Colgate University, New York
flowchart I[Colgate University, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (303)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (112)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Holocene Changes in Terrigenous Provenance and Biological Export Production: initial data from Edward VIII Gulf, East Antarctic Margin
- Preliminary Report on Cruise NBP01-01, East Antarctic Margin
- Reconsider an element: F budgets for field lysimeters
- The Cocos and Carnegie Ridges: A Record of Long-term Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction
- The Leading Edge of the Galapagos Hotspot: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Submarine Glasses Coupled to New Sidescan Sonar Imagery
- A Proposed Link Between Atmospheric Circulation and Stable Oxygen Isotope Values From Tree-Ring Cellulose, Fayetteville Green Lake, New York.
- Antarctica and IGY: New Frontiers in "A Continent for Science"
- Atmospheric Circulation And The Oxygen Isotopic Composition Of Meteoric Precipitation Over The Eastern United States
- Decadal-to-Millennial Oceanographic Variability Along the Antarctic Peninsula: ODP Site 1098 Demonstrates Strong Solar Forcing Signals In The Southern Ocean
- Emplacement of Megacrystic Basalt Flows in the Northern Galápagos Archipelago: Rheologic Parameters and Analog Flow Experiments
- On the use of Historic Atmosphere-Lake-Level Relationships for Reconstructing Stable Oxygen Isotope-Based Paleohydrology in Southern CA.
- Sediment Lithofacies From Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf: can we Detect ice Shelf Fluctuation ?
- The Role of Plume-Ridge Interaction in Magma Genesis I: The Northern Galapagos
- The Role of Plume-Ridge Interaction in Magma Genesis II: Wolf Island, Galapagos
- The Role of Plume-Ridge Interaction in Magma Genesis III: Darwin Island, Galapagos
- Three Stage Ice Sheet Recession as Recorded by Swath Bathymetry in the Mertz Trough: East Antarctica
- Uptake of Acetaldehyde in Low Temperature Sulfuric Acid
- A Benthic Foraminiferal Assessment of Holocene Oceanographic Change: Northern Antarctic Peninsula Margin
- A Comparison of West Antarctic and East Antarctic Response to High-Frequency Climate Change During the Holocene
- Calving Bay Reentrants During the Late Pleistocene to Holocene Retreat of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Sedimentologic and Geomorphologic Evidence
- Diffuse Rift Zones: Subaerial and Submarine Satellite Vents at Wolf Volcano, Galapagos
- Magmatic Consequences of Failed Rift Zones: Examples from the Eastern Pacific
- Petrology in Action: Teaching Volcanology in the Undergraduate Curriculum
- Sub-Ice Shelf Stratigraphy as Documented From Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Teaching contact metamorphism, isograds, and mixed-volatile reactions: A suite-based approach
- The Dutchess County, New York, Barrovian Sequence as a Teaching Tool for Metamorphic Petrology
- A Glimpse at Late Mesozoic to Early Tertiary Offshore Stratigraphy from Wilkes Land, East Antarctica: Results of Strategic Dredging of the Mertz-Ninnis Trough
- A New Model for Interpretation of Carbon Isotope Values of Lacustrine Sediment: Influence of Summer Moisture
- Focused Deformation in the Lower Crust During Continental Extension: Fiordland, New Zealand
- Jun Jaegyu Volcano: A Recently Discovered Alkali Basalt Volcano in Antarctic Sound, Antarctica
- Late Quaternary Biosiliceous Laminated Marine Sediments From Antarctica: Seasonality During a Period of Rapid Climate Change
- Relationship Between Atmospheric Circulation and Winter Precipitation d18O in Central New York State
- Two Highly-Resolved Geochemical Records of Holocene Variability: A Comparison Between West and East Antarctica
- Biogenic and Stable Isotopic Evidence for Holocene Stability of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf
- Chemotrophic Ecosystem Beneath the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Determining Rocky Mountain Front Seismicity: A Colorado Case Study
- Geochemical and rock-magnetic analyses of kasten cores from the Joinville-d'Urville Trough, Northeastern Antarctic Peninsula: Results and correlation with the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Mid Holocene Warmth in the Antarctic Peninsula: evidence from the Vega Drift
- Okinawa, Japan: Geologic Battleground
- Origin of Mafic Pegmatoids in the Dais Intrusion, Wright Valley, Antarctica
- Petrologic Consequences of the Magmatic Death of a Continental Arc: Vanda Dike Swarm, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Rejuvenated Galapagos Volcanism
- Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Periphery to Late Pleistocene MWP-1a Event: Sedimentologic, Geomorphologic, and Chronologic Evidence
- Temporal Geochemical Variations in Lavas From Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- The Critical Zone Exploration Network: A Tool For Understanding Earth's Weathering Engine
- Volcanoes in the Classroom: Simulating an Eruption Column
- What Lay Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf: Results of the First Survey of a Large Modern Sub Ice Shelf Deposystem
- A Re-Examination of Hekla's 20th Century Eruptions, Iceland
- A River Summer on the Hudson
- Chronology of the 2005 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galapagos, Ecuador
- Eruption Dynamics and Flow Morphology during the 2005 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galapagos Islands
- Hygroscopic Properties of Atmospherically Relevant Particles
- Intra-Eruption Petrologic Variation in the 2005 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galapagos Islands
- Mush Erosion by Dikes in the 1995 and 2005 Eruptions of Fernandina Volcano, Galapagos
- Net Tectonic Rotation in the Footwall of an Extensional Core Complex (Sierra Mazatan, Mexico)
- Ocean/Ice-Shelf Interactions Around Collapsing Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves
- Complex Processes and Environments as seen in the Scarp and Aureole Deposit of Olympus Mons
- Differentiation of Historical Hekla Magmas
- Implications of Temporal-Compositional Variations in the Cerro Pajas Flow and Cone, Floreana Volcano, Galapagos Islands
- Large Ripples and Small Dunes on the Floor of Gamboa Impact Crater on Mars
- New Results and Future IPY Investigations in Hektoria Trough, Inner Larsen-B Embayment, Antarctic Peninsula
- What, When, Where, and Why of Secondary Hawaiian Hotspot Volcanism
- Amphibole Content and Composition of the Vanda Dike Swarm: Dry Valleys, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Anatomy of a Pathological Mantle Plume
- Comparison of Historic and Prehistoric Tephra Deposits at Hekla Volcano, Iceland
- Evolution of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume: Shield and Rejuvenescent Magmatism at Middle Bank, the Youngest Sunken Hawaiian Volcano
- Geochemical Variation in Prehistoric and Historic Lavas, Sakura-jima, Japan
- Laser Ablation ICP-MS of Mixed Pumices from Hekla Volcano, Iceland
- Paleo- Stress and Strain Rates in an Intra-Arc Strike-Slip Fault, Sierra Nevada, California
- Structural Analysis of the Vanda Dike Swarm, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- The Prehistoric Development of Hekla Volcano and its Modern Eruptive Style
- Ultraphyric Lavas of Northern Galapagos Islands: Mineral Scale Compositional Variations
- Understanding oxygen isotope environmental signals in tree ring sequences from New York State
- A microanalytical perspective on late stage conduit dynamics at Tungurahua and Cotopaxi Volcanoes, Ecuador
- Clast morphologies and heating experiments constrain the thermal conditions during pyroclastic density current emplacement at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Sr and Nd Isotopic and Geochemical Analysis of the Vanda Dike Swarm, Antarctica
- A Shark's Eye View of the Ocean Floor: Integration of Oceanographic Research with Educational Outreach
- Dating Shearing and Exhumation in the Eastern Adriondack Mountains: Integrating Monazite into Microstructural and Petrologic Studies
- Elevated East Antarctic outlet glaciers during warmer-than-present climates in southern Victoria Land
- Enigmatic hydrothermal fluid-flow pathways in sandstone associated with a near-shore basaltic lava
- Environmental Magnetism Survey of a Late Holocene Sedimentary Record from Barilari Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Inflation and deflation modeling at Sierra Negra and Fernandina volcanoes based on GPS measurements. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
- Investigation of E-W Trending Parallel Ridges North of the Galápagos Archipelago
- Lithospheric Evolution of Magmas from the Northern Galapagos Province
- Marine sedimentary record of the Greenpeace Trough, Larsen A embayment, Antarctic Peninsula
- Morphology of a Newly Mapped Submarine Bank in the Northern Galapagos and Effects on Local Primary Productivity
- Morphology, Size, and Spatial Distribution of Seamounts in the Northern Galápagos
- Noble gas tracers of mantle processes beneath the Galápagos archipelago (Invited)
- Origin of the Vanda Dike Swarm, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Perspectives on Plume-Ridge Interaction in The Northern Galápagos Province
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Northeast Seamounts of the Galapagos Platform
- Seafloor Volcanic and Structural Features Adjacent to the 90deg 50'N Transform - Galapagos Spreading Center: Clues for Understanding Plate Boundary Kinematics and Lithospheric Melting Processes (Invited)
- Seamount Lineaments of the Northern Galápagos and Plume-ridge Interaction
- Sources of volatiles in basalts from the Galapagos Archipelago: deep and shallow evidence
- The Geochemistry of Pinta, Marchena, and Genovesa Islands and the Surrounding Seafloor in the Galápagos Archipelago
- The LARsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica, LARISSA a Model for Antarctic Integrated System Science (AISS) Investigations using Marine Platforms
- The May 2005 eruption of Fernandina volcano, Galápagos: The first GPS and InSAR observations of a circumferential dike intrusion
- Vegetation damage as a proxy for physical characteristics of PDCs
- CO2 solubility in primitive Martian basalts similar to Yamato 980459 and the evolution of the Martian atmosphere
- Challenging EMP trace element analysis in monazite: example from low-Th authigenic monazite
- Chromium and Iron Isotopic Composition of Presolar Silicon Carbide Stardust Grains
- Geosciences in an Immersive Fulldome Environment: Developing Science and Communication Skills by Creating Digital Media
- Holocene climatic and oceanographic change of the western Antarctic Peninsula: expanding the paleo-record to the open shelf
- Hydrological and biogeochemical variation of stemflow from live, stressed, and dead codominant deciduous canopy trees
- LARISSA: Benthic Foraminiferal Analysis from Barilari Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula margin
- Lithospheric Controls on Volcanic Processes in the Northern Galápagos Volcanic Province
- Not Just for Big Dogs: the NSF Career Program from AN Undergraduate College Perspective
- Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century: Instructional Resources for Geoscience Faculty
- The Effect of Lithospheric Discontinuities on the Composition of Lavas From the Northern Galápagos Platform Extension
- Galapagos and Easter: A Tale of Two Hotspots
- Geochemistry of Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador
- New Age Constraints on the Eruptive History of the Northern Galápagos Volcanic Province
- Representing northern high latitude vegetation and albedo in earth system models
- Structural Analysis of Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos and Implications for Future Deformation
- Understory vegetation controls on terrestrial carbon flux in an Arctic boreal forest underlain by continuous permafrost
- Applicability of resistivity surveys for examination of heterogeneity in continuous permafrost
- Arctic Vegetation Change and Feedbacks under Future Climate (Invited)
- C:N:P Stoichiometry as an indicator of nutrient limitation on an Alaskan hillslope
- Geochemistry of Intra-Transform Lavas from the Galápagos Transform Fault
- Investigating variability in carbon and water dynamics along a hill slope in a tundra ecosystem underlain by permafrost
- On the distribution of permafrost carbon, plant functional type, and wildfire occurrence in northern high latitudes
- Permafrost carbon pools in a larch-dominated watershed in northeast Siberia
- The Temporal Evolution of the Northern Galápagos Volcanic Province
- Vegetation controls on carbon, water, and energy dynamics with implications for permafrost thaw
- Above and below ground carbon stocks in northeast Siberia tundra ecosystems: a comparison between disturbed and undisturbed areas
- Beyond baking soda: Demonstrating the link between volcanic eruptions and viscosity to all ages
- Changes in Dissolved Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations Along a Hill Slope Flow Path in Siberian Arctic Tundra
- Changing Boreal Fire Regimes: Impacts on Permafrost Soils and Forest Succession in Siberian Larch Forests
- Cyclic Geochemical Variation in Prehistoric and Historic Lavas, Sakura-jima, Japan
- Effects of Fire on Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in Siberian Larch Forest
- Effects of Landscape Position on Carbon Cycling in Siberian Arctic Tundra
- Environmental and ice volume changes based on seismic stratigraphy in Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary results from NBP1402
- Evidence for Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary lower plate mylonitization and extension in the Harcuvar metamorphic core complex, Arizona: Evidence from U-Pb geochronology
- Field Calibration Studies of Continuous Thermal Histories Derived From Multiple Diffusion Domain (MDD) Modeling of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar K-feldspar Analyses at the Grayback and Gold Butte Normal Fault Blocks, U.S. Basin and Range
- High-latitude steppe vegetation and the mineral nutrition of Pleistocene herbivores
- High-resolution Deglacial to Holocene paleoceanographic records from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary foraminifer-based results from NBP14-02
- Holocene Sedimentary Record of Unusual Primary Productivity, Dalton Polynya, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Investigation into the Physical Properties Responsible for the Formation of Basaltic Spatter
- Late Cretaceous Localized Crustal Thickening as a Primary Control on the 3-D Architecture and Exhumation Histories of Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes
- NBP14-02: The Sabrina Coast Marine Record of Ocean-Cryosphere Dynamics
- On the Revealing Firsthand Probing of Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions off Sabrina Coast During NBP1402
- Origin of the 'Gabbro' Signature in Ocean Island Basalts: Constraints from Osmium Isotopic Ratios of Galapagos Basalts
- Pre-glacial, Early Glacial, and Ice Sheet Stratigraphy Cored During NBP1402, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctic Margin
- Preferential Weathering of Carbonatite Lava at Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Seismic Stratigraphy of Ice Sheet Advance-Retreat Cycles on the Sabrina Coast Continental Shelf, East Antarctica
- South Greenland Ice-Sheet Response to the Mid-Pliocene Climatic Optimum
- The Interplay Between Deformation and Volcanism on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos: A Multidisciplinary Study Using Structural, Geophysical, and Geochronological Analyses of Faults and Lavas
- The Vanda Dike Swarm, Dry Valleys, Antarctica I: Field Relations and Tectonic Implications
- The Vanda Dike Swarm, Dry Valleys, Antarctica II: Geochemistry and Geochronology
- The geomorphic and sedimentary record of past subglacial water outbursts, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- The use of high-frequency data to engage students in quantitative reasoning and scientific discourse
- Using Image Segmentation to Identify Tundra Vegetation Variability in High Resolution Satellite Images
- Variability in Canopy Transpiration with Atmospheric Drivers and Permafrost Thaw Depth in an Arctic Siberian Larch Forest
- A Proof of Concept for In-Situ Lunar Dating
- A complex deglacial retreat history of the Anvers Island Trough paleo-ice stream
- Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
- Correlations between the Heterogeneity of Permafrost Thaw Depth and Vegetation in Boreal Forests and Arctic Tundra in Alaska.
- Evidence for a Dying Magma Chamber at Rábida Island, Galápagos
- Foraminifer- and diatom-based paleoceanographic study of Holocene sediments from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Ice Retreat Forcings in Southwest Greenland from the Last Glacial Maximum through the Late Holocene
- Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences With An Intentional Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned Through Assessment of Keck Geology Consortium Programs
- Influence of the Tussock Growth Form on Arctic Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Live and Dead Root Biomass in Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems.
- Long-term Impacts of Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C loss in Siberian Larch Forests
- Long-term Nutrient Fertilization Increases CO<SUB>2</SUB> Loss in Arctic Tundra
- Post-fire stand structure impacts carbon storage within Siberian larch forests
- Project EDDIE: Improving Big Data skills in the classroom
- Seismic Constraints on Water and Melt Pathways and Fluxes Through Island Arc System
- Seismic Stratigraphy Of The Sabrina Coast Shelf, East Antarctica: History Of Late Paleogene To Early Neogene Glacial Evolution
- Sources of Melt beneath the Lau Back Spreading Center and Tonga Arc as Indicated by Local and Teleseismic Bodywave Tomography
- The intermediate-depth Tonga double-seismic zone and relationship to slab thermal structure
- Timing of Deformation in the Central Metasedimentary Belt Boundary Thrust Zone (CMBbtz), southern Ontario, Canada, from Electron Microprobe Dating of Monazite
- Understanding Magmatic Plumbing System Dynamics at Fernandina Island, Galapagos
- Variability in Albedo Associated with Fire-Mediated Controls on Stand Density in Siberian Larch Forests
- Volcanic Evolution in the Galapagos: The Geochemistry and Petrology of Espanola Island
- A Little Island With A Big Secret: Isla Rábida, Galápagos
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- Arctic Collaboration: Developing a Successful Researcher/Teacher Expedition
- Are You There Plume? It's me, San Cristóbal: Geochemical Evolution of a Galápagos Island
- Carbon and Nitrogen Pools of Soil and Fine Roots across Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems.
- Current and Projected Carbon Dynamics in US Agricultural Systems
- Dating the undatable: novel techniques for <SUP>14</SUP>C dating of sub-ice shelf Antarctic sediments near the Larsen C ice shelf
- Does Sub-canopy Longwave Radiation Enhancement Affect Boreal Snowmelt Dynamics?
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Insights into Along Strike Variability in the Lau Back Spreading Center and Tonga Arc from Bodywave Tomography
- Investigating Magmatic Processes on San Cristóbal, Galápagos Through Analysis and Modeling of Newly Acquired Gravity Measurements
- Mechanisms of vegetation protective effect on thermal state of permafrost in Alaska.
- Millennial-scale variations of an East Antarctic outlet glacier during the Last Glaciation
- Rejuvenescent Volcanism on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos: A Late "Plumer"
- Sources of Rifting in the East African Rift System from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- The Tectonic-Magmatic Evolution of Galápagos Lineaments from Radiometric Dating and Bathymetry Along the Pinta-Marchena Ridge
- TitaniQ analyses of mylonites from metamorphic core complexes in west-central Arizona: Implications for two phases of extension in the lower Colorado River Extensional Corridor
- Variability in Surface Energy Dynamics and Soil Climate Through Differing Vegetation Types in an Alaskan Tundra Ecosystem
- Variability in understory evapotranspiration with overstory density in Siberian larch forests
- Assessing Chronology and Mantle Evolution In-Situ with CODEX
- Chronicling ice shelf history in the sediments left behind
- Driving Factors of Understory Evapotranspiration within a Siberian Larch Forest
- Effects of Fire on Understory Vegetation Communities in Siberian Boreal Forests and Alaskan Tundra
- Effects of different types of moderate severity disturbance on forest structural complexity and ecosystem functioning: A story of ice and fire
- Investigating Flares and Solar Global Oscillations in Mg II from GOES-16 EXIS
- Landscape Change and Microbial Response in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Preliminary Results
- Linking tree demography to climate change feedbacks: fire, larch forests, and carbon pools of the Siberian Arctic
- Nano-scale investigations on clay minerals during the Holocene climate optimum; Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Opposing effects of fire severity on climate feedbacks in Siberian larch forests
- Pleistocene Park: the restoration of steppes as a tool to mitigate climate change through albedo effect
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities Beneath the Central and Southern East African Rift System
- Simulation of Longwave Enhancement beneath Montane and Boreal Forests in CLM4.5
- Tree density and permafrost thaw depth influence water limitations on stomatal conductance in Siberian Arctic boreal forests
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Anatomy of exhumed river channel-belts
- Assessment of wildfire severity and vegetation recovery in tundra ecosystems using time series of satellite-derived vegetation indices from the Yukon-Kuskokwim-Delta, Alaska
- Collaborative International Geosciences Field Course Builds Transferable Skills and Broader Global Perspectives
- Decadal Topographic Change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Thermokarst Subsidence and Glacier Thinning Indicate Transfer of Water Storage from the Cryosphere to the Hydrosphere in the Terrestrial Antarctic
- Deglacial to Holocene Circumpolar Deep Water influence over the Sabrina Coast continental shelf, East Antarctica
- Earthquake Locations in the Adirondack Mountains
- Ecotypes impact GPP in Eriophorum vaginatum L. with implications for the Arctic C cycle.
- Leveraging Established Research Sites for Developing Multinational Field Methods Course
- Morphometric characteristics of recurring slope lineae initiation and termination points on Mars: elevation, slope, and thermal inertia distinguish RSL-forming sites
- New Eruptive Ages and New Perspectives on the Eastern Galápagos Archipelago
- Seasonal Frost as Source of Liquid Water on Mars
- Shaking up the Seismometer Line-up: Industry Standard vs. Hobby Seismometers
- Testing Iso/Anisohydry as a Plant-Environment Interaction in Larrea tridentata
- The Saga of Volcville: A Large-Scale Lava Flow Hazard Mitigation Exercise for Undergraduates with the Syracuse Lava Project (SLP)
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- A Dynamic Holocene Grounding Line: In situ sedimentary evidence from Whillans and Mercer ice streams, West Antarctica
- Along-strike variations in sediment input at the Alaska Peninsula subduction zone from new open access multichannel seismic reflection data of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Anatomy of a draining subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Bringing Undergrads to the Field: A Short Course on Tectonics and Seismic Research in Kodiak, Alaska
- Building a mission to an unknown body: Constraints on the composition and formation of (16) Psyche
- Declines in Nighttime Water Potential Vary Seasonally in a Common Desert Shrub
- Differences in transpiration between high latitude upland and floodplain shrubs: implications for ecosystem energy balance
- Forest density influences on surface energy and soil thermal dynamics in Siberian larch forests underlain by permafrost
- Holocene to recent sediment transport on the Sabrina Coast: Grain-size analysis via laser diffraction
- Insights into the Compositional Structure of the Pacific LLSVP from Isotopic Studies of the Galapagos and Hawaiian Plumes
- Living Spaces: Quantifying Morphological Differences in Acropora spp. Corals Using 3D Photogrammetry
- Physical and chemical characterization of sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica
- Post-fire larch (Larix cajanderi) recruitment in central Siberia is highest in areas with increased fire severity
- Post-fire larch recruitment patterns in the Siberian Arctic indicate forest loss in many areas
- Post-fire seedling recruitment in high-latitude Siberian Larch (Larix cajanderi) forests associated with lower graminoid composition
- Response of permafrost temperature regime in the North-Eastern Yakutia to the recent climate changes.
- SALSA: An Integrated Program Focusing on Carbon Transformations in Mercer Subglacial Lake located 1100 m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The Response of Algae and Herbivores to Acropora Cervicornis Coral Decline: A Case Study in Coral Gardens, Belize
- The Transition from Alpine Glacier to Rock Glacier: A Case Study at Sulphur Creek, Wyoming
- The influence of bark beetle outbreaks on burn severity for sub-boreal forests in British Columbia
- Vegetation Dynamics as Drivers of Albedo Change in Arctic and Subarctic Ecosystems
- Vegetation prior to and during onset of East Antarctic glaciation: High resolution palynological insights from Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Along Strike Variations in Structure and Melt Production in the Lau Back Arc Spreading Center from Body-wave Tomography
- Assessing relationships between vegetation indices and plant community composition following wildfire in Siberian larch forests via UAV remote sensing
- Characterizing wildfire activity across northeastern Siberia 2001-2020
- Chemical Aging of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol: Insight from Fast Near-Molecular Measurements
- Comparing the ability of UAVs and high-resolution satellite data to resolve post-fire patterns of permafrost thaw and vegetation in Siberian larch forests
- Development of a lake snow intensity index for the Tug Hill Plateau of New York State
- Influence of past climate change on subglacial microbial communities and biogeochemical processes beneath Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica
- Observations of Aerosol Absorption and Attribution to Black Carbon, Brown Carbon, and Coating Enhancement in Wildfire Smoke during the FIREX-AQ Mission
- On the origin and cycling of Holocene-aged carbon beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Sea Ice Changes in the Southwest Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean During the Last 140,000 Years
- Spatial and temporal variation in evapotranspiration and the surface energy balance in a sub-Arctic mixed boreal and tundra ecosystem
- Submicron Particle Composition and Acidity in Fire Plumes during FIREX-AQ aircraft study
- WRF-Chem Aerosol Predictions during FIREX-AQ with GOES-16 Fire Radiative Power-based Emissions and Plumerise
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- 3D seismic velocity structure of the Tonga subduction zone constrained by body-wave tomography
- A Synthesis of Wildfire Impacts on Permafrost Thaw Depth Across Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- Agricultural Emission Factors from FIREX-AQ
- Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol Emission Factors, Volatility, and Aging
- Do Ice Shelves or Calving Cliffs Exist During Rapid Grounding-Line Retreat?
- Estimating Tracer Sources with Ensemble Data Assimilation: Tests in an Augmented Lorenz-96 Model with Tracer Advection
- Evidence of Large Prescribed Fire Emissions in the Eastern United States from Satellites and FIREX-AQ
- Field trials testing carbon sequestration and agricultural co-benefits of enhanced silicate weathering with basaltic soil amendments in a corn-soybean agricultural field in Northfield, Minnesota
- Fire Regimes across Eastern Siberian Taiga and Tundra from 2001-2020
- Greenhouse constraints on the inorganic carbon sequestration potential of enhanced silicate weathering in agriculture
- Hourly GOES-16 Fire Radiative Power-based Fire Emissions in WRF-Chem: Evaluation of Aerosol Simulations during FIREX-AQ
- Investigating the fluvio-lacustrine history of Hargraves crater, Mars.
- Mechanisms of post-fire larch forest recovery in far northeastern Siberia
- Permafrost Thaw Drives Surface Water Drainage Across the Pan-Arctic
- Real-time monitoring of groundwater quality using in-situ measurements of specific conductance
- Reconciling assumptions in bottom-up and top-down approaches for estimating aerosol emissions from wildland fires in the Western US using observations from FIREX-AQ
- Remotely Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica: Hydrological and Ecological Implications
- Shrubs compensate for tree leaf area index (LAI) variation and influence vegetation indices in post-fire Siberian larch forests.
- Submarine Volcanism in the Galapagos Archipelago: Tectonic Controls
- The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica
- Undergraduates Investigate the Underground: Seismic Imaging of the Alaskan Subduction System
- Using Surface Wave Phase Velocity Models to Investigate the Seismic and Volcanic Variation along the Alaskan Subduction Zone
- Black carbon internal-mixing measurements in the UTLS differentiate sources and the radiative properties of their emissions.
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Detection of Boulder Banding on Lobate Debris Aprons Using Mask R-Cnn Deciphering Martian Glacial History from HiRISE Image Data
- Diagnostic model development to assess lake effect snow on the Tug Hill Plateau of New York
- Emission Factors from FIREX-AQ for Agricultural and Prescribed Fires
- Estimating Soil Moisture Content in Antarctic Soils Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
- Evaluating summertime terrestrial and marine sources of bioaerosol to the Arctic free troposphere
- Fine ash-bearing particles as a major aerosol component in biomass burning smoke
- Insights into Fault Scaling from Small Faults, Upper Gaylor Lake, CA, USA
- Insights into Lithospheric Domains and Melt Production Along the Alaskan Subduction Margin from Rayleigh and Shear Wave Velocity Structure
- Insights into the Alaskan Subduction Zone Using Seismic Tomography
- Investigating the Effect of Water on the Modulus and Yield Strength of Quartz via Nanoindentation
- Love Wave Phase and Shear Velocity Models of the Alaskan Subduction Zone
- Microphysical Properties of Black Carbon Aerosol Observed During the ACCLIP Mission
- Morphometric Analysis of the Diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis as a Proxy for Sea Surface Temperature in the Late Pleistocene Southern Ocean
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- The Virtual Galápagos: An Interactive, Interdisciplinary, Inquiry-Driven Website as the Foundation for a Novel STEM Teacher-Training Program
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Perring
- A. J. Soja
- A. N. Adams
- A. V. Rocha
- A. W. Rollins
- Alan Fried
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Amy Leventer
- Anna C. Talucci
- Armin Wisthaler
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- B. E. Rosenheim
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Beth A. Fisher
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Buma
- Byron J. Adams
- C. Warneke
- Caroline C. Womack
- Charles H. Fite
- Christina Schädel
- Christine McCarthy
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Claire C. Treat
- D. L. Goldsby
- David M. Lawrence
- Donald R. Blake
- Douglas A. Day
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. C. Apel
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth E. Webb
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Ewan Crosbie
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- Fangjun Li
- Francesca Gallo
- G. S. Diskin
- Georgia Michailoudi
- Guido Grosse
- Heather D. Alexander
- Heather Kropp
- Heidi Rodenhizer
- Hongyu Guo
- Isobel J. Simpson
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. B. Gilman
- J. H. Crawford
- J. L. McCarty
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Schwarz
- Jack E. Dibb
- James H. Churnside
- Jens Strauß
- Jeremy W. Lichstein
- John B. Nowak
- John R. McDaris
- Johnathan Hair
- Joseph M. Katich
- Joseph S. Levy
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kouji Adachi
- L. T. Berner
- Laura E. Fackrell
- Laura H. Thapa
- Lawrence I. Kleinman
- Louis S. Hansen
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Walvoord
- M. E. French
- M. M. Loranty
- M. N. Gooseff
- M. R. Salvatore
- M. Snow
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Mark J. Lara
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matěj Peč
- Miriam C. Jones
- Mizuo Kajino
- N. Badt
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. R. Veres
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- R. Commane
- R. S. Gao
- R. S. Hornbrook
- Rebecca E. Hewitt
- Richard H. Moore
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- S. C. Herndon
- S. S. Wei
- S. W. Tyler
- Sander Veraverbeke
- Seth A. Spawn‐Lee
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Susan M. Natali
- T. F. Hanisco
- Tara I. Yacovitch
- Taylor Shingler
- Thomas A. Douglas
- V. G. Salmon
- Valier Galy
- Vanessa Selimovic