George Mason University, Virginia
flowchart I[George Mason University, Virginia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1305)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (424)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- GMU, Center for Earth Observing and Space Research
- GMU, School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Field Experiment Data Support at the Goddard DAAC
- Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Reconfiguration Timescales: Observations and Global MHD Modeling
- Modeling Io's electrodynamic interaction with its torus: Comparsion with recent observations.
- Pulsations in Global MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere
- Relationship Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares
- Statistics of TRMM Data Archive and Distribution at the Goddard DAAC
- The Effects of Aerosol from Pinatubo on Remotely Sensed Global Vegetation Measurement
- NWGISS: The Web GIS Software Suite for Interoperable Access and Manipulation of EOS Data
- Paleomagnetism and ^{40}Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Folded Sills in the Lombard Thrust Sheet, South Central Montana: Implications for the Timing of Fold and Thrust Deformation and Vertical Axis Rotations Along the Southern Margin of the Helena Salient
- Use of Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence to Measure Trace Metal Distribution in the Brain
- Using USA and RXTE X-ray Source Atmospheric Occultations to Determine Atmospheric Densities and Temperature
- Comparisons Between Noise Storm Emissions and CME Events
- Coronal Mass Ejections and Other Activities in the Inner Corona Observed by the LASCO/C1
- Global MHD Simulation Study of Joule Heating in the Polar Ionosphere
- Investigation of the Mid-Atlantic coast sudden cold water
- Multiple Planetary Flow Regimes and the Eddy Forcing in Northern Hemisphere Wintertime Variability
- The 780 Gunbarrel Magmatic Event: U-Pb Documentation of Widespread Mafic Magmatism Along the Neoproterozoic Western of Laurentia
- Water Vapor Enhancement in the Polar Summer Mesosphere and its Relationship to Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Web Service-based Interoperable Geospatial Modeling for Earth Science Research and Decision Supporting
- A Data-enhanced On-line Learning Environment for Undergraduate Earth System Science Education
- Analysis of the VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Using MODIS Data
- Earth Science Data Grid System
- Effect of The October-November 2003 Super-storms On Thermospheric Density and Composition
- Energy Deposition in the Polar Ionospheres: Simulation Studies of Geomagnetic Storm Events
- Impact of the Bastille Day Solar Flare on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Ionospheric and Solar Plasmas in Geospace Storms
- Looking at the November 20, 2003 super storm with TIMED/GUVI: Comparison with the TIMEGCM
- Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Response to Storm Time Electric Field
- Nonlinear Prediction of Atlantic Hurricane Abundance in 2004 Season
- Real Data and Rapid Results: Ocean Color Data Analysis with Giovanni (GES DISC Interactive Online Visualization and ANalysis Infrastructure)
- Solar UV Spectral Radiance from SKYLAB
- Storm Time Effects on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- The 3D structure of CMEs from LASCO polarization measurements
- The development of an OpeNDAP satellite data server for CEOP
- Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity and IMF Orientation
- UV Limb Scan and X-Ray Occultation Soundings of Thermospheric Density
- Using X-ray Occultation Sounding to Detect Dynamic Atmospheric Features in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- A New Approach For Snow Coverage Monitoring Using Simulated Aqua MODIS Band 6
- A Strategy for Integrated Water Cycle Observations from Space
- A Testbed Demonstration of an Intelligent Archive in a Knowledge Building System
- An Enhanced Smoke Detection Using MODIS Measurements
- Application of CHIANTI to High Resolution Solar Spectra
- Comparison of TRMM and Water District Rain Rates over New Mexico
- Day Side Observations of the Equatorial Anomaly
- E-Layer Variations During X-Class Flares Inferred from Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- Errors in Retrieved Land Surface Temperature Due to Anistropic Emissivity Over Structured Vegetation Canopies
- Globalization and Mobilization of Earth Science Education with GeoBrain Geospatial Web Service Technology
- Investigating the Use of LIS and Satellite Products to Improve Evapotranspiration Estimates
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability and Turbulence Forming Behind a CME-driven Shock.
- Observing the Solar atmosphere with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on Solar B
- Oceanic evaporation and precipitation from remote sensing
- Online Interactive Data Analysis of Multi-Sensor Data Using Giovanni
- Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Tertiary Intrusive and Volcanic Rocks in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico: Further Evidence for Counterclockwise Vertical-Axis Block Rotations in the Rio Grande Rift
- Reversal Asymmetry in the Paleomagnetic Data at 1.1 GA -- New Results From SW Arizona Sills
- SSUSI and GUVI limb scans of thermospheric neutral density changes during a geomagnetic storm
- Serving Satellite Remote Sensing Data to User Community through the OGC Interoperability Protocols
- Statistical Considerations of Data Processing in Giovanni Online Tool
- TRMM Precipitation Product Development and Validation for AIS Applications
- The Climatology of Neutral Winds in the MLT Region as Observed From Orbit
- The High-Latitude Knee of the O/N2 Ratio Profile: Latitudinal Variations with UT, Local Time, Season, and Magnetic Activity
- The Variations of Satellite-Derived Diurnal Temperature Range Over the United States
- Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics Mission: Significant Findings, Evolving Research, and Outstanding Science Questions
- Use of Land Information System Products to Monitor and Forecast Drought and Flood Conditions in the Columbia River Basin
- VIIRS Proxy Data Using MODIS-to-VIIRS Spectral Transformations
- Variations of Vegetation and Rainfall in Thailand
- Vertical Structure of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During Geomagnetic Storms in May 2002
- A Systematic Study on Solar Sources of Major Geomagnetic Storms from 1996 to 2005
- A modular radiation-belt electron flux model
- AL and Dst Predictions with the Real-Time WINDMI Model
- An Ontology-supported Approach for Automatic Chaining of Web Services in Geospatial Knowledge Discovery
- Constraining the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field Direction from Source Location of the Heliospheric 2-3kHz Radio Emissions
- Decadal Response of Global Overturning to Southern Ocean Wind Stress Perturbation
- Ensemble Kalman Filtering of Soil Moisture Observations With Model Bias Correction
- Facilitating Geoscience Education in Higher-Education Institutes Worldwide With GeoBrain -- An Online Learning and Research Environment for Classroom Innovations
- Faunal-based sea surface temperature reconstruction of the mid-Pliocene equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Human and Natural Impacts on Ancient Maya Wetland Formation, Northern Coastal Plain, Belize
- MHD experiments to isolate different influences on seasonal variation in MI coupling
- Magnetospheric activity during undriven recovery
- Mapping and Morphology of Patterned Ground in the Wetlands of Northwestern Belize
- Modification of Soil Temperature and Moisture Budgets by Snow Processes
- Paleomagnetic and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) Documentation of the Formation of Large-Scale Rheomorphic Structures in the 2.06 Ma Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, Eastern Idaho
- Predictability of Circulation Transitions (Observed and Modeled): Non-diffusive Dynamics, Markov Chains and Error Growth.
- Satellite Microwave Detected SST Anomalies and Hurricane Intensification
- The Impact of Subtropical Mixing Parameters on Equatorial Pacific Climate
- The Role of Water Chemistry in Wetland Morphology in Northwestern Belize
- The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory: Patterns for Scientific Data Services
- The low-frequency relationship of the tropical-North Pacific sea surface temperature teleconnections
- Thermal, Atmospheric and Ionospheric Anomalies around the Time of Some of the Major Earthquakes in California and Mexico in 2003-2004
- Using X-ray Occultation Sounding (XOS) to Detect Atmospheric Features in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: A comparison to NRLMSISE-00 and SABER measurements.
- A computational framework for the evaluation of satellite precipitation estimates for hydrological applications
- Alfven Profile in the Lower Corona: Implications for Shock Formation
- An Observing Systems Simulation Experiment for potential soil moisture retrievals using Aquarius instruments
- Bridging OGC and Earth Science-based Data Access Protocols
- Characterization of Storm-Time E-region Electron Densities from TIMED/SABER 4.3 um Emission and Comparisons with Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- Coastal Evolution of the Mississippi River Chenier Plain: A Geomorphic Process-Response Model
- Combining Machine Learning and Mesoscale Modeling for Atmospheric Releases Hazard Assessment
- Comparing Distribution Functions of Rain Rates from Gauge, NEXRAD, and TRMM Radar Observations
- Comparison of Virtual Globe Technologies for Depiction of Radar Beam Propagation Effects and Impacts
- Dealing with systematic errors in land surface modeling, soil moisture observations and assimilation
- Development of a Rapid Prototyping Capability for Hydrological Applications of Global Precipitation Measurements
- Dynamics of CMEs in the STEREO Field of View: Theory and Observation
- Effect of land cover classification map resolution in land surface modeling studies
- Enabling the dynamic coupling between sensor web and Earth system models - The Self-Adaptive Earth Predictive Systems (SEPS) framework
- Excitation of mid-latitude oxygen airglow emission at 844.6 nm
- GEOSS Registry System: Enabling the Registering and Discovering of Geospatial Web Services Worldwide
- GeoBrain for Facilitating Earth Science Education in Higher-Education Institutes--Experience and Lessons-learned
- Ground-based Measurement Of Saharan Dust In Marine Environment
- Highlights and Conclusions of the Unidata OGC Interoperability Day
- Interoperability Between Geoscience And Geospatial Catalog Protocols
- Joint Evaluation of EM Signals Detected Around the Time of Major Earthquakes
- Kinematics of CMEs observed by LASCO and SECCHI
- LSST Survey Data: Models for EPO Interaction
- Modeling STEREO White-Light Observations of CMEs with 3D MHD Simulations
- NASA A-Train Vertical Data (Curtains) in Google Earth
- Numerical Simulation of a Coronal Mass Ejection in the Lower Corona: Comparison of Two Initiation Models
- On-Line Explorer-45 Plasmapause-Crossing Database and Related Ionospheric Satellite Measurements
- Optical Flow of CMEs in SECCHI HI1
- Radial (L) profiles of MHD wave power and energetic electron flux during high-speed streams: dependence on IMF Bz
- Rapid prototyping of soil moisture estimates using the NASA Land Information System
- Relating Regime Structure to Probability Distribution and Preferred Structure of Small Errors in a Large Atmospheric GCM
- Scientific Uses and Directions of SPDF Data Services
- THEMIS Orbits and Data at SPDF
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Overview and Early Results
- The NASA NEESPI Tools Use in Studies of Environmental Changes in Northern Eurasia
- The Orientation of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field and Induced Asymmetries of the Heliosphere: Neutrals-MHD model
- The Structure and Dynamics of the Quiet Corona from Observations with the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
- The synthesis and direct detection of O-atoms in water ice
- ViRBO, The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory
- Water, Water Everywhere... and Oxidants too!
- Web Services Implementations at Land Process and Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Centers
- 3D Numerical Simulations Of Magnetized Winds Of Solar-Like Stars
- A Water and Energy Community of Practice (WECoP)
- A survey of periodicies in the solar wind velocity observed by Ulysses
- An Interoperable Framework to Access In-Situ OPeNDAP Data
- An Overview on the Project to Develop Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Assessing Precipitation, Snowpack and Runoff Changes Over Colorados Headwater Basins in the 21st Century Using a High Resolution Coupled Atmosphere-Hydrology Model
- Autoplot: a Browser for Science Data on the Web
- Balancing Act: The Role of The Interstellar Magnetic Field and Neutral H in Voyager 1 and 2 Asymmetries
- Comparing the 2008 hurricane seasons with previous seasons: further evidences of Saharan dry air and dust on tropical cyclone activities in the Atlantic basin
- Comparison of Automated Flare Location Algorithm Results to Solar Truth
- Comparison of MHD Simulations of CME Evolution and Structure with Coronagraph Observations
- Comparison of Ontology Reasoners: Racer, Pellet, Fact++
- Distributed hydrological modeling using LIS-Noah land surface model
- Earth Information Exchange --- An Interoperable Spatial Web Portal for sharing Earth Science Information and a Testbed for infusing new technologies
- First STEREO observation of a quiet sun CME
- Fusing precipitation for NOAA's AWIPS DSS through a hydro-information system
- Geo-visualization for Geosciences data in World Wind
- GeoBrain Data Access and Analysis For Earth Science Education and Research
- GeoBrainArc: Enabling Geospatial Interoperability in ArcGIS
- Geomicrobial characterization of sediment bacterial communities across the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- Geospatial Data Provenance in the Semantic Web Environment
- Imaging geospace electrons using Thomson scattering: A new tool for operational space weather monitoring
- Impact of Aerosol Distribution on Cloud in Deep Convection Regimes
- Increasing Anthropogenic Activities and Climatic Changes and Implications on Western Himalayan Snow Cover
- Interaction of Hurricane Katrina with Optically Complex Water in the Gulf of Mexico: Interpretation Using Satellite-Derived Inherent Optical Properties and Chlorophyll Concentration
- Leveraging Capabilities in the Community: CDAWeb Data and Services within VITMO
- Making GOES Data Available to the GEOSS Community through Technology Infusion
- Mass Measurements of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the SECCHI-COR2 Coronagraphs
- Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) Data and Services at the GES DISC
- Operational Interoperable Web Coverage Service for Earth Observing Satellite Data: Issues and Lessons Learned
- Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetic Properties from Quaternary Lavas and Tuffs of the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- Provenance in Data Interoperability for Multi-Sensor Intercomparison
- Quantification of green roof carbon dioxide, heat, and water fluxes using the gradient flux technique
- SECCHI View of CME Dynamics: Observation and Theory
- Saturn Magnetospheric Impact on Surface Molecular Chemistry and Astrobiological Potential of Enceladus
- Scalable Scientific Data Mining in Distributed, Peer-to-Peer Environments
- Seasonal Comparisons of Storm/Quiet Ratios Using TIMED/SABER NO+(v) VER Measurements and ISR Electron Densities at E-Region Altitudes
- Services, Perspectives and Directions of the Space Physics Data Facility
- Simulating Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Dynamics and Chemistry of the Optical Properties for Large-scale and Convective Ice Clouds
- Surface Alfven Wave Damping in a 3D Simulation of the Solar Wind
- Temporal and Physical Relationships Between CME Acceleration and Flare Energy Release
- The Effect of Subtropical Air-Sea Coupling vs. Prescribed SST Forcing on the Extratropics
- The Effects of Pickup Ions on Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause
- The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory: Progress and Plans
- The new Computational and Data Sciences Undergraduate Program at George Mason University
- Utilize multi CPU cores to improve dust simulation performance
- Utilizing Grid Computing to Support Massive Real-time Computing
- Verification of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity by Space and Terrestrial Observations
- Water and Energy Cycle EOS House web portal (WECHO)
- A Collaborative Environment for Knowledge Base Development
- A National Crop Progress Monitoring and Decision Support System Based on NASA Earth Science Results
- A Prototype Land Information Sensor Web: Design, Implementation and Implication for the SMAP Mission
- A reconnection mechanism for the generation of anomalous cosmic rays
- Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays via Reconnection in the Heliosheath
- An Updated Overview of SPDF Roles, Data and Services to the Heliophysics Community
- Comparing the roughness of the Moon from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) to asteroids and planets
- DUst Sounder and Temperature Imager Experiment (DUSTIE)
- Distributed Visualization of Dust Storm in Virtual Globes
- Dynamics of trace gases and aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic plain
- GeoBrain Computational Cyber-laboratory for Earth Science Studies
- Geoscience Education and Cognition Research at George Mason University
- Global Warming’s Six Americas: An Audience Segmentation Analysis (Invited)
- High Resolution Simulation of Annual Snowfall and Snowpack over Colorado and some Impacts of Climate Change using the Pseudo Climate Simulation Method
- High-Altitude High-Latitude Electron-Density and Magnetic-Field Enhancements Observed during Magnetic Storms - Including the Storm of 17 April 2002
- Incorporating sub-grid heterogeneity into a coarse resolution land surface model
- Inside Autoplot: an Interface for Representing Science Data in Software
- Investigating Changes in the High-Latitude Topside Ionosphere During Large Magnetic Storms
- Investigating the Human Dimension of Unprecedented Global Climate Change in northeastern Siberia, Russia: Understandings, Perceptions and Responses
- Investigation of the dayside ionosphere using EUV airglow
- Is Global Warming Accelerating?
- Modeling of the Influence that Overlying Magnetic Fields have on the Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Modeling seasonal variations of auroral particle precipitation
- NASA Water-Cycle Solutions Networks and Community of Practice Approaches to enhance Decision-making
- OMPS TC EDR Algorithm: Improvement and Verification
- Old Faithful Model for Radiolytic Gas-Driven Cryovolcanism at Enceladus
- On the Necessity of New Institutions for Sustainable Development in a Changing Climate
- Oxidant Loading of Icy Surfaces via Re-deposition of Sputtered Molecular Fragments: Laboratory Simulations (Invited)
- Progress on Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Prototyping the Multi-Sensor Interdisciplinary Water Cycle Data Portal
- Putting Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Services to Good Use
- Real-time Monitor Quality of WMS to Support Service Choosing Decision
- Relating OGO-5 H+ Plasmapause Transitions to Mid-Latitude Topside-Ionospheric Signatures
- Sensitivity of the Strength of the Brewer-Dobson Circulation to SST Perturbations in an Aqua-planet Model
- Solar wind density influence on the efficiency of geomagnetic response to the interplanetary electric field
- Space Shuttle Impacts on Mesospheric Clouds and Iron Layers as Observed by Lidars and Satellites in the Antarctic and Arctic
- Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Planetary Mission Science
- Subsurface Pathways and Eastern Pacific Sea Surface Temperature
- Sun to 1 AU Propagation of a Slow Streamer-Blowout Coronal Mass Ejection
- Sun-to-Earth Imaging for Operational Space Weather Monitoring
- The Heliopause Reconnection X-line
- The Time Series Data Server (TSDS) for Standards-Compliant, Convenient, and Efficient Access to Time Series Data
- The influence of the tropical circulation on Indian summer monsoon during ENSO
- Type III-L Solar Radio Bursts and their Associations with Solar Energetic Proton Events
- Utilizing Model Interoperability and High Performance Computing to Enhance Dust Storm Simulation
- Validating and Tuning Physical Models With Multiple Data Sources (Invited)
- A Remote Sensing-based Global Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System for Supporting GEOSS (Invited)
- A proto-type land surface OSSE testbed for obtaining high-resolution soil moisture data
- Aerosol-Cloud interaction simulations for liquid and ice clouds with a Single Column Model (SCM) using McRAS cloud physics with ARM data and satellite retrievals
- BingEO: Enable Distributed Earth Observation Data for Environmental Research
- Cloud computing for geophysical applications (Invited)
- Comparison of Ozone and Water Vapor Retrieved From Airbus In-Service Aircraft (MOZAIC) and AIRS data over Delhi
- Coronal Heating by Surface Alfven Wave Damping: Implementation in MHD Modeling and Connection to Observations
- Correlative Observations with Space-Borne Direct Doppler Wind Instruments of the Rapid Transport of Shuttle Exhaust Plumes (Invited)
- Differentiate the causes for the widening of the Hadley circulation through the regime change and seasonal cycle of mean circulation (Invited)
- Dst index in the 2008 GEM Modeling Challenge - Model performance for Moderate and Strong Magnetic Storms
- Dynamics of CMEs and Evolution of CME Magnetic Field From the Sun to 1 AU
- Energetic protons accelerated by a model Coronal Mass Ejection and associated shock in the solar corona
- Enhancing the Teaching of Digital Processing of Remote Sensing Image Course through Geospatial Web Processing Services
- Environmental Model Interoperability Enabled by Open Geospatial Standards - Results of a Feasibility Study (Invited)
- Evolution of Piled Up Compressions in Modeled CME Sheaths and the Resulting Sheath Structures
- Exploring U.S Cropland - A Web Service based Cropland Data Layer Visualization, Dissemination and Querying System (Invited)
- Implementation of the OGC Web Processing Service for Use in Spatial Web Portal
- Information Technology Infusion Case Study: Integrating Google Earth into the A-Train Data Depot
- Investigation of the 2006 Drought and 2007 Flood Extremes at the Southern Great Plains Through an Integrative Analysis of Observations (Invited)
- Issues and Solutions for Bringing Heterogeneous Water Cycle Data Sets Together
- Kinematic Characterization Of In/out Pairs As Seen In Secchi
- Kinematic, Morphological Evolution and Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Interplanetary Space
- LWS FST: Determine and Quantify the Responses of Atmospheric/Ionospheric Composition and Temperature to Solar XUV Spectral Variability
- Lunar altimetric datasets: Global comparisons with the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter elevation model
- Macroturbulence in Very High Resolution Atmospheric Models: Evidence for Two Scaling Regimes
- NASA Giovanni Tool for Visualization and Analysis Support for the YOTC Program
- NEWS: Improving Water and Energy Prediction through Integration
- Paleomagnetism of Proterozoic Mafic Dikes of the South Pass Area, Southern Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
- Partial Torus Instability in Initiating Coronal Mass Ejections
- Patterns in bacterial and archaeal community structure and diversity in western Beaufort Sea sediments and waters
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate spectral and temporal variations of solar EUV and XUV irradiance models over solar rotation and solar cycle time scales
- Radiation Environment and Surface Radiolytic Interactions at Mimas
- Raindrop Size Distribution and Z-R Relation during the Black Rainstorm Warning in Hong Kong
- Rapid Assimilation Platform for Insight and Discovery (RAPID) with Application to Space Weather Research
- Results of the Collaborative Energy and Water Cycle Information Services (CEWIS) Workshop on Heterogeneous Dataset Analysis Preparation
- Simultaneous Observations of Evolution in SEP Elemental Composition on Widely-Separated Spacecraft: Comparisons between Ulysses and ACE/Wind in Late 2001
- Source Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Variability in Heavy-Ion Composition in Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Electron Velocity Distribution Function in The Solar Corona: First Results
- Spatial web service evaluator for supporting spatial web portal
- Streaming Limit: New Observations and Model Results
- Testing dayside ionospheric remote sensing methods using RAIDS measurements of the OII 83.4 and 61.7 nm dayglow
- The Environmental Protection Agency's Watershed-based Approach: where social and natural sciences meet to address today's water resource challenges
- The GEOSS Clearinghouse based on the GeoNetwork opensource
- The GPM Common Calibrated Brightness Temperature Product
- The NASA Energy and Water cycle Study
- The Virtual Model Repository: Data/Model Visualization Benefits of Collaboration
- The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory
- Things That Work: Roles and Services of SPDF
- Understanding Interplanetary Shock Dynamics in the Inner Heliosphere with New Observations and Modeling Techniques
- Understanding Interplanetary Shock Dynamics in the Inner Heliosphere with New Observations and Modeling Techniques: Case studies on the 2010-04-03 and 2010-08-01 events
- Understanding the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Interplanetary Space (Invited)
- Using Autoplot in the Heliophysics Data Environment
- Using MHD modeling to specify inner heliosphere conditions during the three MESSENGER Mercury flybys
- Using an Open-Source Grid Framework and Virtualization for Embarrassingly Parallel Computations
- Utilizing Cloud Computing to Support Earth Science Applications
- the position of the midlatitude storm track and eddy-driven westerlies in aquaplanet agcms (Invited)
- A Computing Infrastructure for Supporting Climate Studies
- A Multi-vantage Point Study of the 15 February 2011 Interplanetary CME Event Using Models and Observations
- A National Crop Progress Monitoring System Based on NASA Earth Science Results
- Acceleration of the Water Cycle over the Colorado Headwaters Region from Eight Year Cloud Resolving Simulations of the WRF Climate Model
- CME Parameter Input to ENLIL: LASCO halo cone versus STEREO measurements
- Challenges in characterizing, assessing, and capturing quality of remote sensing data
- Climate@Home: Crowdsourcing Climate Change Research
- Comparative Modeling of 2011 March 21 SEP Event at STEREO-A and Earth's L1
- Comparative Validation of Realtime Solar Wind Forecasting Using the UCSD Heliospheric Tomography Model
- Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne (DASH) interferometry for simultaneous wind and temperature measurements of the thermospheric red (630 nm) and green (558 nm) lines
- Experiencing the changing climate on the shores of Lake Superior
- Heliospheric remote imaging and its relation to CME input to solar wind propagation models
- Hydrographic patterns in microbial communities in the density stratified Alaska Beaufort Shelf
- Improving the effectiveness of communication about climate science: Insights from the "Global Warming's Six Americas" audience segmentation research project
- International Reference Ionosphere - Performance during the cycle 23/24 minimum
- Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Alfvenic Fluctuations using WSA-Enlil-LFM
- Measurement of OII 61.7 nm and implications for daytime ionospheric remote sensing
- Multi-spacecraft observation of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection during propagation
- NSF CAREER: What did we learn and advance in our knowledge on shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- Newly Released TRMM Version 7 Products, GPCP Version 2.2 Precipitation Dataset and Data Services at NASA GES DISC
- Numerical simulation of CMEs and SEPs in the inner heliosphere in August 2010
- Observation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes with Fermi LAT
- Observations of the White Light Corona from Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- On the Solar Wind Ion Composition Properties With Source Regions from Low-Latitude and Polar Coronal Holes of Opposite Polarity
- Online Evaluation of Satellite-derived Global Daily Precipitation Products
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate solar EUV and XUV model irradiance spectra
- Plasma Outflows Within Polar Coronal Plumes
- Potential Seasonal Predictability of the Global Water Cycle
- Predicting solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results
- Proof of Concept Tests of Photospheric Data Driving Methods
- Quantitative relationship between the trajectories of CMEs and evolution of their magnetic fields
- Science Enabling Roles and Services of SPDF
- Semantic solutions to Heliophysics data access
- SilvaCarbon: Volunteered Geographical Information and Effective Monitoring
- Simulating Ionospheric Variability in the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle-23 using SAMI3
- Sources of Anomalous Latitude Structure in Thermospheric Temperature and Density
- The Development and Evaluation of a Hydrometeorological Network in a Mountain Watershed
- The Development of a Web-service-based On-demand Global Agriculture Drought Information System
- The GEOSS Component and Service Registry
- The Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24: General Solar Wind, Large-Scale Solar Wind Structures, and Sector Asymmetry
- The Service Environment for Enhanced Knowledge and Research (SEEKR) Framework
- The first STEREO multi-event: Numerical simulation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched on August 1, 2010
- The longitudinal properties of solar energetic particle events investigated using modern solar imaging.
- The use of VIRBO and Autoplot within the automated processing chain for data from the ECT team for the upcoming RBSP mission
- Toward Consistent Understanding Of The Coupling Between The Ionosphere And Plasmasphere
- Understanding Shock Dynamics in the Inner Heliosphere with Modeling and Type II Radio Data: the 2010-04-03 event
- Very High Energy Solar Protons in the Sun's Atmosphere and at Earth: Gamma-Ray Flares and Ground-Level Events
- Weather uncertainty versus climate change uncertainty in a short television weather broadcast
- What can combined in-situ and remote-sensing observations teach us in preparation of Solar Probe+ and Solar Orbiter?
- A Four-Year Fermi Large Area Telescope Survey of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- A Long-Lived Equatorial Coronal Hole and the Associated Solar Wind
- A Series of Improved Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes (GSSTF) Datasets and the Associated Data Uncertainties
- A Web-based Geovisual Analytical System for Climate Studies
- A nonlinear dynamical 2D coupled mathematical model for phase transitions in methane gas hydrates within permafrost under climate change
- A study of the semi-direct and indirect aerosol effects on the Arctic region during the ISDAC campaign using WRF-CHEM
- An edge-based finite element scheme for MHD simulations on unstructured grids
- Assimilation of GIRO Data in IRI for Global Near Real-Time Ionospheric Specification
- Clouds for geospatial data processing
- Combining remote and in-situ observations to learn about CME evolution
- Comparison of Decadal AMOC Variability Among Climate Models
- Conflict as barrier to climate literacy: Findings from work with broadcast meteorologists
- Correcting Tropical Atlantic Precipitation Biases
- Cross-mission Analysis Through Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Services
- Data Distribution and Documenting Uncertainty Information for the Earth System Data Record: The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Evolution and DEM analysis of Early Structures of Coronal Mass Ejections by SDO-AIA
- Field aligned plasma coupling between the ionosphere and plasmasphere
- GeoSearch: A lightweight broking middleware for geospatial resources discovery
- Geometrical Insights from WSA-ENLIL based SEP event modeling
- Getting Data to Autoplot: a Survey and Comparison of Different Methods for Transmitting Data
- Hinode/EIS measurements of Abundances in Solar Active Region Outflows
- Influence of internal structure of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) on their propagation in WSA-ENLIL cone modeling
- Intraseasonal Variability in Coupled GCMs: The roles of ocean feedbacks, high-frequency SST variability, and cumulus parameterization
- Land Surface Data Assimilation
- Modeling Multi-Spacecraft Observation to Understand SEP Origin, Acceleration, and Transport and to Infer their Radial, Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations
- Modeling Saltwater Intrusion using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments: Assessment of 21st Century Projections
- North American Water Program (NAWP): A Vision to Address North America's Freshwater Sustainability Challenges
- Performance comparison of GES DISC data as a service between server-based system and cloud system
- Potential Effects of SLR and Land-Cover Changes on Hurricane Surge and Damage
- Restoration Of MEX SRC Images For Improved Topography: A New Image Product
- SAMI3 Simulations of Ionospheric Variability from 1996 to 2011
- Strive toward data harmony of multi sensor aerosol data - Tribute to Dr. Gregory Leptoukh
- The BlueSky Smoke Modeling Framework: Recent Developments
- The Detection of Coronal Suprathermal Particles Required to Seed Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles
- The Impact of Saharan Air Layer Dust on the Intensity and Intensity Change of Hurricane Earl
- The Magnetic Field of CME Ejecta at 1 AU: Dependence on Solar Observables
- The NASA Heliophysics Active Final Archive at the Space Physics Data Facility
- The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) Online Data Products
- The relation between the properties of pressure variations in the lower corona and solar energetic particle events
- Tracking Solar Active Region Outflow Plasma from its Source to the near-Earth Environment
- Uncover the Cloud for Geospatial Sciences and Applications to Adopt Cloud Computing
- Using ensemble modeling to understand successive halo CMEs: A case study using events from 2-4 August 2011
- 3D acceleration of small solar wind tracers and their location origin
- A Cloud-enabled Service-oriented Spatial Web Portal for Facilitating Arctic Data Discovery, Integration, and Utilization
- A Demonstration of SPDF Data and Services Enabling Science Studies of the Inner Magnetosphere
- A High Density Storm Surge Monitoring Network: Evaluating the Ability of Wetland Vegetation to Reduce Storm Surge
- A Union of Inner Magnetosphere Data from the Van Allen Probes and Related Missions at NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)
- A campaign to convey the scientific consensus about human-caused climate change: rationale, formative research, and campaign overview. (Invited)
- A quantitative assessment of the role of soft electron precipitation on global ion upwelling
- Accelerating Dust Storm Simulation by Balancing Task Allocation in Parallel Computing Environment
- Application of Digital Object Identifiers to data sets at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)
- Climate@Home: Utilizing Citizen Science for Climate Studies
- Cloud Computing for Geosciences--GeoCloud for standardized geospatial service platforms (Invited)
- Consistency Check on the Cmip 5 Generation of Models: an Optimized Approach
- Developing a distributed HTML5-based search engine for geospatial resource discovery
- Distributed GPU Computing in GIScience
- Evaluating regional heterogeneity statistics as reasonable proxies of the error of precipitation quantile estimation
- Evaluation of Noah land surface models in the FLUXNET sites using the Land Information System
- Evaluation of the Alliance for Climate Education's national high school edutainment program (Invited)
- Exploring Careers in Natural Hazards
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Global water balances reconstructed by multi-model offline simulations of land surface models under GSWP3 (Invited)
- How are properties of superhalo electrons and SEPs differentiated by their solar source regions?
- Hurricane coastal flood analysis using multispectral spectral images
- Impacts of land cover changes on hurricane storm surge in the lower Chesapeake Bay
- Implementing the International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) Validation Statistics in Online Tools to Inter-compare and Characterize Satellite-derived Global Precipitation Products
- Inner Heliospheric Evolution of a 'Stealth' CME Derived From Multi-view Imaging and Multipoint In-situ observations
- Integrating GIS and ABM to Explore Spatiotemporal Dynamics
- It Ain't the Heat, It's the Humanity: Evidence and Implications of a Knowledge-Based Consensus on Man-Made Global Warming
- Land Surface Processes and Drought Forecast Skill over North America (Invited)
- Line Profile Asymmetries, Densities, Spicules, and Nanoflares
- Linkages between hydrogeomorphology and nutrient availability in wetlands (Invited)
- Linking Humans to Data: Designing an Enterprise Architecture for EarthCube
- Long-term dust climatology in the western United States
- MERRA Analytic Services: Meeting the Big Data Challenges of Climate Science through Cloud-Enabled Climate Analytics-as-a-Service
- Magnetic Reconnection in a Partially Ionized Plasma: Scalings, Structure, and Implications for Understanding the Solar Chromosphere
- Making NASA Remote Sensing Data Directly Usable in Multiscale Air Quality Models
- Mining User spatiotemporal Behavior in Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure --using GEOSS Clearinghouse as an example
- Modeling Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Using the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
- Modeling the Formation of Active Region Flux Ropes from Flux Emergence Drivers
- Modification of Atmospheric Circulations and Transports due to Amazon Deforestation
- NASA indicators research in support of the National Climate Assessment
- North American Water Program (NAWP): A Vision to Address North America's Freshwater Sustainability Challenges
- On a Quest to Improve the Solar Forcing in IRI
- On the Remote Detection of Suprathermal Ions in the Solar Corona and their Role as Seeds for Solar Energetic Particle Production (Invited)
- Parallelizing R Code for the Evaluation of Heterogeneity Statistics in Precipitation Frequency Analysis
- Performance, Agility and Cost of Cloud Computing Services for NASA GES DISC Giovanni Application
- Preparing Precipitation Data Access, Value-added Services and Scientific Exploration Tools for the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG)
- Radiolytic Cryovolcanism Revisited
- Results of Component and Engineering Unit Tests of the ACRIM III Radiometer (Invited)
- Semantically optiMize the dAta seRvice operaTion (SMART) system for better data discovery and access
- Shock Acceleration and Transport of Solar Energetic Particles in the Corona
- Solar Energetic Particles and Their Near-Earth Effects in Cycle 24 So Far (Invited)
- Solar Energetic Protons at >500 MeV in the Sun's Atmosphere and in Interplanetary Space: The 2012 May 17 Ground Level Event
- Source Regions of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Variability in Heavy-Ion Elemental Composition in Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events (Invited)
- TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Rationale, Evidence for Effectiveness, and Potential for Nationwide Scale-Up. (Invited)
- The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle Earth System Data Record
- The Initiation of Solar Eruptions by Flux Emergence
- The NASA MEaSUREs-2006 Science Datasets Distributed at GES DISC
- The Once and Future North Atlantic: How the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period Can Increase Stakeholder Preparedness in a Warming World
- The Strategic Combination of Open-Access Peer-Review, Mainstream Media and Social Media to Improve Public Climate Literacy (Invited)
- The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: The First Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
- The connection between pressure waves in the corona and solar energetic particle events
- The standard-based open workflow system in GeoBrain (Invited)
- The zonal mean circulation response to global warming
- Twin coronal mass ejections simultaneously originating from a single polarity inversion line
- Utilizing Cloud Computing to Improve Climate Modeling and Studies
- Validating Dust Storm Model Using Satellite Aerosol Retrievals and Ground-based Observations
- VegScape: U.S. Crop Condition Monitoring Service
- WSA-ENLIL Cone Extension: Improving Solar Wind Forcing Parameter Estimates at Mercury
- What Will NuSTAR Observe from the Sun?
- A Global Error Model for Satellite Precipitation Products
- A Lightweight Remote Parallel Visualization Platform for Interactive Massive Time-varying Climate Data Analysis
- A Statistical Study of Coronal Mass Ejections and Coronal Holes during 2010-2014
- A magnetically-driven model of flux-rope expansion from the Sun to 1AU in order to compute Bz at 1AU.
- Advanced Science/Event-based Data Service Framework at GES DISC
- Assessing the Use of Metaphors to Facilitate and Improve the Effectiveness of Climate Change Communication
- Assessment of Modeling Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on TEC
- Attenuation of Storm Surge Flooding By Wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay: An Integrated Geospatial Framework Evaluating Impacts to Critical Infrastructure
- Attribution of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability to External Forcing, Internal Variability and Weather Noise
- Automated Means of Identifying Landslide Deposits using LiDAR Data using the Contour Connection Method Algorithm
- CESM-simulated 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Changes in Large Scale Crop Water Requirements and Yields
- CME Ensemble Forecasting - A Primer
- Comparative genomic analysis of oil spill impacts on deep water shipwreck microbiomes in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Coronal shocks properties and their associations with energetic particle events measured near 1AU.
- Developing a Hadoop-based Middleware for Handling Multi-dimensional NetCDF
- Developing a comprehensive conceptual arhictecture to support Earth sciences
- Developing a middleware to support HDF data access in ArcGIS
- Developing and Testing Water Cycle Intensification Indicator (WCI) over the United States
- Direct Observations of Magnetic Flux Rope Formation during a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection
- Direct multi-wavelength observation and analysis of wave-like propagating intensity disturbances along pseudo-open field lines above a sunspot
- Ensemble modeling of CME propagation
- Evidence for Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary lower plate mylonitization and extension in the Harcuvar metamorphic core complex, Arizona: Evidence from U-Pb geochronology
- Exploiting Aura OMI Level 2 Data with High Resolution Visualization
- Exposing USGS sample collections for broader discovery and access: collaboration between ScienceBase, IEDA:SESAR, and Paleobiology Database
- Extratropical Respones to Amazon Deforestation
- Extremely Large Euv Late Phase of Solar Flares
- Forbush Decreases on the Martian Surface during the 2014 Mars Oppositio
- Forecasting the magnetic vectors within a CME at L1 by using solar observations.
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Global Real-Time Nowcasting of Ionosphere with Giro-Driven Assimilative IRI
- Graceful Failure and Societal Resilience Analysis Via Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
- ISO TC211 standards on Provenance for Earth science
- Improved in Situ Space Weather Data Services from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center
- Improvements in the representation of the Indian Summer Monsoon in the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2
- Improving CME Forecasts Using the Hydro-Solution
- Improving solar wind modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model
- Influence of Past Changes in Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Boron/Calcium of Planktic Fossil Foraminifera
- Integrating Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and In-situ Measurements for Africa Drought Monitoring and Food Security Assessment
- Investigation of Methanol Formation Mechanisms in H<SUB>2</SUB>O+CH<SUB>4</SUB> Ices Subjected to 5 keV Electrons at a 10-100 K Temperature Range
- Investigation on Accelerating Dust Storm Simulation via Domain Decomposition Methods
- It Ain't (Just) the Heat, It's the Humanity: Increasing Public Understanding of Scientific Consensus and Its Role in Climate Literacy
- Modeling Magnetic Structures in the Inner Heliosphere
- NAGT-GER: A Community of Practice to Support the Emerging Field of Geoscience Education Research
- NASA Contributions to the Development and Testing of Climate Indicators
- Opportunities and Challenges in Using Research to Facilitate Climate Communication Collaborations
- Optimization of field spectroscopy and Hyperion data to evaluate water quality in the Shenandoah River Basin, Virginia
- Performance of the IRI-2012 model in the equatorial region: Variations with longitude and solar activity
- Plasma Properties of Pseudostreamers and Associated Solar Wind Streams
- Potential Applications of Remote Sensing Precipitation Data on Urban Stormwater Modeling
- Progress and Prospects for an Enlil-Based Sep Event Model for the Inner Heliosphere
- Putting the Past to Work: Driving Ecosystem Models with Mid-Pliocene Patterns of Warming
- RF-CLASS: A Remote-sensing-based Interoperable Web service system for Flood Crop Loss Assessment
- Real-time testing of satellite-based wild fire detection and their associated pollution impact on surface concentration of particulate matter
- Real-Time Ensemble Forecasting of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Wsa-Enlil+Cone Model
- Scientists Are from Mars, Laypeople Are from Venus: An Evidence-Based Approach to Consensus Messaging
- Scientists as communicators: A randomized experiment to assess public reactions to scientists' social media communication along the science-advocacy continuum
- Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) in SP-CCSM4
- Solar Wind Forcing at Mercury: Comparison Between MESSENGER Observations and ENLIL Model Results for the Low-Altitude Campaign
- Sustained Magnetic Connections from L1: IMAP Science with Planetary Transfers and Hohmann-Parker Resonance Orbits
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- The CME event on 07 January 2014: Why was it a geomagnetic dud?
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO)
- The First Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Great "Non-Event" of 7 January 2014: Challenges in CME Arrival Time and Geomagnetic Storm Strength Prediction
- The HELCATS Project: Characterising the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed During Solar Cycle 24
- The Interaction of Solar Eruptions and Large-Scale Coronal Structures Revealed Through Modeling and Observational Analysis
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The Mason Water Data Information System (MWDIS): Enabling data sharing and discovery at George Mason University
- The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
- The impact of atmosphere model resolution on mid-latitude storm track variability
- Towards forecasting IRTAM: patterns in foF2/hmF2 global assimilative maps during storm events
- Untangling ENSO Precursors
- What Do EUV Dimmings Tell Us About CME Topology?
- "Bundle Data" Approach at GES DISC Targeting Natural Hazards
- A Columnar Storage Strategy with Spatiotemporal Index for Big Climate Data
- A New Microbial Player on the Iron Redox Court of Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vents
- A STEREO/SECCHI COR2 Catalog of CME Properties Built via a 'Hybrid' (manual-automatic) Event Detection and Measurement Technique
- A comprehensive study of cavities on the Sun: Structures and Evolution
- Application of Snpp/viirs Data in Near Real-Time Supra-Snow Flood Detection
- Assessing Causes of Hydrologic Climate Extremes in the Upper Missouri Basin
- Autochamber measurements of Net Ecosystem (CO2) Exchange at a subarctic mire in Northern Sweden
- Automated Atmospheric Composition Dataset Level Metadata Discovery. Difficulties and Surprises
- Autoplot: a Browser for Science Data on the Web
- Building Capacity to Use Earth Observations: Best Practices for Monitoring Programmatic Progress
- Characteristics and Error Modeling of GPM Satellite Rainfall Estimates over Different Regions of Brazil
- Climate Responses to Changes in Land-surface Properties due to Wildfires
- Contextualizing Solar Cycle 24: Report on the Development of a Homogenous Database of Bipolar Active Regions Spanning Four Cycles
- Coronal seismology of flare-excited longitudinal slow magnetoacoustic waves in hot coronal loops
- Crowdsourcing a Spatial Temporal Study of Low Frequency (LF) Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse: Engaging Students and Citizens in STEM
- Curating Virtual Data Collections
- DAsHER CD: Developing a Data-Oriented Human-Centric Enterprise Architecture for EarthCube
- Deriving Kinematic Properties of Non-Radial, Asymmetric and Deflecting CMEs: Methods and Implications
- Develop an Architecture to Enable Effective Information Process in Mitigating Asteroid's Threat
- Development of a Subseasonal North American Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction System
- Dust events in Arizona: Long-term satellite and surface observations, and the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability CMAQ simulations
- Dynamics of High-Velocity Evanescent Clumps (HVECs) Emitted from Comet C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS) as Observed by STEREO
- EarthCube Integration and Test Environment (ECITE) : An environment to verify, validate, integrate and demonstrate EarthCube technology components
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Evaluation of Big Data Containers for Popular Storage, Retrieval, and Computation Primitives in Earth Science Analysis
- Evidence for Enhanced Thermospheric Hydrogen Densities from the Ukrainian Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- Extra-tropical origin of equatorial Pacific cold bias in climate models
- GDAL Enhancements for Interoperability with EOS Data
- High resolution field monitoring in coastal wetlands of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic to support quantification of storm surge attenuation at the regional scale
- How is climate change impacting precipitation?
- Improving the Accessibility of EOS Data Products for Consumption by GIS Applications
- Improving the Non-Hydrostatic Numerical Dust Model by Assimilating Different Spatiotemporal Resolutions of Soil Moisture and Greenness Vegetation Fraction Data
- Influences of Land Use on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes within Mixed Landscapes
- Integrating Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and In-situ Measurements for Africa Drought Monitoring and Food Security Assessment
- Investigating satellite precipitation uncertainties over a mountainous area in the eastern Italian Alps
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere coupling using the ionosphere-plasmasphere-electrodynamics (IPE) model
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) model and its coupling to terrestrial weather toward transitioning to operation
- Kameleon Live: A Cloud Based Analysis and Visualization Platform for Space Weather Researchers
- Kameleon Live: An Interactive Cloud Based Analysis and Visualization Platform for Space Weather Researchers
- Long-Term Global Aerosol Products from NASA Reanalysis MERRA-2 Available at GES DISC
- Modelling the force balance of magnetic flux ropes between the Sun and 1AU: application to space weather predictions
- Observed Local Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Feedbacks within the Context of Remote SST Anomalies: Lessons From Recent Droughts
- Online tools for uncovering data quality issues in satellite-based global precipitation products
- Performance of the IRI-2012 Model in the Low- and Mid-Latitudes: Variations with Longitude and Solar Activity
- Potential Regions of Strong Land-atmosphere Coupling Based on the S2S Project Database: Implications for the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall Variability
- Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall by Phase-Space Reconstruction Model
- Present-Day Evaluation and Climate Change Response of Daily Rainfall Distributions in Three Versions of the Conventional vs. Super-Parameterized Community Atmosphere Model
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux
- Rasdaman for Big Spatial Raster Data
- River Ice and Flood Detection Products Derived from Suomi NPP VIIRS Satellite Data to Support Hydrologic Forecast Operations in Alaska
- Robust Comparison of Climate Models with Observations Using Blended Land Air and Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- Robust and Heterogeneous Hydrological Changes under Global Warming
- SPDF Data and Orbit Services Supporting Open Access, Use and Archiving of MMS Data
- Seasonality of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation
- Simulating Storm Enhanced Densities (SEDs) Using Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
- The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project
- The Connection Between Hurricanes and Precipitation in Maryland
- The Convergence of High Performance Computing and Large Scale Data Analytics
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory
- The Effects of Urbanization on China's Future Climate based on Dynamically Downscaled Projections
- The International Reference Ionosphere - 45 Years of International Space Weather Collaboration
- Tightly linked oceanic meridional and zonal temperature gradients - a fundamental climate constraint for the Miocene, Pliocene and other epochs
- Toward an Accurate Prediction of the Arrival Time of Geomagnetic-Effective Coronal Mass Ejections
- UUI: Unified User Interface to Support Effective and Intuitive Data Discovery, Dissemination, and Analysis at NASA GES DISC
- Uncertainty of Coupling Metrics Between Soil Moisture and Heat Fluxes
- Utilizing Satellite Precipitation Products to Understand the Link Between Climate Variability and Malaria
- A Knowledge Discovery framework for Planetary Defense
- A Method to Optimally Merge Precipitation Products for Land Surface Modeling
- A New Method for Determining the Optimal Lagged Ensemble
- A Rules-Based Service for Suggesting Visualizations to Analyze Earth Science Phenomena.
- Advancing User Supports with Structured How-To Knowledge Base for Earth Science Data
- Advancing our Understanding of Active Region Evolution and Surface Flux Transport Using Far Side Imaging from STEREO 304
- An Assessment of the SST Simulation Using the Climate Forecast System Coupled to the SSiB Surface Model
- Assessing Recent Warming Using Instrumentally-Homogeneous Sea Surface Temperature Records
- Autoplot and the HAPI Server
- Benchmark Comparison of Cloud Analytics Methods Applied to Earth Observations
- Building Public Will for Climate Change Solutions: Which Beliefs Are Most Helpful?
- Can the CESM Large Ensemble Reliably Recreate ENSO Precursors?
- Characterizing Weathering Crust Hydrology in the Southwest Greenland Ablation Zone
- ClimateSpark: An In-memory Distributed Computing Framework for Big Climate Data Analytics
- Community Engagement to Drive Best Practices and Scientific Advancement
- Data Container Study for Handling Array-based Data Using Rasdaman, Hive, Spark, and MongoDB
- Data List - Specifying and Acquiring Earth Science Data Measurements All at Once
- Data List: A Value-Added Service to Enable Easy Data Selection
- Decadal Predictability Without Ocean Dynamics
- Development and nationwide scale-up of Climate Matters, a localized climate change education program delivered by TV weathercasters.
- Development of A Dust Climate Indicator for the US National Climate Assessment
- Dust Storm Feature Identification and Tracking from 4D Simulation Data
- ECITE: A Testbed for Assessment of Technology Interoperability and Integration wiht Architecture Components
- ENSO Ocean Energetics and Observational Wind Power
- Ecological modeling of planktonic foraminifera to facilitate climate model-proxy reconcilliation during the mid-Piacenzian
- Effects Of Spatial Variability In Marshes On Coastal Erosion Under Storm Conditions
- Emerging Cyber Infrastructure for NASA's Large-Scale Climate Data Analytics
- Engaging with Underserved Urban Communities on Climate Resilience
- Estimation of the Forced Responses in the CMIP5 AMIP Simulations and Application to Reanalyses
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation of the Ability of S2S and NMME Models to Predict Heat Waves Following Drought Events in the United States
- Examination of Satellite and Model Reanalysis Precipitation with Climate Oscillations
- Explore Earth Science Datasets for STEM with the NASA GES DISC Online Visualization and Analysis Tool, GIOVANNI
- Exploring and Analyzing Climate Variations Online by Using MERRA-2 data at GES DISC
- Extending the Confrontation of Weather and Climate Models from Soil Moisture to Surface Flux Data
- Future Flood Inundation and Damages from Storm Surge in the Coast of Virginia and Maryland with Projected Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Scenarios
- HAPI: a simple, standardized interface for serving Heliophysics time-series datasets
- High-Resolution Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using Automated Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR; Year One Results, Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Hybrid Cloud Computing Environment for EarthCube and Geoscience Community
- Hydrologic Response to Climatic and Vegetation Change in an Extreme Alpine Environment
- Identifying and Assessing Gaps in Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Skill using the North American Multi-model Ensemble
- Impact of interactive A/O feedback on Multi-decadal Variability of East Asian and West African Summer Monsoon in the CFSv2 Simulation
- Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Afternoon Precipitation over North America
- Increased Tidal Dissipation in Rocky Satellites Subjected to Realistic Rheological Responses
- Investigation of the distribution of cold plasmas across geospace during storms using the IPE model
- Investigation of vegetation-induced drag parameterizations for natural and nature-based extreme events coastal protection in the Chesapeake Bay
- Isolating the effects of climate-mediated changes in temperature and water availability on the capacity expansion and operations of the U.S. power sector
- Kameleon-live: An analysis and visualization platform for CCMC-hosted models
- Linkages between land surface modeling and bottom-up/top-down biogenic emission estimates: implications for synergic use of satellite land and atmospheric composition data
- Long Term Decline in Eastern US Winter Temperature Extremes.
- Mining and Utilizing Dataset Relevancy from Oceanographic Dataset (MUDROD) Metadata, Usage Metrics, and User Feedback to Improve Data Discovery and Access
- Multi-Crop Specific Area Frame Stratification Based on Geospatial Crop Planting Frequency Data Layers
- New Model of the night-time CO<SUB>2</SUB> 4.3 µm emissions in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere
- New global precipitation products and data service updates at the NASA GES DISC
- Observational Signatures of Coronal Heating
- On the full kinematic evolution of CMEs from the Sun to the Earth
- Optimal Precipitation Merging to improve Soil Moisture Modeling
- Quantifying Local Ablation Rates for the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Terrestrial LIDAR
- Radio-bio-cyclo-magneto-stratigraphy solves longstanding problems of the global Triassic: astronomically paced aquifer-eustasy, interregional platform correlation, and geologic time
- Reforecasting the 1972-73 ENSO Event and the Monsoon Drought Over India
- Reforecasting the ENSO Events in the Past Fifty-Seven Years (1958-2014)
- Remote-sensing-based rapid assessment of flood crop loss to support USDA flooding decision-making
- Revisiting the false alarm in the 2014 El Niño prediction
- Seasonal and Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Extratropics and Interaction with the Tropics
- Seasonality of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations: Sensitivity to Mean Background State
- Simulation of Rossby wave breaking and its role for Atlantic circulation regimes
- Simultaneous Observations of Topside H<SUP>+</SUP> Ions at Sub-auroral and Middle Latitudes Using IS Radars at Millstone Hill and Kharkiv: Initial Results
- Soil Moisture Memory in Karst and Non-Karst Landscapes
- Stochastic error model corrections to improve the performance of bottom-up precipitation products for hydrologic applications
- Subseasonal Pedictability of Extreme Events
- The Emergence of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) Paced by Obliquity Cycles during the Pliocene
- The importance of high-resolution observations of the solar corona
- The response of East Asian Summer Monsoon to a Global Warming Scenario
- The utility of space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission mapping for monitoring emissions from cities
- Understanding the causes of drought demise over CONUS
- Validation of IMERG Satellite Precipitation Product over Ocean and Land against Gauge and Radar Data
- Warm-Rain Precipitation over Complex Terrain: a New Polarimetric Classification Scheme
- Wetter subtropics in a warmer world
- What Are the Best Fingerprints for Detecting Anthropogenic Aerosol Cooling?
- A Big Data Platform for Storing, Accessing, Mining and Learning Geospatial Data
- A Geospatial Data Recommender System based on Metadata and User Behaviour
- A Standard for Sharing and Accessing Time Series Data: The Heliophysics Application Programmers Interface (HAPI) Specification
- Access NASA Satellite Global Precipitation Data Visualization on YouTube
- An Iterative Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis Using Time-dependent 3-D MHD Models as Kernels
- Are recent hurricane (Harvey, Irma, Maria) disasters natural?
- Assimilation of passive and active CCI soil moisture products into hydrological modelling: an intercomparison study in Europe
- Astrochronology and magnetostratigraphy of the Xujiahe Formation of South China and Newark Supergroup of North America: implications for the Late Triassic time scale
- Building Capacity for Actionable Science and Decision Making in Alaska
- Building a better search engine for earth science data
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Flux Related to Forest Type and Managed and Unmanaged Conditions in the Great Dismal Swamp, USA
- Challenges in Visualizing Satellite Level 2 Atmospheric Data with GIS approach
- Chronostratigraphic Analysis of Geomorphic Features within the Former Sinepuxent Inlet: A Wave-Dominated Tidal Inlet along Assateague Island, MD, USA
- Climate Impacts of Fire-Induced Land-Surface Changes
- Climate Sensitivity and Natural Variability: Theoretical Frameworks and the Bounding of Radiative Feedback Estimates
- Coastal and Riverine Flood Forecast Model powered by ADCIRC
- Communicating Glacier Change and Associated Impacts to Communities and Decision-makers
- Controls on Characteristics of Event-based Catchment Flood Response over Continental United States
- DC Rocks! Using Place-Based Learning to Introduce Washington DC's K-12 Students to the Geosciences
- Data Container Study for Handling array-based data using Hive, Spark, MongoDB, SciDB and Rasdaman
- Demonstrating the Value of Near Real-time Satellite-based Earth Observations in a Research and Education Framework
- Deriving and Constraining 3D CME Kinematic Parameters from Multi-Viewpoint Coronagraph Images
- Developing Information Services and Tools to Access and Evaluate Data Quality in Global Satellite-based Precipitation Products
- Development of new geomagnetic storm ground response scaling factors for utilization in hazard assessments
- ESIP's Earth Science Knowledge Graph (ESKG) Testbed Project: An Automatic Approach to Building Interdisciplinary Earth Science Knowledge Graphs to Improve Data Discovery
- EclipseMob: Results from a nation-wide citizen science experiment on the effects of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on Low-frequency (LF) Radio Propagation
- Estimating Surface Soil Moisture in a Mixed-Landscape using SMAP and MODIS/VIIRS Data
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating the Impact of Whole Atmosphere Coupling on Storm Time Response in the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Evaluation of Climatic Variability of Errors in IMERG Version 04 Precipitation Products
- Extratropical response to Fast and Slow episodes of Madden-Julian Oscillation in observation and using intervention experiments with CFSv2
- Facilitating the Easy Use of Earth Observation Data in Earth System Models through CyberConnector
- False Balance in Climate Change Reporting Among TV Meteorologists
- Foraminifera Models to Interrogate Ostensible Proxy-Model Discrepancies During Late Pliocene
- GES DISC Data Recipes in Jupyter Notebooks
- GES DISC Datalist Improves Earth Science Data Discoverbility
- Geospatial Analysis of Low-frequency Radio Signals Collected During the 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Health Benefits of Decreases in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Ozone in the United States from 1998 to 2016
- How to Make Eccentricity Cycles in Stratigraphy: the Role of Compaction
- Hydrogen-bond symmetrization breakdown and dehydrogenation mechanism in FeO<SUB>2</SUB>H at high pressure
- Improvements to Autoplot's HAPI Support
- Introduction to SNPP/VIIRS Flood Mapping Software Version 1.0
- Investigating Access Performance of Long Time Series with Restructured Big Model Data
- Investigating the ocean's role in the AMV
- Merging Satellite Precipitation Products for Improved Streamflow Simulations
- Modeling SST gradient changes, the hydrological cycle response, and deep water formation in the North Pacific
- Moving Towards a Science-Driven Workbench for Earth Science Solutions
- Moving towards Hyper-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling
- NASA's Big Data Task Force
- NASA's High Mountain Asia Team (HiMAT): collaborative research to study changes of the High Asia region
- Near surface meltwater storage in low-density bare ice of the Greenland ice sheet ablation zone
- New nighttime retrievals of O(<SUP>3</SUP>P) and OH densities in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere using SABER/TIMED observations
- Observed Local Impacts of Global Irrigation on Surface Temperature
- On the harvest of predictability from land surface states
- Optimizing Earth Data Search Ranking using Deep Learning and Real-time User Behaviour
- Parameterizing subsurface karst geology within the Noah Land Surface Model (LSM)
- Prediction of SEP Peak Proton Intensity Based on CME Speed, Direction and Observations of Associated Solar Phenomena
- Prediction of Significant Wave Heights in the Tropics at Sub-seasonal Time Scales
- Properties of Coronal Shocks at the Origin of SEP events Observed by Only One Single Spacecraft
- Reconstruction of paleo-inlet dynamics using sedimentologic analyses, geomorphic features, and benthic foraminiferal assemblages: former ephemeral inlets of Cedar Island, Virginia, USA
- Relationship between annual precipitation variability and ENSO in Southern California for the Common Era (last 2,000 years)
- Restructuring Big Data to Improve Data Access and Performance in Analytic Services Making Research More Efficient for the Study of Extreme Weather Events and Application User Communities
- Revisiting the "thermospheric spoon" mechanism of the thermosphere and ionosphere semiannual oscillation
- SEP modeling based on global heliospheric models at the CCMC
- Sifting Through SDO's AIA Cosmic Ray Hits to Find Treasure
- Soil moisture monitoring with long term in situ sensors: Lessons from MOISST.
- Stable Isotope Evidence for North Pacific Deep Water Formation during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- Testing Timescales for Rhythms Recorded in the 2.5 Ga Banded Iron Formation of the Dales Gorge Member (Brockman Iron Formation, Hamersley Group, Australia)
- The Connection Between Solar Coronal Cavities and Solar Filaments
- The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Historical Context of the 2017 Hurricane Season's Ocean Warmth
- The Impact of Rising Temperatures on Aircraft Takeoff Performance
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database: An International Community-Curated Resource for Paleoecological and Paleoenvironmental Data
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission
- The Strength of Cloud Feedbacks and the Structure of Tropical Climate Change - A CESM Sensitivity Study
- Three summers of high-resolution, high-accuracy velocity data of Helheim Glacier, as measured by an automated terrestrial LiDAR scanner: methods, challenges, and applications
- Tracking variable sedimentation rates in orbitally forced paleoclimate proxy series
- Turning Misinformation into Climate Change Education
- Updating representation of land surface-atmosphere feedbacks in airborne campaign modeling analysis
- Using ENLIL and SEPMOD to Evaluate Shock Connectivity Influences on Gradual SEP Events Observed with STEREO and ACE
- VIIRS Marine Isoprene Product and Initial Applications
- Weathercasters' views on climate change: A state-of-the-community review
- Why a geoeffective CME was missed by SOHO LASCO?
- iFLOOD: A Real Time Flood Forecast System for Total Water Modeling in the National Capital Region
- A 34 m.y. astronomical time scale for the uppermost Mississippian through Pennsylvanian of the Carboniferous System
- A Downscaled Surface Atmospheric Forcing Dataset for Land Surface Modeling
- A Field Guide to Climate Contrarians: Strategies for Responding to Misinformation, Myths, and Misunderstandings
- A Nonparametric Statistical Technique for Spatial Downscaling of Precipitation over High Mountain Asia
- A Pliocene perspective on ocean circulation and nutrients: the role of Pacific overturning on Earth system timescales
- A STEREO Survey of the Mass of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed at Earth in 2008-2012
- A Synthetic Experiment to Investigate the Potential of Assimilating LAI through Direct Insertion in a Land Data Assimilation System
- A framework for predicting irrigation through soil moisture data assimilation
- A time-series analysis software package (Acycle) for paleoclimate research and education
- Accessing and Using GOLD and ICON Data Through SPDF Services
- An Integrated Hydrologic-Hydraulic Flood Forecast System for the Tidal Potomac River in the National Capital Region: Prospects and Challenges
- An Online, Historical, Tropical Cyclone Database Combining Lightning with Observations from the GPM Core Observatory and the GPM Constellation
- An information technology foundation for fostering interdisciplinary oceanographic research and analysis
- Anti-Atlas Field Camp, Tafraoute Morocco
- Assessing the Performance of Different LAI Data Assimilation Techniques in a Land Surface Model
- Assessment of Climate-Induced Change in River Flow and Associated Effects on Hydropower Generation and Ecosystem Services in Nepal using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Assimilation of MODIS snow cover and NASA MEaSUREs landscape freeze/thaw observations into the Noah-MP model across High Mountain Asia
- Astronomical forcing of the early Oligocene-middle Eocene climate changes revealed in the continental saline lake record, central China
- Atmospheric Response to Current and Future Arctic Sea ice loss and the Impacts on the Mid-latitudes in CESM-LE
- Autoplot in Planetary Sciences and Heliophysics
- Beyond Dueling Experts: Communicating the Importance of Knowledge-Based Consensus to Policymakers
- Can Euro-Atlantic Circulation Regimes Transitions be Tropically Forced? Results from Observations and the Metis ECMWF/COLA/NCAR forecast project.
- Challenges in Development of Online Visualization and Analysis Tools for Satellite Data
- Characteristic of TMPA Rainfall
- Chesapeake Bay watershed: Analyzing interdependencies between climate change and social economic factors
- Continuous Terrestrial LiDAR data of Helheim Glacier to quantify ice-ocean interactions
- Control of Storminess over the Pacific and North America by Circulation Regimes: Forecast Model Verification
- Covariability Between Temperature and Salinity Across Ocean Reanalysis Products
- CyberConnector COVALI: enabling inter-comparison and validation of Earth science models
- DC Rocks: Getting Kids in DC from Underrepresented Groups Hooked on Rocks (and Other Geoscience Topics) While They Are Young
- Data Assimilation of Terrestrial Water Storage to Adjust Precipitation Fluxes
- Data-driven Modeling, Prediction and Predictability: The Complex Systems Framework
- Demonstrating the value of Near Real-time GOES-16 Data in a Research and Education Framework
- Dependency of Mass Loss Rate of the Sun on Its Magnetic Variability over Solar Cycles
- Developing Capabilities for Driving the Solar Atmosphere with Photospheric Magnetic Field Observations
- Development of Satellite Based Dust Optical Depth from MODIS Deep Blue Product Collection 6.1 in the Western United States
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Downscaled Atmospheric Forcings for Hyper-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling in High Mountain Asia
- Downscaling Soil Moisture Monitoring by Combining Remote Sensing Observation and In Situ Measurements
- Drought Demise Quantification and Attribution Using the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble (CESM-LE) and Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA2)
- Dust storm detection with GOES-R ABI over North America: Comparison against ground observations in the 2017 dust season
- EclipseMob 2020/2024 Bluetooth-Based Kit for Crowdsourced Ionospheric Measurements
- Effects of Spatial Resolution on a Distributed Hydrologic Model through Dynamical Forcings: Flood Extent and Depth in Low Gradient Watersheds
- Energy and Water Cycle Variability in the First Decade of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Error characterization of Level-3 gridded GPM-based precipitation products over oceans using OceanRAIN
- Estimating Solid Earth Tidal Consituents from PBO Station Borehole Strainmeters
- Evaluating Predictive skill and Predictability of the US Seasonal Precipitation using CFSv2 Reforecasts of Sixty Years (1958-2017)
- Evaluating a Bottom-up Inventory of Volatile Chemical Products and Mobile Source Emissions with Field Measurements in New York City
- Evaluating the Efficacy of Natural Coastal Systems for Flood Defense in Chesapeake Bay
- Examining Precipitation and Temperature Relationships at Global Scales
- Extracting Solar Physics from 151 Million Images
- Fire and ice: Intense convective precipitation observed at high latitudes by the GPM satellite's Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) and the ground-based World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN)
- Fractional Helmholtz to Help Detect Fine Scale Features
- Getting Out of Comfort Zones: A Case Study in Science Communication Outlines Lessons Learned During Practical Experience Conducted With Undergraduate Communication Students Reporting About Science and Climate Change Issues for Their Journalism Courses at George Mason University (USA)
- HAPI: An API for Streaming ASCII Data over HTTP
- Hemispheric (A)symmetries During the Plio-Pleistocene Climate Transitions
- How Asymmetries Between Arctic and Antarctic Climate Sensitivity are Modified by the Ocean
- How Important are Marsh Properties for Assessing Flood Mitigation Benefits?
- How are cold plasma plumes coupled between Magnetosphere-Plasmasphere-Ionosphere?
- How will the South Atlantic Subtropical High Respond to Climate Change? - Evaluating CMIP5 Model Predictions
- IGS-IRI cooperation for near-real-time assessment of global weather-climate VTEC deviation
- Impact of Rainfall Estimation Uncertainty on Early Warning Procedures: The Case of Montecito Mudslides in 2018.
- Improve Earth Data Discovery through Deep Query Understanding
- In pursuit of an earlier CMIP initialisation date ...
- Incorporating Realistic Channel Geometry Data to Improve Continental-Scale Flood Forecasts with the National Water Model
- Insights on Observed ENSO Events Based on an Empirical Adjusted ENSO Energetics Framework
- Investigating Hydrometeorological Conditions Associated with Increasing Dust Events in Southwestern United States
- Investigating the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Satellite-Based Freeze/Thaw Products
- Ionosphere Nowcast using GIRO and COSMIC
- Keeping Everyone HAPI: Achieving Interoperability for Heliophysics and Planetary Time Series Data
- Land Use/Land Cover Classification and Change Analysis for Ganges River Basin from 2000 to 2010
- Legacy Pesticides in Riverine Marsh Sediment Cores from the Tidal Freshwater Potomac River
- MJO Pacific Teleconnection : Interaction between MJO and QBO
- Mapping and monitoring fractional woody vegetation cover in the arid savannahs of northern Namibia using machine learning, LiDAR and SAR data.
- Measuring Ice Sheet Surface Elevation Change in the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone From Repeat Terrestrial LIDAR Surveys
- Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse
- Multi-platform observations of dust storm activity over Southwestern United States: Long-term trend, climate drivers and societal impacts
- Nature and Nature-Based Coastal Protection: Towards a Real Time Coastal Protection Forecast System
- New Late Pennsylvanian Paleomagnetic Results from Parana Basin (Southern Brazil): a Possible Record of the Persistent Non-Dipolar Component During Kiaman Times?
- Nitrogen systematics in thermally altered insoluble organic matter: An experimental study
- Observational Aspects of the Teleconnection between the Tropical Ocean Diabatic Heating and the Indian Monsoon Variability
- Observing the Column O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Density Ratio on the Earth Disk with the ICON FUV Imager
- OceanWorks: Enabling Interactive Oceanographic Analysis in the Cloud with Multivariate Data
- Perceptions of Social Consensus Relate to Prioritization and Support of Climate Policy
- Planetary Defense Mitigation Gateway
- Predictability of North Atlantic Ocean Temperatures in observations and CMIP5 models
- Preliminary Observations and Results from the WISPR Instrument on the PSP
- Presence and Sourcesof Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Water and Sediments in The Tidal Freshwater Potomac River and Its Tributaries
- Public and Local Government Priorities on the Development of Local Sea Level Rise Plans
- Quantifying Tidewater Glacier Surface Displacements Using Autonomous Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning; Helheim Glacier Greenland
- Rapid Detection of Tropical Cyclones from Climate Simulations
- Re-Interpretation of Neoproterozoic Sediments of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas Mountains: Implication for the Snowball Earth Model
- Real Time Flood Forecasting in Estuaries: Integrating riverine flows, tides and storm surge
- Reconciling the Disagreement between Observed and Simulated Temperature Responses to Deforestation
- Reconstructing the Dust Cycle During the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Reducing uncertainty in the detection of anthropogenic aerosol forcing
- Relationship between annual precipitation variability and ENSO in Southern California for the past 9,000 years
- Renovating and Updating the Geologic Maps of the Apollo Landing Sites
- Revisiting MJO, Kelvin Waves, and El Niño Relationships Using a Simple Ocean Model
- Satellite and Reanalysis Air Quality Data and Services for Public Health Study at NASA GES DISC
- Satellite detection of rapid fuel shift in electricity generation over the eastern United States (2012-2017)
- Seasonal Forecast Skill of Tropical Cyclone Landfalls in the United States: Influence of Enhanced Ocean and Atmosphere Resolution
- Seasonally Dependent Impacts of Easterly Anomalies on the Development of El Niño Events
- Sensitivity of Atmospheric Rivers to Damping of Mid-latitude Sub-seasonal Variability
- Sensitivity of US Drought Prediction Skill to Land Initial States on Subseasonal to Seasonal Timescales
- Si IV Resonance Line Emission During Solar Flares: NLTE radiation transfer simulations
- Simulations of Observed Haze Layer Structure in Pluto's Atmosphere
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Quantification of snow water equivalent uncertainty across North America via ensemble-based land surface modeling
- SnowEx 2019 - A time series airborne and field experiment in multiple snow climates
- Statistical study of UV spectral properties in flares using the multi-wavelength observations by IRIS, Hinode, SDO, and RHESSI
- The Climatological Influence of Eurasian winter surface conditions on the summer circulation in the Asian continent and Indo-Pacific in the CFSv2 Seasonal Reforecasts
- The Effect of Shallowing the Mixed Layer Depth in an AGCM-Slab Ocean Coupled Model
- The Euro-Atlantic Circulation Response to the MJO Cycle of Tropical Heating using Coupled GCM Intervention Experiments.
- The Evolution of a Milankovitch-like Spectrum in the Banded Iron Formation of the 2.5 Ga Dales Gorge Member (Hamersley Basin, Australia)
- The Invisible Policymaker: Congressional Staff Members as Users and Producers of Science Communication
- The Link Between the Mixed Layer Depth in the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge and the Initiation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- The Strength of Low-Cloud Feedbacks in Response to CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Induced Warming and Tropical Climate: A CESM Sensitivity Study
- Three-dimensional MHD simulation of solar wind using a new boundary treatment: Comparison with in-situ data at Earth
- Timescales and Mechanisms of the Tropical Pacific Response to Global Warming
- Tracking Flows and Disturbances in Coronagraph Data
- Transferring Skills or Building a Network? What Interviews with Trainers Reveals About Building Capacity for Actionable Climate Science
- UV Remote Sensing of the Daytime Ionosphere and Thermosphere: Challenges, Results, and Future Directions
- Unpacking the Influence of Warming on Hydrological Partitioning in Rain-Snow Transition Zones of the Western United States
- Using Coordinated Observations from the Flight of the High Resolution Coronal Imager to Constrain Active Region Heating Scenarios
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Using SMAP data to assess the importance of soil texture to modeling land surface and atmospheric conditions over East Asia
- Valuing Natural Habitats for Enhancing Coastal Resilience
- Very Large Array Measurements of Coronal Angular Broadening
- WSA-ENLIL+Cone Modeling of CMEs in 2010-2011 Using Multipoint Spacecraft Observations
- WaterSmart: A cyberinfrastructure-based integrated decision-support web service system to facilitate informed irrigation decision-making
- Week 3-4 Predictions using Machine Learning Techniques
- What causes CME travel time estimation errors: their kinematic measurements in the corona or the limited understanding of the forces in their IP propagation?
- Why the torus-unstable flux rope eruption failed?
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- A Demonstration Study Comparing the Utility of Different Metrics in Validating SAMI3
- A High Spatiotemporal Resolution Dust Tracking Framework based on MSG-SEVIRI
- A High-resolution Precipitation Data for Hydrologic Modeling - An Evaluation Study for Basins in Nepal
- A SMAP-based Continental-scale Soil Evaporation Dataset
- A Study on Parsimonious Models in Catchments Generating Saturation Excess Runoff
- Accessing the Impacts of Climate Change on the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus over the Horn of Africa Using NASA Earth Observing Data Products
- Adventures in the Antarctic: Sensitivity, Orography, and Emergence of Climate Change at a Pole Far, Far Away
- An exploration into the origin of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability through the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Atlantic Meridional Mode
- Are predictability timescales for Atlantic upper ocean heat content in models consistent with observations?
- Asian Monsoon Evolution During the Pliocene Linked to Strengthening Pacific Temperature Gradients
- Assimilation of MODIS and GLASS Leaf Area Index in a Land Data Assimilation System at the Global Scale
- Atmospheric Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Building Climate Science Literacy through Dance & Choreography: Impact and Solutions to Climate Change
- Calibration of Crop Growth Simulation Model for Irrigated Cropland Using Remote Sensing Derived Leaf Area Index
- Comparing Global Passive Microwave Freeze/Thaw Records: Investigating Differences between Ka- and L-Band Products
- Comparison of Coronal Mass Ejections Associated with Flares and Filaments
- Compound Urban Flooding in Large Metropolitan Areas along Tidal Rivers: A Case Study for the Washington DC Region
- Contributions of GEO-LEO Satellite Imagery in Flood Mapping for Flood Forecasting and Monitoring
- Convective transport of water vapor and air pollutants in the southeastern US: a multiscale modeling study including soil moisture and multispecies chemical data assimilation
- Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory Science Objectives
- Correcting oscillatory modes in numerical models using singular spectrum analysis and data assimilation
- Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology of the Messinian, Zanclean, and Piacenzian Stages from the Southwest Pacific, Site DSDP 594
- Data Assimilation of Terrestrial Water Storage Observations to Estimate Precipitation Fluxes: A Synthetic Experiment
- Deep Learning Cyberinfrastructure for Crop Semantic Segmentation
- Design of MEMS-based micro-size instrument for applications of atmospheric environment monitoring and personal exposure measurements
- Diffusional Fluxes of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products Across the Sediment-Water Interface in the Urban Tidal Freshwater Potomac River (Washington, DC)
- Do We Need Rain Gauges? A Prototype Error Modeling Framework for IMERG based on GPM DPR
- Empirical Modeling of Thermospheric Dynamics; Past, Present, Future
- Eruption of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes Caused by Flux feeding
- Estimating the Visibility Function of Modern Coronagraphs
- Evaluating the Efficacy of Natural and Nature-Based Features for Coastal Protection in the Chesapeake Bay
- Evaluating the impact of urban and shipping emissions on aerosol pollution, vegetation photosynthesis and transpiration: a satellite-constrained modeling study with policy implications
- Evaluation of runoff simulations from Noah-MP land surface models across High Mountain Asia from 2002 to 2010.
- Evaluation of snow observation data using an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) framework
- Explore Air Quality from NASA Satellite Data
- Extracting the Buoyancy-Driven Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- GeoLatinas (Latinas in Earth and Planetary Sciences) Contributing to Professional Development and Retention of Underrepresented Groups at Large
- GeoLatinas: a new, inclusive, and innovative organization embracing, empowering, and inspiring Latin-women in Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- How the strength of the low cloud cover feedback can impact centennial to millennial processes in the climate system
- Hyper-Resolution Surface Hydrology in the Nepalese Himalayas
- Implementing Polar Projections with OGC Services for the Enhancement of AIRS NRT Visualization in LANCE
- Insolation, soil moisture and the seasonality of the interaction between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Maritime Continent
- Interoperability for Heliophysics and Planetary Time Series Data via HAPI
- Investigating How Ambient Solar Wind Conditions Influence Local Observations of SEPs
- Investigating Meteorological Conditions Associated with Valley Fever Outbreaks in Southwestern United States
- Investigating the Aspect Ratio of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Investigating the Surface Properties and Evolution of a Desert Playa Using Optical and Radar Satellite Imagery Products
- Investigating the Use of Satellite-based Precipitation Products for Monitoring Water Quality in the Occoquan Watershed
- Investigation of Precipitation Trends Across Northern Virginia
- Investigation on the Three-Dimensional Structure of Heating of Summer Monsoon during Excess and Deficit Monsoon Years over Gangetic West Bengal
- Ionosphere-thermosphere system heating and cooling during storms
- Land Surface Influence on Incidence of Mesoscale Convective Complexes in CONUS
- Long Term Potential Evapotranspiration and Evapotranspiration Data and Services at NASA GES DISC
- Mapping of potential CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from Wildfires in Morocco
- Metrics Learning at NASA GES DISC
- Micro-scale Urban Heat Island Analytics with Anthropogenic Heat Releases and A Deep Learning Based Spatiotemporal Prediction Framework
- Mid-Pleistocene Hydroclimate of Southern Africa Inferred From Terrigenous Marine Sediment Geochemistry
- Middle Paleozoic global-ocean redox trends based on uranium isotopes from marine limestones and their relationship to paleobiologic, carbon-cycle, and climatic changes
- Model-Based Parametric Analysis of Total Water Prediction in Coastal Transition Zones of the US East and Gulf Coasts
- Modern Tools for Planetary Science: Using Laser Scanning Mapping Techniques for 3D Registration of Sample Locations in Lava Caves
- Monitoring Drought and Land Cover Change over the North Africa Using NASA MERRA2 Data Products
- Multi-model simulations of springtime dust storms in Northeast China: Implications of an evaluation of four commonly used air quality models (CMAQ, CAMx, CHIMERE, and WRF-Chem)
- Neighboring Planet Outposts: Location and Opportunity
- Novel use of satellite data for improving national air quality forecasts through emission data assimilation
- Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period (3.264-3.025 Ma)
- Paleoclimate Constraints on Climate Sensitivity Modified by Radiative Feedback Dependence on Sea-surface Temperature Patterns
- Paleoclimatic significance of Permian loess and dust in Variscan basins of eastern equatorial Pangaea
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Data at the SPDF Archives
- Planetary Boundary Layer Height from AIRS, MERRA-2, and GPS Radio Occultation Data Products at NASA GES DISC, and Insights from Their Atmospheric Profiles Intercomparison
- Prediction of Field Level Crop Types Using Markov Chain Modeling on Crop Rotation Pattern
- Provenance and cyclostratigraphy of Permo-Carboniferous dust delivered to northeastern Gondwana
- Rainy Cloud Detection and Convective Precipitation Delineation Based on Deep Neural Network Method Using GOES-16 ABI Images
- Relationship between soil moisture and crop yield in America during a drought
- Remote Sensing Observations of the First CME Seen by WISPR
- Rethinking the definitions of modes of decadal climate variability
- Simplifying NASA Earth science data and information access through natural language processing based data analysis and visualization
- Simulated polar amplification and its causes on decadal to millennial timescales
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Modeled SWE Estimates Using an Ensemble-based Approach
- Solar Energetic Particles and Seed Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe at ∼0.5 au: Observations and Modeling of the April 21, 2019 Energetic Particle Event
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Standards and Communities Supporting NASA's Heliophysics Data Environment
- Stirring Things Up - Productivity Boost or Just a Drain? Nutrient Sensitivity to Meridional Overturning in the Pliocene
- Sudden stratospheric warming effects on the light species and mass density of the thermosphere
- Super-Resolution Maps of the Solar Magnetic Field Covering 40 Years of Space Weather Events
- The Cape Town "Day Zero" drought and Hadley cell expansion.
- The Effect of Evolution on The Flare Activity of Solar Active Regions
- The Incorporation of TRMM Data into the GPM Mission Data Suite
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database and EarthLife Consortium: Building Community Data Resources to Mobilize Dark, Long-Tail Records of Past Biodiversity Dynamics
- The UCSD Iterative Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis Using an ENLIL 3-D MHD Model Kernel
- The benefit of integrating GPM IMERG Early Run with soil moisture based rainfall estimates for crop modelling and flood forecasting: case studies in Western Africa
- The role of surface shortwave flux correction in reducing climatological temperature biases
- The role of the oceanic tunnel in the tropical Pacific response to global warming
- Towards hyper-resolution land-surface modeling enabled by SMAP observations
- UV Multi-Spectral Images of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere from LITES and ICON
- Understanding the interannual variability of fine dust over North America in spring
- Understanding the intermodal spread in CMIP5 Projections of Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Anticyclones and Hadley Cell Edge
- Unraveling the Internal Magnetic Field Structure of the Earth-directed Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections During 1995 - 2015
- Using Autoplot to Provide Access to Data in Python
- Using GES DISC Data to Study Kilauea Volcano of 2018
- Using large ensemble climate models to evaluate methods of uncertainty estimation in attribution and detection
- Weak Miocene meridional SST gradients imply wetter subtropical conditions
- Why do fast and wide CMEs not always produce observable solar energetic particles?
- iFLOOD: An experimental platform for integrated total water forecasts for the National Capital Region and the Chesapeake Bay
- A New Interactive 3-Dimensional Data Viewer for the Enlil Solar Wind Model
- A model to understand the flux rope distortions resulting of the propagation
- Active faulting along the Noa Dihing River, easternmost Himalaya
- An Improved National Air Quality Forecasting Capability Using the NOAA Global Forecast System Version 16
- An Introduction to the VIIRS 3-D Flood Products
- An Open Source Data Catalog that Supports Internal Use and FAIR Data Standards
- Assessing Global Climate Models Arctic Sea-Ice Prediction Through Comparison with Observational Data
- Assimilating satellite soil moisture observations in a hyper-resolution land surface model
- Can citizen pressure influence politicians' communication about climate change? Results from a field experiment
- Carbon and beyond: Interactive global change impacts on Amazon biogeochemical cycles
- Challenges and Opportunities in Satellite Data Services for Interdisciplinary Research and Applications
- Changes in of Snowmelt Runoff Timing in the United States between 1957 and 2017
- Cloud liquid water assumption of Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms for the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar onboard the GPM Core Observatory
- Constraining Global Coronal Models with Multiple Independent Observables
- Contemporary Analysis Methods for Coronagraph and Heliospheric Imager Data
- Decoupled changes in upwelling and acidity in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene
- Detecting the Magnitude and Direction of Information Flow between Land and Atmosphere
- Detection of Coccidioides fungi from the soil and air in the Southwestern United States
- Developing a Semantic Irrigation Ontology to Support WaterSmart System: A Demonstration of Reducing Water and Energy Consumption in Nebraska
- Development of a "nature run" for observation system simulation experiments (OSSE) for snow mission development
- Disproportionate Impacts of the COVID-19 Economic Slowdown on Air Pollution in the U.S.
- Do Surface Temperature Indices Reflect Trends in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Strength?
- Do you communicate science or the environment? A qualitative investigation into how science professionals differentiate these fields of work and study
- EclipseMob 2.0: Developing a Distributed Support Model for a Build-Your-Own Instrument Citizen Science Experiment
- EclipseMob 2.0: Receiver Design for Low-Frequency RF Data Collection During the 2024 Solar Eclipse
- Emergent Constraints on the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Regional Hydroclimate: Do They Still Work in CMIP6 and How Much Can They Actually Constrain the Future?
- Enhancing community engagement and resilience: Reducing the socio-economic impacts of flooding in Pakistan
- Ensemble PM2.5 Forecasting during the 2018 Camp Fire Event using the HYSPLIT Model and Using TROPOMI to Improve the forecast
- Ensemble Prediction and Predictability of Extreme Weather on Sub-seasonal Time Scales in SubX and S2S using Circulation Regimes: Winter and Summer Storm Track Responses
- Estimating biomass burning emissions with HYSPLIT-based emission inverse modeling system and GOES Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) observations
- Evaluating Model Advancements for Predicting CME Arrival Time - CCMC/NOAA SWPC Partnership Final Report
- Evaluation of Sub-Seasonal Coastal Flooding Forecasts for Extreme Events; Hurricane Isabel and Katrina Case Studies
- Evaluation of county-level riverine flood vulnerability of agricultural populations in the Potomac River Watershed
- Evaluation of land-atmosphere coupling and the Budyko relationship in CMIP6 models
- Evaluation of uncertainty in precipitation forecast products for real-time flood guidance in large metropolitan areas
- Examination of Current and Future Permafrost Dynamics across the North American Taiga-Tundra Ecotone
- FEWS - Designing engineering solutions to address challenges at the Food-Energy-Water nexus in a rural low-income community
- First Validation of GEDI Vegetation Structure Metrics in South African Savannas.
- First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II
- Foraminifera Species Distribution Models Inform Proxy Interpretation and Place Future Change in Geological Context
- Geographic extent and drivers of Pliocene Oxygen Minimum Zones
- Geomorphic investigation of fold characteristics and linkage across the Indoburman Range
- Geoweaver: Connecting Dots for Artificial Intelligence in Geoscience
- Giovanni at 20: Consistency and Persistency in Making Earth Remote Sensing Data Available (and Useful) to the Earth Science Community
- Greenland supraglacial discharge measurements highly correlated with diurnal ice sheet motion
- How does North Atlantic sea surface temperature variability differ between fully coupled and slab ocean models?
- Impacts of changing Arctic hydrodynamics and wave conditions on maritime transportation
- Improving Online Dialogues about Justice and Equity in Climate and Science Policy
- Informing Improvements in Microwave Freeze/Thaw Products using High-Resolution Temperature Data Over North America
- Intensification of the hydrological cycle during Eocene `greenhouse' climates
- Investigating Water Quality Data Using Principal Component Analysis and Granger Causality
- Investigating temporal trends and spatial patterns of extreme precipitation in Northern Virginia, USA
- Investigating the Arctic climate and ecosystem changes during the past decades by combining space and in situ measurements: A case study of Toolik Lake, Alaska, USA
- Investigation of fire smoke plume injection height sensitivities during the 2017 Northern California wildfires outbreak using a combination of satellite data and air quality modeling: Implications for health risk assessment
- Joint Assimilation of GLASS Leaf Area Index and SMAP Soil Moisture in a Land Surface Model at the Global Scale
- Knowledge Discovery Framework: Deep Learning Applications for Remote Sensing
- Low and Mid-latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to the April 2020 Storm
- MASON NorthLands Agent-Based Model of Climate Change and Human Migrations in the Boreal and Arctic Regions
- Momentum and Buoyancy Contributions to Atlantic Ocean Circulation Variability
- Narratives of Conflict and Resilience: Understanding Structural Violence in an Arctic Community Facing Climate Change
- Nonlinearity and multivariate dependencies in land-atmosphere coupling
- Oceanic and Atmospheric factors contributing towards the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones in a warming climate: A diagnostic study of Super Cyclone AMPHAN over the Bay of Bengal
- Orbitally-resolved Pliocene environmental variability at North Pacific ODP 883
- Prediction of Solar Wind and CMEs at Solar Orbiter by WSA-ENLIL
- Process-oriented Diagnosis of Four types of MJO
- Quantifying the Benefits of Natural and Nature-Based Features in Maryland's Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays to Inform Conservation and Management under Future Sea Level Rise Scenarios
- Real-time total water forecasts for the Washington, DC Metropolitan region: Integrating coastal, riverine and urban flood forecasting at a range of spatio-temporal scales
- Reconstructing and simulating the warming patterns of the Cenezoic: reviewing advances and challenges
- Reducing highway accidents with a satellite-aided dust storm forecasting system
- Relative coronal abundance diagnostics with Solar Orbiter/SPICE
- Resolving Long-Standing E-Region Data/Model Discrepancies
- Role of AMOC in transient climate response to greenhouse gas forcing in two coupled models
- Seasonal Drought Prediction: The Changing Role of Snow in Water Supply Forecasting across the Western U.S.
- Seasonal Forecasting of Sea Level Anomalies in a Multi-model Prediction Framework
- Semi-coupling of a Field-scale Resolving Land-surface Model and WRF-LES to Investigate the Influence of Land-surface Heterogeneity on PBL Development
- Serving netCDF-based NASA EOS Data Products with ArcGIS Image Service
- Short- and long-term fault-slip kinematics of the Churachandpur-Mao fault zone, Indo-Burman Ranges.
- Simulating Miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic Multi-Model ensemble (MioMIP1)
- Simulation of an Arizona Dust Storm Using a High-resolution WRF-FENGSHA-CMAQ Modeling Framework
- Soil moisture controls on evapotranspiration, photosynthesis, and ozone dry deposition during ACT-America 2016
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Compound Flood Characteristics in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Region
- Standardizing Time Series Data Access across Heliophysics and Planetary Data Centers using HAPI
- Statistical Comparison of the CIR- and CME- Induced Geomagnetic Activity Effects on Lower Thermospheric Temperature
- Storm Surge and Wave Heights Impacts over Coastal Wetlands during Extreme Events: A Case-Study in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System
- Super-resolution of Solar Magnetograms
- Temperature and extreme soil moisture relationships in Subseasonal Experiment project (SubX) forecast models and their impact on heatwave prediction
- Ten Million Years of Paleoclimatic Variability Recorded in Permian Loessite of Eastern Equatorial Pangea
- The 2020 Summer Extreme Dust Event: Effects of the Albedo Drag Partition on the FENGSHA Dust Emission Parameterization in GEFS-Aerosol
- The Evolution of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble
- The Influence of Direct Radiative Forcing versus Indirect Sea Surface Temperature Warming on Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Anticyclones
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Need for a Holistic Approach to the Climate Crisis: Integrating Climate Intervention, Mitigation, Adaptation and Social Science Research Communities
- The Southern Hemisphere as a Thermodynamic Modulator of ENSO Amplitude
- The effect of meteorological conditions on COVID-19 transmission
- The enigmatic Indo-Burma convergent margin at the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra delta
- The impact of ocean dynamics on predictability of North Atlantic sea surface temperatures
- The influence of subsurface conditions on the spatial and temporal variability of SST and rainfall over the global tropics in the Past 57 Years (1958-2014) reforecasts
- The story of Skeptical Science: How citizen science helped to turn a website into a go-to resource for climate science
- Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Events and CME Dynamics in the Low Corona using MLSO and Spacebased Coronagraph Observations - Progress Report
- Updates of MERRA-2 Data and Services at NASA GES DISC
- Using Nature to Increase Coastal Resilience: Implicit and Explicit Wave Attenuation Modeling at varying Spatial Scales
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Web Geoprocessing Services for Disseminating and Analyzing SMAP Derived Soil Moisture Data Products
- A Decade of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME): Research, Application, and Future Directions
- A Fast and Accurate Method to Capture the Solar Corona/Transition Region Enthalpy Exchange in Multi-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations
- A Google Earth Engine-based Coding-free Application for Rice Mapping and Sample Collection in South Asia
- A Multi-setting Ensemble Land Surface Modeling Framework for Assimilating Satellite Vegetation Observations
- A New Interactive 3-Dimensional Data Viewer for the Enlil Solar Wind Model
- A Solar-Dedicated Observing System for the OVRO Long Wavelength Array
- A Statistical Analysis of the Atmospheric Response to Land-Surface Heterogeneity Using Large-Eddy Simulation Over the Southern Great Plains Site in Oklahoma
- A new inner heliospheric MHD model suite validated with the multiple CME events during 12-23 July 2012
- Advanced operational remote sensing products and associated agro-geoinformatics services for supporting agriculture decision making in South Asia
- An Open Analysis Ready Data Service System
- Analysis Of The Net Basin Supply To A Large Inland Lake With A Coupled Basin-lake Model And Different Climate Forcing
- Analysis of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by Multiple Spacecraft, including by WISPR on Parker Solar Probe
- Are predictability timescales for Atlantic upper ocean heat content in models consistent with observations?
- Assessing the Impacts of Rapid Climate Change on Arctic Soil Conditions by Combining Satellite and In Situ Measurements
- Assessment of CMIP6 extreme precipitation trends in the National Capital Region of the United States and implications on flood engineering design.
- Building ArcGIS Services in AWS for NASA GES DISC Data
- Camera and Compass: A Field-Based Method for Generating and Orienting Structure From Motion Virtual Outcrop Models
- Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
- Characterizing soil moisture regimes, linear and nonlinear soil moisture-latent heat flux dependencies in observations and models
- Characterizing the Spectral Profiles of Mg II, C II and Si IV in Solar Flares
- Co-Production & Equity: Creating a Research-based Framework
- Compact Coronagraph (CCOR): Ground Processing and Science Pipeline
- Comparing OMI and TROPOMI NO2 Data Assimilation for Estimating NOx Emissions
- Comparing Solar Wind Data Collected by MESSENGER Spacecraft to Simulation Data by AWSoM Model
- Contribution of Cropland Wind Erosion to Air Pollution: Results from a High-resolution Weather-Air Quality Modeling Framework Applied to an Arizona Dust Storm
- Coordinated observations of the daytime thermosphere with ICON and GOLD
- Coronal Mass Ejection Distortion at 0.1 au Observed by WISPR
- Creating a multi-institution outreach network to improve climate literacy
- Cyclostratigraphy of early-middle Miocene lacustrine successions in Jiuxi Basin, northeastern Tibet
- Developing a Cloud-based Management and Processing Services for Discrete High Spatial Resolution Arctic Sea Ice Imagery
- Development and Evaluation of North America Wildfire Ensemble Forecast.
- Diagnosing Boundary Layer Coupling Sensitivity to Evaporative Fraction using a Novel Single-column Modeling Approach: Impacts and Applications
- Direct First PSP Observation Of The Interaction Of Two Successive Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections On November 2020
- Dust Storm-Enhanced Gravity Waves in the Martian Thermosphere Observed by MAVEN and Implication for Atmospheric Escape
- ENSOs Impact on Hydroclimate Extremes over the Mississippi River Basin during the Last Millennium
- Earth-Moon dynamics from Eocene cyclostratigraphy
- EclipseMob 2.0: Updated Plans to Engage Citizen Scientists in a Crowdsourced Experiment During the 2024 Eclipse to Answer Fundamental Questions about the Ionosphere
- Enabling Citizen Science for Geospatial Survey and Research with Geofairy
- Enhanced VegScape for Near-real-time Monitoring of U.S. Vegetation Conditions
- Evaluating the Spatial and Temporal Accuracy of Crop Acreage Estimation from Different Agencies
- Evaluation of Glass Transition Temperature in an Air Quality Model and the Impact on Aerosol Phase State and Secondary Formation
- Evaluation of multiple satellite-based atmospheric products across High Mountain Asia
- Evidence of a complex structure within the 2013 August 19 CME. ICME radial and longitudinal evolution in the heliosphere.
- Exploring Historic and Future Precipitation Projections in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Region
- Exploring the Role of Gentrification in Poverty Management
- First Validation of GEDI Canopy Height in African Savannas
- Fitting Technique to Obtain the 3D CME Geometric Parameters and Uncertainty Analysis.
- Forecasting Inundation Extents Using Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis (FIER) with VIIRS imagery in the U.S. flood-prone regions
- From Permanent El Nino to the Modern Pacific Walker Circulation: a Potential Amplifier of Climate Cooling Through Enhanced Silicate Weathering.
- GeoCaFES: Communities and Future Earth Scientists
- Geoweaver for Automating ML-based High Resolution Snow Mapping Workflow
- How important is model calibration for improving flood hazard characterization?
- How will the tropical Pacific respond to global warming? The importance of timescale when considering apparent paleo-paradoxes
- ISO 19124 A new series of ISO standards to facilitate interoperable use and reuse of remote sensing data and derived products
- Identify climatic impacts of land use across different scales
- Identifying the Fingerprints of Early Pliocene-like Sea Surface Temperature Gradients with an Isotope-Enabled General Circulation Model
- Impact of Land-Atmosphere Interaction Fidelity on Skill of Heatwave Prediction in Subseasonal Forecast Models
- Improvement of the ESA CCI daily soil moisture time series with physically-based land surface model datasets using a Fourier transform method
- Improving Coastal Storm Surge and Inundation Forecasts by Assimilating SWOT Products
- Internal and External Modulation of Folding Rates with 104 TO 105 Year Time Resolutions from Growth Strata, Pico del Aguila, Spain
- Introducing Cyberinformatics Tool for Exploring Pre- and In-season U.S. Crop Cover
- Investigating Soil Moisture-Precipitation Relationships During Recent Flooding Events Using WRF Simulations and NOAA Operational Modeling Products
- Investigation of Compound Flooding in the Coastal Transition Zone within Lake Maurepas Watershed and Southeastern Coastal Louisiana
- Investigation of climate change impacts on respiratory health risk in the United States with NASA Satellite Measurements
- Large eddy simulations to explore processes controlling the responses of marine low clouds to aerosol injections
- Late Pliocene as an analogue for studying sensitivity of Pacific Walker Circulation to CO2 forcing
- MHD Avalanches: Self-Consistent Heating in Model Active Regions
- Mining magnetometer data reveals X-lines matching observations of MMS ion diffusion regions
- Modeling the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Thermosphere of Mars with a Non-orographic Whole Atmosphere Gravity Wave Scheme: M-GITM Application for Interpreting MAVEN NGIMS Measurements
- Multi-scale Evaluation of Surface Temperatures in a Mixed Snow-Vegetation Environment Using Drone-Based Thermal Infrared Observations
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events with Enhanced 3He Abundance
- Neutral Thermospheric Composition Information in ICON EUV Measurements
- Non-migrating structures in the midlatitude thermosphere during December solstice
- Numerical simulations of coronal flux rope eruptions caused by flux feeding processes
- Proxy-model comparison for Late Eocene and early Oligocene conditions around the margins of Antarctica
- Quantifying Capabilities in Observing Coronal Mass Ejections
- Quantifying a decade of Savanna vegetation structure change with L-band SAR.
- Reference Atmospheric Temperature Trends Observed from Satellites in Stable Orbits
- Resolving E-region data/model discrepancies: The role of high-resolution cross sections and photoionization rates
- Revealing flare productivity of solar active regions through magnetic field parameters and their evolution
- Roles of the westward propagating waves and the QBO in limiting MJO propagation
- Satellite soil moisture data assimilation impacts on ozone dry deposition modeling: sensitivity to dry deposition parameterizations
- Skillful Wintertime Temperature Forecasts out to 6 Weeks with Machine Learning Methods over the America's
- Skillful statistical prediction of sub-seasonal temperature by training on dynamical model data
- Standardizing Access to Heliophysics Data - HAPI Specification Updates and Some New Usages for Cloud and Model Data
- Stationary Waves and Upward Troposphere-Stratosphere Coupling in S2S Models
- Statistical Analysis for WAVEWATCH III Model Optimization Tools
- Strain Partitioning Within the Indo-Burman Fold-Thrust Belt SW of the Intersection between the Churachandpur-Mao and Dauki Faults.
- Strain partitioning in the IndoBurma Subduction Zone: GNSS constraints on the Kabaw Fault in Myanmar
- Study of Type III Radio bursts in the Closed Corona and the Solar Wind from Small-scale Reconnection: Observations
- Subsurface deformation within the Bengal Basin due to oblique subduction of the Indian Plate at the IndoBurman Subduction Zone
- The CCOR-1 Compact Coronagraph: Description and Ground Calibration Results
- The Effects of Small Geomagnetic Storms on Ionospheric Densities
- The Long Period of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles Measured by Solar Orbiter 2020 November 1723
- The Unified Forecast System Research to Operations (UFS R2O) Project: Accelerating the development of community-based Earth-modeling system for research and operations
- The air toxicants (Styrene and BTEX) emission estimate in support of their human exposure assessment in the U.S. Gulf region
- The impact of different plume rise schemes on wildfire pollution dispersion and downwind PM2.5 exceedance prediction during 2020 and 2021 wildfire seasons
- Tracking and Understanding the Trajectory of CMEs From Birth to Late Stage
- Understanding Active Layer Thickness Variability Under Changing Climatic Conditions Across the North American Taiga-Tundra Ecotone
- Vegetation Structure product needs for future science and applications.
- WaterSmart: A data-driven intelligent irrigation decision-making web service system
- Week 3-4 Prediction of Wintertime CONUS Temperature using Machine Learning Techniques
- 22 Years of Coal Pollution and Premature Deaths in the Medicare Population
- A Comparison between Different Crop Models for Simulating Soil Temperature
- A Direct Insertion Technique to Assimilate Sea Surface Height in a Storm Surge Model
- A Knowledge Graph Connecting Multiple NASA Science Mission Directorate Domains
- A Large-Scale Hydrological Modeling Framework to Assess Climate-Impacted Changes in Water Availability in the Amazon Basin
- A Multiple Model Adaptive System for Assimilating Satellite-based Vegetation Observations
- A New Method of Inferring Solar Wind Velocity Along CME Trajectories
- A New Source of Subseasonal Temperature Prediction over CONUS
- A Retrospective Outlook of Heavy Downpours over Pakistan
- A Stochastic Three-dimensional Focused Transport Simulation of Solar Energetic Particles Produced by a Data-driven Coronal Mass Ejection Shock
- A coordinated enhanced network strategy proposal to monitor North America's major agricultural systems, prove NASA's satellite products, and improve hydrologic prediction
- A model-data comparison of the hydrological response to Miocene warmth: leveraging the MioMIP1 opportunistic multi-model ensemble
- Advances in Vegetation Height Estimates from WorldView Multispectral Imagery Using Deep Learning
- An Improved X and Ku Band SWE Retrieval Algorithm and Validation Analysis Using Airborne Data
- Applications of TROPOMI NO2 to understand urban NO2 and NOX emissions
- Applying Dynamical Adjustment Techniques to Quantify Contributions of Variability to North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature
- Assessing the Impacts of California Wildfires on Air Quality using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning
- Astronomical forcing of Miocene red and green mudstone rhythms reveals a negative hydrologic budget linked to orbital eccentricity maxima in northeastern Tibet
- Automating Data-driven Irrigation Scheduling Using Model Derived Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration
- Captured QBO-MJO Connection in a Subseasonal Prediction System
- Characterization of fire activities over CONUS using estimated fire combustion efficiency from TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) measurements
- Characterizing Precipitation Patterns Over High Mountain Asia Using an Ensemble Product
- Climatology of Thermospheric Mean Winds and Circulation based on ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Comparing solar wind data collected by MESSENGER spacecraft to simulation data by AWSoM model
- Comparison of GEDI and ICESat-2 Terrain and Canopy Height Estimates in African Savanna Vegetation
- Comparison of Modeled and Measured Electron Density Profiles in the E-region at Low Solar Activity
- Comparison of snow-covered area derived from PlanetScope CubeSat, Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2, and MODIS imagery in forested mountain regions
- Coupling coastal and hydrologic models through the first coastal Basic Model Interface in the Next Generation National Water Model Framework in low gradient coastal regions of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA
- Determining the CME Morphological and Kinematic Evolution Using Multi-Viewpoint Observations and Rigorous Uncertainty Analysis.
- Developing an Enhanced Global Record of Soil Specific Freeze/Thaw States
- Development and Applications of a Soil Moisture Validation Tool for the UFS Prototype Experiments
- Early Bursts during Flare Precursor and the Relationship to Onset of Solar Eruption
- Early career DEI resources from the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (AGU-H3S)
- Empirical Mode Decomposition of a new Plio-Pleistocene Leaf Wax Hydroclimate Record from the Benguela Upwelling System
- Evaluation and Mitigation of GPROF-TMI and -GMI Along-Scan Beam Position Precipitation Biases for IMERG V07
- Examining the Fidelity of Climate Model Simulations over Sub-grid Scale Heterogeneous Land Surfaces
- Expansion and intensification of the North American Monsoon during the Pliocene
- Following a prominence eruption from the Sun to Parker Solar Probe with multi-spacecraft observations
- Freshwater Bivalves: the Sherlock Holmes of Contamination Cases
- From an Analytic Collaborative Framework to an Earth System Digital Twin for Air Quality Analysis
- GeoSMART: Machine Learning Training and Curriculum Development for Earth Science Studies
- Geoweaver_cwl: Translate workflows from Geoweaver into Common Workflow Language (CWL) to improve Interoperability
- Global MHD modeling of solar wind structures using spherical AMR grids
- Hydroclimatic Risk in High Mountain Asia: a Novel Assessment of Impacts
- Identifying Wildland Fire Risks in California Using Machine Learning and Multi-Source Observation Data
- Impacts of Changing Arctic Hydrodynamics and Wave Conditions on Maritime Transportation and Reverberations
- Impacts of a Weakened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Warming Climate
- Implementation of API-Environmental Data Retrieval Service for Multidimensional Satellite Weather Measurements
- Improving NWS Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecast with Unified Forecast System: Highlights of Modeling and Analysis Results
- In the Search or the Origin of the Mid-latitude Lower E Region Layers
- Increasing Heliophysics Python Library Interoperability Through Datamodel Adapters
- Interactions and impacts of air pollution over mega-regions and forests in the Northeastern US and East Asia
- Introduction to the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S): Student and Early Career Led Initiatives to Enrich Collaboration Among the Water Community.
- Investigating Energy Release during Solar Eruptive Events
- Investigating Wildfire Impact on Ecosystem in California using NASA MODIS Measurements
- Investigating the Effects of Erosion in Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Flux Rope Orientation
- Making Heliophysics Data Easier to Use: Updates on the HAPI Specification
- Making Machine Learning-based Snow Water Equivalent Forecasting Research Productive and Reusable by Geoweaver
- Mapping Land Cover Change Across Senegal with Convolutional Neural Networks and Very High Resolution Data
- Mesopause and Thermosphere: Neutral Temperature Characterization of ICON
- Milankovitch climate control of hyperpycnal flow sedimentation in an Early Cretaceous succession (Ri Qing Wei Basin, China)
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Multiple ocean equilibria cause decoupling of the atmospheric pCO2 and regional temperatures
- Multipoint Probing of a Large-scale Complex Heliospheric Structure Knocking a Series of Satellites in February 2022
- Multiresolution Calibration of a Flood Hazard Model
- NOAA's Global Aerosol Forecast Capabilities: GEFS-Aerosols and UFS-Aerosols
- Neighborhood Emission Mapping Operation (NEMO): New 1km Air Pollutant Emission Dataset for Environmental Justice Studies
- Nested Rings CME Cavity from WISPR Imager onboard Parker Solar Probe
- New GNSS and geological data from the Indo-Burman subduction zone indicate active convergence on both a locked megathrust and the Kabaw Fault
- Nonstationary GEV with Hierarchical Spatial Pooling: A Spatiotemporal Bayesian Framework for Nonstationary Extreme Precipitation Frequency Analysis in the Gulf Coast
- Objective Estimation of Sediment Accumulation Rates and Time Scales for Carbonate-Rich Cyclostratigraphy
- Observation and Modeling of Gravity Waves in the Martian Whole Atmosphere under Varying Atmospheric Conditions and Implications for Atmospheric Loss
- Observational Constraints for Prediction of Wildfire Impacts on Air Quality in the United States
- Operational Forecasting Inundation Extents using REOF analysis (FIER) in the U.S. flood-prone regions using VIIRS/ABI and Sentinel-1 imagery, and National Water Model
- Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Modeling of Space Plasmas
- Picturing global magnetotail reconnection by data-mining a multi-mission archive of magnetometer data
- Proxy-Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southern High Latitudes
- Quantifying Feedback Sensitivities of Permafrost Degradation and Carbon Release with Earth Observation Data and Feedback Neural Networks
- Quantifying errors in 3D CME parameters derived from synthetic data using white-light reconstruction techniques
- Quantifying the Importance of Vehicle Ammonia Emissions in an Urban Area of the Northeastern US Utilizing Nitrogen Isotopes
- Quantitative Analysis of the Early Trajectory of CMEs in the Inner Corona
- QuiCFIM, a Quick GIS-Based Combined Flood Inundation Mapping Framework
- Real-time North American Ensemble Forecast of Hazardous Air Quality Events
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Satellite-Based Flood Inundation Mapping: A Multi-Regional Evaluation of VIIRS and SAR Products
- Satellite-aided forecasting of dust storms and their societal effects in the western United States: Progress, Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Soil moisture-precipitation relationships during recent floods in the US: results from modeling analysis and plans for GEWEX "soil-cloud cascade"
- Solar Energetic Electron Events Measured by the MESSENGER and Solar Orbiter Missions: Peak Intensity and Peak Energy Spectrum Radial Dependence: Statistical Analysis
- Spring Land Temperature in Tibetan Plateau and Global-Scale Summer Precipitation - Initialization and Improved Prediction -The GEWEX/LS4P Phase I Experiment
- Sustained mid-Pliocene warmth led to deep water formation in the North Pacific
- Temporal analysis of C-band InSAR decorrelation for canopy height mapping over dry forests and tropical savannas
- The CCOR Series of Compact Coronagraphs for the Space Weather Follow-On Program
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory: Overview and Recent Progress
- The Economic Costs of Wind Erosion in the United States
- The First Solar Transients Observed by SoloHI
- The GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Projects and Their Role in Providing Regional Information to Society
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Impacts of Climate Change on Wildland Fire Regimes in California
- The Role of Soil Moisture State on the Incidence of Summer Mesoscale Convective Systems in the U.S. Great Plains
- The Role of the Circulation Patterns in Projected Changes in Spring and Summer Precipitation Extremes in the U.S. Midwest
- The Sea Surface Temperature Pattern Effect in the Last Glacial Maximum Reduces Climate Sensitivity Estimates
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission: First Science Observations and Instrument Status
- The Unusual Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Event on 2013 August 19: Solar Origin and Particle Longitudinal Distribution
- Training Strategies of CNN for Land Cover Mapping with High Resolution Multi-spectral Imagery in Senegal
- Uncertainty quantification is crucial to improve urban flood risk projections
- Understanding when coronal mass ejections and outflows engulf Parker Solar Probe
- Upflows in solar active regions - producing a mix of abundances that can feed into the solar wind
- Upstream Mercury Solar Wind Conditions from MESSENGER Observations and Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model
- Using GEDI Data to Evaluate the Impact of the Australian 2019/2020 Fire Season on the Structure and Biomass of Gondwana Rainforests
- Using High-Resolution Photoionization Cross Sections and Solar Irradiance to Resolve E-region Data/Model Discrepancies
- VOC speciation in the wildfire plume
- Visualizing Enlil and EUHFORIA CME Propagation Models using an Accessible Interactive 3-Dimensional Data Visualization Tool
- What Does Equitable Co-production Entail? Three Perspectives
- What is Required Toward Reliable Data-based Solar Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Arendt
- A. A. Vidotto
- A. G. Burns
- A. G. de Wijn
- A. H. Armstrong
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Ridley
- A. J. Rogers
- A. Lyapustin
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Stephan
- Agatha M. de Boer
- Alan C Mix
- Alex Farnsworth
- Alex Guenther
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Ali Abdolali
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice Marzocchi
- Alphonse C. Sterling
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana P. Barros
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andreas Colliander
- Andreas J. Weiss
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew N. French
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anton Darmenov
- Aparna Bamzai‐Dodson
- Ayris Narock
- B. Boston
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. de Foy
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Bar Oryan
- Barron H. Henderson
- Barry A. Klinger
- Barry Baker
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Bill Liles
- Bok H. Baek
- Bradley Gay
- Brian E. Wood
- Brian J. Harding
- Bryan G. Mark
- Burcu Kosar
- C. J. Henney
- C. K. Pankratz
- C. Kay
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. R. Englert
- Camilla Scolini
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Chaim I. Garfinkel
- Chaowei Yang
- Chen Bin
- Chen Schwartz
- Cheng Sheng
- Cheng‐Zhi Zou
- Chi‐Tsan Wang
- Christian Möstl
- Christine Gabrielse
- Chunju Huang
- Colin D. Johnston
- Colin Triplett
- Colm Sweeney
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Cristiana Stan
- D. A. Roberts
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. Lario
- D. M. Lindholm
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. V. Reames
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel E. Amrhein
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel L. Goldberg
- Daniel Pacheco
- Daniel T. Myers
- Daniel Tong
- Daniela I. V. Domeisen
- David A Hodell
- David D. Turner
- David K. Hutchinson
- David M. Long
- David R. Williams
- David Roma-Dollase
- David Shean
- Deon Knights
- Diogo Araujo
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas D. Smith
- Douglas P. Drob
- E. A. Meselhe
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. J. Hyer
- E. J. Korpela
- E. K. Sutton
- E. L. Winter
- E. Mazarico
- E. Nossa
- E. O. Lindsey
- E. Thiemann
- E. Zesta
- Edward Kim
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Emily Becker
- Emily Cloyd
- Emmaris Soto
- Erdal Yiğit
- Eric J. Anderson
- Erika Palmerio
- Esther C. Brady
- F. Allegrini
- F. D. Wilder
- Fangjun Li
- Fei Chen
- Fernando Carcaboso
- Fernando Garcia–Menendez
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. C. Ho
- G. Cauzzi
- G. Di Achille
- G. J. Frost
- G. K. Stephens
- G. M. Mason
- G. V. Khazanov
- Gab Abramowitz
- Gaige Hunter Kerr
- Gangkai Poh
- George J. Huffman
- Gisela Winckler
- Greg Lucas
- Guiping Liu
- Gustavo Almeida Coelho
- H. Akbari
- H. Cremades
- H. L. Ford
- H. U. Frey
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Haosheng Lin
- Haoteng Zhao
- Hardi Peter
- Howard E. Epstein
- Hyongki Lee
- I. Zouganelis
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- Isabelle De Smedt
- Ismaïla Diallo
- Ivanka Štajner
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Slavin
- J. C. Kasper
- J. D. Huba
- J. D. Vandegriff
- J. David Neelin
- J. Fainberg
- J. H. Crawford
- J. Ireland
- J. J. Makela
- J. Jahn
- J. Klenzing
- J. Knuth
- J. Krall
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. M. Bell
- J. Michelle Hu
- J. P. Thayer
- J. Rodrı́guez-Pacheco
- J. Scott Evans
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. T. Niehof
- J. Zhang
- Jack Reid
- Jackson Tan
- Jadwiga H. Richter
- Jaime R. Green
- James Doss‐Gollin
- James East
- James L. Garrison
- James L. Kinter
- James M. Wilczak
- James Paul Mason
- Jason Simon
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jeffrey M. Forbes
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jia Huang
- Jinlun Zhang
- Joe P. Renaud
- Johannes Mohrmann
- Jonas J. Lembrechts
- Jordan A. Caraballo‐Vega
- Joshua Pettit
- Junran Li
- K. E. Korreck
- K. Greer
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. Kobayashi
- K. Liou
- K. Ogasawara
- K. W. Paulson
- K. Zawdie
- Kai Huang
- Karine Issautier
- Katelyn O’Dell
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kathy Pegion
- Keiji Hayashi
- Kenneth P. Kodama
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kirsten L. Findell
- Klaus Keller
- Krishna AchutaRao
- Kristine M. Larson
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle T. Mandli
- L. A. Avanov
- L. A. Balmaceda
- L. Andersson
- L. F. Guedes dos Santos
- L. Golub
- L. K. Harra
- L. K. Jian
- L. Kepko
- L. P. Chitta
- L. R. Cashman
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. Teriaca
- Laura Duncanson
- Laura Lukes
- Laure Zanna
- Lauren M. Fry
- Laurie Trenary
- Liam Bindle
- Liang Chen
- Linda A. Hinnov
- Lisa Bock
- Lisa Upton
- Liying Qian
- Lucas Henneman
- Luis A. Navarro
- M. Benna
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. Wyant
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- M. I. Desai
- M. I. Sitnov
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- Md Nazmus Sakib
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- Peng Xian
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- Sarah J. Feakins
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- É. Buchlin
- О. В. Калашникова