McMaster University, Canada
flowchart I[McMaster University, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (294)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (58)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- McMaster University, Department of Earth Sciences
- McMaster University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Biogeochemical Processes Contributing to Nickel Dynamics Within a Mine Tailings Impacted Lake
- Microscale Microbial-Geochemical Linkages Controlling Biofilm Metal Behaviour in an AMD Environment
- Mineralization of Iron Oxyhydroxides in the Presence and in the Absence of Bacterial Cells
- Surface Characteristics and Reactivity for Nickel of Synthetic Mn Oxyhydroxides Exposed to Varying Regimes of Wet and Dry Conditions
- A Geophysical Study of the Wanapitei Impact Crater
- A Systematic Appraoch at the Departmental Level to the Provision of Outreach Programs Aimed Towards Local Elementary and Secondary School Students and Teachers
- Evaluating Improvements to the Student Learning Experience in an Honours Earth and Environmental Sciences Program
- Influence of the Solar Luminosity on the Glaciations, sea Level Changes and Resulting Earthquakes.
- Microscale Biogeochemical Controls on Manganese Oxyhydroxide Biomineral Formation and Associated Trace Metal Sequestration in ARD Biofilms
- Quantitative Assessment of Present and Past Hydrological Status of "Spruce Island Lake", Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada, Using Water Isotope Tracers
- A Synoptic Climatological Approach to Assess Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Human Mortality in South Central Canada
- Adaptive Multilevel Second-Generation Wavelet Collocation Elliptic Solver: A Cure for High Viscosity Contrasts
- Carbon and Water Exchanges in a Chronosequence of Temperate White Pine Forest
- Determination of Strong Metal Ligands (S(II-))in Natural Waters
- Efficacy of an Unsaturated Soil Flushing/Enhanced Bioremediation Technology
- Insight From EXAFS and the Multi Site Complexation Model (MUSIC) Into the Discrepancy Between SCM-Predicted and Experimental pH-Dependent Ni Sorption to Hydrous Manganese Oxyhydroxide
- Natural Remobilization of Multicomponent DNAPL Pools: Laboratory Evidence
- Sulfur Oxidation, Microbes And Acidity In A Mine Tailings Lake
- The Global Significance of a Deep-sea Isotopic Event During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event Recorded in Japan
- A Cenozoic terrestrial isotope record and the evolution of C<SUB>4</SUB> photosynthesis
- A Century of Surface Productivity Recorded in the Skeleton of a Deep-Sea Coral.
- Biomarker changes across the Toarcian (early Jurassic) ocean anoxic event
- Carbonate Beaches: A Balance Between Biological and Physical Processes
- Deep-sea Coral Record of Paleoventilation Age of North Atlantic Deep Water During the Last Deglaciation
- Hydrologic and Climatic Controls on the Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Beverly Swamp
- Microbial Sulfur Cycling in an Acid Mine Lake
- Modelling Coral Biomineralization: Mixed Kinetic/Equilibrium Trace Element Coprecipitation Models Reveal new Complexity
- Phospholipid-Derived Fatty Acids and Their Stable and Radiocarbon Isotope Values as Indicators of Bacterial Methane Oxidation at a Thermogenic Methane Seep
- Keeping informed: using surveys of graduating students and alumni as an aid to curriculum development
- Microbialite Formation across Chemical and Photosynthetic Gradients in Pavilion Lake, BC
- Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada - An investigation of potentially unique freshwater microbialites, and their application to Mars exploration.
- Radiocarbon Reservoir Age of High Latitude North Atlantic Surface Water During the Past 20, 000 Years Inferred From Deep-Sea Corals and Foraminifera
- Focused Flow During Infiltration into Surfactant-Contaminated Porous Media
- Organic carbon isotopes through the mid-Miocene: lack of a global signal
- Spontaneous Growth and Mobilization of a Gas Phase in the Presence of Dense Non- Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL)
- A multi-axial growth analysis of stable isotopes in the modern shell of Saxidomus gigantea: implications for sclerochronology studies
- Coupling Peatland Ecohydrology and Methane Ebullition
- Effect of Aperture Field Variability, Flow Rate, and Ionic Strength on Colloid Transport in Single Fractures: Laboratory-Scale Experiments and Numerical Simulation
- How do forest ecosystems respond to a warm and dry weather event during the early growing season in eastern North America?
- Late Holocene Radiocarbon Variability in Northwest Atlantic Slope Waters
- Mass Transfer from a NAPL Pool in the Presence of an Expanding, Mobile, Discontinuous Gas Phase: Experimental Study
- Moisture and Climatic Forcings on Sphagnum Productivity in a Cutover Peatland
- Results of Coring Survey Indicate Eastern Mediterranean Paleotsunami Events
- Stable isotopes in pedogenic calcite: Can the positive linear covariant trends be used to quantify paleo-evaporation rates?
- Age-Related Response of Carbon Fluxes to Environmental Constraints in an Age- Sequence of Temperate Pine Forests
- Benthic Foraminifera and Testate Amoebae (Thecamoebians) as Hydrologic Proxies of Subterranean Water Masses: Evidence from Aktun Ha (Carwash) Cave System, Mexico
- Deciphering Microbial Carbon Sources in Petroleum Contaminated Sediments Using Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analysis
- Effects of plant species, organic matter quality, and microbial activity on peatland ecosystem function and resiliance to climate change
- Identification of Biodegradation Pathways in a Multi-Process Phytoremediation System (MPPS) Using Natural Abundance 14C Analysis of PLFA
- Impact of seasonal and annual climate variability and extreme weather events on carbon exchanges in an age-sequence of temperate pine forest in Canada
- Investigating microbial carbon cycling using natural abundance isotope analysis of PLFA
- Palaeoenvironmental Evolution of Cenote Aktun Ha (Carwash) on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and its Response to Holocene Sea-Level Rise
- Peatland Ecohydrology: Water-Vegetation-Carbon Interactions in a Changing Climate
- Sedimentologic Assessment of a Makran Tsunami Depsoit in Sur Lagoon Using High- Resolution Particle Size Distributions (PSDs) and Cluster Analysis
- Spontaneous Expansion and Mobilization of Discontinuous Gas Above DNAPL Pools
- Tidal Inundation Control on Foraminiferal Biofacies and Stable Isotope Distributions in a Shallow Arid System Lagoon: Sur, Sultanate of Oman
- Water and energy budget under a manipulated water table of a wetland in interior Alaska
- Education and Public Outreach at The Pavilion Lake Research Project: Fusion of Science and Education using Web 2.0
- Magnetic modeling of the Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Pavilion Lake Research Project - using multi-scaled approaches to understanding the provenance, maintenance and morphological characteristics of microbialites
- Recruitment Strategies for Geoscience Majors: Conceptual Framework and Practical Suggestions
- Laser ablation trace element analyses of a bamboo coral from the SE USA: Intrinsic variability and evidence for a stable Florida Current over the last 450 years. (Invited)
- Microbial Sulfur Geochemistry in Mine Systems (Invited)
- Confronting uncertainty in peatland ecohydrology
- Contemporary microbes in hypersaline springs that contain fossil carbon
- E. coli RS2GFP Retention Mechanisms in Laboratory-Scale Fractured Rocks: A Statistical Model
- Ecohydrological Controls on Peat Consumption During Wildfire
- Evaluating Eddy Covariance Flux Filtering Methods For Producing Ecosystem-Representative Carbon Exchange Estimates For A Fetch-Limited Temperate Forest
- Evidence for early Pleistocene Glaciation(s) in tropical Africa: Stratigraphy, Paleomagnetism, Paleosols and Paleoclimate of the Gorges Moraine System, Mount Kenya
- Exploring particulate retention mechanisms through visualization of E. coli transport through a single, saturated fracture
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Shallow Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics over Three Annual Cycles: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Results
- Hydrodynamic Effects on the Transport and Retention of Biocolloids in Single, Saturated Fractures
- Microbial Communities of Pavilion Lake Microbialites
- The impact of long-term changes in water table height on carbon cycling in sub-boreal peatlands
- Assessing the Ability of the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM) to Reproduce Great Lakes Water Temperature
- Assessing the controls of the snow energy balance in a shrub-covered bog in eastern Ontario, Canada
- Buried Middle Pleistocene ice wedge systems and longterm survival of ancient Yedoma carbon
- Effects of permafrost thaw on northern wetland methane emissions
- Hydration of Rhyolitic Glasses: Comparison Between High- and Low-Temperature Processes
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Investigation of petroleum residues and microbial PLFA in Barataria Bay sediments one year after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Minimizing the Impact of Measurement Uncertainty in Predicting Profile Soil Moisture from Noisy Surface Measurements
- Performance of Potentially Universal Runoff Signatures for the Classification of Ontario Basins
- Real-time CO2 and Energy Exchange during the Utikuma Complex Forest Fire, Alberta, Canada
- Relationship between environmental variables and CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes in sub-Boreal peatlands
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- Using radiocarbon to examine microbial carbon cycling in permafrost
- Comprehensive, Mixed-Methods Assessment of a Blended Learning Model for Geospatial Literacy Instruction
- Continental subsurface waters support unique but diverse C-acquisition strategies
- Evaluating Eddy Covariance Flux Filtering Methods For Producing Ecosystem-Representative Carbon Exchange Estimates For A Fetch-Limited Temperate Forest
- Evaluation of Optimization Methods for Hydrologic Model Calibration in Ontario Basins
- Examination of mercury and organic carbon dynamics from a constructed fen in the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta, Canada using in situ and laboratory fluorescence measurements
- Examining boreal peatland vulnerability to wildfire: a cross-scale perspective (Invited)
- Keeping it simple: a conceptual model of DOC dynamics in a subarctic alpine catchment
- Living the lesson: can the Lifestyle Project be used to achieve deep learning in environmental earth science?
- Local moving window to delineate near surface features from surficial curvature of potential field (Invited)
- Mechanisms affecting the transport and retention of bacteria, bacteriophage and microspheres in laboratory-scale saturated fractures
- Microbes residing in young organic rich Alaskan soils contain older carbon than those residing in old mineral high Arctic soils
- Predicting S2S in Deep Time Sedimentary Systems and Implications for Petroleum Systems
- Sulfur Biogeochemistry of Athabasca Oilsands Composite Tailings
- Ten Years of Growing Season Water, Energy and Carbon Exchange From an Oil sands Reclamation Site, Fort McMurray, Alberta
- The Deep Cool Terrestrial Biosphere: Habitability of ancient fracture waters of the Canadian Shield (Invited)
- Understanding how hydrodynamics affects particle transport in saturated fractures using modelling and experimental results
- Use of GCxGC-ToF-MS to Identify and Profile Naphthenic Acid Methyl Esters in Oil Sands Composite Tailings
- A Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Surface Mining on Hydrological and Geochemical Response of Selected Headwater Streams in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada.
- A coupled hydrological-biogeochemical model to simulate DOC dynamics in a sub-arctic headwater catchment underlain by permafrost
- Analysis of In-Situ Organic and Mineral Compounds Relevant to Martian Astrobiology Using 266 nm Raman Spectroscopy
- Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments - Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Soil Remediation
- Climate variability and management impacts on carbon uptake in a temperate pine forest in Eastern Canada using flux data from 2003 to 2013
- Community Capacity Building as a vital mechanism for enhancing the growth and efficacy of a sustainable scientific software ecosystem: experiences running a real-time bi-coastal "Open Science for Synthesis" Training Institute for young Earth and Environmental scientists
- Effect of Hydrodynamics on Particle Transport in Saturated Fractures: Experimental and Simulation Results
- Effects of Gravity and Aperture Statistics on DNAPL Entrapment in Fractures
- Estimation of Dynamic Storage across Northern Catchments
- Influence of vegetation on water isotope partitioning across different northern headwater catchments
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Sources and magnitudes of gas pressure gradients during dynamic unsaturated flow in porous media
- Starting a European Space Agency Sample Analogue Collection for Robotic Exploration Missions
- The microbial mats of Pavilion Lake microbialites: examining the relationship between photosynthesis and carbonate precipitation
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Water, Energy and Carbon Balance Research: Recovery Trajectories For Oil Sands Reclamation and Disturbed Watersheds in the Western Boreal Forest
- Water-Level Reconstruction and its Implications for Late Pleistocene Paleontological Site Formation in Hoyo Negro, a Submerged Subterranean Pit in Quintana Roo, Mexico
- Watershed scale chloride storage across a gradient of urbanization
- Abiogenic and Microbial Controls on Volatile Fatty Acids in Precambrian Crustal Fracture Waters
- Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
- Differences in the Spatio-temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture from Near Surface Hydrology in a Land Surface Scheme
- Entropy-based snow network design for spring peak flow forecasting
- Frozen Ground Controls on Hydrological Processes
- Imaging Sand Bars using 3D GPR in an Outcrop Reservoir Analog: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, South-East Utah
- Microbial community succession in alkaline, saline bauxite residue: a cross-refinery study
- Monitoring Spring Recovery of Photosynthesis and Spectral Reflectance in Temperate Evergreen and Mixed Deciduous Forests
- Pleistocene Permafrost Thawing History of Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories from U-Th Dating of Cave Speleothems
- Quantitative characterization of shales and their effects on permeability: Examples from tidally-influenced Ferron Sandstone, Utah
- Quasi-cyclic Dry Events in Northeast Asia since the Mid-holocene
- Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands
- Relative Quantification of Diagenetic Processes Using Close-Range Hyperspectral Data in Deltaic Deposits of Frontier Formation, Wyoming.
- The Influence of Surface Coal Mining on Runoff Processes and Stream Chemistry in the Elk Valley, British Colubmbia, Canada
- VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
- Water repellency diminishes peatland evaporation after wildfire
- Assessing the Dominant Processes Controlling Mineralized Groundwater Chemistry of Bedrock Aquifers on the Niagara Peninsula, Ontario, Canada
- Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Effects in Synthesized Calcite at 25°C
- Chemical fingerprinting of naphthenic acids at an oil sands end pit lake by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOFMS)
- Dissolved organic carbon sources and pathways in a subarctic, alpine watershed underlain by discontinuous permafrost, Yukon, Canada
- Distinctive Sediment and Adjacent Groundwater Microbial Communities in Bangladesh Aquifers Suggested Through Microbial Lipid Distribution and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Analysis
- Ecohydrological partitioning of water at long-term experimental sites in Northern latitudes using stable isotopes
- Environmental change and hydrological responses in the interior of western Canada: Towards improved understanding, diagnosis, and prediction by the Changing Cold Regions Network
- Holocene environmental change of the northern Caribbean inferred from the sediments of a flooded sinkhole, Cayo Coco, Cuba
- Hydrologic Systems in Transition - Historical Observations and Modeling of Subsurface Flow in Discontinuous Permafrost Basins
- Integration of Airborne and Walk Magnetic Data for the Imaging of Basement Structures beneath Glacial Cover in Northern New Brunswick, Canada
- Investigation of Sediment Pathways and Concealed Sedimentological Features in Hidden River Cave, Kentucky
- Large Scale Observatories for Changing Cold Regions - Recent Progress and Future Vision
- Lava Flow Alteration at Craters of the Moon, Idaho, as an Analog for Microbial Habitat on Mars
- Learning about the Earth through Societally-relevant Interdisciplinary Research Projects: the Honours Integrated Science Program at McMaster
- Low methane flux from a constructed boreal wetland
- Methane Biogeochemical Cycling over Seasonal and Annual Scales in an Oil Sands Tailings End Pit Lake
- Scientific analogs and the development of human mission architectures for the Moon, deep space and Mars
- Sedimentary Evidence for a Rapid Sea Level Rise at 7,600 cal yr BP from North-Central Cuba
- The analysis of remote sensing data to delineate landsystem tracts in proglacial valleys in the Río Santa Basin, Cordillera Blanca, Perú
- The impact of a large boreal wildfire on boundary-layer conditions and carbon cycling in adjacent unburned areas: case study of the 2011 Utikuma Complex fire, Alberta, Canada
- The influence of surface coal mining on streamflow in headwater alpine watersheds, Elk Valley, BC, Canada.
- Using Collaborate Writing Groups in Undergraduate Courses to Improve Scientific Writing Skills and Confidence
- An evaluation of time scale effect on sensitivity and uncertainty of hydrologic model parameters
- Continuous Long-Term Modeling of Shallow Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction: Implications for a Wet Prairie Restoration
- Determining the best phenological state for accurate mapping of Phragmites australis in wetlands using time series multispectral satellite data
- Evidence of Past Large Storms or Tsunamis from an Uplifted Section of the Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand
- Focused Flow During Infiltration Into Ethanol-Contaminated Unsaturated Porous Media
- Integrated design of multivariable hydrometric networks using entropy theory with a multiobjective optimization approach
- Methane Fluxes and Consumption in an Oil Sands Tailings End Pit Lake
- Millennial-scale record of overwash deposits preserved within lagoon sediments from the Arabian Peninsula
- Regional High-Frequency Stratigraphic Cyclicity Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous Juana Lopez Member of the Mancos Shale, New Mexico
- Sedimentological and Micropaleontological Characteristics of the 2015 Hurricane Joaquin Deposit and their Implications for Long-Term Records of Storms and Tsunamis Impacting the Caribbean
- Stochastic Simulation and Forecast of Hydrologic Time Series Based on Probabilistic Chaos Expansion
- Targeted Investigation of Base Metal Mineralization beneath Glacial Cover using Magnetic Field Methods, Petrophysics, and Petrology
- The CAnadian Surface Prediction ARchive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modelling in Canada and Globally
- The Effects of Mineral Matrices and Extraction Method on Quantification of Bacterial Phospholipid Fatty Acids.
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding Seasonal Dynamics of the Photo-Protective Xanthophyll Cycle Improves Remote Detection of Photosynthetic Phenology in Deciduous Trees and Evergreen Conifers
- Upscaling from leaf to canopy chlorophyll/carotenoid pigment based vegetation indices reveal phenology of photosynthesis in temperate evergreen and deciduous trees
- Utilizing Wavelet Analysis to assess hydrograph change in northwestern North America
- What can high frequency data tell us about hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a permafrost-underlain watershed that we do not already know?
- Widespread Permafrost Thaw During Marine Isotope Stage 11 from Arctic Speleothems
- A Framework for Pooled Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curve Estimation in Canada
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- An Event-based Spatiotemporal Verification of Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) for Enhanced Calibration of Flood Forecasting Models
- Constraining methane dynamics modules in ecosystem models using eddy flux measurements at northern ecosystems
- Detection of shifting flow regimes for watersheds in western North America using Deep Learning techniques
- Evaluation of multi-model ensemble flood forecasting on Upper Assiniboine River Basin
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- How can hierarchical Bayesian calibration of a dynamic vegetation model help with ecological forecasts?
- Hybrid Modeling for Streamflow Prediction in the Guadalupe Basin, Texas
- Knowledge mobilization in Canada's multi-institutional Global Water Futures research collaboration
- Modeling greenhouse gas budget in the northern ecosystems using a process-based ecosystem model, VISIT
- Multi-model and Multi-watershed Integration in Flood Forecasting System
- Peatland drying and afforestation enhances peat burn severity and exposes remnant peat carbon stocks to increased post-fire drying
- Performance of Hydrologic Uncertainty Processor with Ensemble Weather Forecasts Used in Flood Forecasting
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Seasonal variability of forest sensitivity to heat and drought stress: a synthesis based on carbon fluxes measurements in North American
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence exhibits a nearly universal relationship with terrestrial photosynthesis across a wide variety of biomes
- Standardized remote-sensing strategy to study post-fire health recovery of boreal forests in Alberta, Canada
- The role of winter processes in the hydrological development of a constructed wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada.
- Analysis of wood cellular structure in early Holocene charcoal fragments from the Yucatan reveals Post-Glacial human activity and forest composition.
- Comparing Deep Learning Extracted Features with Human-Designed Hydrological Indices and Evaluating Their Utilization in Flow Regime Classification
- Comprehensive comparison of pore-scale models for multiphase flow in porous media
- Elasto-Visco Plastic Modeling of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (pv) + MgO Deformation : Applicability for Understanding the Multiphase Rheology of the Lower Mantle
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Forest Stand Complexity Controls Ecosystem-Scale Evapotranspiration Dynamics: Implications for Landscape Flux Simulations
- Global Water Futures Data Management: Learning How to Steer a Big Ship With a Small Paddle.
- How does stand age affect photosynthetic light use efficiency? A remote sensing observational approach across a white pine chronosequence in southern Ontario, Canada
- Impacts Analyses of Climate Change on Water Availability for Adaptive Management
- Interaction of Mangrove Surface Coverage and Groundwater Input in the Yucatan Aquifer: Observations and Modelling
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Physiological and environmental controls on evaporative partitioning across a gradient of altitudes and vegetation covers in a subarctic, alpine catchment, Yukon, Canada
- Projection of Long-Term Hydrological Impacts on Socio-Economic Systems in China
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Temperature Prediction Using Machine Learning Based Multi-Model Ensembles
- The Significance of Incised Valleys: Using Airborne Geophysics to Understand the Role of Buried Bedrock Valleys in Regional Groundwater Flow Systems
- The effect of seasonal rainfall on nutrient input and biological productivity in the Yax Chen cave system (Ox Bel Ha), Mexico, and implications for µXRF core studies of paleohydrology
- The energy, water and carbon fluxes from a constructed pit lake in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region.
- Three-dimensional simulation of two-phase multicomponent displacements at the pore scale
- Transdisciplinary Knowledge Mobilization for Effective Solutions to Changing Water Futures in Canada and other Cold Regions of the World
- Visualization and Analysis of Multi-Parameter Geophysical Data to Delineate Bedrock Structure Beneath Overburden
- A Petrophysical Footprint of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit, Québec, Canada
- A three-dimensional groundwater flow simulation of Granger Basin, Yukon, Canada
- Abrupt climate change, hurricanes, and the rise and fall of a Taíno village
- Analysis and Prediction of Mid Winter Breakups on Northern Canadian Rivers Using Time Series Data Mining
- Analytical Model for Solute Transport in Fracture Networks
- Evapotranspiration dynamics and partitioning across an assemblage of vegetation types in a subarctic, alpine catchment, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Examining the Continental-Level Relationship Between Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity at High Latitudes
- Exploring the fate of organosulfates in the atmospheric aqueous phase
- Fluid-fluid displacement in mixed-wet porous media
- Fluid-fluid displacement in porous media: completing Lenormand's phase diagram for arbitrary wettability.
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- Headwater-to-Consumer Drinking Water Security Assessment Framework and Associated Indicators for Small Communities.
- Hydrological Dynamics and Connectivity of Wildfire Impacted Rock Barrens Ephemeral Wetlands
- Interdecadal variability of streamflow driven by atmospheric circulation in the Hudson Bay lowlands watersheds
- Investigating PAH ozonation in Fort McMurray wildfire ash: implications for contaminant lifetimes in fire-affected areas
- Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation
- No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus
- Opportunities to Revolutionize First Nations Drinking Water Governance in Canada
- Peat Depth as a Control of Peat Burn Severity: Implications for Peatland Fire Management, Restoration and Refugia Formation
- Photochemical Singlet Oxygen Production by Atmospheric Road Dust: Implications for Urban Pollutant Lifetimes
- Post-Wildfire CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in Peatlands in Ontario's Rock Barrens Landscape
- Regionalization of Hydraulic Conductivity in Porous Media Aquifers Using Genetic Algorithm
- Subsurface 3-D geophysical modelling of Skeleton Lake structure: a suspected impact crater in Muskoka, Ontario
- Survival of the Deepest? Peat Depth as a Control on Peatland Hydraulic Structure and Pore-water Residence Time
- The African continental divide: Indian vs Atlantic Ocean spreading during Gondwana dispersal
- The Henkel Petrophysical Plot: Mineralogy and Lithology from Physical Properties
- The size and spatial distribution of organic carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystems of Canada
- Using Seismic Line Disturbance to Gain New Insights into Peatland Restoration and Wildfire Management Treatments
- Assessing the Long-Term Impacts of Wildfire Smoke on the Concentrations of PAHs in Urban Surface Films
- Burial Dynamics and Abrupt Climate Change at the Archaeological Site of Canimar Abajo, Matanzas, Cuba
- Climate Change Impact to Blue Nile River Basin and the Optimal Operation of its Multi-reservoir System for Hydropower and Irrigation
- Contemporary Climatic Factors Affecting Thermal Weathering of Fractured Sedimentary Rocks of the Niagara Escarpment
- Continental fragment formation by rifting of orogenic belts
- Developing Strategies to Strengthen Stewardship and Sharing of Water Science Data in Canada
- Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Mixed-Wet Porous Media
- Footprints in the tundra: Considerations for linking remote sensing observations with flux tower data in the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- HEWG: A New AGU Working Group for Hazard Equity
- Investigation of Urban Vegetative Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide over the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
- Lessons learned from the NSERC Canadian FloodNet on improving flood forecasting systems and management capacity
- Numerical Model for Solute Transport in Discrete Fracture Networks
- Plant water use and evaporative partitioning across seasons and species in a subarctic, alpine catchment: Implications for treeline advance and shrub proliferation
- The Influence of Shrub Expansion, Frozen Ground, and Seasonality on Diurnal Patterns of Stream Discharge and Chemistry in a Subarctic Headwater Catchment, Yukon, Canada
- The influence of tree sway on erosion processes along the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario.
- Uncovering Impacts of Seasonality and Land Use Land Cover on E. coli Contamination in Private Drinking Water Wells: A Machine Learning Application
- Wettability axis in Lenormands phase diagram
- An Assessment of Control Methods in Closed-Loop Agriculture Systems
- Analyzing Pathways Via Which Septic System Wastewater Effluent Reaches Streams
- Assessing the Relationship Between PAH Concentrations in Urban Surface Films and Wildfire Smoke Influence as Determined by the Trajectory-Fire Interception Method
- Atmospheric Aqueous Phase Reactivity Of Organosulfates
- Bias Correction of Daily Temperatures and Precipitation with CMIP6 Models
- Climate Change-Induced Retreat Drives Water Contamination from Tropical Glaciers
- Confirmation of Microbial Degradation of Naphthenic Acids during Oil Sands Reclamation
- Development and Validation of a 10-Channel High-Throughput Reactor for the Rapid Study of Pollutant Gas-Surface Interactions
- Diagnostic fingerprinting of natural and anthropogenic basalt carbonation via in situ laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of REE and Y in carbonates
- Evaluating the Effect of Increasing Temperature in the Production of Methane from Modern to Millennial Carbon Pools using Incubations of Canadian Thermokarst Lake Sediments
- Evaluating the Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Groundwater around Remote Northern Communities: Using Airborne and Surface Geophysics to Advance a Depositional Model of the Dunvegan Formation within the Liard Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Amount of Septic System Effluent Delivered to Streams
- Gravity Infiltration of Water into Initially Dry Porous Media
- Groundwater Plumes from Historic Landfills causing Exposure to Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Receiving Surface Waters
- High precision sulfur isotope composition of lunar orange and black glass from drive tube 74002/1
- Indoor Air in Museums: Linking Material Emission Profiles to Harm Potential
- Investigating the Influence of the Formaldehyde Cannizzaro Reaction on Acidic Pollutant Monitoring in Enclosed Museum Environments
- Microdrones in Field-Based Structural Geology: a Photogrammetry and Fracture Quantification Case Study from the North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Pollutant photodegradation by titanium-containing minerals varies with mineral identity and source
- Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Seasonality and Catchment Characteristics Control the Spatial Variability of Specific Discharge and Solute Export in a Mountainous Subarctic Watershed, Yukon, Canada.
- Solid Carbon: Safe and Durable Carbon Storage in Ocean Basalt - From Feasibility to Demonstration to Global Potential
- Sources of Subarctic Plant Water Uptake from Soil to Stomata Using Stable Water Isotopes Across a Cold, Mountainous Watershed
- Systematic Investigation of Fluid-Fluid Displacement in Mixed-Wet Porous Media
- TROPOMI SIF captures photosynthetic and land surface phenology better than traditional vegetation indices over North America
- The applicability of using the Canadian Small Lakes Model for gap filling an evaporation observation network of 12 site-years of lake-based eddy covariance data.
- Utilizing Digital Field Tools to Promote Public Geoscience Education
- Wettability Alteration in Thiolene-based Polymers: Surface Characterization and Advanced Fabrication Techniques
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. V. Rocha
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Ahmed Yosri
- Alemu Gonsamo
- Alexander L. Peace
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Arsh Grewal
- Bryce E. Harrop
- C. E. Robinson
- Cheryl Rogers
- Christiane Jablonowski
- Christopher W. MacMinn
- Corinne J. Schuster‐Wallace
- Debra Wunch
- Erin M. Nicholls
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Felix Vogel
- François Anctil
- Gabrielle Tepp
- Haiyun Shi
- Henry J.M. Gage
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Housen Chu
- Hui Wan
- James W. Dottin
- Jianfeng Li
- Jingfeng Xiao
- John W. Pomeroy
- Juliane Mai
- Kyle A. Arndt
- L. A. Coogan
- M. Altaf Arain
- M. Graham Clark
- Martin Scherwath
- Maya Abou-Ghanem
- Michelle Ragany
- Mohamed Khafagy
- P. H. Lauritzen
- Paulin Coulibaly
- Philip J. Rasch
- Philip Marsh
- Philipp Köhler
- R. M. Lauer
- R. M. Staebler
- R. N. Pysklywec
- Rubén Juanes
- Rémi Tailleux
- Sarah Dickson‐Anderson
- Sean K. Carey
- Stan E. Dosso
- Thian Yew Gan
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Wendy Bohon
- William L. Quinton
- Xiaoheng Tan
- Xiaojing Fu
- Xinyi Li
- Zhong Li