University of Twente, Netherlands
flowchart I[University of Twente, Netherlands] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (175)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (48)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Instability Mechanism for the Growth of Longshore Sand Bars
- A Stochastics-based Bed Layer Model for Mass Conservation of Nonuniform Sediment
- Prospects for a Gradiometry Mission for High-Resolution Mapping of Planetary Gravity Fields
- Measurement of soil water potential over an extended range by polymer tensiometers: comparison with other instruments
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Total Suspended and Dissolved Solids in the Upper Part of Manoa Stream, Hawaii
- Experimental Recreation of Large-Scale Coastal Bedforms and Hummocky Cross-Stratification in Sheet Flow Conditions
- Importance of Insolation Anomalies for Eemian Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- The Response of African Land Surface Phenology to Large Scale Climate Oscillations
- Crustal Modeling in Africa; Towards high Resolution Models using GOCE Satellite Gravity Data
- Drought Management Activities of the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC): Contributions Toward a Global Drought Early Warning System (GDEWS)
- Hyperspectral Indices for Retrieval of Chlorophyll and Nitrogen in Mangroves Using SLC and HYMAP
- Impacts of Past Land Use Changes on Water Resources: An Analog for Assessing Effects of Proposed Bioenergy Crops
- Is it Necessary to Consider Air Flow in Land Surface Models
- Modeling hyperspectral observations of vegetation fluorescence from photosystem level to top-of-atmosphere radiance spectra
- Monitoring magnitude and direction of movement in landslides with optical remote sensing
- Remote sensing of total suspend matters and their dynamics in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia
- Seismology and Satellite Gravity; is There Any Relation?
- Tephra Flows on Cinder Cones: A Numerical Approach
- The impact of an Indonesian river system on tropical coastal ecosystems: synthesis of results
- The water footprint of humanity
- A Combined Soil Moisture Product of the Tibetan Plateau using Different Sensors Simultaneously
- Biological and Physical Thresholds in Biogeomorphologically Self-organizing Systems.
- Data Provenance as a Tool for Debugging Hydrological Models based on Python
- Discrete Element Modeling of Volcanic Pyroclasts: Cone Construction and Impact Sags
- European Space Agency's Fluorescence Explorer Mission: Concept and Applications
- Exploring the role of rainfall variability and extreme events in long-term landscape development
- Passive L-Band H Polarized Microwave Emission During the Corn Growth Cycle
- Seismological tomographic models vs. satellite gravity data: what is observable in satellite gravity data
- Sensor-based actuation of water samplers in wireless sensor networks
- A Satellite Based Modeling Framework for Estimating Seasonal Carbon Fluxes Over Agricultural Lands
- Active machine learning for rapid landslide inventory mapping with VHR satellite images (Invited)
- Collisions on the Fly: pairing numerical modelling with high speed imagery to explore pyroclast-pyroclast interactions
- Cosesimic landslides and their post-quake effects (Invited)
- Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) and Plant Functional Traits (PFT) from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Impact of land model physics on estimating soil moisture and temperature with an Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
- Impact of land use change on a hydro-meteorological event in Kampala, Uganda
- Improving Blue Evapotranspiration and Irrigated Areas Retrieval in Europe and Africa
- Reducing Non-Uniqueness in Satellite Gravity Inversion using 3D Object Oriented Image Analysis Techniques
- Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for crop water footprint accounting at a basin level
- Spring onset variability and trends in the CMIP5 archive (Invited)
- TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF REMOTELY-SENSED TIR EMISSION: linking anomalies to physical processes
- The Tor Vergata Scattering Model Applied to L Band Backscatter During the Corn Growth Cycle
- Uncertainty analysis in future extreme flow projections in Jinhua River Basin, East China
- Understanding Solar Induced Fluorescence: Building up from Leaf Scale Measurements (Invited)
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Event Types in Two Alpine Catchments
- Assimilation of MODIS-derived LAI by radiative transfer modelling to crop growth simulation model for rice crop monitoring and yield estimation in the Mekong delta, Vietnam
- Climate indexes and high runoff relations in Lanjiang River Basin, China
- Dependence of national consumption on unsustainable blue water footprints: A global overview
- Effect of irrigation techniques and strategies on water footprint of growing crops
- Fresh Biomass Estimation in Heterogeneous Grassland Using Hyperspectral Measurements and Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Global Anthropogenic Phosphorus Loads to Fresh Water, Grey Water Footprint and Water Pollution Levels: A High-Resolution Global Study
- Improved Simulation of Peak Flows Under Climate Change: Post-Processing or Multi-Objective Calibration?
- Quantifying the crucial role of snow in supplying human water demand
- Stationary and Dynamic Permeability and Coupling Coefficient Measurements in Sintered Glass Bead Systems
- Thermal Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Plant Species and Stress Detection
- Uncertainty Analysis of Gross Primary Production Separated from Net Ecosystem Exchange Measurement at Speulderbos Forest, The Netherlands
- Water Footprint Assessment to support water resources management in the regulatory context: a case study in the Thames River Basin, UK
- Can we Bring Discipline to Carbon Cycle Modeling Using Observations of Solar Induced Fluorescence and Carbonyl Sulfide?
- Combining High Resolution Measurements and Simulations of Near-Bed Sediment Transport Processes Under Large-Scale Breaking Waves
- Geothermal Heat Flux Assessment Using Remote Sensing Land Surface Temperature and Simulated Data. Case Studies at the Kenyan Rift and Yellowstone Geothermal Areas
- Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices for Estimation of Foliar Nitrogen in a Mixed Forest
- Mantle Flow Implications across Easter and Southern Africa from Shear Wave Splitting Measurements
- Micromagnetic Tomography in Practice
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Soliciting scientific information and beliefs in predictive modeling and adaptive management
- Spring onset variations and long-term trends from new hemispheric-scale products and remote sensing
- Surface Wave Tomography of Botswana Using Two-Station and Ambient Noise Analysis
- The Water Footprint of Food Aid
- Towards Sustainable Water Management in a Country that Faces Extreme Water Scarcity and Dependency: Jordan
- Trends and Natural Variability of Spring Onset in the Coterminous United States as Evaluated by a New Gridded Dataset of Spring Indices
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- 3-D Surface Deformation Model from Sub-pixel Correlation of Optical Imagery and InSAR
- Assessment of Pre-earthquake Land Surface Temperatures in 20 Case Studies Worldwide
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Beach Resilience to Coastal Structures on a Natural Beach
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Dynamic Xanthophyll Reflectance as Methods to Estimate Photosynthesis with Remote Sensors - A Modelling Approach
- Crust and mantle structure under Botswana - the new key-player in African geodynamics?
- Detecting Crop Functional Response to a Heat Wave using Airborne Reflectance and Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements
- Evaluation of radiative transfer models for estimation of foliar nitrogen content at leaf and canopy level
- Frequency-area distribution of earthquake-induced landslides
- Impact of Topography on Seismic Amplification During the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake
- Joint inversion of GOCE gravity gradients and surface waves.
- Local Topography Effect on Plant Area Index Profile Calculation from Small Footprint Airborne Laser Scanning
- Multi-temporal Vegetation Canopy Parameters Retrieval Using PROSAIL Model Inversion Against Landsat Observations with Application to Drought Effects Detection
- Pattern of Seasonal and interannual Changes of Chlorophyll Concentration in the Wadden Sea from Remote Sensing Data
- Purpose, Processes, Partnerships, and Products: 4Ps to advance Participatory Socio-Environmental Modeling
- SMAP soil moisture drying more rapid than observed in situ following rainfall events
- The FLEX satellite mission - Measuring and understanding the local and global dynamics of sun-induced fluorescence, photosynthesis and vegetation stress
- The effect of the Asian monsoon to the atmospheric boundary layer over the Tibetan Plateau
- Bulbous head formation in bidisperse shallow granular flows over inclined planes
- Determining Individual Grains' Magnetic Moments by Micromagnetic Tomography
- Do distributaries in a delta plain resemble an ideal estuary? Results from theKapuas Delta,Indonesia
- Essential Biodiversity Variables: A framework for communication between the biodiversity community and space agencies
- Extending the Rift Zone: evidence from central Botswana
- High resolution production water footprints of the United States
- Improved Management of Water and Natural Resources Requires Open, Cognizant, Adaptive Science and Policy
- Mapping Changes in Area and the Cropping Season of Irrigated Rice in Senegal and Mauritania between 2003 and 2014 Using the PhenoRice Algorithm and MODIS Imagery
- Measurements of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate in Complex Terrain from the Perdigão Experiment
- Meso- to micro-scale coupled simulations of flow over complex terrain at the Perdigao site
- Performance of the Cell Perturbation Method over Complex Terrain
- Retrieval of Spatio-temporal Evaporation by Integrating Landsat OLI Optical and Thermal Data
- Segregation-mobility feedback for bidisperse shallow granular flows: Towards understanding segregation in geophysical flows
- Simulation of future land use change and climate change impacts on hydrological processes in a tropical catchment
- Source Mechanism and Aftershock Study of the Central Botswana M6.5 Earthquake of April 3, 2017
- Surface topography explains weak ground shaking in Kathmandu valley during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- Synergistically combining Optical and Thermal radiative transfer modelswithin the EO-LDAS data assimilation framework to estimate land surfaceand component temperatures from MODIS and Sentinel-3
- Tides Stabilize Deltas until Humans Interfere
- Capacity Building in Earth Observation: from Outcomes to Impact and Sustainability
- Geostatistical modeling to capture seismic-shaking patterns from earthquake-induced landslides
- New estimates of seismic anisotropy in southern and eastern Africa from shear wave splitting measurements
- P and S wave velocity structure of the upper mantle beneath southern Africa constrained by new data from Botswana
- Physically-based multi-hazard modelling and its influence on predicted hazard and risk for Dominica
- Simulating Co-developed Knowledge on Urban Climate Risks and Adaptation using a Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach
- Towards a Global Monitoring of Land-Surface Phenology Processes using Dense Time-Series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Images
- Bringing the community to the data and the data to the community: GEOGLAM efforts to transform Earth observations into actionable information
- Daily-scale rainfall event characteristics and temporal rainfall patterns under climate change in Qu River basin, China
- Decadal wave attenuating capacity of foreshores under extreme wave conditions
- Detection of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in mine waste applying destructive and spectral techniques: a chance to overcome the rising worldwide REEs demand?
- Evaluation of WRF simulated Rainfall for Flash flood modeling in an Urbanized Catchment: Case study Kampala, Uganda
- Exploring continuous time series of vegetation hyperspectral reflectance and solar-induced fluorescence through radiative transfer model inversion
- Impact of the spatial resolution of satellite images on the evapotranspiration estimation of urban green spaces using optical remote sensing
- Integrated Measurement and Modelling of Land Surface and Microwave Emission Processes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Meteorological Data to improve Hydrological Design Storm Approach
- Micromagnetic Tomography applied to natural samples: first steps towards deriving rock magnetic and paleomagnetic data from subsets of magnetic grains in lavas
- Morphology of a tidal river subject to uplift: introducing the Kapuas (East Kalimantan, Indonesia)
- P- and S-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Southern Africa from Body Wave Tomography: New Constraints on Craton Structure and the Southwestern Branch of the East African Rift System
- Process-Based Biogeomorphologic Modelling of the Establishment and Survival of Salt Marshes Under Changing Abiotic Conditions
- Rapid Shifts in Maritime Continent Precipitation Regime
- Rifting in central Botswana?
- Sediment Deposition Hazard Assessment: Hurricane Maria in Dominica
- Sediment sorting in offshore sand waves fields: the role of tidal asymmetry
- Sun-Induced Fluorescence under a heat wave. Evidence from a tree-grass ecosystem
- The Cell Perturbation Method for Turbulence Generation in Nested Large-Eddy Simulations for the Perdigão Field Campaign.
- The Impact of Reforestation Induced Land Cover Change (1990-2017) on Flash Flood Peak Discharge Using HEC-HMS Hydrological Model and Satellite Observations: A study in Data Scarce Tributary of Sichuan Basin, China
- The Influence of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Landslide Susceptibility Based on Slope Unit: A Case Study in Zhushan Town, Xuanen County (Hubei, China)
- The iAQUEDUCT project activities in a small Mediterranean rural catchment: Preliminary results of field and remote sensing campaigns to parameterize Richards-based hydrological models.
- Towards Monitoring Coal Mine Methane Emissions using TROPOMI Satellite Observations
- Transfer Function-Noise Modeling Using Remote Sensing Data to Characterize Soil Moisture Dynamics: a Data-driven Approach
- Using Sentinel-2 MSI for mapping iron oxide minerals on a continental and global scale
- Vegetated Foreshores as Coastal Protection Strategy: Coping with Uncertainties and Implementation
- Video Map - visual stories of change
- 3D shear wave velocity structure of the southeastern segment of the Olkaria geothermal field using ambient noise tomography technique
- Alternative societal solutions to pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment
- Capturing the legacy effect of the ground motion in the spatial distribution of rainfall-induced landslides
- Computing societal dynamics in response to climate change
- Could road constructions be more disastrous than an earthquake in terms of landsliding?
- Energy Budget and Radiative Transfer Modelling in the Soil, Vegetation, Atmosphere Continuum
- From SIF to photosynthesis: Achievements, challenges and opportunities
- Impact of climate change on flow composition using a model tailored to runoff components
- Seismicity and seismic imaging of the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean Sea)
- Surface wave tomography of Southern Africa using ambient noise analysis
- The ECOSTRESS Science and Applications Team: Synergies Across Land, Air, and Sea
- The effects of oyster reef restoration on flow and turbulence characteristics in a microtidal estuary
- Towards Probabilistic Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Early Warning System in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia
- Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
- Crustal and upper Mantle Imaging of Botswana Using Magnetotelluric Method: What Can We Learn from Country-wide Magnetotelluric Imaging?
- Flow-Canopy Interactions Within Mangrove Forest, Oyster Reef and Seagrasses With Applications to Design of Nature-Based Features
- Global Phosphorus Losses from Croplands under Future Precipitation Scenarios
- Improving Field Lava Flow Temperatures with Lab-based Spectral Emissivities for The 20142015 Holuhraun Eruption.
- Integrated Enhanced Canopy Radiative Transfer and Soil Water Dynamics Improved the Simulation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Functioning
- Modelling the Cross-Sectional Shape of Tidal Sandbanks on a Hard Substrate
- Observations and analysis of estuarine mixing dynamics influenced by floodgates and varying bathymetry
- Sensitivity of WRF cloud microphysics to simulations of a heavy rainfall induced landslide event over Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, on 28 November 2018
- Shear-Wave Velocity Structure of the Eastern and Southern African Upper Mantle: Implications for Craton Structure, Rifting and Plateau Uplift
- Sun-Induced and Active Fluorescence as a Tool to Understand Plants Transpiration
- Accuracy of Modelled Gridded Population Estimates in "Slums" and Suitability for SDG 11 Monitoring
- Ambient noise tomography along (passive-source) seismic lines: Case studies in NE Brazil.
- Assessment of Climate Change Induced Risks to Water Availability Using the Budyko Framework
- Channel-shoal sediment exchange caused by tidal and subtidal flows
- Characterization of the Olkaria Geothermal structure with ambient seismic noise tomography
- Detecting Displacements of Large Woody Debris Dams with Smart Sensors: Insights from Lab Experiments
- Integrated modeling and observation of the feedback between photosynthesis, leaf optics, active and passive fluorescence, and leaf biochemical and biophysical properties
- Rain-fed to Irrigation-fed Transition of Cropped Agriculture may Enhance Urban-Rural Water Conflict
- Soil moisture-precipitation relationships during recent floods in the US: results from modeling analysis and plans for GEWEX "soil-cloud cascade"
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Nyblade
- A.J.F. Hoitink
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Andrea E. Gaughan
- Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan
- B. Vermeulen
- Cheryl Porter
- Christiaan van der Tol
- Christoph Müller
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Diego Panici
- Donaldi Sukma Permana
- Erica M. Lucas
- Florian Zabel
- Forrest R. Stevens
- Gary N. Geller
- Georg Wohlfahrt
- Hamid Dashti
- Hanneke Paulssen
- Haynes Stephens
- Ian Foster
- Islam Fadel
- Jennifer E. Johnson
- Joep F. Schyns
- Jonas Biren
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jordi Julià
- Julia M. Schneider
- L. Ruby Leung
- M. van der Meijde
- Maria J. Santos
- Markus Reichstein
- Mesfin Mekonnen
- Min Chen
- Min Huang
- Mukesh Kumar
- Naota Hanasaki
- Petra Šímová
- Pushpendra Raghav
- Qiuhong Tang
- Ratna Satyaningsih
- Reinier Schrijvershof
- Sam Rabin
- Stephen Akinremi
- Toshichika Iizumi
- Troy S. Magney
- Wenfeng Liu
- Xingcai Liu