NASA National Space Science and Technology Center
flowchart I[NASA National Space Science and Technology Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (128)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Self-consistent Model of the Interacting Ring Current Ions with Electromagnetic ICWs
- A UBK-space Visualization Tool for the Magnetosphere
- Determination of ionospheric conductivities from UVI intensity ratios
- Extreme Convection Conditions for the Plasmasphere
- HELIX: A Versatile SW Composition Instrument
- Laboratory Visualization of Global Magnetic Topology
- Plasmaspheric Electron Density Distributions Sampled by Radio Plasma Imager on the IMAGE Satellite
- Radiation Belt and Ring Current Forecasting Model
- Thermal Electron Contributions to Current-Driven Instabilities: SCIFER Observations in the 1400-km Cleft Ion Fountain and Their Implications to Thermal Ion Energization
- Effects of Wave-Particle Interactions on Radiation Belt Development
- Extended Synoptic Analysis Using a Database of Auroral Images
- IMAGE-EUV Observation of Large Scale Standing Wave Pattern in the Nightside Plasmasphere
- A Radiation Belt Forecasting Model
- Conjugate and Same-Scene Auroral Imagery
- Particle entry through sash in the magnetopause with a dawndard IMF as simulated by a 3-D EM particle code
- Second Encounter of Ulysses With Jupiter
- Stormtime Particle Energization With AMIE Potentials
- Tether-Cutting Energetics of a Solar Quiet Region Prominence Eruption
- The O+ Density Trough at 5000 km Altitude in the Polar Cap
- What are the causes of the formation of the sub-Alfvenic flows at the high latitude magnetopause?
- A Detection of the Same Hot Plasma in the Corona - During a CME - and Later at Ulysses
- Auroral and Non-auroral X-ray Emissions from Jupiter: A Comparative View
- Boreal winter comparison of auroral images from Polar UVI and IMAGE FUV
- Chandra Observations of Soft X-ray Emissions from Earth and Jupiter
- Ionospheric Signatures of LLBL for Northward IMF
- Laboratory Experiments on Charging of Individual Dust Grains
- Low Energetic Neutral Atom (LENA) imaging of the Moon
- Observations of a plasma transient on lobe field lines during a substorm. Interball Tail observations on October 3, 1995
- Occurrence statistics of cold, streaming ions in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Particle entry through "Sash" groove simulated by Global 3D Electromagnetic Particle code with duskward IMF By
- The Anthropology of Science Education Reform: An Alabama Model for Building an Integrated Stakeholder Systems Approach
- The Origin and Evolution of Deep Plasmaspheric Notches
- Thermal N+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Acceleration and injection of particles inside the magnetosphere changes during duskward IMF By: statistical approach
- Analyzing Electric Field Morphology Through Data-Model Comparisons of the GEM IM/S Assessment Challenge Events
- Bifurcation of 3D Vector Field Topology in Magnetospheric Dynamics
- CEPs are an Additional Source of Outer Radiation Belt Charged particles
- Impact of the IMF rotation on the cusp dynamics on the dayside: Global 3D PIC simulations
- Intercomparison of Cold Ion Density Measurements in the Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere
- Modeling the F2 Topside and Plasmasphere for IRI
- Strong Pitch-Angle Diffusion of the Ring Current Ions Induced by Electromagnetic ion Cyclotron Waves
- The Fast Plasma Instrument for the MMS Mission
- The Role of Deforestation in the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization: Lessons for the Current Land Use Management in Northern Mesoamerica
- Tomographic Reconstruction of Plasmasphere Density via Latitude Variation Model Parameter Recovery
- Unusual Density Structures in the Outer Plasmasphere Near the Magnetic Equator
- Web-based Tool Suite for Plasmasphere Information Discovery
- Dissipation of Alfven Waves via Generation of High-Frequency Electrostatic Waves and Transverse Ion Acceleration
- Diurnal Lightning Distributions as Observed by the Optical Transient Detector (OTD) and the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS)
- Effect of EMIC Wave Normal Angle Distribution on Relativistic Electron Scattering
- Heliophysics Science Enabled By the Return the Moon
- High-Altitude Cusp: A New, Large, Radiation Belt in Geospace
- Imaging Thermal He+ in Geospace from the Lunar Surface
- Measurements required to understand the lunar dust environment and transport mechanism
- Probing the Magnetic Causes of CMEs: Free Magnetic Energy More Important Than Either Size Or Twist
- Self-Consistent Ring Current/Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves Modeling
- 3D PIC simulation of the magnetosphere during IMF rotation from north to south: signatures of substorm triggering in the magnetotail
- Bifurcation and hysteresis of the magnetospheric structure with a varying Southward IMF: golbal 3D full particle simulations
- Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields Derived from IMAGE EUV
- Ion dynamics in high-latitude reconnection event: Interball-Tail observations.
- Self-Consistent Model of Magnetospheric Electric Field, RC and EMIC Waves
- Statistical Comparison of Conjugate Auroras Seen From Space
- Whistlers observed outside the plasmasphere: Correlation to plasmaspheric/plasmapause features and implications for the scattering of radiation-belt electrons
- Formation of Structured Dayside Boundary Layers under Different Solar Wind Conditions: THEMIS Observations.
- Hysteresis of the terrestrial magnetosphere as the southward IMF varies : a 3D PIC global simulation analysis
- Pickup Ion Acceleration at Quasiperpendicular Shock Waves
- Plasma entry into the tail at northward IMF
- Quiescent Current Sheets in the Solar Wind and Origins of Slow Wind
- The efficacy of automated examination methods of conjugate substorms seen from space
- Understanding the correlation between X-ray Jets, CMEs and the Solar Wind
- Fermi GBM Observations of TGFs (Invited)
- Impact of Cusp Boundary Formation and Particle Entries during IMF rotation from Northward to Southward in Large-scale global 3D Full particle simulations
- Solar Cycle Model Based on Ulysses Measurements (Invited)
- Comparison of Collisionless Shock Structures with the MHD Model
- Data-driven Modeling of the Heliosphere
- GBM Observations of TGFs
- Structure and Dynamics of Substorm Injection Fronts
- Nonstationary Phenomena in the Heliosheath
- Investigation of Polarimetric and Electrical Characteristics of Natural and Triggered Lightning Strikes
- Thermal Remote Sensing and the Thermodynamics of Ecosystem Development
- Characterisation of the Emission Spectra of High Energy Solar Flares
- Characterizing the Background Corona with SDO/AIA
- Energization of Charged Particles By a Time-Dependent Chaotic Magnetic Field
- Exploring Euv Spicules Using 304 Ang He II Data from SDO/AIA
- Exploring He II 304 Å Spicules and Macrospicules at the Solar Limb
- Modeling the effects of Multi-path propagation and scintillation on GPS signals
- Performance Characterization of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) CCD Cameras
- Speed of CMEs and the magnetic non-potentiality of their source active regions
- The Influence Gradient Drift in the Interplanetary Magnetic field (IMF) on the Spectra of Solar Energetic Protons (SEP) at Earth as a Function of Heliographic Latitude
- Using Radio Transmitter to Simulate Amplitude Scintillation on Radio Signals
- Exploration and Parameter Study of Active Region Luminosity
- Revised View of Solar X-Ray Jets
- Visibility of Hinode/XRT X-Ray Jets at AIA/EUV Wavelengths, a Temperature Indicator
- Coronal Jets from Minifilament Eruptions in Active Regions
- Evaluation of the Minifilament-Eruption Scenario for Solar Coronal Jets in Polar Coronal Holes
- Solar Coronal Jets in Active Regions
- Dynamic Solar Coronal Jets occurring in a Near-Limb Active Region
- Characterizing Cool Arch Filament System in the Core of Hi-C2.1 Solar Active Region
- Conjoined Flux Ropes: A New Mechanism for Filament-Channel Formation at External Polarity Inversion Lines
- Dynamical Properties of He II EUV Surges that are Components of Solar Active Region Coronal Jets
- Extending Terrestrial Weather R2O/O2R to Space Weather at NASA's SPoRT Center
- Improving MAG4's Forecasting of Drivers of Severe Space Weather
- Magnetic Flux Emergence, Interchange Reconnection, Flux Cancellation, and Blow-out Eruptions in a Small Coronal Hole
- The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) in Greenland: Testing Instrument Performance on an Icy World Analog
- A CME-Producing Solar Eruption from the Interior of a Twisted Emerging Bipole
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A Two-Sided-Loop X-Ray Solar Coronal Jet and a Sudden Photospheric Magnetic-field Change, Both Driven by a Minifilament Eruption
- Ambient Seismicity on Europan Analogs using the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- CME-Forecasting Performance of MAG4 with its HMI Vector Magnetogram Database
- Comparison between martian, lunar and terrestrial seismisity
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Differences between high-productive and low-productive active regions
- Further Evidence for Magnetic Flux Cancelation as the Build-up and Trigger Mechanism for Eruptions in Isolated Solar Active Regions
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- Is the Sequence of Quakes on Mars Poissonian?
- Modelling the effects of 3D shallow scatterers and atmospheric sources on Martian seismic signals at high frequencies
- Planetary and Earth seismology with space geodesy: seismic requirements on performances for Earth, Europa, the Moon and Jupiter.
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Some Characteristics of Large Solar Flares- Towards Solar Flare Forecasting
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Surface Biology and Geology Applications Working Group: updates and how to get involved
- Using Earth Observations within a Health Management Information System for Improving Malaria Decision Support
- A User Needs and Value-Based Assessment of EO Applications to Inform SBG Architectures
- Blending Apollo-era and LRO Data and New Technologies to Assess Seismic Hazards on the Moon
- Deep Learning classifier for planetary seismicity detection
- Expanding the Shallow Surface Velocity at the Apollo 17 Landing Site to Determine Thermal Moonquake Locations
- Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic flux cancellation in the core of a solar active region: Hi-C 2.1, IRIS and SDO observations
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Use of Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite data (SMAP) and Worldclim2 data to predict the potential distribution of visceral leishmaniasis and its vector Lutzomyia longipalpis (Psychodidae: Phlebominae) in Sao Paulo State and Bahia State, Brazil