Rowan University, New Jersey
flowchart I[Rowan University, New Jersey] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (46)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (17)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Convergent Hydraulics and Knickpoint Migration in an Incising Gravel-Cobble River
- Prokaryotic diversity, distribution, and insights into their role in biogeochemical cycling in marine basalts and gabbros
- The 2010 Southern California Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment
- Event-Based Hydrologic Model Calibration using NEXRAD Data in a Southern New Jersey Watershed
- Changes in Fetch Limited Barrier Islands along the Delaware Bay coast of New Jersey
- Hydrodynamic Based Decision Making Framework for Impact Assessment of Extreme Storm Events on Coastal Communities
- Surface Temperature Variation Prediction Model Using Real-Time Weather Forecasts
- Rise in central west Greenland surface melt unprecedented over the last three centuries
- Effect of varying fluid injection rate on induced seismicity
- A first look at Bennu and Ryugu for signatures of formation in the arrangements of its surface features
- An innovative framework for high resolution quantitative assessment of flood resiliency of communities
- Crater Population(s) on (101955) Bennu, a B-Class Asteroid and Target of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Evaluating the Effects of Orogenic Exhumation and Sediment Transfer in Foreland Basin Development: A 4D Perspective from the Southern Patagonian Andes
- Exploring surface meltwater classification techniques from multispectral imagery over the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Ice core evidence of enhanced multi-decadal to centennial-scale climate variability in west Greenland during the last millennium
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Recognizing Drainage Reorganization in the Stratigraphic Record: A Case study in the Neogene Bermejo Basin of the Central Andes
- Surface Lineaments and Large-Scale Mass Movement on Bennu
- Tropical Atlantic Variability through the Holocene from Individual Foraminifera
- Ultra-high-resolution mapping of Antarctic ice shelf surface melt
- Color and albedo heterogeneity of asteroid Bennu and implications for its origin
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Impacts of Evolving Tropical Cyclone Track Characteristics in a Changing Climate
- OSIRIS-REx at Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Selecting the Prime and Backup Sample Sites, Invited Paper 492627
- Salt marsh primary production and greenhouse gas fluxes along an experimental oil-exposure gradient
- Tasman Leakage: the missing link in AMOC
- The relationship between ENSO and tropical Pacific background state: Evidence from individual foraminifera
- Coastal Wetland Soil Nitrogen Concentrations and Process Rates Respond to Management History and Fire Disturbance
- Designing a data-based capstone course for hybrid or remote learning
- Evolution of Global Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century and their Incorporation in Local and Regional Assessments
- Globally distributed mass movement towards the equator on asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Groundwater-driven methane export reduces salt marsh blue carbon potential
- Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current dynamics in the Plio-Pleistocene
- Ongoing shape modification of Bennu by terracing.
- Sea-level Rise Projections and Their Impact on Policy and Practice in Asia
- Tasman Leakage: a different kind of ocean gateway
- Art ROCKS!: Developing Novel Geoscience Outreach and Education Opportunities Through Public Sculpture
- Evolving Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the North Atlantic in a Warming Climate
- In situ measurement of the geotechnical properties of asteroid (101955) Bennus near surface from the OSIRIS-REx sampling maneuver
- Mixed-up in the mixed-layer: Observed differences in Mg/Ca-derived G. ruber morphotype temperatures as indicators of water-column or seasonal change?
- 10Be age control of glaciation in the Beartooth Mountains, USA from the latest Pleistocene through the Holocene
- Heavy Metals in Stormwater of Historically Industrial Camden, NJ
- Implications and Interpretations of the Varying Mg/Ca Differences Between Two Morphotypes of Globigerinoides ruber from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Through the Holocene
- Spectral induced polarization signals of biochars
- Varying Genesis and Landfall Locations for North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in a Warmer Climate