NASA Stennis Space Center
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of Remote Sensing and in Situ Measurements of Nearshore Flows
- An Operational Eddy Resolving Global Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System
- Assimilation of Satellite Altimeter Data and MCSSTs into An Experimental Real-Time North Pacific Ocean Nowcast/Forecast Model
- Comparison of beach profile evolution to predictions from a nonlinear model
- Comparisons of SeaWiFS, MODIS, Oceansat, FY1-C, and PHILLS to In Situ Measurements in the Coastal Ocean
- Directional Characteristics of Complex Surf Zone Waves
- Evaluation of SeaWIFS Bio-Optical Products in Coastal Regions.
- Incorporating Random Wave Effects into a Nearshore Circulation Model
- Instability Mechanism for the Growth of Longshore Sand Bars
- Investigation of the Dynamics of the Caribbean Sea Using Numerical Ocean Models and Observational Data
- Modeling Small-Scale Nearshore Processes
- Real-Time Eddy-Resolving Ocean Prediction in the Caribbean
- Real-time Assimilation of Altimeter Derived Synthetic Profiles Into a Global version of the Naval Research Laboratory's Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM)
- Satellite Altimetry: Real Time Data Processing and Analysis
- Sediment Transport by Mean Near-Bottom Currents During the SandyDuck Storm
- Shelf Convection in the Presence of Topography and Large-Scale Circulation: Some Numerical Experiements
- Simulating Wave-Driven Circulation in Tidal Inlets With Tide and River Forcing Using a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Wave Model
- A Volume of Fluid Model for Surf and Swash Zones
- An optimal approach to nearshore bathymetry estimation
- Are N-minus-one dimensional beaches predictable?
- Characterization of Sediment Properties in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Using the Acoustic Sediment Classifier System (ASCS)
- Characterization of fault zones in the Eocene Yegua formation, East Sour Lake field, Southeast Texas
- Interactive 3D Visualization: An Important Element in Dealing with Increasing Data Volumes and Decreasing Resources
- JASON-1: Initial Sea Surface Height Analysis
- Model Parameterization and Experimental Design Issues in Nearshore Bathymetry Inversion
- Observations of Bedforms and Mine Burial Processes at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Predicting Mine Burial at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Sea-Surface Topography and Precise Geodesy From Aircraft: Applications to Coastal Oceanography
- Seasonal Variation in Sea Surface Chlorophll Patterns of the Northern Gulf of Mexico as Determined by Satellite Remote Sensing
- 1/32° Global Ocean Modeling and Prediction
- Airborne Sea-Surface Topography in an Absolute Reference Frame
- Constraints on Subsurface gas and gas Hydrate Distribution in a Gulf of Mexico Mound
- Evidence of subsurface gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Field Test Results of the CHARTS Airborne Coastal Mapping and Charting System
- High Resolution Simulation of Gravity Currents and Internal Bores on the Continental Shelf
- Ocean Prediction with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM)
- Pacific Ocean Modeling Using the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM)
- The Effects of Microbial Fe(III) reduction on Clay Sediment Flocculation and Mineral Transformation
- A Grain-based Algorithm for Constructing Physically Representative Network Mappings of Porous Media
- Atlantic Water Seasonal Variability on the Continental Slope of the Laptev Sea
- Bathymetric Changes Shaped by Longshore Currents on a Natural Beach
- Daily forecast of Columbia River plume: a tale of two cruises
- Detailed Characterization of Nearshore Processes During NCEX
- Development of the Holocene Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua
- Eddies in the western tropical Pacific observed using a synthetic moored array of autonomous gliders
- Integrated Coastal Analyses in the Gulf of Mexico
- Making Waves--When Scientists Work with Educators
- Methane Hydrates and Fluid Flow Along the Chilean Margin
- Morphologic evolution: nonlinear coupling between cross-shore and alongshore variability and the incident wave field
- Representing Nearshore Nonlinearity within the NOPP NearCoM Modeling System
- The Role of Microbial fe (iii) Reduction in the Clay Flocculation
- Thermal Measurements Over Hydrate Mounds in Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico
- Using a Navier-Stokes Solver to Drive a Discrete Particle Model for Sediment Transport in the Swash Zone
- Assessment of Septic System Performance Using Remote Sensing Technology
- Bubbles in Sediments: Visualization, Measurements and Modelling
- Discrete and Continuous Gravity Studies of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, South-Central Oklahoma
- Extending the benefits of NASA Earth-Sun System Science Data Products and Modeled Forecasts to Decision Support Tools: Successes and Future Challenges
- Geochemical Evaluation of Piston Core Porewater on Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico: Variation in Vertical Methane Gradients
- Geologic and Site Survey Setting for JIP Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Drilling
- New Views of the U.S. Atlantic Margin Mapped for UNCLOS Applications. New Views of the U.S. Atlantic Margin Mapped for UNCLOS Applications
- Particle Aggregation During Fe(III) Bioreduction in Nontronite
- Vector Acoustic Sensors for Marine Seismic Surveys
- A Technique for Quantifying Grain Shape Factors in Submicron Scale by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Example of Santa Rosa Island Beach, FL
- Antarctic Iceberg Tracking Based on Time Series of Aqua AMSR-E Microwave Brightness Temperature Measurements
- CHARMNZ, 2006 Gas Hydrates Survey on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: First Results From Seismic and Related Data
- Can MODIS data calibrate and validate coastal sediment transport models? Rapid prototyping using 250 m data and the ECOMSED model for Lake Pontchartrain, LA USA.
- Compressional Wave Velocity and Attenuation in Carbonate Sediments of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu
- Crop Residue Coverage Estimation Using ASTER Imagery
- Designing and Developing a NASA Research Projects Knowledge Base and Implementing Knowledge Management and Discovery Techniques
- Developing and Deploying a Partnership Network Knowledge Base for Analysis of the Partners and Components within NASA's Earth Science Community.
- Discrete Element Modeling of Oscillatory Sheet Flow Using Medium and Coarse Spherical Sand Grains.
- Earth Science Enterprise Solutions Network User Needs Analysis
- Effects of Viscous Muds on Random Waves in the Nearshore and Surf Zones
- Estimating Temperature Retrieval Accuracy Associated With Thermal Band Spatial Resolution Requirements for Center Pivot Irrigation Monitoring and Management
- Evaluating the Usefulness of High-Temporal Resolution Vegetation Indices to Identify Crop Types
- Evaluations of Breaking Wave Celerity Theory
- Extending NASA Research Results to Benefit Society: Rapid Prototyping for Coastal Applications
- Filtering Properties of a Nearshore Process Model
- Imaging Using a Deep-towed Multichannel Seismic System at a Hydrate-related Vent Site on the North Cascadia Margin
- Implementation of Sequential Gaussian Cosimulation in Remote Sensing Based Agricultural Management Decision Making
- Information Technology Infrastructure for the NASA Earth Science Enterprise Solutions Network
- Integrated Use of Tools and Technologies for Rapidly Prototyping Simulated Data Products of Future NASA Observing Systems For Evaluation in Applications of National Importance
- Integration of a Simple Bimodal Bedload Transport Law for Nearshore Morphodynamics
- Longshore current prediction on various beaches
- NASA Enterprise Architecture and Its Use in Transition of Research Results to Operations
- NOAA Ecosystem Data Assembly Center for the Gulf of Mexico
- Remote Sensing Time Series Product Tool
- Simulating Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Data Using Hyperion and MODIS
- The Role of 2D Circulation in Sand Bar Migration
- Thermal Band Atmospheric Correction Using Atmospheric Profiles Derived from Global Positioning System Radio Occultation and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- A Comparison of the Hypertemporal Crop Mapping Abilities of NDVI Products Derived from both MODIS Surface Reflectance and Calibrated Geolocated Radiance Data
- Drainage Studies Using Pore-Scale Approaches
- Estimates of Vertical Methane Fluxes in Porangahau Ridge Sediment on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Gas hydrate exploration of Porangahau Ridge, East Coast, North Island, New Zealand
- Geologic Control on Porewater Geochemistry in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico
- ICESat Estimates of Forest Canopy Height Loss for Post-Hurricane Timber Damage Detection and Assessment Decision Support
- Information Technology for Harvesting NASA Earth Science Research Results
- Investigating Pathways from the Earth Science Knowledge Base to Candidate Solutions
- Modeling the Role of Small Scale Physics in Sediment Transport From Grain Size to Grain Shape
- Polar Lunar Regions: Exploiting Natural and Augmented Thermal Environments
- Potential of VIIRS Data for Regional Monitoring of Gypsy Moth Defoliation: Implications for Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Soil Moisture Estimation Using Hyperspectral SWIR Imagery
- The NASA Earth Science Knowledge Base (ESKB)
- Variational estimate of the volume transport through the Kamchatka Strait and Aleutian passes.
- Vector Acoustics, Vector Sensors, and 3D Underwater Imaging
- A New National MODIS-Derived Phenology Data Set Every 16 Days, 2002 through 2006
- A Possible Explanation for Elevated Shoreline Change at Erosional Hotspots: Observations of Waves, Surf-Zone Bathymetry, and Shoreline Morphology During a Storm Event
- Application of Ocean Data Assimilation in a Nested Model
- Assessment of an Underwater Light Attenuation Model Using Bio-optical Data Collected in Monterey Bay, CA.
- Boundary Path-integral Method for Direct Numerical Simulation of Fluid-particle Interaction
- Dynamic Mud Behavior in Response to Wave Loading: Observations, Predictions and Interpretations of Seawave-Seabed Interaction
- Ecological Health and Water Quality Assessments in Big Creek Lake, AL
- Focused Fluid Flow and its Relation to Gas Hydrate Distribution on the Outer Accretionary Wedge, Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: Evidence from Seismic Data
- Gulf Coast Disaster Management: Forest Damage Detection and Carbon Flux Estimation
- Impact of Initial Conditions Provided by GODAE Products on the Simulated Coastal Ocean Response to Hurricanes
- Indian Ocean Rossby Wave Structure Examined Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Observations and HYCOM Simulations
- Interaction of Hurricane Katrina with Optically Complex Water in the Gulf of Mexico: Interpretation Using Satellite-Derived Inherent Optical Properties and Chlorophyll Concentration
- Linear correlations between the size of the Northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxia and remotely sensed sea surface properties
- Modeling and Field Study of Coupled Bio-Optical Physical Processes in the Monterey Bay Area.
- Modeling the Interaction of Loop Current Dynamics with Coastal Processes on the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Observations of Ravinement-Based Shoreface Profiles: Implications for Littoral Sediment Budgets
- Ocean Prediction via downscaling of large-scale ocean circulation models.
- On the Influence of the Dardanelles Outflow on Biophysical North Aegean Sea Nested Simulations
- Sediment Transport Simulations Coupling DEM with RANS Fluid Solver in Multi- dimensions
- Simulating coastal to offshore interactions around the South Florida coastal seas and implications on management issues
- Simulation of Coastal Processes by Coupling Wave, Current, and Seabed Morphology
- Simulations and Observations of Circulation in the Oregon Coastal Transition Zone during the 2002-2003 Downwelling Season
- Skill Assessment for a Nested and Coupled Biological-Physical Model of Monterey Bay
- Successful insertion of barotropic and baroclinic tides into a global 1/12 degree ocean general circulation model
- Surf zone prediction and assimilation using a Bayesian network
- Temporal Variability of a Multiple Bar System Estimated From Video Imagery
- The Impact of the Resolution of the Atmospheric Forcing on the Surface Layers of an Ocean Model
- The transient nature of heat and fluid flux on the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- Towards Predicting Sheet Flow Sediment Transport as a Diffusive Process
- Wave Dissipation Formulations in Frequency Domain Models
- An Overview of Ocean Lidar Studies At NRL Stennis, NOAA ESRL and NASA LaRC (Invited)
- Assessing submarine gas hydrate at active seeps on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, using controlled source electromagnetic data with constraints from seismic, geochemistry, and heatflow data
- Coastal Jets, Oceanic Upwelling, Mesoscale Eddies, and Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Colloidal Suspended Iron in Rivers
- Constraints on Methane Distribution from Acoustic Profiles of Shallow Sediments Across the Alaska Shelf
- Hydrophysical Atlas of the Bering Sea Derived Through the Variational Data Assimilation
- Louisiana Natural Disasters and Ecological Forecasting: Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Induced Transgression of the Chandeleur Islands for Restoration and Wildlife Management
- Mean Dynamical Ocean Topography in the Bering Sea Derived as a Variational Inverse of Climatological Data
- Monitoring 2009 Forest Disturbance across the Conterminous United States, Based on Near-Real Time and Historical MODIS 250 Meter NDVI Products
- NPOESS Preparatory Project Validation Program for the Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite
- Repetitive Surface-Mounted Multibeam Water Column Imaging of Hydrothermal Vent Plumes over NW Rota 1
- Statistical teasing or response to global warming: Implications from a 11-year time series of bio-optical properties in the South Pacific gyre
- Toward A National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology
- Tracking the Progression of a Diatom Bloom with Airborne Lidar
- Upper Ocean Processes Under the Stratus Cloud Deck in the Southeast Pacific Ocean
- A Discretized Adjoint Model for SWAN
- An Integrated Gulf Coast Monitoring System Using Field, Remote Sensing and Model Results (Invited)
- Application of a global aerosol forecast model for multi-spectral ocean color atmospheric corrections
- Comparisons of hurricane-induced storm surge models and their operational use
- Constraints on Methane and Methane Hydrate Distribution at a Gulf of Mexico Seep Using Waveform Inversion of Seismic Data
- Discrepancies in thermal gradients from BSR depth and seafloor thermometry on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand - possible implications for gas hydrate formation and subduction-zone processes
- Dynamics of Gulf Stream separation and its pathway to the east
- Dynamics of a ``mini'' western boundary current, the East Korea Warm Current in the Japan/East Sea
- Flocculation of Clay and Organic Matter in Turbid Salt Water
- Geospatiotemporal Data Mining of Remotely Sensed Phenology for Unsupervised Forest Threat Detection
- Hindcasting circulation in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Strait with a nested 4Dvar data assimilation system
- Hurricane Katrina Impact on Water Quality in the East Pearl River, Mississippi
- Impact of high-resolution tidal forcing on the Navy Coastal Ocean Model
- Influence of Compositional Variations on Floc Size and Strength
- Louisiana Air Quality - Using ASTER, Landsat 5, and MODIS to Assess the Impact of Sugarcane and Marsh Burning Practices on Local Air Quality
- Mean transport structure of the deep western boundary current east of Abaco: Model results and observations
- Phytoplankton community structure and dynamics in the river influenced margin of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Sea Surface Temperature Biases under the Stratus Cloud Deck in the Southeast Pacific Ocean in 19 IPCC AR4 Coupled GCMs
- Seasonal Advective Influences on CDOM Distribution over the Louisiana-Texas Shelf Using Hydrodynamic Modeling and Ocean Color
- Seasonal variation of the Indonesian Throughflow: Role of western Pacific wind variation
- Shared Semantics for Oceanographic Research: Development of Standard ``Cruise-Level'' Metadata
- The AMANDES model for the Amazon estuary and shelf
- The Energetics of the Global Ocean: the Impact of Model Resolution and Data Assimilation
- Toward a National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances Using Remotely Sensed Land-Surface Phenology
- Use of Current 2010 Forest Disturbance Monitoring Products for the Conterminous United States in Aiding a National Forest Threat Early Warning System
- A Statistical Methodology for Detecting and Monitoring Change in Forest Ecosystems Using Remotely Sensed Imagery
- An Early Warning System for Identification and Monitoring of Disturbances to Forest Ecosystems
- Calibrating riverbed friction using remotely sensed observations of surface currents
- Contribution of Near Real Time MODIS-Based Forest Disturbance Detection Products to a National Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Data Assimilation of Near Real Time AMSR-E 12.5 km Ice Concentration into Arctic Cap Nowcast Forecast System
- Effect of Organic Matter on the Flocculation of Colloidal Montmorillonite: A Modeling Approach
- Intraseasonal eddies in the Makassar Strait thermocline
- Long-Offset Seismic Investigations of the Deep Bering Sea
- Normalization of the covariance operators in 3dVar under the assumption of local homogeneity
- OceanNOMADS: Real-time and retrospective access to operational U.S. ocean prediction products
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): A "Linked Data" Approach for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet
- Sediment Accretion at Chenier Point, SW Louisiana - A Modern Interpretation of Fluid Mud Deposition and Accumulation on a Muddy Coastline
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Stream Bedforms
- The influence of the diurnal cycle of SST in the Indian Ocean on development of atmospheric convection
- Using Land Surface Phenology as the Basis for a National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances
- Utilizing NASA EOS, European Remote Sensing Satellites (ERS-1 & 2), and ENVISAT (Environmental Satellite) to Create a Methodology for Monitoring Marine Debris Dispersal to Coastal Areas by Examining the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current
- Validation Studies of the Recently Upgraded Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (NCODA) System
- When can we estimate local bed friction from stage-discharge curves?
- A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave Modeling System
- A New Approach to Monitoring Coastal Marshes for Persistent Flooding
- An Implementation of WAVEWATCH III™ for Navy Operations
- Comparing Observed Hurricane Conditions Against Potential Future Climate Change Influences
- Constraints on gas and gas hydrate distribution in the Bering Sea from seismic reflection data
- Currents and transports connected with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic: Results from observations and eddy-resolving simulations
- Daily simulation using a three-dimensional atmosphere-ocean regional coupled model, CReSS-NHOES over the CINDY/DYNAMO observation region
- Development of Global Bathymetry and Topography at 15 arc seconds
- Development of Operational Surf Forecasting with Delft3D in the Conformation of Navy Standard Surf Output (SURF 3.2)
- Estimating atmospheric forcing errors in ocean data assimilation using the representer method
- Evaluating Roughness Corrections for SMOS Seasonal Surface Salinity Retrieval in the Western Atlantic Region
- Evaluation of Recent VIIRS Sensor Performance in the Coastal Ocean
- Evaluation of coastal inundation hazard for present and future climates
- Exploring regional adjustment of coastal VIIRS by repurposing on-orbit vicarious calibration methodology
- ForWarn Forest Disturbance Change Detection System Provides a Weekly Snapshot of US Forest Conditions to Aid Forest Managers
- ForWarn: A Cross-Cutting Forest Resource Management and Decision Support System Providing the Capacity to Identify and Track Forest Disturbances Nationally
- Group stability of bed particles near the critical threshold of motion
- Gulf of Mexico Initiative: NASA Capacity Building in the Gulf Region
- High-Resolution Mixture Simulations to Study the Role of Vortex Structures over Fixed and Dynamic Ripples
- Horizontal density compensation in the Gulf of Mexico
- Hurricane-related air-sea interactions, circulation modifications, and coastal impacts on the eastern Louisiana coastline
- Impact of Atmospheric Forcing on the Ocean Prediction under Typhoon
- Impact of Parameterized Lee Wave Drag on the Energy Budget of an Eddying Global Ocean Model
- Inspiring the Next Generation of Naval Scientists and Engineers in Mississippi and Louisiana
- Laboratory investigation of the erosion of cohesive sediments under oscillatory flows using a synchronized imaging technique
- Long-term post-wildfire monitoring of phenology and recovery using a MODIS time series
- Measuring Relevant Properties of Cohesive Sediment Aggregates ("Flocks") for Sediment Transport Modeling
- Modeling and experiments for sheet flow transport with bimodal size distributions
- Multi-sensor Efforts to Detect Oil slicks at the Ocean Surface — An Applied Science Project
- Multiphysics and Multiscale Model Coupling Using Gerris
- Optical remote sensing of bedforms in a field-scale meandering channel
- Performance of the reduced space 4Dvar technique with community models
- Quantifying the Importance of Bathymetry in Littoral Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Resolution Enhancement of MODIS-derived Water Indices for Studying Persistent Flooding
- Role of MODIS Vegetation Phenology Products in the ForWarn System for Monitoring of Forest Disturbances in the Conterminous United States
- Satellite radiometer (Windsat) estimates of whitecap coverage interpreted using a global numerical wave model hindcast
- Sensitivity studies of the new Coastal Surge and Inundation Prediction System
- Short-term Dispersal of Fukushima-derived Radionuclides off Japan: Modeling Efforts and Model-data Inter-comparison
- Simultaneous Observations of Coastal Salinity Features by SMOS and STARRS, and Comparisons with In Situ Data
- The Baselines Project: Establishing Reference Environmental Conditions for Marine Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico using Forecast Models and Satellite Data
- The Evolution of Information Management in Oceanographic Exploration
- Three-Dimensional Flow Fields and Bedform Migration in a Field-Scale Meandering Channel
- Towards Automated Ecosystem-based Management: A case study of Northern Gulf of Mexico Water
- Towards an Operational Nearshore Wave Data Assimilation System
- Utilizing NASA EOS to Assist in Determining Suitable Planting Locations for Bottomland Hardwood Trees in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
- VIIRS Ocean Color Data For Coastal Management
- A Global Model of Fluid Flux from Accretionary Margins
- A User's Guide to the Tsunami Datasets at NOAA's National Data Buoy Center
- A framework for tracking post-wildfire trajectories and desired future conditions using NDVI time series
- A web-services approach to modeling global fluid flux
- Comparison of NASA OMI and MLS Ozone Products with US Forest Service Ground-based Ozone Monitoring Data for US Forest Service Air Quality / Forest Management Decision Support
- Empirical Mining of Large Data Sets Already Helps to Solve Practical Ecological Problems; A Panoply of Working Examples (Invited)
- Monitoring Regional Forest Disturbances across the US with Near Real Time MODIS NDVI Products included in the ForWarn Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Remote Sensing Applications to Water Quality Management in Florida
- Rogue Waves in the Ocean, Understanding and Prediction
- Salt Marsh Sediment Mixing Following Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposure from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Surface Roughness Impact on the Sea Ice Thickness Measurements Based on LIDAR/Radar Altimetry
- The role of hypoxia in structuring macrobenthos community off the Louisiana shelf
- Time Series Observations of Seafloor Roughness in the Northern Gulf of Mexico 1: Sediment Transport
- A Comparison of Global Seafloor Porosity Estimates: Past Attempts vs. New Techniques
- A new global bathymetry map at 15 arcsecond resolution for resolving seafloor fabric: SRTM15_PLUS
- Bedform Morphodynamics in a Meandering Stream
- Characterization of the intermittent behavior of sediment transport from numerical simulations on a flat bed channel
- Combining Imagery and Models to Understand River Dynamics
- Combining Remote Sensing with in situ Measurements for Riverine Characterization
- Comparable Bathymetry Uncertainty Estimators with Kalman Filters or Linear Smoothers
- Comparison of Floc Growth and Stability in Four Estuarine Clay Simulations
- Connections Between a High-Resolution Model and Aquarius Salinity Measurements
- Convective initiation sensitivity to the presence of an oceanic barrier layer
- Discrete Element Method Simulations of Ice Floe Dynamics
- Ensuring Safety of Navigation: A Three-Tiered Approach
- Estimated Moho Temperature from Observed Heat Flow and Comparison with P-Wave Velocity in the East Sea, Korea
- Global Crustal Heat Flow Using Random Decision Forest Prediction
- Global Marine Gas Hydrate Occurrence Using Random Decision Forest Prediction
- Growing Degree Vegetation Production Index (GDVPI): A Novel and Data-Driven Approach to Delimit Season Cycles
- Hydraulic Inversion of River Depth and Discharge from Observations of Surface Currents and Water Surface Elevation
- Impact of increasing resolution on atmospheric wind forcing over coastal ocean
- Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Indonesian Throughflow and Upper Ocean Variability in the Indonesian Seas
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements over Land-Fast Ice near Barrow, AK.
- Inter-Annual Variability of Currents, Temperature and Salinity during 1998-2012 in a High-Resolution Ocean Model of the Western Indian Ocean
- Laboratory Observations of Sand Ripple Evolution in a Small Oscillatory Flow Tunnel
- Large-Scale Patterns of Waves in Partial Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean
- Leveraging the Unified Access Framework: A Tale of an Integrated Ocean Data Prototype
- MODIS NDVI Change Detection Techniques and Products Used in the Near Real Time Forwarn System for Detecting, Monitoring, and Analyzing Regional Forest Disturbances
- Modeling High-Resolution Coastal Ocean Dynamics with COAMPS: System Overview, Applications and Future Directions
- Navy Global Predictions for the Dynamo Time Period
- Observational Data Analysis and Numerical Model Assessment of the Seafloor Interaction and Mobility of Sand and Weathered Oil Agglomerates (Surface Residual Balls) in the Surf Zone
- Parameterization of Submesoscale Particle Transport in the Gulf of Mexico
- Physical property and Textural transition across the Unconformity and Major Seismic Reflectors in the Upper plate of the Costa Rica Subduction zone offshore Osa Peninsula
- Preliminary Investigation of Momentary Bed Failure Using a Multi-dimensional Eulerian Two-phase Model
- Sea-Change in Ocean Observations on Moored Buoys from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)
- Seabed Spectra Predictions Using a Time-Dependent Seafloor Boundary Layer Model
- Sector-Scanning Sonar Imagery of Laboratory Bedforms
- Small-Scale Modeling of Waves and Floes in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Sub-Surface Currents and High-Salinity Intrusions in the Southern Bay of Bengal during the Northeast Monsoon
- The Effects of Bed Configuration on Incipient Motion in Oscillatory Flows
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The Role of Wave Nonlinearity on Sediment Motion and Transport
- Use of Bayesian Networks to Combine USGS Surface Water Observations with Hydraulic Geometry Models towards Riverine Discharge Estimation
- Waves and Fetch in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Weakly Penetrative Mixing in the Surface Layer of the Bay of Bengal
- Advancing Partnerships Towards an Integrated Approach to Oil Spill Response
- Aggregation and Disaggregation of Flocculated Particles with Different Mineralogy
- Assimilation of blended Cryosat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness observations into the U.S. Navy ACNFS.
- Comparison of Ensemble and Adjoint Approaches to Variational Optimization of Observational Arrays
- Evolution of density compensated fronts in simulated ocean mixed layers
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements Over Land-Fast Ice Near Barrow, AK.
- Lagrangian Measurements, Simulation, and Theory for Incipient Motion in Oscillatory Flows
- Magnetic Signatures of Fine-scale Processes in the Ocean Surface Layer
- Mixing by semi-diurnal internal waves in the Bay of Bengal
- New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Estimates in the Bering Sea using an Automated Sediment Physics Modeling Approach
- Reflectivity and Emissivity of Sea Foam at L-band
- Regional Simulations of Summer Arctic Boundary Layers
- River Discharge and Bathymetry Estimation from Hydraulic Inversion of Surface Currents and Water Surface Elevation Observations
- The Impact of Mass Movement and Fluid Flow during Ridge Subduction inferred from Physical Properties and Zeolite Assemblage in the Upper Plate Slope of the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts
- The Long-term Performance of NOAA's Operational Open Ocean Tsunameter Array
- Turbulent Diffusivity under High Winds from Acoustic Measurements of Bubbles
- Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements to Improve Hypoxia Prediction on the Louisiana Continental Shelf
- Variability of the circulation and off-shore transports in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean
- Vegetation cover and relationships of habitat-type with elevation on the Mississippi-Alabama Barrier Islands in the initial six years after Hurricane Katrina
- A Parametric Model For 2DH Barred Beaches
- A machine learning approach to quantifying geologic similarities between sites of gas hydrate accumulation
- An Euler-Lagrangian Numerical Study for Bed Armoring under skewed-asymmetric waves
- Application of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Absorbance and Excitation-Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectra (EEMS) to Investigate Clay-Organic Matter Flocculation Processes in Riverine-Estuarine Systems
- Bias Estimates and Calibrations from Ocean Analyses and Forecasts with Different Atmospheric Forcing Products
- Current State and Recent Changes in the Arctic Ocean from the HYCOM-NCODA Global Ocean and Sea Ice Prediction System
- EM Bias-Correction for Ice Thickness and Surface Roughness Retrievals over Rough Deformed Sea Ice
- Export and losses of blue carbon-derived particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC) in blackwater river-dominated and particle-dominated estuaries
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- High-resolution modeling of local air-sea interaction within the Marine Continent using COAMPS
- Linking Scales of Sediment Dynamics from Sand Grains to the Synoptic
- Mechanisms of sediment transport over vortex ripples
- Modeling Gas and Gas Hydrate Accumulation in Marine Sediments Using a K-Nearest Neighbor Machine-Learning Technique
- Modeling Pancake Formation with a Coupled Wave-Ice Model
- Nearshore Bathymetric Change Resolved by Depth Inversions, Sonic Altimeters, and In-Situ Surveys
- Nonlinear Propagation of Sound in Recently Settled Flocculated Sediments
- Ocean Ensemble Forecasting in the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- Oceanic Impetus for MJO Convective Onset in the Western Indian Ocean
- Orbital Angular Momentum Measurements for Turbulence Characterization
- Remote Estimation of River Discharge and Bathymetry: Sensitivity to Turbulent Dissipation and Bottom Friction
- Sustaining a Moored Ocean Observing System in the Tropical Pacific: The Evolution of the TAO Array
- The coarse- to fine-grained boundary beneath the New England Mud Patch: evidence from seismic and core data for an abrupt post-transgressive change in hydrologic regime on the continental shelf
- Verification and Validation of a Navy ESPC Hindcast with Loosely Coupled Data Assimilation
- A Machine Learning Approach to Predicted Bathymetry
- A New Global Open Source Marine Hydrocarbon Emission Site Database
- A Probabilistic Model for Sediment Resuspension
- A Wide Area Risk Assessment Framework for Underwater Military Munitions Response
- A methodology for spectral wave model evaluation
- Air-Sea Interaction in the Somali Current Region
- An acoustic method for predicting relative strengths of cohesive sediment deposits
- An updated system for guidance of heterogeneous platforms used for multiple gliders in a real-time experiment
- Anomalous circulation in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean in July-December 2008
- Coincident Retrieval of Ocean Surface Roughness and Salinity Using Airborne and Satellite Microwave Radiometry and Reflectometry Measurements during the Carolina Offshore (Caro) Experiment.
- Combining Gaussianization with Diffusion-based Correlation Modeling for Assimilating Ice Concentration Data
- Comparison of Two Global Ocean Reanalyses, NRL Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) and U. Maryland Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Submerged Objects Under Unidirectional and Oscillatory Flows.
- Contribution to Global Ocean Ensemble Spread Due to Various Error Sources
- Coupled Data Assimilation in Navy ESPC
- Description and verification of a U.S. Naval Research Lab's loosely coupled data assimilation system for the Navy's Earth System Model
- Drag Forces in a Coupled Wave-Ice Model: Implementation and Testing
- Enhancing Deep-Water Low-Resolution Gridded Bathymetry Using Single Image Super-Resolution
- Estimating Discharge, Depth and Bottom Friction in Sand Bed Rivers Using Surface Currents and Water Surface Elevation Observations
- Estimating Global Seafloor Total Organic Carbon Using a Machine Learning Technique and Its Relevance to Methane Hydrates
- Evaluating Satellite Retrievals of Smoke Aerosol above Clouds using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements during ORACLES
- Evaluation of Model Performance over the Maritime Continent
- Evaluation of W Phase CMT Based PTWC Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Model Using DART Observations: Events of the Last Decade
- Evaluation of the air-ocean surface and boundary layer forecast using a fully coupled air-ocean-wave model
- Everything you wanted to know about VAMPs but were afraid to ask
- Exploring the Circulation Dynamics of Mississippi Sound and Bight Using the CONCORDE Synthesis Model
- Frontal Representation as a Metric of Model Performance
- Hydro and morphodynamic simulations for probabilistic estimates of munitions mobility
- Impact of Seawater Nonlinearities on Nordic Seas Circulation
- Impacts of Suspended Sediment and Estuarine - Shelf Exchange Pathways on Shelf Ecosystem Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Improved ice thickness in a coupled ice-ocean modeling system initialized with CryoSat-2
- Improvements to the swath-level near-surface atmospheric state parameter retrievals within the NRL Ocean Surface Flux System (NFLUX)
- Improving Arctic sea ice edge forecasts by assimilating high resolution VIIRS sea ice concentration data into the U.S. Navy's ice forecast system
- Improving Barotropic Tides by Two-way Nesting High and Low Resolution Domains
- Inferring Ocean Velocity from Sequences of Ocean Images
- Influence of Wind Model Performance on Wave Forecasts of the Naval Oceanographic Office
- Intraseasonal Forcing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Western Indian Ocean by Downwelling Equatorial Rossby Waves
- Large Eddy Simulations of a Bottom Boundary Layer Under a Shallow Geostrophic Front
- Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments of Initiation of Motion and Burial of Objects under Currents and Waves
- Local and regional scale exchanges of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between tidal wetlands and their adjacent coastal waters
- Long-Term Monitoring of Regional Sea Surface Height Variability Using High-Resolution Satellite Altimetry
- Mobile Bay river plume mixing in the inner shelf
- Multi-Scale 4DVAR Assimilation of Glider Teams on the North Carolina Shelf
- NHERI: Advancing the Research Infrastructure of the Multi-Hazard Community
- Numerical Model Metrics Tools in Support of Navy Operations
- Observations and simulations of the bottom nepheloid layer in the Lafourche Trough, Louisiana Continental Shelf
- Observations of Munitions Mobility During a Nor'easter at Wallops Island
- Ocean Predictability and Uncertainty Forecasts Using Local Ensemble Transfer Kalman Filter (LETKF)
- On the Development of a Probabilistic Metric for Wave Model Performance Evaluation
- Predicted Deepwater Bathymetry from Satellite Altimetry: Non-Fourier Transform Alternatives
- Quantifying High Frequency Skill and Relative Cost of Two Physics Packages for an Operational Spectral Wave Model
- Quantifying morphological changes of cape-related shoals
- Sensitivity Analysis of Delft3d Simulations at Duck, NC, USA
- Simulating Freak Waves in the Ocean with CFD Modeling
- Sneaky Submarine Landslides, and how to Quantify them: A Case Study from the Mississippi River Delta Front Contrasting Geophysical and Machine Learning Techniques
- Spectral modelling of ice-induced wave decay: implementation of a new viscoelastic theory in WAVEWATCH III
- Stereoscopic Feature Tracking System for Retrieving Velocity of Surface Waters
- Stochastic Forcing for High-Resolution Regional and Global Ocean and Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Ensemble Forecast System
- Study of circulation in the Tillamook Bay and the surrounding wetland applying triple-nested models downscaling from global ocean to estuary
- The Early Development and Evolution of the QARTOD for In-Situ Wave Measurements
- The Effect of Large Scale Salinity Gradient on Langmuir Turbulence
- The Role of MC River Discharge on the Propagation of Intraseasonal Oscillations
- The Wind Work Input into the Global Ocean Revealed by a 17-year Global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model Reanalysis
- The equatorial Pacific "graveyard" for semidiurnal internal tides: Incoherence or dissipation?
- Use of an UROV to develop 3-D optical models of submarine environments
- Usefulness of Wave Data Assimilation to the WAVE WATCH III Modeling System
- Validation of Heat fluxes Derived from the Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) Project.
- Validation of the Fully-Coupled Air-Sea-Wave COAMPS System
- Variability of High-Resolution Sea Surface Heights on a Broad, Shallow Continental Shelf
- Variability of the interactions between wind, SST and the thermocline depth in the SW Indian Ocean
- A System for Simultaneous Lagrangian Observations of Ocean Biophysical Parameters
- A probabilistic model for equilibrium ripple geometry
- A probabilistic model for sediment resuspension in oscillatory flow
- A study on Langmuir Turbulence during CASPER-East, 2015
- Absolute Radiometric Calibration of the VIIRS DNB HGS with the Ground Based Automated Accurate Active Light Source (AALS): Early Results
- Adapting Laboratory Instrumentation to Observe Sand Ripple Dynamics in the Nearshore
- An open-source numerical modeling tool for wave-scale and turbulence/grain-scale coastal processes
- Arctic MISST: Multi-sensor Improved Sea Surface Temperature: Continuing the GHRSST Partnership and Improving Arctic data
- Assimilation of Ice Concentration and Thickness Data in the Beaufort Sea
- Bedform Migration and Bedload Sediment Transport in Combined Wave-Current Flows
- Bioluminescence potential dynamics during Polar Night in Arctic.
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Distributions over the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean measured by CALIOP and the NASA LaRC airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2
- Bringing deltaic geology into the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century: A multidisciplinary investigation of the subaqueous Mississippi River Delta Front
- Comparison of Analysis and Forecast Uncertainty from Two Different Ensemble Generation Mechanisms: LETKF vs. ET.
- Coupled Modelling of Air-Sea Interaction over the Bay of Bengal during the 2018 Southwest Monsoon
- Development of Two-Way Nesting in the Navy Coastal Ocean Model
- Development of a Global Predictive Seabed Model (GPSM)
- Ensemble simulations of waves, circulation, and morphologic change during Hurricane Ike
- Evaluating the extended range ocean forecast in the NRL Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea Ice Forecast System
- Evaluating the impact of satellite-derived ice thickness initialization in predicting the September Arctic minimum sea ice extent
- Evaluating upper ocean currents simulated by the Navy Earth System Model and the Global Ocean Forecast System
- Evaluation of W Phase CMT based PTWC Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Model using DART observations: Events of the last Decade
- Examining the role of ensembles in storm surge prediction
- Field observations of internal waves and bottom boundary layer processes along the California inner shelf
- Fine-Scale Dynamics of a Shallow-Water Tidal Front as Revealed by Airborne Remote Sensing of Dye Release
- Forecasting seafloor fluid expulsion using sparse observations of seafloor fluid expulsion anomalies (SEAFLEAs) and machine learning
- Global bathymetry at 15 arc seconds resolution with implications for the isostatic compensation of geological features in the MH370 survey area
- Global modeling of seafloor methanogenesis using machine-learning predicted inputs to well-known deterministic models
- High-Resolution Modeling of a Springtime Ice-Dam Break
- Impact of Multiple High-resolution Regional Domains on the Accuracy of the Global Surface Tides
- Inferring Ocean Velocity from Sequences of Ocean Images
- Influence of Shoals on Spatial Variability of Storm Surge
- Initial impacts of the Hurricane Sentinel glider fleet deployed during the 2018 hurricane season
- New Heat Flow Measurements on the U.S. Beaufort Margin: Implications for Fluid Flow and Methane Hydrate Stability in the Western Arctic.
- Numerical Modeling of Summer Arctic Boundary Layer during the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS)
- Observations of near bed turbulent production and dissipation on the inner shelf at Pt. Sal
- Optical-Physical Characteristics of an Episodic Biological Bloom on the Continental Slope of the West Florida Shelf
- Rainbow: a multistatic space lidar constellation
- Regional Ocean Data Assimilation Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) with the Navy Coastal Ocean Model
- Size gradation effects on wave-induced sand transport in the nearshore
- Surface gravity wave effect on hurricane energetics
- Toward optimization of rheology in ice models through data assimilation.
- Underwater stereoscopic system for seafloor characterization
- Unraveling the Mystery of the Stark Contrast between Bouvet and Heard Islands in the Subantarctic - Implications for Seasonal Sea Ice Modeling and Forecasting
- Update on the US Navy's Earth System Prediction Capability Effort
- Use of small Unmanned Aerial Systems to capture thermal signature of estuarine rivers
- Using "old" dogs for new tricks: Exploratory machine learning to predict submarine slope instability
- Wave Driven Currents and Morphology Predictions at Duck, NC
- A Probabilistic Modeling Framework Utilizing Ocean Drilling Data to Forecast Current and Future Thermodynamic Conditions On and Below the Seafloor
- A Re-evaluation of Tectonic Plate Boundaries Based on Recent Satellite and Earthquake Data
- A-TTRACS, Aeolian Turbulence and Transport RApid Computational Suite: A GUI-enabled software package for rapid computation of aeolian field data
- Aleutian Basin Stratigraphy: What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Don't Know
- Confirming visual signature of rip currents in ARGUS timex imagery with X-band radar and an automated detection algorithm
- DCS: Distributed Clock System for GPS time based synchronization of spatial sensor networks
- Developing a probabilistic model of sediment resuspension over oscillatory ripples
- Employing Ensemble Data for the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Model Development
- Ensemble simulations of hydrodynamic and morphologic change during extreme weather events
- Evaluating the Impact of CryoSat-2 Initialization on Seasonal Ice Prediction Using the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- Generation of Intraseasonal Oceanic Kelvin Waves in the West Pacific
- Global machine learning predictions of sediment unit thickness for present to middle Miocene using Deep Sea Drilling Project data
- Hydrodynamic and sediment observations across the sand-mud inner shelf near Ocean City Inlet
- New Method for Combining Optical and Acoustic Mapping Products
- Non-linear semi-diurnal internal wave propagation and thermocline mixing in the Bay of Bengal
- Predicting global ocean sediment thickness
- Predicting submarine slope instability along Arctic continental margins
- Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017) over Shallow Water
- The Impact of Stochastic Forcing in a Global Coupled Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Forecast System
- The Next-Generation Planetary Aeolian and Meteorological Investigation (PAMI) mission concept
- Toward Consistent Physical Constant Sets for Interoperable Earth System Models
- Utilizing Machine and Deep Learning to Predict Bathymetry
- Variability of Sediment Observations Across the Sand-mud Inner Shelf Near Ocean City Inlet
- Wave-ice Interactions: Implications for the Coastal Arctic
- A Line-scanning, Low-Cost LiDAR System for Continuous Beach Morphology Observations
- A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Equilibrium Ripple Wavelength
- Aeolian sand transport: Video analysis of streamer structure and dynamics
- An Anomalous Atmospheric Event during 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- An Updated Global Prediction of Marine Unit Thicknesses for Present to Middle Miocene Sediments Using Ocean Drilling Program Data.
- Arctic Cyclones and the Influence on Short-Term Changes in Sea Ice
- Biophysical cohesion and bedform dynamics
- Close Investigation on The Behavior of Second Moment Turbulent Closure Models
- Comparing a Machine-Learning Based Model of Benthic, Marine Mass Accumulation with Fluvial Sediment Flux into the Global Oceans
- Excel, Javascript, and R for Teaching Research Using Sound Propagation in Seafloor Sediments as an Example
- Global analysis of relationship between continental margin submarine landslide scarring and sediment shear strength
- Improving Prediction Capability in Machine Learning via Spatial Wavenumber Analyses of Observational and Training Datasets
- Investigating the correlation between optically identified rip channels in time exposure imagery and in situ observations, including bathymetry and flow
- Multiscale Convection During Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal
- Near-Inertial Wave Transmission to Ocean Interior in Realistic Global Ocean Simulations
- Next-generation tool for digitizing wave runup
- Observation of Potential Transversal Seiching Activity in the Adriatic Sea and Connection to Bora Winds
- Observations of Turbidity Maximum Zones in a Microtidal Environment
- Ocean Heat Content and the Intraseasonal Oscillation
- Predicting Wave-Induced Sediment Entrainment by Liquefaction Degree
- Predicting gas and hydrate presence on the U.S. Atlantic margin using geospatial machine learning
- Probabilistic Predictions of Gas Hydrate Formation near Blake Ridge using Dakota and PFLOTRAN
- Probabilistic modeling of ripple evolution
- Stochastic and Machine Learning Predictions of Bathymetry
- Theoretical and Numerical Investigations into the role of Bora Winds in generating Transversal Seiches in the Adriatic Sea
- Turbulence and Instabilities in the Southeastern Bay of Bengal
- Updates on global sediment thickness using geospatial machine learning
- An Overview of the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC): The Operational System to Future Developments.
- Atmospheric Equatorial Wave Observations During the 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- Bayesian inference of sediment properties using a spectral ripple model
- Biological cohesion and bedform dynamics
- Developing a Field-based Particle Tracking Velocimetry (F-PTV) system to measure turbulence and transport mechanics of windblown sand
- Efficient Predictions of Global Free Gas and Gas Hydrate Formation using K-means Clustering
- Impact of Model Error Techniques on the Forecast Skill of the Navy ESPC Ensemble
- Nexus of Equatorial Waves and MISO Events in Bay of Bengal
- On the Generation of Adriatic Seiches by Bora Winds
- Particle-bed interactions in a wind tunnel using Particle Tracking and Imaging Velocimetry
- The Response of Mixed Layer Depth Due to Extreme Weather Events
- The role of Convective Coupled Equatorial Waves in Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations (MISO)
- 2D Tomography Across the Queen Charlotte Fault North of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia: Addressing the Question of Pacific Underthrusting
- A Data Driven Approach to Quantifying Fraction Clay Mineralogy from Grain Size and Clay Species Analysis
- Better Use of High-Latitude Data in Assimilative Ocean Modeling
- Deterministic vs. Ensemble Modeling of Storm Surge During Hurricane Ida.
- Evaluation of Modeled Ice Motions in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas using SAR observations from NESDIS
- Experimental Models and Numerical Experiments: Discussion of Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Fault Zone Architecture Across the 2013 M7.5 Craig Earthquake Region from P-wave Tomography Using TOQUES Experiment Data
- Geospatial Machine Learning to Predict Global Abundance of Seafloor Clay Mineral Species
- Hydrodynamic Force Coefficients for Spherical Shell Fragments: Dependence on the Aspect-Ratio and Flatness
- Internal wave Observations and Modeling: Inner-shelf Experiment 2017
- Laboratory measurements of wave propagation through ice floes
- Monitoring the Variability of Sediment Thickness via Buried Pressure Sensors
- MudMixtureFoam - A two-phase model for dense mud-water mixtures
- Multi-Year Study on the Impacts of Assimilating OOI Glider Data on Cross-Shelf Vertical Structure in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Near-bed fluid-particle interactions during aeolian saltation
- New Generation of Altimetry-derived Ocean Thermal Structure for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting and Research
- New Seismic Reflection Imaging of Crustal Deformation in the Queen Charlotte Terrace, offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada
- Once a Swamp, Always a Swamp: A Multiproxy Investigation Reveals the Persistence of Baldcypress Swamp Environments Since the Last Ice Age
- Predicting Ocean States at the North Atlantis II Seamounts with a Deep Learning Model
- Predicting slope instability driven by rapid depth change along the Canadian Beaufort Margin
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Response of the Mobile Bay outflow plume to forcing based on remote sensing, in-situ observations, and modeling
- Sediment Transport by Internal Waves on the California Inner Shelf
- Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents from Space: ODYSEA (Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere)
- Skill of Assimilative Ocean Models at Forecasting and Evolving Temperature Inversions
- Skin Sea Surface Temperature Parameterizations Applied to a 3-D Ocean Circulation Model
- The Moored Moist Static Energy Budget: Anchoring Air-Sea Interactions in the Indian Ocean Using Reanalysis
- The Navy Earth System Prediction Capability Version 2 Ensemble Forecast System
- Turbulence in a Natural Boundary Layer: Observations from a Field-Particle Tracking Velocimetry System and Its Implications for Predicting Aeolian Sand Transport
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Penko
- Adam V. Rydbeck
- Asier Munguira
- B. J. Phrampus
- Brian A. Schubert
- Brian Jackson
- Caitlin M. Amos
- Christy Swann
- David K. Ralston
- David Mimoun
- David W. Caress
- Denny P. Alappattu
- Dimitrios K. Fytanidis
- E. Joseph Metzger
- Eric P. Chassignet
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Fabrice Ardhuin
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- H. W. Wijesekera
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- I. I. Lin
- Iam-Fei Pun
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. Thomas Farrar
- J. Veeramony
- Jay F. Shriver
- Jeffrey Obelcz
- Jordan H. Graw
- Julian Simeonov
- Julie L. McClean
- Kehui Xu
- Kristine L. DeLong
- L. L. Worthington
- Lorenzo Melito
- M. A. L. Walton
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. T. Lemmon
- Mariah Baker
- Mark Orzech
- Melanie R. Fewings
- Michael Nole
- Q. Wang
- R. Gwiazda
- R. Hueso
- Rizwan Qayyum
- Robert Mahon
- Robert Sullivan
- S. Diniega
- Sandeep Wagh
- Sarah T. Gille
- Sarah Trimble
- Shea N. Thorne
- Sophie Cravatte
- Steven R. Jayne
- Taylor Lee
- Tong Lee
- V. Apéstigue
- W. Rockwell Geyer
- William K. Eymold
- William Zachary Billings
- Wonhyun Lee
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo