Michigan Technological University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A re-evaluation of the 1991 Pinatubo SO{<SUB>2}</SUB> emission using TOMS
- Advances in Thermal Infrared Mapping of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Plumes
- Advantageous GOES IR Results for Volcanic Ash Mapping at High Latitudes: Cleveland Eruptions 2001
- An Early Holocene Eruptive Period at Mount Rainier, Washington
- Analysis of Tradeoffs between Optimal Source and Dissolved Plume Remediation
- Ash? Particles Found Inside the NASA DC8 which Encountered Hekla's February 2000 Stratospheric Volcanic Cloud--a Needle in a Haystack.
- Assessment of the Export of O<SUB>3</SUB>\ and Nitrogen Oxides From North America Over the North Atlantic Ocean During Late Summer Through Fall 1997 Using Measurements From the NARE-Cape Pine Study
- Comprehensive COSPEC measurements to measure SO<SUB>2</SUB> conversions in moist tropical atmosphere, Santa Ana, El Salvador
- Developing a Long-term Hazard Mitigation Plan for Consequent Volcanic Sedimentation Hazards at Santiaguito Dome Complex, Guatemala
- Experimental Determination of the Kinetic Coefficients for Water Using Nucleation and Evaporation Rates: Sensitivity to Vapor Pressure
- Hekla's February 26, 2000 Eruption as seen and Measured from Space using MODIS, TOMS and AVHRR.
- Investigating Errors in Static COSPEC Measurements of Volcanic SO2 Plumes
- MODIS and TOMS Retrievals of Volcanic Sulfur and Ash Emissions from Nyamuragira Volcano
- Mapping Ash Grain-Size Distribution From the August 18, 1992 Eruption of Mt. Spurr
- Modeling of Discharge Rate Variations on Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Quantifying SO2 (and other volatile component) Fluxes from Volcanic Arcs using Satellite Data Integrated with Geologic and Geochemical Data.
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Volcanic Clouds Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS).
- Summer to Early Fall O<SUB>3</SUB>\ and CO Measurements in the North Atlantic Ocean at a Mountaintop Site in the Azores Islands
- Surface Deformation at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, B.W.I.: Short Term Analysis of Continuous GPS Data During Periods of High Activity
- The Thermal Stealth Flows of Santiaguito: A Landsat 7 ETM+ Perspective
- Turbulence-Induced Ash Aggregation in Volcanic Clouds
- Use of MODIS for volcanic eruption cloud detection, tracking, and measurement: Examples from the 2001 eruption of Cleveland volcano, Alaska
- Volcanic Hazards of San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador--Initial Work
- Volcanism at Pacaya, Guatemala 1985-2001: Potential of TM Images in Assessing Strombolian Activity
- A Comprehensive Rheological Multiphase Flow Model for Geophysical Granular Gravity Currents. Applications to Pyroclastic Flows.
- Accretionary lapilli beds in the Keanakako'i Ash: footprint-bearing beds not 1790 in age
- Aerosol Source Characterization in New Zealand by Positive Matrix Factorization
- Continuous Monitoring of Periodic Eruptive Cycles at Santiaguito Dome Complex, Guatemala
- Downstream Aggradation Owing to Lava Dome Extrusion and Rainfall Runoff at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Extremely Rapid Crystal Fractionation During Episodes 30-31 of the Pu`u O`o Eruption: Implications for Magma Chamber Processes
- Impacts of river-bed aggradation and lahar activity downstream of Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala: a Landsat Thematic Mapper perspective
- Investigating Statospheric Loss Rates of Volcanic SO2
- Micrometeorological Measurements of Air-Surface Exchange Rates of PBTs in the Great Lakes Region
- Observations of Santiaguito's Eruptive and Passive Emissions
- Orographic and Meteorological Influences on the Spatial Organization of Thunderstorms in Mountainous Regions
- Quantifying Fine Root Carbon Inputs To Soil: Results From Combining Radiocarbon And Traditional Methodologies.
- Results from Shallow Seismic Refraction Surveys across Range-Bounding Faults in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
- Rheological Estimates of Santiaguito Lavas From Analog Experiments With Bingham Plastic Materials
- Santa María and Santiaguito: a Superb Field Volcanological Laboratory
- Search for Eruptive Patterns at Santiaguito Crater, Santa Maria Volcano, Guatemala
- Statistical Analysis of Air Quality Measurements at Four Sites in the United Kingdom
- Streamflow Ensemble Generation using Climate Forecasts
- Systematic analysis of volcanic ashclouds over a large range of scales using integrated satellite sensors
- The extrusion of lava dome and block lava flow units at Santiaguito, 1922-2002
- Analysis of the impact of soil heterogeneity on optimal policies for groundwater remediation
- Capillary-Physics Mechanism of Elastic-Wave Mobilization of Residual Oil
- Chemical Variation and Origin of Pleistocene Silicic Pyroclastic Flows from Central American Volcanic Arc
- Consideration of Time as a Decision Variable in Subsurface Remediation Optimization
- Correlation of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Emissions, Seismicity and Thermal Signals at Santiaguito, Guatemala
- Detection and Fate of the August 18 and 28, 2000 Eruption Clouds of Miyakejima, Japan: An Analysis Using TOMS, MODIS, AVHRR, GMS, and ASTER
- Dust, Aerosol Ions and Their Interactions with Gaseous Species in East Asia During Spring 2001: A three-dimensional model Study
- Elevated Uranium in Aquifers of the Jacobsville Sandstone
- Forward modeling of volcanic aerosols transmissions at different latitudes; quantifying the effects of varying tropospheric water vapor on ash detection.
- Ice Nucleation by High Molecular Weight Organic Compounds
- Integration of Seismic and Video Records of Eruptive Activity on Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Landsat TM and ETM+ Time Sequence of Lahar Hazards on Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Lost in Loess: Paleomagnetic investigation into loess and tephra deposits in interior Alaska
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Alaska Range Inferred From S-wave Splitting Observations: Results From BEAAR
- Observing Popocatepetl's Volcanic Clouds Using MODIS Infrared Data
- Optimization of Engineering Design of Subsurface Environmental Remediation Systems: Development and Testing of Community Benchmark Problems
- Photolysis of Nitrate and Nitrite in Artificial Snow and Artificial Ice
- Photometric Observations of Aerosol Plumes From Volcanoes in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua
- Quantifying Volcanic Emissions of Trace Elements to the Atmosphere: Ideas Based on Past Studies
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> loss rates at Lascar volcano, Chile: preliminary results and interpretations from 2002 measurements
- Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala: A Study of Vent Dynamics Over the Past 50 Years
- Seasonal Stream Flow Forecasting and Decision Support in Central Texas
- Seismic Structure of the San Fernando and Antelope Valleys, Southern California: Results From LARSE II Refraction, Industry Reflection, and Oil-Test Well Data
- TOMS and Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB>: an Important aid to the Understanding of Volcanism and the Atmosphere
- The Critical Role of UV Satellite Data in Monitoring Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in the Troposphere
- The Need for Closer Integration of Measurements and Models - Results from Modeling Aerosols in the East Asia Outflow
- The Role of TOMS in Understanding the Fates of Volcanic Emissions
- The Sensitivity of Atmospheric Trajectory Cluster Analysis Results to Clustering Methods Using Trajectories to the PICO-NARE Station
- Towards a conceptually rigorous definition of an aerosol size distribution
- Using Internet-Based Automated Software to Process GPS Data at Michigan Tech University
- Volcanic SO2 Emissions vs. Seismicity - July 2002 LP Swarm, Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- 2003-2004 Campaign GPS Geodetic Monitoring of Surface Deformation Proximal to Volcanic Centers, Commonwealth of Dominica, Lesser Antilles.
- Application of wireless sensor networks to study flow over heterogeneous surfaces: flow over an isolated mountain in the marine atmosphere
- Effects of Mean Annual Temperature and Vegetation Type on Soil Carbon Quality in Soils from North America.
- Linked Sea Level and Climate Change at the Scale of Third-Order Stratigraphic Sequences During the Late Paleozoic
- Ozone-CO relationships in plumes carrying North American pollution and boreal biomass burning emissions through the central North Atlantic lower free troposphere
- Teaching Reflection Seismic Processing
- Tectonic Implications of Recent Campaign GPS Measurements Along the Central Region of the Lesser Antilles arc: Results from Dominica 2001-2004
- UPSeis - Visiting Seismographs for K-12 Schools
- Volcanic Deformation Interpretations From Campaign-Mode GPS Measurements of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Lesser Antilles, 2001-2003 Epoch I Data
- A Meteorological Approach to Calculate Volcanic Cloud Parameters
- A permanent free tropospheric observatory at Pico summit in the Azores Islands? Past measurements (2001-2005) and future plans
- Direct Sampling of a 35 Hour Old Volcanic Cloud From Hekla Volcano (Iceland)
- Doughnut In The Desert: Vertical Structure Of A Winter Production Pulse
- Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation During Ozonolysis of Organic Thin Films on Aqueous Solution Droplets
- Impact of Large-Scale Boreal Fires on Levels of Tropospheric Ozone in the Northern Hemisphere
- Implications of North American Boreal Fires on Air Quality and Composition in Nearby and Remote Regions
- Large Enhancements of Nitrogen Oxides Over the Central North Atlantic Lower Free Troposphere Resulting From Boreal Wildfires: Observations at the PICO-NARE Station During Summer 2004
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Data From Santa Mariá Volcano, Guatemala and Their Bearing on the Mono Lake and Hilina Pali Excursions
- Remote Sensing for Hazard Mitigation and Resource Protection in Pacific Latin America: New NSF sponsored initiative at Michigan Tech.
- Six University Canada/US/Mexico exchange program in Earth Hazards (EHaz)
- The Influence of Orographic Flows on PICO-NARE Trace-Gas Measurements
- The contribution of plant-soil interactions to biogeochemical cycles in a changing world
- A New Method for Transport Analysis: Lagrangian Tracking of Pollution Plumes Using Combined Forward and Backward Model Simulations
- Analysis of Eruption Rates at Santiaguito, Guatemala Using ASTER and Aerial Derived Digital Elevation Models
- Analysis of the 1981 Eruption of Nyamuragira Volcano, Using HIRS Satellite Data
- Assessment of a Merged Research and Education Program in Pacific Latin America
- Calibration and Uncertainty of a Water Surface Model for a Large Basin in a Semiarid Region: The Rio Yaqui-Basin, Mexico.
- Development of an Ultra-Violet Digital Camera for Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Imaging
- Domes and Flows: Do Temporal Trends in Dacitic Magma Chemistry and Rheological Behavior at Santiaguito, Guatemala, Reflect Magma Chamber or Conduit Processes?
- Dynamic Aspects of Supercooled Droplet Freezing
- Earth Hazards Consortium: a Unique Approach to Student-Centered Learning
- Fate of fine basaltic ash from subplinian eruptions of Fuego, Guatemala 1973- 74
- Flood Frequency Analysis With Climate Change and Variability
- Galapagos Islands Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, 1979-1998
- Investigation of At-Vent Dynamics and Dilution of Gas Puffing Using Thermal Infrared Radiometers at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Lagrangian Photochemical Box-Model Calculations of Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Long-term evolution of Volcán de Santa María, Guatemala from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, paleomagnetic stratigraphy, and geochemsitry
- Modeling Volcanic Halogen-Induced Ozone Loss in the Stratosphere: Hekla Eruption, Iceland, 2000
- Multitemporal Three Dimensional Imaging of Volcanic Products on the Macro- and Micro- Scale
- Observations of sulphur dioxide plumes using novel, ground-based uv imagery
- Ongoing Surface Deformation Studies of Dominica, BWI: GPS Results and Interpretations From the 2006 NSF-REU Campaign
- Photochemical Evolution of Continental Outflow to the N. Atlantic Lower Free Troposphere During Spring and Summer
- Reanalysis of the Pyroclastic Fall Deposit from the 18 May 1980 Eruption of Mount Saint Helens, USA
- The Effect of Ozonolysis on the Freezing of Water Catalyzed by High Molecular Weight Organic Compounds
- The Use of the Advanced Spacebourne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) to Detect Sulphur Dioxide Emissions at Fuego and Pacaya Volcanoes, Guatemala.
- The formation and fate of fine volcanic ash
- Thermal Infrared Monitoring of Lava Effusion at Volcán de Colima, México
- Trajectory Analysis of Volcanic Clouds Produced by the 1992 Eruptions of Mount Spurr, Alaska
- UV Digital Imaging of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions: Enhancing the Technique With Empirical Corrections
- Wildfire Plumes in the Lower Free Troposphere Over the North Atlantic: the Impact of Plume Travel Height and Age on Enhancement Ratios of Ozone, Nitrogen Oxides and Black Carbon
- A Prototype Hydrothermal Monitoring System, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Adaptive Management of Remediation Systems Under Uncertain Hydraulic Conductivity and Plume Distribution
- Ash plume dynamics at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, from thermal and high resolution video
- Associations Between Groundwater-Surface Water Dynamics and Coaster Brook Trout Spawning Habitat in the Salmon Trout River, Marquette County, Michigan
- Automated Lagrangian Water-Quality Assessment System (ALWAS) Measurements of North Slope Lakes and the Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Carbon Cycling in Lake Superior: Impact on Upper Midwest Regional Carbon Balance
- Comparison of 3D Stereo SEM Shape Data With 2D Projections and BET Surface Area Data for Volcanic Ash: When 3D Might Be Advantageous
- Controls over vegetation water use in a small watershed at varying scales of time and space
- Estimating Paleointensity Reliability Based on the Physical Mechanism of Natural Remanence
- Evidence of a Late-Summer Decrease in NOx/CO Emission Ratios From Boreal Fires
- Father's Day dike intrusion and eruption reveals interaction between magmatic and tectonic processes at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Geostatistical Modeling of Forest Fire Burn Severity
- Hydrometeor-Enhanced Tephra Sedimentation
- Ice in volcanic clouds and the implications for halogen transport to the stratosphere
- Improving Forecasts of Flood Risk by Incorporating Climate Variability Into Bulletin 17B LP3 Model
- Integrating Global Hydrology Into Graduate Engineering Education and Research
- Mechanics of Student-Directed Multi-University Internet Video-Conferencing Course
- Observations of Cyclic Strombolian Eruptive Behavior at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala Reflected in the Seismo-Acoustic Record
- Ozone Fluxes over Snow-Covered Environments
- Precursory Activity of the 2005 Eruption of Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador.
- Probabilistic Impact Assessment of Domestic Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Slums: West Africa Case Study
- Quasi-Periodic Slow Earthquakes and Their Association With Magmatic Activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Remote Sensing Applications for the Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Response of a Vapor Field to Injection of Aerosols: Characteristic Time Scale
- Seasonal Variation of Nitrogen Oxides in the Central North Atlantic Lower Free Troposphere: Influence of Boreal Wildfires and North American Urban Pollution
- Seismic and GPS constraints on the dynamics and kinematics of the Yellowstone volcanic field
- Shear-Wave Splitting From Local Earthquakes as an Indicator of Crustal Stress at Yellowstone
- Testing the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Magnetofossil Spike Hypothesis
- The Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Water Resources in a Semiarid Region in Mexico: The Rio Yaqui-Basin.
- The Response of Soil Carbon Decomposition to Temperature
- Total grain size distribution of particles fallen from the atmosphere following explosive ash eruptions
- Using the δ13C of ecosystem respiration to monitor ecosystem metabolism of entire watersheds in complex terrain.
- Variability in fuel consumption across fire-effected boreal and western North American forest regions
- Volcanic halogen emissions: sources and consequences
- A multi-scale decision support system for the analysis of the effects of USDA NRCS conservation programs in Michigan.
- A-Train satellite observations of the 2008 Chaitén eruption clouds
- Achieving Sustainability in a Semi-Arid Basin in Northwest Mexico through an Integrated Hydrologic-Economic-Institutional Model
- Advances in Remote Sensing Approaches for Hazard Mitigation and Natural Resource Protection in Pacific Latin America: A Workshop for Advanced Graduate Students, Post- Doctoral Researchers, and Junior Faculty
- Aged Volcanic Clouds - Are they an aviation hazard and why?
- Airborne Photoacoustic Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties Aloft Alaska: Quantifying Aerosol Radiative Forcing in the Arctic
- Analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the 2004 Alaskan fires
- Application of an Internal Boundary Layer Transport Exchange Model to Gas Transfer of Semivolatile Organic Contaminants in Lake Superior
- Assessment of Change Drivers Affecting the Sustainability of Gravity Fed Water Supply in the Alto Beni Watershed of Bolivia
- Biomass-burning and Anthropogenic Impacts On Arctic Tropospheric Chemistry Assessed Using Measurements At Summit, Greenland
- Carbon and CO Emissions From the 2004 Alaskan Fires
- Changes in Foliar Chemistry Along a Midwestern Air Pollution Gradient: 1988- 2005
- Characterization of Freshwater-Saltwater Interactions Within the Terminal Moraine Separating Vitus Lake and the Gulf of Alaska
- Comparing SO2 Emissions to Seismic and Acoustic Records: the Value and Limitations of the new UV Camera Technique
- Comparison of Different Existing Approaches to Accreditation and Assessment
- Comparison of High Temporal Resolution SO2 Emission Rates and Geophysical Data at Central American Volcanoes
- Correlating Long-Term Observations, Seismicity and Thermal Output at Fuego volcano, Guatemala: Repeating Patterns in Eruptive Behavior at an Open Vent Volcano
- Crater Lake Evolution During Volcanic Unrest: Case Study of the 2005 Phreatic Eruption of Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador.
- Does Terrestrial Carbon Explain Lake Superior Model-Data pCO2 Discrepancy?
- Eddy Covariance Measurements Of CO2 Fluxes Above Lake Superior
- Effects of plant species, organic matter quality, and microbial activity on peatland ecosystem function and resiliance to climate change
- Effects of the Yellowstone hotspot and plume on the western U.S.
- El Nino Southern Oscillation Influences Forest Growth Response to Increasing Carbon Dioxide and Troposheric Ozone in Northern Wisconsin, USA
- Emission, transport and validation of sulfur dioxide in the 2008 Okmok and Kasatochi eruption clouds
- Estimating Thermal Energy Emission and Eruption Rates at Guatemalan Volcanoes Using Thermal Data From a FLIR Camera, ASTER and MODIS Data Sources
- Fuel loading and consumption models for assessing carbon release from wildland fires
- In Situ Observations of Aerosol Darkening by Clouds: Role of Chemistry, Dynamics and Microphysics
- Lineament Mapping for Groundwater Exploration Using Remotely Sensed Imagery in Different Terrains
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Western Borrego Badlands, Anza-Borrego Desert, California - Implications for Tectonics and Litho- and Biostratigraphic Control
- Micrometeorological Measurement of Fetch- and Atmospheric Stability-Dependent Air- Water Exchange of Legacy Semivolatile Organic Contaminants in Lake Superior
- New preliminary geological map of Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Nitrogen oxides and ozone in and above the snowpack at Summit, Greenland: Continuous observations of photochemical release and uptake
- OMI Measurements of Sulfur Dioxide Abundances and Altitudes of the Volcanic Plumes from Eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi in 2008
- Relating Hydrologic Homogeneity to Watershed Characteristics
- Seismic Monitoring of Ice Generated Events at the Bering Glacier
- Seismic and Acoustic Observations of Bering Glacier Calving Events
- Seismo-Acoustic Array Observations of Shallow Conduit Processes at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Synthesizing US Colonial Climate: Available Data and a "Proxy Adjustment" Method
- The NASA ASTER Urgent Request Program: The Last Eight Plus Years of Monitoring Kamchatka's Volcanoes From Space
- The Wildland Fire Emissions Information System: Providing information for carbon cycle studies with open source geospatial tools
- Toward understanding the role of the atmosphere in pan Arctic change and sea ice loss; an update on the status of focused campaigns under POLARCAT.
- Trajectory modeling of Kasatochi eruption plume compared with OMI SO2 observations
- Using Geostatistical Inverse Modeling to Address Uncertainty in Sensor Data Fusion
- Using Horizontal Transport Characteristics to Infer an Emission Height Timeseries of Volcanic SO2
- Using Self Organizing Map with geochemical compositional data.
- Using stable isotopes to monitor water and carbon relations at the small-watershed scale
- Validation of OMI Satellite Measurements of SO2 by Ground-based MFDOAS Spectroscopy During the Okmok Volcanic Eruption in July 2008
- Volcanic Threat in Central America: Assessment and Comparison of Volcanic Hazards and Associated Vulnerability in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
- 2-D Velocity Structure across Newberry Caldera Derived from Ambient Seismic Noise
- Aerosol Optical Properties at the Elevated Site of the Storm Peak Laboratory (3200 m a.s.l.), Colorado during Winter and Spring 2007-2008
- Aerosol Precursor Emissions, Secondary Aerosol Production, and Climate-Forcing Gas Exchange in the Midwestern United States
- Degassing from a Mafic Alkaline Shield Volcano: Nyamulagira, D.R. Congo
- Dissection of a composite volcanic earthquake at the silicic dome of Santiaguito (Guatemala) (Invited)
- Effect of disturbance data set selection on quantification of fire emissions (Invited)
- Evaluation of satellite derived sulfur dioxide measurements for volcano monitoring during the 2009 Redoubt eruption (Invited)
- Evidence of Multiple Flank Collapse at Volcan Baru, Panama
- Gene expression responses of paper birch to elevated O3 and CO2 during leaf maturation and senescence
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot and Mantle Plume: Seismic and GPS Imaging, Kinematics, and Mantle Flow
- Geomagnetic field intensity at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary: Preliminary Results from the Widgiemooltha and Black Range Dike Swarms (Western Australia)
- Identification of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Fog Water: Exact Masses, Empirical Formulas, and Structural Insights
- Implications of agricultural land use for sustainability of gravity fed water distribution systems relying on natural springs in the Alto Beni Region of Bolivia
- Improved spatial monitoring of air temperature in forested complex terrain: an energy-balance based calibration method
- Interannual and Seasonal Variability of Biomass-Burning and Anthropogenic Emissions at Summit, Greenland
- Low-Cost Sensor Network for Stream Flow Monitoring in the Alto Beni Region of Bolivia
- Measurements of black carbon particles’ chemical, physical, and optical properties (Invited)
- Measurements of near surface ozone at Summit, Greenland, using an automated moving inlet system
- Measuring Volcanic Emissions Using Hyper-spectral UV Observations from Satellite
- Monitoring passively degassing volcanoes from space: A comparison between ASTER and OMI retrievals of lower tropospheric SO2
- Paleomagnetic and paleointensity investigation of Paleoproterozoic Dike Swarms in the Dharwar Craton, India: New results
- Paleomagnetism and paleointensity of Mid-Continental Rift System basalts at Silver Mountain and Sturgeon River Falls (Upper Michigan)
- Physical changes and the dynamics of convection of basaltic magma at persistently degassing volcanoes
- Proterozoic/Archean secular variation
- Quantification of Terpenes by 1DGC-MS and 2DGC-TOF-MS
- Recent wastage of Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Reconstructing the Emission Height of Volcanic SO2 from Back Trajectories: Comparison of Explosive and Effusive Eruptions
- Relative Slowness Estimates for Locations of Repeating Low-Frequency Earthquakes and Narrow-Band Tremor at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Satellite measurements of SO2 emission and dispersion during the 2008-2009 eruption of Halema‘uma‘u, Kilauea
- Satellite-Based Magmatic Volcano Eruption Database
- Seasonal variations of nitrogen oxides in snowpack air at Summit, Greenland
- Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide
- Surface and Shear Wave Analysis of the Critical Zone in Betasso Catchment, Colorado
- The Alaska Soil Carbon Database: A Powerful Database for Soil Carbon Synthesis and Modeling
- The NOAA-NASA OMI/GOME-2 Near-Real-Time Monitoring System of Volcanic SO2 and Aerosol Clouds
- The use of satellite-based remote sensing to quantify the contribution of volcanoes to the global SO2 budget
- Three-dimensional quantification of meltwater flow through a snowpack using a snow guillotine
- Topographic Effects on Ground Motion at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Trace Gas Dynamics in Snow and Their Role in Snow-Atmosphere Surface Exchanges (Invited)
- Ultra-long period seismic signals indicate cyclic deflation coincident with eruptions at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala
- VHub - Cyberinfrastructure for volcano eruption and hazards modeling and simulation
- Variable explosive energy partitioning during open vent activity at Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2007-2009: constraining explosion source processes and implications for monitoring
- 2006-2008 Eruptions and Volcano Hazards Of Soputan Volcano, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- A laboratory fuel efficiency and emissions comparison between Tanzanian traditional and improved biomass cooking stoves and alternative fuels
- A multi-sensor analysis of the 2009 eruption of Sarychev Peak, Kuril Islands: A case study for hazards to aviation
- Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity as Recorded by ~1.08 Ga Lake Shore Traps (Keweenaw Peninsula, Upper Michigan): New results
- Assessing the spatial variability of constraints on groundwater abstractions due to potential adverse resource impacts on surface water ecosystems - a GIS based approach
- Can hydrologic models change water-related risk perceptions? Results of a participatory modeling workshop in the Sonora River Basin, Mexico
- Carbon Emissions from North American Wildland Fires: Development and demonstration of the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System (WFEIS), a tool for scientists and land managers
- Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) from oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using stable isotopes
- Comparison of Rapid SO2 Emission Rates from a Dual Ultraviolet Camera System with those of FLYSPEC Traverses at Kilauea Volcano, May 2010
- Controls on Ecosystem and Root Respiration in an Alaskan Peatland
- Debris flow probability and extent vary with infiltration rate and intensity-duration of rainfall: Mt. Mayon, Philippines
- Differential GPS measurements at Santa Ana (Illamatepec) Volcanic Complex and associated deformation at the Coatepeque Caldera, September 2008 - September 2009
- Dissolved Organic Matter and Biogeochemical Hotspots in a Northern Peatland Catchment
- Dissolved organic carbon in peat porewater increases with warming: a field manipulation experiment in a northern temperate bog
- Dual US-Europe Graduate Degrees in Volcanology
- Ensemble modeling of the Eyjafjallajokull plume of 15-20 April 2010
- Estimation of Vertical Groundwater Fluxes into a Streambed through Continuous Temperature Profile Monitoring and the Relationship of Groundwater Fluxes to Coaster Brook Trout Spawning Habitat
- Evidence for gas accumulation beneath the surface crust driving cyclic rise and fall of the lava surface at Halema`uma`u, Kilauea Volcano
- Examining the linkages between forest water use, hydrology, and climate using dual-isotope approaches: insights and challenges in headwater catchments (Invited)
- Eyjafjallajökull Eruptions: direct SO2 plume height estimation and enhanced ash detection with OMI
- Fractal Analysis of Volcanic Deposits for Insights to Explosive Hawaiian Eruptions
- Galapagos Islands Volcanic SO2 Emissions (1979-2009)
- Improved tremor and LP event locations using station-corrected waveforms: applications to data recorded with a small aperture array at Fuego volcano, Guatemala
- Investigation of the infrasound produced by geophysical events such as volcanoes, thunder, and avalanches: the case for local infrasound monitoring (Invited)
- Laboratory Investigation of the ``Inside-Out'' Contact Nucleation Hypothesis
- Lineament Mapping for Hydrogeological Characterization of Volcanic Terrains Using Products Derived from DEMs, Radar, Landsat and Aster Imagery
- MiTEP's Collaborative Field Course Design Process Based on Earth Science Literacy Principles
- Modeling Dioxane Transport in a Heterogeneous Glacial Aquifer System (Washtenaw County, Michigan) Using Publicly Available Models and Data
- Modeling Particulate Matter Plumes from 2007 California Wildland Fires Using a Coupled Emissions-Transport System
- Molecular characterization of monoterpene ozonolysis products using ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
- Multiple voluminous sector collapses at Volcán Barú, Panama
- Onset of inner core growth before 2.2 billion years ago: Insight from secular variation and paleointensity analyses
- P-wave attenuation tomography of Mount St. Helens: preliminary results from coda-normalized spectra
- Quantifying water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from volcanic and pyro-convective clouds using the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Detection for Aerosol Optical Characterization
- Reconstructing the volcanic eruption source term for Eyjafjlallajökull using inverse modeling and satellite retrievals
- Refining the Workflow of UV Camera Measurements: Data Collection from Low Emission Rate Volcanoes under Variable Conditions
- Sarychev Volcanic Aerosol and Chemical measurements over Eureka, Canada
- Satellite Remote Sensing of the 2008 Chaitén Eruption (Invited)
- Sealing the deal? Vent dynamics and strombolian eruptions recorded with broadband seismic, acoustic and gas observations at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Seismic and Acoustic Array Observations of Bering Glacier Calving (Invited)
- Sense of Place and the National Parks, Strategies for Communicating the Interconnected Nature of Earth Science
- Separation of volcanic ash and sulfur dioxide from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, April-May 2010
- Soil Moisture Differences Cause Variation in the Relationship Between L Band SAR Backscatter and Aboveground Biomass
- Spatial Assessment of Snow Volume Using Lidar and Field Measurements
- Spatial Streamflow Forecasting in a Large River Basin in Northwestern Mexico using a Fully-distributed Hydrologic Model
- Sulfur Budget of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Eruption Derived From Satellite Observations
- Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Biogenic SOA in Northern Michigan
- Ten years of Developing International Volcanology Graduate Study Programs
- Testing a New Method for Imaging Crustal Magma Bodies: A Pilot Study at Newberry Volcano, Central OR
- The Role of Science and Engineering in Response and Reconstruction Following the 2010 Haiti Earthquake (Invited)
- The carbon cycle of Lake Superior and its influence on regional carbon budgeting
- Ultrahigh-Resolution Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Identification of Water-Soluble Atmospheric Organic Matter in Polluted Fog Waters (Invited)
- Ultraviolet imaging of volcanic SO2: Implementation as part of a multidisciplinary approach to studying summit activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (Invited)
- Volatile Loss from Melt Inclusions in Clasts of Differing Sizes
- Volcanic carbon dioxide emissions: observation strategies using GOSAT FTS SWIR data
- A 50 yr Eruption of a Basaltic Composite Cone: Pacaya, Guatemala
- A-Train Observations of Young Volcanic Eruption Clouds
- Aerosol Optical Properties of Smoke from the Las Conchas Wildfire, Los Alamos, NM
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Volcanic Hazard Assessment, Risk Perception and Social Vulnerability
- Arc-scale observations of volcanic SO2: a case study from Papua New Guinea
- Big Ideas in Volcanology-a new way to teach and think about the subject?
- Characterizing the secondary organic aerosol products of ozone and α-pinene using ultrahigh-resolution FT-ICR mass spectrometry
- Climate Informed Flood Risk Projections
- Constraining the Size and Depth of a Shallow Crustal Magma Body at Newberry Volcano Using P-Wave Tomography and Finite-Difference Waveform Modeling
- Critical Strategies for Improving the Code Quality and Cross-Disciplinary Impact of the Computational Earth Sciences
- Description of Bromine Activation and Recycling Within Arctic Snowpack
- Description of Organic Aerosol Diagenesis with a GC × 2GC Retention Diagram
- Detecting Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Space: Target Mode Observations with GOSAT
- Detecting and Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis in the coastal Great Lakes with ALOS PALSAR imagery
- EarthCache as a Tool to Promote Earth-Science in Public School Classrooms
- Effects of updated aging scheme on the model simulation of global carbonaceous aerosols
- Estimating multi-scalar ecosystem impacts and socio-economic value benefits of freshwater withdrawals using Water Footprinting
- Fast Imaging of Freezing Drops: Investigating Contact Nucleation at the Triple Line
- Forecasting future phosphorus export to the Laurentian Great Lakes from land-derived nutrient inputs
- GEOS-Chem Modeling of Volcanic Aerosol Radiative Forcing: Constraint from OMI SO2 Data and Assessment with NASA's A-Train Satellite Observations
- Groundwater availability under hydrogeologic and ecological constraints: A regional assessment for the Great Lakes Basin
- High temporal SO<SUB>2</SUB> emission rate data as part of a multiparameter approach to studying summit vent activity at Kilauea volcano
- Ice Nucleation in the Contact Mode by Size Selected Mineral Dusts
- Implementation of a CO2 Laser Heating System for Paleomagnetic and Paleointensity Analyses of Single Silicate Crystals at Michigan Technological University
- Infrasound and SO2 Observations of the 2011 Explosive Eruption of Nabro Volcano, Eritrea
- Integrated Water and Sanitation Risk Assessment and Modeling in the Upper Sonora River basin (Northwest, Mexico)
- Intense monotonic infrasound at Volcan Villarrica: Insights from an Integrated Seismo-acousto-optico-thermo-UV imager field approach
- Investigating the tremor source process at Fuego volcano, Guatemala through bench-scale analogue modeling
- Lava discharge rate estimates from thermal infrared satellite data for Pacaya volcano, Guatemala: Implications for time-averaged eruption processes
- Lessons Learned from 50+ Years of NSF-Funded Geoscience Teacher Education Initiatives at Michigan Technological University
- Links between Spatially-Explicit Runoff Mechanisms and Land-Atmosphere Interactions during the North American Monsoon
- Mapping Soil Moisture with PALSAR, Lidar and Landsat-derived Biomass in the Yukon Flats Alaska
- Masters International Program in Natural Hazards: a joint program between Michigan Tech and US Peace Corps begins move to work in Indonesia
- Measurements of Velocity and Ablation from Bering Glacier During the Recent Surge
- Modeling Bioenhanced DNAPL Dissolution in 1-D and 2-D Flow systems
- Multi-Sensor Bundle Adjustment using Rational Polynomial Functions for Glaciological Applications
- Multi-year black carbon emissions from cropland burning in the Russian Federation
- Near surface velocity structure of Pacaya volcano using spatial autocorrelation method
- Negotiation Support Systems for Facilitating International Water Conflicts
- Nitrous Oxide Emissions From a Maize/Soybean Rotation Following a Precipitation Event
- Non-double couple moment tensor analysis of volcanic and induced microseismicity
- Numerical modeling of edifice collapse and related hazards at the Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Oceanic mechanical forcing of the dynamics of a marine-terminating Greenland glacier by ice mélange removal and ocean tides
- OpenClimateGIS - A Web Service Providing Climate Model Data in Commonly Used Geospatial Formats
- Parks, Place and Pedagogy - Education Partnerships with the National Park Service
- Plant and Soil Emissions of Amines and Amino Acids: A Source of Secondary Aerosol Precursors
- Potential causes of high d[O3]/d[CO] detected in the Azores Islands after hemispheric scale transport in the free troposphere
- Progress in Near Real-Time Volcanic Cloud Observations Using Satellite UV Instruments
- Properties of Repetitive Long-Period Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Reclassified Cropland Active Fire and Burned Area Detections by the MODIS 1 km Sensor in Canadian Provinces by land cover type, 2001 - 2010
- Spatial accounting for errors in LiDAR-derived products: Snow volume and snow water equivalent estimation
- Steady increase of secondary organic aerosol mass concentration and light extinction during the CARES 2010 Field Campaign
- Temporal Changes in Eruptive Behavior at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala Identified with Seismic Coda Wave Interferometry and Seismo-acoustic Observations
- The Impact of Santa Ana Winds on Wildland Fire Regimes
- The impact of long-term changes in water table height on carbon cycling in sub-boreal peatlands
- The quantitative relationship between gas puffing and very-long-period earthquakes at Fuego volcano, Guatemala
- Triggering of volcanic activity by large earthquakes
- Upper Mantle Structure of Southeast Alaska Revealed by Teleseismic P-waves
- Using Visualization of Seismic Waves in Teaching Earth Science Informed by Cognitive Science Research
- Using the Cropland Data Layer to Develop Fire Fuels Maps for Fire Emissions Modeling in the Conterminous US
- Water Resources System Archetypes: Towards a Holistic Understanding of Persistent Water Resources Problems
- A Scheme for Dust Collection and Analysis: A Student-Led Project
- Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity as Recorded by Mafic Dykes of the ~1.98 Ga Bundelkhand Swarm and ~0.75 Ga Malani Igneous Suite from Northern India
- An integrated study of SO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Analysis of Individual Carbonaceous Particles Emitted from the Las Conchas Wildfire, Los Alamos, NM, in June-July 2011
- Assimilation of AMSR-E snow products with optimized snow parameters in mountainous basins
- Background ozone and carbon monoxide over the North Atlantic in the past decade
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Broadband Measurement of Black Carbon Absorption and Scattering Coefficients using a Supercontinuum Integrated Photoacoustic and Nephelometer Instrument
- Climate Change Projections Using Regional Regression Models
- Controls on Carbon Consumed by Wildland Fires in the Boreal Forest Region of Alaska
- Data Mining and the Twitter Platform for Prescribed Burn and Wildfire Incident Reporting with Geospatial Applications
- Developing Bridges from Earth Magnetism Research to Pre-College Physics Education
- Development of LiDAR aware allometrics for Abies grandis: A Case Study
- Development of forest growth inputs from LiDAR
- Electric Properties of Water Ice doped with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Implications for Icy Moons such as Europa
- Estimating Biomass Burning Emissions for Carbon Cycle Science and Resource Monitoring & Management
- Evaluation of Polarimetric Radarsat-2 data for development of Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for Boreal Alaska
- Feature Tracking for glacier surface velocity: techniques for performance improvements
- Improving OMPS Products Through the Use of Higher Spatial Resolution Data
- Incorporating Peatland Plant Communities into the Enzymic 'Latch' Hypothesis: Can Vegetation Influence Carbon Storage Mechanisms?
- Integrated Ground-Based LiDAR and Global Fiducials Program Satellite Imagery Time Series Analysis of the Terminus of Bering Glacier, Alaska During the 2008-2011 Surge
- Is It Still a Disaster if It is Routine? A Case Study in El Salvador
- Laboratory Measurements of Ice Nucleation in the Contact Mode
- Lasers on the Landscape: Quantifying 3-D ecosystem structure to map continuous surfaces of carbon, avian species richness, and tree species distributions
- Long-term and High-frequency Measurements of Nitrogen Oxides at GEOSummit Station, Greenland
- Management and Climate Controls on Fire Trends in the Continental United States
- Measurement of Black Carbon Particles and their Mixing State in Wildfire Plumes from New Mexico: Aged Whitewater Baldy Complex in 2012 and Fresh Las Conchas in 2011
- Mesoscale and Submesoscale Signatures of Chlorophyll and Phytoplankton Size Structure Along Multi-satellite Identified Eddy Footprint
- Modeling of 2008 Kasatochi volcanic sulfate direct radiative forcing: integrated use of OMI SO2 plume height data and comparison with MODIS and CALIOP observations
- Modeling risk of ignition as a function of landscape and human presence using satellite observations
- NanoSIMS results from olivine-hosted melt embayments: Modeling ascent rate in explosive basaltic eruptions
- Paleomagnetism and geochemistry of the Geordie Lake and Silver Mountain basalts: Implications for the Midcontinent Rift evolution
- Paleomagnetism of the Coldwell Complex (Ontario, Canada): New Data and New Insights. Ashley N. Kern1, E.V. Kulakov1, A.V. Smirnov1, J.F Diehl1, K. Chamberlain2 1 Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan, 49931, USA. 2Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, 1000 E. University Avenue, Dept 3006, Laramie, WY 82071
- Predicting Tillage Patterns in the Tiffin River Watershed Using Remote Sensing Methods
- Relationship between environmental variables and CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes in sub-Boreal peatlands
- Repetitive Long-Period Seismicity: Source Location and Mechanism Characteristics, Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Satellite-based constraints on tropospheric volcanic emissions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Seasonal variation in nutrient uptake in a 1st-order tributary of Lake Superior and implications for climate change
- Simulated Nitrogen Deposition Reduces the Abundance of Dominant Forest Understory and Groundcover Plants
- Social vulnerability as a contributing factor to disasters in Central America: A case study at San Vicente volcano, El Salvador
- Source Processes Revealed at Two Guatemalan Volcanoes: Insights from Multidisciplinary Observations of Harmonic Tremor and Numerical Modeling
- Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Acetyl Radicals in Tobacco Smoke: A Model for Biomass Burning Chemistry
- Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Variability in Very-Long-Period Earthquakes at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala Reveal Details on Vent Location and Eruption Style
- Ten Years of Black Carbon Measurements in the North Atlantic at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Azores (2225m asl)
- The Contributions of the Global Fiducial Program to the Long-Term Satellite Monitoring of the Bering Glacier, Alaska
- The Effects of Peatland Plant Functional Types and Altered Hydrology on Porewater Chemistry in a Northern Bog
- The burning of northern peatlands: evaluating evidence of potential regime shifts
- Use of isotopic and hydrometric monitoring methods to partition hydrologic contributions to forested wetlands in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Using auto-correlations from seismic ambient noise to monitor velocity changes at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Volcanological applications of the Kinect sensor
- Water Resources Sustainability in Northwest Mexico: Analysis of Regional Infrastructure Plans under Historical and Climate Change Scenarios
- What is an Extreme Wildfire? Perspectives from remote sensing, ecology, and the social sciences
- Year-round atmosphere-snowpack ozone exchanges at Summit, Greenland
- 3 years of GOSAT target mode observations of volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> from space
- A multidisciplinary and multi-sensor assessment of continuous degassing at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica; insights and their application to hazard management
- A theoretical framework for quantifying the relative importance of dissolution and mechanical erosion in soluble bedrock channels
- Active fault systems of the Kivu rift and Virunga volcanic province, and implications for geohazards
- Aeolian dust nutrient contributions increase with substrate age in semi-arid ecosystems
- Aging of Soot Particles: Remote Marine Free-tropospheric Aerosol at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Azores
- Assessment of Regional Variation in Watershed Flood Response and Delineation of Hydrologically Homogeneous Regions Using Spatially Distributed Data (Invited)
- Black Carbon from Biomass Burning Emissions: New Mexico Wildfires and Controlled Laboratory Burns of Fuels Found in the Southwestern US
- CO2-Induced Acidification of the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Centennial-scale dynamics of glacier changes and stream flow in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Challenges and Opportunities of Long-Term Continuous Stream Metabolism Measurements at the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Changes in runoff rates and timing following wildfire in eastern Arizona
- Characterizing wildfire in boreal peatlands using MODIS fire products
- Chemical Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosols in the North Atlantic Measured at the Pico Mountain Observatory During Summer of 2012
- Chemical climatology of air pollutants at Pico Mountain Observatory
- Commentary: Urgent need for large-scale warming manipulation experiments in tropical forests
- Cropland management dynamics as a driver of forest cover change in European Russia (Invited)
- Developing Atmospheric Science Tools for Teachers Based on Research at the Pico Mountain Observatory, Pico Island, Azores
- Educational Seismology in Michigan: The MIQuakes Network
- Effects of climate change on atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> Alter Productivity and Carbon Storage in Northern Temperate Forests: Results from Aspen FACE
- Evaluation of the Relative Influence of Climate Variability and Human Activities on Flood Risk in Moderately Impaired Watersheds
- Exploring Careers in Natural Hazards
- Field Testing, Installation, and Calibration of a new Data Acquisition System for the USGS-Stanford-Berkley Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic (ULFEM) Array
- Functional Groups and Structural Insights of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon using Ultrahigh Resolution FT-ICR Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- Gaps in Data and Modeling Tools for Understanding Fire and Fire Effects in Tundra Ecosystems
- Geochemical variability of hydrothermal emissions between three Pacific volcanic arc systems: Alaskan-Aleutian and Cascadian, North America and Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Geoheritage and Possible Geopark in Michigan's Copper Country
- Growth and Underinvestment System Archetype as a Guide to Holistic Water Quality Management
- High-speed Imaging of Freezing Drops: Investigating the Role of Point-like Contact in Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation
- Holocene Depositional History of Shad Pond, a Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon, Eleuthera, Bahamas and Its Influence on Lucayan Occupation
- Impacts of Participatory Modeling on Climate Change-related Water Management Impacts in Sonora, Mexico
- Impacts of climate change on current methodologies for flood risk analysis: Watershed-scale analyses using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Insights into eruption style using remote sensing and petrology at Mt Etna, Sicily
- Integrating GPS, InSAR, and numerical modeling to link surface deformation and eruptive activity at Pacaya Volcano (Guatemala)
- Interoperability of Landsat and DMC imagery for continuous detection and quantification of nonindustrial forest harvests in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA
- LiDAR-based characterization of the Mt Shasta debris avalanche deposit
- Linking economic water use, freshwater ecosystem impacts, and virtual water trade in a Great Lakes watershed
- Magma rheology and eruption style at Volcán Fuego, Guatemala
- Mapping Variable Width Riparian Zones Utilizing Open Source Data: A Robust New Approach
- Mining Input Data for Multivariate Probabilistic Modeling of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Hazard in the Lake ATITLÁN Watershed in Guatemala
- Molecular Formula Characterization of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol: Descriptive Statistical Evaluation
- Monitoring Changes in Water Resources Systems Using High Resolution Satellite Observations: Application to Lake Urmia
- Multivariate Analysis of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon Molecular Formulas in Daily Samples
- Observing deeper magmatic cycles from shallow seismic and infrasonic events, Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Online collaboration and model sharing in volcanology via VHub.org
- Opportunities and Challenges in Community Spring Discharge Monitoring: a Case Study from the Western Highlands of Guatemala
- Optimizing burn severity assessments in Alaskan tussock tundra from optical imagery
- Process-Scale Modeling of Atmosphere-Snowpack Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides
- Producing remote sensing-based emission estimates of prescribed burning in the contiguous United States for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2011 National Emissions Inventory
- Quantifying spatial distribution of snow depth errors from LiDAR using Random Forests
- Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Post-fire Erosion Modeling: An Online Database to Support Post-fire Erosion Modeling
- Reactor Meltdown: Critical Zone Processes In Siliciclastics Unlikely To Be Directly Transferable To Carbonates
- Remote sensing of debris-covered glaciers: Change detection and analysis using multiple sensors
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from paroxysmal eruptions at Etna volcano in 2011-12
- Satellite-based assessment of global volcanic degassing
- Seismic event classification and precursor identification at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Spatial Modeling of Dry Ravel in Three Dimensions Development of Ravel RAT: The Ravel Risk Assessment Tool
- Suomi-NPP OMPS Observations of Large-Scale Air Pollution Events over China
- The Three Dimensional Shape of Mineral Dust
- Timescales of magma ascent recorded by H2O zonation in clinopyroxene
- Trash Can Volcano - One Change of State with Endless Possibilities
- Tundra Fire Effects Mapping from Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Data
- Understanding what the public know and value about geoheritage sites in order to advance Earth science literacy
- Volatile budget of the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption (Chile) from various and integrated approaches
- Vulnerability of North American Boreal Peatlands to Interactions between Climate, Hydrology, and Wildland Fires
- Wave field decomposition of volcanic tremor at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- A Geographic Perspective on Factors Controlling Post-Fire Succession in Boreal Black Spruce Forests in Western North America
- A Screening-Level Hydroeconomic Model of South Florida Water Resources System
- Accumulation of policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface litter and soils in four forests in the United States
- Adaptive Decision Modeling in Wisconsin River Islands
- Analytical Incorporation of Velocity Parameters into Ice Sheet Elevation Change Rate Computations
- Ascent Rates from Melt Embayments: Insights into the Eruption Dynamics of Arc Volcanoes
- Assessing Hydrothermal Contributions to Global Biogeochemial Cycles; Insights From the Macquarie Island Ophiolite
- Assessing New Dry Deposition Parameterization Schemes for Incorporation into Global Atmospheric Transport Models
- Assessment of Fire Occurrence and Future Fire Potential in Arctic Alaska
- Attenuation and Scattering Tomography of the Deep Plumbing System of Mount St. Helens
- Black Carbon Aging from SOA Coatings and Coagulation with Diesel BC Emissions during SAAS at the PNNL Environmental Chamber
- Black Carbon and Molecular Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosol in the North Atlantic at the Pico Mountain Observatory
- Characterization of Seismicity at Volcán Baru, Panama: May 2013 through April 2014
- Chemical Structure and Molecular Dimension As Controls on the Inherent Stability of Charcoal in Boreal Forest Soil
- Climate Change-Related Hydrologic Variation Affects Dissolved Organic Carbon Export to the Gulf of Maine
- Comparing the Effects of Fuel Treatments and Wildfire on Small Catchment Runoff and Sediment Yield at Two Spatial Scales
- Comparison of Non-Heating Paleointensity Methods Using Synthetic and Natural Magnetite-Bearing Samples
- Confirmation of the Existence of Super-Terminal Raindrops
- Constraining Carbonaceous Aerosol Climate Forcing by Bridging Laboratory, Field and Modeling Studies
- Controls on northern wetland methane emissions: insights from regional synthesis studies and the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX)
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Decadal Effects of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> on Forest Soil Respiration and Belowground Carbon Cycling at Aspen FACE
- Dependence of Moment-tensor Solutions on Source Location Observed at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Developing Remote Sensing Products for Monitoring and Modeling Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Vulnerability to Climate Change and Land Use
- Dissolution and Cave Formation in Eogenetic Limestone Aquifers by Spatial Heterogeneity in P<SUB>CO2</SUB> at Water Tables
- Effect of relative humidity on soot - secondary organic aerosol mixing: A case study from the Soot Aerosol Aging Study (PNNL-SAAS)
- Effects of Climate Change and Land Cover Change on Atmospheric Mercury
- Effects of Post-Fire Salvage Logging on Erosion Rates at Multiple Scales
- Engaging teachers & students in geosciences by exploring local geoheritage sites
- Evaluating Wetland Mapping Techniques for New Brunswick Using Landsat-5 TM, ALOS-Palsar and Radarsat-2 Dual-Polarized Images
- Evaluating glacier volume changes since the Little Ice Age maximum and consequences for stream flow by integrating models of glacier flow and hydrology in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Evolving Hazard Monitoring and Communication at San Vicente Volcano, El Salvador
- Experimental study of jet gas-particle interaction generated during explosive volcanic eruptions
- Fire Regime and Land Abandonment in European Russia: Case Study of Smolensk Oblast
- Formation of rhyolite at the Okataina Volcanic Complex, New Zealand: New insights from analysis of quartz clusters in plutonic lithics
- Geomagnetic Paleointensity As Recorded By the ~1.1 Ga Baraga-Marquette Dike Swarm (Michigan, USA
- Identifying the Crystal Graveyards Remaining After Large Silicic Eruptions
- Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Air Pollution Meteorology and the Implications for Air Quality
- Impacts of Intra-Annual Climate Variability and Change on Phosphorus Loads in the Great Lakes Basin
- Impacts of Land Cover Change on Biomass Burning Emissions of Mercury
- Kinematics and Dynamics of the Kivu Rift System from Seismic Anisotropy, Seismicity, and Structural Analyses
- Landslides! Engaging students in natural hazards and STEM principles through the exploration of landslide analog models
- Lifting the Humic Veil: A Novel Approach to Quantitating Occluded Iron in Peat Porewater
- Linking Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Models for a Scalable Agriculture Insurance System for sub-Saharan Africa
- Linking a Large-Watershed Hydrogeochemical Model to a Wetland Community-Ecosystem Model to Estimate Plant Invasion Risk in the Coastal Great Lakes Region, USA
- Magma Dynamics in Dome-Building Volcanoes
- Molecular Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosol Collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory
- Monitoring volcanic systems through cross-correlation of coincident A-Train satellite data.
- New Retrieval Techniques Enables Sensitive Measurements of Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> from Suomi NPP OMPS
- Nitrous Oxide: A Greenhouse Gas That is Also an Ozone Layer Depleting Gas
- Numerical Computation of Optical Properties of Internally Mixed Soot in Biomass Burning Constrained by Field and Laboratory Observations
- Optical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Maine Rivers
- Optical Properties of Aged Free Tropospheric Aerosol Over the Northern Atlantic: Analysis of 2012-2014 Data
- Paleomagnetism of the ~1.1 GA Portage Lake Volcanics (Michigan, USA)
- Paleomagnetism of the ~1.1 Ga Baraga-Marquette dykes (Michigan, USA)
- Participatory Water Resources Modeling in a Water-Scarce Basin (Rio Sonora, Mexico) Reveals Uncertainty in Decision-Making
- Point source detection and validation using GOSAT and OCO-2 data: Volcanoes and Power Plants
- Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Bioaccumulation in Fish: A Look at Michigan's Upper Peninsula
- Profiling the SO<SUB>2</SUB> Plume from Volcan Turrialba: Ticosonde Balloon Measurements Compared with OMI and OMPS Retrievals
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Radionuclides reveal age and source of aerosols collected over central North Atlantic
- Satellite and ground-based analysis of the effects on vegetation of continuous SO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing at Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica) and its application to hazard management
- Schoolyard Volcanoes: A Unit in Volcanology and Hazards
- Science-based Forest Management in an Era of Climate Change
- Season-ahead Drought Forecast Models for the Lower Colorado River Authority in Texas
- Sensitivity of Global Wildfire Occurrences to Various Factors in the Context of Global Change
- Simulated Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on Throughfall and Stemflow Inputs of Water and Nitrogen in Black Ash Wetlands in Northern Michigan
- Single Particle Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosols at the Pico Mountain Observatory over the North Atlantic
- Slope instability and post-emplacement lava flow deformation revealed using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- Spatial Patterns of Record-Setting Temperatures
- Temporal and Spatial Trends in Soil Moisture in Arctic Alaska 1992-2010
- The "Carbon Data Explorer": Web-Based Space-Time Visualization of Modeled Carbon Fluxes
- The Role of Biogeochemical Cycling of Atmosphere-surface Exchangeable Pollutants (ASEPs) in the Dynamic Coupled Human-Natural ASEP System
- The Role of Snow Cover on Surface Trace Gas Exchanges at Toolik Lake, AK
- The Utility of Fire Radiative Energy for Understanding Fuel Consumption due to Wildfire in Boreal Peatlands
- Unexpectedly High Methane Emissions through Black Ash Lenticels in Forest Wetlands of Northern Michigan
- Updated global volcanic sulfur emissions and the direct radiative forcing during 2005-2012: GEOS-Chem simulations with constraints from OMI and CALIOP
- Use of Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Images for Fuel Moisture Mapping in Alaska Boreal Forests and South Africa Savannahs
- Using Satellite Imagery to Improve the Characterization of Crop Residue Burning Emissions in the U.S. National Emission Inventory
- Variability of low temperature hydrothermal alteration in upper ocean crust: Juan de Fuca Ridge and North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Vegetation-mediated Climate Impacts on Historical and Future Ozone Air Quality
- Virtual water flows and Water Balance Impacts of the U.S. Great Lakes Basin
- Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> - The disparity between satellite observations and the AeroCOM database
- Volcanic Source Mechanisms from the Low Frequency End of Broadband Recordings: Examples from Fuego Volcano
- Water Table and Soil Gas Emission Responses to Disturbance in Northern Forested Wetlands
- Weather Stations as Educational and Hazard-Forecasting Tools
- Zircon Record of the Plutonic-Volcanic Connection and Protracted Rhyolite Melt Extraction at Turkey Creek Caldera, Arizona
- A Comparison of Process-Scale Modeling and Measurements of Atmosphere-Snowpack Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides at Summit, Greenland
- A decade long analysis of snow dynamics in the Lake Superior Basin using the Snow Data Assimilation System.
- A multi-sensor approach to monitor slope displacement
- Absolute Geomagnetic Paleointensity from the ~1.1 Ga Baraga-Marquette Dike Swarm (Michigan, USA).
- Absolute geomagnetic paleointensity in the Precambrian: Where do we stand?
- Aerosol effects on warm cumulus cloud fields using a center-of-gravity vs. water mass phase space
- Assessment of 2012 on-road mobile source episode specific emissions on air quality in Houston
- Automated Identification of Volcanic Plumes using the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
- Bringing Earth Magnetism Research into the High School Physics Classroom
- CALIPSO observations of changes in dust properties during transatlantic transport
- Changes in Carbon Pools Influenced by Changes in Physiography a Decade Following Wildfire in Black Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska
- Comparing global soil models to soil carbon profile databases
- Comparison of diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing at Miravalles and Rincón de la Vieja volcanoes (Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica)
- Cryoturbation, Peat Accumulation, And Gleying: Do These Processes Affect Soil Carbon Distribution Within Permafrost Profiles?
- Effect of low-temperature demagnetization on Thellier paleointensity determinations
- Effects of isolated drainage on the seasonal evolution of the Greenland subglacial hydrologic system
- Elastic modeling of the Pacaya volcanic complex: a 2009-2015 campaign-GPS deformation history
- Estimation of the Heat and Water Budgets of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf using a two-way, coupled Gulf-atmosphere regional model (GARM)
- Extending the long-term EOS record of NO2 and SO2 with SNPP OMPS Nadir Mapper
- Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Field Evaluation of a New Sensor for Near-Surface Critical Zone Soil Moisture in Continuous Spatial Profile
- High-Resolution Analysis of Atmospheric Mass Spectra: Identification, Resolution, Assignment of complex mass spectra
- Ice flow velocity, elevation change and discharge variation in Novaya Zemlya using SAR and Landsat offset-tracking and radar altimetry
- Ignimbrites to Batholiths
- InSAR observations of ground surface deformation and lava flow emplacement at Pacaya volcano, Guatemala
- International Collaboration on Building Local Technical Capacities for Monitoring Volcanic Activity at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala.
- Long-Lifetime Ice Particles in Mixed-Phase Stratiform Clouds: Quasi-Steady and Recycled Growth
- Mi-STAR: Designing Integrated Science Curriculum to Address the Next Generation Science Standards and Their Foundations
- Monte Carlo Volcano Seismic Moment Tensors
- Mulch effects on runoff and sediment production at the hillslope scale in the High Park Fire, Colorado
- New approaches to merging multi-sensor satellite measurements of volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- North America's Midcontinent Rift: when Rift MET Lip
- Nucleation at the Contact Line Observed on Nanotextured Surfaces
- On the Generation of Multiple Atmospheric Pressure Waves Observed During Violent Volcanic Eruptions.
- Optical Properties of Volcanic Ash: Improving Remote Sensing Observations
- Origin and Quantification of Diffuse CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and H<SUB>2</SUB>S emissionat Crater Hills, Yellowstone National Park
- Palaeomagnetic field strength variations suggest a Mesoproterozoic age of inner core nucleation
- Plumbing System of Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala Revealed by 3D P-wave Tomography
- Preliminary Assessment of Mercury Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Parameterizations for Incorporation into Chemical Transport Models
- Re-processing TOMS UV Measurements to Retrieve SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions From Volcanic Eruptions
- Red-Edge Spectral Reflectance as an Indicator of Surface Moisture Content in an Alaskan Peatland Ecosystem
- Shoreline Change Monitoring Using High Resolution Digital Photogrammetric Technique
- Source Attribution for Mercury Deposition to the Great Lakes Region in the Context of Global Change
- Source Mechanism of Tiny Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005
- Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
- The Dynamics of Laurentian Great Lakes Surface Energy Budgets
- The Evolving Structure of Young Volcanic Eruption Clouds
- The First Historic Eruption of Nabro, Eritrea: Insights from Thermal and UV Satellite Data
- The potential for synthesizing multi-sensor remote sensing data for global volcano monitoring
- Uncertainty analysis of moderate- versus coarse-scale satellite fire products for quantifying agricultural burning: Implications for Air Quality in European Russia, Belarus, and Lithuania
- VLP Source Inversion and Evaluation of Error Analysis Techniques at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Absolute Paleointensity Estimates using Combined Shaw and Pseudo-Thellier Experimental Protocols
- Application of Coupled Human-Natural Systems Model for Assessing Trade-Offs Between Watershed Ecosystem Services in Veracruz, Mexico
- Assess and Adapt: Coordinated Ecoregional Forest Vulnerability Assessments Covering the Upper Midwest and Northeast in Support of Climate-informed Decision-making
- Atmospheric Transference of the Toxic Burden of Atmosphere-Surface Exchangeable Pollutants to the Great Lakes Region
- Canopy-level spectral reflectance varies as a function of community composition, biomass and ecosystem productivity in a boreal rich fen
- Carbon, fire, and fuels: The importance of fuels and fuel characterization and the status of wildland fire fuels data for the United States
- Characterizing Early Succession Following Wildfires at Different Severities in Boreal Bog and Fen Peatlands
- Consistent volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> products between Aura/OMI and S-NPP OMPS
- Core Problem: Does the CV Parent Body Magnetization require differentiation?
- Developing the greatest Blue Economy: Water productivity, fresh water depletion, and virtual water trade in the Great Lakes basin
- Development of WRF-CO2 4DVAR Data Assimilation System
- Differential impacts of baseflow on the flood frequency curve
- Direct Laser Ice Penetrator for Exploring Icy Ocean Worlds: Design, Modeling and Test Results of a Proof-of-Concept Prototype
- Effects of Mechanical Soil Disturbance on Rill Connectivity and Soil Erosion Following Logging on Burned Hillslopes in Central California
- Effects of Post-Fire Salvage Logging on Infiltration, Soil Compaction, and Erosion in Central California.
- Emergence of a Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Northwest Mexico as a Result of Interbasin Water Transfers.
- Estimating ecological water stress caused by anthropogenic uses in the US Great Lakes region
- Evaluating the mush extraction + multiple magma batch model for the Lake City magmatic system (Colorado, USA) using zircon U/Pb TIMS-TEA
- Evaluation results of the GlobalWatershed GK-12 Fellowship Program - a model for increased science literacy and partnership
- Fires: Pushing the Reset Button or a Flash in the Pan?
- First observations of volcanic eruption clouds from L1 by DSCOVR/EPIC
- FrankenRaven: A New Platform for Remote Sensing
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift and Valles Caldera Area, New Mexico
- Improvements in Mercury Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Parameterizations for Incorporation into Chemical Transport Models
- Linking snowmelt dynamics and DOC export at an intensively monitored Lake Superior tributary
- Long-term Effects of Hydrologic Manipulations on Pore Water Dissolved Organic Carbon in an Alaskan Rich Fen
- Mapping and monitoring small stakholder agriculture in Tigray, Ethiopia using sub-meter Worldview and Landsat imagery and high performance computing.
- Modeling Trace Pollutants in the North Atlantic Free Troposphere and Comparisons with Observed Pollutant Concentrations at Pico
- Monitoring and Modeling: The Future of Volcanic Eruption Forecasting
- Multispectral Observations of Explosive Gas Emissions from Santiaguito, Guatemala
- Nutrient dynamics across a dissolved organic carbon and burn gradient in central Siberia
- Post-fire Precipitation Thresholds and Treatment Efficacy from Plot to Watershed-scale
- Quantifying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing from Volcanoes - Recent major advancements and future challenges
- Rapid response tools and datasets for post-fire hydrological modeling applied to the High Park Fire
- Reference dataset of volcanic ash physicochemical and optical properties for atmospheric measurement retrievals and transport modelling
- Rigorous calculations of aerosol radiative effect as part of GRASP retrievals: analysis of radiative effect sensitivity to the details in aerosol and underlying surface characteristics
- Runoff Response to Rainfall in Small Catchments Burned by the 2015 Valley Fire
- Sampling Singular and Aggregate Point Sources of Carbon Dioxide from Space Using OCO-2
- Sea level rise and inundation of island interiors: assessing impacts of lake formation and evaporation on water resources in arid climates
- Severe Drought Constrains Seedling and Sapling Growth in a Puerto Rican Tropical Rainforest
- Sixteen years monitoring of Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) by means of diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing surveys
- Spectral Variations in Volcanic Jet Noise: the Example of Stromboli Volcano, Italy.
- State of the Carbon Cycle - Consequences of Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- The August 1991 Cerro Hudson Volcanic Eruption: A Re-analysis of SO2 Release Twenty-Five Years Later from a New TOMS Perspective
- The Quest to Understand the Secrets of Early Earth - Clues from Precambrian Paleointensity Data
- The depths of magma extraction in the most productive silicic volcanic system on Earth, central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The multi-specimen absolute paleointensity method: Effects of magnetic domain state and temperature
- Tropical rain forest biogeochemistry in a warmer world: initial results from a novel warming experiment in a Puerto Rico tropical forest
- Use of participatory modeling workshops in a water-stressed basin of northern Mexico to assess sustainable water resources management and conduct community outreach
- Water clarity of the Upper Great Lakes: tracking changes between 1998-2012
- Workshops on Volcanoes at Santiaguito (Guatemala): A community effort to inform and highlight the outstanding science opportunities at an exceptional laboratory volcano
- A Simple, Efficient and Effective Modeling Approach to Determine Baseflow Based on Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- A cross-scale framework of peatland resilience based on long-term research in interior Alaska and the Northwest Territories, Canada
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- AGU Student and Early Career Leadership
- Advances in Understanding the Role of Frozen Precipitation in High Latitude Hydrology
- Aerosol-cloud feedbacks in a turbulent environment: Laboratory measurements representative of conditions in boundary layer clouds
- An Observation-based Assessment of Instrument Requirements for a Future Precipitation Process Observing System
- Assessing Wildfire Effects in North American Boreal Peatlands through Field and Remote Sensing Analysis
- Automatic detection of glints from ice clouds in DSCOVR observations
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Continuing global monitoring of anthropogenic and volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> sources from Aura/OMI to SNPP/OMPS
- DSCOVR/EPIC observations of SO<SUB>2</SUB> reveal dynamics of young volcanic eruption clouds
- Deep Space Detection of Oriented Ice Crystals
- Distinct Crater and Conduit Infrasound Reveal an Open Vent Volcano Running Out of Gas
- Down and Out at Pacaya Volcano: A Glimpse of Magma Storage and Diking as Interpreted From GPS Geodesy
- Elicitation of State and Local User Needs for Future Moderate Resolution Earth Observations: The AmericaView Contribution
- Evaluating the behavior of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds in Lake Superior using a dynamic multimedia model
- Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment: Coordination of a study to improve smoke modeling for fire operations within the United States
- Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory Falling Snow Estimates
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Hydrologic Impacts of Developing Forest-based Bioenergy Feedstock in Wisconsin, USA and Entre Rios, Argentina Watersheds
- Influence of Microphysical Variability on Stochastic Condensation in Turbulent Clouds
- Influence of the ARM Bias Field on the Calibration of the Pseudo-Thellier Experimental Protocol
- Landslide Life-Cycle Monitoring and Failure Prediction using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Linking Historical, Field, Airborne, and Satellite Data to Determine the Relationship Between Gas Emissions and Vegetation Health on Active Volcanoes
- Magnesium Isotope Composition of the Altered Upper Oceanic Crust at ODP Holes 504B and 896A, Costa Rica Rift
- Measuring H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in the Mud Volcano region of Yellowstone using Open Path FTIR
- Melt Origin Across a Rifted Continental Margin: A Case for Subduction-related Metasomatic Agents in the Lithospheric Source of Alkaline Basalt, Northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Mi-STAR Unit Challenges serve as a model for integrating earth science and systems thinking in a Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) aligned curriculum.
- Mineral Potential in India Using Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) Data
- OCO-2 Detection of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variability over Natural and Anthropogenic Point-Sources
- Peatland Organic Matter Chemistry Trends Over a Global Latitudinal Gradient
- Predicting Vulnerability of the Integrity and Connectivity Associated with Culverts in Low Order Streams of Northern Michigan
- Quantifying Fire Impact on Alaskan Tundra from Satellite Observations and Field Measurements
- Quantifying Trophic Interactions and Carbon Flow in Louisiana Salt Marshes Using Multiple Biomarkers
- Recent improvements in hydrometeor sampling using airborne holography
- Reconciling CloudSat and GPM DPR Estimates of Falling Snow
- Retrieving Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> from the 4-UV channels on DSCOVR/EPIC
- Rock Magnetic Investigation of Soils and Sediments Overlying the Hydrocarbon-Bearing Silurian Pinnacle Reefs in the Michigan Basin
- Rock- and Paleomagnetic Properties and Modeling of a Deep Crustal Volcanic System, the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex, Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway
- Should We Stay Or Should We Go Now? Hazard Warnings, Risk Perception, and Evacuation Decisions at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala During the 2010 Eruption.
- Show Me the Evidence: How a Unit Challenge Can Support Middle School Teachers and Students in Investigating Climate Change Using Real-World Data and Science Practices
- Simulated Nitrogen Deposition has Minor Effects on Ecosystem Pools and Fluxes of Energy, Elements, and Biochemicals in a Northern Hardwoods Forest
- Soil Carbon Chemistry and Greenhouse Gas Production in Global Peatlands
- Stream Water, Carbon and Total Nitrogen Load Responses to a Simulated Emerald Ash Borer Infestation in Black Ash Dominated Headwater Wetlands
- Supporting the operational use of process based hydrological models and NASA Earth Observations for use in land management and post-fire remediation through a Rapid Response Erosion Database (RRED).
- The Intrinsic Variability in the Water Vapor Saturation Ratio due to Turbulence
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors at Summit, Greenland: Comparison between Observations and Model Simulations
- Using ESRI Online Mapping Tools to Support STEM Learning through Analysis of the Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Water Quality
- What's in it for me? - Applied science in a busy world.
- Where There's Smoke: Using Satellites to Monitor Impact of Human Activities on Agriculture and Glaciers in the Andes and Himalayas
- A new paleomagnetic constraint on Mesoarchean plate motion from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Above and Belowground Carbon Emissions from Historical Fires Across Alaska and Canada
- Absolute geomagnetic paleointensity from the 1.1 Ga Baraga-Marquette dike swarm (Michigan, USA) obtained using the Shaw and pseudo-Thellier methods
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Aging infrastructure creates opportunities for cost-sharing and collaboration to boost conservation outcomes and infrastructure resilience
- Are Southwestern Rivers Sustainable? Impacts of Climate Change and Severe Drought on Water Availability along the Rio Grande
- Biogeochemical Effects of Rising Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial and Ocean Systems
- Century-old groundwater dominance of nitrate export of stream water in a claypan watershed in Missouri
- Characterizing Local Variability in Cloud Droplet Size Distributions using Digital In-line Holography
- Continuing Satellite Monitoring of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Trace Gases with the Operational SNPP OMPS Instrument and First Comparisons with S5P TROPOMI
- Creating a Timeline of Change in Open Burning Patterns in Punjab, India Using Satellite Data: Pre- and Post- Climate-Smart Agriculture Interventions
- Decadal Topographic Change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Thermokarst Subsidence and Glacier Thinning Indicate Transfer of Water Storage from the Cryosphere to the Hydrosphere in the Terrestrial Antarctic
- Deep space observations of sun glint over oceanic regions
- Divergent Responses of a Rich Fen in Interior Alaska to Inundation: Interannual Variation in Carbon Fluxes and Water Balance
- Earth observations to verify farmer- and field-level changes in Punjab, India: Aligning Nationally Determined Contributions to meet Paris Climate Agreement commitments with Sustainable Development Goals
- Earthquake sequences of the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption
- Economics of Aquifer Protection Plans under Climate-Water Stress Uncertainty: New Insights from Hydroeconomic Modelling
- Effects of Spatial Resolution on a Distributed Hydrologic Model through Dynamical Forcings: Flood Extent and Depth in Low Gradient Watersheds
- Effects of increased temperature on C cycling of a wet tropical forest: Initial results from a novel field warming experiment in Puerto Rico
- Estimating Carbon Fixation in the World's Freshwater Lakes
- Examining Citizen Science in Watershed Hydrology Research: Relationships Between Volunteer Motivations and Data Quantity and Quality
- Explosion volume flux comparison using seismically derived tilt, infrasound, and gas data at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- External magnetization of undifferentiated carbonaceous chondrite parent asteroids:Constraints on early Solar System evolution
- Great Lakes Convective Snow: A GPM Passive Microwave Perspective.
- Hydrological impacts and trade-offs associated with forest-based bioenergy development across the Americas
- HypMap: a web-based application for hyperspectral data visualization
- Hyperspectral based Mapping of Hydrothermal Altered Minerals using AVIRIS-NG Data and Machine Learning Algorithms in Hutti-Maski Gold Deposit Region, India
- Identifying Black Ash Wetlands Regionally using Visible and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
- Implications of Peat Burn Severity on C Emissions and Post-Fire Successional Trajectories in Boreal Northwest Territories Canada
- Improve the Wave Simulation in the Great Lakes Using a Three-way Coupled Modeling System
- Improving the Retrieval of SO<SUB>2</SUB>for DSCOVR/EPIC Measurements Collected at High Solar Zenith Angles
- Influence of Microphysical Variability on Stochastic Condensation in Turbulent Clouds
- Infrasound from the repeated collapses of Kilauea caldera: High-resolution source location and waveform inversion
- Initial Interpretation of the Source Mechanism of Caldera Collapse Events During the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
- Insights into the collapse of Kīlauea caldera using seismicity and infrasound
- Inter-comparison of SO<SUB>2 </SUB>retrievals between S5P/TROPOMI and SNPP/OMPS
- Landslide mapping using GPS, optical, and radar data: A case study in the Portuguese Bend Landslide Complex, California between 2007 and 2017
- Modeling Coarse Woody Debris Decomposition in Forests
- Multi-scale calibration of SWAT model in a tropical montane watershed influenced by cloud forest: Upscaling lessons learned from 8 headwater catchments
- New Insights Test our Fundamental Understanding of How Thermokarst Influences Permafrost Peatlands
- Observing Volcanic Eruption Clouds in the UV at High Temporal Cadence with DSCOVR/EPIC
- Permafrost Degradation on Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: Bellwether of the Future Arctic, or Black Sheep?
- Predicting the impact of wildfires on watersheds in the continental US
- Probing Extreme Fire and Volcanic-Eruptive Plumes with Satellite Remote Sensing
- Projected Changes in Future Climate Over the Great Lakes Region Using a Regional Climate Modeling Coupled with a 3-D Lake Model
- Promotion and Tenure Guidelines: Opportunities for Conversations Related to the Role of Universities in Society
- Quantifying uncertainty in aerosol light absorption due to unresolved variability in particle physical and chemical properties
- Rationalizing Systems Analysis for the Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies in Complex Human-Water Systems
- Satellite Observations of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from Pacific Island Eruptions in 2018
- Saturation-ratio Fluctuations from Scalar Transport in Moist Rayleigh-Bénard Convection: One-dimensional-turbulence simulation
- Seismo-acoustic measurements of an outdoor, field-scale, explosive "volcano"
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with the May 2018 fissure eruption in Kilauea's Lower East Rift Zone
- Surface Snowfall Microphysical Properties and Mode-Dependent Correlations with Properties Aloft
- Synthetic Aperture Radar for Burn Severity Estimation
- Terrestrial glints seen from the Lagrangian point: clouds vs. oceans
- The 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano: Tales from a Gas Perspective
- The Area to Point Geostatistical Simulation-based Resolution Improvement of GRS Instrument Data of MARS Odyssey Orbiter
- The FACE Wood Decomposition Experiment: Understanding Processes Regulating Carbon Transfer to Soil Carbon Pools Using FACE Wood at Multiple Scales
- The infrasound signal from a draining lava lake: the exceptional recordings from Halema`uma`u, Kīlauea volcano in April and May 2018
- Turbulence influence on cloud droplet growth: A computational investigation of the Pi Chamber using large eddy simulation
- UAS based spectrometer for monitoring Algae Blooms
- Understanding the aerosol-microbe-plant interactions in the phyllosphere with "-omics" techniques.
- Using a hydrochemistry-based mixing model comparison to constrain the role of groundwater and meltwater in streamflow of a glacierized catchment (Langtang Valley, Nepal)
- Variability in Seasonal Vegetation and Soil Biophysics Observed with In Situ Station Data and Microwave Remote Sensing in Boreal-Arctic Ecosystems
- Vegetation Characterization of UAS-borne Hyperspectral Imagery from an Arctic peatland in Central Interior Alaska
- Vertical Variation of Cloud Microphysical Relationships and Their Implication on Entrainment and Mixing Processes in Stratocumulus Clouds Measured during the ACE-ENA Campaign
- Warmer temperature affects the capacity of fine-root production to recover after a hurricane event in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico
- Warming effects on litter decomposition and carbon cycling in a tropical forest
- A Multi-Sensor Approach to Quantifying Effects of Global Change and Land Use Legacy at the Land-Water Interface Across the Great Lakes Basin
- A composite Analysis of Snowfall Modes from Four Winter Seasons in Marquette, Michigan
- Aerosol composition in the UTLS and its connections to the anthropogenic and natural emissions and the monsoon convective system
- Aerosol-microbe-plant interactions in the phyllosphere.
- Alberta Bog and Poor Fen Responses to Experimental Nitrogen Addition Lead to New Conceptual Frameworks of N Cycling
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Atmospheric aerosol deposition in marine ecosystem
- BATAL: Balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer
- Benthic Vegetation Monitoring in the Laurentian Great Lakes through Fusion of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI Time Series
- Beyond the Horizon: WEPPcloud - PEP, Postfire Erosion Prediction Tool
- Bottom-up control of carbon combustion from boreal wildfires
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Subaerial Volcanic Regions
- Causes and Consequences of Catastrophic Lake Drainage in an Evolving Arctic System: First Year Activities and Initial Results
- Characterization of Site-Specific Alaskan Tundra Vegetation Activity as Driven by Climate and Soil Conditions
- Characterizing Groundwater Chemistry and Recharge in an Agricultural Claypan Watershed Using End Member Mixing Analysis
- Cloud microphysics and droplet growth using airborne holographic data during ACE-ENA
- Convergence NNA:Coordinate a Transdisciplinary Research Network to Identify Challenges of and Solutions to Permafrost Coastal Erosion and Its Socioecological Impacts in the Arctic
- Deep space observations of reflectance enhancements due to sun glints from clouds and from the ocean surface
- Enhancing End-Member Mixing Analysis by Incorporating Concentration-Discharge Analysis: A Case Study in the Silver River Catchment, Great Lakes Basin, Michigan
- Estimating monthly and annual carbon fixation for the world's ten largest lakes using remote sensing
- Estimation of Lunar Surface Iron and Titanium Abundance by Spectral Characteristics using a Hybrid of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami
- Evidence for abundant rainfall in the northern Bahamas from 4100 to 3300 years ago
- Fire and Ice - the impacts of changing boreal fire regimes and permafrost loss on carbon stocks and stability
- Forecasting Post-fire Severity in order to Protect Water Resources
- Further Comparisons of SO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals between S5P/TROPOMI and SNPP and NOAA-20/OMPS
- Global observations of the diffuse radiation fertilization effect through the OCO-2 solar-induced chlorophyll florescence product
- High cadence UV observations of the 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption by DSCOVR/EPIC
- Ice nucleation in the wake of warm hydrometeors
- Impact of lake surface temperature variations on lake effect snow over the Great Lakes region
- Implementing Spectral and Textual Characteristics of Rocks for Improved Lithological Mapping using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Improving SO<SUB>2</SUB> Layer Height Retrieval for the OMI and OMPS Spectrometers with an Inverse Machine Learning Based Approach
- Influences of Snow Abundance and Land-Cover/Use on Strength of Concentration-Discharge Relationships Throughout the Great Lakes Basin
- Integrated ecosystem services-land change modeling to assess payments for hydrologic services programs in Veracruz, Mexico
- Interannual Variability in Clouds and Aerosols During the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIOP
- Investigating Crustal and Mantle Contributions using Pb and Sr Isotopes in Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centers, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Isotopic and high resolution analytical techniques to investigate the stability of peat soils across gradients in latitude and altitude
- Long Term Stability of Conduit Dynamics at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala, 2008-2015
- Long-term soil health declines in Eucalyptus grandis of Northeast Argentina
- Low-cost hyperspectral handheld radiometer system for improved spatial and temporal water quality monitoring
- Mapping Modeled Exposure of Wildland Fire Smoke for Human Health Studies in California
- Mapping fractional cover of major fuel type components across Alaskan tundra
- Microbial communities in hydrologically active subglacial lakes of the Siple Coast, West Antarctica
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke (Kuril Islands) and Ulawun (Papua New Guinea) volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multi-scale remote sensing of volcanic degassing
- Multiplet and particle motion analysis of very-long-period (VLP) events at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, during a period of low surface activity in 2018
- Observations of Centimeter-Scale Cloud Microphysics at the Top of Marine Stratocumulus Clouds measured during the CSET Field Study
- On the capabilities of networked infrasound arrays for investigating rapid gravity-driven mass movements: lahars and snow avalanches
- Oscillating Storage: The Conditions and Sequence of Magma Storage and Eruption Through the Protracted Whakamaru Supereruption, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Paleomagnetic evidence for modern plate motion velocities at 3.2 Ga
- Physiological Ecology of Microbial Communities in Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments
- Plant community shifts as early indicators of abrupt permafrost thaw and thermokarst development in interior Alaska lowlands.
- Postseismic deformation and stress evolution following the 2019 M 7.1 and M 6.4 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- Quantifying variability in fire-driven PM2.5 concentrations within Alaska during years of low, moderate, and high fire activity
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Relative reflectance of near backscatter specular global positions viewed from deep space.
- Rock Magnetic Investigation of the Daule Ordinary Chondrite
- Rock Magnetic Properties of Sediments Overlying the Hydrocarbon-Bearing Niagaran Pinnacle Reefs near Bear Lake (Michigan, USA)
- Runoff and Stream Water Chemistry Responses to Simulated Emerald Ash Borer Invasion in Black Ash Wetlands in Northern Michigan
- SALSA: An Integrated Program Focusing on Carbon Transformations in Mercer Subglacial Lake located 1100 m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- SAR based assessment of 2018 Kerala Floods
- Seismic triggering of increases and decreases in volcanic outgassing
- Shift in Hydrologic Regime and Potential Impact on Services in Cold Regions with a Changing Climate
- Soil Burn Severity and Ecosystem Resiliency in the Great Slave Lake Region following the 2014 and 2015 Fire Seasons
- Soil Phosphorus Influences Foliar Stoichiometry in a Diverse Lowland Tropical Forest
- Spatial Resolution Improvement of Precipitation Measurements for Explaining Rainfall Related Landslide Hazards
- Stakeholder Engagement in Research Design: Planning an IRES Summer Institute for US Graduate Students in El Salvador
- Subglacial Antarctic Lakes: What they tell us about the exploration of Ocean Worlds Beyond Earth
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with Kīlauea Volcano's 2018 fissure eruption
- Terrain Strength Characterization Using Remote Sensing
- Testing the Use of Vegetation Indices as Indicators of Pre-eruptive Volcanic Unrest at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The Earthquake Flat and Rotoiti Subsurface Relationship (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand): A Cryptic Connection at Depth?
- The Mother of all PyroCbs: How did the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event in 2017 Stand Out?
- The Pinatubo Emulation in Multiple models (PoEMS) experiment
- The influence of scale on modeled carbon combustion from historical wildfires across Alaska and Canada
- Trends of Snowmelt Timing Detected in Streamflow in the Lake Superior Basin
- UAV-based Measurements of the High-Altitude Plume of Manam Volcano
- Understanding hydrologic impacts of land conversion in tropical montane cloud forest watersheds: Using hydrologic modeling as a framework to scale up lessons learned from point, catchment, and watershed scales.
- Understanding the Thermal and Chemical State of a Silicic Magmatic System Prior to Caldera-Forming Eruptions: Taupo Volcanic Center, New Zealand
- Unravelling the Dynamics and Hazards of the June 3<SUP>rd</SUP>, 2018 Pyroclastic Currents at Fuego volcano (Guatemala): A Multi-Parameter Approach
- Vertical variation of cloud microphysical relationships in stratocumulus clouds measured during the ACE-ENA campaign
- Watershed-scale Effects of Longleaf Pine Restoration on Water Yield and Carbon: A Paired Watershed and Modeling Approach
- Wetland monitoring in high northern latitudes for carbon and habitat assessment using synthetic aperture radar
- Widespread ecological reorganization of boreal forests following severe wildfires
- ingestr: An R package for reading environmental data from raw formats into dataframes
- A Geospatial Analysis of Wildland and Agricultural Burning PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Air Pollution for Human Health Studies in California
- A Global Survey of Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions and Heat Flux Measured from Space
- A Remote Sensing Approach to Identifying Coastal Ecosystem Change in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin from 1985 - 2010.
- Accessing geospatial data in wildland fire operations: Review of the Wildfire Data Logistics Network and data ferry prototype
- An assessment of the ability of the SWAT model to simulate land-use change impacts in tropical montane areas of Central Veracruz, Mexico
- Application of Deep Learning for Regional Evapotranspiration Projections Based on Satellite and Weather Observations
- Assessing Vulnerability of Peatlands to Wildfire in Boreal Northwest Territories
- Assessing ecosystem service outcomes from future deforestation threats and payment for hydrologic services program designs in forested watersheds
- Assessing the Robustness of Long-term Field Variations in the Paleomagnetic Record
- Broadband Light Extinction of Atmospheric Aerosols With a Dual - Cavity Enhanced Spectrometer
- Connecting Landscape-Applied Nutrients to Widespread Coastal Wetland Invasion Across the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Continental-scale impacts of fire PM2.5 emissions from boreal and tundra fires on air quality and health
- Deep Space Observations of Terrestrial Glitter
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Developing soil moisture drainage maps for burned peatlands in the ABoVE study domain using time series Sentinel-1 SAR imagery and cloud computing resources
- Diurnal Cycle in Sea Spray Aerosols Amount
- Examining Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Retrievals using Shortwave and Mid-Infrared Radiance from FIREX-AQ
- Exploring environmental factors driving wildland fire ignitions in Alaskan tundra
- Exploring wildfire management applications for advanced earth observation techniques
- Fuels, consumption, and emissions estimated for two stand-replacing prescribed crown fires in Utah
- Geophysical Investigations of Drained Lake Basin Taliks, North Slope, Alaska
- Global aeolian dust variations and trends: a revisit of dustfrequency and visibility observations from surface weather stations
- Going Virtual with Science Communication Training
- Health Impact of Global Atmospheric Arsenic: 2005-2015
- High Supersaturation in the Wake of Falling Hydrometeors: Implications for Cloud Invigoration and Ice Nucleation
- Hourly Power System Operation in the Western U.S. under Varying Water Availability for Hydropower
- Hydrologic Pathways during Snowmelt and Rainfall Seasons in Northern Hardwood Catchments in the Lake Superior Basin
- Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland
- Ice nucleation propensity of Long-range Transport Free tropospheric aerosols over the North Atlantic
- Inflation/Deflation Cycles During the 2015 Activity of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Integrating the Effects of Climate Change and Invasive Species on Wetland Ecohydrology to Evaluate Management Options
- Is there a universal temperature dependence of plant metabolism?
- Lake-Effect Snow Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Nowcasting through Blended GOES, NEXRAD, and PIP Observations
- Lights, Camera, Action! Video content production and dissemination during distance learning
- Long-Term, Annual, and Seasonal Solute Export Patterns in Two Snow-Covered, Forested Headwater Experimental Watersheds in Northern U.S.
- Mapping Heterogeneous Fuel Characteristics and Fuel Consumption Using AVIRIS, LiDAR, and Field Data for Fire Emissions Modeling
- Measuring Fire Scars with JPSS Satellites to Provide Preliminary Burn Intensity Estimates to NWS for Debris Flow Hazard Assessment
- Micro-Spectroscopic Analysis of Ice-Nucleating Particles in Relation to Ambient Aerosol in a Remote Marine Environment
- Mobilizing high crystallinity magmas: Earthquake Flat eruption of the Okataina Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Morphology and thickness of debris avalanche deposits through electrical resistivity tomography
- Multi-objective optimization modeling for assessment of environmental trade-offs due to electricity generation: A Great Lakes case study
- New insights into the construction of the 25.4 ka Oruanui, New Zealand, magma reservoir from a comparison of whole-rock and plagioclase-hosted zircon records
- New insights into volcanic eruption cloud dynamics from DSCOVR/EPIC
- Observations of Centimeter-Scale Cloud Microphysics in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds measured during the CSET Field Study
- On the origin and cycling of Holocene-aged carbon beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Operational Impacts of Drought and Changing Electricity Load on the Western U.S. Power System in Low and High Renewable Systems
- POLARIS: The Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society
- Physicochemical properties of atmospheric particles at different altitude via tethered balloon system
- Properties of Free Tropospheric Dust Particles above the North Atlantic Ocean
- Quantification of Uncertainty in Experimentally Determined Heterogeneous Nucleation Rates
- Quantifying the chemical mixing state index of atmospherically aged aerosols collected in the North Atlantic free troposphere
- Remote sensing derived trends (2003-2018) in carbon fixation for the world's eleven largest lakes
- Rock Magnetism, Paleomagnetism and Paleointensity of Imbabura Volcano (ecuador) - Implications for the Spatiotemporal Growth Model
- Seasonal variations of subsurface humidity around a water storage pool in rural Ecuador assessed with electrical resistivity and ground-penetrating radar
- Simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> emitted from Alaskan wildfires using HYSPLIT
- Spatial Snowdrift Modeling using the Snow Movement Over Open Terrain for Hydrology (SMOOTH) model
- Spectral and seasonal dependence of sun glint observations from deep space
- Synoptic Diagnosis of Catchment Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes Using Concentration-Discharge Relationships in the Great Lakes Basin
- The Longwave Radiative Effect of Warm Clouds' Twilight Zone
- The Power of Words, Images, and Representation: Using Science Communication for Social Justice in STEM
- Thermomagnetic behavior of extraterrestrial minerals: An overview
- Toward Understanding the Synergetic Interactions between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles
- Towards panarctic mapping of drained lake basins in permafrost regions
- Tracking secondary lahar flow paths and characterizing pulses and surges using infrasound array networks at Volcán Fuego, Guatemala.
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Tropical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization using Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Results from a Recent CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mapping Field Campaign at Volcán Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica
- Using TanDEM-X Satellite Interferometry for Measuring Pyroclastic Flow Processes: Bulking and Run-out During the 2018 Eruption of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Very-Long-Period Events Linked to Outgassing at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala and Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- A Cross-Ecoregion Evaluation of Nitrogen Fixation and Denitrification in Streams and Rivers of the United States of America
- A critical look at the spaceborne observations of aerosol column properties and vertical height during the 2018 summertime dust outbreak over Central Asia
- A multidisciplinary approach to modeling lahar generation and propagation in Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala.
- Assessing Boreal Peatland Resilience to the Extreme Wildfires of 2014-15 in Northwest Territories, Canada
- Beginning with the End in Mind: Creating a Geospatial Research Data Portal for Energy-Water-Climate Research in the Great Lakes Region
- Categorization of Martian Landslides from Satellite Imagery Using Vision Transformer
- Characterizing the Wildland Fire Environment for Smoke Modeling and Air Quality Mapping
- Cold Air Outbreaks Promote New Particle Formation off the U.S. East Coast
- Cold Season Performance of the NU-WRF Regional Climate Model in the Great Lakes Region
- Decrease in Volcano Jet Noise Peak Frequency as Crater Expands
- Does accumulation of large volumes of silicic magma require prolonged heating?
- Dust source mapping in Central Asia using SEVIRI/MSG infrared dust index and TROPOMI UVAI observations
- Dynamics of rain-triggered lahars inferred from infrasound array and time-lapse camera correlation at Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala.
- EPIC operational sun glint product
- Earth imaging from the Moon with the EPIC-type camera
- Engaging Multi-Disciplinary Student Teams Across Institutions With The Youth Environmental Alliance In Higher Education (YEAH)
- Enhanced methane production following simulated nitrogen resource pulse during thaw in lowland permafrost systems
- Estimating SO2 Fluxes from Recent Volcanic Eruptions using High-Cadence DSCOVR/EPIC Observations and Back-Trajectory Modeling
- Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Observed by DSCOVR/EPIC
- Fluid Viscosity and Fracture Geometry Effect on the Krauklis Wave Resonance and Phase Velocity
- Forecasting of Evapotranspiration from Ground and Remote Sensing Observations with Deep Learning
- High-salinity liquid water as a source of uncertainty in bedfast lake ice mapping on the Arctic Coastal Plain in northern Alaska
- Impacts of Lake Surface Temperature on Atmosphere Over the Great Lakes Region
- Importance of Coupling the 3D Lake Model to the Regional Climate Model in Simulating the Great Lakes System
- Long-term Research and Monitoring at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont USA
- Mapping of Above Ground Biomass and scaling analysis using in-situ and L-band SAR data in the Great Slave Lake region
- Modeling in Near-Real Time for Burned Area Emergency Response: Lessons Learned
- Modeling the Responses of Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Drought-induced Saltwater Intrusion in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke, Kuril Islands, and Ulawun ,Papua New Guinea, volcanoes using remote techniques
- Observations of Centimeter-Scale Cloud Microphysics in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds measured during the CSET Field Study
- Optical Properties of Atmospherically Aged Tar Balls in the Free Troposphere
- Optimal Talik Geometry under Thermokarst Lake in Quasi Equilibrium State in Arctic Coastal Plain
- Reconstructing Disaster: An Analysis of Digital Communications During Volcanic Crises
- Remarkable Interannual Variability in the Carbon Sink Strength of an Alaskan Boreal Peatland Complex Based Upon a Decade of Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Resource, Infrastructure, And Flow: Sharpening the Conceptualization of the Food-Energy-Water-Material Nexus to Address Complex Interdependencies and Systemic Injustices
- Secular Trends in SO2 Emissions From Erupting Volcanoes
- Seismotectonic Interpretation of an Expansive Set of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms from First Motions and Amplitude Ratios on the Yellowstone Plateau
- Soil CO2 emissions at Chiles volcano, Ecuador: Survey from Aguas Hediondas and Lagunas Verdes
- The Effect of Sea Level Rise Driven Groundwater Inundation on Island Freshwater Lens Volume
- The Role of Snowmelt in Streamflow Generation and the Climate Change Effect on Ecosystem Services in the Sturgeon River Watershed of the Lake Superior Basin, USA
- The Thermal Signature of Undetected Clouds in the Clear Sky of Warm Cloud Fields
- The ferric-ity ferrous wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The stop-and-go mechanism: Towards an integrated approach to model seismicity, outgassing, deformation, and thermal unrest at active volcanoes
- The unprecedented atmospheric impacts of the 2019/2020 Australian Bushfire season on stratospheric composition and climate
- Transported African Wildfire Smoke Acts as Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Tropical Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
- Vertical Profile of Phase State and Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol Collected at the Southern Great Plains Site
- Vertical variation of cloud microphysical relationships in stratocumulus clouds observed from several recent aircraft field campaign
- Volcan de Fuego: A Machine Learning Approach in Understanding the Eruptive Cycles Using Precursory Tilt Signals
- Volcanic SO2 emissions and magmatic volatile budgets
- Volcanic Sulfate Aerosols Are Underestimated in the Arctic: Implications for Radiative Forcing
- A Global Survey of Volcanic SO2 Emissions and Heat Flux Measured from Space
- Amplified Warming of the Great Lakes due to Lake-Atmosphere Feedback Processes
- An Investigation of Microseismicity During the 2018 Kīlauea Caldera Collapse
- Are Cloud Droplet Sizes Gamma Distributed at Centimeter scales?
- Assessing Boreal Peatland Soil Moisture and Soil Drainage Patterns from Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Bayesian hierarchical variance estimation to evaluate the vulnerability of thermo-electric power plants to hydrometeorological stressors
- Characterization of rain-triggered lahars in Volcan de Fuego: cataloging and deployment of an automated detection system.
- Combined Impacts of Hydraulic Conductivity Heterogeneity and Pumping Intensity on Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: A Numerical Investigation Using a Henry Problem with a Pumping Well
- Comparing satellite measurements of volcanic SO2 mass from OMI, OMPS and TROPOMI
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Continuing Global SO2 Data Record from OMI and SNPP/OMPS to JPSS-1/NOAA-20/OMPS
- Continuous blue-green light extinction spectra of laboratory and ambient aerosol
- Coupled Aerosol-Chemistry Simulations of the January 2022 Eruptions of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai in the NASA GEOS Earth System Model
- Coupling High-frequency Sensing and 2-d Numerical Modelling to Analyze Nitrate Dynamics in a Large River
- Data Sharing in Communication Denied Environments via the Wildfire Data Logistics Network
- Development of a Flood Risk Modeling System for Enhanced Resilience of Rural Regions
- EPIC Observations of Sun Glint Caused by Horizontal Ice Crystals in Clouds
- Ecosystem Fluxes from Natural and Degraded Tropical Mountain Peatlands in Colombia
- Effect of Fluid Flow on Krauklis Waves: An Experimental Study
- Enhancing Direct Readout Capabilities for Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 and Ash for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Entrainment of Long-Range Transported Aerosols in the Marine Boundary Layer in the Azores
- Evaluating the potential of remote sensing-based fire fuel mapping methods across multiple fires for emissions modeling
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Experiments on Multiblast Craters: Probing Transient Crater Depths in Multi-Explosion Events
- Exploring the importance of haze particles and their interactions with cloud droplets in a convection cloud chamber using large-eddy simulations with bin and Lagrangian microphysics schemes
- FORCtool: An online service for rapid analysis of first-order reversal curve (FORC) data
- Fire-vegetation interactions in Arctic tundra and their spatial variability
- Flood Modelling of 44 Rivers in Kerala Using HEC-RAS
- Fuels predicted from pre- and post-fire lidar collections and consumption estimated at four western wildfires
- Geochemical and Sulphur Isotope Characterisation of Pyrite Grains from an Impact Derived Melt Rock from Lonar Impact Crater, India.
- Global-scale unsupervised cloud classification to construct a novel AI-driven Cloud Classification Atlas (AICCA)
- High Cadence DSCOVR/EPIC Observations of SO2 Emissions from the 2021 La Palma Eruption and Comparison with Ground-based Brewer Measurements
- High Cadence UV Observations of Volcanic Eruptions by DSCOVR/EPIC
- Humidity Effects on Mixed Carbon and Dust Aerosols in Houston Measured to Evaluate Radiative Forcing and Deep Convection Modules in Climate Models
- Impact Origin for Ramgarh Structure, India: New Insights from Petrography, Geochemistry and Geochronology
- Impact of mixing regime shift on phytoplankton, and invasive mussel in Lake Michigan under a warming climate: a biophysical modeling study
- Impacts of Urbanization and Lake Michigan on Chicago's Heat Stress and its Disparities
- Improved Estimations of Peatland distribution and C stocks Via Multi-date Optical and Radar Imagery
- Improving the Mapping and Monitoring of Dynamic Great Lakes Coastal Wetland System Through High Resolution Commercial Smallsat Data
- Improving the Total CO2 Budget Estimate for an Active Stratovolcano in Costa Rica
- Influence of entrainment on centimeter-scale cloud microphysics in marine stratocumulus clouds observed during CSET
- Informing Science and Management of Boreal Wetland Ecosystems with Hybrid Remote Sensing of Habitat Type and Dynamics
- Laboratory and Ambient Comparison of Hygroscopicity and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Lagrangian Supersaturation Statistics in Turbulent Cloudy Rayleigh-Bénard Convection: Applications for LES Subgrid Modeling
- Lava Lake Characteristics From Seismic and Acoustic Recordings of Gas-Emission Events
- Legacy Effects of Long-Term Water-Table Manipulation on Organic Matter Reduction and Methane Production in a Rich Fen
- Mapping Drained Lake Basins in Permafrost Lowlands on a Circumpolar Scale
- Mapping Hydrological Connections in the Great Lakes to identify Coastal Wetlands and Monitor Change with High Resolution Commercial Smallsat Data
- Mapping Wetland Seasonal Inundation using Synthetic Aperture Radar in the ABoVE Study Domain
- Modeling the dust cycle of the extreme salt dust storm in Central Asia during summer 2018
- Modest Volcanic SO2 Emissions During the 2021-2022 Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai Eruptions
- Multi-resolution Multi-sensor Fusion of Remote Sensing Data to investigate Rock Slope Instabilities
- Nearshore Sediment Transport Influenced by a Coastal Structure in Storm Events
- New Absolute Paleointensity Estimates from Mafic Dikes of India and the Variability of the Precambrian Geomagnetic Field
- New Datasets for Estimating Wildfire Area Burned at Regional Scales for the Continental US: Implications for Estimating Carbon-Based Emissions
- Nutrient Availability in Long-Range Transported Mineral Dust and Smoke Aerosols from Africa
- Optical Properties of Atmospherically Aged Tar Balls from the Free Troposphere
- Performance of Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) Model Compared to 2D Hydraulic Models for Flood Assessment
- Predicting coastal recovery potential following high water levels by documenting patterns and processes of coastal geomorphic change and nearshore sediment transport
- Projected Water Level Rise of the Great Lakes under Climate Change
- Projections of climate change impacts on Middle Rio Grande surface water indicate declining water availability
- Quantify moisture sources of the Great Lakes Precipitation
- Rainfall Threshold Analysis Using Antecedent Rainfall for Shallow Translational Landslides
- Recent extreme dust storms in Central Asia associated with tropical Pacific and Arctic teleconnections
- Revealing the unseen diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria in aquatic ecosystems
- Seismo-acoustic Analysis of Secondary Lahar Activity at Fuego Volcano (Guatemala)
- Significance of Glacierized-Area Groundwater in Regulating Streamflow at Large Catchment Scales in the Paa Chhu River Basin, Bhutan
- Simulating the evolution of aerosol properties through cloud processing with a Monte Carlo model
- Simulating the evolution of black carbon mixing state through cloud processing with a particle-resolved model
- Single Particle Measurements and Machine Learning Approaches to Study Vertical Distribution of Biological Particles
- Smoke and Healthy Aging: Using Wildland Fire Smoke Modeling Data in Gerontological Health Research in California
- Soil Texture Classification Using Deep Learning
- Soil and Stem Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes of an Amazonian Palm Peatland
- Sources and Pathways of Streamflow in the Yude Ri and Dungju Ri Catchments, Bhutan Himalayas
- Sources of stochasticity in the growth of cloud droplets: supersaturation fluctuations versus turbulent transport
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Methane Emissions in Peruvian Amazonian Peatlands: A Modeling Approach
- Summer climate change over Great Lakes Region in late 21st century
- Surrogate-assisted Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of a Great Lakes Coupled Regional Climate Model
- Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Island Aquifers
- Terrestrial Impact Craters: Hotspots for Natural Resources
- The abundance of internally mixed particles at a remote marine free troposphere site above the North Atlantic
- Towards Operational Use of Satellite SO2 Measurements in Volcano Observatories
- Use Machine Learning Method to Improve Biological Aerosol Classification from Real-time Bioaerosol Sensing Measurements
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
- Variability in persistent volcanic SO2 emissions detected by UV satellite measurements
- Wet carbon monitoring with remote sensing: a review of the knowledge and needs
- Zero-Shot Super-Resolution of Regional-Scale Surface Heat Simulation Using Fourier Neural Operator
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Kostinski
- A. C. Aiken
- A. J. Soja
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. M. Sayer
- Aaron Berg
- Admin Husic
- Adrian Hornby
- Alex Mayer
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexander Marshak
- Alla Zelenyuk
- Allison Campbell
- Amy J. Burgin
- Amy Leventer
- Amy Marcarelli
- Ana Dyreson
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Andrew M. Vogelmann
- Andrew P. Ault
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Anna Perttu
- Annett Bartsch
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Armin Sorooshian
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. J. Andrews
- Beat Schmid
- Becky Alexander
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin Poulter
- Beth A. Bartel
- Bo Zhang
- Bruce Chapman
- C. Bracken
- C. D. Cappa
- C.L. Vishnu
- Camille L. Stagg
- Can Li
- Carl C. Trettin
- Cassandra J. Gaston
- Catherine Mitchell
- Chen Lu
- Christiane Voigt
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Christopher Spence
- Claire Baffaut
- Cláudio Mazzoleni
- Cody S. Sheik
- Corentin Caudron
- D. G. Chandler
- D. M. Ricciuto
- Daniel T. Roman
- Dar A. Roberts
- Dara Entekhabi
- David Lagomasino
- Diana C. Roman
- E. C. Seybold
- E. J. Piispa
- E. Natasha Stavros
- Einat Lev
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric G. Blackman
- Ethan J. Theuerkauf
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Ewan Crosbie
- Fan Mei
- Fan Yang
- Fenghui Yuan
- Franziska Hoffmann
- G. P. Waite
- G. S. Diskin
- Ghassan Taha
- Greg A. Valentine
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Gregory B. Noe
- Guido Grosse
- Helena Bergstedt
- Helga do Rosário Gomes
- Hinsby Cadillo‐Quiroz
- Hongyu Liu
- Hossein Dadashazar
- Hugh Morrison
- Ingo Sonder
- J. Anderson
- J. B. Johnson
- J. Chen
- J. D. Wood
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. Tamminen
- Jacopo Taddeucci
- James E. Lee
- James R. Holmquist
- Jason K. Keller
- Jean‐Paul Vernier
- Jelle Assink
- Jerome D. Fast
- Jianfeng Li
- Jihong Cole‐Dai
- Joaquim I. Goés
- Jobin Thomas
- John B. Nowak
- Jonathan B. Martin
- Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback
- Josef Dufek
- Joseph G. Meert
- Julia Perdrial
- K. A. Brill
- K. R. Anderson
- Kamal Kant Chandrakar
- Kari M. Cooper
- Kathleen McKee
- Ken W. Krauss
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth S. Befus
- Kevin A. Ryan
- Khachik Sargsyan
- Kyle Gorkowski
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- Larry G. Mastin
- Laura Fierce
- Leonid Surovitskii
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Louise M. Farquharson
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M De Moor
- M. A. Fenn
- M. J. Garay
- Manish Shrivastava
- Manvendra K. Dubey
- Marc Simard
- Mariko Oue
- Mark D. Rowe
- Mark P. Waldrop
- Markus Tuller
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew T. DeLand
- Matthias Fuchs
- Michael H. Cosh
- Michael L. Larsen
- Michael P. Jensen
- Mikhail Ovchinnikov
- Miraj B. Kayastha
- N. Ohara
- Nancy H. F. French
- Nathalie Voisin
- Neerav Kaushal
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Omar Torres
- Orit Altaratz
- P. Lundgren
- Patricia D. Koman
- Patricia K. Quinn
- Paul A. Newman
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paulo Fialho
- Pavlos Kollias
- Peishi Jiang
- Pengfei Xue
- Peter R. Colarco
- Peter R. Robichaud
- Prasanth Prabhakaran
- Qi Zhang
- Qing Liang
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. C. Rangel
- R. Paul Lawson
- Rahul A. Zaveri
- Randi R. Jandt
- Richard H. Moore
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robin S. Matoza
- Robinson W. Fulweiler
- Roohollah Askari
- Ryan Patnaude
- S. A. Carn
- S. James
- Saranya R. Chandran
- Scott J. Gauvain
- Seong Soo Yum
- Shreya Joshi
- Sidharth Misra
- Simon Kraatz
- Simon Yueh
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Stephen J. Vavrus
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Swarup China
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Ryan McCarley
- TC Chakraborty
- Takuya Kurihana
- Tamás Várnai
- Tatsu Monkman
- Taylor Shingler
- Thomas Oommen
- Tim M. Conway
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Timothy Logan
- Tobias P. Fischer
- Trista J. Vick‐Majors
- Tshewang Dendup
- Valentina Aquila
- Valier Galy
- Vijay Natraj
- W. A. Thelen
- Will Cantrell
- William Pringle
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xu Guang Xi
- Yangang Liu
- Yonghoon Choi
- Yun Qian
- Yuri Knyazikhin
- Zackary Mages
- Zezhen Cheng
- Zhao Yang
- Zheng Lu
- Zihua Zhu
- А. В. Смирнов
- О. В. Калашникова