Denison University, Ohio
flowchart I[Denison University, Ohio] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (45)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Construction of the Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA: the Plutonic Record of Evolving Magma Chambers Affected by Multiple Episodes of Replenishment, Rejuvenation, Crystal Accumulation and Eruption
- Timescale for Incremental Construction of the Silurian Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Coastal Maine, USA
- Bivalve Forensics: Sclerochronological Constraints on the Timing of a Biological Invasion in San Francisco Bay
- Episodic Growth and Solidification of the Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA
- Longevity of the Silurian Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA
- Terrestrial constraints on the timing and magnitude of Saharan humid phases
- New Structural Interpretation of the Central Confusion Range, Western Utah, Based On Balanced Cross Sections
- Stable Carbon Isotope Constraints on the Timing and Magnitude of Phytoplankton Blooms in San Francisco Bay
- Tracking responses to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill using trace elements in molluscan shells and tissues
- Using the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption as an example of citizen involvement in scientific research
- Ancient and modern rhyolite: Using zircon trace element compositions to examine the origin of volcanic rocks
- Eleven million years of fractionation, magma mixing, and MASH zone expansion: geochemical constraints on the evolution of the Aucanquilcha magma system, northern Chile
- Observations on the Origin of Across-Strike Geochemical Variations in Quaternary Silicic Lava Flows from the Andean Central Volcanic Zone: Comparision of Data from Individual Eruptive Centers
- Uptake of heavy metals and PAHs from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill by soft tissues and shells of the coastal oyster Crassostrea virginica
- Localized rejuvenation of a crystallizing pluton recorded in zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, southern Cascade Range, California
- Constraining riverine δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-DIC using Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene freshwater bivalve mollusks (Unionoidea) form Montana
- The Influence of Crystal Mush on Magmatism Under Arc Volcanoes Recorded in Zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, California and Mount Hood, Oregon
- Mineralogical, Physical and Geochemical Factors that Drive Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides and Diagenesis under Broad Environmental Conditions
- Role of Social Media and Networking in Volcanic Crises and Communication
- Fine-Sediment Storage in Sandy River Beds: An Approach to Reconstructing Fine-Sediment Flux to Ancient Rivers
- Measuring Paleolandscape Relief in Alluvial River Systems from the Stratigraphic Record
- Indigenous concepts and oral history integrated with western science in order to promote the interest in STEM fields in Indigenous communities through stratigraphy
- Relating and comparing the stratigraphic record of experimental deltas to artificial stratigraphy generated by image analysis of surface conditions over time.
- Removing geographic barriers in research experiences for undergraduate (REU) programs: a remote participation model with minority serving institutions
- Statistical Analysis of Delta Morphology and Stratigraphic Preservation Using Field, Experimental, and Numerical Data
- A framework to quantify paleogeomorphologic responses to ancient climate change
- Probing magma storage conditions and the controls of silicic magma formation: Tumalo Volcanic Center, central Oregon
- Reconstructing Tumalo Volcanic Center (Central Oregon Cascades, USA) Eruption Volumes Using ArcGIS
- Remote research opportunities expand reach and increase diversity - a need to expand and continue after COVID 19
- Signals in (Ancient) Soils: How do Geomorphic Processes Affect the Mixing of Local and Catchment-Averaged Climate Signals in Sedimentary Basins?
- The Hidden Cost of Field Education is a Barrier to Diversifying Geosciences
- Upstream propagation of sea-level signals in fluvio-deltaic environments: Time lags, dampening, and the dynamics of the fluvial surface
- A Framework for Constraining Paleohydrological Changes in North America across the Eocene-Oligocene Greenhouse to Icehouse Transition: Integrating Geomorphic, Sedimentological and Geochemical Tools
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Shallow Subsidence Rates in Coastal Louisiana Based on 300 Point Observations Covering the Past 10+ Years
- Time-lags in the upstream response of fluvio-deltaic environments under sea-level cycles: the role of changes in the curvature and relief
- A New Framework for Generating Stochastic and Representative River Hydrographs for Long-term Simulations
- Causes of variable shortening and tectonic subsidence during changes in subduction: insights from flexural thermokinematic modeling of the Neogene southern central Andes (28-30°S)
- Climate and hydrology across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America: Rivers, biomarkers and geochemical biases
- Evaluating Mountain Building along the Cascadia Forearc from Basin-Averaged Erosion Rates and Channel Steepness
- Rapid topographic growth of the Taiwan orogen since 1.5 Ma
- Reconstructed Seasonality During the Mid Pliocene Warm Interval and Early Pleistocene Cooling as Recorded in Oxygen Isotope Ratios from Shells of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria Spp.
- Reconstructing River Dynamics across the Eocene-Oligocene Greenhouse to Icehouse Transition in North America
- River Dynamics, Carbon Residence Times, and Earth's Climate
- Sources of Variability in Surface Elevation Change in Rapidly Degrading Wetlands of Coastal Louisiana
- The Evolution of the Tumalo Volcanic Center in Central Oregon as Recorded in Zircon Ages and Trace Elements