NASA Johnson Space Center
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- <SUP>187</SUP>Os-<SUP>186</SUP>Os and He Isotope Systematics of Iceland Picrites
- An Integrated Geophysical Strategy to "Follow the Water" on Mars.
- Aqueous Mineralization on Mars. Evidence for Water-Driven Process From the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer
- Dating Desert Meteorites: The Los Angeles Experience
- Evidence for Platy Hematite Grains on Mars
- Highly Siderophile Element Abundances in Martian Meteorites
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During 2001
- Hydrothermal Alteration Products of Basaltic Material on Mauna Kea as a Template for Detection of Hydrothermal Alteration on Mars
- Mapping Lithologic Units Exposed on the Summit of Mauna Kea Using AVIRIS Hyperspectral Reflectance Data
- Metal - Silicate Separation in a Deformation Regime: Implications for Early Differentiation Processes
- Properties of the Auroral Zone Ionosphere Inferred Using Plasma Contactor Data From the International Space Station
- The Mineralogy of the Martian Surface: Results from the MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer
- Athena Instrument Validation and Data Library Development for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Mission
- Effects of Palagonitic and Basaltic Dust Coatings on Visible, Near-IR, Thermal Emission and Moessbauer Spectra of Rocks and Minerals: Implications for Mineralogical Remote Sensing of Mars
- First Results From the Martian Radiation Environment Experiment MARIE
- Formation of Martian Crystalline Hematite: New Information From Comparisons of Laboratory and TES Infrared Spectra
- Long term changes in the electrical conductivty of the stratosphere
- Mapping Lithologic Units on Cinder Cones at the Summit of Mauna Kea Using AVIRIS Hyperspectral Reflectance Data
- Mineralogical Ground Truth for AVIRIS Hyperspectral Observations of Cinder Cones on the Summit of Mauna Kea Volcano
- New Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 773: A Tholeiite from the Moon?
- Osmium Isotope Evidence for Episodic Continental Lithosphere Growth and Stabilization over Earth History
- The NASA 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera (Pancam) Investigation
- Thermal Infrared Spectra of Experimentally Shocked Albitite
- A Search for Signs of Life and Habitability on Europa
- Assessment and Control of International Space Station Spacecraft Charging Risks
- Demonstration of a Prototype Magnetospheric State-Based Trapped Radiation Data Base for the LWS Program
- High Precision Osmium Isotope Evidence From Chondrites for Late Accretion and Evolution of the Earth's Mantle
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During the Extremely Close Approach of 2003
- ISS Plasma Contactor Units Operations During Strong Geomagnetic Activity
- Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Zones on Mauna Kea Using AVIRIS Data: An Analog for Mars
- Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds and Aurora from the International Space Station
- Planned Improvements for the WB-57F Aircraft
- Precise Pt-Re-Os Isotope and PGE Systematics of 2.7 Ga Pyke Hill Komatiites, Canada
- Results from the Martian Radiation Environment Experiment
- Specifying the ISS Plasma Environment
- Thermal Infrared Spectra of Experimentally Shocked Basalt
- Coordinated Mars Exploration Rover and Mars Express OMEGA Observations over Meridiani Planum
- Cratering Evidence For The Age And Thickness Of An Extensive Ice-Rich Mantle In Western Utopia Planitia, Mars
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Indicators for Aqueous Processes in Gusev Crater and on Meridiani Planum
- Hands-on Activities for Exploring the Solar System in K-14 Formal and Informal Education Settings
- Hematite at Meridiani Planum and Gusev Crater as identified by the Moessbauer Spectrometer MIMOS II
- Moessbauer Mineralogical Evidence for Aqueous Processes at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum
- Natural variations in calcium isotope composition as a monitor of bone mineral balance in humans.
- Near-simultaneous Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the International Space Station and from Orbiting Optical Instruments
- Origin of Tungsten Excess in Komatiites
- VNIR spectral features observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity in hematite-bearing materials at Meridiani Planum
- Aqueous Alteration in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater, Mars: Geochemical and Mineralogical Properties
- Can the Combination of Extremes Protect Life: Clues from Altiplanic Lakes and Implication for Early Mars
- Coordinated Analysis of Mars Express OMEGA Hyperspectral Imaging and Mars Exploration Rover Traverse Data for Meridiani Planum
- First Low-Iron Materials on Mars and Possibility of a Major Montmorillonite Component
- Genesis Solar Wind Array Collector Fragments Post-Recovery Status
- Hydrothermal Systems in the Early Solar System: The Record in the Rocks
- Mars-Relevant Environmental Conditions at the Lakes of Licancabur Volcano, Bolivia
- Modeling the Chemical Composition of the Fluid that Formed the ALH84001 Carbonates
- One Martian Year of in Situ Chemistry by the APXS on Board the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity at Meridiani Planum
- One Martian Year of in Situ Chemistry by the APXS on Board the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Overview and Motivation for the PUMA 2004 and 2005 Campaigns
- Probabilistic Analysis of International Space Station Plasma Interaction
- Prospecting for Methane on Mars
- Valence State Partitioning of Vanadium Between Olivine-Melt in Olivine-Phyric Martian Basalts. Defining the fO2 of the Martian Mantle.
- Calcium and Magnesium Self-Diffusion in Natural Diopside Single Crystals
- Chemical Composition by the APXS along the Downhill Traverse of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Climatically-Driven Changes in Bedrock Erosion Rate and Process on Semiarid to Hyperarid Hillslopes in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Combined 142-143 Nd Isotopic Data from 3.6- 3.87 Ga Rock Suites Document Incomplete Mixing of Early Mantle
- Coordinated Analyses of Orbital and Spirit Rover Data to Characterize the Nature of Surface Materials in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Ecological Landscape Classification Using Astronaut Photography
- Electron Microscopy Studies of Comet Wild-2 Particulate Residue Preserved in the Stardust Metallic Foil Craters
- Enhancing Space Science Communication with Cross-Cultural Venues in Latino Communities
- First CRISM Observations of Mars
- From Auroras to Sea Ice: Views From the International Space Station and Plans for International Polar Year
- Have We Seen Comet Wild 2 Samples Before?
- High Precision Osmium Isotope Measurements Using New Generation Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Infrared Spectroscopy of Comet Wild-2 Samples Returned by the Stardust Mission.
- International Polar Year Observations From the International Space Station
- Interpretation of Cometary Dust Size, Structure and Composition From Imagery and Analysis of Stardust Foil Craters and Their Laboratory Analogues.
- Layered Deposits of Arabia Terra and Meridiani Planum: Keys to the Habitability of Ancient Mars
- Molecular Substrate Alteration by Solar Wind Radiation Documented on Flown Genesis Mission Array Materials
- Operational Models Supporting Manned Space Flight
- Scanning Apollo Flight Films and Reconstructing CSM Trajectories
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- The Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector and Stardust@home
- The oxidation state of tungsten in iron bearing and iron free silicate glasses: Initial results from W L-edge XANES measurements
- The use of thallium isotopes to trace ferromanganese sediments in the mantle sources of ocean island basalts
- Two Martian Winters at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum: New Results From the MER Moessbauer Spectrometers
- VASIMR Simulation Studies of Auroral Ion Cyclotron Heating
- Weathering of Rocks in Gusev Crater Inferred From Correlations Between Primary and Secondary Fe-bearing Minerals Identified by Spirit's Moessbauer Spectrometer
- CheMin: A Definitive Mineralogy Instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL '09) Rover
- Chemical And Physical Properties Of Diverse Basalts From Gusev Crater, Mars: Implications For A Heterogeneous Martian Mantle
- Daily and Decadal Coastal Changes Along the Yellow River Delta
- Effect of atmospheric neutral density on the Earth's trapped-belt proton flux
- Evidence for Siliceous Deposits Formed by Acid-Sulfate Alteration at Home Plate in Gusev Crater, Mars
- Experimental simulation of organic matter alteration in carbonaceous chondrites under an in situ micro FTIR spectroscopy
- Exposed Ice in the Northern Mid-Latitudes of Mars
- Fluvial Interpretation of Ridged Units, Northern Sinus Meridiani/Southwest Arabia Terra, Mars
- Geomorphologic Interpretation of Southwest Arabia Terra, Mars: Evidence of Regional, Long- Duration Fluvial Activity
- High-Precision Nd isotopes in Picrites from Hawaii and Iceland - No Evidence for an Early- Formed Enriched Reservoir
- International Polar Year From the International Space Station
- Investigating of the effects of target heterogeneities on terrestrial crater formation.
- Investigating the Wavelength Dependence of the Single-Scattering Albedo of Martian Dust Aerosols with CRISM and MARCI Observations of the Very Dusty Atmosphere in 2007
- Isotope Fractionations Associated With Degassing of CO2 Aqueous Solutions and its Implications for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Juxtaposition of Layered Sulfate and Phyllosilicate Deposits, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Multi-sulfate and Iron Oxide Assemblages Within the Valles Marineris Interior Layered Deposits
- Operational Weather Needs For Exploration Class Missions
- Oxygen Fugacity Buffers at Conditions of the Deep Earth
- Oxygen Fugacity Variation in Martian Meteorites: Carbon Buffering in the Martian Mantle?
- Promoting an Integrated Science Approach in Teacher Training Programs
- Results From in Situ High P-T Melting and Phase Equilibria Experiments on the Allende Meteorite
- Silica Deposits Within Gusev Crater: Clear Evidence for Martian Water
- The Uppermost Surface of the Moon: A Study of the Ap16 Clam Shell Samples
- Use of Auroral Processes in Spacecraft Propulsion: A VASIMR VX-100 Status Report
- Was Earth Initially Chondritic for its Coupled 142Nd-143Nd Signature? A Perspective From Mars.
- What We Have Learned From Field Experiments In The 20 Years Since FIFE
- 3D Visualization of Solar Disk: Mars Radiation Environment 2003-2008
- Aqueous Alteration on Mars: Estimating the Duration of Chemical Weathering of the Wishstone-Watchtower Weathering Sequence
- Carbon Isotope Equilibrium Between Methane and Carbon Dioxide in two Continental Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for Methane Production on Mars
- Contrasting geochemical trends in the fertile and refractory parts of the NE Atlantic mantle source
- Coordinated Orbital and Landed Observations for Understanding Martian Soil and Rock Mineralogy and Textures
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Experimental Constraints on the Partitioning and Valence of V and Cr in Garnet and Coexisting Glass.
- Geologic Context of Al-rich Phyllosilicate Deposits in Meridiani
- Highly Reducing Conditions During Core Formation on Mercury: Implications for Internal Structure, the Distribution of Heat-Producing Elements and the Origin of a Magnetic Field
- How Deep and Hot was Earth's Magma Ocean? Combined Experimental Datasets for the Metal-Silicate Partitioning of 11 Siderophile Elements - Ni, Co, Mo, W, P, Mn, V, Cr, Ga, Cu and Pd.
- New Evidence for the Origin of Layered Deposits in Valles Marineris
- Phoenix Magnetic Properties Experiments Using the Surface Stereo Imager and the MECA Microscopy Station
- Phoenix landing site and sample context images from the Surface Stereo Imager
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Preliminary identification of minerals at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Spectral Modeling of Ground Ices Exposed by Trenching at the Phoenix Mars Landing Site
- Spring Deposits and Mud Volcanoes on Mars
- Sr, Nd, Pb and Os Isotopic Compositions of Lavas From the Mount Baker Volcanic Field, Cascade Arc
- Subsurface Materials Exposed at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Aqueous Chemistry of the Soils at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: Data and Tools for Researchers
- The Origin of the Terra Meridiani Sediments: Volatile Transport and the Formation of Sulfate Bearing Layered Deposits on Mars
- Time-Dependent SSI Multispectral Properties for Rock, Soil, Ice, and Sublimation Lags at the Phoenix Landing Site on Mars
- Validating Habitability Assessment of Mars Soils: Life at the Soil-Ice Boundary in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Wet Chemical Analysis of Antarctica Dry Valley Soils
- Clay Mineralogy And Pore Water Geochemistry Of Mud From Baratang Mud Volcanoes From Andamans, India And Great Boiling Springs, Nevada, USA: Linking Mud Mineralogy Using XRD And XRF To Extrusion Mechanisms
- Clumped-isotope thermometry of speleothems: understanding and correcting for large kinetic fractionation induced by CO2 degassing
- Comparison of The Christiansen Feature Position and Lunar Iron: Evidence for Space Weathering Effects
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Early Results from the LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) During this Historic Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Evidence for Multiple Depositional Periods in Aram Chaos, Mars
- Evidence for Unconformable Deposition of Hydrated Sulfate-bearing Evaporitic Deposits in Northern Sinus Meridiani, Mars
- Expedition Earth and Beyond: Using NASA data resources and integrated educational strategies to promote authentic research in the classroom
- Exploring the Moon at the Microscale: Analysis of Apollo Samples with the Multispectral Microscopic Imager (MMI)
- Highly Siderophile Element Fractionation During Magma Transport in the Mantle
- LRO Camera Imaging of Constellation Sites
- LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer: Compositional Investigation Coverage and Early Results
- Linking sulfate and phyllosilicate formation at Mawrth Vallis: Weathering in ancient low-latitude ice deposits
- Low Solar Activity and High GCR Particle Flux Variations: Assessment with Ulysses and ACE/CRIS Data 2007-2009
- Lunar Airborne Dust Toxicity Hazard Assessments (Invited)
- Mineralogical Capabilities of the CheMin XRD/XRF instrument on Mars Science Laboratory (MSL ’11)
- NASA Lunar Sample Education Disk Program - Space Rocks for Classrooms, Museums, Science Centers and Libraries
- Organic Coatings on Primitive Grains in IDPs: Implications for the Formation of Solar System Organic Matter
- Oxygen and sulfur isotope composition of sulfate-rich evaporite mounds at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Pancam Multispectral Observations of the Block Island meteorite, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Pavilion Lake Research Project - using multi-scaled approaches to understanding the provenance, maintenance and morphological characteristics of microbialites
- Pervasive sedimentary diapirism in Acidalia Planitia, Mars: Implications and astrobiological perspective
- Physical influences on microbialite morphological variation and distribution in Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada
- Pyroxenite Formation in the Totalp Ultramafic Massif, Switzerland: Constraints From Highly Siderophile Elements
- Recent Spirit Rover Results: Morphological and Textural Analysis of Sulfate-Rich Soils to the West of Home Plate
- Statistical Prediction of Solar Particle Event Frequency based on the Measurements of Recent Solar Cycles for Acute Radiation Risk Analysis
- Sulfur in Hydrothermal Deposits at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Summer-Fall Seasonal Ices at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site: Results from CRISM Observations
- Testing of an H-chondrite as a Candidate for the Bulk Martian Mantle Composition
- The Chlorine Abundance of Earth: Evidence for Early Atmospheric Loss and Creation of a Life-Supporting Planet
- Use of Web 2.0 Technologies for Public Outreach on a Simulated Mars Mission
- Allophane on Mars: Evidence from IR spectroscopy and TES spectral models
- Allophane on Mars: Significance for Chemical Weathering and Soil Development
- Apollo 11 and 16 Soil Bi-directional Solar Reflectance Measurements, Models and LRO Diviner Observations
- Broken ergodicity in ideal, homogeneous, incompressible turbulence
- CO2-related explosive alkaline magmatism in Gusev crater, Mars: Implications for oxygen fugacity and carbon inventory in the Noachian Martian mantle (Invited)
- Ca-Mg-Sr-Nd Isotopes in Granitic Rocks of the Lhasa Terrane, Southern Tibet
- Carbon isotope characterization of organic intermediaries in hydrothermal hydrocarbon synthesis by Pyrolysis-GC-MS-C-IRMS
- Coherent eigenmodes in homogeneous MHD turbulence
- Connecting Teachers and Students with Science Experts: NASA's Expedition Earth and Beyond Program
- Deep crustal carbonate rocks exposed by meteor impact on Mars
- Developing Nontraditional Partnerships to Disseminate the Space Science Story (Invited)
- Discovery of Carbonate-Rich Outcrops in the Gusev Crater Columbia Hills by the MER Rover Spirit
- Discovery of Interstellar Dust Candidates in Stardust aerogel collectors through Stardust@home (Invited)
- Educating the Next Generation of Lunar Scientists
- Evaluating the Historical Importance of Impact Induced Hydrothermal Systems on Mars using the Stable Isotopic Composition of Martian Water
- Experimental Constraints on the Composition and Depth of an Early Magma Ocean on Mars
- Experimental Study of Abiotic Organic Synthesis at High Temperature and Pressure Conditions: Carbon Isotope and Mineral Surface Characterizations
- Fluvial Channel Networks as Analogs for the Ridge-forming Unit, Sinus Meridiani, Mars
- Highly Siderophile Elements as Tracers for the Subcontinental Mantle Evolution Beneath the Southwestern USA: The San Carlos and Kilbourne Hole Peridotite Xenoliths Revisited
- Lunar Rocks: Available for Year of the Solar System Events
- Metal/Silicate Partitioning of Tungsten at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Mini-TES Observations of Comanche Carbonate and its Distribution
- Mud Volcanoes - Analogs to Martian Cones and Domes (by the thousands !)
- Multivariate Methods for Predicting Geologic Sample Composition with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Nickel, Cobalt and Chromium in early lunar magma ocean olivine: Constraints on the petrogenesis of the Mg-suite
- Pieces of Other Worlds - Enhance YSS Education and Public Outreach Events with Extraterrestrial Samples
- Professionals and Emerging Scientists Sharing Science
- Public Participation in Earth Science from the Iss
- Silicate Mineralogy of SPA: A New View from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Simulation of Earth-Moon-Mars Environments for the Assessment of Organ Doses
- Spacecraft Solar Particle Event (SPE) Shielding: Shielding Effectiveness as a Function of SPE Model as Determined with the FLUKA Radiation Transport Code
- Stability of basalt+anhydrite+calcite at HP-HT: implications for Venus, the Earth and Mars
- Subsurface ices at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site: Assessing emplacement mechanisms
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of the Sun
- The VASIMR® VF-200-1 ISS Experiment as a Laboratory for Astrophysics
- Water in the oceanic lithosphere: Salt Lake Crater xenoliths, Oahu, Hawaii
- 4 Vesta in Color: High Resolution Mapping from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A Framework for Successful Research Experiences in the Classroom: Combining the Power of Technology and Mentors
- Advanced Robotics for Mars Sample Handling and Analysis: On Earth! Now!
- Allophane at Mawrth Vallis: Implications for Aqueous Alteration History
- An Investigation of Regolith Cover on Ejecta Blocks: Implications for Regolith Development
- Beagle I and II Voyages: Charles Darwin's rocks and the quest for Mars rock; the Open University's virtual microscope has both
- Broken Ergodicity in MHD Turbulence in a Spherical Domain
- CUDA Simulation of homogeneous, incompressible turbulence
- Clear Evidence for Hydrothermal Deposits within Gusev Crater Established by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
- Coordinated Analyses of Diverse Components in Whole Stardust Cometary Tracks
- Detailed mapping of perchlorate distributions with Phoenix and CRISM and evidence of modern aqueous redistribution
- Eigenanalysis of Ideal Hall MHD Turbulence
- Evidence of Space Weathering Processes Across the Surface of Vesta
- Fractional Crystallization of the Lunar Magma Ocean
- Geochemical mapping of 4 Vesta begins
- Hayabusa Sample Curation in the JAXA's Planetary Material Curation Facility
- Heterogeneous distribution of nanophase aluminosilicate weathering products: Interpreting Martian weathering
- Hurricane Ike Deposits on the Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston Bay, Texas
- Hydrogen isotope measurements of organic acids and alcohols by Pyrolysis-GC-MS-TC-IRMS
- Laboratory Tests of a Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer: A Tool for Planetary Exploration
- Macro vs. Micro: relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite
- Modelling of compositional variation as a result of species transport during melt segregation
- Moon 101: Introducing Students to Lunar Science and Exploration
- Natural Ca Isotope Composition of Urine as a Rapid Measure of Bone Mineral Balance
- Origin of Martian Interior Layered Deposits (ILDs) by atmospherically driven processes
- Partial melting of carbonated pelite at 3-7 GPa and deep cycling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in subduction zones
- Radiogenic calcium isotopes in granites from the Lhasa-region, Tibet: limits on magmatic contributions to crustal thickening during collision
- Short Range-Ordered Minerals: Insight into Aqueous Alteration Processes on Mars
- Small Bodies, Big Concepts: Engaging Teachers and Their Students in Visual Analysis of Comets and Asteroids
- Spectral Properties of Natural and Synthetic Allophanes, Imogolites, Hydrated Silica and Phyllosilicates and Applications to Mars
- Statistical Projection of Solar Cycle 24 for the Exposure Estimates
- The Formation of Fe/Mg Smectite Under Mildly Acidic Conditions on Early Mars
- The Hydrological Cycle on Mars as Inferred from the Multi O-isotopic Composition of Carbonates in ALH84001
- The impact of rise of the Andes and Amazon landscape evolution on diversification of lowland terra-firme forest birds
- Using the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for remotely mapping surface roughness on alluvial fans: A comparison of Death Valley, CA to Mojave Crater on Mars
- Vesta surface mineralogy: Global and regional properties
- Visible and Near-IR Reflectance Spectra of Smectite Acquired Under Dry Conditions for Interpretation of Martian Surface Mineralogy
- An update on the Thermal Gradient Induced Non -Mass-Dependent Isotope Fractionation
- Chemical Mapping of Vesta and Ceres
- Composition of silicate partial melts of carbonated pelite at 3-5 GPa and genesis of arc magma
- Constraints on the recent rate of lunar regolith accumulation from Diviner observations
- Dawn at Vesta: surface mineralogy after the mapping phases
- Detecting Adsorbed Sulfate and Phosphate on Nanophase Weathering Products on Mars
- Dipole Alignment in Rotating MHD Turbulence
- Evaluating the High School Lunar Research Projects Program
- Grain size analysis of the Bright Materials on 4 Vesta
- Hematite Bearing Ridge as Evidence for Anoxic Water Discharge in Gale Crater
- Inspiring the Next Generation of Explorers: Scientist Involvement in the Expedition Earth and Beyond Program
- Internal structure and mineralogy of differentiated asteroids assuming chondritic bulk composition: The case of Vesta
- Investigations using Laboratory Testbeds to Interpret Flight Instrument Datasets from Mars Robotic Missions
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Early Planetary Crusts
- Lunar and Meteorite Thin Sections for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
- Missions to Near-Earth Asteroids: Implications for Exploration, Science, Resource Utilization, and Planetary Defense
- Models for Interpreting Tungsten Isotope Anomalies in the Earth's Crust
- Near Real-Time Prospecting for Lunar Volatiles: Demonstrating RESOLVE Science in the Field
- OH and H2O on Vesta and on the Moon: A comparative analysis
- Parametric Dielectric Model of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Plasma Jet Simulations Using a Generalized Ohm's Law
- Potassium stable isotopic compositions measured by high-resolution MC-ICP-MS
- Probabilistic Forecast of Solar Particle Fluence for Mission Durations and Exposure Assessment in Consideration of Integral Proton Fluence at High Energies
- SAM-like Evolved Gas Analysis of Mars Analog Samples from the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- Sources of Sulfate Found in Mounds and Lakes at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica and Inferred Sub-glacial Microbial Environments
- Space Weather Monitoring for ISS Space Environments Engineering and Crew Auroral Observations
- Spectral Constraints on the Internal Characteristics of Phobos and Deimos
- Subsurface Salts in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils as Analogs for Mars
- The Gale Crater Mound in a Regional Geologic Setting
- The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- The Use of Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Technology in Unraveling the Eruptive History of the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona
- The general lack of igneous rocks with cumulate chemical signatures: is there an elephant in the room?
- Using Apollo sites and soils to compositionally ground truth Diviner Lunar Radiometer observations
- VIR looking at Vesta: the north hemisphere
- Water in a young Moon constrained from ferroan anorthosites
- Atmospheric Krypton and Xenon Measurements from Mars Science Laboratory
- Carbonate Mineral Formation on Mars: Clues from Stable Isotope Variations Seen in Cryogenic Laboratory Studies of Carbonate Salts
- Characterizing the Phyllosilicates and Amorphous Phases Found by MSL Using Laboratory XRD and EGA Measurements of Natural and Synthetic Materials (Invited)
- Detection and Quantification of Nitrogen Compounds in Martian Solid Samples by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Evidence for Smectite Clays from MSL SAM Analyses of Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- High water contents in the Siberian cratonic mantle: an FTIR study of Udachnaya peridotite xenoliths
- How NASA is building and sustaining a community of scientist-communicators through virtual technology, graphic facilitation and other community-building tools
- International Space Station Instruments Collect Imagery of Natural Disasters
- Joint M3 and Diviner analysis of the mineralogy, glass composition, and country rock content of pyroclastic deposits in Oppenheimer Crater
- Mars Sulfur: A Review of Landed Mission Data (Invited)
- Meteoritic and Geologic Context of the Chelyabinsk Near-Earth Asteroid Air Burst (Invited)
- Modeling the Skills and Practices of Scientists through an 'All-Inclusive' Comparative Planetology Student Research Investigation
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- Olivine Weathering and Sulfate Formation Under Cryogenic Conditions
- Potassium isotopic compositions of NIST potassium standards and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar mineral standards
- Preserved Flora and Organics in Impact Melt Breccias: Implications for Capturing Past Life on Mars
- Salt Profile in Sedimentary Deposits: an archive of past climate and tectonics
- Sediment and Soil Profiles of Taylor and Wright Valleys, Antarctica, as Analogs for Mars
- Simulation and Comparison of Martian Surface Ionization Radiation
- Terrestrial Analogs for Clay Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- The First X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Clay Minerals from Gale Crater
- The Mineralogical and Chemical Case for Habitability at Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
- The Multi-Stage History of Mt. Sharp
- The Origin of Carbon-bearing Volatiles in Surprise Valley Hot Springs in the Great Basin: Carbon Isotope and Water Chemistry Characterizations
- The Search for Nitrates on Mars by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument
- The XRD Amorphous Component in John Klein Drill Fines at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Tracking the depleted mantle signature in melt inclusions and host glass of basaltic martian shergottites using secondary ionization mass spectrometry
- XANES Measurements of Cr Valence in Olivine and their Applications to Planetary Basalts (Invited)
- Aqueous Alteration of Endeavour Crater Rim Apron Rocks
- Capturing Evidence for Past Life in the Martian Loess
- Composition of Rheasilvia Basin on Asteroid Vesta.
- Connecting Returned Apollo Soils and Remote Sensing: Application to the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Constraining the Composition of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the East African Rift: FTIR Analysis of Water in Spinel Peridotite Mantle Xenoliths
- Don Quixote Pond Sediments: Surface and Subsurface Chemistry and Mineralogy
- Exploration of the Moon and Asteroids by Secondary Students (ExMASS): An Authentic, Open-Inquiry Research Experience for High School Students
- Fe3+ partitioning during basalt differentiation on Mars: insights into the oxygen fugacity of the shergottite mantle source(s).
- Formation of Fe/Mg Smectite under acidic conditions from synthetic Adirondack Basaltic Glass: An Analog to Fe/Mg Smectite Formation on Mars.
- Hydrogen (H) Isotope Composition of Type II Kerogen Extracted by Pyrolysis-GC-MS-IRMS: Terrestrial Shale deposits as Martian Analogs
- Investigating the Habitability and Preservation Potential of Two Aqueous Settings in Gusev Crater, Mars
- MSL DAN Passive Data and Interpretations
- Manganese in Endeavour Crater Rim Materials, Mars, and Implications for Habitability
- Mars Atmospheric Composition, Isotope Ratios and Seasonal Variations: Overview and Updates of the SAM Measurements at Gale Crater
- Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Uranium at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Mineralogy of Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments Investigated by Curiosity during the Prime Mission: Implications for Diagenesis
- NASA's Astromaterials Curation Digital Repository: Enabling Research Through Increased Access to Sample Data, Metadata and Imagery
- Northwest Africa 8159: New Type of Martian Meteorite
- Performance Modeling of Orbital Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Asteroids: Monte-Carlo Modeling of the HPGe Mars Odyssey GRS
- Phosphates at the Surface of Mars: Primary Deposits and Alteration Products
- Possible Global Distribution of Reduced Carbon in Surface Sediments on Mars: Evidence from Volatiles Released from the Rocknest Eolian Drift, Gale Crater
- Resource Prospector: A lunar volatiles prospecting and ISRU demonstration mission
- SAM Chlorine Observations at Gale Crater
- SHERLOC: Scanning Habitable Environments With Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals, an Investigation for 2020
- Spatially Resolved Chemical Imaging for Biosignature Analysis: Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Examples
- Spectroscopic Observations of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from Mars using ChemCam, OMEGA and SPICAM.
- The Heat-Pipe Hypothesis for Early Crustal Development of Terrestrial Planets
- The Nitrate/Perchlorate Ratio on Mars As an Indicator for Habitability
- The microbial mats of Pavilion Lake microbialites: examining the relationship between photosynthesis and carbonate precipitation
- Visible and near-infrared spectra of manganese oxides: Detecting high manganese phases in Curiosity Mastcam multispectral images
- Water content in the SW USA mantle lithosphere: FTIR analysis of Dish Hill and Kilbourne Hole pyroxenites
- Water in the Cratonic Mantle: Insights from FTIR Data on Lac de Gras Xenoliths (Slave Craton, Canada)
- A Proof of Concept for In-Situ Lunar Dating
- Basalt: Biologic Analog Science Associated with Lava Terrains
- Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Ordinary Chondrite (OC) Meteorites from Antarctica Indicate Distinct Terrestrial Carbonate Species using a Stepped Acid Extraction Procedure Impacting Mars Carbonate Research
- Characterization of the Interior Density Structure of Near Earth Objects with Muons
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Chemical Alteration Pathways Resulting in High-Silica Deposits on Mars
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Clays and Carbonates in a Groundwater-fed 3.8 Ga Martian Lake: Insights to Subsurface Habitability on Mars
- Complex Explosive Volcanic Activity on the Moon in Oppenheimer Crater
- Considering the Complexities of U-Pb Geochronology at the Millennial Scale
- Evidence for Acid-Sulfate Alteration in the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evidence of refractory organic matter preserved in the mudstones of Yellowknife Bay and the Murray Formations
- Evolution of the Oxidation State of the Earth's Mantle: Challenges of High Pressure Quenching
- Formation of a Phyllosilicate-, K-feldspar-, and Sulfate-Bearing Hematite Ridge on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii, Under Hydrothermal, Acid-Sulfate Conditions: Process and Mineralogical Analog for the Hematite Ridge on Mt. Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars.
- Geologic Investigations Spurred by Analog Testing at the 7504 Cone-Sp Mountain Area of the San Francisco Volcanic Field
- In Situ measurement of Kr and Xe in the atmosphere of Mars
- Indigenous Fixed Nitrogen on Mars: Implications for Habitability
- Iron-rich Carbonates as the Potential Source of Evolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument in Gale Crater.
- Jupiter's Migration and the Hydration of the Early Inner Solar System
- Key Recent Scientific Results from the Opportunity Rover's Exploration of Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- MSL SAM-like Analyses of Hawaiian Altered Basaltic Materials: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- Mantle water contents beneath the Rio Grande Rift (NM, USA): FTIR analysis of Rio Puerco and Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths
- Metal-silicate partitioning of lithophile elements at high pressures and temperatures
- Nanophase Carbonates on Mars: Does Evolved Gas Analysis of Nanophase Carbonates Reveal a Large Organic Carbon Budget in Near-surface Martian Materials?
- New Insights into Amino Acid Preservation in the Early Oceans using Modern Analytical Techniques
- Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results from the Western Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Phase-Angle Dependence of Determinations of Diameter, Albedo, and Taxonomy: A case study of NEO 3691 Bede
- Preserving the Science Legacy from the Apollo Missions to the Moon
- RIS4E at Kilauea's December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration.
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Sedimentary Facies as Indicators of Changing Lake Levels in Gale Crater, Mars
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN
- Sr and Pb isotopic geochemistry of feldspars and implications for the growth of megacrysts in plutonic settings.
- Stable Isotope Systematics of Martian Perchlorate
- Sub-meter desiccation crack patterns imaged by Curiosity at Gale Crater on Mars shed additional light on former lakes evident from examined outcrops
- The provenance and formation of reduced carbon phases on Mars from the study of Martian meteorites.
- Using Neutron Spectroscopy to Constrain the Composition and Provenance of Phobos and Deimos
- Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation
- Water in the lithospheric mantle beneath a Phanerozoic continental belt: FTIR analyses of Alligator Lake Xenoliths (Yukon, Canada)
- Wright Valley Sediments as Potential Analogs for Martian Surface Processes
- X-ray Amorphous Phases in Antarctica Dry Valley Soils: Insight into Aqueous Alteration Processes on Mars?
- An Interdisciplinary Method for the Visualization of Novel High-Resolution Precision Photography and Micro-XCT Data Sets of NASA's Apollo Lunar Samples and Antarctic Meteorite Samples to Create Combined Research-Grade 3D Virtual Samples for the Benefit of Astromaterials Collections Conservation, Curation, Scientific Research and Education
- Aqueous Alteration of Tridymite: Implications for its Discovery at Gale Crater, Mars
- Assessing the impact of mineralogy on our ability to detect organic salts in Gale Crater, Mars, through thermal analyses.
- Asteroid Redirect Mission: Update on Planetary Defense Demonstration and Small Bodies Benefits and Community Interaction
- Astronaut Bones: Stable Calcium Isotopes in Urine as a Biomarker of Bone Mineral Balance
- Automated Grouping of Opportunity Rover Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer Compositional Data
- Chemical Weathering on a Cold and Wet Ancient Mars: New Insights from a Glacial Mars Analog Site
- Constraining Hesperian martian P<SUB>CO2</SUB> from mineral analysis at Gale crater
- Cooling rates of lunar volcanic glass beads
- CosmoQuest: Galvanizing a Dynamic, Inclusive Professional Learning Network
- Developing Benchmarks for Ionizing Radiation
- Elemental Gains/Losses Associated with Alteration Fractures in an Eolian Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars
- Evidence for an Ancient Periglacial Climate in Gale Crater, Mars
- Future Exploration of the South Pole as Enabled by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Geology and Mineralogy of Ancient Sea Deposits in Eridania Basin, Mars: Implications for Noachian Climate
- Heat Producing Elements and the Energy Budget of Earth's Core
- Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs): 100 Ma or 3 Ga?
- Is Tridymite at Gale Crater Evidence for Silicic Volcanism on Mars?
- Laboratory Evolved Gas Analyses of Si-rich Amorphous Materials: Implications for Analyses of Si-rich Amorphous Material in Gale Crater by the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Observations Relating to Science and Landing Site Selection in South Pole-Aitken Basin for a Robotic Sample Return Mission
- Metadata, Identifiers, and Physical Samples
- Monitoring Building Energy Systems at NASA Centers Using NASA Earth Science data, CMIP5 climate data products and RETScreen Expert Clean Energy Tool
- New Approaches for Identifying the P-T-X-t Histories and Eruption Triggers for Silicic Magmas; An Example Examining the Scaup Lake Rhyolite, Yellowstone Caldera, WY
- Origin of the anomalously rocky appearance of Tsiolkovskiy crater
- Origin of the two scales of wind ripples on Mars
- Oxychlorine species on Mars: Implications from Gale Crater Samples
- Partnering with NASA JSC for Community Research Needs; Collaborative and Student Opportunities via Jacobs and Psams Initiative
- Performing mineral hydration experiments in the CheMin diffractometer on Mars
- Preservation of organic matter on Mars by sulfur
- Preserving, Enhancing, and Continuing the Scientific Legacy of the Apollo Sample Suite
- Pressure-induced Hydrogen Bond Symmetrization in Aluminous Phase D
- Radiation enviroment at Mars based on the past 4 years of MSL/RAD measurements on Mars
- Recent Opportunity Microscopic Imager Results from the Western Rim of Endeavour Crater
- Role of lithosphere vs. asthenosphere on intraplate magmatism
- Science Enabling Exploration: Using LRO to Prepare for Future Missions
- Scientific analogs and the development of human mission architectures for the Moon, deep space and Mars
- Similarities Across Mars: Acidic Fluids at Both Meridiani Planum and Gale Crater in the Formation of Magnesium-Nickel Sulfates
- Smectite Formation From Basaltic Glass in the Presence of Sulfuric Acid on Mars
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed on Mars with MSL/RAD
- Solar Energetic Particles Events and Human Exploration: Measurements in a Space Habitat
- Solar energetic particle events observed by MAVEN
- Stepped Acid Extractions of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Ancient Carbonates in Martian Nakhlites (MIL 03346, 090030, 090032, 090036) Show Distinct δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Isotopic Values Compared to Secondary Terrestrial Carbonates Formed on Ordinary Chondrites (OC) Collected from Antarctica
- The Evolution of Water in Martian Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Cryosphere: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes
- The Mapping X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (mapx)
- The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Detections of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO in Sedimentary Material from Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for the Presence of Organic Carbon and Microbial Habitability on Mars.
- U, Th, and K in planetary cores: Implications for volatile elements and heat production
- A 4.43 Ga Transition from Mega-impact to Habitability Deduced from Microstructural Geochronology of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Combined Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties using active HSRL and Passive Polarimeter Multi-sensor Data
- An experimental flow-through assessment of acidic Fe/Mg smectite formation on early Mars
- Assessing the Behavior of Typically Lithophile Elements Under Highly Reducing Conditions Relevant to the Planet Mercury
- Chasing the Great American 2017 Total Solar Eclipse: Coronal Results from NASA's WB-57F High-Altitude Research Aircraft
- Collecting, Managing, and Visualizing Data during Planetary Surface Exploration
- Community Extreme Tonnage User Service (CETUS): A 5000 Ton Open Research Facility in the United States
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability
- Dosimetry of a Deep-Space (Mars) Mission using Measurements from RAD on the Mars Science Laboratory
- Elevated Zinc and Germanium Discovered by Curiosity's APXS in the Murray Formation of Gale Crater, Mars, Indicate Hydrothermal Enrichment and Possible Diagenetic Fractionation
- Exploring the Utilization of Low-Pressure, Piston-Cylinder Experiments to Determine the Bulk Compositions of Finite, Precious Materials
- Five Years of Analyses of Volatiles, Isotopes and Organics in Gale Crater Materials
- Geochemical Characterization Of Cherts From The 3.46Ga Apex Basalt To Assess The Origins Of Possible Biosignatures
- Glacial Chemical Alteration of Mars-Like Bedrock
- Hydrothermal Signatures at Gale Crater, Mars, and Possible In-Situ Formation of Tridymite
- Implications of Martian Phyllosilicate Formation Conditions to the Early Climate on Mars
- Is Mars Dead and Does it Matter: The Crucial Scientific Importance of a Lifeless Mars
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Measurements of Forbush decreases at Mars: both by MSL on ground and by MAVEN in orbit
- Meteorite Fall Detection and Analysis via Weather Radar: Worldwide Potential for Citizen Science
- Mineralogy of Sediments on a Cold and Icy Early Mars
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ICMEs propagating beyond Earth orbit during MSL/RAD flight and surface phases
- NASA Earth Science Disasters Program Response Activities During Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017
- Na, Rb and Cs partitioning between metal, silicate and sulfide: Implications for volatile depletion in terrestrial planets
- Nitrogen and Martian Habitability: Insights from Five Years of Curiosity Measurements
- Oxychlorine and Chloride/Ferrian Saponite Mixtures as a Possible Source of Hydrochloric Acid Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument in Gale Crater, Mars
- Planetary Science from NASA's WB-57 Canberra High Altitude Research Aircraft During the Great American Eclipse of 2017
- Prebiotic Synthesis in Volcanic Discharges: Exposing Ash to Volcanic/Primordial Gas Atmospheres
- Reinventing Image Detective: An Evidence-Based Approach to Citizen Science Online
- Resource Prospector: Evaluating the ISRU Potential of the Lunar Poles
- SEP modeling based on global heliospheric models at the CCMC
- SHERLOC on Mars 2020
- Space Weather Action Plan Ionizing Radiation Benchmarks: Phase 1 update and plans for Phase 2
- Space Weather at Mars: MAVEN and MSL/RAD Observations of CME and SEP Events
- The Charged Particle Environment on the Surface of Mars induced by Solar Energetic Particles - Five Years of Measurements with the MSL/RAD instrument
- The Python Spectral Analysis Tool (PySAT): A Powerful, Flexible, Preprocessing and Machine Learning Library and Interface
- The Sands of the Bagnold Dunes, Mars and Volatiles in Mars Soils
- The composition of secondary amorphous phases under different environmental conditions
- The story of Amazonian climate change on Mars as told by carbonates in Miller Range Nakhlites
- Utilizing ISS Camera Systems for Scientific Analysis of Lightning Characteristics and comparison with ISS-LIS and GLM
- Weathering of Olivine during Interaction of Sulfate Aerosols with Mars Soil under Current Climate Conditions
- 2018 Mars Global Dust Storm - Effects of Airborne Dust and Particle Deposition on Mars Science Laboratory SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) Instrument Inlet Cover Actuator Temperatures
- Analogs of Ice and Fire: Conducting Fieldwork in the Icelandic Highlands to Inform Volcanic Interpretations on Mars and Instrument Development for Europa
- Apollo's Agglutinates: An Analysis of Lunar Agglutinate Reflectance and Implications for Space Weathering
- Are ammonium-smectites a possible N source in SAM evolved gas analyses?
- AstroDB- A Data System for Analytical Data of extraterrestrial samples
- Asymmetric Early Crust-Building Magmatism on the Lunar Nearside
- Carbon on Mercury
- Characterization and Development of a Mineralogical and Chemical Analog of Cumberland Drill Sample Sediments for Organic Molecule Identification in Evolved Gas Analysis Experiments.
- Characterization of a Europa analog environment at Kverkfjöll, Iceland
- Characterizing X-ray Amorphous Phases through Diffraction Profile Modeling: Understanding Weathering and Diagenesis in Gale Crater
- Constraining elemental trends in Raman spectra of terrestrial and extraterrestrial insoluble organic matter samples
- Creating a High-Resolution 3D Virtual Astromaterials Samples Collection of NASA's Apollo Lunar Samples and Antarctic Meteorite Collections for an Online Database to Serve Researchers and the Public.
- Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Major Findings and Implications for Habitability
- D/H isotope fractionation during H diffusion loss from clinopyroxene evidenced in martian nakhlites
- Determining Regolith Production Rates and Landing Site Safety Hazards Using Boulder Distributions Around Small, Young Lunar Impact Craters
- Evaluation of an Authentic, Open-inquiry Research Program for Secondary Students
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Evolved Gas Analysis of Oxalates, Acetates, and Perchlorates: Examining Pyrolysis Data from Mars for Evidence of Organic Salts
- Examining the Presence and Valence of Iron on the Surface of Mercury Post-MESSENGER: Open Questions Awaiting BepiColombo Results
- Field Camp for Astronauts: NASA's Geoscience Training Program for Planetary Exploration
- Field Logistics for Terrestrial Analog Environments
- GPR imaging of lava tubes with the TubeX project
- Hayabusa2/NIRS3 spectral observations of asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Interpretation of infrared spectra of asteroid Ryugu based on comparison to carbonaceous chondrites and other meteorites
- Investigating the Diversity of Lunar Pyroclastic Constructs Using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Investigating the chemical signatures of cold-climate alteration on Mars at a glaciated volcanic complex in the Oregon Cascades
- Investigation of Mineral Phase Effects (MPEs) caused by sulfur bearing minerals in the Cumberland Simulant, using laboratory equivalents of SAM, APXS, and CheMin Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) instruments.
- Lessons Learned from an Apollo 17 Historical Data Model as Applied to Data Management and Visualization for Future Human Exploration Activities
- Lunar Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (LSMES)
- Magma crystallization and mixing recorded by chronologically constrained melt inclusions
- Martian Organic Synthesis by Electrochemical Reduction of Aqueous CO<SUB>2</SUB>.
- Microbial carbon cycling in planetary-analogue hydrothermal environments at Kverkfjoll volcano, Iceland
- Migration of ground penetrating radar (GPR) data to image the floor of lava tubes; TubeX project
- MoonDB: Maximizing the Scientific Impact of Lunar Sample Data
- New High-Altitude Observations of the IR and Visible Solar Corona from the 2017 Eclipse
- Overview of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments
- Overview of the Digitization Workflow Post Image Acquisition of Apollo Lunar and Antarctic Meteorite Samples using Agisoft Photoscan for the NASA 3D Astromaterials Virtual Samples Collection
- Oxychlorine detection in Gale Crater, Mars and implications for past environmental conditions
- Planning for the Exploration of the Martian Subsurface
- Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale crater, Mars with Label Distribution Learning
- Quantified DUV Raman Analysis for Identifying Aromatic Molecules and Other Biosignatures
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E Science Journalism Program
- Remote Sensing of Volcanic Deposits of the Apollo 17 Landing Site Region
- Reworking and Diagenesis of Martian Soil: Pathway to Murray Formation Sediments?
- SAM and the organic matter in Gale Crater, Mars - Inventory and implications
- SSERVI at the Potrillo Volcanic Field: Exploration Roles of Handheld Instruments
- Sampling Interplanetary Dust Particles from Antarctic Air
- Scientific Hybrid Reality Environments (SHyRE): Leveraging Terrestrial Fieldwork for Future Planetary Exploration
- Space Weathering of Carbonaceous Asteroids and Meteorites
- Studies of Young Hawaiian Lava Tubes to Develop Techniques for Interpreting Lava Emplacement and Inferring Past Environment on the Moon and Mars
- The 2018 Planet-Encircling Dust Storm: Effects on the Mars Upper Atmosphere as seen in MAVEN Accelerometer Data
- The Effect of Iron Minerals on the Thermal Decomposition of Calcium and Magnesium Sulfates: Implications for Interpretation of MSL SAM Evolved Gas Analyses
- The Mineralogical Record of Redox at Gale Crater
- The oxidation state of sulfur in lunar and terrestrial apatite
- Understanding Life Signatures Across Geothermal-Ice Gradients in Europa-like Environments using Raman Spectroscopy
- Using Earth Analogs of the Moon to Study Volcanic Fields and Prepare for Human Lunar Geophysical Exploration
- Using Technology to Facilitate Access to STEM Experts and Facilities
- VR Planetary Analogs for Training: HISEAS Case Study
- Weathering in the forelands of two rapidly retreating alpine glaciers of volcanic bedrock in the Three Sisters, Oregon, USA
- An Overview of the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Mission
- An interstellar origin for H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the inner Solar System?
- Assessing Changes and Quantifying Loss in African Mangrove Forests Using SAR/Optical Data Fusion
- Assessing the Accuracy of Landslide Runout Simulations within Myanmar, Southeast Asia
- Aubrite meteorites as geochemical analogues to Mercury
- Autonomous Technologies to Support Lunar Exploration
- Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
- Clays and X-ray amorphous material in fine-grained basaltic sediments, Implications for the weathering history of Gale Crater, Mars.
- Community Coordinating Modeling Center (CCMC): a Portal for State-of-the-art Models to the Research to Operations Transition Pipeline.
- Community-wide Space Weather Scoreboards: Facilitating the Validation of Real-time CME, Flare, and SEP Forecasts
- Connecting with the Public: Explaining the Significance of Scientific Work Using Unique Assets and Personal Communication
- Correlating the Campanian Ignimbrite using matrix glass geochemistry and morphology
- Engaging and Inspiring young women in STEAM: NASA SERVIR's contributions to the Women in Science (WiSci) STEAM Camps
- Evolved gas and X-ray diffraction analyses of sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Vera Rubin Ridge to the Glen Torridon Clay Unit.
- Experimental Investigation of Crater Topography and Ejecta Dynamics of Strength-Layered Targets
- Experimental Study of the Alteration of Basalt on the Surface of Venus
- Exploring the Lunar Poles: Curation and Characterization of Volatile-Bearing Returned Samples
- Explosive Volcanism on Early Mars: Explaining the Tridymite Layer in Gale Crater
- Formation of akaganeite in Gale crater, Mars
- GEMMA: Geophysical Exploration of the Moon with MEMS Accelerometers
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- Glen Torridon: Chemical Relationship to Members of the Murray Formation (Gale Crater, Mars)
- HCl evolutions from laboratory mixtures of perchlorates and chlorides with water-bearing phases: Implications for the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument in Gale crater, Mars
- Hydrogen diffusion in pyroxenes and olivine from Dish Hill (CA, USA) spinel peridotite xenoliths
- Improving Scientific Literacy: Make it Real, Make it Relevant, Inspire Curiosity, and Engage Audiences in Scientific Thinking
- Improving accuracy of fire detection and estimation of burnt areas in the Eastern and Southern Africa region
- In Situ Mineralogical Analysis of Mercury using X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence
- Infrared Spectra of Dark Asteroid Ryugu and Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Intrepid: Lunar Roving Prospector
- Laboratory visible to infrared spectral investigations with hematite and iron-bearing phyllosilicates to help decipher spectral data taken by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover along Vera Rubin ridge in Gale Crater
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Lunar Lighthouse: RFID Technology for Inexpensive Science Sensors and Relative Navigation
- Magmatic and impact-induced gas-solid reactions controlled the early evolution of the martian surface and atmosphere
- Martian Near-Surface S and Cl Brines in Fractured and Porous Regolith Could Trigger Microscale Soil Collapse and Cause Recurring Slope Lineae
- Micro-blogging as micro-storytelling: Lessons learned using social media to engage audiences and bring science down to Earth, from space to the village and elsewhere
- Mineralogical evidence for water-rock interactions in ancient Gale crater, Mars from the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity rover
- New Views of Soil and Dust on Mars
- OSIRIS-REx at Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Selecting the Prime and Backup Sample Sites, Invited Paper 492627
- Pervasive water-rich, fracture-associated alteration halos in Gale crater, Mars
- SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments First Results
- Software Tool for Tracking and Mapping the NASA Orion Ascent Abort 2 Test Flight Ejectable Data Recorders in Real-time
- The Clay Minerals of Glen Torridon
- The Competing Roles of Melting and Metasomatism on the Water Systematics of the Oceanic Lithosphere.
- The ISEP Research to Operations Project
- The Integration of Earth Operations, Sample Preservation, and Containment for Mars Sample Return
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- The Mobility of Phosphorus and Potassium in Altered Hawaiian Volcanics: Constraints on Fluid Alteration on the Martian Surface
- The Search for Chiral Asymmetry as a Potential Biosignature in our Solar System
- The Use of Field Portable Instrumentation in Planetary Surface Exploration - Development, Testing, and Implementation Strategies
- Thermal Evolution and Core Formation on Asteroid 4 Vesta in the Magma Ocean Regime
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Water Quality Monitoring of In-Land Lakes in East Africa: How Open Source Tethys and Google Earth Engine Platforms are Improving Water Quality Data Analysis, Visualization and Decision Making
- 500+ Million Years of Volcanism in Australe
- APXS Chemistry of Recent Float Rocks and Their Possible Relation to Major Formations at Gale Crater
- APXS Compositional Investigation of the Greenheugh Pediment Capping Unit and Underlying Murray Formation: Déjà Vu
- Active-Source Seismology Using Astronaut Surface Operations During the Apollo 11 Mission
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) (MSL) Analysis of the Glen Torridon Clay Rich Units, below the Greenheugh Pediment, Gale Crater, Mars
- Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) Investigation of Chlorine and Bromine Enrichment at Gale Crater, Mars.
- Analyzing Lunar Polar Water Ice Using Available Datasets
- Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) Initiative. Fulfilling Apollo Science Goals and Preparing for Returning to the Moon.
- Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA): A segue to the next era of lunar exploration and sample return activities
- Asymmetric Early Post-Magma Ocean Crust Building on the Moon's Nearside
- Bounding-Case Radiation Environment Model for Short Crewed Missions
- Clay Mineral Formation on Early Mars via Open-System Acid Alteration of Basaltic Glass
- Constraining Paleoenvironments on Mars from Infrared Spectral Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Alteration Products
- Constraints on the Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Glen Torridon Clay-Bearing Unit from the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite
- Differential mechanical weathering and the evolution of topographic asymmetry in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Effect of Sulfur on Siderophile Element Partitioning Between Olivine and Martian Basaltic Melt
- Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Gale Crater, Mars from X-ray Amorphous Component Compositions
- Evolved gas analysis of Mars-analog paleosols
- Exploratory Experiments to Probe the Effect of Bulk Density and Porosity on the Morphology and Ejecta Kinematics of Impact Craters
- From Apollo to Artemis: Opening and Processing Lunar Core 73002 for the ANGSA Program
- Geochemical Processes Along and Above the Glen Torridon/Greenheugh Pediment, Unconformity, Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument.
- Glacier-driven Chemical Alteration of Volcanic Rock: Implications for an Icy Low-Temperature Geochemical Cycle on the Surface of Mars
- Global-Scale Semi-Automated Mapping of Hydrothermal and Low-Grade Metamorphic Minerals on Mars
- High-temperature Hydrogen Chloride Releases from Mixtures of Sodium Chloride with Kieserite: Implications for the Chlorine-mineralogy as Determined by the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument on the Curiosity Rover in Gale Crater, Mars
- Identifying ancient dune processes in the Stimson formation of Gale crater from the Greenheugh pediment to the Emerson Plateau using geochemical data from ChemCam.
- Identifying the products of volcano-ice interaction in Icelandic Mars analog sedimentary environments using Mars rover techniques.
- Incorporation of nitrogen into organics produced by Fischer-Tropsch type chemistry.
- Intrepid: Traversing 4 Billion Years of Lunar History
- Mastcam Multispectral Results from Vera Rubin Ridge and Laboratory Studies to Support and Enhance the Interpretation of Multispectral Data from the Curiosity rover
- Mercury Lander: A Planetary Mission Concept Study for the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey
- Mineralogy of the Glen Torridon Region as detailed by the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Mineralogy of the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
- Multispectral imaging and hyperspectral scanning of the first dissection of Apollo core 73002: Preliminary results
- Observations of Complex Regolith Behavior in a Vacuum Microgravity Experiment
- Potential Application of MEMs-Based Inertial Gravimetry to Planetary Geodesy and Geophysics.
- Reconstructing Magma Storage Depths for the 2018 Kīlauean Eruption from Melt Inclusion CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contents: The Importance of Vapor Bubbles
- Reflectance spectra measurement plan of captured samples from Ryugu: current status
- SEP Scoreboard
- Sample Chemistry Revealed by TMAH-Evolved Gas Analysis: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The Future of Planetary Surface Gravimetry
- The Potential for Oxalates in the Glen Torridon Region within Gale Crater, Mars
- The X-ray Amorphous Composition of Rocks Sampled from the Greenheugh Pediment and Underlying Murray Formation
- Thermal Tides at Mars: Observations of Thermospheric Densities by the MAVEN Accelerometer During Aerobraking
- Training Artemis Astronauts to Explore the Moon
- Translating analog field studies for mission science and operations on Mars2020: Approaches from Iceland and Padre Island, TX
- Tridymite in Gale Crater: a Witness of Explosive Volcanism on Early Mars?
- Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Marine Chert through Earth history: Implications for <SUP>18</SUP>O/<SUP>16</SUP>O of Seawater
- Using X-Ray Computed Tomography to Image Apollo Drive Tube 73002
- Very High Fluorine Abundances below the Siccar Point Unconformity: Implications for Fluid Circulation in Gale Crater
- Virtually Engaging Audiences: Supporting Scientist Engagement Efforts
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- Weathering Processes in Antarctica as an Analog for Planetary Systems
- A Laboratory Perspective on The Study of The Spectral Characteristics of Low-Volume and Air-Sensitive Carbon-Rich Grains in Preparation for Sample Return Missions
- Acceleration in the Low Corona of CMEs Associated with Solar Energetic Particle Events
- An Alternative Model for Clay-Sulfate Transitions on Mars as a Result of Ice-Hosted Sedimentation
- An overview of SHERLOC Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy results obtained during Perseverances Green Zone Campaign at Jezero crater, Mars
- CCMC Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) Scoreboard
- Calibration and validation of the SHERLOC instrument operating in Jezero crater, Mars
- Calibration of the GOES 6-16 high-energy proton detectors based on the GLEs modeling
- Carbon as the primary driver of super-reduced explosive volcanism on Mercury: Evidence from graphite-melt smelting experiments
- Characterization of Organic Molecules in the Glen Torridon Region of Gale crater, Mars, by the SAM Instrument Aboard Curiosity
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Climate Driven Diagenetic Processes in Gale Crater, Mars.
- Concept of Operations and Requirements for the Artemis Mission
- Constraints on the origin of Mercurys large core from core-mantle differentiation models
- Coordinated 3D Petrofabric Analyses in Basalt Using AMS and X-ray CT
- Determination of sulfur speciation in apatite from Martian meteorites (shergottites) using -XANES
- Does Chirality Influence the Stability of Amino Acid Cu Complexes in the Salt-Induced Peptide Formation Reaction? Insights from Density Functional Theory Calculations.
- Evidence of Shallow Storage and Re-equilibration of Magmas Feeding the 39.8 ka Campanian Ignimbrite (Italy) Eruption
- Field and microstructural constraints on viscous rheology at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone
- First Steps Towards Modeling Eruption Size at Arc-Volcanoes in Near-Real Time Using Multidisciplinary Data
- Improving and Converting MAG4 to Python Scripts (MagPy)
- In Situ Mineralogy of a Clay-Sulfate Transition in Gale Crater.
- Influence of Sedimentology and Mineralogy on the Potential for Organics Detection in the Rock Record at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Initial Major Element Quantification Using SuperCam Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Investigating Dwarf Planet Ceres Rich Carbon Chemistry
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Major Mission Milestones and Key Decision Points Timeline
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning Implications Related to Sterilization-Sensitive Science Investigations Associated with Mars Sample Return (MSR)
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning for the curation of MSR samples in a Sample Receiving Facility
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Science & Curation Considerations for Time Sensitive Measurements That Should be Performed in Containment
- Machine learning applications to metal-silicate equilibria and their insights into core formation
- Mars 2020s First Sample: The Fractured Rough Rock Unit on the Floor of Jezero Crater
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Operating Autonomous Space Missions: NASA Study Outcomes
- Outer Solar System Carbon in the Laboratory
- Phosphorus was Mobile in Gale Crater, Mars: Geochemical Constraints Based on Hawaiian Analogues
- Pneumatic Sampler (P-Sampler) for the Martian Moons Exploration (MMX)
- Reconstruction of water chemistry in ancient liquid water from the Murray formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sampling deltaic rocks and their source terranes at Jezero crater to understand early Martian history
- Searching for the Glen Torridon-Sulfate-Bearing Unit transition in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-EGA)
- The Gandalf Staff: A Mobile Tool for Lunar Exploration
- The Mars Sample Return Campaign: Current Architecture and the Proposed Future History of the Samples
- The Moon to Mars Space Weather Analysis Office; A Capability Needed in Support of Human Space Exploration Beyond LEO Orbit.
- The Role Of Glaciovolcanic Sources In Iceland's Mars-Analog Sedimentary Systems.
- Zircon (U-Th)/He Impact Crater Thermochronometry and the Effects of Shock Microstructures on Helium Diffusion Kinetics
- A Decade of Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument.
- Characterization of the DART Impact Site on Dimorphos
- Compositional Trends with Distance from Source to Sink in Glaciovolcanic Mars-Analog Fluvial Systems
- Emplacement History of Lava Flows of the Máaz Formation on the Jezero Crater Floor: Geochronological Significance and Relationship with the Delta
- Exploring Past Aqueous Alteration in Jezero crater Samples Using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Fine-Scale Sedimentary Architecture of the Jezero Western Delta Front
- Fine-scale element mobility and alteration styles recorded in Jezero Crater floor rocks by PIXL
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- Hydration of X-ray Amorphous and Clay Phases in Gale Crater, Mars
- Ice-dammed Lake Recorded by Basaltic Lava Deltas above Sandvatn, a Lake in Iceland
- Impact Experiments into Granular Targets Containing Solitary Blocks of Varying Strength and Size
- Importance of Sulfur for Phosphorus Mobility on the Martian Surface
- Initial Modeling Results of the Deflection Efficiency Resulting from the DART Impact
- Initial Results from the DART Impact Modeling Working Group and Momentum Enhancement Estimates from the DART Impact
- Insights into the Sedimentary Record and Processes of the Western Delta of Jezero crater (Mars) as observed by the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance.
- Investigating the Applications of In-Situ Resource Utilization for Future Crewed Missions to Mars
- Jezero Crater Floor and Delta Chemistry and Mineralogy Observed by SuperCam in the First 1.5 Years of the Perseverance Rover Mission
- Laboratory Analog Experiments to Support Detection of Organics by the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Lighting Conditions at the Lunar South Pole: Considerations and Implications for Future Exploration
- Machine Learning for Data Constrained Planetary Mission Instruments
- Mapping Organic-Mineral Associations in Jezero crater
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Sediments from Basaltic Watershed of Lake Sandvatn, Iceland; Implications for Ancient Sedimentary Processes on Mars
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Olivine-melt thermometry and hygrometry applied to calk-alkaline mafic lavas from the Cascade arc: agreement with volatile analyses of olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Orienting Rock Cores on Mars Drilled by the Perseverance Rover for Martian Paleomagnetism Studies
- Properties of the Nili Fossae Olivine-clay-carbonate lithology: orbital and in situ at Séítah
- SHERLOC Raman Mineral Detections of the Mars 2020 Crater Floor Campaign
- Towards a Process-based Understanding of Deflation-Inflation Events and Associated Lava Fountaining at Kilauea Volcano
- UV-Visible Reflectance Spectra of Grains Returned from 162173 Ryugu Unexposed to Earth's Atmosphere
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. C. McAdam
- A. J. Brown
- A. Longobardo
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Malakhov
- A. N. Murray
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. Rotundi
- A. Steele
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alice Lucchetti
- Allan H. Treiman
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amy J. Williams
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Andrea Corpolongo
- Andrew Annex
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Arya Udry
- B. Horgan
- B. J. Thompson
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. P. Weiss
- B. Sutter
- Baptiste Chide
- Barbara Cavalazzi
- Bernard Marty
- Brandi Carrier
- C. C. Bedford
- C. J. Cline
- C. M. Ernst
- C. Pilorget
- C. R. Alden
- Cailey Condit
- Carey Legett
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cherie Achilles
- Christian Tate
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher H. House
- Cyril Szopa
- D. C. Richardson
- D. F. Blake
- D. Turrini
- D. W. Ming
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- Daniel P. Glavin
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David C. Catling
- David Flannery
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. B. Rampe
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Dehouck
- E. Dotto
- E. Heggy
- E. Mazarico
- Elias N. Mansbach
- Elise Clavé
- Emilio Herrero‐Bervera
- Eva L. Scheller
- F. Berrilli
- F. Capaccioni
- F. Vilas
- G. Bellucci
- G. Filacchione
- Gordon Moore
- H. A. Weaver
- I. G. Richardson
- J. A. Berger
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. C. Stern
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. Michalski
- J. R. Brucato
- J. R. Johnson
- Jenny Suckale
- Jorge Núñez
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. A. Bennett
- K. E. Vander Kaaden
- K. H. Williford
- K. L. Siebach
- K.T. Ramesh
- Kathleen C. Benison
- Kayla Iacovino
- Kennda Lynch
- L. Golub
- L. W. Beegle
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Ravine
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Nolan
- M. E. French
- M. E. Palumbo
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. G. A. Lapôtre
- M. L. Mays
- M. Nachon
- M. T. Thorpe
- Mallory E. DeCoster
- Mark A. Sephton
- Maryjo Brounce
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Michael M. Tice
- Moe Matsuoka
- Mohit Melwani Daswani
- Morgan L. Cable
- N. E. Petro
- N. L. Chabot
- N. Lanza
- N. Mangold
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- O. Forni
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J. Gasda
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. Y. Meslin
- Patrick C. Gray
- Patrick Michel
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Peter Macniece
- Philip Quinn
- Pierre Beck
- R. A. Yingst
- R. B. Anderson
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Milliken
- R. Gellert
- R. J. Smith
- R. M. E. Williams
- R. P. Barnes
- R. T. Daly
- Richard A. Ketcham
- Robert M. Hazen
- Roger C. Wiens
- S. A. Fagents
- S. Czarnecki
- S. F. Sholes
- S. Fonte
- S. M. Clegg
- S. M. Morrison
- S. Marchi
- Sander Goossens
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shiv K. Sharma
- Siegfried Eggl
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sunanda Sharma
- T. F. Bristow
- T. H. Prettyman
- T. M. Davison
- T. M. Lopez
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- T. S. Peretyazhko
- V. Mennella
- V. Z. Sun
- Y. M. Collado‐Vega
- Yasuhito Sekine