Hampton University, Virginia
flowchart I[Hampton University, Virginia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (398)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (62)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Chemical Ozone Loss and Chlorine Activation Deduced From HALOE and OMS Measurements in Arctic Winter 1999-2000
- Comparison of MLS, HALOE, POAM-II, SAGE-II, and ILAS Measurements in October-November 1996 Using Traditional Correlative Analysis and Trajectory Hunting Technique
- Description of the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE), A Dedicated EOS Validation Test Site
- Determination of Dissolved Organic Sulfur in Seawater, and its Distribution in the Chesapeake Bay
- Hampton University and the ESSEA On-Line ESS Courses: A Unique Partnership of Educators and Scientists
- OH Column Abundance over JPL's Table Mountain Facility 1997-2000
- The ASLO Minorities Program: A Model for Scientific Societies Working to Increase Their Ethnic Diversity.
- Validation of Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes Using Multiangle Measurements from the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Satellite Instrument
- An evaluation of trends in middle atmospheric water vapor from 1991-2002 as measured by HALOE, WVMS, and POAM
- Earth System Science Online at Hampton University
- Energy Balance in the Sun-Earth System During the Solar Storm Events of April 2002
- Evidence for an OH(v) Excitation Mechanism from CO<SUB>2</SUB> 4.3-μm Nighttime Measurements Taken by the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Mission
- Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences: A Bridging Program from Middle School to College
- Multiplatform Measurements of Carbon Monoxide During TRACE-P Period
- Observations of Typhoon Melissa during the Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE)
- Overview of One Aspect of the Sun-Earth Connection during the April 2002 Events: the "Magnetospheric Driver" Chain
- Simultaneous Retrieval of Temperature and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Abundance in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere From SABER Observations of Infrared Limb Emission
- The Role of the Quenching of O<SUB>2</SUB>(1) by Atomic Oxygen on 6.3~μm Atmospheric Radiances and its Impact on the Retrieval of Water Vapour
- An Evaluation of the Geophysical Variability in Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II Water Vapor Measurements
- Comparison of Cloud-Radiative Properties From Model Prediction and Satellite Retrievals during CRYSTAL-FACE
- Derivation of Mesospheric Ozone from TIMED/SABER Measurements of the O<SUB>2</SUB> Infrared Atmospheric Band Emission in the Dayglow
- Earth System Science Online: An Innovative Course for Non-traditional Students, Offered by Hampton University
- Elements of the energy budget of the mesosphere as revealed by the SABER experiment
- Evidence That Most Florida Anvil Crystals Derive From Midtropospheric Aerosols
- Long Term Calibration of the HALOE Instrument
- New Angular Distribution Models for Shortwave and Longwave Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Flux Estimation From the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Instrument
- Oxygen-Hydrogen Chemistry and Emissions in the Mesosphere: Modeling and SABER Observations
- Retrieval of atmospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide vertical distribution from SAGE III limb scattering measurement
- Simultaneous Measurement of Size, Composition, Hygroscopicity, and Density of Single Ambient Particles
- Snow and Sea Ice Angular Distribution Model From CERES Radiance Measurements
- Synoptic Distributions of SABER Temperature Data and Implications for Derived Dynamical Quantities
- Analysis of temperature and wind measurements from the TIMED Mission: Comparison with UARS data
- Analysis of the SABER 4.3-μ m Nighttime Radiance and Implications for the Temperature and CO<SUB>2</SUB> vmr Retrieval
- Building on the Success of Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences: A Bridging Program From Middle School to College
- Global Top-of-Atmosphere Direct Radiative Effect of Aerosols over Ocean from Merged CERES and MODIS Observations for 2000-2003
- Hourly and Daytime Evapotranspiration from Grassland Using Radiometric Surface Temperatures
- Morphological Studies of Mesospheric Chemical Heating Rates Using HRDI/UARS and SABER/TIMED Measurements
- NASA missions CALIPSO and CloudSat partner with the GLOBE program to provide student opportunities for data collection to aid scientists researching climate change
- Observations of ozone and odd-oxygen in the mesosphere by the SABER instrument on the TIMED satellite
- Satellite mission Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) partners with formal and informal education programs to study clouds on the edge of space
- The DEVELOP Program as a Unique Applied Science Internship
- Variability of Atomic Oxygen and its Effect on the Energy Budget Near the Mesopause
- Atomic Hydrogen in the Mesopause Region Derived From the SABER Instrument
- Causes of Sub-Auroral Variability of Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere
- Chemical Ozone Loss in the Arctic and Antartic Stratosphere Deduced From Ozone-Tracer Relations
- Decadal Variations in Clouds and Radiation in ERBE and CERES Data
- Global and Regional Variations in Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes, Cloud and Aerosol Properties for 2000-2004
- Gravity wave influence on the global structure of the diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Interannual Variability of Photosynthetically Active Radiation from SeaWiFS
- The Use of High-resolution Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Topographically Complex Area of NAME
- Top-of-Atmosphere Cloud Radiative Effect Estimated from CERES Data Set
- Vertical distribution and attribution of ozone recovery
- Changes in Lower Mesospheric HCl and HF as Monitored by the Halogen Occultation Experiment
- Conceptual Design of a Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO)
- Detector Non-Linearity Effects on the HALOE Data (Preliminary Results)
- Effect of Dynamical-Photochemical Coupling on Oxygen Airglow Emission and Implications for Ozone Retrieved From 1.27 Micron Emission in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Ozone diurnal and seasonal variations, and correlations with temperatures in the mesosphere, lower thermosphere, and stratosphere, based on measurements from SABER on TIMED and MLS on UARS
- Revised correlation between Odin/OSIRIS PMC properties and coincident TIMED/SABER mesospheric temperatures
- Temporal variability of the MLTI region observed through five years of SABER and TIMED
- The CALIPSO Mission: Overview, Data Products, and Early Results
- The Evolution of the Southern Polar Region During Austral Winter/Spring 2006
- The diurnal tide as observed in TIMED/SABER temperatures
- Validation of Halogen Occultation Experiment Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements
- AIM Receiver/Communication Lock Analysis; When Bad Space Weather is Good
- Analysis, Modeling and Comparison of Nitric Oxide Emissions in the Thermosphere Measured by MIPAS and SABER
- Atmospheric and surface/cloud parameters retrieved from satellite hyperspectral infrared sounder measurements
- Energy Balance in the Thermosphere from TIMED and SORCE data
- Inter-annual and long-term variations observed in the ITM system
- Leveraging Someone Else's Knowledge Based System
- Study of Global Cirrus Cloud Seasonal Distributions Using CALIPSO Data
- The Solar Occultation for Ice Experiment (SOFIE): In-Orbit Performance and Initial Results
- The United States And France Partner In CALIPSO Satellite Education: Providing Students And Teachers With An Opportunity To Collect Sun Photometer Data And Improve Their Understanding Of Climate Change
- Validation of Ozone Measurements From the SBUV/2 and OMI Data Sets
- AIM receiver/communication lock analysis: Space weather relationships
- Advancing the Quality of Solar Occultation Retrievals through Solar Imaging
- Enabling Science Research with Coordinated Data From SuperDARN and VITMO
- Estimation of the vertical diffusion coefficient in MLT region from the migrating diurnal tides observed by TIMED
- GOZCARDS: Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere
- Improved aerosol characterization from combined OMI-MODIS retrieval
- PMC Morphology and its Dependence on Water Vapor and Temperature: Highlights From the AIM Mission
- SOFIE Measurements of PMCs, Water Vapor, and Temperature
- A 30-Month Global Record of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo from the Combined use of OMI and CALIOP Observations
- A Preliminary Look at a Regional Contrail Climatology
- AIM/CIPS Measurements of PMCs in relation to Temperature and Water Vapor
- Atomic Oxygen, Atomic Hydrogen, and Chemical Energy Deposition Rates Derived from SABER Measured Hydroxyl Airglow in the Mesosphere Region
- Canadian and Siberian Boreal Fire Activity during ARCTAS Spring and Summer Phases
- Chemical characterization of air masses transported to the Arctic during the ARCTAS-A spring deployment: biomass burning versus fossil fuel combustion signatures
- Correlation between the Summer Mesopause and Polar Mesospheric Cloud Heights
- Evaluation of the RAQMS Regional Model During the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America
- Evidence for Interhemispheric Coupling during the Unusual Northern Polar Summer Mesosphere of 2002
- Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)
- Inter-hemispheric coupling in PMC observations and in models
- Linking Satellite-Derived Fire Counts to Satellite-Derived Weather Data in Fire Prediction Models to Forecast Extreme Fires in Siberia
- Maximizing MODIS aerosol retrieval capability using joint inversions and merged data products with CALIOP, OMI and PARASOL
- Nitric Oxide Emissions in the Thermosphere during the January 2005 Solar Storm
- Observations of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide During the Current Solar Minimum
- Overview of the NASA Langley Chemistry and Physics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment (CAPABLE)
- Patterns of CO2 and radiocarbon across high northern latitudes during IPY 2008
- Possible land cover change feedbacks to surface albedo and net radiation over Siberia in a warming climate
- Refinements in the Calculation of Modeled CO2 Optical Depths for Comparison with DIAL CO2 Optical Depth Measurements
- Relationships between PMC and PMSE from SOFIE and radar observations in both hemispheres (Invited)
- Results from the SOFIE instrument on AIM
- SABER Mesosphere Radiative Cooling Results from Solar Max to Solar Min
- Spatial variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the ARCTAS-CARB 2008 Summer Campaign
- The Chemical and Aerosol Sounding Satellite (CASS): An Update
- The Design and Application of a Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory
- The Plasma Environments of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
- The coordinated multi-sensor, multi-platform ARCTAS fire plume study on June 30, 2008
- Transport and Transformations of NOy and Other Species in Pyro-Convection
- Vertical and Spatial Distribution of Absorbing Aerosol-Cloud Mixtures Observed by OMI
- ACE-FTS Version 3.0 Initial Validation using Correlative Datasets
- Characteristics of gravity waves in the summer polar mesosphere and their dynamical effects on polar mesospheric clouds (Invited)
- Climate-induced change in fire regimes in Tyva
- Comparison of ground-based and satellite-based NO2 column measurements: First steps to correlating in-situ and remote measurements
- Comparison of methods for determining boundary layer height during the 2010 CAPABLE summer intensive
- Detection and Characterization of Ash plumes from Eyjafjallajokull with Satellite Lidar
- Detection of Long-Term Temperature Changes in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere
- Development of the Carbon Cycle Column Radiometer (C3R) for ASCENDS CO and CH4 Measurements
- Digital Array Gas Correlation Radiometry (DAGR): A New Approach to Passively Sensing the Planetary Boundary Layer
- East Asian dust climatology as seen by MISR, MODIS, and OMI: multi-year mean spatial patterns, seasonal cycle, and inter-annual variability
- Energy Budget of the Mesosphere
- Estimating Scots Pine Tree Mortality Using High Resolution Multispectral Images
- Integrating CALIPSO aerosol profiles and AIRS CO observations into OMI aerosol algorithm
- NASA y Tú (NASA and You) - NASA's partnership with UNIVISION to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers among Hispanic youth
- New global fire emission estimates and evaluation of volatile organic compounds
- SOFIE observations of PMCs and meteoric smoke
- Summertime Trans-Pacific Transport of Asian Dust
- The Solar Cycle Transition and High Speed Streams as evidenced in SABER Infrared Radiative Cooling Observations in the Thermosphere
- The roles of the saturation vapor pressure and water vapor partial pressure in controlling different stages of the polar mesospheric cloud season
- Water vapor and odd hydrogen in the middle and upper atmosphere: an overview of current observations and modeling (Invited)
- A new, low-cost sun photometer for student use
- Absolute Populations of Highly Vibrationally Excited OH(υ=8 + υ=9) in the Night Mesopause Region Derived from the TIMED/SABER Instrument from 2002 to 2010
- Climatology of terdiurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from TIMED SABER/TIDI, ground-based sodium lidar and NCAR TIME-GCM model
- Energy balance in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere as revealed by SABER, SEE, and SORCE
- Extending MGS-TES Temperature Retrievals in the Martian Atmosphere up to 90 km: Retrieval Approach and Results
- Global Performance Evaluation of OMPS Limb Profiler Using the Proxy Data Assimilated from GEOS-5
- Infrared Radiation in the Thermosphere at the Onset of Solar Cycle 24
- Intercomparison of Total Atmospheric Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval Products during the 2009 and 2010 CAPABLE Summer Intensives
- Observations of gravity waves and ozone structures near the stratopause from the CIPS instrument
- Observed Variability in CO2 Column Abundances from aircraft vertical profiles: Insight into future space-based mission requirements
- Optimization of a Frequency-Stabilized Laser Reference at 1.57μM for AN Active Laser Remote Sensing of CO2 from Space
- Variability and Sources of Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Over Tengchong, Southwest China: A Modeling Analysis of Satellite and Ozonesonde Observations
- Variability in Lower Tropospheric CO2 over the DC/Baltimore Metro Area: Insight for Remote CO2 Sensors
- A Novel Approach to Generate Essential New CALIPSO-based Products: Biomass Burning Plume Injection Height Using CALIOP, MODIS and the NASA Langley Trajectory Model
- Agrolandscape Research of Geosystems in the South of Central Siberia
- Airborne measurements of single particle refractory black carbon over the continental U.S. during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field study
- Aircraft observations of biomass burning emissions in the lower stratosphere during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3)
- Atomic Oxygen and Energy Balance in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH) Measurements of Water Vapor in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere
- Fire Emissions Estimates in Siberia: Evaluation of Uncertainties in Area Burned, Land Cover, and Fuel Consumption
- Global O3-CO Correlations in the Global Modeling Initiative Chemical Transport Model During July - August: Sensitivity to Emissions and Input Meteorological Data
- Impact of the quasi-two-day traveling planetary wave on the ionosphere
- Improving Large-scale Biomass Burning Carbon Consumption and Emissions Estimates in the Former Soviet Union based on Fire Weather
- Investigating asymmetries in mesospheric gravity wave propagation at high-latitudes
- Multiple Peaks in SABER Mesospheric OH Emission Altitude Profiles
- New Developments and Updates to the SOFIE Data Products
- On Springtime Ozone Enhancements in the Lower Troposphere Over Beijing
- SABER Observations of Geomagnetic Storm Response in the Thermosphere
- Sources of Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Over North China: A Modeling Analysis of Ozonesonde and Satellite Observations
- The Evolution of Successful Satellite Science to Air Quality Application Projects: From Inception to Realization
- Validation of the ACE-FTS Dataset
- Variations in stratospheric HCl and ClO
- Chemical Evolution in Upper Tropospheric Convective Outflow: Case Study of a Mesoscale Convective System During DC3 (Invited)
- Dramatic changes of the thermosphere and ionosphere caused by the quasi-two-day wave forcing
- Hemispheric and Interannual Comparisons of Polar Winter CO2 Clouds on Mars
- High Speed Intensified Video Observations of TLEs in Support of PhOCAL
- Impact of Eurasian biomass burning emissions on the springtime lower-tropospheric ozone in North China and the rest of Northeast Asia
- Influence of the Interior Properties of Mercury on Its Tidal Response (Invited)
- Initial Results From a Non-Hydrostatic Jupiter Ionosphere-Thermosphere Global Model
- Long-term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Lessons Learned from an Innovative Model for Teacher Research Experiences
- Long-term Radiation Budget Variability in the Northern Eurasian Region: Assessing the Interaction with Fire
- Mass Spectrometer Sounding of the Turbopause Region on Commercial Vehicles
- Mesopause Horizontal wind estimates based on AIM CIPS polar mesospheric cloud pattern matching
- Numerical Simulations of a Jovian Ribbon-like Feature
- Observed Seasonal Change in Titan's Thermosphere
- Radiative Effects of Aerosols Versus Clouds on Key Tropospheric Oxidants in a Global Model
- Satellite-based emission constraint for nitrogen oxides: Capability and uncertainty
- Solar Cycle Dependence Of Temperature, Odd-Oxygen, Odd-Hydrogen, And Airglow In The Mesopause Region Observed By SABER
- The Role of neutral winds play in Titan's ionospheric dynamics
- The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III - International Space Station: Extending Long-Term Ozone and Aerosol Observations (Invited)
- Transport of polar winter lower-thermospheric Nitric Oxide to the Stratosphere
- A Long Term Satellite Record of Mesospheric and Upper Stratospheric Temperature and Related Datasets, the MUSTARD Project.
- Analysis of EMIC waves in relation to magnetospheric heavy ion density
- CALIOP-derived Smoke Plume Injection Height
- Cassini ISS Update on Seasonally Evolving Northern Hemisphere, and a new Hexagon Model
- Changes of the Ionosphere Caused By the Interaction Between the Quasi-Two-Day Wave and Tides
- Comparison of Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Retrievals from HSRL-2, AERONET, and In-situ Measurements During DISCOVER-AQ 2013 (California and Texas)
- Determining the Provenance of Late Paleozoic Loess Using Radiogenic Isotopes
- Development and Application of a new DACOM Airborne Trace Gas Instrument based on Room-Temperature Laser and Detector Technology and all-Digital Control and Data Processin
- Estimating Biomass Burning Injection Heights using CALIOP, MODIS, and NASA Langley Trajectory Model: Focus on the Tripod Fire, Washington 2006
- Global Changes in Stratospheric Composition: Aura MLS and Past Measurements versus Models
- Global Distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Volume Mixing Ratio in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Long-Term Changes Observed By Saber
- Gravity Waves in the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere and Their Relations with Ice Cloud Observed Sofie/AIM
- Inverse Modeling Using a Novel Scintillation Model Sigma to Characterize High Latitude Irregularities During a Storm and a Substorm
- Mesospheric Zonal Mean Winds Derived from Consecutive Orbits of AIM Cips Images
- Research of Cloud Temperature and Optical Depth Using Rotational-Vibrational Raman Lidar
- Summer polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Typical and Atypical Magnetospheric Response to Sudden Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Changes
- Using Satellite Imagery to Improve the Characterization of Crop Residue Burning Emissions in the U.S. National Emission Inventory
- Using Satellite Observations of Cloud Vertical Distribution to Improve Global Model Estimates of Cloud Radiative Effect on Key Tropospheric Oxidants
- Volcanic Winter and Cold Tropical Uplands in Late Paleozoic Pangaea: A Thought Experiment
- A widespread low-latitude diurnal CO<SUB>2</SUB> frost cycle on Mars revealed by Mars Climate Sounder observations
- Are Cloud Processes Key Drivers of UTLS Chemistry and Constituent Variability?
- Comparison of CALIPSO-derived Biomass Burning Smoke Plume Injection Height and CMAQ Modeled Injection, for the Tripod fire of 2006
- Concentric Gravity Waves over Northern China Observed by a No-Gap OH Airglow Imager Network and Satellites
- Evaluate transport processes in MERRA driven chemical transport models using updated 222Rn emission inventories and global observations
- Extreme Driving of Reverse Convection During Strongly Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Five-day Waves in Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere Temperature and Mesospheric Ice Water Measured by SOFIE/AIM
- HST and ground-based observations of bright storms on Uranus during 2014-2015.
- Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the upper atmosphere observed by SABER
- Making Waves—The VIIRS Day/Night Band Reveals Upper Atmospheric Gravity Wave via Sensitivity to Nightglow Emissions
- Method for Calculating Uncertainty in Automated Cloud-tracking Wind Measurements
- Multi-Point Observations of Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause Associated With Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Impulse Events
- Observation of cloud formation caused by low-level jets
- Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Structures and Evolution analysis by Combination of Fractal Dimension of 3 Wavelength Lidar Signal and Range Correct Signal of 1064nm
- Simultaneous Antarctic Gravity Wave Observations in PMCs from the AIM Satellite and PMSE Observations from PANSY Radar
- Stratospheric and mesospheric concentric gravity waves over tropical cyclone Mahasen: Joint AIRS and VIIRS satellite observations
- The Dynamics of Plasma Convection in the Polar Cap Ionosphere under Northward IMF Conditions
- The Influence of Aerosol Composition on Photolysis Rates Based on Airborne Observations
- The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III/International Space Station Mission: Science Objectives and Mission Status
- Variability and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the North Atlantic in Fall: A Model Analysis in Support of the NASA NAAMES Earth-Venture Suborbital-2 Mission
- Volcanic Aerosols from Satellites: Current and Emerging Capabilities
- A simulation study of seasonal variations in upward propagation of the thermospheric migrating terdiurnal tides
- An Advanced SAGE III Instrument on the International Space Station
- Analysis of Saturn's Hexagon between 2012 and 2016: Dynamical and Morphological Changes
- Biomass Burning Emissions and Transport of Black Carbon (BC) to the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) in 2013
- Diagnosis of chemistry-dynamics interactions in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Evaluation of the cloud fields in the UK Met Office HadGEM3-UKCA model using the CCCM satellite data product to advance our understanding of the influence of clouds on tropospheric composition and chemistry
- Global Surface Dust Distribution Changes on Mars (MY24-33)
- Inter-Hemispheric Comparisons of the Ground Magnetic Response to an Interplanetary Shock
- Long-term Changes Of Global Gravity Waves Derived From SABER Temperature Observations
- Model Analysis of Tropospheric Aerosol Variability and Sources over the North Atlantic during NAAMES 2015-2016
- Modeling Transport and Processing of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Modulation of Madden-Julian Oscillation on the polar mesospheric clouds
- New sciences enabled by the new SABER CO2 data
- OMPS Limb Profiler: Extending SAGE and CALIPSO Stratospheric Aerosol Records
- Preliminary Long-term H2O Trends in the Middle Atmosphere Observed by SABER on the TIMED Satellite
- Reconfiguration of Reverse Convection in the Dayside Throat Region under Varying Northward IMF Conditions
- SAGE: Attribution of Biomass Burning Tracers sampled on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Summer at Saturn's North Pole: Seasonal Changes Seen by ISS & CIRS on Cassini, and VLT on the Ground
- Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment (SAGE) - Tracing black carbon from emissions to deposition
- The Atmospheric-Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Responses to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storms at High Latitudes
- Using MERRA-2 analysis fields to simulate limb scattered radiance profiles for inhomogeneous atmospheric lines of sight: Preparation for data assimilation of OMPS LP radiances through 2D single-scattering GSLS radiative transfer model development
- Validation of Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler Ozone Measurements
- Wavelet-Based ULF Pulsation Index for Studying Conjugate ULF Pulsation at High Latitudes and Its Applications to Space Weather
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- Assessing cloud radiative effects on tropospheric photolysis rates and key oxidants during aircraft campaigns using satellite cloud observations and a global chemical transport model
- Biomass Burning and the 2012 Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) melt
- Cassini ISS Observation of Saturn from Grand Finale Orbits
- Characterizing the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer using in situ balloon measurements: the BATAL campaigns of 2014-2017
- Combining Direct Broadcast Polar Hyper-spectral Soundings with Geostationary Multi-spectral Imagery for Producing Low Latency Sounding Products
- Computing the proton aurora at early Mars
- Dedicated Low Latitude Diurnal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Frost Observation Campaigns by the Mars Climate Sounder
- Diagnosis of middle atmosphere chemistry-dynamics interactions
- Evidence of the Lower Thermospheric Winter-to-Summer Circulation
- Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances triggered by Super Typhoon Nepartak (2016)
- Multi-Point Observations of Magnetospheric Responses to Interplanetary Shocks
- New in situ Aerosol Spectral Optical Measurements over 300-700 nm, Extinction and Total Absorption, Paired with Absorption from Water- and Methanol-soluble Aerosol Extracts
- Nightside High Latitude Magnetic Impulse Events
- Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study: Summary of Observations and Initial Results
- Reconnection During Periods of Large IMF By Producing Shear Instabilities at the Dayside Convection Reversal Boundary
- SAGE III on the International Space Station
- SNAP: Small Next-generation Atmospheric Probe Concept
- Solar Cycle Variations of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB> and MLS H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
- Sources and Variability of Aerosols and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Arctic
- Survey of Pc3-5 ULF velocity oscillations in SuperDARN THEMIS-mode data: Occurrence statistics and driving mechanisms
- The Effect of Cirrus Clouds on Water Vapor Transport in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- The NASA eClips 4D Program: Impacts from the First Year Quasi-Experimental Study on Video Development and Viewing on Students.
- The Role of Solar Wind Density in the Cross Polar Cap Potential Saturation under Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Universal Power Law of the Gravity Wave Manifestation in the AIM CIPS Polar Mesospheric Cloud Images
- Uranus and Neptune: internal heat flow
- Using the C3M Satellite Data Product to Evaluate and Constrain the Cloud Fields in the HadGEM3-UKCA Model with an Aim to Enhance Understanding of the Effects of Clouds on Atmospheric Composition via Photolysis
- Utilizing NASA DISCOVER-AQ Data to Examine Spatial Gradients in Complex Emission Environments
- Validation of Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler Ozone Measurements
- A numerical study of the middle-latitude neutral temperature and wind responses to geomagnetic storms in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region
- Balloon-borne Measurements of Cirrus Clouds over Hyderabad during BATAL Campaign.
- CALIPSO-derived Biomass Burning Smoke Plume Height: 2006 Tripod Fire, WA and 2013 RIM Fire, CA
- Characteristics of In Situ Fine Fraction Aerosol Spectra from 300-700 nm Observed Around the Korean Peninsula During KORUS-OC
- Climate change consequences for Siberia's forest land adaptation in the warming climate of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry of Smoke from the Oct. 2017 Northern California Fires
- Energization Mechanisms Leading to Vertical Ion Transport in Jupiter's Auroral Region Ionosphere
- Evaluation of aerosol wet deposition in the NASA GEOS Chemistry-Climate Model using <SUP>210</SUP>Pb
- Evolutions of a Mesospheric Bore in a Duct Observed by Ground-Based Double Layer Imagers and Satellite Observations Over Tibetan Plateau Region
- Extending the Definition of Planet Habitability to Include Space Environment Factors
- First results from sonification and exploratory citizen science of magnetospheric ULF waves
- Fuel consumption and fire emissions in Siberia: Improving estimates with ecosystem specific field data
- Implications from Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) Grand Finale Measurements on Atmospheric and Interior Processes at Saturn
- Increased Ionospheric Scintillation in the Southern Hemisphere following Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancements
- Ionospheric disturbances triggered by SpaceX rocket launches
- Measurements of Ash Particles in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere
- Multi-wavelength modeling of an auroral arc observed with EISCAT and ALIS using the Aeroplanets model
- Observation and Simulation of the Concentric Gravity Wave Seeding of Equatorial Nighttime Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Observational Analysis of Venusian Atmospheric Equatorial Waves and Superrotation
- Origins and Transport Pathways of Air Masses Encountered by the Ship and Aircraft during NAAMES campaigns
- Polar Vortex Dynamics on Gas and Ice Giant Planets
- Proton/hydrogen aurora at early and current Mars
- SNAP: Small Next-generation Atmospheric Probe Concept
- Saturn's atmosphere at 1-10 kilometer resolution: Cassini imaging during the final year
- Seasonal Analysis of Saturn's Clouds, Colors, and Winds from Cassini ISS
- Seasonality and Solar Cycle Response of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB>-derived and WACCM-X Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
- The Coupling of Saturn's Atmosphere and Ionosphere to the Rings
- The NASA eClips 4D Program: Impacts after two years of quasi-experimental study on 4D lessons involving student produced videos.
- The Volcano Rapid Response Campaign after the Kilauea eruptions (VolKilau)
- Towards a Permanent Thermosphere-Mesosphere Observing System
- Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Atmospheric Gravity Waves in AIM/CIPS Data
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Water Vapor Increases after 2002 IN the Stratosphere and Mesosphere Observed by Saber and Mls
- 3D study of the impact of the Radial IMF on the Earth's Magnetopause size and shape and the dawn-dusk asymmetry. IAPPIC 3D Simulations
- Aerosol composition in the UTLS and its connections to the anthropogenic and natural emissions and the monsoon convective system
- Atmospheric Escape Processes and Planetary Atmospheric Evolution: from misconceptions to challenges
- BATAL: Balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer
- Balloon-borne Measurements of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds over Hyderabad during BATAL Campaign
- Biomass burning: emissions, chemistry and transport
- Chemical Composition of the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere during Asian Summer Monsoon.
- Climate induced change in Ecological Landscape Potential over Mongolia in the current century
- Dark-needled forests decline in the southern Siberian mountains
- Expected Atmospheric Conditions and Measurement Needs at Uranus for Future Entry Probes
- Ground-Based Observational Analysis of Venus's Atmospheric Features in UV
- Impacts of aerosol size-dependent below-cloud scavenging on tropospheric aerosol in the NASA GEOS model
- Inter-hemispheric comparison of ground magnetic response to interplanetary shocks: Shock impact angle versus timing and intensities of ground magnetic response
- Interannual Variability in Clouds and Aerosols During the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIOP
- Interannual Variations of SABER CO<SUB>2</SUB>-derived Global-mean Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Investigating Severe Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning Techniques.
- JunoCam Cloud Morphology Spatial Structure and Turbulence Spectra
- Jupiter System Dynamics Observatory: a New Frontiers Mission Concept
- Linking upwind marine biological and meteorological processes to local marine particle concentrations with FLEXPART
- Middle atmosphere temperature trends in the 20<SUP>th</SUP>and 21<SUP>st</SUP>centuries simulated with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Multi-station GPS TEC and magnetometer observations of ULF waves in Antarctica
- NASA eClips 4D Program: Four Years of Formative and Summative Evaluation to Test and Understand the Impacts on Student Science Literacy
- New Product! Historic AVHRR-derived Burned Area product and validation for Siberia (1979 - 2000): Invited Paper 491463
- Planetary wave-like oscillations in thermospheric composition
- Preparing for the next eruptions: networks and collaborations for timely observations
- Quantifying uncertainties of small fires in the contiguous U.S. from existing land-cover/land-use and fire satellite products
- Quasi-biennial Oscillation and Solar Cycle Response of SABER H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Mesosphere
- Re-Constructing Volcanic Ash Plume vertical and horizontal extension using CALIOP/CALIPSO and NASA Langley Trajectory Model (LaTM): The June 2019 Raikoke eruption
- Role of Dynamics and Meteorology in the formation and maintenance of elevated aerosol layers over Indian region
- Scintillation producing ionospheric structures over Antarctic plateau during substorm events
- Sources and Variability of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the Western North Atlantic During Late Winter - Early Summer 2016: A Pre-mission Model Analysis in Support of ACTIVATE
- The 2019 Greenland Expedition for Undergraduate Research
- The driving processes for the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) responses to magnetic storms
- Upper Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere Trace Gas Response to the Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2 Measurements of Enhanced Depolarization in Marine Aerosols
- Analyzing Doppler LIDAR data to Determine Key Indicators for Vortex Detection
- Assessing the Radiative Impact of the 2019 - 2020 Australian Bushfires using Trajectory-Mapped CALIPSO Observations.
- Balloon Measurements of Microphysical and Optical Properties of Tropopause Cirrus Clouds during the BATAL Campaign
- Calculating Carbon Emissions for Wildfires during FIREX-AQ 2019
- Comparing the regional variability of emission factors of greenhouse gases over different landscape during FIREX-AQ campaign
- Distribution and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the Western North Atlantic During ACTIVATE (February-March 2020)
- Effects of Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry on Prediction of Air Quality Impacts from Fires
- Evaluating predicted smoke plume heights against airborne lidar observations for multiple fires during FIREX-AQ
- FIREXAQ: Insights into satellite- and fuel-based fire emissions
- Focus questions for Ice Giant atmospheric studies in the next decade
- Formaldehyde Emissions Variability from Agricultural Burning
- Going With the Flow: Using a Particle Dispersion Model to Reveal Links Between Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Aerosols
- High-Resolution Satellite Observations of Fire Radiative Power Reveal Link Between Fire Behavior and Aerosol and Gas Emissions
- Ice nucleation propensity of Long-range Transport Free tropospheric aerosols over the North Atlantic
- Impact of Air Traffic Reductions during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Aircraft-induced Clouds and their Radiative Effects
- Influences of Solar Irradiation and Aerosol Surface Area on Nitrous Acid Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Smoke
- Initiating a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay
- Investigation of fire smoke plume injection height sensitivities during the 2017 Northern California wildfires outbreak using a combination of satellite data and air quality modeling: Implications for health risk assessment
- Is there a shift in stratospheric aerosol composition ?
- Long-lived smoke clouds from the Australian megafires measured over Lauder, New Zealand
- Looking Forward to 30 Years since the Disintegration of the USSR: Environmental and Socio-Economic Consequences of Fundamental Institutional Change amidst Changing Climates
- Multi-scale thermospheric gravity waves observed by GOCE and CHAMP in Southern hemisphere at different Kp indices
- Properties of Free Tropospheric Dust Particles above the North Atlantic Ocean
- Quantifying Burn Area of Wildfires from Satellite Active Fire Detections
- Siberia: An altered landscape that will act to transform the region and Earth
- Statistical Comparison of the CIR- and CME- Induced Geomagnetic Activity Effects on Lower Thermospheric Temperature
- Studying the 2019 Australian Bushfires Disaster Using NASA Data: A Data-Driven Storytelling Approach
- Submicron Particle Composition and Acidity in Fire Plumes during FIREX-AQ aircraft study
- The Relationship of Size Distributions to Spectral (300 - 700 nm) Extinction Parameterization of Ambient in situ Aerosols Measured during FIREX-AQ and the Influence of Aerosol Composition
- Understanding the Influence of Fire Characteristics on Particle Emission Factors and Size Distributions Measured during FIREX-AQ
- 20 Years of SABER Observations Provide Insight into the Past, Present, and Future of Thermospheric Energy
- A global view of stratopause gravity waves derived from CIPS RAA data
- AIM/CIPS Retrieval of Global Gravity Wave Images near the Stratopause
- Accelerating R2O2R with the NASA/CCMC NOAA/SWPC Architecture for Collaborative Evaluation
- Analysis of Observational Sampling and Geometry Effects on Dayside Measured Winds during Venus Express
- Climatology of Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Residual Circulations and Mesopause Height derived from SABER Observations
- Expanding and Testing Orbit Propagation Capabilities Using CCMC-Hosted Models
- Internal Structure and Circulation of Giant Planet Atmospheric Vortices
- Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Cooling Responses to the December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse
- Ongoing Shallow Water Ice Mapping Campaign by the Mars Climate Sounder
- SO2 plumes observation with LMOL: theory, modeling, and validation
- Saturn's Equatorial Jet Through Reanalysis of Voyager Data Using a Modern Wind Measurement Method
- The Earths magnetopause response to radial and non-radial IMF as simulated by global 3D kinetic simulations.
- The Feasibility of Space-Based Stellar Occultation Observations of Uranus and Neptune
- Towards a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay Using GNSS and InSAR
- Understanding long-term changes in the upper atmosphere with 20-years of SABER observations
- Variability of water vapor in the middle atmosphere observed from satellites and interpreted using SD-WACCM simulations
- Extending the Earth Observing System Capability into the ITM: OSSEs in the Whole Atmosphere Models
- Investigating Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay of Eastern North America with GPS and InSAR
- Jupiter's Zonal Wind Speeds during the 2007 New Horizons Flyby: Comparison to Cassini and Preparation for the Europa Clipper EIS Instrument
- Model Simulation of Future Polar Mesospheric Clouds Trends in CMIP6-WACCM6 Under Different Development Scenarios
- NASA's Student Airborne Science Activation for Minority Serving Institutions: Inaugural Program, Educational Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
- Quiet-Time Thermospheric Gravity Waves Observed by GOCE and CHAMP
- Remote Sensing and Ground Integrated Observing System to Assess the Impact of Nocturnal Low Level Jets on the Air Quality in Baltimore, MD
- Shallow Water Ice on Mars in the Northern Mid-to-High Latitudes
- Unified Ceilometer Network: Aerosol Profiling for Air Quality and Meteorological Applications
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- Ali Omar
- B. L. Lefer
- C. Kreemer
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Christoph Baranec
- D. M. Kass
- D. S. Stamps
- Darren L. De Zeeuw
- Dong L. Wu
- E. K. Sutton
- Guillaume Gronoff
- J. D. Lumpe
- J. N. Carstens
- J. P. Thayer
- James M. Russell
- Javier Peralta
- Jeff France
- Jia Yue
- John T. Sullivan
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Joseph McInerney
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- L. A. Hunt
- L. Rastäetter
- Liying Qian
- Lotfi Ben‐Jaffel
- M. Codrescu
- M. Delcroix
- M. Shirzaei
- Martin G. Mlynczak
- Maya Garcı́a-Comas
- Michael A. Shook
- N. G. Heavens
- Ningchao Wang
- P. O. Hayne
- Paul Withers
- R. Damoah
- R. S. Lieberman
- Rebecca Ringuette
- Richard H. Moore
- Rolando R. García
- Rubén Delgado
- S. M. Hill
- S. Piqueux
- Sharon L. Vadas
- Shawn Brueshaber
- Shigeto Watanabe
- Shuang Xu
- Shuhua Xu
- Siegfried Eggl
- Suleiman Baraka
- Tzu‐Wei Fang
- Wandi Yu
- Wenbin Wang
- William B. Moore
- William R. Saunders
- Yeon Joo Lee
- Л. П. Гончаренко