University of Alaska, Anchorage
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Mercury Contamination and Biogeochemical Cycling Associated with the Historic Idrija Mining Area of Slovenia
- Mercury Transport and Transformations in the Wider Idrija Region and the Gulf of Trieste
- Gummi-Bears On Fire! Bringing Students and Scientists Together at the Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA)
- The Alignment and Spacing of Volcanoes on Earth: Are Oceanic and Continental Settings Really That Different?
- Holocene Landscape Change on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska: Paleoecological Evidence From Deep Organic Deposits of Erosional Landscape Remnants
- Imaging the Transition From Aleutian Subduction to Yakutat Collision in Central Alaska, With Local Earthquakes and Active Source Data
- Implementing Authentic Astronomy Research in the Classroom: The TLRBSE Experience
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcan Darwin, Isabela Island, Galapagos Archipelago
- Remotely Induced Eruptions: the Caldera-Forming Eruption of Fisher Volcano
- The Potential Impact of Hydrologic Change on Humans in the Arctic
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- From Distance Learning to Research Experience: a Successful Model for Best Practices in Research-Based Science Education
- Future freshwater demands in the Arctic
- Paleoecological Studies From Peatlands on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
- Short-term increases in Summer Temperature and Rainfall do not Lead to Carbon Storage in the High Arctic
- Building Strong Geoscience Programs: Perspectives From Three New Programs
- Changes in Thaw Lake Morphometry on the Barrow Peninsula, Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain, 1955-2002
- Development of an Urban Boreal Forest Observatory for Ecosystem and Carbon Exchange Research
- Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Data From the AIRMoN Sampling Network, Central and Eastern USA, Suggest a High Degree of Short-Term Isotopic Variability in Precipitation
- Interactions Between Temperature and Nutrient Availability in Mediating Microbial Respiration in High Arctic Polar Semi-desert Soils
- Thaw Lakes in Continuous Permafrost: Recent Research and Controversies
- The Effect of Moisture Source Temperature Fluctuations on Seasonal Patterns of Precipitation Isotopes within the United States.
- The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Quality and Quantity of Freshwater Available to Humans in the Arctic
- Understanding the Impacts of Changes in Freshwater on Human Communities and Cultures Using Multi Agent Systems Modeling
- Variation in Leaf Physiology Along Experimental and Natural Gradients in the High Arctic: Test of a Dual Isotope Conceptual Model
- Assessing Mesoscale Volcanic Aviation Hazards using ASTER
- Biocomplexity in the High Arctic: Linearity's, interactions and hidden secrets in surface processes
- Chronology of the 2005 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galapagos, Ecuador
- Experimental Increases in Snow Alter Physical, Chemical and Feedback Processes in the High Arctic.
- Integrating Access to Arctic Environmental Change and Human Health Research for the International Polar Year and Beyond
- Intra-Eruption Petrologic Variation in the 2005 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galapagos Islands
- Microbial Activity in the High Arctic: Will Changes in Climate Exacerbate Soil Carbon Loss?
- Nutrient Limitations Constrain the Feedback Capacity of Landscapes in the High Arctic: Nonlinearities and Synergism
- Stable Isotope Hydrology of the Anchorage, Alaska Area: Precipitation, Streamwater, and Groundwater Connections
- The Effect of Temperature and Increased Rainfall on Carbon Dioxide Exchange in a High Arctic Ecosystem: Improving Models and Testing Linearity of Response
- Uncoupling of the Pathway of Methanogenesis in Northern Wetlands: Connection to Vegetation, and Implications for Variability and Predictability.
- Unexpected Effects of Energy and Water Additions on the Microclimate of a High Arctic Ecosystem
- Water Dynamics, Ice Stability, and Salts in Victoria Valley Soils, Antarctica: An Instructive Analog for Mars
- Differential Photosynthetic Responses of two Deciduous Shrub Species to Short and Long Term Snow Accumulation in the Arctic Tundra of Northern Alaska.
- Effects of Deeper Snow on Ecosystem CO2 Fluxes in Tussock Tundra in Northern Alaska
- Evolution of a North Slope barrier island (Narwhal Island, North Arctic Alaska) 1955- 2007
- Experimental Increases in Snow Alter Physical, Chemical and Feedback Processes in the High Arctic.
- Extending the map coverage of the Hayes Tephra set, an important Late Holocene Marker Horizon for South Central Alaska.
- Paleolimnological Investigations Across a Physiographic Gradient Record Recent Aquatic Ecosystem and Watershed Scale Changes: Southwest Alaska National Parks and Preserves
- Carbon Fluxes Across Vegetated Drained Lakes of Different ages on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Insects Extend the Consequences of a Warm, Dry Summer for Tree Growth in the Subsequent Summer near the Arctic Treeline in Alaska
- Climate change consequences for terrestrial ecosystem processes in NW Greeland: Results from the High Arctic Biocomplexity project
- Current and future contributions of older C pools to soil respiration from High Arctic tundra in NW Greenland - first 14C-based assessments
- Holocene hydrologic variability in the Sierra Nevada from D/H ratios in leaf waxes
- Hyperinflation of surfaces in lower Beacon Valley, Dry Valleys, Antarctica: new process and new clues about fluctuations of Taylor Glacier
- Inferring Glacial Dynamics From Temperate Glacimarine Grounding-Line Deposits
- Long-term time series of δ18O and δD in precipitation across the US depict regional differences in climate trends and provide site-specific climate proxy interpretation
- Nitrogen deposition and forest carbon sequestration: a quantitative synthesis from plot to global scales
- Photosynthesis, plant growth and nitrogen nutrition in Alaskan tussock tundra: Response to experimental warming
- Photosynthetic response of Eriophorum vaginatum to in situ shrub shading in tussock tundra of northern Alaska
- Precipitation isotope (δ18O) gradients depict modern atmospheric circulation over the conterminous United States
- Process-Based Predictive Coastal Erosion Modeling for Drew Point (North Slope, Alaska)
- Reaching Across the Hemispheres with Science, Language, Arts and Technology
- Snow distribution, soil temperature and late winter CO2 efflux from soils at the Arctic treeline in northwest Alaska
- Warmer summers combined with increases in rain lead to major changes in the trace gas feedbacks from high arctic polar semi-deserts in NW Greenland to the atmosphere
- Changing the seasonality of an Arctic tundra ecosystem: earlier snowmelt and warmer temperatures
- Coordinated use of physical measurements and environmental tracers to characterize stream-aquifer interactions along two small, groundwater-connected streams
- Damming of Russell Fiord by Tidewater Hubbard Glacier, Alaska: Role of Subglacial Meltwater in Preventing Closure in 2010
- Diversion of Sediment from Russell Fiord by Ice-marginal and Marine Processes, Hubbard Glacier: Implications for Calculating Sediment Yield and Denudation Rates
- Ecohydrology of permafrost-affected boreal forest ecosystems: sources of water utilized by plants and fluxed by ecosystems
- Greenland Ice Margin Processes Inferred from Terrestrial River Discharge
- Growing season fluxes and sources of CO2 and CH4 in high arctic ecosystems, NW Greenland
- Increasing NDVI values in northern Alaska: studies that mix shrub density, spectral and CO2 exchange measurements
- Insight from a careful dissection of the Rayleigh Distillation Model
- Marine Geophysical Surveying Along the Hubbard Glacier Terminus, Southeast Alaska
- Nitrous oxide production and emission in high arctic soils of NW Greenland
- Radioisotopes (137Cs, 40K, 210Pb) indicate that cryoturbation processes in Alaskan tussock tundra are accelerated under deeper winter snow: results from short and long-term winter snow depth experiments
- Seasonal patterns in soil N availability in the arctic tundra in response to accelerated snowmelt and warming
- Seismic velocity estimation by joint inversion of P & S receiver function, waveform fitting, and surface wave dispersion
- Shrub Expansion Along Arctic Alaskan Streams and Gullies Reduces Erosion Since 1980
- Simultaneous Estimation of Earthquake Source Parameters and Site Response from Inversion of Strong Motion Network Data in Kachchh Seismic Zone, Gujarat, India
- Stable Isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S) Analysis and Satellite Telemetry Depict the Complexity of Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Diets in Southwest Alaska
- Underwater Acoustic Transponders Tracking While Mapping With A Multibeam Echo-Sounder
- Using Long-Term Experimental Warming To Distinguish Vegetation Responses To Warming From Other Environmental Drivers Related To Climate Change
- Visualizing Moisture Storage in Basin Lysimeters Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Warmer summers combined with increases in rain lead to major changes in trace gas feedbacks from high arctic polar semi-deserts in NW Greenland to the atmosphere
- Winter Habitat Preference of Weddell Seals in the Ross Sea
- An Enhanced Vapor Transport and Sublimation Model using 10+ Years of Field Measurements of Earth's Oldest Ground Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
- Canopy gas exchange of white spruce in contrasting habitats near the Arctic treeline in northwest Alaska
- Carbon Fluxes Between the Atmosphere, Terrestrial, and River Systems Across a Glacier-Dominated Landscape in Southcentral Alaska
- Characterizing Atmospheric Teleconnections in the Pliocene Epoch Using Stable Isotopes
- Controls on Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff from a Land Terminating Glacier
- Early season nitrogen limitation of microbial respiration in the organic horizon of tussock tundra soils
- Environment and performance of white spruce below and above the forest limit across the boreal forest in Alaska
- Hydrologic variability controls summer nitrate export: A multi-scale measurement and modeling approach
- Large herbivores limit CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake and suppress carbon cycle responses to warming in West Greenland
- Lepidoptera Larvae as an Indicator of Multi-trophic Level Responses to Changing Seasonality in an Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Origin and Evolution of Li-rich Brines at Clayton Valley, Nevada, USA
- Phenology as an integrator of ecological dynamics in a rapidly warming Arctic
- Relative contributions of rhizosphere and microbial respiration to belowground and total ecosystem respiration in arctic tussock tundra: results of a 13C pulse-chase experiment
- Response of Rates and Sources of Ecosystem CO2 Efflux to Increasing Levels of Winter Snow Depth in the High Arctic of Northwest Greenland
- Seasonal Shifts In The Source And Age Of Riverine DOC And POC in NW Greenland
- Seasonal greening of an Arctic ecosystem in response to early snowmelt and climate warming: do plant community responses differ from species responses?
- Seasonality of needle gas exchange and growth in all major organs of white spruce in contrasting habitats near the Arctic treeline
- Surface Water Nutrient Budget Controlled by Vegetation Succession in the Deglaciating Copper River Basin, Southcentral Alaska
- The Alaska Water Isotope Network (AKWIN): Precipitation, lake, river and stream dynamics
- The Changing Seasonality of Tundra Nutrient Cycling: Implications for Arctic Ecosystem Function
- Timing, Magnitude and Sources of Ecosystem Respiration in High Arctic Tundra of NW Greenland
- Transpiration response of boreal forest plants to permafrost thaw
- Water Vapor Isotope Measurements over the Alaskan Boreal Forest with Aircraft and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Winter Precipitation Isotope Gradients (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) of the Contiguous USA and Their Relationship to the Pacific/North American (PNA) Pattern
- Climate-induced changes in autumn impact spring breeding phenology and reproductive fitness in arctic ground squirrels
- Generation and Suppression of E Region Artificial Field Aligned Irregularities
- Geomicrobiology of subglacial meltwater samples from Store Landgletscher and Russell Glacier, West Greenland
- High-Resolution Snow Projections for Alaska: Regionally and seasonally specific algorithms
- Insect-related tree mortality in south-central Alaska may be controlled by prior drought stress as indicated by δ13C and δ18O in tree rings
- Interactions between spring temperatures and snow cover alter plant-soil nutrient feedbacks in moist acidic arctic tundra
- Measuring Atmospheric Emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> from Permafrost with Remote Low-Power Automated Stations
- Modeling Storm-Induced Inundation on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta for Present and Future Climates
- Observing Arctic Ecology using Networked Infomechanical Systems
- Quantifying Permafrost Characteristics with DCR-ERT
- Responses of Ecosystem Methane, Carbon and Water Fluxes to Long-Term Experimental Increases in Temperature, Soil Moisture and Snow Depth in NW Greenland
- Seasonal and regional variability in dissolved and particulate iron fluxes via glacial runoff along the West Greenland coast
- Seasonal changes of chemical, isotopic and microbiological signatures in meltwater outflows of the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Seasonal distribution of the age of DOC and POC in NW Greenland rivers is controlled by climatic variables
- Soil nitrogen dynamics during snow melt in moist acidic tussock tundra soils
- Soil thawing and warming in the High Arctic and the potential breakdown of previously frozen
- Stable Isotopic Evidence of El Niño-like Circulation in the Pliocene Western United States
- Summer C Fixation of Salix arctic is Altered by Prior Winter Snow Regimes: Photosynthetic Responses to Long-Term Snow Increases in the High Arctic of NW Greenland
- The response of aboveground plant productivity to earlier snowmelt and summer warming in an Arctic ecosystem
- Understanding of Silicate Weathering in Subglacial Environment by Inverse Modeling of West Greenland Glacial Meltwater
- Carbon cycling in a rapidly changing High Arctic: Results from long-term climate experiments and observations of interannual variability in NW Greenland
- Continuous water vapor isotopic measurements indicate differential Arctic storm tracks: Application to McCall Glacier ice core climate reconstructions in Northern Alaska
- Coupled ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling in a High Arctic ecosystem are altered by long-term experimental warming and higher rainfall
- Coupling of continuous in situ ecosystem water vapor, precipitation, plant and soil water isotope (δ2H, δ18O and d-excess) measurements in Arctic Alaska to understand a changing water cycle
- Development of Activity in Comet C/2012 S1 ISON
- Effects of increased snow cover on the rates and sources of ecosystem respiration from high arctic tundra
- Farley Buneman wave heating: Confirming heuristics with radar observations
- Fine-Scale Summer Carbon Exchange in a Wet Tundra Landscape in Northwest Greenland
- Incorporating Climate Variability into Precipitation Isoscapes for Interpreting Animal Migration
- Isotopic analyses of nitrate and precipitation (Δ17O & δ15N, NO3-) and atmospheric modeling advance the understanding of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Pacific Northwest
- Labile carbon concentrations are strongly linked to plant production in Arctic tussock tundra soils
- Leaves are just the tip of the iceberg: A review of plant roots in Arctic tundra
- Lipid Extraction and the Fugacity of Stable Isotope Values
- Long-term deeper snow causes changes in litter quality, soil C and N storage in moist acidic tundra in Northern Alaska
- Soil microbial structure and function post-volcanic eruption on Kasatochi Island and regional controls on microbial heterogeneity
- Stable isotope values in coastal sediment estimate subsidence near Girdwood during the 1964 great Alaska earthquake
- Using Data Mining and Natural Language Processing to Reveal Institutional Water Management Structures in Four Urban Areas in the US Southwest
- Variability in leaf morphology and photosynthetic responses of arctic woody shrubs to warming and shifts in snow induced thermal insulation
- Weathering and solute transport to the Salar de Atacama, northern Chile
- Alaskan wave and river hydrokinetic energy resource assessment, river energy converter testing and surface debris mitigation performance
- Ancient CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from the High Arctic-Svalbard in Winter: Responses to Deeper Winter Snow in a Permafrost Dominated Landscape
- Arctic Cyclone Water Vapor Isotope Ratios Support Past Sea Ice Retreat Recorded in Greenland Ice Sheet
- Arctic and Tropical Influence on Extreme Precipitation Events, Atmospheric Rivers, and Associated Isotopic Values in the Western U.S.
- Can nutrient limitations explain low and declining white spruce growth near the Arctic treeline in the eastern Brooks Range, Alaska?
- Comparative Carbon and Water Relations of Betula nana and Poa pratensis in West Greenland
- Diverging Plant and Ecosystem Strategies in Response to Climate Change in the High Arctic
- Early Season Goose Grazing Has a Greater Effect Than Advancement of the Growing Season on Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Sub-Arctic Coastal Wetland of Western Alaska
- Evidence That Drought-Induced Stomatal Closure Is Not an Important Constraint on White Spruce Performance Near the Arctic Treeline in Alaska
- Geomicrobiology of Meltwater From the Western Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- High Resolution Integrated Hydrologic Modeling for Water Resource Management: Tahoe Basin Case Study
- Leaf Tissue C:N and Soil N are Modified by Growing Season and Goose Grazing Phenology in a Sub-Arctic Coastal Wetland of Western Alaska
- Long-Term Precipitation Isotope Ratios (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, d-excess) in the Northeast US Reflect Atlantic Ocean Warming and Shifts in Moisture Sources
- Modeling and Measuring the Interaction between Hydrokinetic Devices and the Hydraulic and Sedimentary Environment of the Tanana River, Alaska
- North American Precipitation Isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Zones Revealed in Time Series Modelling across Canada and the Northern United States
- Numerical Investigation on Dispersive Characteristics of Fracture Networks
- Paleoenvironmental records from newly recovered sediment cores at the southeast margin of the Salar de Atacama, Chile
- Patterns in atmospheric circulation affect emission sources contributing to nitrogen deposition in the Columbia River Gorge, Pacific Northwest USA
- Pressure Ridge Keel Shapes in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
- Quantifying the climatic and topographic controls of precipitation isotopes in continental interiors: applications to unraveling isotopic records of climate in Cenozoic Central Asia
- Reaction path modelling used to explore the relationship between secondary mineral precipitation and low Si content in the meltwaters of a polythermal surge-type glacier
- Shrub Expansion in Arctic Alaska Alters the Sources (<SUP>14</SUP>C) and Magnitudes of Ecosystem Respiration in the Continuous Permafrost Zone
- Shrub biomass, net primary production, and canopy spectral imaging (NDVI) exhibit consistent correspondence across Arctic Tundra habitats.
- Streamflow life cycles spanning the USA
- The triple oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation in the western United States
- Tracing arctic hydrology with observations of water vapor isotopes from in situ, airborne, and satellite platforms
- Use of CTRW for Prediction of Radionuclide Migration in Fractured Tuff
- White Spruce Biochar for Point-of-Use Drinking Water Treatment
- A Survey of Spatial and Seasonal Water Isotope Variability on the Juneau Icefield, Alaksa
- Analyzing drivers of variability in the Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O of nitrate in the northwestern United States
- Assessing Precipitation Isotope Variations during Atmospheric River Events to Reveal Dominant Atmospheric/Hydrologic Processes
- Calibration of a Carboniferous U-Pb and Ar-Ar Standard
- Canopy Spectral Imaging (NDVI) As A Proxy For Shrub Biomass And Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Across Arctic Tundra Habitats
- Changes in precipitation isotope-climate relationships from temporal grouping and aggregation of weekly-resolved USNIP data: impacts on paleoclimate and environmental applications
- Continuous Arctic Ocean Water Vapor Isotope Ratio (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) Measurements During a Summer Icebreaker Expedition
- Deeper winter snow reduces ecosystem C losses but increases the global warming potential of Arctic tussock tundra over the growing season.
- Earlier growing seasons and changes in migration timing influence carbon uptake and plant production in Arctic coastal wetlands
- Ice Regime and Melt-out Timing Cause Divergent Hydrologic Responses among Arctic Lakes
- Linking Belowground Plant Traits With Ecosystem Processes: A Multi-Biome Perspective
- Longitudinal Inter-Comparison of Modeled and Measured West Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater Runoff Losses (2004-2014)
- Mountainous terrain and violent conflict in the post-Soviet Caucasus.
- Salmon Futures: Stakeholder-driven salmon management scenarios under changing environmental conditions on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula
- Shrub Expansion Effects on Soil Carbon Dynamics in the Arctic
- Soil carbon content and CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux along a hydrologic gradient in a High-Arctic tundra lake basin, Northwest Greenland
- Source and Seasonality Effects on Precipitation Isotope Values in the Gulf of Alaska
- Study of Drawdown Characteristics of Fracture Rock Aquifers Using Discrete Fracture Network Modeling Tools
- Sub-arctic Wetland Greenhouse Gases (CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> & N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Emissions are Driven by Interactions of Environmental Controls and Herbivore Grazers
- The intersection of climate, tectonic uplift, and regional groundwater flow in the central Andean Plateau: Insight from the accumulation of the massive evaporite deposit in the Salar de Atacama, Chile
- Use of Discrete Fracture Network Statistics for Construction of Two-Dimensional Continuous Time Random Walk Model
- Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- Air-sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux along a sub-Arctic to Arctic transect with in-situ marine boundary layer and seawater measurements
- Arctic Marine Water Isotope Characteristics: In-situ, Continuous Surface and Water Column Isoscapes (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) and Linkages into the Marine Food Web
- Characterizing Regional and Transient Groundwater Storage in Order to Address Water Balance Discrepancies in Salar de Atacama Basin, Chile.
- Characterizing West Greenland ice sheet runoff losses from modeled and measured data
- Climate Drivers of Alaska Summer Stream Temperature
- Coasts under multiple stresses: lessons learned from ARSTISTICC's eight coastal study sites.
- Combining HYSPLIT Modeling, Weather Radar Analysis, and Weekly USNIP δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Data to Constrain the Effect of Changing Moisture Source on Precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Values in the American Midwest
- Contextualizing Water Budgets of Closed Basins in Arid Climates Through Integrated Physical Hydrologic and Hydrochemical Modeling: Clayton Valley, Nevada
- Early-stage continental rifting in East Africa assisted by magma and magmatic volatiles
- From Icefield to Ocean: Investigating Biophysical Linkages at Wolverine Glacier Alaska
- Geochemistry and fluxes of volatiles in the Magadi and Natron thermal springs, East African Rift
- Greenhouse Gas (CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> & N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Feedbacks are Regulated by Phenological Changes in Herbivore-Vegetation Interactions in Alaskan Coastal Tundra
- Localization and Evolution of a Rift-Scale Segmented Normal Fault in a Volcanic Environment: The Hat Creek Fault, Northern California
- Physiological response curves reveal differences among season advancement and timing of grazing experimental treatments in a coastal Alaskan wetland
- Simulating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI: Now with Polar Wander
- Snow melt water use and tundra plant gas exchange: An ecohydrological perspective on vegetation changes in the Arctic
- Spatio-temporal Variation of Water Isotopes on the Juneau Icefield
- Summer warming and changes in snow depth is reflected in the growth rings of Alaskan tundra shrubs (Toolik Lake)
- U-Pb zircon age of dykes in the roof of the Black Peak Intrusive Complex, North Cascades
- Utilizing precipitation chemistry records to investigate the role of dust concentrations in `Atmospheric River' events from west US coastal states
- Can We Untangle the Weather? Stable Water Isotope Controls on the Juneau Icefield
- Comparison of modelled runoff with observed proglacial discharge across the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Evaluating Hydrologic Transience in Watershed Delineation, Numerical Modeling and Solute Transport in the Great Basin. Clayton Valley, Nevada
- Evaporative fractionation of marine water isotopes in the Arctic Ocean help understand a changing Arctic water cycle
- Remote Autonomous Sensor Networks: A Study in Redundancy and Life Cycle Costs
- Seasonal dynamics of permafrost carbon emissions: A passive, quasi-continuous <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> sampler
- Soil greenhouse gas flux, soil moisture, and soil temperature variability among three plant communities from 2015 to 2017 in a High-Arctic lake basin, Northwest Greenland
- Soil moisture and soil temperature variability among three plant communities in a High Arctic Lake Basin
- Vegetation Greenness and Its Drivers across Ice-free Greenland
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Adventures in Science - sharing authentic science through network television
- Apportioning seasonality of soil respiration sources: A passive, quasi-continuous <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> sampler
- Arctic Herbivore Forage Quality Changes Are Driven by Community Shifts, Not Leaf-level Digestibility: Responses to Long-term Winter Snow Changes
- Data storage, dissemination, harvest and prioritization: Aggregating sites, needs and priorities from an ad-hoc network of stream temperature stakeholders
- Estimating Rates of Forest Demographic Processes: Disentangling Growth from Mortality with the Generalized Method of Moments Applied to Repeat Canopy Height Models
- Evaporative fractionation of marine water isotopes in the Arctic Ocean help understand a changing Arctic water cycle
- Evidence for Increasingly Rapid Destabilization of Coastal Arctic Ecosystems
- Extension history, fault evolution, and structural inheritance along the multiphase Beaufort rifted margin, Northern Alaska
- Few System Assessment of Onsite Water Reuse in Remote Alaska
- In-situ stream water isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) measurements reveal ecohydrologic nuances in an Arctic Finland watershed
- Measuring the amount and age of soil carbon usage: A comparison of respiration and biomarker methods
- Moisture source and transport history in High Arctic Greenland revealed by two years of continuous water vapor isotope measurement
- Monitoring the Arctic water cycle using continuous in-situ water vapor isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) measurements in Arctic Finland
- Net effects of early phenology, increased cloud cover, and altered timing of plant animal-interactions dampen climate change impacts on net ecosystem exchange of C in a coastal Alaska wetland
- Subglacial meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Tectonic influence on lithium brine genesis at Salar de Atacama, Chile.
- The Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment: Alaska
- Time-serial data cubes of NDVI for monitoring and analysis of plant phenology at regional to global scales
- Understanding the Impacts of Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Loads on Food-Energy-Water Security in Remote Arctic Communities
- Why and How to Engage Communities in Climate Action Planning
- Accessibility of permafrost carbon in a changing Arctic: Assessing the influence of experimentally- increased snowpack height on microbial carbon sources
- Ancient C emissions from Arctic tundra: soil carbon isofluxes (<SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>) in response to long-term changes in winter snow depth
- Arctic Herbivore Forage Quality Changes Driven by Increased Nitrogen and Vegetation Community Shifts
- Climate Warming Alters Caribou Forage Quality in Northern Alaska
- Closing the winter gap - year-round measurements of soil respiration sources in Arctic tussock tundra
- Comparative water relations and moisture-limited growth of co-occurring white spruce and paper birch in interior Alaska: implications for deciduous dominance of the Boreal Forest
- Comparison of model-observed runoff along the West Greenland Ice Sheet
- Deriving a More Detailed Vegetation Classification from NALCMS for Anchorage, Alaska
- Development of Energy Models with Limited Data to Optimize Use and Benefits of Renewable Energy Resources in Isolated Food-Energy-Water Systems: A Remote Alaska Community Example
- Early snowmelt effects on Arctic tundra plants and soils: a summary of findings from a three-year field experiment at Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Firebreaks in a Wildland Urban Interface (wui): Friend or Foe
- Forecasting coastal hazards, risks, and impacts in Arctic Alaska - to promote sustainable adaptation
- Global patterns of subsurface microbial diversity through deep time and space
- Greenland Ice Sheet surface melt captured by high frequency water vapor isotopes measurements at Thule
- Hydrogeochemistry variability in fresh water flux to the Gulf of Alaska: Analysis of two contrasting coastal glacial watersheds
- Imaging spectroscopy of boreal vegetation to aid fire risk assessment, Alaska
- Impact of Heterogeneity on the Sensitivity and Stability of Brine-to-Freshwater Interfaces in Density-driven Flow Systems
- Impact of long-term warming and wetting on carbon sequestration and nitrogen dynamics in High Arctic tundra soils
- Incorporating land-surface energy budgets into subsurface heat transport: An approach to explain deep-seated sub-surface cooling in an arid environment
- Indigenizing Arctic Climate Communication: a collaborative experiment weaving Alaska Native place-based knowledge with climate data sonification
- Influence of Hydroclimatic Variability on River Discharge Across a Spectrum of Southcentral Alaskan Watersheds Varying in Glacial Coverage
- Isotope ecohydrological studies in an Arctic Finland watershed
- Lithologic sources and release mechanisms for lithium: significance in the formation of lithium-enriched closed-basin brines
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network & Discoveries
- Meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Pinwheel Rifts Radial to the Evolving South-Polar Terrain on Enceladus
- Plausible 21<SUP>st</SUP> century water management through stakeholder-driven modeling of a water-stressed, agricultural socio-economic system in the American West
- Pre-Arc, Near-Trench, Magmatism During Subduction Initiation at the Young (< 2 Ma) Matthew and Hunter Subduction Zone
- Revealing Paleo-Groundwater and Interbasin Flow as Fundamental to Water and Mineral Resource Sustainability on the Arid Altiplano-Puna Plateau
- Rift-related Normal Faulting Guided by Structural Inheritance During Multiphase Extensional Events at the Beaufort Margin, Northern Alaska
- Seasonal hydrogeochemical variability of water and solute fluxes to subarctic high-latitude coastal ecosystems across a gradient of ice to rain dominated watersheds
- Soil Microbial Structure and Function Across Spatiotemporal Scales of Arctic Alaska
- The 30 November 2018 Mw7.1 Anchorage Earthquake
- The Challenges of Food-Energy-Water Data Collection in Remote Islanded Microgrids: Lessons Learned and Recommendations Moving Forward
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- Variability in snow conditions as a driver of vegetation phenology and productivity across the North Slope of Alaska
- Walking Tree Line: Changes in the Arctic and Alpine Forest Ecotone over a 1,000 km Climatic Gradient across Alaska's Brooks Range
- Water isotope (<SUP>18</SUP>O & <SUP>2</SUP>H) profiles in Arctic seasonal snowpack provides a proxy moisture source record
- Wintertime and Growing Season Variation in C and N Vegetation Pools Across a Longitudinal Gradient in Northern Alaska: Caribou Implications
- Working across Disciplines to Understand the Food-Energy (few) Nexus in Remote Arctic Communities
- Applying the FEW Nexus in Rural Alaska: Concept vs. Reality
- Arctic Coastal Geomorphic Change Modeling with Arctic Xbeach
- Assessing Burn Severity in the Alaskan Boreal Forest using Remote Sensing Methods
- Assessing Global Climate Models Arctic Sea-Ice Prediction Through Comparison with Observational Data
- Assessment of River Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies for Isolated Remote Alaska Communities - Impacts on Micro-Scale Food, Energy, and Water System Infrastructure Loads
- Biomining the Future, Extracting Rare Earth Elements from Alaskan Coal
- Cardiorespiratory health impacts of wildfire smoke in Alaska
- Chemistry for Contingency Planning: Managing Invasive Pests and Oil Spills in the Subarctic
- Detecting Temporal Changes in Land Cover Based on Disturbance in Alaska
- Emplacement and cooling of the lower crust and upper mantle beneath two fast spreading ridge segments: A quantitative comparison of crustal gabbros and mantle peridotites from Oman Drilling Project site CMA-1 and IODP Expedition 345 - Hess Deep
- Energy Resource Modelling and Analysis for Assessment of Renewable Energy Impacts on Isolated Micro-Scale Food-Energy-Water Systems using Energy-Water, Energy-Food, and Sustainable Energy Indices: Examples from Remote Alaska Communities
- Ground Truth Trekking: Validating Interpretations of Satellite-Based Change in Reflectance Metrics Across Scales and Resolutions Using MODIS, Landsat, and Worldview Imagery of South-Central and Arctic Alaska
- Growing Season Methane Fluxes from High Arctic Tundra in Northwest Greenland
- Impacts of changing Arctic hydrodynamics and wave conditions on maritime transportation
- Integrating oceanographic surveys and stream runoff observations to estimate seasonal variation in freshwater content within a high latitude glacier fed estuary
- Labile carbon limits late winter microbial activity near Arctic treeline
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network: Sea ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions observed with water vapor isotope measurements from land and an icebreaker
- POLARIS: The Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Playing the odds: using remotely sensed data to assess risk from wildfire and permafrost thaw in the Arctic
- Salt Precipitation Along a Brine-To Interface as a Reactive Hydraulic Barrier in Arid Aquifers
- The Influence of Microbial Siderophore Production on the Transport of Bioavailable Iron in an Alaskan Estuary
- Towards a physics-based parameterization of pan-Arctic shoreline erosion
- A Framework for Identifying the Limiting Factors, Underlying Causes, and Possible Solutions in Food-Energy-Water Security: a FEW case studies from rural Alaska
- Aboveground and belowground traits suggest nutrient limitation of growth at treeline in Alaskas Brooks Range
- Changes in sediment dispersal and basin geometry driven by flat slab modification of the upper plate during the Laramide orogeny
- Controls on the hydrologic response of arid high Andean lagoon complexes following extreme precipitation events
- Dust-climate archive time machines
- Enhanced Forest Ecosystem Monitoring for Carbon Accounting and Climate Mitigation: the Case for Adding Tree Rings to North American's National Forest Inventories
- Evaluating possible future rain in winter hazards for major communities in Alaska and the Yukon Territory
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- Goldilocks meets Smokey the Bear: assessing wildfire hazards and communication
- Implications of Alder Shrub Expansion on Soil Properties in Arctic Alpine Tundra
- Investigating Regional Patterns of Soil Respiration in Alaska and Canada
- Location, Extent, and Magnitude of Dynamic Topography in the Late Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin: Insights from 3D Flexural Backstripping
- Long-lived Pliocene to Present Lacustrine Hydroclimate Record from Clayton Valley, NV
- Modeling the Impacts of Brine Extraction and Freshwater Withdrawals on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in Salar Systems
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Permafrost mercury sources and implications for methylation among Alaskan ecoregions
- Predicting the Unpredictable: Future Vegetation Near Fairbanks, Alaska, Taking Into Account Succession and Wildfire
- Sea ice controls on the Arctic hydrological cycle: Observational evidence from MOSAiCs Arctic Water Isotope Network (AWIN)
- Thawing-induced changes in stream-catchment interactions and stream water quality in permafrost catchments in boreal and arctic Alaska
- Understanding rural-urban migration of arctic Indigenous peoples: evidence from four decades of research on migration decisions
- Understanding spatial and temporal water isotope variability across the Juneau Icefield, Alaska.
- Aboveground Plant-Herbivore Interactions Drive Root Decomposition in the Sub-Arctic
- Alaska Native Belonging in High School Math and Science Classrooms in Indigenous to City Communities
- Community & Citizen Science in the Far North: Unique Considerations for Research in the Arctic
- Comparative Physiology and Growth of Treeline White Spruce in the far Western and far Eastern Brooks Range, Alaska.
- Goose Herbivory Controls Greenhouse Gas Fluxes by Altering Soil Conditions in Sub-Arctic Wetlands
- Impact of Increased Annual Snowpack on the Fine Root Dynamics of Treeline White Spruce (Picea Glauca) in the Western Brooks Range, Alaska
- Impacts of Changing Arctic Hydrodynamics and Wave Conditions on Maritime Transportation and Reverberations
- Implications of Fire Disturbance on Soil Carbon Cycling and Permafrost in Black Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska: A Case Study at Hess Creek
- Interacting climate oscillations modulate the long-term spatiotemporal variability of precipitation isotopes (18O, 2H, d-excess) across the USA.
- Leaf Wax Isotope Records of Paleohydrology in the Western US from the Pliocene to present
- McKinley Wildfire: Socio-ecological Factors and Structure Survival in a Rural WUI Area
- Mycorrhizal fungi impact nutrient limitation of growth at treeline in Alaska's Brooks Range
- Next Generation Permafrost Map for Alaska
- Probing Permafrost Hydrology and Thaw across a Ground Ice Content Gradient in Alaska
- Quantifying Peat Carbon Mass Using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Probing in Peatlands of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- Seasonal Cycles and Longitudinal profiles of Rock Weathering in High Latitude Deglaciating Catchments
- Secrets of the North Slope: Hydroclimate Influences on Pingo Development in Northern Alaska
- Spatial Distribution of Wildfire Threat in the Far North: Exposure Assessment in Boreal Communities
- The 2019 McKinley Fire in South-Central Alaska: burn severity and fire effects from high-resolution aerial imaging spectroscopy
- Thermal Modeling of an Isolated Water Distribution System in the Arctic
- Tracing the drivers and impacts of amplified Arctic water cycle with coupled water vapor and seawater isotopic measurements
- Western Greenland Ice-Land-Ocean Interactions: Near-Shore DOC 14C Ages and DOM Composition Along Eastern Baffin Bay
- Winter Rain, Surface Icing, and Urban Transportation Hazards: Using Weather Station Data and Traffic Networks to Map Evolving Icing Hazards and Travel Risks in Anchorage, Alaska
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bergstrom
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Alun Hubbard
- B. G. Kopec
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Bradley Gay
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian A. Ebel
- C. I. Czimczik
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Christine F. Waigl
- Cody S. Sheik
- D. F. Boutt
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Donald M. Reeves
- E. S. Klein
- Ellen Jorgensen
- Hannu Marttila
- J. V. Keane
- James A. Bradley
- Jeffrey M. Welker
- Jennifer I. Schmidt
- Jinlun Zhang
- Joel E. Saylor
- Joshua C. Koch
- K. Hughson
- Kyle S. Mattingly
- Lisa Bröder
- Louise M. Farquharson
- M. P. Calef
- Martin Werner
- Michael C. Dietze
- Noah Hobbs
- R. Toohey
- Rebecca E. Hewitt
- Roman Dial
- S. Pedron
- Santosh K. Panda
- Sarah M. Aarons
- Scott Zolkos
- Seth A. Spawn‐Lee
- Susan M. Natali
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Uma S. Bhatt
- V. E. Romanovsky
- Zachary C. Redman
- К. J. Meech