University of Strathclyde, UK
flowchart I[University of Strathclyde, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (56)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Modelling Spatial and Temporal Fault Zone Evolution in Basement Rocks
- Adaptive Water Sampling based on Unsupervised Clustering
- Environmental Forensics : Compound Specific Isotope Analysis Of PAHs. Study Of A Former Coal Tar Plant.
- The Role of Fluids in Triggering Earthquakes: Observations From Reservoir Induced Earthquakes
- Evidence For The Strong Influence Of Structural Geology On Shallow Microseismicity
- Geoelectrical monitoring of bioremediation: the DNAPL problem
- Structural controls on fluid flow defined through a comparison of fault architecture and seismicity patterns along reactivated faults
- Microseismicity illuminates open fractures in the shallow crust
- Brittle, flowing structures focused on subtle crustal heterogeneities
- Comparing the shear strength of grouted fractures: conventional methods vs biomineralisation
- Connected sub-seismic features compromise cap rock integrity: the influence of faults and permeable sandstone lenses
- Detailed imaging of flowing structures at depth using microseismicity: a tool for site investigation?
- Evolution of compactive shear localization bands: geological data and numerical models
- Fracture sealing utilising microbially induced carbonate precipitation
- Heterogeneity is important for predicting the permeability of seismic scale faults
- The evolution of fault zones in basalt: predicting internal structure, petrophysical properties and effect on fluid flow
- The spatial organisation of deformation in high porosity sandstones: from outcrop data to prediction of bulk fault zone properties
- Brownfield site investigation: a new technology for the detection of large objects based on passive seismic monitoring
- Concurrency and climate change signal in Scottish flooding
- Detection of Fault Zones at Depth Using Low Frequency Induced Sources
- Generation of whistler waves by continuous HF heating of the upper ionosphere
- Hydrodynamic Coupling in Microbially Mediated Fracture Mineralization: Formation of Self-Organized Groundwater Flow Channels
- Improving detection and identification of seismic signals due to landslides: a methodology based on field scale controlled experiments
- Multiscale geometries and deformation processes of the pseudotachylyte "type locality" - Outer Hebrides, Scotland
- The Terminology of Fault Zones in the Brittle Regime: Making Field Observations More Useful to the End User
- Low Frequency Waves During RF Heating of the Ionosphere
- Monitoring Spring-to-Summer Sea Ice Floe Breakup Using High Resolution SAR and Autonomous Observing Platforms
- Spectral Characteristics of Landslide Induced Seismicity: Experimental Validation Based on the Use of an Up-Scaled Sheer Box
- Upper Hybrid Effects in Artificial Ionization
- Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Heating Near Upper Hybrid Resonance
- Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation For Engineered Sealing Of Fractured Rock
- Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Turbulence near the Upper Hybrid Resonance and Fourth Gyroharmonic
- Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation: a Novel Grout for Permeability Control in Subsurface Engineering Works
- Observations of mechanical-hydraulic-geochemical interactions due to drainage of a surface water reservoir in Switzerland
- Identification of the importance of porous media heterogeneity and anisotropy on the permeability of ultra-tight gas reservoirs
- Multi-pollutant interactions in hyporheic zones
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- A natural example of permeability reduction from porosity occlusion due to CO<SUB>2</SUB> - rock interaction: implications for carbon capture and storage.
- Core Surprise: Characterising the Internal Structure of an Ancient Plate Boundary Fault in Scotland
- Model of Artificial Plasma Layers Induced by HF-heating at Arecibo
- Accurate automatic Phase picking for continuous, noisy microseismic recordings without prefiltering.
- Exploring eruption dynamics in 3D; textural and geochemical analysis of archetypal Ocean Island eruptive deposits, Ascension Island, South Atlantic
- Induced Seismicity at the Preston New Road Shale Gas Site in Lancashire, UK - Site Characterisation and impact on the TLS
- Investigations into Geochemical Fingerprints of UK Carboniferous Coal Measures at the Glasgow UKGEOS Site, Scotland.
- A multi-isotope geochemical approach to baseline monitoring at the Carbon Management Canada's CCS Field Research Station, prior to CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection
- Automatic Detection and Classification of Microseismic Events from Super-Sauze Landslide Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Comparing the Variations in Physical Properties between Intraplate and Plate Boundary Fault Systems: Does Fault Complexity Control Earthquake Processes and Seismic Energy Release?
- Geochemical Fingerprinting of UK Carboniferous Coal Measures and Coal Mine Workings at the Glasgow UKGEOS site, Scotland
- Microfracture network evolution leading to catastrophic failure: hearing and seeing.
- New Collaboration for Studying Interaction of Waves and Particles in the Near-Earth Plasma: Active Experiment, Laboratory Modeling, and Numerical Simulation
- Noble gases confirm plume-related mantle degassing beneath Southern Africa
- Considering the atmosphere as an important part of the marine micro(nano)plastic cycle
- Modeling the Effect of Climate Change on Qatar's Electricity Demand to the end of the Century and Implications for CO2 Emissions from Electricity Generation
- Multi-channel Coherency Migration (MCM) location algorithm: improving its computational efficiency and location accuracy
- Planet Hunters TESS: people-powered planet hunting and the global community that drives it
- There's more beneath the surface; discussions on disabled inclusivity in polar research