- Properties of sediment-algae flocs as function of shear and environmental conditions : a laboratory study
- Reassessing Holocene Fluvial Records - Applying A New Quality Control Criterion To Radiocarbon Dated Geomorphological Data
- Rheo-optical analysis of natural sediments under continuous and oscillating shearing action
- Surge propagation in debris flows
- Suspended Sediment Composition of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers: Grain-size Dependence and Spatiotemporal Variations
- The Influence of Flexural Rigidity on Wave-induced Hydrodynamics within Aquatic Vegetation Canopies
- The dominant control on submarine channel evolution revealed by new high-resolution time-lapse bathymetry
- Viscous flow of nano-granular materials lubricates faults during earthquake propagation.
- Wave Ripple Development on Mixed Clay-sand Substrates: Effects of Clay Winnowing and Armouring
- A global agenda for the world's sand resources
- Aggradational channels on Mars
- Applications of novel 3D nano- and microtomography to explore the influence of sediment composition and settling history on floc structure
- Barrovian, Not So Fast: Insights Into the Timing and Rate of Metamorphism in NE Scotland Using Garnet Sm-Nd Geochronology
- Children and Climate Change: Using an Ecological Systems Theory to Explore Children's Perceptions of Climate Change in Vietnam
- Climate Change and Children: Positioning Children as Stakeholders within the Climate Change Debate in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
- Erosion of the Distributary Channels of the Mekong Delta is a Key Driver for Tidal Ingress
- Exploring Threshold of Landform Change in a Fluvial-Aeolian Interacting Field
- Floc Characteristics Over Mixed Sand-Clay Beds Subject to Combined Flow
- How Is Sediment Transported through Submarine Channels and onto Lobes? New Insights from Turbidity Current Monitoring and Repeat Seafloor Mapping
- Insights Into Sediment Gravity Flows from Man-Made Motion-Recording Boulders.
- Is Turbidity Current Activity Predictable?
- Knickpoints and Their Interactions with Crescentic Bedforms: the Building Blocks of Submarine Channel Systems
- Modelling the Dispersal of Tephra by a Volcanic Plume using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS).
- Modelling the impact of seismic landslide size, frequency and connectivity on long term landscape evolution
- Predicting estuary morphology and deposits with varying river discharge and sediment input
- River bank instability induced by unsustainable sand mining in the Mekong River
- Sea and Sediment Controls on Lowland River Evolution and Flood Risk Simulated with LLEM
- The ecological fate and transport mechanisms of microplastics in major rivers and their surrounding coastline: a case study in the Mekong River, SE Asia
- The influence of cohesive clay on near-bed sediment transport
- The turbulent structure of steady state gravity currents
- Turbidity current evolution in Bute Inlet, British Colombia, Canada
- Using temperature to constrain water entrainment of full-scale turbidity currents
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- A bigger splat: The catastrophic geology of a 1.2 billion year old terrestrial megaclast, NW Scotland
- Capturing the Role of Soil Moisture in Driving Soft Cliff Erosion Through Terrestrial Laser Scan (TLS) Return Intensity Data
- Control of river discharge on large-scale estuary morphology
- Defining the controls on microplastic settling in river systems to predict areas of ecological risk to microplastic pollution
- Discharge dependent bifurcation asymmetry alters flow and sediment pathways through deltas
- Effect of surface biofilm on sediment transport implemented in a 1D model
- High rates of coastal erosion and dune transport are threatening villages and ecosystems in northeast Brazil
- Predicting changes in river channel conveyance and geometry using a machine learning approach
- Proposed interpretation of complex seismic and radiative signatures associated with the X9.3-class flare of 6 September 2017
- Synergies and Conflicts of Sand Mining Activities with UN Sustainable Development Goals
- The Effect of Floc Strength in a Size Class-Based Flocculation Model
- The Paleoclimate of Chew Bahir, Ethiopia, during the last 200 kyr: Human Responses to Hydroclimate Fluctuations
- The Spatio-Temporal Structure of Internal Waves in Stably Stratified Channel Flow
- The role of physical cohesion on ripple dynamics under combined wave and current flow
- Turbulent-laminar transitions in flows laden with cohesive sediment
- Upper Slope 3D Morphologies along the Lighthouse Reef Margin (Belize): Punctuated Global Record of Last Deglacial Sea Level Fluctuations?
- Wave forecasting for offshore wind farms using machine learning
- Changes in the Morphology of Combined-Flow Dunes as a Function of Water Depth: Links to the Sedimentology of Larger-Scale Barforms
- Cohesive sediments drive the transition between river- and tide-dominated estuaries through infilling of intertidal areas
- Detailed analysis of turbidity current front shape from direct measurements in the deep sea Congo Canyon
- Discussing open data practices with real-time community bedform experiments
- Dynamics of turbidity currents influenced by tidalflows in submarine canyons
- Explaining Turbidity Current Run-out Using Vertical Structure
- Flow adaptation to velocity changes in transitional clay flows
- Multiple fluctuations in marine oxygen associated with the Late Ordovician mass extinction
- Oil-Mineral Flocculation and Settling Dynamics
- Quantifying the Three-Dimensional Depositional Mechanics of Turbidity Currents in Minibasins Across the Fill to Spill Transition
- Quantifying the influence of transport stage on the geometry of preserved fluvial cross strata
- The shape of meltwater meandering channels on ice
- Toward modeling flocculation in turbulence-resolving simulations for cohesive sediment transport
- Channel Incision and Interaction with Erosion Resistant Delta Substrates
- Effects of floc shape on the breakup and aggregation processes
- How does damming on fine-grained rivers counterintuitively raise the flood risk of downstream channels?
- Mean-Flow and Turbulence Structure in a Meandering Chute Cutoff Flume
- Morphodynamic modelling of Martian Deltas
- Plastic as a sediment in riverbeds
- Quantifying Turbidity Current Recirculation Cells in Ponded Minibasins: Influence of Turbidity Current Influx and Topographic Aspect Ratios
- Rapid Channel Aggradation on Mars: Evidence for Rapid Megaflood-Triggered Base-Level Rise
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Amir H. Kohanpur
- Andrew J. Manning
- Anne Baar
- Christopher Hackney
- Daniel R. Parsons
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- E. Prokocki
- Eckart Meiburg
- Edward W. G. Skevington
- Gary Parker
- Hajime Naruse
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- James L. Best
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Joshua Ahmed
- Julia Cisneros
- Liangyi Yue
- Lisanne Braat
- Marcelo H. García
- Matthieu Cartigny
- Minglan Yu
- Muriel Brückner
- Nevin P. Kozik
- R. M. Dorrell
- R. W. Bradley
- Robert Mahon
- Sarah Matthews
- Sean M. Newby
- Tian‐Jian Hsu
- Xiao Yu
- Xudong Fu