Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
flowchart I[Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (295)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Automated Extraction of Planetary Digital Elevation Models
- Global Study of Small-Scale Color Variations on Eros
- The MESSENGER Earth Flyby: First Results from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer
- An Extension to Short Distances of Real-Time Estimators of Seismic Sources
- Crustal and Upper-mantle Structures Beneath the Chinese Continent From Joint Inversion of Rayleigh-wave Group Velocities and Waveforms
- Hydrogen and Mineral Elasticity: Modelling Hydration in the Earth's Interior
- Joint inversion for 3-dimensional S-velocity mantle structure along the Tethyan margin
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for California from Distant Sources
- Quantitative Analysis of Circular Symmetry of Venus Coronae and Craters
- The 2007 Bengkulu Earthquake Series in the Context of Mega-Ruptures off South Sumatra
- The Atmospheric Supply of Terrestrial Authigenic Phosphate Minerals to Open Marine Sediments
- The Volatile-Rich Attributes of two Deposits in a 15-km Crater on Utopia Planitia, Mars
- Upper mantle S-velocity variance beneath North America
- Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media
- Covariation in the carbon isotopes of carbonate and organic carbon across the Neoproterozoic Bitter Springs Stage
- Early Neoproterozoic Sulfur Isotopes and the Rise (and Fall) of Oxygen
- Effects of Hydration on the Elastic Properties of Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Minerals
- Effects of hydration on the elastic properties of transition zone minerals
- Geochemical Insights Into Paleobiological Patterns of the Middle-Upper Cambrian Port au Port Group, Western Newfoundland
- High-Resolution pCO2 Record for the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE2 based on Fossil Plant Cuticle
- Inferring North-American continental evolution from seismic tomography
- Isotopic Signatures of Particulate Organic Matter Sources, Transport Pathways and Diagenesis on the Waiapu Margin, New Zealand
- Mg Isotope Evolution During Water-Rock Interaction in a Carbonate Aquifer
- Pre-Anthropocene nitrogen cycle: balanced mass and isotope fluxes
- Reassessment of Several Historical Hellenic Arc Earthquakes Within the Context of Regional Tsunami Risk
- Single-crystal Elasticity of Wadsleyite With 1.7 wt % H 2 O to 11 GPa by Brillouin Scattering
- Spot checks on North American mantle structure using Earthscope's Transportable Array and preceding PASSCAL arrays
- Structure and Compressibility of Iron- and Aluminum-bearing Phase D
- Use of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes to Study Late Pleistocene to Holocene Environmental Change in the Waipaoa Sedimentary System, New Zealand
- Venus' Chasmata and Earth's Spreading Centers: A Topographic Comparison
- Water Incorporation in Wadsleyite and its Influence on the Olivine-Wadsleyite Phase Boundary
- Ca isotopes, chemical weathering, and geomorphic controls on long-term climate
- Comparison of North America Lithospheric Thickness from Seismic Tomography & Thermo-Dynamic Models
- Crustal Structure Under the Lower Tagus Valley, SW Iberia, from Joint Receiver Function and Surface Wave Dispersion Analysis
- Earthquake Stress Transfer within Continents: Migrating Earthquakes and Long Aftershock Sequences
- Effects of hydration on the velocity structure of the Earth’s upper mantle and transition zone (Invited)
- Elastic properties of Fe-bearing wadsleyite at high pressures
- Extending the North Atlantic Hurricane Record using Seismic Noise
- Field Survey and Preliminary Analysis of the September 29, 2009 Tsunami on Upolu and Manono Islands, Samoa (Invited)
- Hydrous Ringwoodite: Clarifying Defect Mechanisms Through Combined Single-Crystal Refinement, Compressibility, and IR Spectroscopy
- IR Absorption Coefficients for the Quantification of Water in Hydrous Ringwoodite
- Identifying sediment sources and delivery mechanisms using background level polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Waiapu River watershed, New Zealand
- Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath the Tectonically Stable US Interior
- Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material in PETM sediments from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Re-evaluating the isotopic divide between angiosperms and gymnosperms using n-alkane δ13C values
- Relative humidity across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum via combined hydrogen-oxygen isotope paleohygrometry (Invited)
- S-velocity mantle structure at the subducting Chile Ridge
- Sulfur Isotope Systematics and the Link Between Fluctuating Sulfate Levels and P Recycling in a Low Sulfate, Permanently Anoxic Lake (Lake McCarrons, MN): Implications for the Precambrian Rise of Oxygen
- Teleseismic P and S Delay Times within Tectonically Active and Stable North America
- The Effect of S-velocity Heterogeneity in the North American Mantle on Waveforms of Regional Surface Waves from the February 2008 Nevada Earthquake
- The Relationship Between the Geochemical Cycles of Carbon and Sulfur during the Neoproterozoic Interglacial Interval
- The Role of Sulfur in Regulating the Exogenic Cycles of Carbon and Oxygen on Early Earth: Lessons Learned From Modern Lakes and Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- The Western Edge of Cratonic North America and Topography of the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains
- The elemental, δ44Ca, and δ26Mg geochemistry of granite weathering at pH = 1 and T = 25°C
- The past, present and future of tsunami field surveys post-Samoa, 2009
- Topographic Comparisons of Uplift Features on Venus and Earth
- Towards a simple quantification of far-field tsunami amplitudes from parameters of the seismic source
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy in the South American Stable Platform from SKS Splitting: a Test of Asthenospheric Flow Models Beneath the Lithosphere
- WMm : Application of a magnitude algorithm to a large dataset of W phases, 1991-2009
- A comparison of teleseismic and regional seismic tomography west and east of the Rocky Mountains
- A mathematical model for examining tectonic and climatic controls on chemical weathering and CO2 consumption
- Assessment of microbial biomarkers with environmental genomics: a comparison of biochemical and phylogenetic indicators of microbial diversity in Yellowstone National Park
- CO2 evasion from the Greenland ice sheet
- Ca isotopes reveal weak control of tectonic uplift on long-term climate change
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Pursuant to the Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia
- Changes in Fluvial Deposition Associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Bighorn Basin, WY (Invited)
- Comparative compressibility of hydrous wadsleyite
- Comparison of bulk and n-alkane PETM carbon isotope trends from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Do Proxies Agree? A Simple Test Comparing Terrestrial and Marine Records of Late Holocene Climate and Sea Ice Around Iceland
- Does transpiration matter to the hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes? (Invited)
- Earth's Deep Water Cycle as a possible explanation of the Wilson Cycle (Invited)
- Evidence For Volcanic Initiation Of Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Events (Invited)
- Field survey, modeling and free oscillations of the 2010 Chilean tsunami in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia
- Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Si: Its Coupling to the Perturbed C-N-P cycles in Industrial Time
- Hotspots on Venus and Earth: Topographic Comparisons
- Identification and Characterization of Several Large Hurricanes using Microseisms
- Multi Plumes and Their Flows beneath Arabia and East Africa
- Reconciling pCO2 Estimates and Stable Isotope Records (S & C) with a Global Carbon Cycle Model During the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE2
- Reducing Error Bars through the Intercalibration of Radioisotopic and Astrochronologic Time Scales for the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Interval, Western Interior Basin, USA
- Seasonal changes in the major ion and δ13CDIC geochemistry of Arctic Alaskan rivers
- Seasonal variability of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in Arctic streams and rivers
- Seismic-tomographic modeling of spatial variations in subduction geometry along the Andes (Invited)
- Structure of the deep Nazca slab from joint inversion of regional S wave trains and teleseismic S arrival times
- The Next Generation Cretaceous Time Scale: How to integrate 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb and Astrochronologic ages? (Invited)
- The effect of temperature and pressure on optical absorption spectra of transition zone minerals - Implications for the radiative conductivity of the Earth's interior
- Tracing Organic Carbon from the Terrestrial to Marine Environment via Coupled Stable Carbon Isotope and Lignin Analyses
- Variation in n-Alkane Distributions of Modern Plants: Questioning Applications of n-Alkanes in Chemotaxonomy and Paleoecology
- Vegetation Dynamics in the Watershed of Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts in the Aftermath of a Large Paleostorm and Subsequent Wildfire Inferred from Lignin Oxidation Products
- Allochthonous carbon hypothesis for bulk OM and n-alkane PETM carbon isotope discrepancies
- Bad Assumptions or Bad Luck: Tohoku's embarrassing lessons for earthquake hazard mapping
- Career in Feet-on Seismology
- Dissolved nitrogen seasonal dynamics in Alaskan Arctic streams & rivers
- Elasticity of Hydrous Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Fidelity of fossil n-alkanes from leaf to paleosol and applications to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Finite-frequency Sn-wave sensitivity kernels for the M6.0 Wells, Nevada earthquake and USArray stations
- Holocene temperature history at the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments
- Hydration Mechanisms, Crystal Preferred Orientation, and Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle and Transition Zone
- Influence of Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics on Trace Metals in Two Small Alaskan Arctic Rivers
- Insect-Based Holocene (and Last Interglacial?) Paleothermometry from the E and NW Greenland Ice Sheet Margins: A Fly's-Eye View of Warmth on Greenland
- Magnetization and Source Characteristics of Terra Meridiani, Mars
- Mineral, Virginia earthquake illustrates seismicity of a passive-aggressive margin
- NSF-CAREER outreach at the K-6 level through Project Excite, Center for Talent Development, School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University
- Nitrogen cycling following The Great Oxidation Event, evidence from the Paleoproterozoic of Fennoscandia.
- Preliminary analysis of SPREE Flexible Array data for lithospheric heterogeneity below the Midcontinent Rift
- Preliminary results from a teleseismic tomography study in the region of the Mid-continent Rift
- Role of LIP-related changes in oceanic sulfate level for initiation of Cretaceous OAE's?
- SPREE: Field Experiment to Study Deep Structure of the Mid-continent Rift
- Seasonal Variability of Major Ions and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>DIC</SUB> in Permafrost Watersheds of Arctic Alaska
- Seismic Identification of Hurricanes: Seeking the Signal Needle in the Noise Haystack
- Seismological constraints on Earth's Deep Water Cycle
- Stability of post-aragonite BaCO<SUB>3</SUB> to 130 GPa and 2000 K
- The Role of Sulfur on Major Fluctuations in the Carbon Cycle During the Neoproterozoic Interglacial Interval
- The effect of hydration on the anomolous compressibility of vitreous silica characterized by high pressure X-ray microtomography and GHz ultrasonic interferometry
- The regolith hypothesis for the Tonian-Cryogenian transition
- Topographic Comparisons of Uplift Features on Venus and Earth
- Use of a Pre-Computed Data Base of Tsunami Simulations for Rapid Estimation of Tsunami Amplitude: Application to the Effective Tsunami Warning of the Great Tsunami of 11 March 2011 IN French Polynesia
- Variability in the timing of the late Holocene maximum extent of the southwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- Visible and near-infrared reflectivity of solid and liquid methane: application to spectroscopy of Titan's hydrocarbon lakes
- Watershed storage and riverine particulate organic radiocarbon
- Are long-term trends in the sulfur isotope composition of Cretaceous seawater sulfate linked with Oceanic Anoxic Events?
- Clustered and transient earthquake sequences in mid-continents
- Compositional dependence of elastic moduli for transition-metal oxide spinels
- Crystal structure, thermal expansion of OH-clinohumite & OH-chondrodite: Implications for water in Earth's interior
- Evidence for persistent faulting consistent with the 23 August, 2011 Louisa County, VA earthquake
- Global nitrogen cycle: pre-Anthropocene mass and isotope fluxes and effects of human perturbations
- Holocene Paleolimnological Records from Thule, Northwestern Greenland
- Holocene Southwest Greenland Ice-Sheet Retreat Suggests Recent Ice Retreat Is A Response To Global Warming
- I/Ca records of local redox history for contrasting depositional environments during Cenomanian-Turonian OAE2
- Influence of Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics on Trace Metals in Two Small Alaskan Arctic Rivers
- Phase transformation of harzburgite and stagnant slab in the mantle transition zone
- Plate-Tectonic Setting of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Playing against nature: improving earthquake hazard mitigation
- Preliminary n-alkane results from Basin Substation, BBCP
- Principal Component Analyses of Thermal Uplift Profiles on Earth and Venus
- Quantifying carbon cycling via continuous measurement of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in Chicago, IL
- Radiative Heat Transfer in a Hydrous Transition Zone
- Re-assessing the role of plant community change and climate in the PETM n-alkane record
- Reconstructing paleo-ocean silicon chemistry and ecology during Last Glacial Maximum, a biogeochemical cycle modeling approach
- Seasonal Asynchrony in Terrestrial Nutrient Production and Demand Drives Nutrient Delivery to Arctic Streams
- Seasonal dynamics of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in Alaskan Arctic streams and rivers
- Sound Velocities of the Transition Zone Minerals
- Testing the sulfate-phosphorous hypothesis for initiation of the early Aptian OAE1a
- The Dynamics of Eastern North America: Intraplate Strain and Stress
- The Importance of Sulfur on Enriched Carbon Isotopes and Extreme Carbon Cycle Perturbations of the Cryogenian
- The Radioisotopic Calibration of Astronomical Time: New Constraints from the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, U.S.A.
- The Relationship Between Geology and Mantle Structure Diversity in Stable North America
- The effect of hydration on the time-dependent elastic relaxation in vitreous silica: Combined synchrotron microtomography and diamond anvil cell ultrasonic measurements
- The southern Chile earthquake of 14 June 1970: Not an interplate thrust event!
- Time-Varying Subduction and Rollback Velocities in Slab Stagnation and Buckling
- Titan's Impact Craters and Associated Fluvial Features
- Traces of extension in continental lithosphere: Towards a seismic image of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Tsunami simulations for plausible mega-thrust events originating along the Hellenic Arc and Cyprian Arc in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Upper mantle oxygen fugacity in ridge and subduction zone settings recorded by spinel peridotite
- Variation in magma volume along the two arms of the Midcontinent Rift System
- AIMBAT: A Python/Matplotlib Tool for Measuring Teleseismic Arrival Times
- Changes in carbon and sulfur cycles during Mid-Cenomanian Event: a "failed OAE"?
- Contrasting sulfur isotope records during the Late Devonian punctata and Upper Kellwasser events
- Crust and Mantle Structure of a Closed Rift System from the Superior Province Rifting Earthscope Experiment (SPREE) (Invited)
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Evidence for smaller extents of the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet and North Ice Cap during the Holocene
- Evolution of Titan's Major Atmospheric Gases and Cooling Since Accretion
- Geodynamic modeling of the Mid-Continental Rift System: Is a mantle plume required?
- Gravity changes associated with recent great earthquakes from a decade-long observation of GRACE gravity fields: Inversion of the earthquake source parameters and constraint to the Earth's viscoelastic structure
- Holocene history of North Ice Cap, northwestern Greenland
- Hydrogen Incorporation in Aluminous MgSiO3-Perovskite
- Hydrogen in Earths Lowermost Mantle
- IR Absorption Coefficients for the Quantification of Water in Majoritic Garnet
- Influences of floral composition and environment on plant biomarkers across a Cretaceous landscape (Big Cedar Ridge)
- Insect-Based Holocene (and Last Interglacial?) Paleothermometry from the E and NW Greenland Ice Sheet Margins: A Fly's-Eye View of Warmth on Greenland
- Map, Excite, Jump, and Measure: An Outreach Activity That Utilizes Seismology to Engage Students in Technology, Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Multi-Array Imaging and Multi-Subevent inversion of the Rupture Process of the May 24, 2013 Mw 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Deep-Focus Earthquake
- Organic Carbon from Mountains to the Seabed--Common Themes and Insights from Source-to-Sink Investigations
- Paleohydrologic change across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, WY
- Possible Decoupling of the Geochemical Cycles of Sulfur and Carbon During the Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian)
- Preliminary Results of P & S-wave Teleseismic Tomography of the Superior Region
- Principal Component Analyses of Topographic Profiles of Terrestrial and Venusian Uplifts
- Re-assessing H and C Isotope Signatures of Biogenic Methane in Coalbeds and Shales: Metabolic Pathways and Alternative Influences
- Reinterpreting the Early Cretaceous Sulfur Isotope Records: Implications for the Evolution of Seawater Chemistry
- S-velocity structure of East Asia using ambient seismic noise tomography
- Tectonic geomorphology, aftershock relocation, and sources of the great 1950 and 1897 East Himalayan earthquakes
- The burial of organic carbon over the last 10 kyr by the Waipaoa River, New Zealand sedimentary system
- The structure of the mid-continent rift of North America from combined surface wave and ambient noise tomography
- Water Cycling Between Ocean and Mantle: Super-Earths Need Not be Waterworlds
- How Well Do Earthquake Hazard Maps Work and How Good Do They Have to be?
- Long Aftershock Sequences within Continents and Implications for Earthquake Hazard Assessment
- Roaming Earthquakes in North China and Central-Eastern US: How and Why?
- Seismicity in Eastern North America: What Is the Source of Intraplate Strain and Stress?
- Comparing the Performance of Japan's Earthquake Hazard Maps to Uniform and Randomized Maps
- Holocene Fluctuations of North Ice Cap, a Proxy for Climate Conditions along the Northwestern Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Metrics, Bayes, and BOGSAT: Recognizing and Assessing Uncertainties in Earthquake Hazard Maps
- Should Fermi Have Secured his Water Heater Against Earthquakes?
- Using Atmospheric Circulation Patterns to Detect and Attribute Changes in the Risk of Extreme Climate Events
- Are Earthquake Clusters/Supercycles Real or Random?
- Assessing Earthquake Hazard Map Performance Using Historical Shaking Intensity Data and Instrumental Data
- Assessing earthquake hazard map performance with historical shaking intensity data
- Cluster classification of mid-latitude summer circulation patterns in the CESM1 Large Ensemble
- Issues in testing the new national seismic hazard model for Italy
- Recent amplification of the North American Winter Temperature Dipole
- Surface area dependence of calcium isotopic reequilibration in carbonates: Implications for isotopic signatures in the weathering zone
- A Geodynamic model for melt generation and evolution of the Mid-Continental Rift
- A Key Puzzle Piece: Revisiting the Shaking Distribution from the 1952 Kern County, California, Earthquake
- An Attempt to Rationalize the Depth-Distance Correction Q(Δ,h) of the m<SUB>b</SUB> Formula
- Comparative Riftology: Insights into the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins and Continental Rifts from the Failed Midcontinent Rift (MCR)
- Earthquake bursts and fault branching: lessons from the Carmel fault branch (CFB) of the Dead Sea Transform (DST)
- Evolution of C-O-H-N volatile species in the magma ocean during core formation.
- Excel, Earthquakes, and Moneyball: exploring Cascadia earthquake probabilities using spreadsheets and baseball analogies
- Global Examination of Triggered Tectonic Tremor following the 2017 Mw8.1 Tehuantepec Earthquake in Mexico
- How Perturbing Ocean Floor Disturbs Tsunami Waves
- Imaging of the Galapagos Plume Using a Network of Mermaids
- Insights into Rift Initiation, Evolution, and Failure from North America's Midcontinent Rift
- Insights into earthquake hazard map performance from shaking history simulations
- Long-Term Fault Memory: A New Time-Dependent Recurrence Model for Large Earthquake Clusters on Plate Boundaries
- Magnetite Equation of State: Implications for Mars' Interior and Magnetization
- Meteorological Drivers of Extreme Air Pollution Events
- Multi-Index Attribution of Beijing's 2013 "Airpocalypse"
- New constraints on the magnitude of the 4 January 1907 tsunami earthquake off Sumatra, Indonesia, and its Indian Ocean-wide tsunami
- One billion year-old Mid-continent Rift leaves virtually no clues in the mantle
- Performance of USGS one-year earthquake hazard map for natural and induced seismicity in the central and eastern United States
- Seismic signals of "wet" vs. "dry" ice shelves
- Should the "Grenville Front" in the Central U.S. be Erased from Geologic Maps?
- Smartphones - the Geophysics Lab in Your Students' Pocket
- Southwest Greenland's Alpine Glacier History: Recent Glacier Change in the Context of the Holocene Geologic Record
- Temporal Variation of Tectonic Tremor Activity Associated with Nearby Earthquakes
- The Intriguing Tsunami of 19 March 2017 in the Persian Gulf
- The wicked problem of earthquake hazard in developing countries: the example of Bangladesh
- Towards a Systematic Search for Triggered Seismic Events in the USA
- Unintentional comedy - errors in movies and educational material - as a teaching tool
- Automatic classification of triggered tectonic tremor with deep learning
- BARscope - extending EarthScope Between the Appalachians and the Rockies
- Earthquake Detective: Engaging Citizens in the Detection of Dynamically Triggered Seismic Events
- Effects of rapid plate motion on the Mid-Continental Rift and mantle plume interactions under Pre-Cambrian mantle conditions
- Estimation of Source Parameters and Associated Uncertainties from Inversion of Historic Intensity Data for the 1952 Kern County, California Earthquake
- Exploring the signature of climate and internal variability on river suspended sediment dynamics
- Have we seen the largest earthquakes in eastern North America?
- Implications for the Grenville Orogeny and assembly of Rodinia from gravity anomalies along the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front
- On the origin of the distance-depth correction Q(Δ,h) of the m<SUB>b</SUB> formula: An update
- Opening of the Midcontinent Rift during the assembly of Rodinia
- Ray-Tracing of Finite Tsunami Sources
- Siamese networks for triggered earthquakes detection
- The Performance of the USGS's 2017 One-Year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States
- The Peruvian Flat Slab Sag: Constraints from the Pucallpa Seismic Nest
- Unlocking Data through Zooniverse: Science with 1.7 Million Volunteers
- Using Seismic Hazard Maps to Mitigate the Hazard from Earthquakes Due to Oil and Gas Production
- Variations in Energy-to-Moment ratios along the Sumatra subduction zone
- What controls normal faulting earthquakes' maximum magnitude?
- A Revisit of Temporal and Spatial Variability and Resolution of Rainfall Measurements Relevant for Urban Hydrology
- CHIMP - a shaking dataset for historical large earthquakes in California
- Changes in hydrogen bonding in wadsleyite at concurrent P-T conditions relevant to encapsulation as inclusion in diamond
- Compilation of igneous rock volumes and geometries at volcanic passive continental margins to explore the processes of continental rifting and breakup
- Crystal Structure and Compressibility of Fe - Mg Jeffbenite Synthesized at 15 GPa and 1200ºC
- Decision-tools for informed EV adoption and co-benefit/tradeoff analyses
- Development of earthquake correction models for GRACE and GRACE Follow-On gravity data time series
- Diverse terrestrial evidence for Holocene temperature trends over Greenland: a view from beyond the ice sheet
- Earthquake Detective: Engaging Citizens in the Detection of Dynamically Triggered Seismic Events
- Experimental Visualization of Electron Density Across the High-Pressure Fe(II) Spin Transition
- Exploring the velocity structure of the topmost outer core using globally distributed SmKS phases
- Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss during the Last Interglacial and middle Holocene despite paleolimnological evidence for increased atmospheric moisture
- Habitability and Observability of Strongly to Weakly Oxygenated M-dwarf Exoplanets Constrained by 3D Chemistry-Climate Models
- Holocene Climate and Local Glacier Fluctuations in South Greenland Inferred from Three Glacial Lake Sediment Records
- Hydrologic and climatic change of the past 14,500 yrs at Geneva Lake, Wisconsin, inferred from ostracode and bulk sediment geochemistry
- Inferring Holocene climate change in northern North America using an improved paleo-climate model based on chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) assemblages identified with increased taxonomic resolution
- Investigating Obstacles in Fluorometric Phytoplankton Quantification: in vivo Measurements and Chlorophyll a Extraction
- Issues in Characterization of Earthquake Sequences by Aperiodicity and Long-Term Fault Memory
- Large Uncertainties in Stress Drop Estimates and Their Tectonic Consequences
- Locating Previously Unmapped Water-Filled Cave Passages Feeding the Echo River Accessory Spring Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography at Mammoth Cave National Park, KY
- Magnitude and seasonality of climate change in South Greenland over the past 12,000 years from midge assemblages and oxygen isotopes of chitin
- Microbial Succession in Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, CA
- North America's mid-continent rift: a chanced meeting of a plume and a rift
- Propagation extent and patterns of oceanic tsunamis into narrowly-semi-closed basins - Case study: The Persian Gulf
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- The origin of Gutenberg & Richter m<SUB>b</SUB> formula: An update
- Towards a Unifying Structural Model for the Mid-continent Rift
- Unscrambling the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front in the eastern United States
- Updating the Traditional Earthquake Cycle Model Using Long-Term Fault Memory and Implications for Improved Earthquake Hazard Assessment
- Using High-resolution Radar Rainfall Products to Improve City-scale Flood Models for Urban Resilience
- What Does the Past Tell Us About the Future? Using Simulations to Explore Earthquake Hazard Model Parameters
- A pan-Arctic review of lake-based Holocene glacier and ice cap records
- Assessment of seismic hazard map performance for California through comparison with historical shaking data
- Climatological analysis of melting layer altitude in landfalling atmospheric rivers using weather radars
- Continental normal fault earthquakes and their maximum magnitudes
- Dynamically Triggered Seismic Activity in Alaska
- Evolution of the crystal structure of hydrous wadsleyite at high pressure up to 33 GPa
- Exploring rift magmatism and evolution through gravity analysis of North America's failed rifts
- Foraminiferal calcium isotope response to carbon cycle perturbations: comparison of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum to Ocean Anoxic Event 2
- GIS-based Reconstruction of the Zion Beach-ridge Plain, Illinois, based on Historical Maps, Aerial Photographs, and a LiDAR-derived DEM
- How much melt forms in continental rifting and where does it go?
- Investigating how Relative Sea Level Regulates Microbial Sulfate Reduction and the Local S-isotope Record
- Little Ice Age climate in South Greenland inferred from alpine glacier reconstructions
- Modeling future Cascadia tsunamis: Don't prepare only for the rarest and biggest one
- On the Ionospheres of Strongly- to Weakly-Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets
- Revisiting Hotspots and Continental Breakup - Updating the Classical Three-arm Model
- River channel and watershed self-organization limit the flux of fine particles
- Should all of Nepal be treated as having the same earthquake hazard?
- Toward Using Climate to Increase Lead-Time of a Malaria Early Warning System in Mozambique
- Younger Dryas Climate in South Greenland Inferred from Chironomid and Moss Chemistry at Lake N14