University of Alberta, Department of Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Auroral Electron Acceleration by Dispersive Alfvén Waves: Kinetic Processes
- Dynamo processes in a thin shell geometry
- Electrical Structure of the Creeping San Andreas Fault at Hollister, California
- Electrodynamic Coupling Between Plasma Sheet and the Auroral Zone due to Nonlinear Feedback interaction: Studies Based on Nonlinear Dispersive Field Line Resonance Model
- Explosive Instabilities in Magnetized Plasmas: Implications for the Substorm Expansive Phase
- Finite Element Modeling of Dispersive Field Line Resonances in Dipolar and Stretched Magnetic Fields
- Finite Element Modeling of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX)
- First CLUSTER plasma and magnetic field measurements of flux transfer events in conjunction with their ionospheric flow signatures
- Hybrid MHD-Kinetic Model of a Field Line Resonance in a Dipolar Geometry.
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere Coupling for the Steady-state Solar Wind Conditions of November 26 2000
- Relation of Substorm Breakup Arc to other Growth-Phase Auroral Arcs
- Signatures of Pseudo-breakup, Breakup of a Full Substorm Onset, and Poleward Border Intensifications Compared.
- Substorm Related Resonance Structures in Auroral Optical Observatios
- Varying the Shell Geometry in Planetary Dynamo Models
- A Comparison of Cluster Observations of the Tail Current during Substorms and Quiet Times
- An Event Comparison of Global MHD Simulation and SuperDARN HF Radar in the North Polar Cusp
- Dusk-sector Pc6 Pulsation Activity Related to Magnetopause Oscillations During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Finite Element Modeling of Nonlinear Evolution of Dispersive Field Line Resonances in Stretched Magnetic Fields
- Hydrogeology of the San Andreas Fault: Seismic and Magnetotelluric Evidence from Central California
- Kinetic Simulations of Shear Alfvén Waves in Magnetospheric Plasmas
- Magnetic record of Lake Baikal sediments (Baikal Drilling Project 1998)
- Multi-Scale Explosive Instabilities of the Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet at Breakups.
- Observations of Dayside Convection Reduction Leading to Substorm Onset
- Reflection-Transmission of Bounded Pulses at Fluid-Solid Boundaries: Application to Rock Physics Experiments
- Resistivity Architecture and Physical State of the Great Basin: Separate and Joint Roles of Fluids and Graphite
- Theory and Data Analysis of ULF Field Line Resonances : Comparisons with Global MHD models
- Three Dimensional Modelling of Magnetospheric Plasmas
- Very Long Period Magnetotelluric Data Across the India-Asia Collision Zone
- Vlasov Simulations of Ion-Acoustic Instabilities in Non-Maxwellian Space Plasmas: Enhanced Anomalous Resistivity.
- 3-Hz Alfvén Wave and Electron Bursts in the Upper Ionosphere During a Substorm Intensification
- 3D Modelling of Wave Propagation in Earth Magnetosphere
- A macroscopic / microscopic view of a substorm
- Anomalous resistivity in non-Maxwellian plasmas
- Energy Storage and Release at the Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet.
- Evolution and Characteristics of Global Pc5 observations of ULF waves During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Intrinsic Anisotropy of Textured Rocks
- Kinetic Simulations of Shear Alfvén waves: Electron Dynamics in uniform and nonuniform magnetic fields
- Magnetotelluric constraints on the the nature of lower-crustal shear zones
- Modeling the Inner Plasma Sheet Equilibrium.
- Optical Signatures and Models of Dispersive Nonlinear Field Line Resonances
- P-wave Velocity Anisotropy and Shear-wave Splitting of Sheared Metasediments from the Flin-Flon Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen
- Signatures of Magnetic Storms Induced by Magnetic Clouds
- Solar Wind Driven ULF Waves and MeV Electron Radial Diffusion in the Magnetosphere: Requirements for the Development of a ULF Index
- The Significance of Dipole Tilt for Substorm Onsets
- Characterization of Intense ULF Wave Power Spectra During the ``Halloween'' 2003 Geomagnetic Storm
- Characterization of fault zone structure at the SAFOD site with magnetotelluric exploration
- Co-ordinated IMAGE satellite and ground-magnetometer observations of a cross-phase reversal at a steep plasmapause.
- Coordinated Polar Spacecraft, Geosynchronous Spacecraft, and Ground-based Observations of Magnetopause Processes and Their Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Estimating magnetospheric densities using observations of the Alfven continuum
- Generating Banded Zonal Flows on Jupiter and Saturn
- Liapunov Stability of Plasmas: An Application to the Earth's Magnetotail at Substorms
- Modeling Zonal Flows on the Giant Planets
- Multi-point Characterization of ULF Wave Energy Transport in the Magnetosphere.
- New Tertiary Paleomagnetic Poles at 13 and 30 Ma from Mongolia: Clues on the Inclination Shallowing Problem in Central Asia
- Nonlinear Electron Heating and Pedersen Conductivity Enhancements in the Evolution of Dispersive Field Line Resonances
- The Concept of Linear Unmixing - a Key for Interpreting Environmental Magnetic Signals
- ULF Waves penetrating into the slot region during the october 2003 "Halloween" Storms
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Eastern Pacific Ocean Ridges
- A Federated Model for Distributed Space Science Data Sets
- A ULF Wave Model in a Dipole Geometry for Relativistic Electron Dynamics Studies
- Apparent Polar Wander Path for Siberian Platform
- Broadband Seismic Studies at the Mallik Gas Hydrate Research Well
- Calibration of a Ground-Water Model for an Underground Nuclear Test Site to Magnetotelluric Results
- Closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean as Constrained by Late Permian to Early Cretaceous Paleomagnetic Data from the Suture Zone
- Coordinated Observation of Field Line Resonance in the Mid-magnetotail
- Electrical Resistivity Structure of the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone in Eastern Anatolia
- Electrodynamics of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Non-Perturbative Results of ULF pulsations
- Environmental investigations at the Amchitka Island nuclear test site with magnetotelluric exploration
- Examination of the Predictive Waiting Time Method Using Global Earthquake Catalogs
- Ground-based Magnetometer Array Science for IHY: Opportunities for an Array in Africa within the UNBSS Developing Nations Small Instrument Program
- Kinetic Aspects of Dispersive Scale Alfvén Waves
- Modelling the conversion of compressional waves into shear Alfven waves in Earth magnetosphere
- Modelling the resonant accceleration of radiation belt electrons by guided poloidal ULF waves
- Observations of Mirror-Mode Structures in the Dawn-Side Magnetosphere
- Occurrences of Intrapermafrost Gas Hydrates and Shallow Gas in the Mackenzie Delta area, N.W.T., Canada
- Paleomagnetism and K/Ar Dating of Two Cretaceous and Tertiary Localities From Mongolia: Implications on The Large Scale Deformation of Eurasia
- Pc5 ULF, energetic Oxygen Ion, and EMIC Wave-Particle Interactions During the Halloween 2003 Storm
- Radial diffusion of relativistic electrons into the radiation belt slot region during the 2003 Halloween geomagnetic storms
- Simulation of MESSENGER flybys using plausible numerical dynamo models of Mercury's liquid core
- Zonal flow dynamos
- A Canadian Virtual Observatory: the Post-CANOPUS era
- A Study Of Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath The Northeastern Pacific Ocean Using The Radon Transform
- Angular momentum transfer from convective bursts: a mechanism for Saturn's time-variable rotation
- Holocene Loess-Soil Deposits: Regional and Global Climate Change Recorder from Siberia
- Hybrid kinetic simulation of heavy ions in Mercury's Exosphere
- Investigating the state of the Sun-Earth system during extreme events: First science results of a worldwide online conference series
- Ionospheric Convection and Reconnection Signatures in a Global Circulation Model of the Earth Magnetosphere for Northward IMF and for IMF By
- Modeling Deep Convective Zonal Flows on the Giant Planets
- Seismic Velocity Gradients Across the Transition Zone
- Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy Beneath the Southern Apennines and the Calabrian Arc
- Siberian Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences: magnetic indicator of global paleoclimate cycles
- Test kinetic modelling of particle dynamics at a shock front
- The Electric Field Wave Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Instrument Suite
- UltraMAGNET: A Global Magnetometer Network for Space Physics Research
- Uncovering the Source of Ambient Seismic Noise Near the Coasts of Italy
- Azimuthal evolution of the aurora in tens of seconds around the expansive phase onset
- Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset
- Coordinated THEMIS and ground-based magnetometer study of ULF wave excitation during a fast solar wind stream
- Cross-Phase Investigation of a Field Line Resonance and a Discrete Continuous Oscillation in the Solar Wind
- EMSCOPE - Electromagnetic Component of EarthScope Backbone and Transportable Array Experiments 2006-2008
- Energetic Electron and Pc5 ULF wave interactions during magnetic storms
- First THEMIS Results Concerning the Nature and the Role of the Electromagnetic Waves During Substorm Process Versus Radial Distance
- Highly periodic activations observed by THEMIS prior to substorm onset
- Imaging the Western Pacific Subduction Zones Using High-resolution Radon Transforms
- Investigation on Pi1 B pulsations using THEMIS ground-based magnetometers
- Large-scale Shear Velocities Beneath Hotspot Locations: New Observations and Travel Time Synthesis
- Lithospheric structure of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone in Eastern Anatolia from magnetotelluric exploration
- Local Dynamic Response of the Magnetosphere to Solar Wind Variations: First THEMIS Case Studies
- Magnetospheric {ULF} Activity as a Function of Solar Wind Conditions: Toward a Quantitative Model of Radial Diffusion in the Magnetosphere
- Magnetotelluric Imaging Across the North Anatolian Fault, Erzincan Basin, Turkey
- Magnetotelluric Imaging of an Arc-Continent Collision Beneath Central Taiwan
- Midlatitude Pi2 Timing of a Multiple Onset Substorm Observed by THEMIS on March 23, 2007
- Modeling the Dominant Noise Sources in Southern Italy
- On the recovery of missing low and high frequency information from bandlimited reflectivity data
- Paleosecular variation during the PCRS based on a new database of sedimentary and volcanic records
- Polarization properties of the fundamental mode and higher harmonics of standing shear Alfven waves in non-axisymmetric background magnetic fields.
- Self-Consistent Kinetic Modeling of Field Line Resonances
- Structure and Anisotropy Beneath Southern Italy
- THEMIS overview, first results and near future
- Turbulent Deep Convection at low Rossby Number: A Model for Zonal Flow and Thermal Emissions of Jupiter and Saturn
- Two-Stage Oscillatory Response of the Magnetopause to a Current/Vortex Sheet Followed by Northward IMF: Cluster Observations
- A Network Enabled Platform for Canadian Space Science Data
- A method for measuring the dielectric permittivity of rocks
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- Characterization of ULF Pulsations by THEMIS
- Convective Heat Transfer and the Pattern of Thermal Emission on the Gas Giants
- Effects of external imposed magnetic fields on 3-dimensional self-sustained numerical dynamos
- Formation of Double Layer-Like Structures in Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
- Frequencies and polarizations of ULF waves in the magnetosphere: effects of ionospheric Pedersen and Hall conductances.
- Geodynamic Constraints on the Inner Core Super-Rotation
- Global modeling of Pc5 ULF Wave Activity and Relativistic Electron Dynamics following a Large Geomagnetic Storm
- Influence of Elastic Deformations Within the Inner Core on the Free Nutations of the Earth
- Migration and Radon Imaging of the Western Pacific Subduction Zones Using SdS Waves
- Numerical models of the transition from zonal flow to dynamo action in Jupiter and Saturn
- Polar UVI and THEMIS GBO Observations of the Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Response to a Hot Flow Anomaly
- Relativistic electron loss; ULF waves and enhanced outward radial diffusion
- Solar Wind Influence on the Driven Electrojet System and the Magnetotail
- Solar wind disturbance changes between L1 and Earth's magnetosphere: Modeled series at L1 and real events
- Statistical study on the characterization of ULF Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere by THEMIS
- SuperDARN Observations of Pi2 Electric Field Pulsations during THEMIS Substorms
- THEMIS Observation of a Substorm Event on 4:35, Feb 22, 2008
- THEMIS Observations of Current Sheet Flapping
- Tail Reconnection Triggering Substorm Onset
- The Behaviour of Shear Alfven Waves along the Auroral Geomagnetic Field
- The Earth's outer core: reconciling geodynamics, travel-time modeling, and normal-mode eigenfrequency splitting.
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Van Allen Belts
- Timescales of inner core - mantle gravitational locking
- Timing and localization of near-Earth tail and ionospheric signatures during a substorm onset.
- Across-strike and along-strike crustal architecture of the Banggong-Nujiang suture from INDEPTH magnetotelluric profiles
- Alfvenic Electron Acceleration and Auroral Morphology
- An Ideal MHD Model for ULF Waves in a Compressed Dipole Magnetic Field
- Combined Flexural and Torsional Oscillation Methods for Laboratory Study of Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity
- Conjugate Studies of Magnetopause Surface Waves
- Constraints on the couplings at the core-mantle and inner core boundaries inferred from nutation observations (Invited)
- Determining dominant acceleration and loss processes in the Van Allen Belts: The Canadian ORBITALS Mission (Invited)
- Evolution of the crust and upper mantle structure beneath the Kunlun Shan in Northern Tibet from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
- High-resolution Imaging of Global Subduction Zones Using Migrated SS Precursors
- Implementing a Federated Data Archive with Asynchronous Data Query, Gathering and Analysis Capabilities
- Magnetostratigraphy and Paleomagnetism in the Northern Junggar Basin, Northwest China
- Mapping the Western Boundary of the North American Continent
- Mapping the subducted Nazca plate in the lower mantle beneath South America
- Modeling magnetotatail field during substorm dipolarizations
- New Observational Constraints on Theories of Auroral Arc Generation
- Numerical models of zonal flow and dynamo action in Jupiter and Saturn (Invited)
- Sodium exosphere of Mercury during MESSENGER flybys
- Spatial and temporal variations in subduction angle: a role for subduction erosion processes?
- SuperDARN Observation of Vortex Flows Associated With FLRs
- THEMIS Observations of Field Line Resonance Excitation in Responce to a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- Temporal evolution of the arc-continent collision in Taiwan from three-dimensional MT studies
- Using Optical and Riometer Observations to Study the Relationship Between the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Magnetic Field Topology and Dispersionless Electron Injection
- Why are Global Mountain Belts High? Hot Backarcs and Thermal Isostasy
- A quasigeostrophic model of zonal flow generation in the gas giants
- An Over-Driven Axial Dipole Dynamo Model
- Auroral Power and Magnetic Wave Activity During Substorms
- Cloud-Enabled Space Weather Modeling and Data Assimilation Platform (CESWP)
- Comprehensive ground-based and in situ observations of substorm expansion phase onset
- Direct Modulation of Electron Precipitation by Global ULF Oscillations
- Does the Permo-Triassic Geomagnetic Dipole Low Exist?
- Electromagnetic Studies of Lithospheric Mantle and Crust in the Central Tibetan Plateau from INDEPTH Magnetotelluric Profiles and Magnetovariational Data
- From the Rockies to the Alberta Basin: A Tale of Two Stories in the Crust and Lithosphere
- Identification of Field Line Resonances in the Magnetosphere Using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (superdarn): New ``CROSS-POWER and Cross-Phase Technique
- Improved hodograph method applied to ground magnetometer data to determine and error-estimate the field-line eigen-frequency
- Integrated Geophysical Monitoring Systems for Deep Mines (Invited)
- Northern Tibet crustal and lithospheric mantle structures inferred from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
- Science in the Cloud: Experiences Building an International Cloud for Computational Science
- The dynamical structure of giant planets
- The effects of core-mantle gravitational coupling on the rotational dynamics of Mercury
- Two-dimensional Model of the Ionospheric Alfven Resonator With Active Ionosphere
- Viscosity of the Earth's inner core: constraints from nutation observations
- Alfvén Waves in the Alfvénic Aurora: Cause or Effect?
- Anisotropy Instabilities in Global Hybrid Simulations
- Crustal weakening and transgressive melt penetrative intrusion across the Kunlun Shan inferred from INDEPTH Phase III and Phase IV magnetotelluric data
- Drips, delamination and subduction: Modes of lithosphere removal in shortening orogens and their surface expressions
- EMIC wave growth in the magnetosphere: Contrasting energizing and non-energizing sources of anisotropy in the ring current
- Effect of the Earth's magnetic field spatial distribution on the electromagnetic coupling at the fluid core boundaries for nutations
- Electric Field measurements associated with energetic particle acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Federated and Cloud Enabled Resources for Data Management and Utilization
- Generation of Hot Water from Hot-Dry for Heavy-Oil Recovery in Northern Alberta, Canada
- Geodynamo Models and the Inclination Test of Geomagnetic Field Morphology
- High Altitude Balloons as a Platform for Space Radiation Belt Science
- Imaging the Alpine Fault to depths of more than 2 km - Initial results from the 2011 WhataDUSIE seismic reflection profile, Whataroa Valley, New Zealand
- Improved hodograph method to estimate the field-line resonance frequency and the resonance width as a function of latitude: Application to ground magnetometer data
- Late Cenozoic lithosphere evolution of the Central Andes: Constraints from gravity data and geodynamic models
- Links between statistical microseismic event characteristics and in-situ stresses
- Lithospheric Structure Across the Altyn-tagh Fault on the North Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Magnetotelluric Data
- Numerical Study of Alfven Wave Absorption in the Ionosphere
- Numerical models of the formation and removal of eclogite roots in Cordilleran volcanic arcs
- Preliminary Fracture Description from Core, Lithological Logs, and Borehole Geophysical Data in Slimhole Wells Drilled for Project Hotspot: the Snake River Geothermal Drilling Project
- Probable excursions in Alaskan loess deposits and potential for detailed correlations and chronology
- Radial Diffusion of Outer Radiation Belt Electrons - Quantifying the Relative Importance of ULF wave Electric and Magnetic Fields
- Radiation Belt Enhancement or Drop-out? The Role of the Convection Electric Field in ULF wave Driven Electron Transport
- Regional Geophysical Reconnaissance for Low Enthalpy Geothermal Resources in NE Alberta, Canada
- Role of Long-Period Pc5 ULF Waves in Radiation Belt Transport and Loss
- Seismic imaging through volcanic rocks of the Snake River Plain, Idaho for the ICDP Project Hotspot
- Siberian Apparent Polar Wander Path for the Phanerozoic Eon: towards finding Siberian place on Earth
- Simultaneous ground-satellite observation of Pi 2 pulsations associated with upward/downward FACs of the substorm current wedge
- Slab Penetration vs. Slab Stagnation: Mantle Reflectors as an Indicator
- Spaced-based counterparts of substorm onset ULF waves
- Temporal Evolution of the Open-Closed Field Line Boundary Determined Using Superdarn Velocity Gradients
- The University of Alberta High Altitude Balloon Program
- The free librations of Mercury and the size of its inner core
- ULF Power Spectral Densities and Radial Diffusion Coefficients During High-Speed-Stream Storms
- Zonal wind generation on the gas giant planets using a 2D quasigeostrophic model
- 3-D Magnetotelluric studies of Pre-Cambrian basement beneath southern Alberta
- A Possible Buried Impact Structure Near Bow City, Alberta
- A quasigeostrophic model of zonal wind generation on the gas giant planets
- Ambient Noise Tomography of Canada: Crustal Structures, Lithosphere Temperatures and Topography
- An Integrated Crustal Analysis of Craton-Terrane Transition
- Analysis of Continuous Microseismic Recordings: Resonance Frequencies and Unconventional Events
- Application of the improved hodograph method to ground magnetometer data to estimate the FLR frequency and the resonance width as a function of latitude
- Boundary layer control on magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations
- Characterization of Brittle Structures in Basalts of the Central and Western Snake River Plain, Idaho with Evidence and Implications for Fracture Connectivity in Boreholes with High Thermal Gradients
- Determination of the plasmapause boundary using ground magnetometer field line resonances, satellite observations, and modeling
- Gale: an open source modeling code for crust and lithosphere dynamics
- Geomechanical changes inferred from variations of statistical properties of microseismic events
- Global and local signatures of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during the growth and expansion phases of a substorm
- Inner core - mantle gravitational coupling in interior models of Mercury
- Joint Geophysical Assessments of Geothermal Potential from a Deep Borehole in the Canadian Shield Rocks of NE Alberta
- Kinetic Simulations of Dipolarization Fronts: High Frequency Waves and Particle Energization
- Lithospheric destruction of the North China Craton: Evidence from the Sinoprobe magnetotelluric data
- Magnetotelluric signature of a crustal transition zone in northern Tibet associated with partial melt penetration across the Kunlun Fault
- Mapping the distribution of fluids in the crust and lithospheric mantle utilizing geophysical methods (Part 1)
- Mapping the distribution of fluids in the crust and lithospheric mantle utilizing geophysical methods (Part 2)
- Mode Splitting as a Mechanism for Langmuir Mode Amplitude Modulation in Electron Beam-Plasma Interaction
- Models of the geodynamo over geologic time and the inclination test of the GAD hypothesis
- Multi-mission conjunction to probe the spatial and temporal aspects of the magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ULF waves during the Halloween storm
- Nazca-South America Subduction Zone Reflectivity from P'P' Precursors
- Numerical Study of Hinterland Basin Formation and Gravitational Instabilities in Central Andes
- Penetration of Solar Wind Driven ULF Waves into the Inner Magnetosphere: Role in Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics
- Poroelastic Relaxation in Thermally Cracked Aggregates of Sintered Glass Beads
- Quantifying the Relative Importance of Radial Diffusion and Loss on the Dynamics of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Statistical Analysis of EMIC Waves in Plasmaspheric Plumes from Cluster Observations
- Tectonic reconstructions of Siberian craton in Mesozoic era: combination of the hotspot trace and paleomagnetism
- The ICDP Hotspot Scientific Drilling Program: Overview of geophysical logging and seismic imaging through basaltic and rhyolitic volcanic deposits
- ULF waves and energetic electrons resulting from intense interplanetary shocks
- ULTIMA: Array of ground-based magnetometer arrays for monitoring magnetospheric and ionospheric perturbations on a global scale
- Untangling the Space-Time Ambiguity of Auroral Emissions
- Use of Astronaut Photography in Magnetospheric Research: A Proof of Concept Study
- Use of Seismic and Magnetic Surveys in a Regional Geophysical Study for Geothermal Exploration in NE Alberta, Canada
- Weakly-rotating Convective Dynamos: Application to Uranus and Neptune
- Whistler-mode wave propagation in the pre-noon magnetosphere
- 3D inversion of magnetic and electrical resistivity-induced polarization data for an epithermal Au-Ag and underlying porphyry deposit: A case study from British Columbia, Canada
- An appraisal of the full geomagnetic vector in wind-blown sediments - does it have a future? (Invited)
- Body waves separation in the time-frequency domain
- Changes in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and FACs Associated with Substorm Onset (Invited)
- Characterization of Elastic Properties in Basalts of the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho: a Mechanostratigraphic Analysis of a Potential Geothermal Reservoir
- Comparison between predictions of whistler-mode wave spectra and observations: Implications for the distribution of plasma along the magnetic field direction
- Energy budget discrepancy between rock fracturing and associated microseismicity
- Farallon Plate subduction dynamics and the Laramide orogeny: Numerical models of flat subduction
- Global Simulations of the Asymmetry in Forming Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mercury
- Gravitational removal of volcanic arc roots in Cordilleran orogens
- Jets and Vortices in Anelastic Numerical Models of Deep Convection in Giant Planets
- Kinetic Simulations of Ion Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves at Dipolarization Fronts
- Latitude profiles of the FLR frequency and the resonance width estimated by using the improved hodograph method and the APGM method
- Lithospheric deformation inferred from electrical anisotropy of magnetotelluric data
- Magnetopause shadowing effects on the GEO flux dropout during a very weak magnetic storm: RBE results
- Modelling the Lunar Plasma Dust Environment
- Primary and Secondary Compressible Kelvin-Helmholtz Surface Wave Instabilities on the Earth's Magnetopause
- Relativistic Electron Transport in the presence of Broadband ULF Fluctuations: How well does the diffusion paradigm apply?
- Spacecraft-environment interaction model cross comparison applied to Solar Probe Plus
- Subsurface Geophysical Characterization of the Crystalline Canadian Shield in NE Alberta: Implications to Geothermal Development
- The Effect of a Heterogeneous Thin Electrically Conducting Lower Mantle Layer on Secular Variation in the Geodynamo
- The dynamics of the plasmasphere boundary layer as determined by ground magnetometers, satellite observations, and modeling
- The seismic properties of sintered glass-bead media: effects of thermal cracking and fluid saturation
- Three-Dimensional Thermal Structure of the Middle-America Subduction Zone: Along-margin mantle flow and slab metamorphism
- ARTEMIS observations of lunar wake structure compared with hybrid kinetic simulations and an analytic model
- Foreshocks and Aftershocks in Simple Earthquake Models
- Geophysical Properties of Hard Rock for Investigation of Stress Fields in Deep Mines
- Statistical Seismology and Induced Seismicity
- The interaction of high-m guided poloidal alfven waves with magnetospheric electrons and the ionosphere
- An Algorithm to Calculate the Seismic Reflectivity and Transmissivity from General Anisotropic Structures
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Fast damping of poloidal Alfven waves by bounce-resonant ions: observations and modeling
- Kinetic Alfven Waves Carrying Intense Field Aligned Currents: Particle Trapping and Electron Acceleration
- Modeling of Viscoelastic Properties of Porous Rocks Saturated with Viscous Fluid at Seismic Frequencies at the Core Scale
- Satellite and Ground Signatures of Kinetic and Inertial Scale ULF Alfven Waves Propagating in Warm Plasma in Earth's Magnetosphere
- Seismic monitoring results from the first 6 months of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at the Aquistore geological storage site, Saskatchewan, Canada
- The Alpine Fault Hanging Wall Viewed from Within: Structural and Lithological Analysis of Acoustic Televiewer Logs in the DFDP-2B Borehole, New Zealand
- Time-lapse Geophysical Data from a Stressed Environment
- Zonal Flow and Vortices in Anelastic Deep Convection Models of Jupiter and Saturn With Shallow Stable Stratification
- a Borehole Seismic System for Active and Passive Seimsic Studies to 3 KM at Ptrc's Aquistore Project
- A Paleointensity-Based Test of the Geocentric Axial Dipole (GAD) Hypothesis
- Anisotropic ion heating and BBELF waves within the low-altitude ion upflow region
- Difficulties in Interpreting Ballast Degradation Level Estimates from Synthetic Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
- Disappearance of Feedback Instability in Ionospheric Alfven Resonator When the E-layer is Resolved
- Distribution of Magma and Hydrothermal Fluids Beneath the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Central Chile Using Magnetotelluric Data
- Ground Signatures of EMIC Waves obtained From a 3D Global Wave Model
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- Investigation of GICs Associated with Large dB/dt Variations in Space
- Structure and evolution of electron "zebra stripes" in the inner radiation belt
- The Lithospheric Structure of Southeast China, Inferred from Magnetotelluric Data
- Ultrasonic Modeling of Bounded Beam Reflection from Anisotropic Media
- Convection and Dynamo Action in Ice Giant Dynamo Models with Electrical Conductivity Stratification
- High Resolution Vertical Seismic Profile from the Chicxulub IODP/ICDP Expedition 364 Borehole: Wave Speeds and Seismic Reflectivity.
- Modeling and observations of ULF waves trapped in a plasmaspheric density plume
- Pitch Angle Dependence of Drift Resonant Ions Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Preliminary Results From the Chicxulub Post-Impact Sediments: XRF and Physical Properties Data
- Quantitative Characterization of Chicxulub Impact Basin Peak Ring Materials
- Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang-shaped pitch angle evolutions
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Unusual Physical Properties of the Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring: Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Alfvenic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: A Northern Preference for Electromagnetic Energy Input
- Characterizing the spatio-temporal variations in seismic anisotropy and fault characteristics near an Mw 4.1 induced earthquake in the Alberta basin
- Comparing and Contrasting the Crustal Imprints of the Snowbird and Great Falls Tectonic Zones
- Drift-bounce resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- Enhancement or Drop-out Drift-Echoes? An Investigation of Magnetospheric Pre-Conditions that Influence the Prompt Radiation Belt Response to IP Shocks, using a 3D MHD Wave Model and Test Particle Simulations.
- Finding of non-adiabatic electron acceleration in magnetic depression structures.
- From the Archean craton to the Mesozoic Cordilleran orogen: new crustal seismic constraints of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin from ambient noise tomography
- Mantle dynamics and seismic structure at the boundary between the southern Canadian Cordillera and North America Craton
- Modeling the Penetration of the Barrier to Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Outer Van Allen Belt during Extreme Magnetic Storms
- New Constraints on the Crustal Radial Anisotropy in Southwestern Canada from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Nonlinear Seismic Wavespeeds Under Confining Pressure up to 200 MPa for Shocked Granitoids of the Chicxulub Impact Basin Peak Ring and Anisotropy Investigations.
- Nonlinear drift resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- On the Role of the Last Closed Drift Shell in Fast Losses and Ultra-relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Van Allen Belts
- On the role of small-scale geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) in driving GICs: Analysis from the BEAR and CARISMA arrays
- Phase Relationship between ULF Waves and Drift-bounce Resonant Ions: Spacecraft Observations and Test Particle Simulations
- Reconneted electron observed outside the electron edge: MMS observation
- Simulating Atmospheric Features of Jupiter and Saturn With Deep Convection Models
- Statistics of global-scale coherence modulation of radiation-belt electron loss
- Stochastic simulation of hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity: case studies in Alberta, Canada
- Stress States and Induced Seismicity Near Fox Creek, Alberta: A Quantitative Test of Frictional Faulting Theory
- Test Particle Simulations of Resonant Wave-Particle Interactions Following Interplanetary Shocks: Van Allen Probes and MMS Observations
- The pressure dependence of velocities and its influencing factors for carbonate rocks
- Utilizing Swarm Observations of Field-line Resonance Arcs to Investigate the Electrodynamics Associated with the Production of this Unique Auroral Form.
- 3D and 5D reconstruction of P receiver functions via multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA) for seismic structure mapping of the mantle transition zone
- Cases of convection-related flank magnetosphere activity driving GICs
- Correctly Determining the Static and Dynamic Elastic Anisotropy of Transversely Isotropic Rocks: Application to the Unconventional Duvernay Reservoir, Canada
- Crustal Seismic Attenuation of Western Canada from Lg Q Inversions
- Effect of a buried stably stratified layer on the zonal jets of Jupiter and Saturn
- Emission of Magnetosound From MHD-Unstable Shear Flow Boundaries in Solar-Terrestrial environment.
- Fault stabilities of the Fox Creek, Alberta, earthquakes: complications from naturally high formation pore pressures
- Heat Production of the Slave Craton Lower Crust: Evidence from Xenoliths in the Diavik A-154 Kimberlite
- Heterogeneous stress state in the crystalline crust beneath the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Observations from borehole image logs to 2.4 km
- Interactions between Cold Plasmaspheric Electrons and ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: A statistical Study
- Living on the edge: The geodynamic evolution of craton margins
- Mantle contributions to magma and strain localization in rift zones
- Modeling of Mantle Flow and Dynamic Topography in the Region of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
- Multi-scale statistical analysis of Poynting flux using Swarm: Quantifying the Impact of Small- and Meso-scales in Electromagnetic MIT coupling
- Non-adiabatic Electron Acceleration in Kinetic-Size Magnetic Holes.
- Outer-belt electrons' drift resonance with ULF waves driven by solar wind: knowledge from Van Allen Probe mission
- Passive seismic monitoring at the CaMI Field Research Station, Alberta, Canada
- Recovery of the upper crustal structures from forward modeling and inversions of receiver functions
- Reservoir Stress Path for Underground Gas Storage
- Surface records of orogenic lithosphere removal: Hinterland basins and magmatism in the central Andes
- The Cordilleran lithosphere of northwestern Canada: nature and state from a geophysical synthesis
- The Effects of Large Amplitude Field Line Resonance Structure and Azimuthal Localization on Drift Resonant Electron Dynamics
- The geodynamics of Cordilleran mantle in northern Canada
- Understanding variations in tectonic degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> during continental rifting
- Using Van Allen Probe data to Shed New Light on the Role of ULF Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt During the 2003 Halloween Storm
- What controls the landward migration of the orogen front?
- A New Substorm Onset Mechanism: Increasingly Parallel Anisotropic Ballooning
- Cascadia low frequency earthquakes along the base of an overpressured subduction shear zone
- Characterizing the Recent Increasing Seismicity near Musreau Lake, Alberta
- Cooling of the Continental Plate During Flat-slab Subduction
- Detailed Analysis of Electron Precipitation induced by ULF waves
- Double dispersions observed near the separatrix
- Dynamic topography and the uplift of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
- Geomechanical Simulation of Dynamic Triggering of Microseismicity Using a Bonded Particle Model
- High resolution P- and S- wave tomography from combined geophone and DAS sensing at the DFDP-2 Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Laboratory measurements of porosity parameterization and wavespeed dependence under confining pressure up to 200 MPa in shocked Chicxulub peak-ring granitoids.
- Limitation of Height-Integrated Conductivity Boundary Condition on the Ionospheric Feedback Instability
- Micro-Tremors and Aftershocks Following the March 2019 ML 4.2 Earthquake near Red Deer, Alberta
- New Observations of Multi-harmonic Mode Field Line Resonances Detected during Low Altitude Perigee Passes of the Van Allen Probes
- Numerical models of Andean orogeny: Deformation induced by slab dynamics
- On the Connection Between Continent Scale Rates of Lightning and Solar Wind Sector Structures
- On the Creation of Apparent Local Peaks in Electron Phase Space Density Data by Rapid Inward ULF Wave Radial Transport
- On the Preferential Generation of Large Amplitude Alfven Waves in Downward Field-Aligned Current Regions
- On the Role of Convection in Driving Intense Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Flanks of the Magnetosphere During Magnetic Storms
- On the Role of Lightning in Coupling Geospace and the Neutral Atmosphere Through the Excitation of the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator
- On the Similar and Repeatable Dynamics of Relativistic and Seed Electrons in the Terrestrial Van Allen Belt
- On the Transition from Coherent to Diffusive ULF Wave Transport of Relativistic Electrons in the Van Allen Belts
- Polarization Properties of Three Dimensional Alfvénic Field Line Resonances in a Compressed Dipole Magnetic Topology
- S receiver function imaging of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) in western Canada
- Seasonally-Averaged Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Poynting Flux in Low-Earth Orbit: Swarm Observations
- Simulating vortices and jets in deep atmospheres of gas giant planets