University of Groningen, Netherlands
flowchart I[University of Groningen, Netherlands] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (68)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Groningen, Center for Advanced Radiation Technology
- University of Groningen, Center for Theoretical Physics
- University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cold Seep Microbial Communities: How Diverse are They?
- Enhanced Carbohydrate Production by Phytoplankton of the Southern Ocean in Response to Iron Fertilization
- Laborative studies of the diffusion rate of stable isotopes in firn
- Dust Transport to the Surface of the Arabian Sea Followed by Phytoplankton Biomass Increase
- Flux Footprint Simulation in Complex Terrain
- High Precision Dating of Holocene Peat Deposits
- An optical feedback cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer for atmospheric moisture isotope ratio measurements
- Three Ice Core Records From Svalbard To Reveal Important Differences In Regional Climate Development During The Past 700 Years
- Crocodiles count on it: Regulation of discharge to Lake St Lucia Estuary by a South African peatland
- Measurement of the isotope diffusion rate in firn, in the lab and in the field (Invited)
- Observationally based surface fluxes of CH4 and N2O, and fossil fuel-derived CO2 for a 300x100 km region (the Netherlands)
- Pan-Arctic Simulation of Coupled Nutrient-Sulfur Cycling due to Sea Ice Biology
- Regional Inversion of European CH4 and N2O Emissions Using Continuous High Precision Atmospheric Observations
- Using annual plants as atmospheric 14CO2 samplers for regional fossil fuel emissions estimates: crop modeling and intensive sampling approaches
- Impact of Climate Variation and Human Activity on Hydrological Response: a Millennium-Scale Model Study for a Highland Mediterranean Catchment
- Not all calcite ballast is created equal: Differing effects of foraminiferan tests and coccoliths on the aggregation and sinking of diatoms
- The erosion of Arctic coasts and the subsequent release of organic carbon to the Arctic Seas
- High-resolution simulations of the Δ14CO2 gradients from fossil fuels and nuclear power plants over Europe
- Atmosphere-based nation-wide emission estimates of hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons from the U.S
- Trends in carbon isotope fractionation in atmospheric carbon dioxide constrain water use efficiency of northern ecosystems from the 1980s to 2010
- Determining atmospheric electric fields from the radio footprint of cosmic-ray induced extensive air showers as measured with LOFAR
- Modelling Discharge Inception in Thunderstorms
- Continent-Wide Decrease of Stomatal Conductance in Vegetation During Large Droughts of the Recent Decade
- Influence of Fossil Fuel Emissions on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimation by Atmospheric Inversions
- Soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) across four distinct ecosystems
- Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
- Understanding COS Fluxes in a Boreal Forest: Towards COS-Based GPP Estimates.
- Atmospheric evidence for a global secular increase in isotopic discrimination of land photosynthesis
- Constraining gross primary production and ecosystem respiration estimates for North America using atmospheric observations of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) and CO<SUB>2 </SUB>
- From COS ecosystem fluxes to GPP: integrating soil, branch and ecosystem fluxes.
- High and Dry? Stomatal Regulation and the Water Use Efficiency of Vegetation
- Simulating Streamer Inception From Hydrometeors as a Stochastic Process with a Particle-Based Model
- What role does evaporative demand play in driving drought in Africa?
- Determining Thunderstorm Electric Fields using Radio Emission from Cosmic-Ray Air Showers
- Lightning Mapping and Leader Propagation Reconstruction using LOFAR-LIM
- 3D Meter and Nanosecond Precision Lightning Imaging in Broad-Band VHF
- European Campaign Activities in 2019 for Calibration and Validation of the S-5p Operational Products
- New High-Detail Observations of Positive Leaders with the LOFAR Radio Telescope
- Quantifying Hot-spot Methane Emissions Using a UAV-based Active AirCore System
- Sea-Level Change Projections for the Dutch Wadden Sea During the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- The large impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the carbon and water balance of the Amazon derived from sun-induced fluorescence observations and modeling
- Understanding environmental and physiological controls of the leaf COS:CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake relationship for better photosynthesis estimates
- The Greenhouse Gas Methane Emissions from Waste Sources in the UK
- The Vertical Component of Low Magnitude Earthquakes, Why Do We Care?
- The meter-scale VHF structure of negative leaders
- Altitude x Amplitude Relations on Negative Leaders Produced by Lightning Data Acquired by LOFAR
- Assessing seismic site response, how small should we go?
- Assessing the recent impact of COVID-19 on carbon emissions from China using domestic economic data
- Interferometric Imagining of Lightning Initiation on LOFAR Data
- Long-term impacts of COVID-19 on carbon emissions and the Paris Agreement
- Quantification of methane emissions from UK biogas plants
- Quantification of methane emissions from a dairy cow farm in the Netherlands
- The Nature of Needle Activity as seen in VHF
- Unveiling the effects of soil composition on surface motion during seismic events
- Vertical distribution of Arctic methane in 2009-2018 using ground-based remote sensing
- Without water no energy, significant trade-offs between carbon and water footprints important for global energy and water policy
- 3D Polarized Beamforming with LOFAR and Early Application to Recoil Leaders
- A distinct negative leader propagation mode; an Intensely Radiating Negative Leader
- Constraining photosynthesis using carbonyl sulfide (COS) and CO2 fluxes and their isotopes.
- Shifts Towards Healthy Diets in the US Can Reduce Environmental Impacts But Would Be Unaffordable For Poorer Minorities
- Spatial variability and evolution of sea ice permeability on the MOSAiC central floe from autumn to spring: Biogeochemistry research sites
- The Water-Energy-Food-Nexus in Pakistan: System Solutions to Save Agricultural Water and Prevent CO2 Emissions in Water Scarce Countries
- Understanding Lightning Interferometry Images Through Simulation
- Updates to The Spontaneous Nature of Lightning Initiation
- Green Growth, Decoupling and Degrowth in Chinese Cities
- Progress in developing Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS): Synthesis of actions and developments recommended by the research community for improving regional observations.
- The Meter-Scale Structure of Recoil Leaders as Observed by LOFAR
- The Source of Magnetic Lineations Observed in Bottom Surveys of Lake IJssel (The Netherlands)