University of Northern Colorado
flowchart I[University of Northern Colorado] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (61)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evaluating the Use of Visualization Resources for Teaching Inquiry to Pre-service Elementary Teachers
- Assessment Strategies for Data Intensive, Upper Division Earth Science Course on Global Change
- DLESE Data Services - Facilitating Effective Use of Earth System Science Data in Education
- Success With Offering a Diversity of Majors in the Earth Science Department at the University of Northern Colorado
- The Appalachian Lightning Jump
- Electrically Active Storms in the Appalachian Mountains
- Bringing Global Climate Modeling Data Into the Classroom: Effective Pedagogy With Available Resources and Possibilities for the Future
- Importance of Soil Texture in Paleo-Vegetation Modeling Studies
- Mesoscale Convective Systems Which Do and Do Not Produce Sprites: Results From STEPS 2000
- The Earth Exploration Toolbook and DLESE Data Services Workshops: Facilitating the Use of Geoscience Data to Convey Scientific Concepts to Students
- A New Look at the Early Eocene Arctic Climate in CCSM3: Sensitivity to pCO2 and Basin Geography
- Diversity of Thermophilic Microorganisms within Hawaiian Fumaroles
- Evolution of radar structure, total lightning, and sprite production in an Oklahoma mesoscale convective system on 20 June 2007
- Generation of Hummocky Flow Morphology Revealed through Ground-based LiDAR Measurements of Actively Inflating Pahoehoe Lavas
- Teachers Accessing and Utilizing Paleoclimate Data to Facilitate Inquiry in the Classroom
- "We're All Gonna' Die": Using Human Interest in Disasters to Promote Student Interest and Research in Introductory Science Classes for Non-Science Majors.
- Mechanisms for Early Eocene Warmth: A Downscaling Approach Utilizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- Mobility of College-level Student Ideas as Revealed by the Geoscience Concept Inventory: Implications for Teaching Introductory Courses
- Identifying College Students’ Conceptions of the Atmosphere
- Research Into the Role of Students’ Affective Domain While Learning Geology in Field Environments
- The North American Lightning Detection Network (NALDN) - 2001-2008: Flash Characteristics
- Assessment of Glassy and Vesicular Textures on Silicic Lava Domes through Analysis of Ground-based and Airborne LIDAR Data
- Introducing College Undergraduates to the Role of Feedbacks in the Climate System Using Numerical Models
- The Role of Vegetation In High-Latitude Warming During the Latest Cretaceous
- Factors Promoting a Cool Cambrian Climate: Role of Land Surface Conditions and Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases
- Improving Climate Science Education by Supporting Faculty: Climate Programs from On the Cutting Edge
- Lava flow dynamics driven by temperature-dependent viscosity variations
- Novice to Expert Cognition During Geologic Bedrock Mapping
- Quasigeostrophic Dynamics of the Arctic Coastal Jet in Summer
- The Role of Belief, Trust and Values in Climate Change Science Education Efforts
- Characterizing active volcanic processes at Kilauea volcano using LiDAR scanning
- Conceptual Mobility of Geoscience Concepts in Introductory College-Level Courses: Results from Pre- and Post-testing with the Geoscience Concept Inventory
- Topographic and Thermal Investigations of Active Pahoehoe Lava Flows Using Coupled LiDAR/FLIR Datasets
- A methodology for quantifying volumetric changes at the Overlook pit of Kilauea Volcano using ground-based LiDAR
- Relationships Between Atmospheric Aerosols and Snow Chemistry at Denali, Alaska
- The Effect of Lava Texture on LiDAR Attributes and Full Waveform
- Development, Implementation, and Assessment of Climate Curricular Materials for Introductory Undergraduates: Lessons Learned from the InTeGrate Project's Climate of Change Module
- Gender in the Geosciences: Factors Supporting the Recruitment and Retention of Women in the Undergraduate Major
- Lava Lake Thermal Pattern Classification Using Self-Organizing Maps and Relationships to Eruption Processes at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Mapping starting zone snow depth with a ground-based LiDAR to improve avalanche control and forecasting
- Repeat Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning at Kilauea Volcano Reveals Basaltic Lava Lake Surface Slope, Structure and Micro-pistoning
- Surface deformation and seismic signatures associated with the eruption cycle of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Late Paleogene topography of the Central Rocky Mountains and western Great Plains region using hydrogen isotope ratios in volcanic glass
- The Effects of Changing Climatological Variables on Upwelling along the Southern California Coast
- Infusing the Core Curriculum with Societally Relevant Issues and Preparing Faculty to Work with Diverse Students
- Monitoring Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in real-time on oil and natural gas production sites
- Science on a Sphere and Data in the Classroom: A Marriage Between Limitless Learning Experiences.
- A seamless approach to improve climate information for water security
- Automating Metadata Evaluation at Research Repositories to Assess Discoverability, Interpretability, and Readiness for Reuse
- Flume and field investigations link woody riparian vegetation plant traits to morphodynamics across scales
- Reading The Record of Melting Events Using Compositional Mapping and In-Situ Geochronology, Adirondack Mountains, New York, U.S.A.
- The Arctic Observing Viewer: A Tool for Data Discovery, Visualization, Strategic Planning, and Decision Support for Arctic Observing
- The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): a Geoportal for Visualizing Project-level Information about U.S. Funded Research in the Arctic
- Decarbonization Studio: A tool for Climate Change Education
- Program Practices and Characteristics that Enable Sexism to Persist in Geology Field Programs
- Understanding the Impact of Transformative Experience on Undergraduates in Geologic Field Camps Through the Lens of Gender and Diversity
- Assessment of Russian olive as an ecogeomorphic agent on a northern river
- Utilizing the Construct of Transformative Experience to Explore Undergraduate Geologic Fieldwork Experiences
- Leveraging the Citizen CATE 2017 Eclipse Experience to Build CATE 2024
- Modeling Molecular Complexity: Building a Novel Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Framework to Understand Molecular Synthesis and Signatures
- Preparing for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse with Citizen CATE